EQT Global Health and Safety Guideline User Guide

June 10, 2024

EQT logo Global Health and Safety Guideline
User Guide

Global Health and Safety Guideline

Adopted by Chief Operating Officer
Date of adoption 8/19/2022
Date of previous adoptions See Appendix 1
To be revised/adopted At least annually
Applies to EQT
Document owner Global Workplace Manager
Accessibility Intranet
Classification Internal

Background and Objectives

EQT is responsible for the occupational health and safety of employees and others who can be affected by our activities. This responsibility includes promoting and protecting their physical and mental health.
The adoption of the Global Health and Safety Guideline, enables us to provide a safe and healthy workplace, to prevent work-related injury and ill health, and to continually improve its occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.
The purpose of the Global Health and Safety Guideline is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risks and opportunities.
The aim and intended outcomes of the Global Health and Safety Guideline are to prevent work-related injury and ill health to employees and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it is critically important for our organisation to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures.
Applying these preventative and protective measures, through the Global Health and Safety Guideline, will improve overall OH&S performance.
The Global Health and Safety Guideline will be more effective and efficient when early action is taken to address opportunities for improvement of OH&S performance.
Implementing the Global Health and Safety Guideline will enable us to:
a) manage OH&S risks and improve OH&S performance
b) fulfil legal and other requirements.
Success factors
The implementation of the Global Health and Safety Guideline is a strategic and operational decision for EQT. The success of the Global Health and Safety Guideline depends on leadership, commitment and participation from all levels and functions of our organisation.
The implementation and maintenance of the Global Health and Safety Guideline, its effectiveness and its ability to achieve its intended outcomes are dependent on a number of key factors, which include:
a) top management leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability;
b) top management developing, leading and promoting a culture that supports the intended outcomes of the Global Health and Safety Guideline;
c) communication;
d) consultation and participation of employees, and any employees’ representatives;
e) allocation of the necessary resources to maintain it;
f) OH&S policies, which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the company;
g) effective processes for identifying hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking advantage of OH&S opportunities;
h) continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the Global Health and Safety Guideline to improve OH&S performance;
i) integration of the Global Health and Safety Guideline into the organisations business processes;
j) OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S guideline and take into account the organisations hazards, OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities;
k) compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements.
Demonstrating the successful implementation of the Global Health and Safety Guideline will give assurance to our employees and other interested parties that an effective OH&S management system is in place. However, this can not in itself guarantee prevention of work-related injury and ill health to employees, provision of safe and healthy workplaces and improved OH&S performance.
The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of documented information and the resources needed to ensure the success of the Global Health and Safety Guideline depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • context (e.g. number of employees, size, geography, culture, legal requirements and other requirements);
  • the scope of the Global Health and Safety Guideline;
  • the nature of the organisations activities and the related OH&S risks.

Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
The Global Health and Safety Guideline approach is founded on the concept of PlanDo-Check-Act (PDCA) from ‘HSG65: Managing for Health and Safety’ produced by The Health and Safety Executive (UK H&S Regulator).
This concept is also used within ISO 45001:2018, the international standard for OH&S Management systems.
The PDCA concept is an iterative process used to achieve continual improvement. It can be applied to a management system and to each of its individual elements, as follows:
a) Plan: determine and assess OH&S risks, OH&S opportunities and other risks and other opportunities, establish OH&S objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organisations OH&S guideline;
b) Do: implement the processes as planned;
c) Check: monitor and measure activities and processes with regard to the OH&S guideline and OH&S objectives, and report the results;
d) Act: take actions to continually improve the OH&S performance to achieve the intended outcomes. Figure 1: The PDCA cycle from ‘HSG65: Managing for Health and Safety’ HSE 2013

Statement of intent

EQT is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees across the globe.
EQT is committed to ensuring it meets or exceeds all local requirements for health and safety management.
The aims of the Global Health & Safety Guideline are:

  • Prevent work-related accidents and ill-health
  • Manage health and safety risks in each of our workplaces around the world
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • Ensure our employees are competent by providing suitable information, instruction and training relating to health and safety matters
  • Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in the event of fire or other significant incidents
  • Review and revise this guideline regularly

Signed by:

Date: August 19, 2022
Christina Drews
Chief Operating Officer
Date of next review: August 2023

Responsibilities for health and safety

EQT’s top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the Global Health and Safety Guideline are assigned and communicated at all levels within the organisation and maintained as documented information. Employees at each level of the organisation shall assume responsibility for those aspects of the Global Health and Safety Guideline over which they have control.
Leadership and commitment
EQT will demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the Global Health and Safety Guideline by:

  1. taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities
  2. ensuring that the OH&S guideline and related OH&S objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of EQT
  3. ensuring the integration of the Global Health and Safety Guideline requirements into the organisation’s business processes
  4. ensuring that the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the Global Health and Safety Guideline are available
  5. communicating the importance of effective OH&S management and of conforming to the Global Health and Safety Guideline requirements
  6. ensuring that the Global Health and Safety Guideline achieves its intended outcome(s)
  7. directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the Global Health and Safety Guideline
  8. ensuring and promoting continual improvement
  9. supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility
  10. developing, leading, and promoting a culture in the organisation that supports the intended outcomes of the Global Health and Safety Guideline
  11. protecting employees from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks, and opportunities
  12. ensuring the organisation establishes and implements a process(es) for consultation and participation of employees
  13. supporting the establishment and functioning of health and safety committees.

The Operations Committee (OpsCom)
OpsCom shall ensure that:

  1. A Global Health and Safety Guideline is in place that supports effective occupational health and safety arrangements.
  2. Adequate resources are made available to meet the requirements of the Global Health and Safety Guideline.
  3. All necessary statutory and regulatory records are available.
  4. Key staff are appointed in writing, to undertake specific duties to comply with the Global Health and Safety Guideline and all applicable requirements.

Global Workplace Manager
The Global Workplace Manager shall:

  1. Maintain a broad understanding of the Global Health and Safety Guideline, related procedures, and those statutory requirements that may affect the organisation’s activities.
  2. Ensure the Operations Committee are made aware of safety matters within the organisation.
  3. Provide guidance to the top management
  4. Ensure a Competent Person is appointed as a Health and Safety Officer for the organisation or each office location. This can be the Local Office Manager.
  5. Authorise changes to the Global Health and Safety Guideline Statement.
  6. Ensure information relating to the organisation’s safety performance is collated for presentation to the
  7. Board.
  8. Ensure all appropriate statutory and regulatory records relating to OH&S are maintained.
  9. Ensure all employees receive Induction Training includes health, safety, and welfare information.
  10. Ensure all Local Competent Persons have adequate training to manage their local risks.

In-country Location Head and/or Local Office Manager
The in-country Location Head and/or Local Office Manager shall:

  1. Maintain a broad understanding of the Global Health and Safety Guideline related procedures, and those statutory requirements that may affect the organisations activities.
  2. Be suitably qualified and experienced for this role.
  3. Ensure safety recommendations from inspection, audits and accident investigations are implemented to prevent a re-occurrence.
  4. Provide safety related information to the top management
  5. Distribute resources necessary to satisfy occupational health & safety requirements.
  6. Engage a Competent Person as a focal point for liaison with enforcing authorities and other external bodies.
  7. Assist with the preparation of in-house policies, procedures, and information documents.
  8. Monitor health, safety, and welfare compliance through internal audit.
  9. Undertake regular reviews including OH&S performance statistics.
  10. Assist with the identification of applicable health & safety legislation.
  11. They understand the organisations Global Health and Safety Guideline and related statutory requirements.
  12. The workplace(s) under their control are compliant with the organisations Global Health and Safety Guideline arrangements.
  13. They manage all safety aspects of employees under their control.
  14. Any safety recommendations from inspection, audits and accident investigations are implemented as to prevent a re-occurrence.
  15. All employees have received suitable and sufficient induction.

Local Office Manager
Where appointed the duties of the suitably qualified and experienced Local Office Manager will include:

  1. Work with the Global Workplace Manager to ensure that adequate resources can be provided to the organisations core activities.
  2. Act as Local H&S Manager where required by local regulations.
  3. Undertake site specific risk assessments prior to works commencing and communicating or implementing suitable control measures.
  4. Assist with the identification of applicable health & safety legislation.
  5. Liaising with Safety Representatives (and, where necessary, landlords, facilities management etc) to verify suitable workplace arrangements have been implemented.
  6. Co-ordinate and supervise safety support under their control, gather feedback and identify trends.
  7. Advise on recommendations for the continuing development of the organisations Global Health and Safety Guideline and participate in safety reviews as requested.
  8. Provide appropriate safety input to the tender process as required, this may include responses to Requests for Information; assessment of risks at bid stage; providing appropriate advice to Comms.
  9. When requested, provide appropriate safety input to the procurement process.
  10. Promote the provision of adequate resources and competencies, to achieve the required health and safety performance within the business. This is to include assisting in the promotion, development, organisation and delivery of health and safety training instruction.
  11. Ensure that accident and incident investigations are properly carried out to identify both immediate and underlying causes. Collate, analyse, and report on such data and promote actions to prevent recurrence.
  12. Oversee the coordination of reportable injuries and diseases (UK RIDDOR or similar).
  13. Advise and assist all appropriate managers in discharging their responsibilities for health and safety of employees and others to whom they have a duty of care.
  14. Initiate actions to improve Health & Safety performance throughout the organisation.
  15. Ensure that all Operational Directors and Managers are aware of the Global Health and Safety Guideline.
  16. Inform managers and other employees of existing and potential hazards to health and safety at work, and of the legal requirements relevant to their work.
  17. Distribute Health and Safety Information.
  18. Monitor and report on working practices to ensure that they comply with the organisations safe work practices and statutory requirements.
  19. Liaise with external organisations (e.g., insurance providers, 3rd party certification bodies etc) on matters relating to occupational health & safety.
  20. Ensure safety reports and accident reports are monitored and any recommendations implemented.
  21. Ensure all levels of staff receive suitable and sufficient training as is necessary to meet the arrangements of the Global Health and Safety Guideline.
  22. Appoint persons to assist in compliance with the Global Health and Safety Guideline (Fire warden, First Aiders, etc)
  23. Ensure that a suitable office safety induction is delivered to all new employees.
  24. Ensure audits and/or assessments of the organisation’s workplaces are carried out.
  25. Ensure all appropriate statutory and regulatory records are maintained.
  26. Ensure sub-contractors undertake their own risk assessments and provide a copy of the report.
  27. Manage all safety aspects of sub-contractors under their control.
  28. Ensure COSHH assessments are readily available at the place of use.
  29. Provide a suitable health and safety briefing for provision to all visitors.

Note: The Local Office Manager and/or Local Management shall be expected to follow the spirit of this manual and view its content as best practice, but also considers a practical approach to its implementation that fits with local legislation and custom.
Reception Staff
Reception staff shall ensure that:

  1. All visitors have signed in, including out of hours visitors.
  2. Ensure visitors receive suitable health and safety information
  3. Suitable first aid provision is available during normal working hours.
  4. They cooperate with the Local Office Manager to achieve the aims of the Global Health and Safety Guideline and act on any recommendations that may have been made.

All Employees
All employees shall ensure that:

  1. They understand the organisations Global Health and Safety Guideline and related arrangements.
  2. They take reasonable care for the safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  3. They always observe safe-working practices.
  4. Any accidents, incidents, faults, defects, hazards, or unsafe conditions are reported immediately.
  5. They do not interfere with equipment provided in the interest of health and safety.
  6. They follow all instructions, directions, and risk assessments.
  7. They co-operate with the employer on all matters regarding health, safety, and welfare.

Temporary Workers

  1. Day-to-day responsibility for health & safety during a Temporary Worker’s assignment will lie with the local office manager to which they are assigned.
  2. Temporary Workers should familiarise themselves with the health & safety arrangements for the office they have been assigned to (including complying with the employee health & safety guidelines and systems) and take reasonable care for their own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  3. If the Temporary Worker has any questions or concerns regarding the safety arrangements, they should contact the relevant health & safety representative of the office. If the Temporary Worker feels that such questions or concerns have not been resolved to their satisfaction, then the Temporary Worker should contact the Local Office Manager so that the issue can be discussed and investigated


This is where EQT provide details of the practical arrangements we have in place, showing how we will achieve our Global Health and Safety Guideline aims.
The Local Office Manager will ensure that an asbestos survey has been undertaken in respect of all its premises and that an asbestos management programme is in place for any Asbestos Containing Materials identified.
The Local Office Manager will coordinate and communicate with the landlord/building owner to collect information regarding the presence and condition of asbestos where premises are not owned by EQT.
EQT will ensure that information regarding the presence and condition of asbestos is passed on to all EQT employees, visitors and any third parties conducting work for EQT in its premises.
EQT will ensure that those evaluating tenders have considered asbestos issues in all maintenance contracts and projects at planning stage.
Where ACMs are present, no work which affects the fabric of the building will take place until an intrusive asbestos survey has been conducted.
Competent Advice
EQT will utilise the services of both in-house expertise and external health and safety support, as appropriate. EQT will determine competency as a person or organisation with sufficient knowledge, training and experience in health and safety matters relating to the EQT’s undertakings.
Consultation and Communication
EQT will establish, implement, and maintain the processes needed for internal and external communications relevant to the Global Health and Safety Guideline, including determining:
a) on what it will communicate
b) when to communicate
c) with whom to communicate:

  1. internally among the various levels and functions of the organisation
  2. among contractors and visitors to the workplace
  3. among other interested parties

d) how to communicate.
EQT will ensure that the views of external interested parties are considered in establishing its communication process(es).
When establishing its communication processes, EQT will:

  • consider legal and other requirements
  • ensure that OH&S information to be communicated is consistent with information contained within the Global Health and Safety Guideline and is reliable.

EQT will respond to relevant communications on its Global Health and Safety Guideline.
EQT will retain documented information as evidence of its communications, as appropriate.
EQT will:
a) internally communicate information relevant to the Global Health and Safety Guideline among the various levels and functions of the organisation, including changes to the Global Health and Safety Guideline, as appropriate
b) ensure its communication processes enable employees to contribute to continual improvement.
EQT will externally communicate information relevant to the Global Health and Safety Guideline, as established by the it’s communication processes and considering its legal and other requirements.
EQT will consult with employees through the appointed Local Office Manager.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) shall ensure that Health & Safety meetings are convened when necessary or when requested. Health and Safety matters can be added to the agenda of other meetings as well.
Consultation and communication with staff shall be maintained to the highest possible standard and shall also include arrangements for employees, contractors and visitors who cannot easily communicate in the principal language of the place of work.
EQT will provide mechanisms, time, training, and resources necessary for consultation and participation of employees in health and safety matters and to emphasise the involvement of non-managerial employees in this process.
Communication chains shall generally follow the organisation hierarchy. EQT will ensure that where visually or hearing-impaired persons are employed that effective means of communication are provided. Those employing such persons will be responsible for ensuring the requirements of this arrangement are followed.
EQT will ensure that all employees contribute to the consultation process and communicate effectively through the available communication chains.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
EQT will ensure that no hazardous substances will be used unless an assessment has been made and control measures identified; considering the substance format, issues affecting the substance, the environment, purpose of use, routes of exposure, people involved, waste control, hazards arising and emergency actions. All aspects of handling, use, storage, and transport will be considered
Information about such substances will be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to enable assessment to be undertaken. Those ordering materials will be responsible for obtaining the SDS and for passing it to the relevant persons as appropriate.
The findings of the assessment, control measures and necessary precautions (and any emergency procedures) will be made clear to all affected prior to use.
EQT will ensure that the hierarchy of control is followed:

  1. Avoid use of hazardous substances wherever possible.
  2. Where the use of a hazardous substance is not avoidable, selection process is to be carried out to remove the most hazardous substances and reduce the effects of their use.
  3. Protection through design of work processes, isolation of contact and engineering controls and use of work equipment.
  4. Control of exposure at source, including adequate ventilation systems.
  5. Use of suitable PPE.
  6. Use of additional training to allow for the full control of the application or use via discipline and experience.

Construction Work – including refurbishment work
When EQT commissions construction work, a set guideline will be followed to take account of local legal requirements, for example Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 in the GB.
EQT will usually take on the role of ‘Commercial Client’ and will:

  1. Ensure adequate resources are made available
  2. Ensure suitable arrangements are made to manage the project
  3. Ensure arrangements are maintained
  4. Engage a Contractor (or Principal Contractor (PC) / Principal Designer (PD)
  5. Provide relevant H&S information
  6. Monitor compliance of the PC and PD
  7. Ensure a project is notified where required
  8. Ensure the project has a Construction Phase Plan or similar
  9. Ensure the provision of relevant information
  10. Retain an H&S file and make it available to those who require it
  11. Ensure the Health and Safety Officer/Local Office Manager monitors compliance
  12. Ensure competent persons/contractors are engaged.

Contractor Selection and Control
EQT will operate a preferred contractors database and entry to the database will be subject to vetting by the Health and Safety Officer or Local Office Manager.
Contractors will be evaluated on their certifications and response to the vetting process.
When engaged, contractors will be supervised, monitored, and evaluated as appropriate, including compliance to their previously provided risk assessments, method statements etc.
Company Vehicles and Personal Vehicles used for Company Business
EQT will remind employees that vehicles shall be always driven with due care and attention. Drivers of vehicles are responsible for ensuring that they are maintained in a road worthy and safe condition and that any defects are reported and rectified in a timely manner. Where a local office has implemented a Vehicle Guideline, this must be adhered to.
Drugs and Alcohol
EQT recognises that being under the influence of alcohol or drugs can seriously impair an individual’s judgement and reactions leading to an increased risk of accidents and injuries occurring. Alcohol and drug abuse problems can also have a detrimental effect on work performance and behaviour.
EQT will ensure the safety of all employees, contractor and visitors by having clear rules in place regarding use and possession of alcohol and drugs, and to support those who have reported a problem with alcohol or drug dependence.

  1. Employees may not consume alcohol or any unlawful drugs in the workplace during work time or during a period prior to work where they may still be under the influence of alcohol and drugs effects which may carry over to the working hours. This includes business functions where the employee is representing the Company. Special rules may apply in relation to alcohol, where the Company sponsors an event for staff e.g., the Christmas party. In these circumstances any variation to the no-alcohol guideline will be communicated in advance of the event.
  2. No employee shall be in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace.
  3. No employee should try to report to work when unfit due to alcohol or drugs.
  4. No employee shall supply others with illegal drugs or alcohol in the workplace.
  5. Employees who are taking prescription drugs should ensure that they are aware of any side effects and advise their manager or a member of the management team immediately of any side effects of prescription drugs, which may affect work performance or the health and safety of themselves or others
  6. EQT’s guideline involves two approaches:
    a. Providing reasonable assistance to a member of staff with an alcohol or drug abuse problem who is willing to co-operate in treatment for that problem
    b. Disciplinary rules, enforced through disciplinary procedures, where use of alcohol or drugs (other than on prescription) affects performance or behaviour at work

The Human Resource Department should be contacted for further information or assistance.
In the event of a dispute regarding health and safety matters, it should be reported to the Health and Safety Officer/Local Office Manager in writing.
Failure to comply with the EQTs Global Health & Safety Guideline or contravention of statutory requirements, regulations, or rules, will be resolved in accordance with conditions of employment.
Display Screen Equipment
EQT will evaluate and assess the risk from all display screen equipment use.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) shall ensure assessments (and reviews) are undertaken according to local requirements.
Emergency Procedures
Where it has been determined that additional hazards exist (other than the fire), such as bomb threat, flooding etc, Emergency Procedures and Response Plans shall be available.
These plans are an integral part of the Business Continuity Arrangements.
Emergency Procedures shall be appropriate to the Office and its location and may rely upon information form a 3rd party such as a landlord or facilities management provider.
First aid
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) shall ensure that a suitably qualified person and a fully maintained first aid box of suitable size and quality, is always available within the office.
A designated person will be responsible for the maintenance of the first aid equipment including all reserve stocks.
Notices will be displayed to identify the first aid contact and equipment location.
Fire Safety
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will ensure that a Fire Risk Assessment (as required by the organisation’s Fire Safety Guideline) has been undertaken in respect of all the premises where staff will be working.
The validity of each Fire Risk Assessment shall be reviewed annually or in light of any changes in legislation, employee numbers, or requirements that may affect the suitability of the assessment.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in all places of work, including vehicles.
Health Surveillance
EQT will control activities to a level whereby health surveillance is not necessary.
Should the situation change, EQT will consult with a medical practitioner or occupational health professional.
EQT will ensure high standards of housekeeping are in place in all its offices and at all places of work. This will be monitored by the Local Office Manager.
A clear desk guideline will be implemented to the greatest practical extent.
No food or unnecessary items are to be stored under desks.
Staff working at premises not under the control of EQT Limited are required to strictly adhere to their policies and standards.
Incident Reporting and Investigation
EQT will ensure that all workplace health and safety related incidents requiring first aid treatment and lost-time are regarded as a near-miss incident. All employees are responsible for reporting incidents to their line manager, and line managers for reporting on to the Health and Safety Officer and/or Local Office Manager.
All reportable incidents (for example as defined by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 in GB) must be communicated to the Health and Safety Officer/Local Office Manager, who shall ensure that a report is submitted to the relevant authorities, and where necessary also inform the Landlord/building owner/client.
Where reportable incidents occur to employees working away from one of the organisations offices, they shall be required to report to the Health and Safety Officer/Local Office Manager.
Incident statistics shall be collected, collated, and passed to the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) to be evaluated.
Accident Books shall be kept by the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager). Where an entry is made in the accident book, those making the entry shall return the data immediately to the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager).
EQT will investigate all reportable workplace incidents. All reportable incidents shall be investigated internally through the Health and Safety Officer/Local Office Manager. External consultants may be requested to assist in investigation
Information and Records
Information relating to health and safety matters shall be obtained through a variety of means including official websites, external advisors, and professional bodies. A central file of such information will be maintained, being the responsibility of the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager).
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) shall determine the means of dissemination and mode of communication for relevant information.
General update information shall be provided through the Company Intranet. EQT will not rely solely on poster campaigns or signage as a means of communicating information.
Records referenced throughout this guideline, shall be retained in line with EQT procedures and in accordance with data protection legislation.
Induction and Training
EQT will ensure that all employees receive formal Induction Training as near to the first day of employment as practical. Line management (persons employing or responsible for supervision of the new starter) will be responsible for ensuring the requirements of this arrangement are completed in regard both health and safety and occupational health attributes.
EQT will ensure, as a minimum, that the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) has formal experience within occupational health & safety and qualifications equivalent to an IOSH Manager’s Certificate or similar.
Lone Working
EQT will restrict lone working to the absolute minimum. Staff who find themselves working alone on more than a few isolated occasions must contact the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) who shall ensure a risk assessment is undertaken.
EQT will ensure that employees, who have no option but to undertake lone working, are provided with instruction in the requirements of the risk assessment.
The Local Office Manager will be responsible for ensuring that Security Policies, where available, are fully implemented.
Manual Handling Operations
EQT will avoid manual handling where practicably possible through use of mechanical lifting aids or alterative assistance.
Where manual handling must happen, the activity will be controlled to limit exposure.
A risk assessment shall be undertaken with consideration given to the task, the individual, the environment, and the load.
Staff will be provided with relevant information, instruction and training.
Mental Health
EQT will determine working methods that avoid exposing staff to excessive stress or other factors that may negatively impact their mental health. Employees and their managers will be helped to recognise signs of poor mental health including stress, and line managers will monitor related staff absence and behaviour.
Individuals are encouraged to report symptoms of stress to either their line manager or a member of the Human Resources Department. All reports are treated with strict confidentially. Any employees identified with work related stress will be fully supported by the organisation, who will consider measures to help resolve issues, and where necessary seeking advice from occupational health professionals.
Monitoring, Measurement and Review
The requirements and performance of the Global Health and Safety Guideline will be monitored through a range of measures, including inspections, audits, and safety tours. Key activities and operations will be evaluated, the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will be responsible for ensuring this happens.
Line managers are responsible for ensuring the relevant information is collected and passed to the Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager), who will ensure statistics are analysed.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will measure performance in relation to set aims and objectives on an annual basis.
EQT will not rely solely on accident, ill health, and incident statistics as a measurement of performance, though these shall be evaluated. EQT will undertake internal audits to ensure on-going compliance with the Global Guideline and these audits will also be used to monitor Health, Safety and Security operational controls.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will review guideline and performance on an annual basis, having access to the findings of the above processes. Pandemic Controls
EQT will appoint a Pandemic Coordinator to ensure that an appropriate risk assessment is undertaken at the commencement of any pandemic which has the potential to impact employees, both in the office or while traveling on business.
Controls will be identified and documented that define the arrangements that need to be implemented. These arrangements must be communicated in accordance with this manual.
For example: in July 2022 COVID-19 remains a public health issue and there is public health advice and industry guidance that businesses can use to reduce the risk.
Each Local Office Manager/Health and Safety Officer will coordinate compliance with relevant government regulations and guidance in their country of operation.
The Global Workplace Manager will co-ordinate matters and maintain an overview of the regulatory requirements/industry guidance regarding pandemics in each location. Each Local Office Manager/Health and Safety Officer will ensure measures are put in place to protect the health of those employees who are clinically vulnerable in the event of a pandemic.
Personal Protective Equipment
EQT will not rely on the use of Personal Protective Equipment to control risk. EQT will identify and assess hazards within the workplace and determine effective control measures using the Hierarchy of Control.
Where PPE is necessary to deal with residual risk, it will be assessed in terms of ergonomic design (such as size, shape, practicality) and its limitations or restrictions (loss of ability to easily communicate, loss of mobility, heat gain, replacement availability, etc) and will be assessed for the relevant National or International standard applicable to the task (E.g., BS, EN etc).
EQT will ensure that, where appropriate, staff are trained in the use, storage, handling, and maintenance of PPE.
Risk Assessment, Safe System of Work and Control Hierarchy
EQT will identify and assess hazards within the workplace and determine effective control measures using the Hierarchy of Control. All significant risks shall be recorded and communicated to those who may be exposed to them.
Risk assessments will be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain suitable and sufficient with any changes being communicated to those affected.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will ensure that activityspecific risk assessments are maintained and controlled.
Businesses contracted by the organisation shall be expected to provide their own risk assessments and methods of work, where appropriate.
The risk assessment process shall be used to identify adequate measures to control that risk and to develop a safe system of work that shall follow the expected hierarchy of control:

  • Avoiding risks
  • Combating risks at source
  • Adapting the work to the individual
  • Adapting to technical progress
  • Substitution of the dangerous for the less dangerous
  • Giving collective protective measures priority over individual protection measures
  • Giving appropriate instruction, information, and training to employees

With reference to young persons and pregnant women (and other vulnerable groups), EQT will take specific account of the vulnerability of these groups and to make assessment of the potential impact upon them to determine adequate controls.
All Local Office Managers are responsible for ensuring risk assessments are undertaken as applicable for matters under their direct control. They are also responsible for ensuring that safe systems of work are implemented.
Supervision and Inspection
EQT will determine adequate supervision levels through activity-specific risk assessment, taking into consideration such factors as difficulty of tasks, risks involved, operative experience, client requirements, etc. Where contractors are engaged, they will be required to provide their own supervision regardless of the organisation’s provision.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) shall ensure that the organisation’s offices and regular places of work are periodically inspected.
Reports of inspections are to be evaluated by the Health and Safety Officer and Local Office Manager relevant to the location with any remedial actions being determined. The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will monitor the remedial action requirements of each inspection to assist with identification of trends.
The Health and Safety Officer (or Local Office Manager) will ensure that suitable and sufficient welfare facilities are provided. Arrangements shall be made for the facilities to be regularly cleaned and maintained.
The Global Workplace Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the above guideline is followed.
Work at Height
EQT will properly plan work at height activities, ensuring that those involved are trained and competent.
Following the Hierarchy of Control, work at height will be avoided where possible. If work at height is necessary, then the activity will be risk assessed and suitable and sufficient control measures will be put into place.
When possible, any working at height shall be undertaken by competent contractors.
Where possible, EQT will ensure that lone employees do not undertake work at height activities. EQT will also ensure the provision of adequate supervision.
Local Office Managers will be responsible for ensuring that the above guideline is followed.
Work Equipment
Only those with relevant training / competency shall be permitted to operate work equipment.
However, this guideline shall not prevent equipment use for training purposes when under the supervision of a competent person.
Local Office Managers will be responsible for ensuring that this guideline is followed.
Equipment provided will be suitable for the task and regularly inspected (including before use) as outlined in any risk assessment and subject to pre- use checks by the user.
All equipment noted to be defective will be removed from use until repaired, replaced or destroyed as applicable. The person responsible for identification of the defective equipment shall be responsible for ensuring guideline is followed.
Where the provision of work equipment is supplied by a 3rd party and is found to be defective, EQT will expect employees to follow a ‘do not use’ guideline.
EQT will ensure that all work equipment is maintained, inspected, and tested as applicable. The Local Office Manager (or landlord/facilities management provider) shall be responsible for this.
All equipment users/operators shall use equipment according to instructions provided and training received, and as designed for purpose without adaptation.


This guideline applies to all EQT employees, temporary staff and external parties engaging with EQT. Conduct prohibited by these guidelines is unacceptable and will be addressed formally.

Related information and documents

A. Organisation chart
B. Locations list
C. Legal requirements/Legal register – per location?
D. Hierarchy of Control
E. Risk assessment framework – INDG163: A brief guide to risk assessment (UK HSE)
F.  Standard office risk assessment – to be amended (add/remove hazards) by each local office manager as appropriate
G. Visitor induction form
H. Visitor log
I. Emergency arrangements
J. Where required specific RA & MS as appendices to reduce need to update entire document when items change
The above are individually controlled supporting documents and may vary depending on the location of the office and regional/national regulations.

Appendix 1

8/19/2022 New document 1

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