CHAUVIN ARNOUX C.A 762 IP2X Safety Tester User Manual

June 12, 2024

C.A 762 IP2X Safety Tester
User Manual Voltage detector

C.A 762 IP2X Safety Tester

Thank you for purchasing a C.A 762 IP2X voltage detector.
For best results from your instrument:

  • read these operating instructions carefully,
  • comply with the precautions for use.

****| WARNING, risk of DANGER! The operator must refer to these instructions whenever this danger symbol appears.
| Equipment protected by double insulation.
| Equipment suitable for live work.
| Battery.
| Earth.
| The CE marking indicates compliance with the European Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/ EU), Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU), and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS, 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU).
| The rubbish bin with a line through it indicates that, in the European Union, the product must undergo selective disposal in compliance with Directive WEEE 2002/96/EC. This equipment must not be treated as household waste.

Definition of measurement categories

  • Measurement category IV corresponds to measurements taken at the source of low-voltage installations.
    Example: power feeders, counters and protection devices.

  • Measurement category III corresponds to measurements on building installations.
    Example: distribution panel, circuit-breakers, machines or fixed industrial devices.

  • Measurement category II corresponds to measurements taken on circuits directly connected to low-voltage installations.
    Example: power supply to domestic electrical appliances and portable tools.


This device is protected against voltages up to 600V with respect to earth in measurement category IV.
The protection provided by the device may be compromised if it is used other than as specified by the manufacturer and so endanger the user.

  • Do not exceed the maximum rated voltage and current and the measurement category. Do not use your instrument on networks of which the voltage or category exceeds those stated.
  • Comply with the conditions of use, namely the temperature, the humidity, the altitude, the degree of pollution, and the place of use.
  • When handling the test probes, keep your fingers behind the physical guard.
  • Use connection accessories of which the measurement category and service voltage are at least equal to those of the installation being measured.
  • Do not use the device if it is open, damaged, or poorly reassembled, or its accessories if they seem to be damaged.
  • The device must be kept clean so that the condition of the cable insulators, housing, and accessories can be checked. Any component whose insulator is damaged (even partially) must be sent for repair or scrapped.
  • The device is designed to be used by qualified personnel and in compliance with national safety rules.
  • We recommend wearing personal protective equipment when the environment in which the device is used makes it necessary.
  • All troubleshooting and metrological checks must be done by competent, accredited personnel.


  • Depending on the internal impedance of the voltage detector there will be a different capability of indicating the presence or absence of operating voltage in case of the presence of interference voltage.
  • A voltage detector of relatively low internal impedance, compared to the reference value of 100 kΩ, will not indicate all interference voltages having an original voltage value above the ELV level. When in contact with the parts to be tested, the voltage detector  may discharge temporarily the interference voltage to a level below the ELV, but it will be back to the original value when the voltage detector is removed.
  • When the indication “voltage present” does not appear, it is highly recommended installing earthing equipment before work.
  • A voltage detector of relatively high internal impedance, compared to the reference value of 100 kΩ, may not permit to clearly indicate the absence of operating voltage in case of presence of interference voltage.
  • When the indication “voltage present” appears on a part that is expected to be disconnected of the installation, it is highly recommended confirming by another means (e.g. use of an adequate voltage detector, visual check of the disconnecting point of the electric circuit, etc.) that there is no operating voltage on the part to be tested and to conclude that the voltage indicated by the voltage detector is an interference voltage.
  • A voltage detector declaring two values of internal impedance has passed a performance test of managing interference voltages and is (within technical limits) able to distinguish operating voltage from interference voltage and has a means to directly or indirectly indicate which type of voltage is present.


C.A 762 IP2X voltage detector
Delivered in blister pack with:

  • one black probe lead 1m long,
  • one red IP2X probe tip 4mm in diameter,
  • one black IP2X probe tip 4mm in diameter,
  • one strap,
  • two AAA or LR3 alkaline batteries,
  • one user’s manual in 5 languages,
  • one verification certificate.


  • One red test probe 2mm in diameter
  • Black lead with test probe 2mm in diameter
  • One IP2X kit comprising one black probe lead and 2 IP2X probe tips (one red, one black) 4mm in diameter,
  • One set of 2 IP2X probe tips (one red, one black) 2mm in diameter.
  • Carrying bag
  • C.A 751 2P+T adapter

For accessories and spare parts, visit our website: www.chauvin-


2.1. C.A 762 IP2X 2.2. ON THE BACK
When the device is not in use, the probe lead can be stowed on the back. 2.3. IP2X PROBE TIPS
The IP2X probe tips and the probe lead are supplied with the device.
IP2X accessories contribute to safety. These accessories are mandatory in some countries.
Connect the red IP2X probe tip to the + terminal and the black probe lead to the COM terminal. Then connect the black IP2X probe tip to the probe lead. To perform a test, position the probe tip opposite the object to be tested or the outlet. Press: the protection slides back and the probe tip touches the object to be tested.
The C.A 762 IP2X is a Voltage Detector with indicator lights.
It complies with the requirements of standard IEC 61243-3.
The main function of the C.A 762 IP2X is to test for the absence of any voltage. It detects hazardous voltages, meaning voltages exceeding the ELV (extra low voltage: 50 Vac or 120 Vdc).
Its other functions are:

  • Indication of a voltage between 12 and 690 Vac or 750 Vdc, with indication of the polarity.
  • Continuity level quality indication.
  • Phase position indication.
  • Phase order indication.

The voltages indicated on the C.A 762 IP2X are nominal voltages. Make sure that the device will be used on networks at standardized voltages.


This device is a detector. The indications it provides must not be used for measurement purposes.
Before using the C.A 762 IP2X, perform a self-test. This checks the integrity of the leads, the proper operation of the electronic circuit, and the battery voltage.
Connect the red test probe to the + terminal and the black lead to the COM terminal.
Touch the 2 test probes together and press the AUTO TEST button. Press for as long as necessary.

  • If all of the indicators of the device except ELV light and the audible signal sound, the device is working properly and can be used.

  • If every other indicator lights, the batteries must be replaced (see §5.2).

  • If every third indicator is off, the leads and test probes need to be checked. Check that they are correctly connected and that the test probes are actually touching, then press the AUTO TEST button again.
    If the problem persists, replace the batteries and try again. If the problem persists with new batteries, the lead and/or the test probes must be replaced.

  • If no indicator lights, replace the batteries (see §5.2). If the problem persists with new batteries, the device is defective and must be sent in for repair.

After each check, perform a self-test in order to confirm the proper operation of the device.
In a noisy environment, make sure that you can in fact hear the audible signal emitted by the device.
Remark: If the AUTO TEST button is kept pressed for more than 10 seconds when the test probes are not touching each other, the device switches to standby.
Connect the red test probe to the + terminal and the black lead to the COM terminal.
Keep your hands behind the guards of the device and of the test probe. Place the test probes on the element to be tested and maintain a firm contact.
There is no need to switch the C.A 762 IP2X on, because it starts up automatically.
If the voltage present is:

  • AC, the indicators light to indicate its value and the + (green) and – (orange) indicators light.

  • DC, the indicators light to indicate its value and the + indicator (green) or the – indicator (orange) lights to indicate the polarity.

  • hazardous (>50 Vac or 120 Vdc): the higher the voltage, the faster the ELV indicator (red) flashes; the device also emits audible beeps.

ELV: Extra Low Voltage. This redundant indicator indicates that the voltage is greater than the ELV.
The first two indicators of the bargraph are green to indicate that the voltage is not hazardous and the device does not beep. The remaining indicators are red and the device beeps.
If only the ELV indicator lights, the batteries are low or missing.
3.3. If there is a perturbing voltage near the element being tested, the device may indicate the presence of an operating voltage on the element being tested.
Connect the red test probe to the + terminal and the black lead to the COM terminal.
Keep your hands behind the guards of the device and of the test probe.
Place the test probes on the element to be tested and maintain a firm contact. Keep the button pressed.

If no voltage is detected, the C.A 762 IP2X performs a continuity test.
If the result is:

  • <100ΩΩ: the first 5 indicators of the bargraph blink one after another. The device emits a continuous audible signal.
  • Between 100ΩΩ and 2kΩΩ: the first 4 indicators of the bargraph light.
  • Between 2kΩΩ and 60kΩΩ: the first 3 indicators of the bargraph light.
  • Between 60kΩΩ and 300kΩΩ: the first 2 indicators of the bargraph light.
  • 300kΩΩ: the device displays nothing and does not emit a sound.

The C.A 762 IP2X performs a unipolar phase detection.
This means that connecting a single test probe is enough to determine whether a phase is present.
Warning: Phase detection cannot replace an absence of voltage test.
To operate correctly, the phase detection function must be used on networks referred to earth.
It can be used, for example, to locate the phase on an outlet of a network referred to earth.
Connect the red test probe to the + terminal
Keep your hands behind the guards of the device
Place the test probes on the element to be tested and maintain a firm contact. If the test probe is in fact on the phase, the Ph (phase) indicator flashes and the device beeps. Warning: if the Ph indicator is not flashing, that does not mean that there is no hazardous voltage on the outlet.

  • Place the black test probe on the first phase of the threephase system and the red test probe on the second phase. The device indicates the voltage present.
  • Press the button.

Otherwise, the two indicators, L1-L2-L3 and L1-L3-L2, blink alternately.
Remark: If the voltage is less than 50 Vac or Vdc, the function is disabled.

  • When the C.A 762 IP2X emits two high-pitched beeps, shift the red test probe to the last phase of the system. The device indicates the voltage present.

If there is a problem, in other words, if the device fails to detect a change of phase within 10 seconds or if the phases are not balanced, it reports an error by emitting two lowpitched beeps.
Otherwise, the device indicates the phase order by lighting:

  • the L1-L2-L3 indicator and emitting a low-pitched beep, followed by a high-pitched beep,
  • or the L1-L3-L2 indicator and emitting a high-pitched beep followed by a low-pitched beep.

If you have purchased a C.A 751 2P+T adapter, you can test for the absence of voltage between the phase and neutral on an outlet.
Attention: Pairing the C.A 762 with the C.A 751 derates the combined product to measurement category II, 250V.
Connect the C.A 751 to the terminals of the C.A 762, then refer to the operating instructions of the CA.751. Warning: When the C.A 762 is connected to the C.A 751, the continuity <60 and <300kΩ indications are no longer valid.



Quantity of influence Reference values
Temperature 23±5°C
Relative humidity 30 to 75 % RH
Supply voltage 3±0,1V
Frequency of the measured signal DC or 45 to 65 Hz
Type of signal sinusoidal
External electric field <1V/m
DC external magnetic field <40A/m

4.2.1. VOLTAGE
Nominal voltages: 12, 24, 50, 127, 230, 400, 690 Vac/Vdc and 750 Vdc.
Frequency of operation: DC and 16.67 at 800Hz.
Maximum input current: 3.5 mArms.
Internal impedance at 50 Vac: 850 kΩ.
Response time <500ms.
The indicator corresponding to voltage V lights before the voltage reaches 85% V.
If no indicator lights, the voltage present is < 12V.
The C.A 762 IP2X must be used only on networks at standardized voltages.
Operating cycle: 30s (maximum duration for which the device can remain connected to a live element) – 240s (minimum resting time during which the detector must not be connected to a live element).
Continuity detection is disabled if a voltage > 1V is present.
The triggering thresholds are:

  • 100 Ω<R< 150 Ω
  • 2 kΩ<R< 3 kΩ
  • 60 kΩ<R< 90 kΩ
  • 300 kΩ<R<450 kΩ

Test current ≤1mA
Open-circuit voltage ≤3.3V
120 Vac<voltage<690 Vac and 45Hz≤frequency ≤65Hz
400 Vac<voltage<690 Vac and 16.67Hz≤frequency<45Hz
Frequency between 45 and 400Hz.
Voltage between 50 and 690 Vac between phases.
Time to acquisition of the information after contact ≤1s.
Retention time of the information: 10s.
Acceptable amplitude unbalance: 20%.
Acceptable level of harmonics in voltage: 10%.
Rejection of power company remote control signals (TCC175Hz-188Hz).
The device is of type N. It must be used under the following conditions:

  1. Reference domain

  2. Operating range
    -15 to +45°C and 20 to 95% RH without conden- sation.
    (35°C max. at 95% RH)

  3. Range in storage (without batteries)
    -40 to +70°C and 20 to 95% RH without conden- sation.

If an extended period of non-use is anticipated, or for storage, withdraw the batteries from the housing.
For use indoors and outdoors.
Pollution degree: 2.
Altitude: <2000m.
The C.A 762 IP2X is powered by two 1.5V alkaline batteries (type AAA or LR3).
Batteries mass: about 2 x 26 g
The battery life is 7,000 10-second measurements.
The batteries can be replaced by rechargeable batteries, but the life between charges will be much shorter.

Dimensions (LxWxH) Mass 163 x 64 x 40mm
Mass approximately 210g
Cord length 90cm
Protection class IP65 per IEC 60529

IK04 per IEC 62262
Drop| 2 metres

Two-pole voltage detector per IEC 61243-3 ed. 3 of 2015.
The device is in conformity with IEC/EN 61010-1 or BS EN 61010-1 600V, CAT IV.
Emissions and immunity in an industrial setting compliant with IEC/EN 61326-1 or BS EN 61326-1.


** Except for the batteries, the instrument contains no parts that can be replaced by personnel who have not been specially trained and accredited. Any unauthorized repair or replacement of a part by an “equivalent” may gravely impair safety.
The device must be kept perfectly clean.
Disconnect the instrument completely.
Use a soft cloth, dampened with soapy water. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry rapidly with a dry cloth or forced air. Do not use alcohol, solvents, or hydrocarbons.
If, during the self-test, only half of the indicators light, you must replace the batteries.

  • Disconnect anything connected to the device.
  • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two captive screws of the battery compartment cover located on the back of the device.
  • Withdraw the spent batteries and replace them with two new batteries (AAA or LR3 1.5V alkaline batteries).
  • Close the battery compartment cover and make sure that it is completely and correctly closed.
  • Screw the two screws back in.

Spent batteries must not be treated as ordinary household waste. Take them to the appropriate recycling collection point.


Except as otherwise stated, our warranty is valid for 24 months starting from the date on which the equipment was sold. The extract from our General Conditions of Sale is available on our website. The warranty does not apply in the following cases:

  • Inappropriate use of the equipment or use with incompatible equipment;
  • Modifications made to the equipment without the explicit permission of the manufacturer’s technical staff;
  • Work done on the device by a person not approved by the manufacturer;
  • Adaptation to a particular application not anticipated in the definition of the equipment or not indicated in the user’s manual;
  • Damage caused by shocks, falls, or floods.

Ed. 2
04/2022 © Chauvin Arnoux
All rights reserved and reproduction prohibited
Chauvin Arnoux
12-16 rue Sarah Bernhardt
92600 Asnières-sur-Seine
Tél : +33 1 44 85 44 85
Fax : +33 1 46 27 73 89
Chauvin Arnoux
Tél : +33 1 44 85 44 38
Fax : +33 1 46 27 95 69
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