RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder User Manual

June 4, 2024

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder User Manual

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder User Manual

User Manual (Read Installation Manual first)

Dear customer
First of all, we thank you for choosing our products.
We are confident that the product you have purchased will meet all your expectations. The product you are about to use is the outcome of extensive research and development. It is the most efficient, user-friendly and well-designed machine of its kind.
This manual outlines the correct use and maintenance and will help you to get the best results from your machine. We hope you will find our explanations clear and we may continue to earn your business in the future.

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - figure 1

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - figure 2

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - figure 3

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - figure 4

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - figure 5


Coffee grinder on demand


Automatic on demand coffee grinder

Legend (Fig. 1)

  1. Hopper lid
  2. Bean hopper
  3. Adjustment knob
  4. Hopper locking slide
  5. Protection lid for the grinder adjustment system
  6. Portafi lter button
  7. Ground coff ee outlet
  8. Portafi lter fork
  9. Main switch
  10. Grounds tray
  11. Display
  12. Single dose button
  13. Double dose button
  14. Customized dose button


KRYO 65 OD EVO is equipped with a locking device to secure the bean hopper (Fig. 5). Lock the device when the grinder is in use.

The locking device is marked on the outside of the bean hopper. If the slot of the device points to the marking, the bean hopper can be mounted or removed. To secure the bean hopper turn the slot to the left.

Press the main switch (Fig. 1-9). The grinding will take place in two modes.

The modes and the way to activate the grinding are confi gured in the software and can be changed by the user if needed.

Use only coff ee beans.

2.1. Automatic mode

In the “Automatic” mode, the grinder continues to grind until the pre- programmed dose has been dispensed. If grinding is stopped during dispensing the dose has been cancelled.

Activation by portafilter:

  • Select the dose of coffee requested – single, double or customized dose (Fig. 1-12 to 14). The LED of the selected dose button will be illuminated. The customized dose button has no LED. The selected dose will be shown in the display.
  • Place the portafilter in the portafilter fork (Fig. 1-8) by pressing the portafilter button (Fig. 1-6) once.
  • The grinder runs the predefined time and stops automatically.
  • To cancel before, press the selected button again on the keypad. The grinding cannot be continued.
  • Level out the coffee contained in the filter and tamp the coffee with the tamper.
  • Check that there are no coffee grounds on the rim of the portafilter and clean/remove if necessary.
  • Alternatively and if selected in the menu <Pre-Selection “No”>the dose can be selected with the portafilter.
  • Place the portafilter in the portafilter fork (Fig. 1-8) by pushing the portafilter button (Fig. 1-6) once for a single dose and twice for a double dose. The selected dose will be shown in the display and the LED on the button of the selected dose will be illuminated. In this mode no customized dose is available.
  • The grinder runs the predefined time and stops automatically.
  • To cancel before, press any button on the keypad. The grinding cannot be continued.
  • Level out the coffee contained in the filter and tamp the coffee with the tamper.
  • Check that there are no coffee grounds on the rim of the portafilter and clean/remove if necessary

Activation by keypad:

  • Place the portafilter in the portafilter fork (Fig. 1-8).

  • Select the dose of coffee requested – single, double or customized dose (Fig. 1-12 to 14). The LED of the selected dose glows. The customized dose button has no LED. The selected dose will also be shown in the display.

  • The grinder runs the predefined time and stops automatically.

  • To cancel before, press the selected button again on the keypad.
    The grinding cannot be continued.

  • Level out the coffee contained in the filter and tamp the coffee with the tamper;

  • Check that there are no coffee grounds on the rim of the portafilter and clean/remove if necessary.

2.2. On Demand mode

In the “On demand” mode the grinding may be paused during dispensing and restarted.

Activation by filter holder:

  • Select the dose of coffee requested – single, double or customized dose (Fig. 1-12 to 14). The LED of the selected dose will be illuminated. The customized dose button has no LED. The selected dose will also be shown in the display
  • Place the filter holder in the filter holder fork (Fig. 1-8) and press it to the filter holder button (Fig. 1-6).
  • The grinder runs the predefined time and stops automatically.
  • To pause the grinding before its finished dispensing, release the filter holder button, reactivate the dispensing by pressing and holding the filter holder button; the progress of the ground dose is indicated on the display (illuminated rectangles).
  • To cancel before its finished dispensing, release the filter holder button, then press any button on the keypad.
  • Level out the coffee contained in the filter and tamp the coffee with the tamper.
  • Check that there are no coffee grounds on the rim of the portafilter and clean/remove if necessary.

Activation by keypad:

  • Place the portafilter in the portafilter fork (Fig. 1-8).

  • Select the dose of coffee requested – single, double or customized dose (Fig. 1-12 to 14). The LED of the selected dose will be illuminated. The customized dose button has no LED.
    The selected dose will also be shown in the display.

  • The grinder runs the predefined time and stops automatically.

  • To interrupt before its finished grinding, press the same button of the keypad. The LED blinks now. The grinding can be continued by pressing the same button again. The grinding will be stopped with any other button and cannot be continued.

  • Level out the coffee contained in the filter and tamp the coffee with the tamper.

  • Check that there are no coffee grounds on the rim of the portafilter and clean/remove if necessary

2.3. Customized button

If the customized button is set to 0.0, it can be used as continuous button which is limited to 10 sec.

To stop the grinding press the continuous button again.


Maintenance operations should be carried out with the machine turned off and with the plug removed from the power source.

We recommend to use the specific detergent for grinder burrs, which can be purchased directly from the Rancilio Group spare parts portal.

Do not use metallic or abrasive tools, such as steel wool, metal brushes, needles, etc., or detergents (alcohol etc.), but simply a damp cloth or sponge.

3.1. Daily
  • Clean the housing and the grounds tray.
  • Clean fork area for the portafilter.
  • Clean the coffee outlet with a dry brush.
3.2. Periodically or after intense use

Empty the bean hopper, and clean it of oily residues left by the coffee with a mild soap solution. Rinse thoroughly! Before putting the hopper back in place, make sure it is completely dry.

Waste materials used for processing or maintenance, if not biodegradable or pollutant, should be placed in separate containers and taken to suitable collection centers.

3.3. Burr replacement

KRYO 65 OD EVO has an integrated counter, which informs the user after the predefined amount of coffee is grinded, that the burrs have to be replaced.
This alert can be activated by the service technician during the commissioning. We recommend activating the alarm.

The burr replacement has to be done by a qualified service technician only.

Please get in contact with your local sales organization.


Inspection that can be carried out by the user

For any type of problem or difficulty not specified here, unplug the machine, refrain from making attempts to repair or inspect the machine yourself and contact an authorized service technician.

A) The machine does not turn on:
– Check that it is plugged in;
– Check that there is power being supply and that the automatic circuit breaker or main switch is turned on;
– Check the condition of the plug and supply cable, and if they are damaged have them replaced by a qualified technician.
B) Coffee is not ground:
– Check that there are coffee beans in the bean hopper;
– Check that the hopper locking slide is open (lever inwards);
– Check that the outlet is not obstructed.
C) Long grinding time (productivity < 2g/s):
– Check the grind setting;
– Have the burrs replaced by qualified staff .



Identification details, specifications plate (Fig. 3)

  1. Manufacturer
  2. Model and version
  3. Voltage
  4. EC Conformity mark
  5. Serial number
  6. Pin
  7. Total absorption
  8. – –
  9. – –
  10.  – –
  11. Frequency
  12. Conformity marks
  13. Date of manufacture


A qualified technician must perform installation.

The machine is delivered ready for installation according to the data on the plate Fig. 3.
Check that the main power supply is compatible with the machine.
Check that the machine, the accessories, the supply cable and the plug are intact, and in the event of damage, inform the retailer promptly.
The machines have been designed and built for grinding coffee beans for professional use.
Any other use is to be considered improper and thus dangerous.


7.1. Description of commands

Main switch (Fig. 1-9) with two positions; when switched on, the machine is ready for coffee grinding.

7.2. First startup

KRYO 65 OD EVO has a startup menu to select the personal preferences of the operator, when switched on for the first time. Operator has to choose the language, the mode, the preselection and the way to activate the grinding. After choosing the
preferences, the display will show a message « Do Calibration ».
The calibration has to be done with the procedure shown in the software structure under Counter/Burrs/Calibration, after adjusting the grain size.
This message will be shown after each preparation up to the time, the calibration has been done.

7.3. Grind setting

The grinders are tested by the manufacturer with a medium grind setting. The setting depends on the type of coffee used.

  • Place a small quantity of coffee beans in the bean hopper and close the lid;

  • Check that the hopper locking slide is open (Fig. 1–4);

  • Position the portafilter on the portafilter fork (Fig. 1-8) and grind coffee for the amount you want to set;

  • Brew some coffee, checking the dispensing time, the appearance of the coffee and its taste, considering that excessively course grounds produce light colored coffee without a crema, while grounds that are too fi ne result in strong, dark
    coffee without a crema;

  • If the coffee does not respond to your desired requirements, adjust grind fineness by pressing the ring block button (Fig. 2-1)
    and turning the regulation knob (Fig. 2-3) counter- clockwise for a finer grind or clockwise for a coarser grind;

  • Repeat the operation until you have obtained the desired quality of coffee.

Recalibration of the grind is typically necessary after a change in coffee. Minor adjustments may be required throughout use to accommodate for changes in freshness of the beans.


8.1. Temporary
  • Close the hopper and grind the coffee beans remaining between the burrs;
  • Turn off the switch and unplug the appliance from the power source;
  • Remove any coffee beans remaining in the bean hopper and in the outlet;
  • Perform cleaning and maintenance operations;
  • Coil up the supply cable and attach it to the machine using adhesive tape;
  • Cover the machine and place it in a dry place, sheltered from bad weather and to which you have exclusive access.
8.2. Final

In addition to the operations of temporary decommissioning:

  • Cut the power cable;
  • Pack up the machine using cardboard or similar materials and hand it over to specialized operators (authorized waste disposal collectors or dealers in second-hand goods).


9.1. Replacement of burrs

Although manufactured in tempered steel, the burrs are subject to wear and tear.
Their lifespan is influenced by the amount of coffee ground, its hardness and degree of roasting, as well as the quantity and purity of the coffee beans.
Small stones and various impurities have a marked abrasive action which significantly reduces the lifespan of the burrs.
When grinding time becomes noticeably longer or the grind becomes irregular, the burrs should be replaced as follows:

  • Pull the hopper locking slide (Fig. 1–4);
  • Start the grinder to grind the coffee remaining between the burrs;
  • Once grinding has finished, turn off the machine and unplug from the power source;
  • Remove the regulation knob (Fig. 1–3);
  • Turn the upper burr-holder (Fig. 4–1) counter-clockwise until the upper grinder holder ring nut is completely out of the head;
  • Unscrew the screws (Fig. 4–2) and remove the burrs (Fig. 4–3) from the burr-holder;
  • Carefully clean the burr supports, the burr-holder thread and its housing;
  • Position the new burrs in their holders and block them firmly in place;
  • Reassemble the machine, performing the previous steps in reverse;
  • Calibrate the new burrs and reset the counter.
9.2. Calibration of grinder burrs

To be performed after burr replacement

The grinders are tested with a medium grind setting, and need to be readjusted. This operation should be carried out with the bean hopper empty.

Remove the protection lid (Fig. 1-5), hold down the adjustment unlock button (Fig. 2-1) and at the same time slowly turn the adjustment knob (Fig. 2-3) counter-clockwise until the burrs brush against each other. Release the button, turn the numbered ring (Fig. 2-2) so that the starting point 0 is frontal; move the adjustment knob (Fig. 2-3) in the opposite direction (clockwise).

9.3. Technician menu

Must be performed by a qualified technician.

The access to the technician menu is given by switching off the grinder. Switch on the main switch (Fig. 1-9) while pressing the confirmation button.


KRYO 65 OD EVO has three menus to operate with.

10.1 Programming buttons

To configure the KRYO 65 OD EVO the dose buttons will be used with an additional function.

The single dose button (Fig. 1-12) will be used as “-” button, the double dose button (Fig. 1-13) as “+” button and both buttons to browse through the menu. The customized dose button (Fig. 1- 14) is used as confirmation or ESC-button depending on the menu accessed.

10.2 Dosing menu

In the dosing menu the amount of coffee dispensed by one button can be changed.

  • Press the selected button for 3 seconds;
  • Change the value of the specific button using “+” and “-”;
  • Confirm the change with the confirmation button (II).
10.3 Barista menu

Open the “Barista Menu” by pressing the confirmation button (Fig. 1-14) for 5 seconds.
Any additional information is given in the software tree below.

10.4 Technician menu

Must be performed by a qualified technician.

The parameters with the grey background are only accessible for the service technician
The access to this menu is given in another chapter of the manual.


RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - Software

Notes / Note

RANCILIO KRYO 65 OD EVO Coffee Grinder - Notes


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