DENON Dirac Live Room Correction Software User Guide

October 30, 2023

DENON Dirac Live Room Correction Software

DENON-Dirac-Live-Room-Correction Software-product-

Product Information

What is Dirac Live?
Dirac Live is a digital room correction solution used in premium home theaters. It uses patented algorithms to analyze and digitally reduce room impact and enhance speaker performance. Dirac Live provides a larger sweet spot, accurate staging, clarity, voice intelligibility, and a deeper, tighter bass not otherwise possible.

Unique Features of Dirac Live

  • Runs on your PC/Mac computer
  • User customizable target curves
  • Save 3 customizable filters for easy comparison

Equipment Required for Dirac Live Room Correction

  • Computer (Windows or Mac) with Dirac Live software installed
  • USB microphone (sold separately) for measurements
  • Microphone stand (standard boom mic stand recommended)

Recommended Microphone:
mini DSP UMIK-1z. Download the unique calibration file for your UMIK-1 from the miniDSP website by entering its serial number. Please select the _90deg file.

Additional Notes:

  • The supplied Audyssey microphone is NOT compatible with Dirac Live.
  • If you need a USB extension cable for the UMIK-1, please use an ACTIVE USB 2.0 or 3.0 cable. Recommended USB Extension cable: Cable Creation Active USB Extension Cable 16.4 FT.
  • The microphone should be mounted on a stand facing the ceiling.

Dirac Live Account and License
If you are using Dirac Live Room Correction, you will need to create a Dirac Live account, purchase a Dirac Live license, activate your Dirac Live license, and download Dirac Live software. Please visit the Dirac website for more information.

Configuring AVR Settings
Before using Dirac Live software, follow the steps below to set up this unit:

  1. Connect to a network. Connect this unit and the computer where Dirac Live software is installed to the same network. (Setting items: Setup Menu – Network – Connection)
  2. Set the speaker preset (excluding the first time measurement is performed). Select the speaker preset where you want to save the measurement results. If two speaker presets are already being used, the speaker preset you have selected will be overwritten with the measurement results. When performing calibration with Dirac Live for the first time, saving to Speaker Preset 2 is performed automatically. (Setting items: Setup Menu/Speakers/Manual Setup/Speaker Preset)

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Connect your computer and this unit to the same network.
  2. Install Dirac Live software on your computer.
  3. Mount the USB microphone on a standard boom mic stand facing the ceiling.
  4. Connect the USB microphone to your computer.
  5. Create a Dirac Live account, purchase a license, and activate your license.
  6. Download and open Dirac Live software.
  7. Set the speaker preset where you want to save the measurement results.
  8. Follow the instructions in the Dirac Live software to perform measurements and apply corrections to your home theater system.

Dirac Live

This unit supports Dirac Live®Room Correction.
You will need to purchase Dirac Live lisence in order to use Dirac Live Room Correction.

  • What is Dirac Live?
    Dirac Live is the leading digital room correction solution used in premium home theaters by applying state-of-the-art, patented algorithms that analyze and digitally reduce room impact and enhance speaker performance.
    Dirac Live delivers a larger sweet spot, accurate staging, clarity, voice intelligibility, and a deeper, tighter bass not otherwise possible.

  • Unique features of Dirac Live

    • Runs on your PC/Mac computer
    • User customizable target curves
    • Save 3 customizable filters for easy comparison

Measuring with Dirac Live

Equipment required for Dirac Live Room Correction

  • Computer (Windows or Mac)
    You will need to install Dirac Live software on your computer in order to measure with Dirac Live Room Correction.

  • Microphone for measurements
    A USB microphone (sold separately) is required in order to measure with Dirac Live Room Correction. If your microphone comes with a calibration file, make sure the calibration file is available.
    Recommended microphone: mini DSP UMIK-1z

  • Download the unique calibration file for your UMIK-1 from the miniDSP web site by entering its serial number. Please select the “_90deg” file.


  • The supplied Audyssey microphone is NOT compatible with Dirac Live.
  • If you need a USB extension cable for the UMIK-1, please use an ACTIVE USB 2.0 or 3.0 cable.

Recommended USB Extension cable: Cable Creation Active USB Extension Cable 16.4 FT

Microphone stand

  • For best results do NOT use the miniature mic stand that comes with the UMIK.
    • Use a standard boom mic stand (sold separately).
    • Do not hold the microphone in your hand while taking measurements.


  • The microphone should be mounted on a stand facing the ceiling.
  • Dirac Live account and Dirac Live license
    If you are using Dirac Live Room Correction, you will need to create a Dirac Live account, purchase a Dirac Live license, activate your Dirac Live license and download Dirac Live software.

Dirac Live account and Dirac Live license
If you are using Dirac Live Room Correction, you will need to create a Dirac
Live account, purchase a Dirac Live license, activate your Dirac Live license and download Dirac Live software.

Configuring AVR settings
Before using Dirac Live software, follow the steps below to set up this unit.

  1. Connect to a network.
    Connect this unit and the computer where Dirac Live software is installed to the same network.
    (Setting items: Setup Menu – Network – Connection)

  2. Set the speaker preset (excluding the first time measurement is Select the speaker preset where you want to save the measurement results. If two speaker presets are already being used, the speaker preset you have selected will be overwritten with the measurement results.
    When performing calibration with Dirac Live for the first time, saving to Speaker Preset 2 is performed automatically.
    (Setting items: Setup Menu/Speakers/Manual Setup/Speaker Preset)

  3. When performing calibration with Dirac Live for the first time, the Speaker Layoutand Crossover values from Preset 1 are copied.

  4. When performing calibration with Dirac Live for the first time, overwriting is performed even when Preset 2 is in use.

  5. Set the speaker layout.
    Set the layout of the speakers you want to measure in Speaker Layout in the menu.
    (Setting items: Setup Menu – Speakers – Manual Setup – Speaker Layout)

  6. The optional Dirac Live room correction feature calculates the proper gain and delay time for each speaker, however it does not calculate the crossover points. Please adjust the crossover points for your speakers using the AVR’s Setup Menu before performing Dirac Live calibration.
    Setting Item : Setup Menu – Manual Setup – Crossovers

  7. The measurement cannot be conducted when headphones are connected. If headphones are connected, unplug them before performing the Dirac Live measurement.

Measuring with Dirac Live software
The Dirac Live software is used for the measurement. Follow the instructions in the Dirac Live software to take the measurements.

  1. Start the Dirac Live software.

  2. Log in to your Dirac Live account.
    Enter the account details you created on the Dirac Live website.

  3. Select the product you want to take measurements for.
    The software detects products compatible with Dirac Live on the same network as the computer and displays them on the screen.

  4. If this unit cannot be found, click (Rescan).

  5. Click the (IP) button to detect this unit manually by entering the IP address.

  6. Click the (Menu) button to display the menu. This allows you to select the language and save and import projects.

  7. Click the (Help) button to view a help page for each screen.

  8. Connect the microphone that will be used for the measurementsto a USB port on the computer or this unit.
    The microphone is displayed in the Dirac Live software when it is connected.

  9. If connecting the microphone to the computer

  10. If connecting the microphone to this unit
    NOTE  If your unit has two USB ports, connect the microphone to the USB port on the front panel.

  11. Select the microphone you will use for the measurements.

If the microphone you are using for the measurements comes with a calibration file, you will need to load the calibration file in the Dirac Live software too.

1. Click “No microphone calibraton” of the microphone (shown in red) to load the calibration file.  

After selecting the microphone, click “Proceed to Volume Calibration”.
NOTE The internal microphone of the computer and other recording devices connected by USB are also displayed. Be sure to select the microphone you connected for these measurements.

  1. Adjust the output level for the measurements and the input level for the microphone.
    DENON-Dirac-Live-Room-Correction Software-11
    Adjust the output of all of the speakers that are connected to a suitable level so that proper measurements can be taken.

  2. Put the microphone you will use for the measurements on the microphone stand and place the stand at the main listening point.
    Point the tip of the microphone toward the ceiling and adjust the height to match the height of the ears of a listener in a seated position.

  3. Set Mic gain to 100%.

  4. Set Master output to around -60.0dB.

  5. Select one speaker and press the p button.
    A test tone will be output from the speaker you selected and the audio that is detected will be displayed on a level bar.

  6. Adjust the master output so that the audio that is detected is around
    -15.0dB to -30.0dB.

  7. Play the test tone of the next speaker and check that the output displayed in the level bar is between -15.0dB and -30.0dB.
    If it is outside this range, adjust the output level using the volume controls for each channel in the Dirac Live software.

  8. Repeat step 6 for all of the speakers and adjust each speaker so that the output level is between around -15.0dB and -30.0dB. When you have finished adjusting the output levels, click “Proceed to Select Arrangement”.
    0 The output displayed on the level bar is a guide only, and the level bar may not reach -30dB depending on your computer or environment. In this case, adjust all channels to approximately the same level.
    Set the volume level a little higher than the level you would typically use.

  9. About the main listening position

  10.  The main listening position is the position where listeners would normally sit or
    where one would normally sit alone within the listening environment.

  11.  To ensure that the measurement results are correct, put the microphone for measurement on a microphone stand.

  12. Select a listening area

After selecting the listening area, click “Proceed to Measure”.
NOTE Use the “Wide Imaging” arrangement in Dirac Live if your room has more than one row of seating or is large enough for more than two people.

  1. Take the measurements.
    DENON-Dirac-Live-Room-Correction Software-13
    Take measurements in each position.

  2. Put the microphone you will use for measurement in the main listening
    position and point it straight upward.

  3. Select the circle in the center of the illustration on the screen.

  4. Click “Measure Selected position”.
    A test tone will be output from each speaker and the measurement will start.

  5. When the measurement is finished, move the microphone to the next

  6. Select the next position on the screen and take the measurement. F Repeat steps 4 and 5 to take measurements in all of the positions. When you have finished taking the measurements, click “Proceed to Filter Design”.

  7. You can proceed to the next step (“Filter Design”) without taking measurements in every position. However, we recommend taking measurements in every position, because the more measurements that are taken, the more accurate the calibration is.

  8. Keep the room as quiet as possible during measurements. Other noise will interfere with measurements. Close the windows and turn off electrical products (radios, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, etc.) Noise from these products may affect measurements.

  9. Do not stand between the speakers and the microphone or place large items there while taking measurements.

  10. Adjust the filters.

Adjust the filters of each channel.

1.  Target curve  

The target curve is the curve used to decide the frequency characteristics of the speakers after calibration by Dirac Live. You can adjust the target curve according to your preferences.

2. Curtains  

Use the sliders on the screen to adjust the frequency range across which the filter will be applied.

3. Speaker selection  

Select the speaker for which you want to edit the target curve. You can also group together specific speakers. The same target curve will be applied to all of the speakers in the group. When you have finished adjusting the filters, click “Proceed to Filter Export”.

  1. Export a filter to this unit.
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  2. Select the slot of a filter you want to export.

  3. Enter a name for the filter.
    You can enter any name in Dirac Live software, but this unit has a character limit. We recommend entering a name that is 20 characters or less.

  4. Click Export Filter.
    The filter is exported to this unit. The Filter Design page is displayed automatically when the export is completed.

  5. Create multiple filters.
    Up to three filters can be created in Dirac Live according to the measurement data. After creating new filters in the Filter Design page, select the numbers of unused slots in the Filter Export screen and export the filters.

  6. The following screen appears in the display (GUI) of this unit while the unit is communicating with the Dirac Live software. This unit cannot be operated while this screen is displayed.

  7. If a network issue or other issue disrupts the process while this screen is displayed, press the BACK button on the remote control to return this unit to normal mode and start the Dirac Live software again.
    DENON-Dirac-Live-Room-Correction Software-16


  • You can save and import measurement projects at any time from the menu in the Dirac Live software. Saving a project file allows you to resume measurements if they are interrupted or export measurement results again if necessary.
  • When importing a project file, set the speakers of this unit in the same layout as when the project file was saved.
  • If you try to overwrite an exported filter with the same filter after editing it manually, there may be some cases in which the saved settings are not applied.
    In this case, select the filter you want to overwrite from “Filter” displayed in the lower left of the Dirac Live software screen.
    The filter can be deleted from this unit by clicking the X mark. Then export a new filter.

Setting up Dirac Live on this unit

Dirac Live
Filters exported from the Dirac Live software can be set by selecting Audio – Dirac Live in the Setup Menu.
This setting can be configured after performing Dirac Live Room Correction.

  • Slot 1z: The Dirac Live filter that was exported to Slot 1 will be used.
  • Slot 2z: The Dirac Live that was exported to Slot 2 will be used.
  • Slot 3z: The Dirac Live that was exported to Slot 3 will be used.
  • Off: Dirac Live filter will not be used.

Filter names created in Dirac Live Software will be displayed in the user interface

  • You can store a maximum of 3 filters when using Dirac Live Software.
  • Only the slot to which the filter was exported can be selected.
  • In addition to acoustic filters that correct frequency and time responses, Dirac Live also stores the output level and distance of each speaker for each filter.
  • The Dirac Live filter settings are stored for each input source.
  • You can also set filters in Option Menu – Dirac Live.
  • When the sound mode is “Direct” or “Pure Direct”, only Distances and Levels will be applied. The acoustic filter will not be applied
  • Dirac Live is automatically turned off when headphones are used.
  • Graphic EQ cannot be set when Dirac Live is being used.

Dirac Live setting data will be deleted when the speaker configuration is changed in “Speaker Layout” in the menu after performing Dirac Live Room Calibration. The measurement must be performed again if the speaker configuration has changed.
It does not need to be performed again even when the settings of “Distances”, “Levels” and “Crossovers” in the menu are changed after the Dirac Live measurement.

Click the following link for more detailed information on Dirac Live.
If you experience trouble with anything not mentioned in this guide, please feel free to contact support team at


  • The first time you contact Dirac Research, you will need to create an account for the contact form.
  • You can change language settings by selecting Profile from the Account settings in the upper right corner of the screen.

Trademark information

© 2018 Dirac Research AB. All rights reserved. Dirac, Dirac Live and the Dirac logos are trademarks of Dirac Research AB.

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