SAMSUNG RT3000TH Double Door Refrigerator User Manual

June 11, 2024

RT3000TH Double Door Refrigerator

Refrigerator ~a\e;c
User manual ~
Free Standing Appliance l.fll” ~ ~
[E!l ..
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
– Keep finQers out of “pinch point” areas. Clearances between the doors and cabinet
are necessarlly small. Be careful when you open the doors if children are in the area.
Keep all packaging materials well out of the reach of children, as packaging
materials can be dangerous to children.
– If a child places a bag over his or her head, the child could suffocate
Do not let children go inside the refrigerator
• It can cause death from suffocation by entrapment or personal injury
Do not let children hang on the door or door bins. A serioos injury may occur.
Do not let children step on a drawer
– The drawer may break and cause them to slip
Do not install this appliance in a humid, oily □r dusty location, or in a location
exposed to direct sunlight or to water (rain drops)
– Deteriorated insulation on electrical parts may cause an electric shock or fire.
Do not install this appliance in a location where gas may leak
– This may result in an electric shock or fire
Do not Install this appliance near a heater or flammable material.
If your refri!;lerator needs to be repaired or reinstalled. contact your nearest
samsunc service center.
– Failin!l to do so may result in an electric shoe!<, fire, problems with the
product. or injury.

– “””‘~t;,,r.>””‘1<itir,tJ.M,.;,-m1″”””‘”‘-‘”””‘  
.,.~ ~.31’fricnc ,t.~_H;m!lrt<rMijt-1″/ ~r ~,;;i-l¢ii,t 1″fcfr~:m_ei”tt:f1 ,1.
– :zit~~~~*3″”CR”l«li~m~tcfr~<lir~”!_l?:~~I  
– ~–..-,pt,r,tt,,,rr-..rm<tr …. i,  
~~~m-~~ftiol’t~~ rrt1~-im’R”‘<llz:i1″1T~t1  
– ll”IR”~~~Jit{~Jt;R1JTtfiR!ir~f1  
N<R’1T”il>’l”1T<l>i!J!”, ~m-wi-llt;i::l!lfof”l;({~;:J”ili’t,
m-1}-t~”l;({;;:ft-f.l;” ~w,.;r  
~mlift”lll”qr.ft-(aif’nr~~ ~~”#fJITc’ll”tl  
– ~~”lll”~qi”t~$~m3’111Tilil”il>R11T-..J~fl  
~~iffi”mt~~~rr”ili’t ~tR”t@”*~~’tl  
– ~ ~ 1l:;,,.ft ~ ~ “llT 3ITTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t1  
~ Samsung ~ ~ H ~ <fi’tl  
m:rr~~fctcm.r~tR~<lif~. 3’111Til”1T~’t. ~”# ~~  
Installation dul’illw  
Clearance :;;;a;  
See the pictures and table below for space requirements for installation  
l’tl1llilT ~ fflir ~ ~ ~ ~ il”R” “# ~ ~ fflir ;:ft.1- ~ ~ Jik ~ t¥1  
1~1—ELI RT2B “””‘ Bae  
handle handle -~ “”~  
D 01 Width~ 555 555  
02 Depth~ 637 688  
I □3~~ght 1545 1545  
Height of base stand  
@ drawer (applicable 1673 1673  
models only) ..-.&;;,,, ;,r;.,,,t “””‘””l”””‘”li><l}  
~ □4 Clearance of  
back side at least so mm  
‘—— ,fu}~~~ ~t”ij;11″50M  
“”” ‘”  
“”‘ handle hall:lle ITT4 handle ha’n”dl e  
ft«!aa” .,i,.r ft«laa …..  
01Width ~ 555 555 01 Width~ 600 600  
02 Depth~ 637 688 02 □epth ~ 672 722  
03 Ova-all Height ~ ~ 1635 1635 03 Overall Height~~ 1635 1635  
04 dearance of back side  
at least 50 mm  
04 dearance of back side at least so mm  
tt~JTI{k ~:i:1″;i;Jr50M° :,.u,,_e:- 11wrtlfjl’JsoM  
RT37 RT39 RT42  
Categacy i,:ecess “‘ Kecess “” •= “” “”” ~’1:.,- ~~ ~’1:.,- ~~ ~ta ~~  
01 Width~ 600 600 675 675 675 675  
02 □ei:ith~ 672 722 688 715 688 715  
03 □v;;-1 :tt 1715 1715 1715 1715 1785 1785  
04~r:=~=side at least 50 mm at least 50 mm at least 50 mm  
•–;;t ~trifiJJ50iltJft ,J;JJ#ifiJ:1″50 f.ltJfr ~tf”ifiJJ50131″lfr  
1 9  
Safety information ~ ~ ~  
Unauthorized modifications can cause safety problems. To reverse an
modl1″1cation, we will charge the full cost of parts and labor  
If the interior or exterior LED lamp has oone out. contact your nearest
service center.  
Do not insert hands, feet, or metal objects (such as chopsticks, etc.) into
bottom or the back of the refrigerator  
– This may result in an electric shock or injury  
– Any sharp edoes may cause a personal injury  
Do not stand on top of the appliance or place objects (such as laundry,
lighted candles,  
liohted cioarettes, dishes, chemicals, metal objects, etcJ on the appliance.
This may result  
in an electric shock, fire, problems with the product, or injury. Do not put a
container filled  
with water on the appliance  
– If spilled, there is a risl< of fire or electric shock.  
Do not overfill the refrigerator with food  
– When you open the door, an item may fall out and cause personal injury or
Do not place or use electrical appliances inside the refrigerator/freezer,
they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer  
Do not use a hair dryer to dry the inside of the refrigerator. Do not place  
a lighted candle in the refrigerator to remove bad odors  
This may result in an electric shock or fire.  
~’J’IR”al’J”‘IT”‘””””,1-i,-~’J’IR””- …… “‘  
s$1 l’jai!) lfla:”” (“”) ;,r’l!’.,,.,aro\;i;l>t1  
~ ~ m ~ LED ~ ~ ~ .ilffi” f, nT 3ftr.t ~ Samsung ~ ffl lt  
~ ~ ~~ -cl’tB”ifll””ffil:l’i ~- ik m-tmJ ~ cffcjl:i” (#Q”ifi”~, ~ if ri1  
– ~~~<lif~m-~”il’l11″~61  
– -111~-“-“‘” stl<.m-i,  
“‘”””‘”””~-,l,rr””””(a1″/r ~.–.–.$r.-.””J ~ ~. ~ ~ “IR” ;;:r ‘ml ~ -qftgrm-
f.r;;:r,;t <51″ ~. llTll”, 3?l1G ~ fD”‘I” ~  
m-q’tz-tfr~61 -qr-ff~m-qr,r”if>’l”~”IR”.:rffi  
– ~~~3’1Tl1″~~~~<51″~~~3″1  
~ifl’l”tiirei_ll”~~~~~ .:rlltl  
– —-t,a\~”””””””1>1.”””‘t,i,,–.,,,,;,,,rr “”””;!lr””‘tr””‘t’ ~~~m~~~
~.:r~~~.i-<lit, ;;!”il”i'(ififll:;” t~  
~~~”11Vwt;R”~ ;:rjl-1  
0-,;.—~s,>.~-‘•””‘”‘ “‘ !,.–,;r3″>imar..t1¥U>m'”””‘- – ~~~il,’71W~31mil,
12 ———————–  
• at least 50 mm •  
Lt_ CAUTION ffllllllift”  
ModelRlair A  
RT39/42 1275 1001 115″  
RT34/37 1221 1040 135°  
RT2B/30 1141 964 135″  
(unit: mm) ~ ftr1fl)  
@NOTE ;m;  
Each measurement based on the design  
dimension, so it may differ depending on  
the measurino methOO  
,i … n,  
Please tie up the extra len1ith □f the power cord at the back of the
refrigerator so as  
not to be touched on the floor preventinc the power cord from being crushed by
rollers upon relocation  
“f’l”lll”~~ift”l);<‘IR”;gi- ~~”il>’l”.rttr;?-arf.l;~!P’@f<f,’i-;;:r  
Jl\”{’l”ffl{ftllif~,l;”~ mfm”°lt”f<Jil”if~I  
The surface to install the refrioerator  
must support a fully loaded refrigerator.  
To protect the floor, put a large piece  
of cardlXlard on each leo of the refrigerator  
Once the refrigerator is in its final  
p:isition, do not move it unless  
necessary to protect the floor. If you  
have to, use a thick paper or cloth such  
as old carpets alono the movement path  
Don’t use stand to avoid noise and levelino issue  
Contents fcl11:c:i~  
Safety information ~ ~ a1a1cfi1f1 3  
What you need to know about the safety instructions  
3l]tl<li)- ~ ~it <fi ~ * <RIT ar,,.:rr •  
Important safety symbols and precautions: ~ p ~ 3ll. ~: 4  
Important safety precautions ~ p ~  
How to minimize the energy consumption 3″ir ~ ~ ~ q;t  
This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications
such as ~~-au*~~ 3ll.~ ~<fi~t…irm,l<lf tMf<l;Additional  
tips for proper usage ~ ~ <fi filt’t!” ~ ~  
Instructions about the WEEE WEEE <fi ~ * ~r  
Severe warnings am’t{ ~a1af.’1<1i 9  
Installation and Usage cautions ~ 3ll. ~ ~ ~ 15  
Installation ~r.=r  
Refrigerator at a glance ~ “Q’c!i ~ *  
Step-by-step installation <ROT·<R·<ROT ~r.r  
Operations qfhlli:>tai  
Feature panel lllt’1R ~  
Special features fm)-or ~  
Maintenance {tlH<!.lM  
Handle and care ~ 3ll. ~  
Cleaning <il!i1f  
Replacing the LED lamp LED ~ if;)- i1c;o1iIT  
Troubleshooting ~ f.’tclr{ur  
General ~  
Do you hear abnormal sounds from the refrigerator?  
<RIT 3l]tl<li)-~ t ~ 3!Jcli;;1- 31T ~ t? 35  
Card warranty  
Do not put a fridge shelf into the refrigerator upside down. The shelf stopper
will not work.  
– The glass shelf could fall and cause personal injury.  
Bottles should be stored tlahtly toaether so that they do not fall over or
DO not touch the inside walls of the freezer or products stored in the freezer  
with wet hands  
– This may cause frostbite.  
Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the refrioerator are damaged
prior to  
If a Qas leak is detected, avoid any naked names or potential sources of
ionition, and  
air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.  
– Do not touch the appliance or rower cord  
– D □ not use a ventilating fan  
– A spark may result in an explosion or fire.  
Never stare directly at the LN LED lamp for long periods of time.  
– This may result in eye strain due to the ultraviolet rays  
This product contains R-6ooa, a nammable oas, which is used as the
Contact your local authorities regarding safe disposal of this product  
This refrigerator must be properly kx:ated and installed in accordance with  
the instructions in this manual before you use it.  
use only the Ice tray provided with the refrioerator.  
~*:atlcR:f’Q;;;i”lfwl!i<lt~;;:r ffil m,q,-“R[q”{<lifl’f~mr1  
– 1’ffilr ffi’lli fit”{ ;;irQ”11T 3ltt ~ ;:hr ?Iii’~ ~I  
~ ~Wllitr ~ ~~ ;;rr-rr~”nJ1%t ~~”IR”~~ .:rfi’ltl  
~.,>’t”/r_., __ “‘_””‘_ … ,ff,  
-~,..,.;,t ·””-“tr” -“”‘t’, “”””‘-‘”””‘~111–.,,,  
m,;at,–.1\,,,M”‘”””””‘t “‘~ 111w,11.-“‘_”_alalc/r -“‘  
~~”#~TI!ITt”3’ff”# ~~i’f<f>~fflt1  
– ~~IITTR”ffl”~.:r¥1  
– ~~~<fir~ if -RI  
– f.?ntl!,(‘-qftom:r~mwrl\i~*~l!iliar~I  
UV LED ~W*-t~i’f<f>~iJad’I  
– ~~~ii-~3im’tR;;i’R”~~tl  
~~”#R-600a~t~~l’llirfR:r,~~~-.. ~”#f.timiltlT’tl  
“~’.”,”..”,,’ i.i,. ‘ J_’ffio “_””” .’.'”t”.”-‘.-t-~—“i””r”-“.”t-“,’ “””‘-~'”
~i’t-‘,31i,F1K~~;;rr-rr~1 –“-alt”‘”””‘”~-..,,  
Installation !j,rel’illw  
STEP 3 Adjust the levelling feet ,roir 3 ~ gi’tz- l6’I” ~ il6f  
‘- ® Level the refri1ierator by manually ‘-.. /i adjustlnc the levelling feet.  
“”- / Turn the levellin,;i feet clocl<wise to lower
little hIaher than the rear side —  
~ tfl”llT ifil” ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I ~ iftt ~ $  
~-“”” .. ,;t;!lr’]t;!lr,a,,,.’l””,_,.,,,,.;,;,r,,;-;,r,a,,  
~~tpl”WI l},W”l”ffluit°lt, ~~~~-.fn\”i\i”~*~~:!i’R”‘!;WI  
STEP 4 Initial settings “illll’T 4 !llfflr.f; ~  
By completino the followino steps, the refrigerator should be fully
1, Plug the power cord into the wall socket to turn the refrigerator on.  
2\. Open the door, and check if the interior light lii;;ihts up.  
3\. Set the temperature to the coldest and wait for about an hour.  
4\. Wait until the refrigerator reaches the set temperature. Now the
refrigerator is  
ready for use.  
‘ii’IJ;;:J’i’:R011-ili)-~ifir-ttr,r, ~~i’R8″ H~~:;;rJiIT~I  
1\. ~ilil”<ffii,if>r-1,l;”ft:rq-~,l;- ~~~~~~.til”11Jlr1  
2\. ~~-~,W~~~ri f~~I  
3\. <’11”!”R1r1″ lffi l’l1I# “9”i’ll”Pllrf ~tr~. 31k ;;r113!1TV,!f; wt” i’llfi
“!ltfmr ifi’tl  
-4. ~lli~<‘IT’l”Rlof~~””‘”~~1.n~~lliffllv~t1  
STEP 5 Flnal check “illll’T 5 JiWm ;.nil”  
when Installation is complete, connrm that:  
The refrigerator is plug1ied into an electrical outlet and grounded properly.  
The refrigerator is installed on a flat, level surface with a reasonable
clearance from  
the wall or the cabinet  
The refrigerator is level and is sittino firmly on the floor.  
The door e>pens and closes freely, and the: interior light turns on
when you open the door.  
• ~ifil1:,jlof~$”~.t~-t31’R-~3ffl:nta-rlt~fil;”ll(“11m-w’f1  
~;i:!111Z”. ~~~~Wf” atir~”lll”’tl –“”‘”””” …… “-“‘
~~{lq;-&.n~Jtt.~”Vc’IT~. ~~w~~~~  
—————— 21  
Safety information ~ ~ ~  
When moving the refrigerator, be careful not to roll over or damaoe the power
• This may result in an electric shock or fire  
When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure
that no  
parts of the refrigerating circuit are damaged  
Refrigerant leaking from the pipe worl< could ignite or cause an eye injury.
If a leak is  
detected, avoid any naked flames or potential sources of ignition and air the
in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.  
This appliance contains a small amount of isobutane refrigerant (R-600a), a
natural gas  
with hiQh environmental compatibility that is, however, also flammable.  
cyclopentane is used in the insulation.Toe oases in the insulation material
require a special  
disposal procedure. Please contact your local authorities in regard to the
safe disposal of this product  
When disposing of this refrigerator, remove the door/door seals and door latch
so that  
small children or animals cannot become trapped inside. Children should be
supervised to  
ensure that they do not play with the appliance.  
• If trapped inside, the child could be injured or suffocate to death.  
If you won’t be using the refrigerator for a very long period of time, (3
weeks or more)  
empty the refrigerator, unplug it, wipe excess moisture from the inside walls,
and leave  
the doors open to prevent odors and mold  
• _.,_ffir.lil,<m1, t….ltll; aR,.”‘””1Ha,M,1  
– ~~~$”~~wr$”~~m-~t1 . :’r&~=:c ~~ ~ .,;~ …. ‘”””‘ _,,,., – ..  
“”,’i”;”\i”ji’T”~<“@”f”-“”””-‘”t,”i a “t’~-” 1″1’1″,’¢”J’f
m””,r”rf’ltr”.m’_ti”l;,-.,m,.l”t”!/”r.’,”,,”;,”fl’at:’F oofai,;-c.1 \,,
_-$”_.,.,,.amt,, “‘””””,;~-(R-000aj;!lr~->1f¥t_…-~at,-‘”‘”–  
• ……-.. -~,;–i,~-;!lrll,,i .. ~l”<“”””‘;!  
lr”‘”””””tr,tt,”‘””””””‘””””;!lr{ft<:,r~f.l<!R,f 0;;.;u,;—  
• “‘-“‘””””‘…a-,””””’11″”””‘1;!lra’lo,i,,-~0;,;.i.,,,._,,  
art>;.:,t,mt,i,,–Ji,a:.,.- • .mr,- …. ~..,..,1;,._  
~ ~ f.n ii 3tl;i:;{OT-‘, ll111′ if ~I  
. m- Jaila;:3-“!/1r.’.fi_t–.l.libt _tr (-3_f ‘”lT'””J ~!f”i/lra,;t;;J, ,””,__”
‘t_, a;t..,.~f.a’t-  
.$. “””/r “…”,,”I'”””-“‘- ~”‘q··;”\” ..”..’.”, “”-··””” .. .i.. …….
14 ———————–  
Operations q~tlletit  
Feature panel !111-.R ll.i,r  
Type A ~ A  
i=-i© -23″C8 1·c  
-2rc @) 2·c  
-19″C Saft 3″C  
-17″C Thlok s•c  
-1 S”C Sern ]”C  
01 Freezer / Freezer Convert  
02 Curd / Curd Off  
03 Fridge  
01 Freezer ~ I  
Freezer Convert ~ ~  
02Curd (<li3) I Curd otr[<e”]ITTl’i)  
03Fridge (@,<ii}  
01 Freezer J Freezer convert 01 1liil1t  
You can use the Freezer button to set the freezer temperature or to activate
Press Freezer repeatedly to select a desired temperature between -15 ·c and
-23 •c  
The temperature indicator displays the currently set or selected temperature  
To activate Power Freeze, press Freezer repeatedly until the Power Freeze  
indicator(@)) lights up.  
-15 •c ~-23 QC ~o1t’a”~tlfC11flif lR’il”llil”~~fflir Freezer {“‘9R}-..,,.  
– ~~”i@;n;:J°4~llT~t11<1111rf~~t.  
To deactivate Power Freeze, simply press Freezer again while the Power  
Freeze function is on.  
Power Freeze speeds up the freezing process at maximum power to lower the
temperature. The Power Freeze process cantinues to run for several hours and
turns off, and the freeler returns to the previous temperature settinr.i  
To freeze laroe amounts of fOOO. activate Power Freeze for at least hours
putting the food in 20 the freezer.  
~~~~~ali”~ifff Free.z11r~lri’~~~l;frcR”~  
22 _;::;””””==::ir·c… _____________ _  
Safety information ~ ~ ..i1itcfi1tl  
Before usinr.i your new SamslJll\l Refrii;ierator, please read this manual
ensure that you know how to operate th2 features and functions that ycu- new  
appliance offers safely and efficiently.  
~ rfll Samsung ~ ifir ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ f.w-H-~ <fi’I” 3rtdr i’$ H ~  
~~~~~;;:in:r~JITCl”3.:r«rilt lllllfi<R~;i;)-~~;;:ir-:ra-ff.;r,:f  
What you need to know about the safety instructions….rol”lilill,nftcr  
Warnings and lmpartant Safety Instructions in this manual do not cover all
conditions and situations that may occur. It is your responsibility to use
sense, caution, and care when lnstallinQ, maintaining, and operatlnc your
Because these following operating instructions caver various models, the  
characteristics of your refrigerator may differ slii;ihtly from those
described in  
this manual and not all warnino sions may be applicable. If you have any
questions or  
concerns, contact your nearest service center or find help and information
online at  
R-600a □r R-134a is used as a refrigerant. Chee!< the compressor label on the
rear of  
the appliance or the rating label inside the fridge to see which refrigerant
is used for your  
appliance. When this product cantains flammable gas (Refricerant R-600a),  
contact your local authority in re,;iard to safe disposal Df this product.  
In order to avoid the creation of a flammable gas-air mixture if a leaf< in
the refrigerating  
circuit occurs, the size of the room in which the appliance may be sited
on the amount of refrigerant used  
Never start up an appliance showinQ any signs ofdamaQe. If in doubt, consult
your dealer.  
The room must be 1 m3 in size for every 8 g □f R-600a refrigerant inside the
The amount of refrigerant in your particular appliance is shown on the
identification plate  
inside the appliance  
Refriaerant squIrtino out of the pipes cotJd ignite or cause an eye injury.
When refrioerant  
leaks from the pipe, avoid any naked flames and move anything flammable away
the product and ventilate the room immediately.  
Failing to d □ so may result in fire or explosion
rt”f”~f1 ~~~lf.l;”J1TCr~, ‘Wmlffif, cfm~;Jllili{Ql”if>I”  
~ ~ w:r,ir ~ “ffif, ~mi”~ ifir ~ ifi’t”I ,~,,_*,-, _…._. -~
“-“”””-“”””l”°””f’f”,’ ._….._ t …_ — ;”,”r_l  
ii” ~I lliR J!Jtlt” ~ 11’$1″ llT m;rtf f, rll” ~~Hal~ t • ~ llT  
~ ~ ~ ~ al1il”lfiR’t ~ ~I  
~~~n R-60oa “lll” R-134a >!fil”~f.!l;l!r;;rr.:rrt1 ~~~fi1v~ 31Tt!$~*  
fflvffllll~ ~~ilm-‘t~~tt~~m~,l;-$~~~1  
~: ~~ ~ R-S00a) w’t, rll” ~ “3rl@; _., ~ ~ _., ~ n  
.. –“~”ilr.;/lalta’t-lm-“””‘”‘”””‘-“‘”-“‘~· ~lfwltH3’1l!i'{OT!ffi
mr;;rr”@l’itlrt°~Ji1″1lil”{~filil1″”rITTIT~Frrah: -t,  
Safety information ,wr ~ ~  
~’ffi:”‘iil;-~~~ili’l”mlift~ ~”ltrJJ’IIVl!k~~;\;”~W<f  
~H;”1!”Hst;r.:r~ -&-rtl”~t1 -“!””””-’11’l”- ~-“””‘”” “”‘””!” ……
ifiHclT’l1Tlif;i;J~ ~n1m~i53J”q;r-l~ffllv~~i1  
~tl?Jl1″mllT~Wf!r ~~~iffi°;;:;Q”@J~aofi ~il”~I  
~~~~…,.~~*~~1 wi-~~-qr~t1  
-Jl’R” -3IJqlf-fi” fb-;;Yt -h ~ifiH ~” H ‘~- ~-I- ·–..,.–•  
~~mt f.l;” “illifi ~ lfi Rlil” ~ ‘<1l1tv:  
– c:nt, iUli, 3ll”{<ft0″~~ 50 ~H311ififi”  
– 3i’Ral\’I”~ 100~t3rl!l;i;”  
This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar  
applications such as  
… -imat3’1″‘1r;i;«1-•-~t-m,rv  
staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other workino environments;  
farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type
bed and breakfast type environments:  
catering and similar non-retail applications  
~~it Jl’R” ~- ~ 3fR 3lnJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  
Additional tips for proper usage 3ft. 3’l”‘1r t- lllv 3l1llftiffi p  
• In the event of a l’.X)wer failure, call the local office of your electric
company and as!< how  
lonQ the failure is going to last.  
Most power failures that are corrected in an hour or two will not affect your  
refri1ierator temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door
while the power is off.  
Should the power failure last more than 24 hours, remove and discard all
frozen food  
The refrigerator might not operate consistently (frozen contents can thaw or
can become too warm in the frozen food compartment) if sited for an extended
period of  
time in a location where ambient air temperatures are constantly above the  
temperatures for which the appliance iS desIoned ——————–7  
Installation and Usage cautions””””‘ 311. 3’l1l’Pr ~ ~  
.&_ CAUTION alllift  
• Allow sufficient space around the refrigerator and install it on a flat
– Keep the ventilation space in the appliance enclosure or mounting structure
of obstructions.  
• It is strongly recommended you have a qualified technician or service
install the refrigerator.  
– Failing to do so may result in an electric shock, fire, explosion, problems
the product, or Injury  
• service warranty and Modification  
– Any changes or modifications performed by a 3rd party on this finished
are not covered under Samsung warranty service. nor is Samsung responsible for  
safety issues that result from 3rd party modifications.  
• Before cleanin<;i or performing maintenance, unpllJQ the appliance from the
wall socket.  
– Failino to do so may result in an electric shock or fire  
Do not clean glass shelves or covers with warm water when they are cold  
Glass shelves and covers may break if exposed to sudden temperature changes  
or impacts such as bumpill!J or droppirn;i  
Do not l<eep vegetable oil in your refrioerator’s door bins. The oil can
solidify, mal<ing  
it foul-tastino and difficult to use. In addition, the open container can leak
and the  
leaked oil can cause the door bin to cracl<. After openin,;i an oil container,
it is best to  
l<eep the container in a cool and shaded place such as a cupboard or pantry  
– Examples of vegetable oil: olive oil. corn oil. i;irape-seed oil. etc  
• ~;\;”~~~=td3ikV’1>~~~~iRI  
– :NolilUT_.,~_.,fllliJ’R”m~ ~~*~rrr~ (rar~~ “”-‘”.G~~  
H~:ni’I • ~~~~Hi:t:~=:I~ ~~m~fflll~~~  
– n,r~-4f.tq;;:;r~~~o1ir~e1-1~t,llmiP1ll<ficl’tl.~~  
~t. ~#~JT~fllT'<llz:iPlll<ficl’t°tl . –“”l””‘  
– ~~ ~~~~;;rrc:rr’:rrTs!:: =r-t!Wm ~~ :~~  
• “‘”””‘J”‘IT;!lr””””3110;~-t, •m~~~~- ~q;r ~~~~#’f.!t;i;r.J;?-1  
_ ~~~flt’l’iif~~~<fil”~”llTJITTTiPl~t1  
TP1Rr~~~”lll”ll”itR”~.-“1J”Hqr.ft-Hffl!W rr~;;iwt “9”~1 ~~ ~~~  
~~~~$ffl”flil””4i’ITifl ~a,r~;~~ ~~ITT  
_,t,fla:,.;,,.,,;m H_arr_.t, ~”°””•¥”‘”‘”-tr”””‘  
lJik~F~~”lfiR””DT~fiir$;11i”t~t1 ~lR:il”{~m;;r.t$-ari::, ~~~  
ffi~fllliJ~~~”ll”Tift'””#;rolill”~g”r;:rrf1 – -•'”””””””””‘””‘·,lt’;\•,;,,,-m
__ ,  
———————– 15  
qm ~.~~if;)’ i!i1I” ~.., fi:lv ~~<RI” iJf.!I” if;)’~ fflittf *  
…. t.-\1lle-~ ,i,;l””””””‘”””‘t”‘~””ir.rattlfla:”IR”~*3f@Tt. ~””‘” ….,,.”‘ _°” “”””” il;flnr, …., .. – “””‘”‘”””‘
-;,,, ~ifw:l’#ifi;lf.20tiit$fi:lv~~.  
@NOTE ;m”  
Using Power Freeze increases r:ower consumption. Make sure you turn it off
manually if  
you no lancer need it, and then select the desired freezer temperature  
‘ll<Rb<lif39’ffl~~’ll<R~«<Rr~ ~8″.~oli(“~.JflR3f19<1>1~  
~ rlffem-, ~ Jrrq” ~~<‘it{ “IR”*’t IR”t 31k Ti!,{~~~~ ‘q,qif !R”.  
Freezer Convert ~ wrat)  
You can switch the freezer to fridge mode.  
Press and hold Freezer for 3 secCllds. Toe Freezer Convert indicator turns □ n  
and the freezer display turns Off  
• When this conversion is used, Power Freeze will be disabled.  
• T□ deactivate, press and hold Freezer again for 3 sec.ands, The freezer
turns on again.  
,..;,,,a: .. !ll;acam”_”‘_’·  
Freez11r ~ l!it 3 ~ ~ fi:tv ~ ‘ffl. ~ ~ ~ illi[. ffe ;;:n;:rr t b “””‘·””—t.
;;r.r ~ ~ <lif ~ fil;m- ::;:n;:rr t, -a’r tfl<R ~ ~ t ;;:nt1•1r.  
~”/r”~”[ ~$fflv_, F in. 111zer~ ~’filR”~3ffl’;!”nit>~m.~’filR”  
J,.. WARNING ~  
Do not put glass bottles containing liquid in the freezer. When Freezer
Convert is  
turned off, the glass bottles may breal< or burst in the freezer.  
Make sure to remove frozen foods from the freezer before enabling Freezer  
Convert. Frozen foods melt and spoil as the temperature increases (when  
Freezer mode chances to Fridoe mode).  
ffi~tll’r~~”#iJTii, ~ ~tr. ~~~~~f.l;m::;:n;:rr  
t~, a,t,””t’ .”.’ -,.”.;”,,”.,~: . .i’.i.'”.’. ~. – f. -··-~–t”‘..
,.-..,.,..,..,,_!”‘ __ .,_ am 111sa a1’J * “””” i. “””‘”‘”””””‘””‘””‘t~  
Make sure to remove chilled foods from the freezer before disabling Freeler
Chilled foods may freeze as the temperature decreases (when Fridge mode
changes to  
Freezer mode) .-.t-. “”‘””””‘<“2-1’l”i!”..”r-“,J’\’,” _””‘<_2
1MJ.l,r;.,.,r,.c…i.i_t.,tl t(“al”<!”ll”sa’m~”~”” “‘1″1” -“”t.  
——————– 23  
~ ~I l!J’R, ~~al;” ftiti;r ~ if\’I” 1ITTIT 3’l<t>{IJf ~ 3m” ~ ~ H  
~ .. t,  
~t~~~<Rl”tJR .ffl1T Cfif>$”~t~ Jlm’t;i;)”~~~ ‘ti;«~~  
~~~t.rll”~3’111Tltffllik~ll’I”~~ lffi~~t~  
~ ~ Jl’R” ~ q;)- ~ rirn.R” ~ ~I  
– lffll”~*~wqftvin:r3fTlr”lll” ~~~*~~t-1  
Important safety symbols and precautions:  
~ ~ 1lifta; :!lh-~  
Please follow all safety instructions in this manual. This manual uses the fol
lowing safety  
lf””lll” w~~ -a. m ~ F.ltri “llil” qJQ!ir ~1 ~ ~~ ~ ~  
Lt._ WARNINCi 1@lir-ft”  
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury,
property damage, and/  
or death.  
~ ~=-~~ iPft{ ~ • ijfir l!1litft t, ~ ili’t ~ jt ~  
_& CAUTION midi  
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury and/or
property damage. ::_,.~a;,,t–,;,n,-..,;,,..,…itt,..r.or .. ‘l'””‘M  
@NOTE il’la:  
Useful information that helps users understand or benefit from the
These warning signs are here to prevent injury to you and others.  
Please follow them carefully. After reading this section, keep it in a safe  
place for future reference.  
3lm’lilt~;:;trf.l;”~ol>’l”~m~H~~*~3-1 ·-~-“”~ .. “‘-·-“‘~..i-,..,,, ~~- -~lif
tffl·1~ll’lol-t ~. w…r llifl llld’ttid~ffl’11R f.Rlt~aPIJ~d1  
Important safety precautions “!””l,”i jlfflT ~  
~ Warning: Risk of fire/ flammable materials  
~ ~311’11″lolllcRI/~~  
Safety information ? ~ …-rit’ili’R’t  
In case of particular foods. keepln<;i it under refrioeration can have a bad
effect on  
preservation due to its properties.  
Temperature rise durino defrosting complies with ISO requirements. If you want
to prevent  
an undue rise in the temperature of frozen food while the appliance defrosts,
wrap the  
frozen fcx:x:j in several layers of newspaper  
Do not re-freeze frozen foods that have thawed completely.  
Toe temperature of two star section {sections) or compartment {compartments)
which have two  
star symbol ( @l is slightly higher than other freezer compartment
The two star section {sections) or compartment (compartments) is (are) based
on the  
instruction and/or the condition as delivered.  
• ~~-.Ri-~*.~~~~*•~li’l;r~f.4;”~  
“‘””-‘J’f<l”t”””t’ –”lll”~”Eitnbtt;;rrc:rrt3tRT~~~c=rr<rRTrr  
~ ;;:rt”f” 6’ml ~. ~ ~ ~ 5’f” rl)’ .ffl1ffi” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <tRift ~I  
– lfftf.t.;ra’t24″Eit-H~W!”l?t<‘t, ll!U~:rrr~m(ll’il9’iJ1J!e)~llll~t1•  
~~..,,.ittill’ll!'<‘f<!i~ftll;:J ~:mr;;inr~~~~~~  
~ ~ ;:rrq1!1rf lt ;:ft,t t ~ fillv ~ ~ ~ fil,;zi,- ~ t, i,’t “Zllf ~ ~ ~
“”””‘”””l’ ___ t<rrm,,ar””-“””””‘-.,,1,i””””‘ _…., …….
~ ~ ~ i’IJ”Cl1l1ir #~ISO ~ $ ~ ~ t°I -zrft 311″-r ~ $ ~  
~~~ ~ $r’fl””q1flil” ff ~~lt..-arrr~ J, rll”lli’l;;r.r-,il’i’I” 3mRIR”<RI”
“‘Suit~””‘ ;,i)-~~~~~l!Vf3-i$rw~;::rifit1  
~RROOlof{WFffil)m~~ iilil”~. m.J”l;({,!I”~ ifi,;r,ftqi””SlrlJ”t  
(ifil)~~~~-.Ri-~~~3!fflin ~t-~fi!r.rn’l”an;rrt.nrrr (‘mm)’ll-~~'”””‘””- …….
Instructions about the WEEE WEEE t- .It # litw  
– Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)  
(Applicable in countries with separate collection systems)  
This marking on the product, accessories or I iterature indicates that the  
product and its electronic accessories (e.(J. charoer, headset, USB cable)  
should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their  
workill!J life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human  
health from uncontrolled waste disrosal, please separate these items  
from other types of waste and recycle them responsibly to promote the  
sustainable reuse of material resources  
For more information on safe disposal and recycling visit our website or contact our Helpline numbers – 1800 40  
SAMSUNG (1BOO 40 7267864), 1800 5 SAMSUNG (1800 5 7267864) 8——————–  
Safety information ~ ~ ~  
Do not put glass containers or bottles or carbonated beVerages into the
The container may freeze and break, and this may result in injury.  
Do not re-freeze frozen foods that have thawed completely  
Do not strike or apply excessive force to any olass surface  
Broken glass may result in a personal injury and/or property damage.  
If the refrigerator is disconnected from the p:iwer supply, you should wait
at least five minutes before plugging it back in.  
Please dispose of the packaging material from this product in an
friendly manner  
Do not store flammable stuff nearby the refrigerator.  
Do not install the applliance nearby the voltage stabilizer.  
Do not use a candle on top of the appliance when a blaclrout.  
Do not use a hooking rower by direct tapping from the electric line.  
Do not install this appliance in a humid, oily or dusty locatiai, in a
location exposed to  
direct sunlicht and water (rain drops)  
Deteriorated insulation on electrical parts may cause an electric shoe!< or
~itffi~iRil”{, “lll”~llT ~it«~rrffll  
• qr,r;;:n:r”ll(“~’ffq;;:ITt••'<ilz:iITT~t°I  
~ It ffl ~ ~~ ~ “llT ~ ;;:iR ;::r .rmQ”1  
m- “¢ !fl!”; “_ifiRr ,ali”. i!f_iWlT .m.i tt ~ ~ 3l’RlllT ~ <Iii” iJ:lilllil”
~ ~ 61 “””‘”-~”””tat,__””‘,mr,\”/rs,;\  
~~tfRf~~~;::r °iRI  
;irtu~ili’l”PDF~F°~fb;;Yt ?F;1″~;::rifi’t1  
~~~ofl’f,~”l!T~a:i\”‘f’l”lof ‘R”~iif’ffi:°,lll~’f’l”lof~~~~~>ffl”  
mlolt”l!Tqr.fl”(ilfnr~~ ~~ffJITc’ll”61  
– ~~~~”9!tlffi~*•m~~q;ro:irilil”~i1  
Installation ~Iii’  
Follow these Instructions carefully to ensure a proper Installation of this
refrigerator and  
to prevent accidents before using it “‘-;!lr–3’1,:””‘”””‘ “””‘~ ..
.,_,,.,.,_….,$ ffi”v”!Fl”~it-;i;r~~iRI  
Lh. .,_  
Use the refrigerator only for its intended purpose as described in this
Any servicina must be performed by a qualified technician  
Dispose of the product packa(Jing material in compliance with the local
– “,.,,;m “‘-~” – ,,_ _'” ~~ .t, ~ 1ft ,;r,m: ~ ~ ~ :i-.tln@r-“W”i’!” ~ ~
;fll- ;;:ir-ft ~I  
16• ~~~<lif~~~$3r.jl!R”~I  
Operations q~tlletit  
~r~u~ Curd Off 02 ;Iii I “ff 3fiw  
Press Curd to select a cLKd mode. The correspondino indicator lights up and
the Curd  
Maestro”‘ is set to the selected mode. {For detailed instructions on makinQ
refer to the “Curd Maestro'” {applicable models only}” section on p~e 29.)  
“ifit11’ti;lfi’allif~;\;fflvC1,11d (,i;i)oii’I” m. ~~~tl”art3ll”{Curd  
Maestro111 ~1h”it&tJ;;:rrarl. ~ ~~~~~ffllv. q;;:(’29’R”  
·curd Maestro- CUir~1Ulill~· ~ ifir ~ ~-)  
Curci Off (1Q 3IT!I)  
Press and hold Curd for 3 seconds to tum off the Curd Maestro'”  
Curd Maes1ro,.”lfi)-~~$~Curd (,n)~3~<‘f!f;”~m.  
03Frldge ffl;:a’  
You can use the Fridge button to set the fridge temperature or to activate
Power Cool.  
Press Fridge repeatedly to select a desired temperature between 1 °C and 7 ·c  
– Toe temperature indicator displays the currently set or selected  
To activate Power Cool, press Fridge repeatedly until the Power Cool indicator  
(~) lights up.  
To deactivate Power Cool, simply press Fridge again while the Power  
Cool function is on.  
– Power Cool speeds up the cooling process at maximum power to lower the
temperature. The Power Cool process continues to rui for several hours and
turns off. and the fridoe returns to the previous temperature settino.  
JIT<rftli;;i”;J;l”~~~~ffl,r Frld119 (Hl;;.r)”Rrfifir~lft~~f”lll”‘!Ta”{  
• 1 •cttet<fR”1°c<‘f<li~<‘IT’l”Rlif~~fil”vFr1c1Q11(fflr.:r)iffi”.il.ilil;i°1V.  
– t’IJ<Pllil”~”i@;n;:JJ!t~llT~ t’IJ<Pllil”~~!.  
-.::rm:~ifi’l”~m$fflvFrldge {ftmrl”i!>’l”~~r!il”~~.~nifif.l;”-.::rm:  
.. -(~J-al\g\\-t.  
‘!Ta”{~, ifil-~~~f.:!’l<Rr Fridge~ of;’r~Hil;i”IV, ~ ‘ll<R~  
!i;.Ar,:r <ITT{ tr.  
~~~i!TQ1fl;:J”i51°~~* ff:lv~~<A’~<li’I”~ tfl”!f”{~  
“””l “””I”,_., m””art1″”‘t””””””” aiatt””””‘””‘
Use Power Cool to rapidly cool l’ood that spoils quickly or to rapidly cool
the refrigerator  
after the door has been left open for scrne time.  
– q-t#l:;r.:rq;’l-~tiffl~~fflir at~~~;;:rrarl,l!T”fS” ~<‘(ii;”~  
~~~i\i”~ ~ifil”c)$tt”ij![m,l;-~ qfiff~ifir~~.  
@NOlE i!R  
Usin(J Power Cool increases power consumption. Make sure you turn it off
manually if you  
no longer need it, and then select the desired fridge temperature.  
qfiff~<lif~~H~~~ “i!i,;;:rr.t3”.~ifitf.4;”31T<r3’8’~  
Safety information ~ ~ …-rit’ili’R’t  
.&, WARNING 1’a!ll;ft  
When positioning the appliance, ensure the supply cord ls not trapped or
Do not locate multiple portable socket- outlets or portable p:iwer supplies at
rear of the appliance  
Fill with p:itable water only  
Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the built-in
clear oi obstruction.  
Do not use mechanical devices or any other means to accelerate the defrosting  
process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.  
Do not damage the refrioerant circuit.  
Do not use electrical appliances inside the food storage compartments of the  
appliance, unless they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer.  
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with
reduc:ec physical.  
sensory, or mental capabilities, or those who lack experience and knowledge,
they have been oiven supervision or instruction concernini;i the use Of the
appliance by  
a person responsible for their safety.  
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and
if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance in  
a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with
appllance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without  
supervision. Children aoed from 3 to 8 years are allowed to load and unload
If the supply c□rd is dama1ied, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its
service agent  
or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard  
The socket must be easily accessible so that the appliance can be Quickly
disconnected from  
the supply in an eme~ency  
– It must be outside the area of the rear of the appliance  
Do not store explosive substances such as aerosol cans with a nammable propel
I ant in  
this appliance.  
If the prOOuct is equipped with LED lamps, do not disassemble the Lamp Covers
and LED  
lamps yourself.  
– Contact a samsung service center.  
use only the LED Lamps provided by the manufacturer or its service agents  
For the most efficient use of enen;;iy, please l<eep the all inner fittings
such as baskets,  
drawers, shelves on the position supplied by manufacturer.  
To get the best energy efficiency of this product, please leave all shelves,
drawers and  
baskets on their original position. “”””‘ .. “”””‘”‘·.,.,_.t ..
~ * tt ~ ~ ~-3’l3core- {ilFJ ~ ~ clffilT ~ ~  
<i’&er ‘GTtR ~ ;::r ~I  
~*:m.t~’Ftllif”l;({~•’iilf1@~n~JIT’lf.’prw,rrili”ffl “”‘”‘°””-;,’!””¢1  
–.. oilt•”f””I  
“””‘””””‘”””””‘-“”””‘l”.i*””””ll” “‘–“”~~~-~~  
llT~~~~~~lfll; ~~- ~  
~ ~ ~ t,frt’~. ~. USB $Qi:() ‘ffl’ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3il”llil”  
3_i.ilt-l,l j;{t~~~~~WJ:~~~~$F.:lv~~H  
aamsung,corr\lhfeuppon I;({ ;;nit m tl1’l”1t ~ -mt – 1800 40 SAMSUNG  
(1800 40 7267864), 1800 5 SAMSUNG {1800 5 7267864) I;({ ‘itiTel” “ifit.  
Severe warnings aiaflt ~  
Connect the power plug in the proper position with the cord hanging down.  
Do not insert the rower plug into a wall socl<et with wet hands.  
If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power plug. Pluo the power pluo
into the wal I  
socl<et firmly  
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the power cord. Always grip the
firmly and pull straight out from the outlet  
Do not berd the power cord excessively or place heavy objects on it  
The appliance must be positioned so that the pllJQ is accessible after
Do not pllJQ several appliances and the refrigerator into the same multiple
power strip.  
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet which  
has a voltage rating that matches the voltage listed on the refrigerator’s
rating plate  
This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading of house
wiring circuits,  
which could overheat the wires and cause a fire hazard.  
Failill!J to do so may result in an electric shock or fire due to electric
If the refrigerator emits a burning smell or smoke, unplug the refrigerator
immediately and  
contact a Sarnsuno service center  
Failing to do so may result in an electric or fire hazards  
~q;r.,-lfi°l”iftv~§'”lf;l!lli~ ll”Bt~n~lf>tl  
~-<R’~.flirrWf”,i,’t~~ “”ilol”rr;;rmir1 ~~lfi°l”t’mR~H~lt~I  
tlolif Jik ~ ~ tf ~ ~I  
‘GltR!fim”lli)-~;;=zrrr.r;::r#if “lll” :re~ llrttffl1flil”rfffll  
~~’Pl”wm~;;n.rr’l’.llftq~ “f’lr<li!r~lil’.I ~~i:;;m11f<Jn~1  
l:!<l>”Bt~~~-tt~Jft:rili$”~~.:r<li’t1 ~<fi’l”~rr~  
1nstallatio11 $felil!M  
The actual image and provided component parts of the refrigerator may differ,  
Refrigerator at a glance ~ 1liifi’ il”iR” #  
01 Shelf Fre/Full Cool Pack·  
02 Ice Maker (Free Standing)·  
03 Fresh Room •  
04 Curd Maestro”‘ •  
OS Easy Slide Shelf.  
06 517elf Ref. J 200 Veg Box·  
07 Big Veg Box  
OB Freezer bin  
09 Frldae bin  
10 Cool Wall’  
11 Variety bin •  
12 Deodorizer·  
13 Bottle bin·  
14 Base Stand Drawer•  
• applicable models only  
01 W'” ‘f<‘-¼ol; • 02 3IJW ~ (fi’t ~ ~ D3 • ;r.Jf, 04 Curd Maestro”‘ •  
05~tt!ll3″ffi;!:!;* oaffi;!:!;tii;.,¥Wtarffl. 01~it,:i’ffl •~~  
oa ffl!;;!- ft.:r 10 ~ “lifi;r • 11 iro.:itt ft.:r • 12 ~ • 13 ~ ~ •  
T~:=u~m~ ;oom ;::,=.~freezer compartment 1Re1mo1ve1 o;n1e ,o:r -m*o”re”
o”pt’io”n”al’ “ac”c”es”so”ri”es .s.u cfhll va s cool pack(5), shelf or
shelves, twist  
ice mal<er(s), ice storaae bins and their supports, all of which can be
manually without a tool  
These optional accessories do not affect thermal and mechanical performance  
A declared stora!Je volume of the freezer is based on the nonexistence of
optional accessarles.  
To remove bo1h ice makers, remove the right-handed one first (applicable to
Ice Max models)  
For best energy efficiency, make sure all of shelves, drawers, and basl<ets
placed in their original position.  
Qofi” ~ 3lftiof, ~ ~ -i;)- ~ # ~ ft<li, ~ llT ~. ~ ~  
lt,fi{, ~~~- ;;/tf.f;”:mfrf.l;;ifl” afl” ~ili’l”~*flilr~;;rr~f-  
• “ll” ~ ~ ~ ~ 3l\”{ ~ ~ lfi°l” ~ ;;iit m fl  
~ifir~fflWIT~3.r~~~.ftl”~~”<R”Jfflllfur~l1 “(~”‘A””<“R”r'”~ *..i “lP””r”~”.”
‘””‘·””‘ “”‘”””” .. “””””””‘””””‘ 17  
TypeB “””B  
Twin Cooling+  
[J~ 2>  
-23-C 1-c:  
-21-c 2-c:  
-19″C Soft 3-C:  
-1]-C Tlllck 5-C  
-15-C Serve 7-c  
01 Freezer/ Freezer convert  
02 curd/ curd Off  
03 Fridge/ vacation  
01 Freezer {~ /  
Freezer Convert (~ ~  
02 Curd (q;3} I Curd Off (q;3” 3IT!li)  
03 Fridge ~ / Vacation ~fiJ)  
01 Freezer/ Freezer Convert , ~ “iiilcfZ  
You can use the Freezer button to set the freezer temperature  
• Press Freezer repeatedly to select a desired temperature between -15 ·c and
-23 ·c  
• 15 •c~-23 •c ~al’tir~t’IJ<Pllil” lfiil””ll;:J~-‘,fi:lvFreezer ~ifil”
– The temperature indicator displays the currently set or selected
– ~~”iffi”Rr.J~~”llT~ f(l”q1flifm::fflcr~t-  
Freezer convert ~ ~  
You can switch the freezer to fridge mode or turn off the freezer.  
Jrrq”Jilt,;:i{~ftl:;;;:r’11’ra”#ii!Gof~f~ Jilt,;:i{q;i”iiGqil”~f-  
Press and hold Freezer for 3 seconds to change the Freezer Convert mode.  
– You can select Fridge to use the freezer as a fridge or select Off to turn
the freezer off  
The freezer display turns off and Power Freeze will be disabled.  
To deactivate, press and hold Freezer again for 3 seconds until nothing is
selected on  
Freezer Convert indicator.  
AA<fiiJ-af 1flsW~$fi:li:r Fr9ezer ~”lfi)- 3 WtiS”  
– Jrrq”~~fil;;;r~~”#~ ~~~f’Q;;;i”,t;r~”if;{~, ~~<51″  
~~$fi:li:r3IT!l’iw ~~~i_f. ~<lif~~jr;;;n,;rmJlk~lfit.i:r  
~ ITT ;;:inmr .  
~~~~ffivFntez11r{tffl;R) ~3t<ia”~ffivcRi’fifi~,;;r;f~  
–“”‘r”l1\\-a;t,I. 25  
• ~~~~~~-ttili’!flfr~ifir~~rriii’t,;,i.~~a  
~3’1<t,{1Jf8:flul ~. ~m~tTJralJitmifiH~”Qcf~~~ ~~~~  
*~.:i1tl~i’lit’i~~lJ.ll’I!* ~~M-~~  
3’r-ROT$ ~ ~ ~* ~m ~ Rfif .:itt f.fiv ;;rrc!r1  
~ ~ ;:i;r ~ a lIT<>I” “lll” ~ ~ ~ atrr tfl,.,’f ~. ~ ~ ~ cn:ran:i’  
“lll”~~”l!<f~ ~~~~;;rr~t™f.l;”~~iffi”  
~ ~ f ~ H ‘¥ ~ llT f.$r ~ fa:;tr 11V f 3llt t m ~ w,:ll’t ifil”  
~~I n”ti’tlfi°l”3’1’1>{DT*~~mffl~ ‘alft,r1 ~$~i”va’t”fi’ffC61tJik  
,~lt,llo3 :’r1oR,t:llJ_q .~… ,~ .. 3 ‘ra-JJ!t’l1frc1t ,31 a a qq- ~ ~ ~ ~
q;)-~ ~  
• zit~m~t.n’r~H~-a.~~f.lJ:fi;:rr,3ll$~-ira?:””lll”3i!fl’,llt;R”
• ~~~w;;rr~illft,r•~3’1Jq@~n~~~*  
– ~~*~Wiji”~”61iJr~I  
• ~ ~ .t ~ “lit4ik iji° m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RR° ;;:r “ili’tl  
:zit~ LED clli:l”H~ t, ‘if[ clli:I” ~if’ITT llll LED #frf~~iJ~I  
· M” Samsung ~ m # wi4; ~I  
• ~ FrPf@r m ~ ~ ~ ~ 3Gi-1iU if;{l1f ~LED~ ifir ~ ;i;t1  
• n-$~~~~~.~.!lf<R”.,r.:q:;Mm~~~ r.ti:frrrr~  
• ‘Pl”~4ll-~9~~fflir.~~. !lf<R”llk~q;l”~lttlfct nmt1  
How to minimize the energy consumption “”” tlt “‘l’@’r ;st  
Install the appliance In a cool, dry room with adequate ventllatlon.  
• Ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and never put it near a
direct source of  
heat (radiator, for example).  
Not to block any vents or grilles is recommended for energy efficiency  
:~io~:~~C:~nt~h~~i~~~~at~~~:t~~’.~o~ :~~~:~~l~:nt: low temperatures or the  
frozen products to cool food in the refrioerator.  
Do not keep the door of the appliance open for too lono when puttino food in
or tal<ing  
food out.  
The shorter time for which the door ls open_ the less ice will form in the
Clean the rear oi the refrigerator regularly. Dust increases energy
D □ not set temperature colder than necessary  
Ensure sufficient air exhaust at the refrigerator base and at the back wall of
refrigerator. Do not cover air vent openings.  
Allow clearance to the right, left, bacl< and top when installing. To is will
help reduce power  
consumption and keep your eneroy bills lower.  
• We recommend the value of clearance to be  
Right, left, and back side: more than 50 mm  
Top side: more than 100 mm  
Safety information ~ ~ ~  
..,,_,,,…_tJll<-ft “””.,.ft,c~”-“””” “fll;:rr’t,
– ffl~Rffl”ll><f~~~* ~-a,’fiR””l’~>wril”C”llif”llllimi1″1T~t1  
“lfia:~~~m1″lll”1:PIT~ t. filg-tcr~~~~afl”{  
M’ Samsung ~ m ~~-RI  
– ffl~R~~~ft;;rit~3’111T~~tllfofii’tl1  
Do not spray water directly on the inside or outside of the refrigerator  
– There is a risl< of fire or electric shock.  
Do not use benzene, thinner, or Clorox {bleach) to clean the refrigerator.  
– There is a risl< of fire or electric shoe!<  
If large amounts of dust or water enter the refrigerator. disconnect the power
plug ard  
contact a Samsung Electronics service center.  
– Otherwise there is a risl< of fire.  
You must ground the refri<;ierator to prevent any p:iwer leakages or electric
shocks caused  
by current leakage from the refrigerator  
Current leakage may result in an electric shoe!<, fire, explosion, or problems
with the  
– Never use gas pipes. telephone lines, or other patential lightning
as an electrical □ round.  
This refrioerator is for storing food only.  
– Do not store pharmaceutical prOOucts, scientific materials, or  
temperature sensitive products, flammable objects in the refrioerator.
[benzene. thinner.  
propane gas, alcohol, ether, LP gas, Ginseng and other 5ueh products)  
Fill the water tank and ice cube trays with potable water only (tap water,
mineral water,  
or purified water).  
– Do not “MIi the tan!< with tea, Juice, or a sports drink. They can damage
the refrioerator  
~$~~~~-qr.ft-l!fil” ~;;:r,R1  
– llTll”llT~~~<l>f”«im8°1  
~~~~~~i;;fr.:r,fir.:R”, m~~<lif~if<R°I  
– 3’1Tll”llT~~~~”«im8°1  
~~n-tt;:ir,rrn~lll< i:fi’IT;;rrQ”, rli”tim~”lfi)-~,R~Samsung –“”t””””” –
~. 31m ~ “!f;f ;;:hffiti:r llilT ~ t-1  
<!iR”ift;\:;;;roR’~”IJq;~<5)” ~.Jl”li(‘.~.~”3rl@;~~~~  
-i+m’f*~fl.ll.>.n,ft,°I, –… …,-~,_ …….. ti .. –  
– ~ ~-~ ~. ~ i’lml1iJ ~ ~. ~ ~  
.. _*R’”-,-, -lm,-._, j,R,-~  
fR:r, ~ 3ft:r ~ ~ “3rl@;  
10 ———————  
. -“”‘-‘”””‘·~”‘j>;””‘””‘·;t,,{,3’1,:–‘li'”””  
Sl~~fstep installation ‘ltlll”~-“R”I’ ~  
STEP 1 Select a 5lte ‘lfi!II’ 1 ~ ~ !Iii” ‘!r,11;1’ 1R°  
Site requirements: t=Qlil” ;Ill- ~~  
SOiid, level surface without carpeting or flooring that may obstruct
Away from direct sunlight  
Adequate room for openinr.i and closing the door  
Away from a heat source  
Room l’or maintenance and servicing  
Temperature range: between 10 ‘C and 43 ‘C  
imr, ~lli’fll” illfR”~ ,llt;R”~~”ll”T~ $;,i)-~~r.rifi’tillft@”ifi{ ~,  
~~lllliict”~~fflir~~ ‘l’lf”‘”””ll” m-mrcr 31k ~ * -,;iv ~  
tlfC11fl;:J$,T: 10 ‘C H43 “C$ill’ir  
Eifectlve temperature range 1lll1dt ~ ~  
Toe refrigerator is designed to operate normally in the temperature ranQe
specified by its  
class rating -“‘”‘””‘~”””-tS>;.,–<clll\1bl”-“”‘””‘””‘” :fll”1llrlJ~°ff~~I  
Ambient Temperature range ro  
Class Symbol  
~ ilffl’l”A’ ‘lftm re)  
“”‘ – IEC 62552 (ISO  
ISO 8561  
Extended Temperate  
SN +10 to +32 +10 to +32 ~- Te-mperate N +Hi to +32 +Hi to +32  
ST +16 to +38 +18 to +38 -Tropical  
T +16 to +43 +18 to +43 – @NOTE  
The coolill!J performance and p:iwer consumption of the refrii;Jerator may be
affected by  
the ambient temperature, the door-opening frequency, and the location of the
We recommend adjusting the temperature settings as appropriate  
®”‘ -.. ~-“”-“”””-“”‘””‘·”””‘””” .. ~·-‘” i’tlril’t~Wf~°tl
18 ——————–  
Operations q~tlletit  
Lh, WARNINCi ~  
Do not put glass bottles containing liquid in the freezer. When Freezer
Convert is turned  
off, the !Jlass bottles may breal< or burst in the freezer.  
Mal<e sure to remove frozen foods from the freezer before enablitll:l Freezer
Frozen foods melt and spoll as the temperature Increases (when Freezer mode
to Fridae/Off mode)  
Make sure to remove chilled foods from the freezer before disablillll Freezer
Chilled foods may freeze as the temperature decreases (when Fridge/Off mode
changes to  
Freezer model.  
~ili’l”~~~*rrffl.~ ~v.;;rw~q;.raf-iffi”~~;;rrar t,’i’f’r”li;i,;;r  
>ffl”~~n1i?!””lll”~ ~i.  
~~~3{Tq”~ifiil<lt1’il”m’!J:r ~-..~;;n:rrpr~~*-m- f.ffir.;J;?-. =:,.-,:::;-am
-amff”‘””‘IJ, “‘””‘I’…__ -t  
• ~ifiil<lt~]ll]JJ~~~~ ~H’lal;::r~<f;tf.’ ~- t’IJ<Pllil”  
~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ “ffli’Rft (;;rw ft;:iuJfur; 11m ~ 11m n ~ l) ;;:n:r ~ !.  
D2Curd/Curd0ff iri1″ri3UJII”  
Press Curci to select a curd mode. Toe corre5P’Jrldlng Indicator llghts up and
the curd Maestro~  
is set to the selected mode. (For detailed instructions on making curd, refer
to the • Curd Maestro””‘  
(applicable models only)'” section on page 29.)  
ifitJ:l”gifir’iflliJ~~~Culd (U)q;I” m. Hll(f~~5@ft3ll”{curd MaestroTM  
~_J”IB”!.t_&.W,.f -;;:na.r.’ t·.•r•l,#$.”J ~tij~~~~.~29″1f.1″ •curdMaestroN  
curd □ff {U Jif!II)  
Press and hold Curd for 3 seconds to turn off the Curd MaestroN.  
Curd Maestro,.lfi’l~~*filnrilii””lfi)-3~<‘f!l’i~.:d.  
03 Fridge ftlr.:ir  
Fridge (ftla)  
You can use the Fridge button to set the fridge temperature.  
31″Jq-fb;;;r’iifil”nl’PIJ;:J~~~fil,rFrldge (lilra)ftirillil3G”llPT”ll’i{~,.  
Press Fridge repeatedly to select a desired temperature between 1 °c and 7 •c  
• 1 ·c~~7 ·c~~;:rrq1!1rf ~~fflv Frldge{ffl;;;Q””‘<OO’i.  
– The temperature indicator displays the currently set or selected
– t’IJ<Pllil” ~ ~ ~ & “llT ~ arq;:rr,:r d;:r <lili’IT t.  
vocation ~ – llRR1” ~ ~  
If you are going on vacation or a business trip, or if you do not intend to
use the fridge  
for an extended periOO of time, use the Vacation mode  
~”fl<fi”~~~rru, .t~~ ifir~<li’t.  
Press and hold Fridge for 3 seconds. The Vacation indicator <Al turns on  
26• Frldge~~3~i!in~ffl.~r,:r~~)<ffii.~;;rrarf.

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