BIQU H2 500℃ Extruder 3d Printing Parts for 3d Printer User Manual

June 11, 2024

BIQU H2 500℃ Extruder 3d Printing Parts for 3d Printer


  • Extrusion: Double-gear extrusion
  • Maximum printing temperature: 500℃
  • Weight: 222g
  • Maximum extrusion: 7.5kg (depending on filament)
  • Extrusion volume: 600mm3/min (depending on filament)
  • Number of pulse: 932/mm at 16 micro step (need to be confirmed)
  • Current of the motor: BOOmA
  • Gear ratio: 7:1
  • Extrusion wheel circumference: 24. Smm
  • Diameter and tolerance of filament: 1.75±0.0Smm
  • Maximum temperature of silicon sleeve: 270℃ (please take off the sleeve if it exceeds 27D℃)
  • When the nozzle temperature is up to 500℃, the color of the heat block may change, and it cannot be restored.
  •  Incompatible with Nema 14, but designed based on it*


  • XVZ dimensions (including fan): 76×37.9x75mm
  • Diameter of nozzle: 0.4mm


More guidance

  • You are advised to install fans facing left, and pay attention to gears and air exhaust vents when installing fans facing right. 8 M3 screw holes of the extruder can be used to fix it.
  • The m3*8 screws provided are suitable for mounting plates 3-Smm thick.

Maximum operating temperature

  • Note: the maximum temperature is for individual parts, not the whole system.*
  • Notice: The temperature of the extruder body will be slightly higher when H 2 500℃ extruder runs at high temperature in box printer. So to avoid scalding, please wear insulated gloves or contact the extruder after it cools down
  • Fan: 110℃
  • Motor: 180℃
  • Heat break (H2 bi-metal (copper alloy+ GRADES titanium alloy) high-temperature version): 500℃
  • Bearing: 120℃
  • Silicone motor cable: 150℃


Thermistor Specifications:

  • Size: 4*30mm
  • Type: PT100(2 wires)

Heating Cable specifications:

  • Head size: 5*20mm
  • Power: 70W

Fan specifications:


Motor specifications:




  1. Button head cap screw M3* 14
  2. Fan guard
  3. Fan 3510
  4. Socket Head Cap Screw M335
  5. Spring shim
  6. Heat sink
  7. Bearing 673ZZ
  8. Extrusion idler
  9. Set screw M3x2
  10. Pin P3* 13
  11. Set screw M3x3
  12. Needle roller bearing
  13. Extruding gear
  14. Knob
  15. Output gear
  16. Spring
  17. Driven gear
  18. Bearing 682xzz
  19. Gearbox
  20. Driving gear
  21. Motor
  22. Heat break
  23. Heat block
  24. Set screw M3x3
  25. Silicone sleeve
  26. Nozzle
  27. PT 100
  28. Heating cable


Hardware configuration

Driver and wiring
Driver: MAX31865 V2.0
MAX37 865 V2.0 can be used when the motherboard driver supports SPI mode Select 2-wire PT100 mode, choose ON for dipswitch 1, 2, 3 and OFF for 4.

Please make sure the direction is correct when the driver is plugged into the motherboard(red-red, black-black) As shown when there is no color mark, plug the pin of the red part against “EN” pin on motherboard.BIQU-H2-500

Firmware modification tutorial (Marlin bugfix-2.0.x July 07, 2021 version) The following is an example of nozzle 0 and the same is true for nozzle 1.

  1. Configuration. h file
    • define TEMP SENSOR_O -5

    • define MAX31865_SENSOR_OHMS_O 100 // (0) Typically 100 or 1000 (PTlOO or PTlOOO)

    • define MAX31865_CALIBRATION_OHMS_0430 // (O) Typically 430 for Adafru it PTlOO; 4300 for Adafruit PT1000.

  2. The configuration_adv. h file Configure the following options



    • define MllS_GEOMETRY_REPORT

  3. PlN file configuration
  4. Select the driver interface, and comment out the original driver definition to avoid interference. The above picture takes the BIQU BX motherboard as an example, select the El driver interface to connect to the max31865V2.0 module.
  5. Define the SPI pin of the module
  * //Thermocouple sensor  

//if the TEMP SENSOR va lue of-5 is enabled in the configuration file, it will work

  * #define TEMP _O_MISO_PIN: PG3 //SDO
  * #define TEMP O SCK_PIN: PC7 //CLK
  * #define TEMP _O_MOSI_PIN: PC6 //SDI
  * #define TEMP _O_CS_PIN: PCS
3. Please note that the SPI pin needs to be consistent with the SPI pin used by the TMC driver.
4. Modify the maximum temperature

define HEATER_O_MAXTEMP 520 The maximum temperature exceeds 500°C

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