unicorecomm UM982 High Precision Positioning and Heading Module User Manual
- June 9, 2024
- unicorecomm
Table of Contents
All-constellation Multi-frequency
High Precision Positioning & Heading Module
UM982 High Precision Positioning and Heading Module
Revision History
Version | Revision History | Date |
P1.0.0 | Draft | Feb., 2022 |
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UM982 User Manual
Should you purchase our product and encounter any inconsistency, please
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This document describes the information of the hardware, package,
specification and the use of Unicore UM982 modules.
This is only a draft version, for reference only.
Target Readers
This document applies to technicians who possess the expertise on GNSS
UM982 is a new generation of GNSS high precision positioning and heading
module developed by Unicore Communications. It supports GPS/BDS/GLONASS/
Galileo/ QZSS, and can simultaneously track GPS L1/L2/L5, BDS B1I/B2I/B3I,
GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5a/E5b, and QZSS L1/L2/L5. The module is mainly
used in UAVs, lawn mowers, precision agriculture, and intelligent driving.
With the support of on-chip RTK positioning and dual-antenna heading solution,
UM982 can be used as a rover or base station. UM982 is based on NebulasⅣ™ , a
GNSS SoC which integrates RF, baseband and high precision algorithm. Besides,
the SoC integrates a 2 GHz dual-core CPU, a high speed floating point
processor and an RTK co-processor, with 22 nm low power design, and it
supports 1408 super channels. All these above enable stronger signal
processing capability.
UM982 allows a flexible configuration of multi-system joint positioning or
single system standalone positioning. With the built-in advanced anti-jam
unit, the module can achieve high accuracy even in the complex electromagnetic
environment. Furthermore, UM982 supports abundant interfaces such as UART,
I2C, SPI, as well as1PPS, EVENT, CAN*, which meets the customers’ needs in
different applications.
1.1 Key Features
- 16 mm × 21 mm × 2.6 mm, surface-mount device
- Supports all-constellation multi-frequency on-chip RTK positioning and dualantenna heading solution
- Supports BDS B1I/B2I/B3I + GPS L1/L2/L5 + GLONASS L1/L2 + Galileo E1/E5a/E5b + QZSS L1/L2/L5 + SBAS
- Dual-RTK engine technology
- Adaptive recognition of RTCM input data format
- Dual antenna input with support of antenna signal detection
- Supports 3 × UART, 1 × I 2 C , 1 × SPI and 1 × CAN *
1.2 Key Specifications
Table 1-1 Technical Specifications
Basic Information
Channels| 1408 channels, based on NebulasIVTM
Constellations| BDS/GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS
Master Antenna Frequencies| BDS: B1I, B2I, B3I
GPS: L1 C/A, L2P (Y)/L2C, L5 GLONASS: L1, L2
Galileo: E1, E5a, E5b
QZSS: L1, L2, L5
Slave Antenna Frequencies| BDS: B1I, B2I, B3I GPS: L1 C/A, L2C GLONASS: L1, L2
Galileo: E1, E5b
QZSS: L1, L2
Voltage| +3.0 V ~ +3.6 V DC
Power Consumption| 600 mW1
Positioning Accuracy| Single Point Positioning2 (RMS)| Horizontal: 1.5 m
Vertical: 2.5 m
DGPS (RMS)23| Horizontal: 0.4 m + 1 ppm
Vertical: 0.8 m + 1ppm
RTK (RMS)23| Horizontal: 0.8 cm + 1 ppm
Vertical: 1.5 cm + 1 ppm
Observation Accuracy (RMS)| BDS GPS| GLONASS Galileo
B1I/L1 C/A/GI /El Pseudorange| 10 cm 10 cm| 10cm 10 cm
B1I/L1 C/A/G1/E1 Carrier Phase| 1 mm 1 mm| 1 mm 1 mm
B31/L2P(Y)/L2C/G2 Pseudorange| 10 cm 10 cm| 10cm 10cm
B3I/L2P(Y)/L2C/G2 Carrier Phase| 1 mm 1 mm| 1 mm 1 mm
B2I/L5/E5a/E5b Pseudorange| 10 cm 10 cm| 10 cm 10 cm
B21/L5/E5a/E5b Carrier Phase| 1 mm 1 mm| 1 mm 1 mm
Heading Accuracy (RMS)| 0.271m baseline|
Time Accuracy (RMS)| 20 ns|
Velocity Accuracy4 (RMS)| 0.03 m/s|
Time to First Fix5 (TTFF)| Cold Start < 30 s|
Initialization Time2| < 5 s (Typical)|
Initialization Reliability2| > 99.9%|
1 Dual antenna 10 Hz PVT + 10 Hz RTK + 10 Hz Heading
2 Test results may be biased due to atmospheric conditions, baseline length,
GNSS antenna type, multipath, number of visible satellites, and satellite
3 The measurement uses a 1 km baseline and a receiver with good antenna
performance, regardless of possible errors of antenna phase center offset
4 Open sky, unobstructed scene, 99% @ static
5 -130dBm @ more than 12 available satellites
Data Update Rate | 20 Hz Positioning & Heading 20 Hz Raw Data observation |
Differential Data | RTCM 3.X |
Data Format | NMEA-0183, Unicore |
Physical Characteristics
Package| 48 pin LGA
Dimensions| 21 mm × 16 mm × 2.6 mm
Weight| 1.82 g ± 0.03 g
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature| -40 °C ~ +85 °C
Storage Temperature| -55 °C ~ +95 °C
Humidity| 95% No condensation
Vibration| GJB150.16A-2009, MIL-STD-810F
Shock| GJB150.18A-2009, MIL-STD-810F
Functional Ports
UART × 3|
I2C × 1|
SPI × 1| Slave
CAN* × 1| Shared with UART3
1.3 Block Diagram
RF Part
The receiver gets filtered and enhanced GNSS signal from the antenna via a coaxial cable. The RF part converts the RF input signals into the IF signals, and converts IF analog signals into digital signals required for NebulasIV™ chip (UC9810). -
NebulasIV™ SoC (UC9810)
NebulasIV (UC9810) is UNICORECOMM’s new generation high precision GNSS SoC with 22 nm low power design, supporting all constellations, multiple frequencies, and 1408 super channels. It integrates a 2 GHz dual-core CPU, a high speed floating point processor and an RTK co-processor, which can fulfill the high precision baseband processing and RTK positioning/heading independently. -
UM982 outputs 1 PPS with adjustable pulse width and polarity. -
UM982 provides the Event Mark Input with adjustable frequency and polarity. -
Reset (RESET_N)
Active LOW, and the active time should be no less than 5 ms.
2.1 Dimensions
Table 2-1 Dimensions
Parameter | Min. (mm) | Typ. (mm) | Max. (mm) |
A | 20.80 | 21.00 | 21.50 |
B | 15.80 | 16.00 | 16.50 |
C | 2.40 | 2.60 | 2.80 |
D | 2.78 | 2.88 | 2.98 |
E | 0.95 | 1.05 | 1.15 |
F | 1.55 | 1.65 | 1.75 |
G | 1.17 | 1.27 | 1.37 |
H | 0.70 | 0.80 | 0.90 |
K | 1.40 | 1.50 | 1.60 |
M | 4.10 | 4.20 | 4.30 |
N | 3.70 | 3.80 | 3.90 |
P | 2.00 | 2.10 | 2.20 |
R | 0.90 | 1.00 | 1.10 |
X | 0.72 | 0.82 | 0.92 |
2.2 Pin Definition
Table 2-2 Pin Description
No. | Pin | I/O | Description |
1 | GND | — | Ground |
2 | ANT1_IN | I | GNSS master antenna signal input |
3 | GND | — | Ground |
4 | GND | — | Ground |
5 | V_BCKP | I | When the main power supply VCC is cut off, V_BCKP supplies power |
to RTC and SRAM.
Level requirements: 2.0 V ~ 3.6 V, and the working current is about 20 μA at
25 °C.
Can be floating when the hot start function is not used.
No.| Pin| I/O| Description
6| SPIS_CSN| I| Chip select input of SPI slave
7| SPIS_MOSI| I| Data input of SPI slave
8| SPIS_CLK| I| Clock input of SPI slave
9| SPIS_MISO| O| Data output of SPI slave
10| SPIS_SDRY| O| Interrupt output of SPI slave
11| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
12| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
13| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
14| ERR_STAT| O| Abnormal indicator: active high; outputs high when failing
self-detection, and low when passing
15| PVT_STAT| O| PVT positioning indicator: active high; outputs high when
positioning and low when not positioning
16| RTK_STAT| O| RTK positioning indicator: active high; outputs high with RTK
fixed solution, and low with other positioning status or no positioning
17| RXD1| I| COM1 receiving data, LVTTL level
18| TXD1| O| COM1 transmitting data, LVTTL level
19| RXD2| I| COM2 receiving data, LVTTL level
20| TXD2| O| COM2 transmitting data, LVTTL level
21| SCL| I/O| I2C clock
22| SDA| I/O| I2C data
23| VCC| POWER| Power supply (+3.3 V)
24| VCC| POWER| Power supply (+3.3 V)
25| BIF| —| Built-in function; recommended to add a through- hole testing
point and a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor;
No.| Pin| I/O| Description
| | | cannot connect ground or power supply, and cannot be peripheral I/O or
26| BIF| —| Built-in function; recommended to add a through- hole testing
point and a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor; cannot connect ground or power supply, and
cannot be peripheral I/O or floating
27| TXD3| O| COM3 transmitting data, LVTTL level, can be used as CAN TXD
28| RXD3| I| COM3 receiving data, LVTTL level, can be used as CAN RXD
29| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
30| PPS| O| Pulse per second
31| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
32| EVENT| I| Event mark
33| RESET_N| I| System reset, active low
34| GND| —| Ground
35| GND| —| Ground
36| ANT2_IN| I| GNSS slave antenna signal input
37| GND| —| Ground
38| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
39| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
40| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
41| GND| —| Ground
42| ANT2_PWR| I| GNSS salve antenna power supply
43| GND| —| Ground
44| ANT1_PWR| I| GNSS master antenna power supply (antenna of positioning)
45| GND| —| Ground
No.| Pin| I/O| Description
46| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
47| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
48| RSV| —| Reserved, floating
2.3 Electrical Specifications
2.3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 2-3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | Unit |
Power Supply Voltage | VCC | -0.3 | 3.6 | V |
Input Voltage | Vin | -0.3 | 3.6 | V |
Master/Slave Antenna Power Supply | ANT1_PWR /ANT2_PWR | -0.3 | 6 | V |
Master/Slave Antenna Signal Input | ANT1_IN/ANT2_IN | -0.3 | 6 | V |
Master/Slave Antenna RF Input Power | ANT1_IN/ANT2_IN input power | +10 | dBm | |
Storage Temperature | Tstg | -55 | 95 | °C |
2.3.2 Operational Conditions
Table 2-4 Operational Conditions
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit | Condition |
Power Supply Voltage | VCC | 3.0 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V | |
Maximum VCC Ripple | Vrpp | 0 | 50 | mV | ||
Working Current6 | Iopr | 180 | 300 | mA | VCC=3.3 V |
6 Since the product has capacitors inside, inrush current occurs during power- on. You should evaluate in the actual environment in order to check the effect of the supply voltage drop caused by inrush current in the system.
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit | Condition |
Operating Temperature | Topr | -40 | 85 | °C | ||
Power Consumption | P | 600 | mW |
2.3.3 IO Threshold
Table 2-5 IO Threshold
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit | Condition |
Low Level Input Voltage | Vin_low | 0 | VCC × 0.2 | V | ||
High Level Input Voltage | Vin_high | VCC × 0.7 | VCC + 0.2 | V | ||
Low Level Output Voltage | Vout_low | 0 | 0.45 | V | Iout = 4 mA | |
High Level Output Voltage | Vout_high | VCC – 0.45 | VCC | V | Iout = 4 mA |
2.3.4 Antenna Feature
Table 2-6 Antenna Feature
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit | Condition |
Optimum Input Gain | Gant | 18 | 30 | 36 | dB | |
Master/Slave Antenna Power Supply | ANT1_PWR/ ANT2_PWR | 2.3 | 5.5 | V | < 100 mA |
Hardware Design
3.1 Antenna Feed Design
UM982 supports feeding the antenna both from the inside and outside of the
module. However, in order to effectively protect the module from lightning
strike and surge, it is strongly recommended to feed from the outside.
When feeding the antenna from the outside, you can use devices with high power
and that can withstand high voltage. Gas discharge tube, varistor, TVS tube
and other highpower protective devices may also be used in the power supply
circuit to improve the protection.
- L1 and L2: feed inductor, 68 nH RF inductor in 0603 package is recommended
- C1and C3: decoupling capacitor, recommended to connect two capacitors of 100 nF/100 pF in parallel
- C2 and C4: DC blocking capacitor, recommended 100 pF capacitor
- D1and D4: ESD diode, choose the ESD protection device that supports high frequency signals (above 1000 MHz)
- D2 and D3: TVS diode, choose the TVS diode with appropriate clamping specification according to the requirement of feed voltage and antenna voltage
3.2 Grounding and Heat Dissipation
3-2 Grounding and Heat Dissipation Pad
The 35 pads in the rectangle in Figure 3-2 are for grounding and heat
dissipation. In the PCB design, it is recommended to connect them to a large
sized ground to trengthen
the heat dissipation.
3.3 Power-on and Power-off
The VCC initial level when power-on should be less than 0.4 V and has good
monotonicity. The voltages of undershoot and ringing should be within 5% VCC.
VCC power-on waveform: The time interval from 10% rising to 90% must be within
100 us ~1 ms.
Power-on time interval: The time interval between the VCC < 0.4 V (after
power-off) to the next power-on must be larger than 500 ms.
Production Requirement
Recommended soldering temperature curve is as follows:
Temperature Rising Stage
- Rising slope: Max. 3 °C/s
- Rising temperature range: 50 °C ~ 150 °C
Preheating Stage
- Preheating time: 60s ~ 120 s
- Preheating temperature range: 150 °C ~ 180 °C
Reflux Stage
- Over melting temperature (217 °C) time: 40s ~ 60 s
- Peak temperature for soldering: no higher than 245 °C
Cooling Stage
- Cooling slope: Max. 4 °C / s
- In order to prevent falling off during soldering of the module, do not solder it on the back of the board during design, and it is not recommended to go through soldering cycle twice.
- The setting of soldering temperature depends on many factors of the factory, such as board type, solder paste type, solder paste thickness, etc. Please also refer to the relevant IPC standards and indicators of solder paste.
- Since the lead soldering temperature is relatively low, if using this method, please give priority to other components on the board.
- The opening of the stencil needs to meet your design requirement and comply with the examine standards. The thickness of the stencil is recommended to be larger than 0.18 mm.
5.1 Label Description
5.2 Product Packaging
The UM982 module uses carrier tape and reel (suitable for mainstream surface
mount devices), packaged in vacuum-sealed aluminum foil antistatic bags, with
a desiccant inside to prevent moisture. When using reflow soldering process to
solder modules, please strictly comply with IPC standard to conduct
temperature and humidity control.
As packaging materials such as the carrier tape can only withstand the
temperature of 55 °C, modules shall be removed from the package during baking.
E| 1.75±0.10
F| 20.20±0.10
S| 40.40±0.10
P2| 2.00±0.10
ØDo| 1.50 ± 0.10 0.00
Po| 4.00±0.10
10Po| 40.00±0.20
W| 44.00±0.30
P| 24.00±0.10
Ao| 16.80±0.10
B0| 21.80±0.10
K0| 3.30±0.10
t| 0.35±0.05
- The cumulative tolerance of 10 side holes should not exceed ± 0.2 mm.
- Material: Black antistatic PS (surface impedance 105 -10 11 ) (surface static voltage <100 V), thickness: 0.35 mm.
- Total length of the 13-inch reel package: 6.816 m (Length of the first part of empty packets: 0.408 m, length of packets containing modules: 6 m, length of the last part of empty packets: 0.408 m).
- Total number of packets in the 13-inch reel package: 284 (Number of the first part of empty packets: 17; actual number of modules in the packets: 250; number of the last part of empty packets: 17).
- All dimension designs are in accordance with EIA-481-C-2003.
- The maximum bending degree of the carrier tape within the length of 250 mm should not exceed 1 mm (see the figure below).
Table 5-1 Package Description
Item | Description |
Module Number | 250 pieces/reel |
Reel Size | Tray: 13″ External diameter: 330 ± 2 mm, Internal diameter: 180 ± |
2mm, Width: 44.5 ± 0.5 mm
Thickness: 2.0 ± 0.2 mm
Carrier Tape| Space between (center-to-center distance): 24 mm
Before surface mounting, make sure that the color of the 30% circle on the HUMIDITY INDICATOR is blue (see Figure 5-4). If the color of the 30% circle is pink (see Figure 5-5), you must bake the module until it turns to blue.
The UM982 is rated at MSL level 3. Refer to the relevant IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020
standards for the package and operation requirements. You may access to the
website www.jedec.org to get more information.
The shelf life of the UM982 module packaged in vacuum-sealed aluminum foil
antistatic bags is one year.
Unicore Communications, Inc.
Phone: 86-10-69939800
Fax: 86-10-69939888
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