METRON NANO SMART Wall Mounted And Portable Charging Stations User Guide

June 9, 2024

METRON NANO SMART Wall Mounted And Portable Charging Stations User Guide

SMART wall mounted and portable charging stations with WiFi

NANO+ & **STANDARD+ & **DUO+ with OCPP & **RFID PC03X+ & **PC04X+ & **PC05X+

rev. 4 , 01. 12. 2022- – – applicable for:
Micro EVSE 3 charging controller code version (wall mounted stations): v3.04 OCPP/RFID module code version (wall mounted stations): v1.00
Micro EVSE 4 charging controller code version (portable stations): v4.01 WiFi METRON Charge Control application version (wall mounted stations): v1.04
WiFi METRON Charge Control application version (portable stations): v2.02 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT code version: v2.02

  1. Mount the station (4 screws) (applicable for wall mounted stations).
  2. Connect the station to 230/400Vac 50Hz (L1, L2, L3, N, PE) power supply (applicable for wall mounted stations).
  3. Apply the power supply and observe the blinking of blue status LED on the front side of the wall mounted or portable station. The number of blinks indicates the maximum charging power to which the station has been set (1 blink=6A, 2=8A, 3=10A, 4=13A, 5=16A, 6=20A, 7=25A, 8=32A)
  4. Test the functionality of manual charging current setting by pressing the push button on the front panel (blue status LED OFF) and keep it pressed. After 5 seconds the blue status LED starts to blink (keep it pressed). Count the number of all blinks. After the last blink the blue status LED will switch OFF and you can release the 16A charging stations maximum number of blinks is 5; 32A versions have all 8 blinks.
  5. Explain to the client that blinking blue status LED represents charging in progress, status LED ON means that the vehicle is not connected or charging has already
  6. Explain to the client that they can set the maximum charging current if they press the button and count the blue status LED blinks. The set value is saved in to the memory and is stays saved also in case of power loss.
  7. Explain and demonstrate the client how to connect to built-in WiFi web server and capability it provides:

Metron wall mounted and portable charging stations with “+” mark have a built-in WiFi access point with web server what enables users to connect to it wirelessly by any smart phone, tablet or laptop PC. As there is a web server inside with preloaded METRON Charge Control application you don’t need to install any additional program/application on your device because the METRON Charge Control runs in your favorite web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox,…) on any operating system (Google Android, Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows, Huawei HarmonyOS, Linux,…) you have on your smart phone, tablet or laptop PC.

The web-based METRON Charge Control application functions:

  • User can set the desired charging current and delay charging start
  • User can turn on/off SOLAR SURPLUS charging if solar power plant is installed
  • User can see all the real time measurements of charging power, charging current and charging energy
  • User can set activation requirement for charging start to lock the station for unauthorized users
  • User can set/activate GUEST MODE (password required) which prevents the users to change settings (applicable for wall mounted stations)
  • Allows the user to change WiFi password and WiFi name (ssid) for accessing the Charge Control
  • Allows the user to connect the charging station to local WiFi network and also set the charging station internet access in the WiFi router (advanced users),
  • Allows the user to establish connection to OCPP backend server via WiFi or ETHERNET and read/store RFID cards (applicable for wall mounted stations with OCPP/RFID module installed)
  • Allows OVER THE AIR application UPDATES via WiFi by manufacturer, certified installer or even advanced user,
  • If hardwired or wireless dynamic charging with house main fuse protection is enabled/connected the user can also see house load, house energy consumption, solar power and solar energy

**In order to connect to the WiFi METRON Charge Control application you

need to do the following:**

  • Make sure the wall mounted or portable charging station is energized (connected to power).
  • Go to WiFi menu in your smart phone, tablet or laptop PC and search for WiFi
  • Find “METRON Station 1” (wall mounted stations) or “METRON Portable 1” (portable stations) network and connect to it; enter the WiFi password 12345678 (this is default – it is recommended that you change it in the METRON Charge Control application).
  • Scan QR code you find on the station and follow the link (it will open your default web browser and launch the Metron Charge Control automatically; OR open your favorite web browser and go to the following IP address:
  • The METRON Charge Control application will be loaded

Up to 5 users (devices) at a time can be wirelessly connected to the charging station and all connected devices will automatically receive all the latest data; for example, if one user changes the charging current with the slider all others will see that on their screens. If the user forgets the WiFi password you need to do the following:

  • Disconnect the wall mounted or portable charging station from power, press the “Push Button” and keep it
  • Connect the station to
  • The blue status LED starts blinking 2 times.
  • After 30 seconds the status LED will turn-on for 3 seconds and then turn-of.
  • Release the “Push Button” and WiFi name (ssid) & password are reset to default

The METRON Charge Control application is intuitive and usually doesn’t need more instructions to be used; just browse and explore the functions (some important user instructions are explained where the additional user info is required). If you don’t understand something please feel free to contact Metron support anytime.

METRON wall mounted or portable charging stations can be equipped with hardwired (wall mounted only) or wireless DYNAMIC EV CHARGING system which enables charging with main fuse protection and in case of installed solar/wind/hydro power plant also solar/wind/hydro SURPLUS charging and POWERFUL charging that adds solar/wind/hydro power to main fuse rating. If you are installing such a charging station please carefully read the guidelines on the next pages.

HARDWIRED 1 or 3-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 WALL MOUNTED charging station per fuse

  1. After installing the charging station as described on the Page 1 install the supplied current measuring transformers (CT) on the house/building main power supply input and connect them to Micro EVSE 3 DYNAMIC WiFi EV charge controller as shown on the ME3-1 or/and ME3-2 drawings in the attachment.

  2. Switch ON charging station power supply.

  3. Set the needed parameters via front PUSH BUTTON: when no car is connected push the charging station front button (blue status LED is switched OFF) and keep it pressed. After 5 seconds the status LED starts to blink. The first set of blinks in this step is not important as this just limits/sets the user desired charging limit (described on the first page). When the status LED stops blinking keep the button pressed for additional 30 After 30 seconds the blue status LED will start to blink again. Releasing the front push button after certain LED blink sets the new value for desired parameter. The following chart describes what can/shall be set:

  4. Example: if you have 20 A main fuse and would like to change it in Micro EVSE 3, press a front button on keep the button pressed….pass the 1st set of blinks, 2nd set of blinks, 3rd set of blinks and when you get to the 4th set of blinks count the LED blinks to 20 and at 20th blink release the button. Now the station “knows” the rating of main fuse (amperage). You can see what you set in the WiFi in “Advanced info” menu.

  5. Test the 3/1-phase main fuse protection dynamic charging:
    Connect to WiFi and go to the Metron Charge Control web-based application. Connect the electric vehicle to the charging station and observe the charging current measurements in WiFI Charge Control app. under “Advanced info”. Intentionally put the big load to each of the phases (one by one) to surpass the main fuse rated current and observe if the charging current decreased in the way the total main fuse current is not higher than main fuse rated current. To do that you need to connect powerful load to each phase (easiest way is to use regular 2 kW electric heaters – 1,2,3… connected in parallel.

  6. Explain to the client that the charging station will automatically reduce or stop the charging in case of main fuse overload. In case of charging interruption because of overload the blue status LED will blink 4 times (with pause after 4 blinks) until the load on the main fuse is low enough to resume charging. The main fuse current on the most loaded phase needs to be app. 7A lower than rated fuse current in order the charging station will allow charging to start/resume. The status LED can blink 4 times even if the vehicle is not This will inform the user that the charging cannot start until the other powerful house loads are switched-off.

  7. Explain to the client that in case of installed solar/wind/hydro power plant the charging station allows vehicle charging with higher overall current than the set nominal main fuse value (this function doesn’t work at night of course). This feature is active only in case Solar/wind/hydro power plant phases = House grid connection phases.

WIRELESS 1 or 3-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 or more WALL MOUNTED charging stations

  1. Install the charging station as described on the Page
  2. Switch ON charging station power supply.
  3. Set the main fuse rating to 35A (needed only if it has been changed – factory default setting is already 35A) via front PUSH BUTTON + status LED blinks as described on Page 3.
  4. Activate main fuse protection dynamic charging RF receiver via front PUSH BUTTON + status LED blinks as described on Page 3 (by default the RF receiver is not activated).
  5. If necessary set the other parameters via front PUSH BUTTON + status LED blinks as described on Page 3.
  6. Install and set the 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT as described on pages 7, 8 and 9.
WIRELESS 1 or 3-phase **MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC

charging with 1 or more PORTABLE charging stations

  1. Connect the portable charging station to wall socket (apply the power supply).

  2. Set the needed parameters via front PUSH BUTTON: when no car is connected push the charging station front button (blue status LED is switched OFF) and keep it pressed. After 5 seconds the status LED starts to blink. The first set of blinks in this step is not important as this just limits/sets the user desired charging limit (described on the first page). When the status LED stops blinking keep the button pressed for additional 30 After 30 seconds the blue status LED will start to blink again. Releasing the front push button after certain LED blink sets the new value for desired parameter.
    The following chart describes what can/shall be set:

  3. Example: if you have wireless RF receiver set to channel 1 and would like to change it to channel 15, press a front button on keep the button pressed….pass the 1st set of blinks, 2nd set of blinks, 3rd set of blinks, 4th set of blinks, 5th set of blinks and when you get to the 6th set of blinks count the status LED blinks to 15 and at 15th blink release the button. Now the station’s RF receiver is set to 15th You can see what you set in the WiFi Charge Control app. in “Advanced info” menu.

  4. Install and set the 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT as described on pages 7, 8 and 9


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phase MAIN FUSE protection WIRELESS DYNAMIC charging of up to 30 wall mounted and portable charging stations per main fuse

  1. Activate wireless FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging on wall mounted station(s) (default setting is “wireless off”) as described on Page 3 (portable stations have enabled wireless dynamic charging RF receiver by default). You also need to set house phases and solar phases but don’t change the main fuse rating on the wall mounted station (leave default 35 A or set in back to 35A if it has been changed).

  2. Install the 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT and supplied current measuring transformers (CT) on the house/building main power supply input (in the house main distribution panel) as shown on the 3FD-2-4 or/and 3FD-2-5 drawings in the attachment.

  3. Open the top cover of the installed 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT and set the needed parameters via PB2 PUSH BUTTON you can find on the 3FD-2 printed circuit board: press the PB2 (red LED is switched OFF) and keep it pressed. After 3 seconds the red LED starts to blink. Releasing the PB2 push button after certain red LED blink sets the new value for desired The following chart describes what can/shall be set

  4. Example: if you have 63 A main fuse and would like to change it, press the PB2 button on keep the button pressed….pass the 1st set of blinks, 2nd set of blinks, 3rd set of blinks, 4th set of blinks, 5th set of blinks and when you get to the 6th set of blinks count the red LED blinks to 63 and at 63th blink release the button. Now the 3FD-2 module “knows” the rating of main fuse (amperage). You can see what you set in the WiFi Charge Control in “Advanced info” menu on any one of the wirelessly controlled charging stations.

  5. In case there are more than 1 WALL MOUNTED AND/OR PORTABLE station(s) to be controlled by the 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT set the number of charging stations with BP2 and red LED blinks as described on Page 7. At the same time you need to set the parameter station ID for each wall mounted or wireless charging station (see Page 5 and 6 ) in the way each charging station has its own ID starting from 1. Example: you have 3 charging stations connected to the same main fuse; set the ID on first one to 1, second one to 2 and on the third one to 3. The station ID is displayed in the WiFi Charge Control app. in “Advanced info” The DYNAMIC fuse protection charging works also in case you have a MIXED configuration – 1 or more wall mounted and 1 or more portable stations powered from the same main fuse!

  6. Test the 3/1-phase wireless main fuse protection dynamic charging: Connect to WiFi and go to the Metron Charge Control application on one of the wirelessly controlled charging stations. Connect the electric vehicle to the charging station and observe the charging current measurements in WiFI Charge Control app. under “Advanced info”. Intentionally put the big load to each of the phases (one by one) to surpass the main fuse rated current and observe if the charging current decreased in the way the total main fuse current is not higher than main fuse rated current. To do that you need to connect powerful load to each phase (easiest way is to use regular 2 kW electric heaters – 1,2,3… connected in parallel). Red LED inside the 3FD-2 box is blinking in normal conditions and is constantly ON in overload condition. Green LED inside the 3FD-2 box is blinking only when there is some solar/wind/hydro production otherwise it’s off.

  7. Changing the transmitter/receiver channel: In case of interference with other 433 MHz devices you need to change communication channel on the transmitting 3FD-2 unit and receiving charging station/s. There are 25 different channels (frequencies) available. First open the top cover of the installed 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT and you will see Blue LED blinking every 3 seconds what indicates wireless signal Then press the button PB1 (blue LED turns off) and keep it pressed. After 3 seconds the blue LED starts to blink. Releasing the PB1 push button after certain blue LED blink set the new transmitting channel.

    1. Extending the wireless range of 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT: in case the 3FD-2 and controlled stations are far away from each other (50m+ air distance) or there are thick concrete walls in between the signal may be too But there are 2 ways of extending the wireless range:
    • Install additional 433 MHz antenna on a station(s). Antenna shall be installed on the outside wall and connected with attached cable to the Micro EVSE 3 DYNAMIC WiFi EV charge controller. Use pliers and cut-off the built-in antenna. This is the most affective way to extend signal range. Note: It is not possible to install additional antenna on portable
    • Install additional 433 MHz antenna on 3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT. Use pliers and cut-off the built-in This antenna also helps extend the range but it’s less effective.Then turn off the power supply of the 3FD-2 unit (very important!) and after that set the same channel on one or more wall mounted and/or portable charging stations as described on Pages 5 and 6.

NOTE: if there is no signal from the 3FD-2 unit detected on the charging station side (you can see that information in the WiFi Metron Charge Control application under “Advanced info”) the wall mounted charging station will stop charging and the front blue status LED will blink 4 times as in case of main fuse overload condition but the portable charging station will continue charging with user selected charging current/power – this function is logical for portable stations because when you charge somewhere else where 3FD-2 unit is not present its purpose is to charge.

Communication signal detection on wall mounted stations can also be observed if LED2 is connected between terminal 20 and GND on the Micro EVSE 3 DYNAMIC WiFi EV charge controller in the charging station (signal present = LED2 on; no signal = LED2 off). Portable stations have SIGNAL LED already installed.

2. Explain to the client that **3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT** distributes the charging power to all wirelessly controlled charging stations equally. However, the client can still adjust the charging power on each station via front button or via current setting slider in WiFi Metron Charge Control
3. Explain to the client that in case of wirelessly controlling only **one (1) charging station** it will automatically reduce charging power or stop the charging in case of main fuse overload. **In case of charging interruption because of overload the station’s front blue status LED will blink 4 times** (with pause after 4 blinks) until the load on the main fuse is low enough to resume charging. The main fuse current on the most loaded phase needs to be app. 7A lower than rated fuse current in order the 3FD-2 will allow charging to start/resume. The blue front status LED can blink 4 times even if the vehicle is not connected. This informs the user in advance that charging cannot start until the other powerful house loads are switched-off.
4. Explain to the client that in case of wirelessly controlling **two (2) or more charging stations** it will automatically reduce the charging power on all the stations in case of main fuse overload. If that is not enough it will stop charging on one or more charging stations starting with the one with **highest station ID In case of charging interruption because of overload the affected station’s front blue status LED will blink 4 times** (with pause after 4 blinks) until the load on the main fuse is low enough to resume charging. If the main fuse is too overloaded by other loads it will stop charging on all the stations. After the load on main fuse is reduced the charging will be resumed starting on the **stations with lower station ID numbers** (lower station’s ID numbers have the priority over the higher station’s ID numbers). The main fuse current on the most loaded phase needs to be app. n x 7A lower (n = number of stations that will be allowed to resume charging) than rated fuse current in order the 3FD-2 will allow charging to start/resume on the additional n charging stations. The blue front status LED on one or more stations can blink 4 times even if the vehicle(s) is(are) not connected. This informs the user in advance that charging cannot start until the other powerful house loads are switched-off.
5. Explain to the client that in case of installed solar/wind/hydro power plant the **3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT allows vehicle charging with higher overall current than the set nominal main fuse value** (this function doesn’t work at night of course). This feature is active only in case **Solar/wind/hydro power plant phases = House grid connection phases**.
6. Explain to the client that in case of using the a **PORTABLE CHARGING STATION** PC03X+ / PC04X+ / PC05X+ on 2 or more different places (e.g. the client has 2 houses) it is possible to install the **3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNITs** on 2 or more different locations (e.g. 2 houses) with different main fuses and then just move/use the same PORTABLE CHARGING STATION on those different locations and have everywhere **safe wireless FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging.** The **PORTABLE CHARGING STATION connects automatically** to **3FD-2 DYNAMIC EV CHARGING UNIT at every**


Mark Type Description Revison
ME3-1 Drawing 3-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 wall
mounted charging station per main fuse – HARDWIRED option 2
ME3-2 Drawing 1-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 wall
mounted charging station per main fuse – HARDWIRED option 2
3FD-2-4 Drawing 3-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 or more
wall mounted or portable charging stations per main fuse – WIRELESS option 2
3FD-2-5 Drawing 1-phase MAIN FUSE protection DYNAMIC charging with 1 or more
wall mounted or portable charging stations per main fuse – WIRELESS option 2



for 1-phase DYNAMIC MAIN FUSE PROTECTION CHARGING of ONE (1) electric vehicle


EVSE 3 DYNAMIC WiFi based WALL MOUNTED stations and Micro EVSE 4 based PORTABLE stations for




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