VOLTCRAFT Multi DMM MT-52 Handheld Digital Multimeter Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

Multi DMM MT-52 Handheld Digital Multimeter
Owner’s Manual

Multi DMM MT-52 Handheld Digital Multimeter


Dear customer,
Thank you for purchasing this product
If there are any technical questions, please contact: www.conrad.com/contact

Intended use

  • Measuring and displaying electric parameters in the range of excess voltage category III (up to max 600V against ground potential, pursuant to EN 61010-1) and all lower categories The measuring device and equipment must not be used in the overvoltage category CAT IV (eg at the low voltage installation source)
  • Measurement of direct and alternating voltage up to a maximum of 600 V ­
  • Measurement of direct and alternating current up to 10 A ­
  • Measuring resistance values of up to 40 M ­
  • Continuity test (< 50Ω acoustic) ­
  • Diode Test ­
  • Capacity measuring up to 100 F ­
  • Frequency measurement up to 10 MHz ­
  • Pulse width display in % ­
  • Temperature measurement with external K-type sensor from -20 to +1300 °C ­
  • Temperature measurement with internal sensor from 0 to +50 °C ­
  • Measuring the relative air humidity form 33 – 99 % ­
  • Measuring the illumination strength up to 40 000 Lux ­
  • Measuring the noise level of 35 -100 dBC (for orientation measurement) ­
  • Contact-free AC voltage detection “NCV”

The measurement functions are selected using the dial switch Except for the environmental measuring ranges of temperature, humidity, noise level and illumination strength, automatic measuring range selection is active in all measuring ranges (outrange) The two current measuring inputs are secured against overload with ceramic high-performance fuses The voltage in the measuring circuit may not exceed 600 V The multimeter is operated with a common 9 V alkaline battery block The device may only be operated with the specified batteries.
For safety reasons, only use measuring cables or accessories which are adjusted to the specifications of the multimeter when measuring If you use the product for purposes other than those described, the product may be damaged Improper use can result in short circuits, fires, electric shocks or other hazards. The product complies with the statutory national and European requirements For safety and approval purposes, you must not rebuild and/or modify the product Read the operating instructions carefully and store them in a safe place Make this product available to third parties only together with the operating instructions All company names and product names are trademarks of their respective owners All rights reserved

Delivery content

  • Multimeter
  • 9 V block battery
  • Wire temperature sensor (K-type, measuring range -20 to +230 °C)
  • Safety measuring cable
  • K-type adapter
  • Operating instructions

Up-to-date operating instructions

Download the latest operating instructions at www.conradcom/downloads or scan the QR code shown Follow the instructions on the website

Description of symbols

The following symbols are on the product/appliance or are used in the text:

| The symbol warns of hazards that can lead to personal injury
| The symbol warns of dangerous voltage that can lead to personal injury by electric shock
| This product has been CE-tested and meets the necessary European guidelines
| Class 2 insulation (double or reinforced insulation)
CAT II| Overvoltage category II for measurements on electric and electronic devices connected to the mains supply with a power plug This category also covers all smaller categories (eg CAT I for measuring signal and control voltages)
CAT III| Overvoltage category III for measuring in building installation (eg outlets or sub-distribution) This category also covers all smaller categories (eg CAT II for measuring electronic devices)
| Ground potential

Safety instructions

Read the operating instructions carefully and especially observe the safety information. If you do not follow the safety instructions and information on proper handling in this manual, we assume no liability for any resulting personal injury or damage to property. Such cases will invalidate the warranty/guarantee.

  • The unauthorized conversion and/or modification of the product is inadmissible for reasons of safety and approval.
  • Consult an expert when in doubt as to the operation, the safety or the connection of the device
  • meters and accessories are not toys and have no place in the hands of children
  • On industrial sites, the accident prevention regulations of the association of the industrial workers’ society for electrical equipment and utilities must be followed
  • In schools, training centers, computer and self-help workshops, handling of meters must be supervised by trained personnel in a responsible manner
  • Before measuring voltages, always make sure that the meter is not set to a measuring range for currents
  • The voltage between the measuring instrument connection points and earth must never exceed 600 V DC/AC in CAT III
  • The measuring prods have to be removed from the measured object every time the measuring range is changed
  • Be especially careful when dealing with voltages higher than 50 V/AC or 75 V/DC Even at these voltages it is possible to receive a fatal electric shock if you touch electrical conductors
  • Check the measuring device and its measuring leads for damage before each measurement Never carry out any measurements if the protecting insulation is defective (torn, ripped off etc.)
  • To avoid electric shock, do not to touch the connections/measuring points directly or indirectly during measurements During measuring, do not grip beyond the grip range markings (which you can feel) present on the measuring prods
  • Do not use the multimeter just before, during or just after a thunderstorm (lightning!/high-energy over-voltage!) Please make sure that your hands, your shoes, your clothing, the floor, switches and switching components are dry
  • Avoid operation in direct proximity to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields, transmitter aerials or HF generators This could affect the measurement
  • The measuring instrument must not be operated when it is open, ie with an open battery compartment or when the battery compartment cover is missing Measuring in damp rooms or under unfavorable ambient conditions is not permitted Unfavorable ambient conditions are: ­
    • Wetness or high air humidity ­
    • Dust and flammable gases, vapors or solvent, ­
    • thunderstorms or similar conditions such as strong electrostatic fields etc.
  • If it is no longer possible to operate the product safely, take it out of operation and protect it from any accidental use DO NOT attempt to repair the product yourself Safe operation can no longer be guaranteed if the product: ­
    • is visibly damaged, ­
    • is no longer working properly, ­
    • has been stored for extended periods in poor ambient conditions or ­
    • has been subjected to any serious transport-related stresses
  • Do not switch the meter on immediately after it has been taken from a cold to a warm environment The condensation that forms might destroy your device Allow the device to reach room temperature before switching it on
  • Do not leave the packaging material lying around carelessly since such materials can become dangerous toys in the hands of children

(Rechargeable) batteries

  • Correct polarity must be observed while inserting the (rechargeable) batteries
  • The (rechargeable) batteries should be removed from the device if it is not used for a long period of time to avoid damage through leaking Leaking or damaged (rechargeable) batteries might cause acid burns when in contact with skin, therefore use suitable protective gloves to handle corrupted (rechargeable) batteries
  • (Rechargeable) batteries must be kept out of reach of children Do not leave (rechargeable) batteries lying around, as there is risk, that children or pets swallow them
  • (Rechargeable) batteries must not be dismantled, short-circuited or thrown into fire. Never recharge nonchargeable batteries There is a risk of explosion!

Operating elements

(see fold-out page)

  1. Display
    A Main display with measuring unit and additional functions
    B Symbol for battery change
    C Permanent display of the relative air humidity in percent
    D Permanent display of the air temperature in degrees Celsius

  2. RANGE button

  3. REL button

  4. MODE button

  5. Dial switch

  6. 10 A measuring jack

  7. A/mA measuring jack

  8. COM measuring jack (reference potential, “Minus”)

  9. VΩ measuring jack (with commensurability “Plus”)

  10. Light button for display lighting

  11. Hz% button for function switching in the voltage, power and frequency range

  12. HOLD button

  13. NVC lighted display for AC voltage detection

  14. Sensor aperture for indoor air humidity measurement (relative humidity and temperature)

  15. Light sensor

  16. Sensor aperture for sound volume measurement

  17. Clamp for measuring prods

  18. Battery compartment

  19. Foldable mounting brackets

Product description

The multimeter (referred to as DMM in the following) indicates measured values on the digital display The measured value display of the DMM comprises 4000 counts (count = smallest display value) Voltage and current measurement is performed as an effective median value
The measuring device includes 4 environmental measuring functions for relative humidity, temperature (air and sensor measurement), linear noise level (for orientation of noise sources) and strength of illumination The lighting sensor includes an IR filter that only measures the visible light range. The display can be lit for a if you are working in a badly lit environment If the DMM is not operated for approx. 30 minutes, it automatically switches off This saves battery power and extends the period of operation The meter can be used for do-it-yourself or for professional applications For better readability, the DMM can also be optimally mounted with the clip on the rear The measuring leads are equipped with transport protection caps at the plugs and measuring prods Remove them before using the measuring leads

Rotary switch (4)
The individual measuring functions are selected via a rotary switch The automatic range selection is active if the “auto” symbol is displayed The appropriate range of measurement is set individually for each application If the meter switch is set to “OFF”, the meter is switched off Always turn the device off when it is not in use

Display indications and symbols

This is a summary of all possible symbols and information on the MT-52

Auto means “automatic measuring range selection”
Symbol for display illumination
Symbol for the integrated fuses
OL or I Overload = the measuring range was exceeded
OFF Switch position “Measuring device off”
Battery replacement symbol; please replace the batteries immediately to

avoid measuring errors!
| Symbol for the diode test
| Symbol for the acoustic continuity tester
dBC| Symbol for noise level measuring range (C-characteristic = linear)
CAP| Capacity measuring range
| Alternating current for voltage and current
| Direct current for voltage and current
–| Polarity indication in case of minus potential
mV| Millivolt (exp.-3)
V| Volt (unit of electric potential difference or voltage)
μA| Microampere (exp.-6)
mA| Milliampere (exp.-3)
A| Ampere (unit of electric current)
Ω| Ohm (unit of electric impedance)
kΩ| Kilo Ohm (exp.3)
MΩ| Mega Ohm (exp.6)
Hz| Hertz (unit of frequency)
%| Pulse length in % (pulse pause)
°C| Temperature unit (°Celsius)
dB| Noise level unit (decibel)
Lux| Unit and measuring range of illumination strength
%RH| Relative air humidity
nR| Nano-farad (exp.-9), unit of electric capacity
μF| Microfarad (exp.-6)
mF| Millifarad (exp.-3)


Do not exceed the maximum permitted input values Do not touch any circuits or parts of circuits if there could be voltages higher than 50 V Arcs or 75 V/DC present within them Danger to life! Before measuring, check the connected measuring accessories for damage such as, for example, cuts, cracks or squeezing Never use defective measuring equipment! Danger to life! During measuring, do not grip beyond the tangible grip range markings present on the test prods Measuring is only permitted when the battery and fuse compartment is closed
You may only connect the measuring leads to the measuring device that are required for measuring operation Remove all measuring lines not required from the device for safety reasons

Important: ­
As soon as “OL” or “I” (overload) appears on the display, you have exceeded the measuring range

Switching on the measuring instrument

Turn the rotary switch (4) to the corresponding measurement function To switch off turn the rotary switch to “OFF” Always turn the device off when it is not in use
Prior to working with the meter, you have to insert the enclosed battery Insertion and changing of the battery is described in the “Cleaning and care” chapter

Voltage measurement “V”

The voltage range “V AC/DC” shows an input resistance of >10 Ohm

Proceed as follows to measure AC voltages “V-AC”:

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “V~”
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Now connect the two measuring prods to the object to be measured (power outlet, switch etc.)
  4. The currently measured value is indicated on the display
  5. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off
    Note: ­ Use the “Hz%” button (11) to switch the display to frequency (Hz) and pulse length (%) Each press switches the function Outrange is deactivated ­ The mV-AC measuring range can only be selected via manual measuring range selection (“RANGE” button)

Proceed as follows to measure “V-DC” direct voltages:

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “V=”
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Now connect the two measuring prods to the object to be measured (battery, switch etc) The red measuring tip indicates the positive pole, the black measuring tip the negative pole
  4. The polarity of the respective measured value is indicated on the display together with the current measured value
  5. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off

Note: ­

  • As soon as a minus “-” appears for the direct voltage in front of the measured value, the measured voltage is negative (or the measuring tips have been mixed up) ­
  • Use the “Hz%” button (11) to switch the display to frequency (Hz) and pulse length (%) Each press switches the function Autorange is deactivated This enables monitoring of possible ripple voltage (superimposed alternate voltage) In case of pure direct voltage, the frequency and % displays are “zero” Without a measured signal, phantom values may be displayed They disappear when a direct voltage is measured
Current measurement “A”

The voltage in the measuring circuit may not exceed 600 V Do not measure any currents above 10 A in the 10A range and no currents above 400 mA in the µA/mA range, otherwise the fuses trigger Measuring >5 A may only be performed for max 30 seconds and at 15 minute intervals
Always start current measurements at the highest measurement range and switch down to lower ranges if necessary Before changing the measurement range, always shut off the circuit All current measuring ranges are secured with fuses and thus protected against overload

Proceed as follows to measure “A-DC” direct current:

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “A”
    The table shows the different measuring functions and possible measuring ranges Select your measuring range and the respective measuring jacks The display indicates “DC”Measuring function| Measuring range| Measuring jacks
    μA| <4000 μA| COM + mAμA
    mA| 4mA – 399 mA| COM + mAμA
    10A| 400 mA – 10A| COM + 10A

  2. Insert the red measuring line into the µA/mA or 10A measuring jack Plug the black measuring line into the COM socket

  3. Now connect the two measuring prods in series to the object to be measured (battery, switch etc) The polarity of the respective measured value is indicated on the display together with the measured value
    Note: ­ When a minus “-” appears in front of the measured value when measuring DC, the measured voltage is negative (or the measuring lines have been swapped)

  4. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off

Note: ­ Use the “Hz%” button (11) to switch the display to frequency (Hz) and pulse length (%) Each press switches the function Autorange is deactivated This enables monitoring of possible ripple signal (superimposed frequency) In case of pure direct current, the frequency and % displays are “zero” Without a measured signal, phantom values may be displayed They disappear when a direct current is measured

Proceed as follows to measure AC voltages “A-AC”:

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “A”
    The table shows the different measuring functions and possible measuring ranges Select your measuring range and the respective measuring jacks The display indicates “DC”Measuring function| Measuring range| Measuring jacks
    μA| <4000 μA| COM + mAμA
    mA| 4mA – 399 mA| COM + mAμA
    A| 400 mA – 10A| COM + 10A
  2. Insert the red measuring line into the pA/mA or 10A measuring jack Plug the black measuring line into the COM socket
  3. Press “MODE” to switch to the AC measuring range “AC” appears in the display Pressing this button again, takes you back etc
  4. Now connect the two measuring prods in series to the object to be measured (power circuit, switch etc) The measured value is indicated on the display The connection principle corresponds to DC measurement
  5. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off

­ Use the “Hz%” button (11) to switch the display to frequency (Hz) and pulse length (%) Each press switches the function Autorange is deactivated

Resistance measurement

Make sure that all the circuit parts, switches and components and other objects of measurement are disconnected from the voltage and discharged

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “Ω”.
  2. Plug the red measuring line into the measuring jack (9) and the black measuring line into the COM measuring jack (8)
  3. Check the measuring lines for continuity by connecting both measuring prods with one another The resistance value must be approximately 0 – 05 Ohm (inherent resistance of the measuring lines)
  4. Now connect the measuring prods to the object to be measured As long as the object to be measured is not high-Ohm or interrupted, the measured value will be indicated on the display Wait until the displayed value has stabilised With resistances of >1 Ohm, this may take a few seconds
  5. If “OL” (overload) appears on the display, you have exceeded the measuring range or the measuring circuit has been broken 6 After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off

Note: ­ If you carry out a resistance measurement, make sure that the measuring points which you contact with the test prods are free from dirt, oil, solder able lacquer or the like Such circumstances can falsify the measured result

Diode test

Make sure that all the circuit parts, switches and components and other objects of measurement are disconnected from the voltage and discharged

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function .
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Press “MODE” button to switch measurement functions The symbol for diode test now appears in the display Pressing this button again takes you to the next measuring function
  4. Check the measuring lines for continuity by connecting both measuring prods with one another The value must be approximately 0 V
  5. Now connect the two measuring prods with the object to be measured (diode)
  6. The display shows the continuity voltage “UF” in volt (V) If “OL” appears, the diode is measured in reverse direction (UR) or the diode is defective (interruption) Perform a counter-pole measurement to check
  7. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off
Continuity test

Make sure that all the circuit parts, switches and components and other objects of measurement are disconnected from the voltage and discharged

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function .
  2. Press “MODE” button twice to switch measurement functions The symbol for continuity test now appears in the display Pressing this button again takes you to the first measuring function etc.
  3. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  4. A continuity value of less than 50 Ohm is identified as continuity; in this case a beep sounds The impedance value is displayed up to 3999 Ohm
  5. If “OL” (overload) appears on the display, you have exceeded the measuring range or the measuring circuit has been broken 6 After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off
Capacity measurement

Make sure that all the circuit parts, switches and components and other objects of measurement are disconnected from the voltage and discharged

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “CAP”
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Connect the measuring prods to the component
  4. If “OL” (overload) appears on the display, you have exceeded the measuring range or the measuring circuit has been broken
  5. After measuring, remove the measuring leads from the measured object and turn the DMM off
    Always observe correct polarity for electrolyte capacitators Make sure to use measuring leads that are as short as possible Long measuring leads may cause measuring deviations

Contact-free AC voltage detection “NCV”

The “NCV” detector is placed on the top of the housing and reacts only to alternate voltages between 200 and 1000 V/AC This function is only used for quick search for alternate voltage conducting lines and cables For work at the power lines, freedom from voltage must be verified with the traditional contact test method (phase tester)!

  1. The measuring leads are not required
  2. Turn on the DMM and select any measuring function Contact-free voltage detection is active in all measuring functions
  3. Move the DMM with the “NCV” sensor (upper housing edge) along the test object The detection depth reaches from Approx 3 cm at 230 V/AC to Approx 8 cm at 1000 V/AC
  4. Where a live line is discovered, the “NCV” lighted display (13) lights up
  5. Switch off DMM after measuring
    Shielded lines, lines that are too deep or twisted wires may negatively influence the display.
Frequency measurement
  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “Hz”
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Now connect the two measuring prods to the object to be measured (generator, signal, etc)
  4. The currently measured value is indicated on the display
  5. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off
Pulse width measurement

Pulse width measurement enables measuring of the positive hal-wave of a measuring signal The ratio of the positive halfwave to the total signal is displayed For symmetrical signals (eg sinus), the positive and negative half- waves are the same length The display shows approx 50%

  1. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “Hz”
  2. Plug the red measuring lead into the V measuring socket (9) and the black measuring lead into the COM measuring socket (8)
  3. Press “MODE” button to switch measurement functions The symbol “%” appears in the display Pressing this button again takes you to the first measuring function etc.
  4. Now connect the two measuring prods to the object to be measured (generator, signal, etc)
  5. The currently measured value is indicated on the display
  6. After measuring, remove the measuring lines from the measured object and turn the DMM off
Room temperature and humidity measurement

The DMM enables measuring the room temperature and relative humidity via firmly installed sensors. The two measured values are permanently displayed in the upper display area in measuring operation

Important: ­

  • The sensors are located inside the device and react to changes of the measured value with delays Wait for at least 30 minutes until the device has adjusted to the ambience conditions We recommend waiting for approx 2 hours to ensure precise measured values

Proceed as follows for the measurement:

  1. The measuring leads are not required
  2. Turn on the DMM and select any measuring function
  3. In the upper left, the display shows the relative humidity in “%RH” and in the upper right the room temperature in “°C”
  4. Wait until the displayed value has stabilised This may take up to 2 hours
  5. Switch off DMM after measuring

The long measuring time due to the build may cause deviations between the displayed and the “actual” temperature and humidity in case of short measuring durations Therefore, this product must not be used for very exact measurements (eg quality-control climate monitoring, etc)

Temperature measurement with contact sensor

Contact measurement is only permissible with powereddown objects Danger of electric shock! Due to its build, the included wire sensor is only designed for a measuring range between -20 and +230 °C With optional K-type thermal sensors, the complete measuring range of the DMM can be used

Proceed as follows for the measurement:

  1. Switch on the DMM and select the measuring range according to desired resolution: “1 °C” or “01 C”
  2. Connect the K-type measuring adapter to the “V” (+) and “COM” (-) in the correct polarity
  3. Connect the sensor to the measuring adapter in the correct polarity The polarity is marked on the plug
  4. guide the measuring prod to the object to be measured The measured value is shown in the main display in °C
  5. Switch off DMM after measuring
    The measured temperature must only be applied to the measuring prod The measuring device must be in the specified environment to prevent measuring errors.
Noise level measurement

The sound level measurement is used as an orientation measurement to identify sources of sound Evaluating measurement for documentation, etc is not possible The sound level is measured linearly (characteristic “C”), ie all sounds (low and high ones) are assessed equally Thus, you will receive frequency- independent measured values that make comparison easier The measuring aperture for sound is at the upper left (16) During measurement, the measuring device should be aligned at a right angle to the sound source

Always wear hearing protection when working in loud environments to prevent damage to your hearing

Proceed as follows for the measurement:

  1. The measuring leads are not required
  2. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “dBC”
  3. Align the DMM with the measuring aperture (16) towards the sound source Min distance 1 m
  4. The measuring value is shown on the main display
  5. Switch off DMM after measuring
    Strong wind (> 10 m/s) may negatively influence the measuring result
Lighting measurement

The lighting measurement is used to verify the light conditions in living and work rooks, etc The light sensor includes a spectral filter that only lets through visible light for measurement The lighting sensor is placed at the centre top (15) During measurement, the measuring device should be aligned at a right angle to the light source

Do not look into any bright light sources. This may lead to visual impairment. Keep sufficient distance between the DMM and hot sources of light

Proceed as follows for the measurement:

  1. The measuring leads are not required
  2. Turn the DMM on and select measuring function “Lux”
  3. Align the DMM with the light sensor (15) towards the light source
  4. The measuring value is shown on the main display When only the middle display segment shows “1”, the measuring range was exceeded Switch to the next measuring function “Lux x10” with the dial switch The indicated measured value now has to be multiplied by 10
  5. Switch off DMM after measuring


  • The following table shows the recommended lighting strengths according to the indications of the international commission for lighting
Place Recommended illumination strength in Lux:

Meeting room| 200 – 750
Writing room| 700 – 1500
Technical drawing| 1000 – 2000
Goods receipt, packing| 150 – 300
Visual inspection in production lines| 300 – 750
Inspection work| 750 – 1500
Assembly line| 1500 – 3000
Entrance area, wardrobe| 100 – 200
Reception area, cash point| 200 – 1000
Staircase| 150 – 200
Shop window area| 750 – 1500
Hospital room, storage| 100 – 200
Examination room| 300 – 750
Surgical theatre, emergency room| 750 – 1500
Lecture room, assembly hall| 100 – 300
Classroom| 200 – 750
Crafts and drawing rooms| 500 – 1500

RANGE button

The RANGE button enables manual measuring range selection in the voltage, current and impedance measuring functions This button is not active in any other measuring functions
Every time it is pressed, the auto range function is deactivated (display “Auto” goes out) and switches to the next higher measuring range After the largest measuring range, it starts again with the smallest one
For switching off the manual measuring range selection, keep the “RANGE” button pressed for approx. 2s The display shows “Auto” again

REL button

The REL button enables reference value measuring The indicated measuring resistance can be reset to zero, eg to avoid including the resistance of for measuring leads in low-ohmic measurements Every time it is pressed, the auto range function is deactivated (display “Auto” goes out) The symbol “REL” is displayed To turn the REL function off, press “REL” To activate the outrange function, keep the “RANGE” button pressed for approx. 2s The display shows “Auto” again

Hz% button

The Hz% button enables direct switching to the frequency display in voltage and current measuring areas Press again to switch to pulse measurement “%” Press again to switch back to normal mode Each press switches the function In the “Hz” measuring function, this button is used to switch to the pulse measurement “%”

HOLD button

The HOLD button makes it possible to manually capture the currently measured value When the function is active, the display shows “HOLD” Pressing the button again switches the function off again

MODE button

The MODE button makes it possible to skip through sub functions Each press switches the function

  • During current measurement (µA, mA, 10A), the device switches from AC (alternate current) to DC (direct current)
  • From resistance measurement, the device switches to diode measurement and acoustic continuity test
Auto power-off function

The DMM turns off automatically after approx. 30 minutes if no button or rotary switch is operated This function protects the battery, saves battery power and extends the service life To reactivate the DMM after automatic shutdown, use the rotary switch or press any button (apart from the light button (10))

Display illumination

The display can be lit if you are working in a badly lit environment To switch it on or off, press the “ ” (10) button in measuring operation Lighting remains on until it is deactivated manually or the DMM switches off automatically after approx. 30 minutes


In purchasing the DMM, you have acquired a product which has been designed to the state of the art and is operationally reliable Nevertheless, problems or errors may occur For this reason, the following is a description of how you can eliminate possible malfunctions yourself

Always follow the safety instructions!

Problem Possible cause Suggested solution
The multimeter does not work. Is the battery dead? Check the status. Replace

No measured value change.| Is a wrong measuring function activated (AC/DC)?| Check the display (AC/DC) and switch the function if applicable.
Did you use the wrong measuring sockets?| Compare the connection with the information from the operating instructions.
Is the fuse defect?| Check the fuses.
Is the “HOLD” function activated?| Press the “HOLD” button.

Repairs other than those described above may only be carried out by an authorised specialist If you have queries about handling the measuring device, contact our technical support service or other technical personnel

Cleaning and care

General information

To ensure the accuracy of the multimeter over an extended period of time, it should be calibrated once a year Apart from occasional cleaning and fuse replacements, the meter requires no servicing Information on changing the battery and fuse is provided below

Regularly check the technical safety of the instrument and measuring leads, eg check for damage to the housing or squashing etc


Always observe the following safety instructions before cleaning the device:
Live components may be exposed if covers are opened or parts are removed (unless this can be done without tools) The connected lines must be disconnected from the measuring device and all measuring objects prior to cleaning or repairing the device Switch off the DMM

Do not use any carbon-containing cleaning agents or petrol, alcohol or the like to clean the product These could corrode the surface of the meter Furthermore, the fumes are hazardous to your health and explosive Moreover, you should not use sharp-edged tools, screwdrivers or metal brushes or similar for cleaning When cleaning the device or the display and the measuring lines, use a clean, lint-free, antistatic, slightly damp cloth Allow the product to dry completely before you use it again to conduct measurements

Opening the meter

The connected lines must be disconnected from the measuring device and all measuring objects before the device is opened Switch off the DMM

Proceed as follows to open it:

  1. Disconnect all measuring leads from the meter and switch it off
  2. Unscrew and remove the two rear battery compartment screws (18)
  3. Pull the battery cover (18) from the measuring device at a 90° angle
  4. This battery compartment is now accessible
  5. Remove the mounting bracket ad remove all six housing screws
  6. Draw the housing apart parallel Make sure that it does not catch
  7. The fuses can be accessed now
  8. Close the housing again in the reverse order and screw the battery and fuse compartment closed
  9. The meter is ready for use once again
Replacing the fuse

The current measuring ranges are protected by high-performance fuses If measuring in this range is no longer possible, you have to change the fuse

Proceed as follows for fuse replacement:

  1. Separate the connected measuring lines from the measuring circuit and the measuring device Switch off the DMM
  2. Open the housing as described in chapter “Opening the meter”
  3. Replace the defective fuse with a new fuse of the same type and nominal voltage The fuses have the following values:
    Fuse| F1| F2
    Value| FF 500 mA 660V| F10A H 600V
    Dimensions| 5 x 20 mm| 6.3 x 32 mm

•­ Now close the housing again carefully

Using mended fuses or bridging the fuse holder is not permitted for safety reasons. It may cause fires or arc explosions Never operate the meter when it is open

Inserting and changing the batteries

Operation of the measuring device requires a 9V battery (eg 1604A) You need to insert a new, charged battery prior to initial operation or when the battery change symbol appears on the display

Proceed as follows to insert or change the batteries: ­

  • Separate the connected measuring lines from the measuring circuit and the measuring device Switch off the DMM ­
  • Open the housing as described in chapter “Opening the meter” ­
  • Replace the flat batteries with new one of the same type.
  • Place a new battery into the battery compartment (18), observing the correct polarity Observe the correct polarity indicated in the battery compartment ­
  • Now close the housing again carefully
    Never operate the measurement device when it is open !RISK OF FATAL INJURY! Do not leave flat batteries in the device. Even batteries protected against leaking can corrode and thus release chemicals which may be detrimental to your health or destroy the battery compartment Do not leave batteries lying around carelessly They could be swallowed by children or pets If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately Remove the batteries if the device is not used for longer periods of time to prevent leaking Leaking or damaged batteries may cause alkali burns if they come in contact with the skin Therefore, use suitable protective gloves Make sure that the batteries are not short- circuited. Do not throw batteries into the fire. Batteries must not be recharged or dismantled Danger of explosion!

Note: ­

  • You can order suitable alkaline batteries stating the following order no:
    Item no 65 25 09 (please order one piece) ­

  • Only use alkaline batteries, as they are powerful and have a long service life



This symbol must appear on any electrical and electronic equipment placed on the EU market This symbol indicates that this device should not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste at the end of its service life Owners of WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) shall dispose of it separately from unsorted municipal waste Spent batteries and accumulators, which are not enclosed by the WEEE, as well as lamps that can be removed from the WEEE in a non-destructive manner, must be removed by end users from the WEEE in a non-destructive manner before it is handed over to a collection point

Distributors of electrical and electronic equipment are legally obliged to provide free take-back of waste Conrad provides the following return options free of charge (more details on our website):

  • in our Conrad offices
  • at the Conrad collection points
  • at the collection points of public waste management authorities or the collection points set up by manufacturers or distributors within the meaning of the Elektra

End users are responsible for deleting personal data from the WEEE to be disposed of It should be noted that different obligations about the return or recycling of WEEE may apply in countries outside of Germany

(Rechargeable) batteries

Remove batteries/rechargeable batteries, if any, and dispose of them separately from the product According to the Battery Directive, end users are legally obliged to return all spent batteries/rechargeable batteries; they must not be disposed of in the normal household waste
Batteries/rechargeable batteries containing hazardous substances are labelled with this symbol to indicate that disposal in household waste is forbidden The abbreviations for heavy metals in batteries are: Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Lead (name on (rechargeable) batteries, eg below the trash icon on the left).

Used (rechargeable) batteries can be returned to collection points in your municipality, our stores or wherever (rechargeable) batteries are sold. You thus fulfil your statutory obligations and contribute to environmental protection. Batteries/rechargeable batteries that are disposed of should be protected against short circuit and their exposed terminals should be covered completely with insulating tape before disposal Even empty batteries/rechargeable batteries can contain residual energy that may cause them to swell, burst, catch fire or explode in the event of a short circuit.

Technical data

Display ……………………………………………. 4000 counts
Measuring rate ………………………… Approx 3 measuring operations per second
Measuring line length ……………… Approx 80 cm each
Measuring impedance ……………… >10 MΩ (V range)
Operating voltage ……………………. 9 V block battery
Working conditions …………………. 0 – +40 °C, <70 % RH (non-condensing)
Operating altitude ……………………. max 3,000 m
Storage temperature ………………… -10 to +60 °C, <80 % RH (non-condensing)
Weight ……………………………………… approx 335 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) ………….. 170 x 78 x 48 mm
Over-voltage category ………………. CAT III 600 V, Impurity level 2

1Measurement tolerances
Statement of accuracy in ± (% of reading + display error in counts (= number of smallest points)) The accuracy is valid for one year at a temperature of +23 °C ± 5 °C, and at a relative humidity of less than 70 %, non-condensing

Direct voltage (DC)

Range Resolution Accuracy
400 mV 0.1 mV ±(1.2 % + 5)
4V 0.001 V
40 V 0.01 V
400V 0.1 V ±(1.8 % + 4)
600 V 1 V
Other Features Overload protection 600 V

Alternate voltage (AC)

Range Resolution Accuracy
400 mV 0.1 mV 1(1.8 % + 20)
4V 0.001V 1(1.2 %+ 5)
40 V 0.01 V
400V 0.1V ±(1.8 % + 4)
600 V 1 V ±(2.2 % + 5)
Other Features Frequency range 50 — 400 Hz;

Effective average value with sinus voltage;
Overload protection 600 V;
400 mV area only through manual area selection!

Direct current (DC)

Range Resolution Accuracy
400 μA 0.1 μA ±(1.2 % + 2)
4000 μA 1 μA
40 mA 0.01 mA
400 mA 0.1 mA ±(1.5 % + 2)
10A 0.01A ±(2.2 % + 5)
Other Features Overload protection: Fuses; 500 mA 660 V, 10 A 600 V;

Measuring time limit > 5 A: max. 30 s with 15 min break

Alternate current (AC)

Range Resolution Accuracy
400 μA 0.1 μA ±(1.5 % + 3)
4000 μA 1 μA
40 mA 0.01 mA
400 mA 0.1 mA ±(1.8 % + 3)
10A 0.01A ±(2.2 % + 6)
Other Features Overload protection: Fuses; 500 mA 660 V, 10 A 600 V;

Measuring time limit > 5 A: max. 30 s with 15 min break; Frequency range 50 – 400 Hz


Range Resolution Accuracy
400Ω 0.1Ω ±(1.8 % + 5)
4 kΩ 0.001 kΩ ±(1.5 % + 2)
40 kΩ 0.01 kΩ
400 kΩ 0.1 kΩ
4 MΩ 0.001 MΩ ±(2.0 % + 2)
40 MΩ 0.01 MΩ ±(2.5 % + 2)
Other Features Overload protection 600 V;

Measuring voltage: approx. 0.28 V


Range Resolution Accuracy
50 μF 0.01 μF ±(5.5 % + 25)
500 μF 0.1 μF ±(3.5 % + 7)
5 μF 0.001 μF
50 μF 0.01 μF
100 μF 0.1 μF ±(5.0 % + 7)
Other Features Overload protection 600 V


Range Resolution Accuracy
5 Hz 0.001 Hz ±(1.5 % + 3)
50 Hz 0.01 Hz
500 Hz 0.1 Hz
5 kHz 0.001 kHz
50 kHz 0.01 kHz
500 kHz 0.1 kHz
10 MHz 0.01 MHz ±(1.5 % + 4)
Other Features Overload protection 600 V:

Sensitivity: <1 MHz: >0.5 V;

1 MHz: >3 V

Temperature contact sensor type K

Range Resolution Accuracy
-20 to +400 °C 0.1 °C ±(3.0 % + 3 °C)
-20 to +1300 °C 1°C

Relative temperature and relative air humidity

Range Resolution Accuracy
Oto+ 50 °C 0.1 °C ±(3.0 % + 3)
33-99 %RH 1 % FtH ±(3.0 % + 5.5)

Illumination strength

Range Resolution Accuracy
4000 lux 1 lux ±(6 % + 15)
40000 lux 10 lux ±(3.5 % + 10)

Colour temperature accuracy of 2856 K; Repetition accuracy ±2 %;
Temperature stability: ±0.1 % per °C; Light sensor: Silicium photo diode with spectral filter

Sound level

Range Resolution Accuracy
35 – 100 dB 0.1 dB ±5.5 dB

ccuracy at 94 dB and 1 kHz sinus; frequency range: 30 Hz – 10 kHz;
Assessment: Characteristic “C” (linear); Time assessment: Fast; Microphone: Condenser microphone

Diode Test

Test voltage approx. 1.5 V
Test current approx. 1 mA
Resolution: 0.001 V
Accuracy ±(10 % + 5)

Overload protection 600 V

Acoustic continuity tester  <100 Ω continuous sound, test voltage approx 0.5 V, overload protection 600 V
NCV:  Detection range: 200 – 1,000 V/AC

Do not exceed the maximum permitted input values. Do not touch any circuits or parts of circuits if they can have higher voltages than 25 V Acrms or 35 V/DC. Danger to life!

This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (www.conrad.com).
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfilming, or the capture in electronic data processing systems require  the prior written approval by the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited.
This publication represent the technical status at the time of printing.
Copyright 2022 by Conrad Electronic SE.


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