SIGLENT SDS2000X HD Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope User Guide

June 9, 2024

SDS2000X HD Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope

SDS2000X HD Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Quick Start EN01A

Copyright Information
Declaration SIGLENT products are protected by patent law in and outside of P.R.C. SIGLENT reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications or pricing policies at the company’s sole decision. Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material. Any method of copying, extracting or translating the contents of this manual is not allowed without the permission of SIGLENT. Note: SIGLENT is the registered trademark of SIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ………………………………………………………………………I GENERAL SAFETY SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………. 1 SAFETY TERMS AND SYMBOLS……………………………………………………………….2 GENERAL CARE AND CLEANING ……………………………………………………………..3 GENERAL INSPECTION …………………………………………………………………………… 4 QUICK START …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 FRONT OF OSCILLOSCOPE ……………………………………………………………………..7 BACK OF OSCILLOSCOPE ……………………………………………………………………….8 PROBE COMPENSATION …………………………………………………………………………. 9 USER INTERFACE …………………………………………………………………………………. 10 BASIC OPERATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………17


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

General Safety Summary
Carefully read the following safety precautions to avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument and any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, please use the instrument as specified.

Use Proper Power Cord
Only the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized by local government regulations should be used.
Ground the Instrument
The instrument is grounded through the protective earth conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, please make certain the instrument is grounded correctly before connecting its input or output terminals.
Connect the Signal Cable Correctly
The potential of the signal cable ground is equal to the earth ground. Do not connect the signal wire to a high voltage.
Look Over All Terminals’ Ratings
To avoid fire or electric shock, please look over all ratings and sign instructions of the instrument. Before connecting the instrument, please read the manual carefully to gain more information about the ratings.
Use Proper Overvoltage Protection
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a thunderstorm) can reach the product, or else the operator might be exposed to the danger of electrical shock.
Electrostatic Prevention
Operate in an electrostatic-protected area environment to avoid damages induced by static discharge. Always ground both the internal and external conductors of the cable to release a static charge before connecting.

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Maintain Adequate Ventilation Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase in temperature, which may eventually damage the instrument. Maintain suitable ventilation and inspect the fan and intake regularly. Avoid Exposed Circuits and Components Do not touch exposed contacts or components when the instrument’s power is on. Use Only the Specified Fuse Do Not Operate Without Covers Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms used in this product. These terms may appear in the product: DANGER Indicates direct injury or hazards that may happen. WARNING Indicates potential injury or hazards that may happen. CAUTION Indicates potential damage to the instrument or other property that may happen.
Symbols used in this product. These symbols may appear on the product:

Hazardous Voltage

Protective Earth Ground


Earth Ground

Power Switch


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

General Care and Cleaning
Care Do not store or leave the instrument in direct sunshine for extended periods of time. To avoid damages to the instrument or probes, please do not expose them to fog, liquid, or solvents.
Cleaning Please perform the following steps to clean the instrument and probes regularly in accordance with its operating conditions. 1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources and then clean with a soft
wet cloth. 2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the instrument and probe with a soft
cloth. When cleaning the LCD, take care to avoid scratching it. To avoid damage to the surface of the instrument and probe, please do not use any corrosive liquid or chemical cleansers. Make sure that the instrument is completely dry before restarting it to avoid potential short circuits or personal injury.

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


General Inspection
1. Inspect the shipping container Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents of the shipment have been completely checked and the instrument has passed both electrical and mechanical tests. The consigner or carrier will be responsible for damages to the instrument resulting from shipment. SIGLENT would not provide free maintenance or replacement if the instrument has been damaged in shipment.
2. Inspect the instrument If there are instruments found damaged, defective or failure in electrical and mechanical tests, please contact SIGLENT.
3. Check the accessories Please check the accessories according to the packing list. If the accessories are incomplete or damaged, please contact your SIGLENT sales representative.


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Quick Start
Mechanical Dimension

Front View

Top View

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Adjust the Supporting Legs
Adjust the supporting legs properly to use them as stands to tilt the oscilloscope upwards for stable placement as well as easier operation and observation of the instrument.

Connecting to Power Supply
The standard power supply for the instrument is 100~240 V, 50/60 Hz. Please use the power cord provided with the instrument to connect it to AC power.


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Front of Oscilloscope

Touch Screen Display The display and major functions area. See “User Interface” for more details
Front Panel Includes knobs and buttons. See “Front Panel” for more details
Probe Compensation / Ground Terminal

USB 2.0 Host Ports Connect to USB storage devices for data transfer or USB mouse/keyboard for control Digital Input Connector
Analog Input Connectors
Power Switch
Supporting Legs

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Back of Oscilloscope

Ext Trigger Input
Built-in Waveform Generator Output Auxiliary Out Outputs the trigger indicator. When Mask Test is enabled, outputs the pass / fail signal 100M LAN Port Connect the port to the network for remote control

USB 2.0 Device Connects with a PC for remote control USB 2.0 Host Connect with a USB storage device or USB mouse/keyboard
AC Power Input


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Probe Compensation
All oscilloscope probes should be properly compensated before their first use with the oscilloscope. A non-compensated or inadequately compensated probe may cause inaccurate measurement. The following steps illustrate the proper probe compensation procedure.
1. Use the probe to connect the CH1 Input Terminal and the Compensation Signal Output Terminal on the front panel. Connect the ground alligator clip of the probe to the “Ground Terminal” under the compensation signal output terminal.
2. Check the displayed waveforms and compare them with the following figure.

Under Compensated

Compensated Correctly

Over Compensated

3. Use a nonmetallic flat-head screwdriver to adjust the low-frequency compensation adjustment hole on the probe until the waveform matches the “Compensated Correctly” waveform above.

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


User Interface

Menu Bar
Grid Area displays the waveform traces. Traces can be moved by dragging them and re-scaled by pinch and spread
Channel descriptor boxes include analog channels (C1 ~ C4), digital channels (D), math (F1-F2) and reference (Ref). They show the parameters of the corresponding traces. Touching the boxes creates a dialog box Timebase and Trigger Descriptor Boxes show the parameters of timebase and trigger respectively. Touching the boxes creates a dialog box Dialog Box is the main area to select the parameters for a chosen specific function Trigger Delay Indicator locates where the trigger is on the horizontal axis
Trigger Level Indicator shows the level where the waveform triggers
Cursors show where measurement points have been set


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Channel Descriptor Box

Channel Index Coupling and Input Impedance Vertical Scale Vertical Offset Bandwidth Information Probe Attenuation Factor

Timebase and Trigger Descriptor Boxes
Trigger delay Horizontal scaletimebase # Samples Sample Rate

Trigger source Trigger coupling Trigger mode Trigger level Trigger type Trigger slope

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Dialog Box
The dialog box on the right side of the screen is the main area for setting the parameters of the selected function.
Title bar. Touching the bar can hide the dialog box, and touching again can open the dialog box
Parameter setting area
Scroll bar. When parameters are more than the displayed range, the blue scrollbar will be displayed. By sliding the dialog area up and down, or rolling the mouse wheel, it can scroll to the area not displayed


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

To Set Parameters
Several different ways are provided to set parameters:
Switch ­ sets parameters with two states, such as to enable or disable a function. Touch the switch region to change from one state to the other.
List ­ sets parameters with more than two options, such as the coupling mode of channels. Touch the parameter region, and then select the expected option from the pop-up list.
Virtual Keypad ­ Sets parameters with a numerical value. Touch the parameter region, and the parameter can be adjusted by the universal knob on the front panel; touch the region again, then the virtual keypad appears;
To use the operation of setting “deskew” of the channel as an example: If the expected value is 65 ns, input “65” on the virtual keypad, and then choose the unit n to complete the operation. On the virtual keypad, touching the button Max , Min , and Default quickly sets the parameter to its maximum, minimum and default values.

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Touch Gestures
Waveforms, cursors and trigger level can be adjusted by touch gestures in the grid area.
Drag the waveform left and right to move it on the horizontal axis

Pinch and spread the waveform horizontally to re-scale the timebase

Drag the waveform up and down to move it on the vertical axis

Pinch and spread the waveform vertically to re-scale the vertical gain


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Touch and drag the cursor to move it
Touch and drag the cursor information region to move the pair of cursors simultaneously
Draw a rectangular box to create a zone or a histogram region. At the beginning of the gesture keep the angle close to 45° so it can be recognized as the drawing box gesture

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Front Panel

The front panel is designed to operate the basic functions without having to open the software menu. Most of the front panel controls duplicate functionality available through the touch screen display but the operation is more quickly achieved
Automatically sets the waveform to adapt the display according to its frequency and amplitude
Resets the oscilloscope to the default configuration
Enables or disables the touch screen. When it is lighted the functionality is enabled
Rotate the universal knob to set the value of the activated parameter, or to move the selected cursor. Push to select a different cursor

Choosing the Language
Utility Menu System setting Language


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Basic Operations
Turn On / Disable a Channel
From the Front Panel Push the channel button ( 1-4, Digital, Math, Ref ) to turn on the corresponding channel. Its channel descriptor box and dialog box will appear on the display.

If a channel is already on but not activated, push the button to activate it. If a channel is already on and activated, push the same button again to disable the channel.

From the Touch Screen

Touch the

button and then select the expected channel to turn it on, and its

channel descriptor box and the dialog box will appear on the display. Touch the

channel descriptor box and then touch the Off button to disable it.

Vertical System
Analog channel on/off Digital channels on/off Math on/off Reference on/off Rotate the knob to adjust the vertical scale (volts/div). Push to switch to alternate between coarse and fine adjustments Rotate the knob to adjust the DC offset or vertical position of the channel. Push to set the offset to zero

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Channel Setup
Touch the channel descriptor box, a quick dialog will pop up. Vertical scale and offset can also be set from this dialog box.
Touch the region to set the vertical scale with the universal knob or virtual keypad to increase the vertical scale and to decrease Check to coarsely adjust the vertical scale and uncheck to enable fine adjustment Touch the region to set the offset with the universal knob or virtual keypad to increase the offset and to decrease Set the offset to zero
Copy the setting of the current channel to another channel Quickly select the current channel as the source of a specified operation ( Trigger, FFT, Measure, Cursor, Search, DVM and Counter )
Disable the channel
Hide the trace


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Activating a channel in the quick dialog of the channel recalls the channel dialog box, displaying more parameters:
Turn channel on/off
Coupling ( DC, AC or GND )
Bandwidth limit ( Full, 200 MHz or 20 MHz )
Probe attenuation ( 1X, 10X, 100X or custom ) Set the label text. Click to recall the label setting. Users can customize the text and display of the label Quickly apply a specified operation ( Cursor, Measure, FFT, Search, DVM, Histogram and Mask Test ) to the current channel Impedance
Units for the channel
Enable / disable invert
Trace visible / hidden

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Horizontal System
Rotate to adjust the horizontal scale ( time / div ); When Zoom is enabled, push to switch between the main window and zoom window Push to enable / disable Zoom Push to enable horizontal Roll; push again to exit Roll mode. At timebase settings larger than 50 ms/div, it is recommended to set the oscilloscope to Roll mode so that the waveform is displayed in real-time Rotate to adjust trigger delay; push to set trigger delay to zero
Touch the timebase descriptor box to display a quick dialog box. Timebase and Trigger Delay can also be set in this dialog box.
Set the horizontal scale ( timebase ) by the virtual keypad to increase and to decrease the horizontal scale Set the trigger delay by the virtual keypad to increase and to decrease the trigger delay Set the trigger delay to zero Set the trigger point to the left part of the screen Set the trigger point to the right part of the screen
Open the Acquire dialog box


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Acquisition System
Touch on the quick menu of the timebase settings, or touch the menu bar Acquire > Menu to recall the Acquire dialog box on the right side.
Select the interpolation mode Select the Acq mode Select the acquisition mode ( Normal / Peak / Average / ERES ) Select the Memory Management mode ( Auto, Fixed Sample Rate, and Fixed Memory ) Select the maximum memory depth Enter the sequence menu XY mode on / off

SDS2000X HD Quick Start



Waveform zoom in the horizontal and vertical directions is

supported. Push the

button on the front panel to

enable Zoom mode

When the Zoom mode is enabled, Press down the horizontal knob to switch between the main window and zoom window. Currently activated window is high- lighted by dash line.

In Zoom mode the grid area is divided into two areas. The main window appears on the top and the zoom window on the bottom. The region without the gray background in the main window is the portion of trace that is magnified in the zoom window. Please refer to the User Manual for detailed operation instructions of Zoom mode.


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

The trigger system supports multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus triggering. Refer to the User Manual for more details.
Opens trigger setup dialog box Auto mode ­ triggers after preset period if no valid trigger occurs Single-mode ­ triggers once when all conditions are met Normal mode ­ triggers repeatedly when all conditions are met Trigger level adjustment — push to set the level to 50% of the waveform Ready LED, lighted when ready for trigger; Trig’d LED, lighted when a trigger event happens
Indicators Relative to Trigger

Trigger level Indicator

Horizontal 0 position Indicator

Horizontal 0 position (out of screen) Indicator

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Select trigger type
Select the trigger source
Select the trigger slope ( When the trigger type is “Edge”, “Slope” and other specific types )
Set holdoff ( None / Time / Events )
Set trigger coupling mode ( DC / AC / LF Reject / HF Reject ) Enable / disable Noise Rejection. When Noise Reject is on, the trigger hysteresis is increased, so the noise immunity of the trigger circuit is better. As a compromise, the trigger sensitivity degrades
Set the Zone trigger


SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Touch + > Func1 / Func2 , or push the

button on the front panel to

create a math trace and open math setup dialog box

Math trace

Math setup dialog box

Selects the trace (F1 ~ F2)

Selects the operator and source (C1~C4, Z1~Z4, F1~F2)

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Measure & Statistics

Touch Measure > Menu , or push the

button on the front panel

to open measure setup dialog box

Measurement parameters and statistics display area. If select the mode as

“Simple”, the “Simple” parameter area is displayed. Touch the


on the front panel to reset the statistics

Measure dialog box


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Cursors set measurement points on the Vertical or Horizontal axis of a trace (or both). For more information please refer to the User Manual.
Push the button to open the cursors setup dialog box Rotate the knob to move the selected cursor; push to select different cursor
The display mode of cursors



SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Reference Waveforms

Reference waveforms ( REFA, REFB, REFC, and REFD ) are analog or math traces stored in the non-volatile memory. They can be recalled to the display for

comparison with other traces. Press the

button on the front panel to set the

reference waveforms.

Select the location of the reference ( REFA / REFB / REFC / REFD )

Select the source (C1~C4 and Math)

Enable/disable Display of the reference waveform

Set the label text of the reference trace

Save the waveform specified in specified location in

to the

The reference waveforms.refcan be saved to an external storage device. See ” Save / Recall ” for details.


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Touch Utility Save/Recall to save / recall a setup, picture, waveform data or reference waveform.
Choose Save or Recall operation Select the object type Recall the File Manager for further operations
File Manager

Quickly Save

Push the

button on the front panel to perform specified save action. The

default is to save a screenshot as a picture (.bmp/.png/.jpg). Touch Utility Save Button to set the file type and path.

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


Quick Action

Push the

button on the front panel to perform a specified action. Touch

Utility Quick Action to open the Quick Action menu and set the action

mapping to the button. By default, Quick Action is disabled, and pushing the button for the first time will open the Quick Action menu.

Self Calibration
The oscilloscope is calibrated at the factory prior to being shipped. The calibration is run at 23 °C (± 2 °C) and is valid for temperatures 23 ± 5 °C. Within this temperature range, the oscilloscope will meet all specifications once warmed up.
Touch Utility Menu Maintenance Self Calibration
Warm up the oscilloscope for at least 20 minutes prior to each use or calibration in order for it to reach a stable operating temperature. Specifications are not guaranteed during the warm-up period.
Whenever the oscilloscope is used in an environment outside 23 ± 5 °C, or when it has been more than one month since the previous calibration, a self- calibration is recommended.

Quick Cal
When Quick Cal is enabled, the oscilloscope will initiate an ADC calibration procedure when the ADC temperature changes by over 3 °C to avoid performance drift. This procedure is quick enough not to affect the user experience but will interrupt the acquisition procedure. It is recommended to disable it when capturing long-duration waveforms or monitoring rare events without interruption. The default status of Quick Cal is disabled.


SDS2000X HD Quick Start

Changing vertical scale or channel interleaving mode will initiate the same ADC calibration procedure in the background. This is always enabled, regardless of the status of Quick Cal. Touch Utility Menu Maintenance Quick Cal to set Quick Cal.
Software Option
Installing a Software Option Follow the steps below to install a software option ( see the data sheet for details ) after purchasing it and obtaining the Option Key: 1. Utility Menu Software Options 2. Select the correct Option Type 3. Input the option key in the text box 4. Touch Install and then restart the oscilloscope

SDS2000X HD Quick Start


SIGLENT Technologies Co., Ltd Add: Bldg No.4 & No.5, Antongda Industrial Zone, 3rd Liuxian Road, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, 518101, China Tel: + 86 755 3688 7876 Fax: + 86 755 3359 1582 Email: [email protected] Website:
North America:
SIGLENT Technologies America, Inc 6557 Cochran Rd Solon, Ohio 44139 Tel: 440-398-5800 Toll Free: 877-515-5551 Fax: 440-399-1211 Email: [email protected] Website:
SIGLENT Technologies Germany GmbH Add: Staetzlinger Str. 70 86165 Augsburg, Germany Tel: +49(0)-821-666 0 111 0 Fax: +3429(0)-821-666 0 111 22 Email: [email protected] Website:

SIGLENT is an international high-tech company, concentrating on R&D, sales, production and services of electronic test & measurement instruments. SIGLENT first began developing digital oscilloscopes independently in 2002. After more than a decade of continuous development, SIGLENT has extended its product line to include digital oscilloscopes, isolated handheld oscilloscopes, function/arbitrary waveform generators, RF/MW signal generators, spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, digital multimeters, DC power supplies, electronic loads and other general purpose test instrumentation. Since its first oscilloscope was launched in 2005, SIGLENT has become the fastest growing manufacturer of digital oscilloscopes. We firmly believe that today SIGLENT is the best value in electronic test & measurement.
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SDS2000X HD Quick Start


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