Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service User Guide

June 9, 2024

Enterprise Messaging Service

Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service
Workforce Connect
Client User Guide
MN-004512-04EN Rev A

ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2022 Zebra Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements.
For further information regarding legal and proprietary statements, please go to:
SOFTWARE: zebra.com/linkoslegal. COPYRIGHTS: zebra.com/copyright. PATENTS: ip.zebra.com. WARRANTY: zebra.com/warranty. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: zebra.com/eula.
Terms of Use
Proprietary Statement
This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and maintaining the equipment described herein. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the express, written permission of Zebra Technologies.
Product Improvements
Continuous improvement of products is a policy of Zebra Technologies. All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice.
Liability Disclaimer
Zebra Technologies takes steps to ensure that its published Engineering specifications and manuals are correct; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies reserves the right to correct any such errors and disclaims liability resulting therefrom.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Zebra Technologies or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the accompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, consequential damages including loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information) arising out of the use of, the results of use of, or inability to use such product, even if Zebra Technologies has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

About this Guide……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Chapter Descriptions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Notational Conventions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Related Documents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Icon Conventions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Service Information………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Revision History……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Supported PTT Pro Clients……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Broadcast Messages……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android…………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 About Screen for Zebra PTT Pro for Android…………………………………………………………………….. 11 Messaging Contacts………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12 Searching for a Contact………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Messaging to Groups…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Sending a Message to a Webhook……………………………………………………………………………………..16 Responding to Messages…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 Recent View…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19 Supported Message Attachments…………………………………………………………………………………21 Accessing Broadcast Messaging……………………………………………………………………………………….. 22 Composing a Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Scheduling a Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………………… 26

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 About Screen for PTT Pro for iOS………………………………………………………………………………………. 31 Sending a Message to One or More Contacts………………………………………………………………….. 31 Sending a Message to a Group…………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 Sending a Message to a Webhook……………………………………………………………………………………. 33 Responding to Messages……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35 Recent View……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………36 Accessing Broadcast Messaging…………………………………………………………………………………………37 Composing a Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………………… 39 Creating a Favorite………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 Removing a Favorite…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44 Deleting a Sent Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………45 Scheduling a Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………………….47
Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client……………………………………………………………………………….. 51 Accessing the ZEMS Web Client………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 Web Client User Interface……………………………………………………………………………………………………53 History Vew…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….54 Conversation View…………………………………………………………………………………………………………55 Messaging Contacts and Groups………………………………………………………………………………………..55 Sending a Message to a Webhook…………………………………………………………………………………….56 Composing a Broadcast Message………………………………………………………………………………………58 Scheduling a Broadcast Message……………………………………………………………………………………… 59 Logging Out of the ZEMS Web Client…………………………………………………………………………………61

About this Guide
About this Guide
This guide describes how to use the Zebra PTT Pro apps with the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service (ZEMS). ZEMS provides text messaging across sites and includes broadcast messaging. The configuration of the clients is described in the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service Customer Administrator Guide. NOTE: The screens and windows pictured in this guide are samples and can differ from actual screens.
Chapter Descriptions
Topics covered in this guide are as follows: · About this Guide–Describes this document. · Enterprise Messaging–Describes the functions and features of the Zebra Enterprise Messaging
Service, including broadcast messaging. · ZEMS Messaging with Zebra Pro for Android–Provides information about using PTT Pro for Android
with ZEMS. · ZEMS Messaging with Zebra PTT Pro for iOS–Provides information about using PTT Pro for iOS with
ZEMS. · ZEMS Messaging with the Zebra Web Client–Provides information about using the web interface for
Notational Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document: · Bold text is used to highlight the following:
· Dialog box, window, and screen names · Drop-down list and list box names · Checkbox and radio button names · Icons on a screen · Key names on a keypad · Button names on a screen

About this Guide
· Bullets (·) indicate: · Action items · List of alternatives · Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
· Sequential lists (for example, those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.
Related Documents
· Workforce Connect Zebra PTT Pro Installation Guide–Describes the installation and activation of all Zebra PTT Pro applications.
· Workforce Connect Zebra PTT Pro for Android User Guide–Describes PTT Pro for Android features and operation.
· Workforce Connect Zebra PTT Pro Version 2 for iOS User Guide–Describes PTT Pro for iOS features and operation.
· Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service Customer Administrator Guide–Describes the configuration of Zebra PTT Pro clients to use ZEMS.
Icon Conventions
The documentation set is designed to give the reader more visual clues. The following visual indicators are used throughout the documentation set. NOTE: The text here indicates information that is supplemental for the user to know and that is not required to complete a task. IMPORTANT: The text here indicates information that is important for the user to know.
CAUTION: If the precaution is not heeded, the user could receive a minor or moderate injury.
WARNING: If danger is not avoided, the user CAN be seriously injured or killed.
DANGER: If danger is not avoided, the user WILL be seriously injured or killed.
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Zebra Global Customer Support for your region. Contact information is available at: zebra.com/support. When contacting support, please have the following information available: · Serial number of the unit · Model number or product name · Software type and version number Zebra responds to calls by email, telephone, or fax within the time limits set forth in support agreements.

About this Guide

If your problem cannot be solved by Zebra Customer Support, you may need to return your equipment for servicing and will be given specific directions. Zebra is not responsible for any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the warranty.
If you purchased your Zebra business product from a Zebra business partner, contact that business partner for support.

Revision History

Change MN-004512-01 Rev A MN-004512-02 Rev A MN-004512-03 Rev A

Date May 2022 June 2022 September 2022

MN-004512-04 Rev A December 2022

First version for early access.
Internal release.
GA release. Added description of ZEMS Customer Administrator Console.
Updated for new client versions and icons for messages from external applications.


Supported PTT Pro Clients
Supported PTT Pro Clients
The Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service (ZEMS) includes text messaging with the ability to send video, audio, and images to one or more contacts and groups. Users with the manager role can send broadcast messages to regions, child regions, and departments (sites). The following PTT Pro clients support ZEMS messaging: · PTT Pro for Android version 3.3.10196 or later · PTT Pro for iOS version 1.0.11086 or later · ZEMS Web Client version 2.1.22307 or later NOTE: The Zebra PTT Pro Desktop Client does not support ZEMS.
NOTE: Zebra PTT Pro clients can use ZEMS messaging or legacy messaging but not both at the same time. NOTE: The PTT Pro client versions listed above are required for ZEMS version 2.1.22309 or later.
Broadcast Messages
Broadcast messages enable managers to send one-way messages to specific groups of users. Managers are Zebra PTT Pro users configured with the manager role in the ZEMS server. The organizational hierarchy and the managers are defined in ZEMS and each ZEMS user must have a Zebra PTT Pro user account. Refer to the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Customer Administrator Guidefor information about creating regions and assigning managers. Regions Example In this example, an enterprise has divided its operations into East and West regions. Each region has a manager that runs the operation. The East and West regions are further divided into child regions and sites.

Supported PTT Pro Clients
Figure 1 Regions in a ZEMS Deployment
Site-1, highlighted in green, belongs to the West region, but it also belongs to the D1 child region. PTT Pro users in Site-1 receive broadcast messages sent to either the West region or the D1 child region.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
PTT Pro for Android supports ZEMS messaging features such as sending and scheduling broadcast messages, messaging to users and groups, and sending messages through webhooks.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
About Screen for Zebra PTT Pro for Android
The About screen describes what messaging service the user is configured to use. Figure 2 User Configured for ZEMS Messaging Service

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Messaging Contacts
Select one or more contacts to send a message. Your message can include a photo, video, or audio. 1. Select a contact:
· from the Contacts tab, · from the Contacts in the navigation drawer, · or by searching for a contact.
2. Tap Message . 3. Enter the message text. 4. (Optional) Select additional message recipients by tapping on the additional name(s) desired.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
5. (Optional) Add a photo, image, video, audio, or speech to text to the message by selecting .
· Select Take Photo to take a picture using the device camera. · Select Upload an Image and select an image from the device.
· Tap to rotate right or to rotate left. · Tap to remove changes made to the image. · Tap to remove the image. · Select Record Video to record video using the device camera. · Select Record Audio to record audio using the device microphone. 6. Tap Send.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Searching for a Contact
You can search the device and the PTT Pro server to locate a contact. 1. Tap the magnifying glass icon to search for a contact on the device.
2. Begin entering a contact name. As each letter is entered, the relevant matches are displayed in the contact list.
3. Keep entering letters until you find a match. The contact search string is a sticky search, meaning that the letters entered remain in the search field until cleared. Entering a string without a match will cause no contacts to be displayed.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
4. If the search does not find a contact, you can search the server. Tap the magnifying glass with an arrow.
5. Clear the search string to return to the list of contacts.
Messaging to Groups
To send a group message: 1. Tap the Groups tab.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Select the desired group, and then tap the Message icon
3. (Optional) Add video, audio, image, photo, or speech to text to the message by selecting . · Select Take Photo to take a picture using the device camera. · Select Upload an Image and select an image from the device. · Tap to rotate right or to rotate left. · Tap to remove changes made to the image. · Tap to remove the image. · Select Record Video to record video using the device camera. · Select Record Audio to record audio using the device microphone.
4. Tap Send.
Sending a Message to a Webhook
Webhooks are an optional feature of ZEMS that enable communication between Zebra PTT Pro clients and an external application. Refer to the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service Customer Administrator Guidefor information about creating webhooks. 1. Select a contact or group.
A contact or group must be selected to send a message through a webhook.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Enter a @ in the message field to display the list of available webhooks.
3. Select a webhook and enter a message. The message is sent to the contact or group and to the webhook.
Responding to Messages
Messages are organized into conversations, with the most recent conversations at the top of the screen. To read messages, tap the Zebra PTT Pro conversation. See Recent View on page 19 for a description of interface elements. 1. Tap a message to select.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Tap the ellipses for message options.
3. Select Reply, Forward, Delete Message, or Copy. Replying to a message behaves differently for one-to-one and one-to-many messages. · In a one-to-one message, you can tap Message or select the message and choose Reply from the ellipses menu. · In a one-to-many message, tap Message to reply all. Select the message and choose Reply from the ellipses menu to reply to the sender. 18

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Recent View
The Recent view displays incoming and outgoing calls and messages. You manage messages and calls through the Recent view. Recent View Elements The Recent view organizes messages by conversation. All messages from a contact or group are listed under the conversation. Figure 3 Recent View for PTT Pro for Android

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
1 Icon indicates a broadcast message. You cannot reply to a broadcast message. 2 Icon indicates a message from an external source. 3 Icon indicates a Zebra PTT Pro user conversation or group conversation. 4 Filter that enables you to list all messages and calls (the default), list recent calls and messages,
list broadcast messages, or list messages from external applications. 5 Search messages by sender or recipient. 6 Paperclip icon indicates a message with an attachment. Message View Elements When you select a contact or group from the Recent view, all of the messages and calls to and from that user or group display.
1 Incoming messages are left-aligned. A blue bar on the left edge indicates a read message, and a red bar indicates an unread message.
2 Tap the information icon to see the recipients of an outgoing message or the sender of an incoming message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
3 For conversations, the ellipsis provides Remove All and Mark All As Seen for messages in the conversation. For individual messages, the ellipsis provides Reply, Forward, Delete Message, and Copy..
4 Outgoing messages are right-aligned. 5 Message icon. Tap to reply to the message.
Supported Message Attachments
Zebra PTT for Android supports sending and receiving audio, video, and data files attached to ZEMS messages. PTT Pro for Android can send, receive, and display or play the following media types: · audio/ogg and audio/mpeg for audio · video/mp4 for video · image/png, image/jpeg, and image/jpg for images In addition, PTT Pro for Android can download and view the following file types: · application/pdf for Adobe Acrobat files · text/vcard for virtual contact files PTT for Android does not support the viewing of file types such as .doc (Microsoft Word) or .ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint). For the file types listed below, a viewer application is required to view the file content: · application/msword for Microsoft Word · application/vndopenxmlformats- officedocument.presentationml.presentation for
Microsoft PowerPoint · text/csv for comma-separated value files · application/vnd.ms-excel for Microsoft Excel

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Accessing Broadcast Messaging
Users with permission to send broadcast messages can open the ZEMS screens in the PTT Pro for Android app to create and schedule broadcast messages. 1. Tap the ellipses in the tab bar to reveal the Broadcast Messaging icon.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Tap Broadcast Messaging to open the Sent messages screen.
1 List of sent broadcast messages. 2 Return to the WFC PTT Pro app screens. 3 Ellipses with Delete All and Search commands. Use Search to find recipients or message
contents. 4 Opens the compose screen for creating or scheduling a broadcast message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
Composing a Broadcast Message
Sending a broadcast message requires selecting the recipients and composing the message. Your message can include photos, images, video, and audio. You can also choose to schedule the message to be delivered at a specific time. 1. Tap Compose to select the message recipients.
Select the regions, districts, and sites for the message. Select All to send the message to all users or expand the districts or sites to target a specific group of recipients. Selected recipients are displayed at the top of the screen.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Tap Compose to enter a message. To send the broadcast message to a webhook, type @ in the message window to display the list of available webhooks.
3. (Optional) Tap the attachment icon to take a photo, upload an image, record a video, or record audio and it to your message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
4. Tap Send. A pop-up message displays the number of users who will receive the message and asks for confirmation before sending it.
Scheduling a Broadcast Message
You can schedule a broadcast message to be sent at a specified date and time. Scheduled messages are listed under the Scheduled tab on the Broadcast Messaging screen. 1. Open Broadcast Message and select recipients for the broadcast message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
2. Tap Compose to enter a message and, optionally, attach an image, photo, video, or audio.
1 Tap to hide the keyboard after composing a message to reveal scheduling options. 2 Tap the slider to enable scheduling. 3 Message text including address to webhook. 4 Tap to add recipients.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
3. Schedule the broadcast message.
1 Schedule button. Tap to schedule the message and add it to the list of scheduled messages. 2 Enable scheduling to activate time and date buttons. 3 Attachment icon for adding multimedia to the broadcast message. 4 Message and webhook address. You can schedule a message with or without a webhook. 5 Message recipient. 6 Tap to add recipients for the message. 7 Tap to set the time for the scheduled message. 8 Tap to set the date for the scheduled message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for Android
4. Tap Schedule and then OK in the pop-up message.
The message is listed in the Scheduled list. 5. Tap the scheduled message to cancel or update the message.
6. Update the broadcast message and tap Update. 29

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
Zebra PTT Pro for iOS supports ZEMS messaging features such as sending and scheduling broadcast messages, messaging to users and groups, and sending messages through webhooks.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
About Screen for PTT Pro for iOS
The About screen describes what messaging service the user is configured to use.
Sending a Message to One or More Contacts
You can send a message to one or more contacts. Messages can include photos or images. 1. Tap Contacts. 2. Locate and select the recipients. 3. Tap Message. 4. Enter the message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
5. (Optional) Add an attachment to your message. · Tap Camera to take a photo. · Tap Image to choose an image. · Tap Microphone to record audio. · Tap Video to record a video.
1 Tap a multimedia icon to take a photo, upload an image, record audio, or record a video and attach it to the message.
2 Selected message recipients. 3 Count of selected recipients. 4 Tap to send the message. 5 Tap to cancel the message. 6. Tap Send.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
Sending a Message to a Group
You can send a message to a group. 1. Tap Contacts and select the Groups tab. 2. Select a group.
You can send a message to a single group. 3. Enter the message. 4. (Optional) Add an attachment to your message.
· Tap Camera to take a photo. · Tap Image to choose an image. · Tap Microphone to record audio. · Tap Video to record a video. 5. Tap Send.
Sending a Message to a Webhook
Webhooks are an optional feature of ZEMS that enable communication between Zebra PTT Pro clients and an external application. Refer to the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service Customer Administrator Guidefor information about creating webhooks. 1. Select a contact or group.
A contact or group must be selected to send a message through a webhook.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
2. Enter a @ in the message field to display the list of available webhooks.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
3. Select a webhook and enter a message.
The message is sent to the contact or group and to the webhook.
Responding to Messages
Missed messages are listed under the Missed tab of the Recent screen. You can also respond to messages under the All tab by locating the sender. 1. Tap Recent and select Missed.
Messages that you have not read are listed under Missed. 2. Select the message. Zebra PTT Pro displays all of the previous messages and calls with that contact or
group. · Tap Message to respond to the sender. · Tap the arrow under the message to forward the message and any attachment to another contact or
group. · Tap the paperclip to view an attachment. 3. Enter a response.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
4. (Optional) Add an attachment to your message. · Tap the Camera to take a photo. · Tap Image to choose an image. · Tap the Microphone to record audio. · Tap Video to record a video.
5. Tap Send.
Recent View
The Recent view displays incoming and outgoing calls and messages. You manage messages and calls through the Recent view. The Recent view organizes messages by sender. All of the messages from a contact or group are listed under the contact or group name.
1 Broadcast Message icon. Only appears for users with permission to send broadcast messages. 2 Missed incoming PTT call. 3 Outgoing PTT call. 4 Incoming broadcast message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
5 Outgoing broadcast message. 6 Incoming message. 7 Outgoing group message.
Accessing Broadcast Messaging
Users with permission to send broadcast messages can open the ZEMS screens in the PTT Pro for iOS app to create and schedule broadcast messages. 1. Tap the Broadcast Message icon in the tab bar to access the broadcast messaging screens.
The app opens to the Sent screen for Broadcast Messaging.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
2. Use the controls to enter, send, or schedule a broadcast message.
1 Sent broadcast messages. 2 Favorites, Sent, and Scheduled tabs. Use Scheduled to send a broadcast message at a
specified time. Use Favorites to save regions or sites to which you often send broadcast messages. 3 Delete sent broadcast messages. 4 Compose a broadcast message. Tap to select recipients and enter a broadcast message. 5 The number of scheduled broadcast messages.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
Composing a Broadcast Message
Sending a broadcast message requires selecting the recipients and composing the message. Your message can include photos, images, video, and audio. You can also choose to schedule the message to be delivered at a specific time. 1. Tap Compose to select the message recipients.
All districts are automatically selected when you choose the regions. Tap a region or district to view sites or departments.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
2. Use the sliders to select a specific site for the broadcast message. Optionally, enter a webhook address.
To send the broadcast message to a webhook, type @ in the message field to display the list of available webhooks. 3. Enter the broadcast message in the message field. 4. (Optional) Tap the camera, photo, audio, or video icon to add media to the broadcast message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
5. Tap Send. A pop-up message displays the number of users who will receive the message and asks for confirmation before sending it.
Creating a Favorite
You can create favorites for the regions and sites that you frequently message. The option to create a favorite is available when you select the recipients for a broadcast message. If you compose a broadcast message to multiple regions or sites, you can save the collection of regions and sites as a favorite. 1. Tap Compose and select one or more broadcast message recipients.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
2. Tap the icon with the number of recipients and the favorites icon displays.
1 Tap the Favorites icon to create a favorite of the selected recipients. 2 Tap the number of recipients to display the Favorites icon.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
3. Tap the Favorites icon and the Favorites name pop-up appears.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
4. Enter a name and an optional description and tap Create. After you create the favorite, the Favorites icon is a solid color and the name of the favorite is displayed at the top of the screen. The favorite is also listed under the Favorites tab on the Broadcast Messaging screen.
5. Enter a message and click SEND.
Removing a Favorite
You can remove broadcast message favorites. 1. Tap Broadcast Message. 2. Tap the Favorites tab.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
3. Select the favorite you want to remove and swipe left to display the Delete button.
4. Tap Delete to remove the favorite.
Deleting a Sent Broadcast Message
You can delete sent broadcast messages. 1. Tap Broadcast Messages. 2. Tap the Sent tab.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
3. Select the message you want to delete and swipe left to display the Delete button.
4. Tap Delete to remove the message.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
Scheduling a Broadcast Message
You can schedule a broadcast message to be sent at a specified date and time. Scheduled messages are listed under the Scheduled tab on the Broadcast Messaging screen. 1. Tap Compose to select the message recipients.
Select the regions, child regions, and sites for the message.
1 Calendar icon. Tap to enable the date and time controls to schedule the broadcast message. The SEND button changes to SCHEDULE.
2 Tap to return to the Broadcast Messaging screen. 3 Tap the Compose icon to create a broadcast message. The number indicates the number of
message recipients such as regions, sites, and groups. 4 Selected recipients for the broadcast message. 5 Select the time when the broadcast message should be sent. 6 Select the day when the broadcast message should be sent. 2. Enter the broadcast message in the message field. To send the broadcast message to a webhook, type @ in the message window to display the list of available webhooks.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
3. Tap the calendar icon to schedule the message.
A broadcast message cannot be sent within 10 minutes after it is created. 4. (Optional) Tap the camera, image, audio, or video to add media to the broadcast message. 5. Tap SCHEDULE.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
The message is listed in the Scheduled list.

Using ZEMS with PTT Pro for iOS
6. Tap the scheduled message to return to the Compose screen to update the list of recipients or the message.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client

The ZEMS Web Client provides a browser-based interface to ZEMS. Users can access the Web Client from a browser on a desktop PC, laptop, or mobile device.
The Web Client supports the following features:
· One-to-one messages
· Group messages
· Broadcast messages for managers
· Message history
· Contacts
· Users can send and receive ZEMS messages with the Web Client while also logged into a mobile device with ZEMS messaging.
NOTE: The ZEMS Web Client requires OAuth. To use the ZEMS Web Client, the PTT Pro user account must be configured to use OAuth. The user can also log into their PTT Pro for Android and PTT Pro for iOS clients using their OAuth credentials.
NOTE: The ZEMS Web Client does not report the presence status of a contact. You can send a message to a contact with an offline presence status and ZEMS will deliver the message when the contact is online.

Accessing the ZEMS Web Client
Accessing the ZEMS Web Client through a web browser is a two-step process. You must first enter your Oauth2 user name and then authorize your Oauth2 user name and password. Ask your administrator for the URL to ZEMS Web Client


Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
1. Open the Web Client in your web browser.
2. Enter your Oauth2 user name in the Username field and click Continue. The OAuth2 login page is displayed.
3. Enter your OAuth2 user name and your OAuth2 password. The OAuth2 domain must be appended to your user name. In the following example, pttpro is the OAuth2 domain: Jerry.Bloom@pttpro.
4. Click Sign in to open the ZEMS Web Client 52

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
Web Client User Interface
The Web Client supports one-to-one, one-to-many, one-to-group, and broadcast messaging. You can access your message history, contacts, and, if you are a manager, broadcast messaging.


Click to collapse the left navigation pane.


Click to view sent or scheduled broadcast messages or to compose a new broadcast

message. This is visible only to PTT Pro users defined as managers in ZEMS.


Click to view contacts and groups. You can select a contact or group from the list and send a

message. The list of contacts and groups is from the PTT Pro server and is identical to the list

of contacts and groups visible in the Zebra PTT Pro apps.


Click to view the message and call history. The ZEMS Web Client shows your call history but

does not provide the ability to make PTT calls.


Click to filter conversations by All Conversations (the default), Internal (PTT Pro user and group

messages), Broadcast messages, and External messages.


Search conversations and messages by user name or group name. The search matches users

and groups as you enter text.


Click to refresh message data from the PTT Pro server.


Click to delete all of the conversations in the History view or select a conversation to delete

individual messages.


Click to mark all conversations as read. Open a conversation to mark individual messages as



PTT message.


Message from an external source.


Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client


Broadcast message. The paperclip icon indicates an attachment.


Broadcast message.

History Vew
The History view displays when you log in to the ZEMS Web Client. By default, the view lists all conversations and messages. Use this view to open conversations, read and respond to messages, and delete messages and conversations.
Figure 4 History View in the ZEMS Web Client

The History view supports the following actions: · Filter conversations and messages by their source. · Search conversations and messages by user name or group name. · Delete conversations or messages. · Read and responds to messages. NOTE: You cannot respond to a broadcast message.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
Conversation View
When you select a conversation, the messages in the conversation display. The most recent message is at the top. You can respond to individual messages, respond to the conversation, forward messages, and delete messages. Figure 5 Messages in a Conversation


Click to return to the History view.


Users or groups in the conversation.


Click to forward the message to another user or group.


Click to delete the message.


Search the conversation for a user name or group name.


Click to list the recipients of the conversation.


Icons indicate the total number of recipients, the number of recipients who have received the

message, and the number of recipients who have read the message.


Enter text to respond to all recipients in the conversation.


Click to attach media or a file to the message.

Messaging Contacts and Groups
You can message your PTT Pro contacts and groups using the ZEMS Web Client. Create a new message from the Contacts view or reply to a message from the History view.
The ZEMS Web Client does not display the presence of contacts and groups. When a contact is offline, ZEMS delivers the message when the contact is back online.


Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
1. Click on Contacts. 2. Click on the Users or Groups tab.
You can message one or more contacts or one or more groups but you cannot send a message to both contacts and groups.
3. Choose one or more contacts or select one or more groups. You can choose contacts and groups by selecting the check box or clicking on the row. Use the refresh button to clear all of your selections.
4. Enter a message in the text field at the bottom. 5. (Optional) Click on the attachment icon to add a file.
The ZEMS Web Client supports the following media formats: · Image: jpeg, png, gif · Audio: mp3, ogg, wav, webm · Video: mp4, mkv, mov, webm 6. Click Send.
Sending a Message to a Webhook
Webhooks are an optional feature of ZEMS that enable communication between Zebra PTT Pro clients and an external application. Refer to the Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service Customer Administrator Guidefor information about creating webhooks. You must first select a contact or a group to send a message through a webhook using the Web Client. 1. Select Contacts. 2. Select one or more contacts or groups.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
3. Enter an @ in the message field to display the list of available webhooks.
4. Select a webhook. 5. Enter your message after the webhook name. 6. (Optional) Click on the attachment icon to include an attachment with your message. NOTE: An application connected through a webhook might not be able to receive an attachment. 7. Click Send.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
Composing a Broadcast Message
Sending a broadcast message requires selecting recipients and composing the message. The message can include attachments and you can also choose to schedule the message to be delivered at a specific time. 1. Click on Broadcast.
The ZEMS Web Client opens a view that includes your history of sent broadcast messages and the Scheduled tab.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
2. Click on Compose to select the recipients of the broadcast message. NOTE: You can also select a broadcast message from the Sent tab that is intended for the same recipients and click Compose.
3. Select the broadcast message recipients using one of the following methods: · Click on Expand All to reveal all of the regions, child regions, and sites. · Click the expansion arrows to reveal each level of the hierarchy. · Use Search to find a specific recipient. Enter a search string and click Exand All to display matching regions, child regions, and sites.
4. (Optional) Enter an @ to display the list of webhooks and add a webhook recipient. 5. (Optional) Click on the attachment icon to include an attachment with your broadcast message. 6. Enter a message. 7. Click on Send.
Scheduling a Broadcast Message
You can schedule a broadcast message to be sent at a specified date and time but should be sent within one year. Scheduled messages are listed under the Scheduled tab. 1. You schedule messages from the Compose screen.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
2. Select Schedule to choose a date and time for the broadcast message.
3. Click Send to schedule the message. The Web Client displays a message asking you to confirm the scheduled message.

Using ZEMS Messaging with the Web Client
4. Click on Yes to confirm the schedule. The Web Client opens the Scheduled view that lists the scheduled message and its delivery time.
5. (Optional) You can select the scheduled message and click Compose to edit the message or change the delivery date and time.
Logging Out of the ZEMS Web Client
Log out of the Web Client when your session is finished. Logging out releases the OAuth2 access token and you will need to log in again to send or view messages using theWeb Client. If you use Zebra PTT Pro for Android or PTT Pro for iOS, logging out of the Web Client does not affect the connection of these apps to the ZEMS or PTT Pro servers. · Tap the ellipses and select Log Out.



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