Hidden Fence CatWatch DIY Electric Cat Fence Collar Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024
Hidden Fence

Hidden Fence CatWatch DIY Electric Cat Fence Collar Instruction Manual
Hidden Fence CatWatch DIY Electric Cat Fence Collar

Important Safeguards

Hidden Fence recommends that the receiver collar be removed for at least several hours per day to ensure no pressure sores (pressure necrosis) will develop on your pets skin.
Pressure sores may develop by having the collar on “too tight, for too long”.
Longer furred pets can have a slightly greater chance of sores developing, especially after swimming or being soaked with water.
If sores are evident, remove the collar and wash the skin with a Dettol type of cleanser and allow to dry out and heal.
Pressure sores happen to .05% of most pets.

Please read all the literature included with your Dog Watch Hidden Fence before turning the system on or beginning conditioning protocols.

  • Do not attempt to shortcut the training of your cat.

  • The Hidden Fence is intended only for the purpose of containing domestic cats.
    Use for any other Purpose se is at the system owner’s risk.

  • In the event your system requires servicing. Release contact your local authorized Hidden Fence Dealer.
    Servicing the Dogwatch hidden fence system without using an authorized dealer may invalidate the warranty.

  • The Hidden Fence is recommended for cats four /4/months or older.
    Your Dealer will recommend if a kitten under 4 months old is ready.

  • Keep the collar and the transmitter out of the reach of children.

  • Never adjust the transmitter or receiver when your cat is wearing the collar.

For additional information or help, please contact your vendor or local dealer
Many of these steps will help keep your pet safe and comfortable.
The reason for these various steps is to ensure you get the best possible results “safely” from your new Hidden Fence.

  • The Receiver Collar should not be on your cat when the system is tested.
    Your pet may receive an unintended correction.

  • The Boundary Width of the system must be tested whenever an adjustment is made to the containment field to prevent unintended corrections to your pet.

  • Use care when mowing or trimming your grass not to cut the I^^R wire.

  • To prevent an unintended correction, after the Boundary Flags have been placed, be sure to set the stimulation level on the receiver collar back to level 0(tone only).

Receiver Collar

The CR Cat Receiver Collar is designed for smaller pets on the Hidden Fence system.
The collar has exclusive features to assist in containing your cat.

  1. CR Receiver
  2. Battery Cap
  3. Status LED
  4. Stimulation Level Adjust Location
  5. Collar
  6. Contact Posts
    Receiver Collar

Receiver Collar
Battery: CR1/3N – it’s strongly recommended to use approved battery brands with your Dog Watch Hidden Fence receivers.
Not doing so could void your warranty, as well as compromise the operation features of your Dogwatch receiver.
Recommended brands: SAFT, Varta, Panasonic, Sanyo, Energizer, Duracell.
CR Receiver battery will last between 4 and 6 months.


  1. Using supplied MULTI-TOOL, place map net tip end of the multi-tool, and place it next to the “D” shaped location on the side of the receiver.
    Receiver Collar

  2. While holding the magnet tip to the “D” shape, the receiver will indicate the current stimulation level by an audible “beep” noise.

  3. To change the stimulation level, continue holding the magnet tip to the “D” shape. and the level will move the stimulation higher.
    If you accidently move beyond the desired stimulation level, continue to hold the magnet in position, and the level will cycle around back to the start point.


Audible Only| Level 1| Level R| Level 3| Level 4| Level 5| Level 6| Level 7
One Lon9 Beep| 1 beep| 2 beeps| 3 beeps| 4 beeps| 5 beeps| 5 beeps| 7 beeps
None| LOW| LOW +| MEDIUM| MEDIUM +| MEDIUM| nice| nice +

Level 2 is the default level from the factory.
This level may be used as the “introduction” stimulation for your pet, although, it’s recommended to start at “Level 1”.

The CR Receiver collar delivers a sound warning prior to delivering the stimulation.
The distance of sound warning is dependent on the total distance of your collar activation zone.
The sound warning is typically around 1S% of whatever the total activation distance is set.
The Status LED will flash GREEN once every 40 seconds.
This indicates that the battery is good.
If the LED flashes RED, then your receiver collar needs to have the battery replaced.


  1. Ensure your cat is used to wearing a normal collar, and accepts wearing a collar.
    Some cats have never worn a collar, and can be preoccupied when first introduced.
    If your cat has never worn a collar before, purchase a standard eat Collar and allow your cat a week to get used to wearing one before using the Hidden Fence CR receiver collar.

  2. While your cat is in the ”standing” position, put the collar around his neck, and gently pull the strap to tighten the collar.

  3. Ensure that you buckle the collar behind his ears, and that the collar is positioned high on his neck area.

  4. While in the standing position, the receiver contact posts should fit “snugly“ and each contact should be through the fur and touching the skin.
    Receiver Collar

The receiver often does not stay in the same location on the cats neck.
It will move around and sit to either side from time to time.
This is normal, however remember that both contact posts must touch the skin to issue the stimulation; if only one contact touches the skin, no stimulation will be delivered..

The Receiver Collar Must be removed once a day.
All collars, including electronic collars can cause irritation or sores from being worn for too long.
A condition called pressure necrosis can develop when a collar is too tight, worn for too long, or both.
The CR collar is fitted with a stretch feature in the fabric to help minimize any kind of pressure sore from developing: however, it’s still the owners responsibility to ensure the collar fit is checked regularly


The IB200 Multi-transmitter is a state-of-the-art transmitter used for multiple applications related to your cat fence

    The IB200 Multi-transmitter has dual signal functions.
    Wireless for cat training indoors, and wired for outdoor containment.

    The LED displays if you have a complete circuit or no circuit.
    GREEN for working and signal RED for no signal or a wire break

    Plug your 18v adaptor into the plug.
    The plug is a tight fit, so once you see the GREEN LED appear, you have correctly plugged the adaptor to the multi-transmitter.

    The range dial adjusts the distance of collar activation from either the multi-transmitter or the boundary wire.
    Clockwise to extend the distance, or counter-clockwise to reduce the collar activation.

    These connectors are used to attach your boundary cable to the transmitter and create your outdoor boundary containment area

    Always on 8 KHZ unless advised differently by your dealer

    This switch is used when you begin to train your cat inside “INT“.
    When using the multi-transmitter for the outdoor containment and using the boundary cable, the switch is then changed to the ”EXT” mode.
    Multi Transmitter

Cat Training Protocol

The typical cat training is done relatively “hands off”, as leads and handling usually preoccupy the cat; we prefer to disassociate the owner from the process.
Once the cat has been conditioned to the fundamentals of the Hidden Fence using a specifically placed “IB200 Multi-Transmitter” in a controlled environment (house), the outdoor boundary is installed, and your cat is allowed outside under supervision.
Below is the Cat Training protocol to start the process and keep your cat “safe at home”.


The cat is restricted to the home for approx 1 week.
This creates a controlled, safe environment for conditioning the cat.
Cat Training Protocol
Cat Training Protocol

  1. One of several places is determined as to where they wish the cat avoid in the home, i.e.: kitchen bench, fish tank, sofa chair, etc.

  2. Place the Multi-transmitter near the “no go” area, and plug into the power point.
    The plug is a SNUG fit into the transmitter, so be sure to plug in firmly.

  3. Set the SIGNAL FIELD, by turning the RANGE dial located on the back of the multi transmitter.
    Turn the dial CLOCKWISE to achieve a small signal around a space or object. (approx. 300m in circumference)
    Cat Training Protocol

  4. Using the cats receiver collar, place the indoor plastic flags just inside the stimulation zone.
    Typically set a flag 100mm inside the stimulation zone as indicated by the cat collars audible sound.
    Cat Training Protocol

  5. Without ANY voice commands of any kind, introduce the flags to the cat by (person 1) hold the cat about 2 meters away from the flags, and someone else (person 2) then holds the collar near the flags to activate the warning beep.
    While the beep from the collar is activating, person 2 then shakes the flags until the cat has clearly identified the “shaking flag“ and the “beep“ as the same!
    Cat Training Protocol

  6. The cats receiver collar is placed on the cat. It‘s advised to set to the lower training level, as the cat may only need a low stimulation.
    Cat Training Protocol

  7. Everyday for 1 week, place something yummy in the center of the flags (human food, i.e.: chicken, steak, fish, etc….NOT cat food); Setting up a trail to lead the cat to the flags is advisable.
    The cats regular food is placed in its normal location without any proximity to the system and flags.
    Cat Training Protocol

  8. Allow your cat to discover and eat the food trail towards the flags and signal filed zone.
    Cat Training Protocol

  9. Once your cat gets close enough for the warning “beep” to alert, he will be close enough to receive the stimulation from his collar.
    Cat Training Protocol

  10. Startled, your cat will retreat away from the flags and signal field zone.
    Typically your cat may observe the flags from time to time, ascertaining if it should investigate further.
    Often, they will not attempt another approach during the day, many times, it’s at night when everyone is asleep.
    (cats are notoriously sneaky and clever)
    Continue the food trail daily, and try and provoke the cat to make attempts.
    The cat usually learns very quickly, and wont return; however this is a “case to case” basis.
    Cat Training Protocol

This protocol is meant to condition the cat without owner or human interaction.
Disassociating the owners from the process is critical as it protects the relationship of pet and owner.
Once approx. one week has passed with the owner repeatedly placing yummy food bits into the center of the flags, and the cat shows clear evidence that it’?
avoiding the flags and stimulation zone, its ready for the next step, and you may commence the outdoor installation of your Hidden fence.


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