ZEBRA Voice Client Workforce Connect User Guide

June 9, 2024

Voice Client
Version 9.0.22207+
Workforce Connect
Administrator Guide for Licensing
MN-004176-07EN Rev A

Voice Client Workforce Connect

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About This Document

This guide only applies to WFC Voice version 9.0.20306 or later.

NOTE: Workforce Connect Voice (WFC Voice) provides PBX features for select Zebra mobile computers. These features improve the effectiveness of communications within an organization, providing enterprise voice communications across multiple media types on unified mobile devices.

IMPORTANT: Contact Zebra when upgrading from a previous version of WFC Voice to version 9.0.20306 or later. In WFC Voice version 9.0.20306 and later, licensing is based on features and Activations IDs from previous versions of WFC Voice cannot be used.
This guide provides the following information needed to license WFC Voice 9.0.20306 and later:

  • Quick Activation on page 6
  • Feature-based Licensing on page 8
  • Upgrade from Previous Versions of WFC Voice on page 8
  • Licensing Information in the Portal on page 9
  • Troubleshooting on page 12
Icon Conventions **


The documentation set is designed to give the reader more visual clues. The following visual indicators are used throughout the documentation set. NOTE: The text here indicates information that is supplemental for the user to know and that is not required to complete a task.
IMPORTANT: The text here indicates information that is important for the user to know.
CAUTION: If the precaution is not heeded, the user could receive a minor or moderate injury.
WARNING: If danger is not avoided, the user CAN be seriously injured or killed.
DANGER: If danger is not avoided, the user WILL be seriously injured or killed.

Notational Conventions

The following conventions are used in this document:

  • Bold text is used to highlight the following:
    • Dialog box, window, and screen names
    • Drop-down list and list box names
    • Checkbox and radio button names
    • Icons on a screen
    • Key names on a keypad
    • Button names on a screen
  • Bullets (·) indicate:
    • Action items
    • List of alternatives
    • Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
  • Sequential lists (for example, those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.

Quick Activation

This section provides the information necessary to get your WFC Voice client licensed. It is recommended that you read all sections of this guide to become familiar with WFC Voice licensing for versions 9.0.20306 and later.
IMPORTANT: Do not use Activation IDs to activate WFC Voice version 9.0.20306 or later. For information on upgrading from previous versions of WFC Voice, go to Upgrade from Previous Versions of WFC Voice on page 8.

Deployment Using Extension Manager

When the device and Extension Manager are configured correctly, WFC Voice is automatically licensed during deployment. An Extension Manager token, provided in your welcome email, assists in configuring your devices to access Extension Manager.
For information on how to configure Extension Manager, refer to the Workforce Connect Extension Manager Configuration Guide.
For information on how to view or modify your Extension Manager token, refer to the Workforce Connect Provisioning Manager Customer Administrator Guide.

Deployment Without Extension Manager

When a deployment does not include Extension Manager, WFC Voice requires a Direct Access token to retrieve licenses. Direct Access tokens are provided in the welcome email from Zebra.

Activate WFC Voice Using a Token

Several methods are available for activating WFC Voice using a token.
Before you begin, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • If using a firewall, ensure it allows access to the Zebra provisioning servers using port 443 at: wfc-provisioning1.pttpro.zebra.com.

  • When using the Direct Access token for deployments without Extension Manager, you must configure the desired PBX types in WFC Voice before activation. All other configurations can be done after WFC Voice is licensed. Configuring PBX types (also referred to as Profile types) is described in the Zebra WFC Voice PBX Administrator Guide for your PBX.
    NOTE: WFC Voice version 9.0.21112 and later remains in a Waiting for Configuration state until the PBX types are configured.

  • Remove Activation IDs from the WFConnect XML configuration file.

Activation Methods

Use one of the following methods to activate using a token:

  • Add the token to the WFConnect.xml configuration file in the license_key attribute.
    < license_key>token

  • Send an intent with the token using ADB or an MDM using the format in the following ADB example.
    adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d “wfcvp://

  • Enter the token manually from the WFC Voice client activation screen.

  • Enter the token from the WFC Voice client activation screen by scanning the QR code included in the welcome email from Zebra.

When licensing is successful, the WFC Voice client registers with the configured PBX(s).


This section provides detailed information about licensing for WFC Voice. It is recommended that you read all sections of this guide to become familiar with WFC Voice licensing for versions 9.0.20306 and later.
IMPORTANT: Do not use Activation IDs to activate WFC Voice version 9.0.20306 or later. For information on upgrading from previous versions of WFC Voice, go to Upgrade from Previous Versions of WFC Voice on page 8.

Feature-based Licensing

When WFC Voice purchase orders are processed, an Activation ID (AID) is generated by the licensing system. Versions of WFC Voice earlier than 9.0.20306 used AID-based licensing, where the AID had to be entered into the client. AIDs were sent from the WFC Voice client to the licensing system, and the licensing system then returned the feature licenses (PBX types) associated with that AID back to the client.
In WFC Voice versions 9.0.20306 and later, licensing is based on the feature licenses, eliminating the need to enter the AID into the client. Feature-based licensing allows the WFC Voice client to request feature licenses for the PBX types configured in the device.

How feature-based licensing is performed depends on the customer deployment.

  • When deployment includes Extension Manager, WFC Voice is automatically licensed with the required feature licenses. The Extension Manager token assists in configuring your devices to access Extension Manager, which is where they are licensed.
  • For deployments not using Extension Manager, licensing of WFC Voice is triggered by a Direct Access token programmed into the device using one of the methods discussed in Quick Activation on page 6. The token is an alphanumeric string that associates a device with a customer. Once the device is associated with a customer using a token, the client can request feature licenses based on its configuration.

Advantages of feature-based licensing are:

  • Eliminates the need to enter 32 digit AIDs in the client.
  • Automated licensing when deployed using Extension Manager.
  • Improved reliability and response time during licensing.
Upgrade from Previous Versions of WFC Voice

Contact Zebra to upgrade from a previous version of WFC Voice to version 9.0.20306 or later.
Before you can upgrade WFC Voice on your devices, Zebra must generate a new AID and provide you with a licensing token. The AID and token are sent in a welcome email from Zebra. Wait 24 hours before using the new token to allow the licensing information to be updated in the system. This waiting period is not required for new customers.
For instructions on how to activate WFC Voice using a token, go to Activate WFC Voice Using a Token on page 6.

Licensing Information in the Portal

You can view used and available licenses in the Extension Manager and Provisioning Manager Portals. For details on using Extension Manager to view licenses, refer to the Workforce Connect Extension Manager Configuration Guide. For details on using Provisioning Manager to view licenses, refer to the WFC Provisioning Manager Customer Administrator Guide.
Tokens are created by the WFC Provisioning Manager. For information on how to view or modify your Extension Manager token, refer to the WFC Provisioning Manager Customer Administrator Guide.
Each WFC Voice product you purchase contains one or more licenses, which are displayed in the Extension Manager and Provisioning Manager Portals as feature licenses. For example, if you purchase WFC Voice Mitel, the Extension Manager and Provisioning Manager Portals display feature licenses for Base and for Mitel. The features displayed in the portals varies based on the exact product purchased.
The Base license is included with every WFC Voice product and is required for WFC Voice to operate.
The Standard PBX feature license allows you to enable any of the standard PBXs in the WFC Voice client. You can view the Standard PBX in the Extension Manager and Provisioning Manager Portals, but it does not appear as a PBX choice in the WFC Voice client.
NOTE: The Extension Manager and Provisioning Manager Portals may display versions 9.0 and 8.2 of the Base license, however, only version 9.0 is used by the Extension Manager and Provisioning manager.
The following table illustrates the features included in each WFC Voice product.

Table 1 Feature Licenses

Purchased Product Description Feature License
WFC Voice Client SW Standard PBX Bundle v9 Enables any standard PBX1 Base

WFC Voice Client SW Premium PBX Bundle v9| Enables any standard or premium
PBX1. Premium PBXs use one Standard PBX and one premium feature license per device.| Base
Premium Aura
Premium CME
Premium CUCM
WFC Voice Client SW Asterisk STD v9| Enables Standard Asterisk| Base
Standard Asterisk
WFC Voice Client SW Avaya Aura PREM v9| Enables Premium Aura| Base
Standard Aura
WFC Voice Client SW Cisco CME STD v9| Enables Standard CME| Base
Standard CME
WFC Voice Client SW Cisco CME PREM v9| Enables Premium CME. Note that each device uses both one Standard CME and one Premium CME feature license to enable the premium PBX.| Base
Standard CME
Premium CME
WFC Voice Client SW Cisco CUCM STD v9| Enables Standard CUCM| Base
Standard CUCM
WFC Voice Client SW Cisco CUCM PREM v9| Enables Premium CUCM. Note that each device uses both one Standard CUCM and one Premium
CUCM feature license to enable the premium PBX.| Base
Standard CUCM
Premium CUCM
WFC Voice Client SW Avaya IP Office STD v9| Enables Standard IP Office| Base
Standard IP Office
WFC Voice Client SW Mitel STD v9| Enables Standard Mitel| Base
Standard Mitel
WFC Voice Client SW Rauland STD v9| Enables Standard Rauland| Base
Standard Rauland
WFC Voice Client SW Alcatel STD v9| Enables Standard Alcatel| Base
Standard Alcatel
1Standard PBXs include Alcatel, Asterisk, CME standard, CUCM standard, IP Office, Mitel, Rauland. Premium PBXs include Aura Premium, CUCM Premium, and CME Premium.

Licenses and Assigned Tabs

View WFC Voice license information in either the Provisioning Manager or Extension Manager by going to the Licenses or Assigned tabs. Similar licensing information is displayed in both portals.

Summary Tab
View the Licenses tab by navigating to Licensing > Summary. This tab displays all purchased licenses.

Table 2     Summary Tab Features

Column Description
State ACTIVE indicates a valid license.

EXPIRED indicates that the license has expired, been removed from the account,
or is invalid in some other way.
License| Feature licenses associated with purchased products. Refer to Feature Licenses for
more information about each feature license.
AID| Activation ID associated with the feature license. Note that this is not used to
activate the client.
Total Purchased| The total number of licenses purchased.
In Use| The total number of licenses that have been assigned.
Total Used| The total number of licenses that have been assigned.
Expiration| Expiration date and time of your licenses.
Created/Updated On Time| The top date/time indicates when the licenses were last verified with the licensing system. This value updates when the Provisioning Manager performs a nightly sync with the licensing system or if the licenses are synced manually by a Zebra administrator. The bottom date/time indicates when the licenses were added to the Provisioning Manager.

Assigned Tab

View the Licenses tab by navigating to Licensing > Assigned. This tab displays the devices that have been assigned licenses.

Table 3     Assigned Tab Features

Column Description
In Use In Use indicates that the feature license is currently held by the

Not in Use indicates that the license is no longer held by the device.
Not in Use (*) indicates a premium license not currently in use by a device, but the license is still assigned to the device. This occurs, for example, when a device using a premium license logs out of the Extension Manager. To release the license, the device must be obsoleted.
Device ID| The device holding the license. Note that since WFC Voice requires a base license and one or more PBX licenses, each device ID appears multiple times.
Feature| PBX using the feature license. This matches the License column except when the Standard license is used. For Standard licenses, the License column indicates Standard and the Feature column indicates the specific PBX requested by the device.
Expiration| The date and time when the license expires.
AID| Activation ID associated with the feature license. Note that this is used to activate the client.
App Version| WFC Voice version used by this device is represented by the last part of the version. For example, for version 9.0.20406, only 20406 displays.
Updated/Created on| The top date/time indicates when the device was last in contact with the provisioning Manager. The bottom date/time indicates when the license was first assigned to the device.


The following tables provide suggested troubleshooting. If your problem is not resolved, contact Zebra Support for assistance.

Troubleshooting 9.0.21112 and Later

The following table is for troubleshooting WFC Voice versions 9.0.21112 and later.

Problem Sample Screenshot Cause(s) Solution(s)

Error message: Not able to reach  license server.
Trust anchor for certification path not found.| | The time is incorrect
on the device, and the
Provisioning Manager
cannot authenticate it.| Set the time on the device to the correct
Error message:
Unrecognized device/token| | This is the first time
that WFC Voice is installed on the device.
When the new device
registers to the WFC
Provisioning Manager,
no record is found with
the device ID.| This is expected behavior. Enter a token as
described earlier in this guide.
Error message:
device/token| | Cause(s)
The token is not
recognized by the
Provisioning Manager.| Solution(s)
Check the token for errors and re-enter.
If the problem persists, contact Zebra
Waiting for
configuration| | WFC Voice
configuration is
required before
requesting licenses.| Configure the PBX or Profile Type as described in the WFC Voice PBX Administrator Guide.
Error message:
Invalid token for  this device’s  account upon
entering a token| | The device is associated with a specific account in
the WFC Provisioning
Manager, but the token
entered does not belong to the same account as the device.| Check the token for errors and re-input.
If the problem persists, contact Zebra
Error message:
Insufficient privileges for
this software version| | WFC Voice was not able to obtain the correct base license for the version it is
running. All base licenses are being used or available
licenses are expired.| Check the Provisioning Manager to
ensure that licenses are available in your
account and that they are still valid.Free
up additional licenses at the Provisioning
Manager by obsoleting or deactivating
an unused device. Contact your Zebra
account team to purchase additional
licenses or extend your existing licenses.
Error message:
is required for
Premium | | WFC Voice obtained a premium license but could not obtain the required standard (or basic) license that is required as a base for the premium license.Too many devices are configured to use standard PBXs, leaving premium licenses available but no standard licenses.| Verify that the PBX type configured in
the WFC Voice app is correct by going to
Settings > Connection Parameters. Check
the Provisioning Manager to ensure that
licenses are available in your account and
that they are still valid.Free up additional
licenses at the Provisioning Manager by
obsoleting or deactivating an unused
Error message:
No available
license for PBX

Where is premium version of the PBX.| | WFC Voice could not obtain the requested premium license.WFC Voice could not obtain the standard (or basic) license required as a base for a premium license.| Verify that the PBX type configured in the WFC Voice app is correct by going to Settings > Connection Parameters. Check the Provisioning Manager to ensure that licenses are available in your account and that they are still valid.Free up additional licenses at the Provisioning Manager by obsoleting or deactivating an unused device. Error message: No available license for PBX Where is standard or basic.| | WFC Voice could not obtain the requested standard license.| Verify that the PBX type configured in the WFC Voice app is correct by going to Settings > Connection Parameters. Check the Provisioning Manager to ensure that licenses are available in your account and that they are still valid.Free up additional licenses at the Provisioning Manager by obsoleting or deactivating an unused device. Error message: Not able to  reach licensing server. Unable to resolve host or Not able to reach licensing server. Failed to connect| | WFC Voice could not connect to the WFC Provisioning Manager.| Ensure that your devices can access the network and that both of the following web addresses are open on port 443 in the firewall: • wfc-provisioning.pttpro.zebra.com • wfc-provisioning1.pttpro.zebra.com If the problem persists, contact Zebra support.
Troubleshooting 9.0.20306 to 9.0.21111

The following table is for troubleshooting WFC Voice versions 9.0.20306 through 9.0.21111.

Problem Sample Screenshot Cause(s) Solution(s)
Error message indicates a security certificate problem. The time set on the
device has changed. Set the time on the device back to the original time.

Error message:
No available license for this device/token| | Token not entered
(no Profile Manager or Extension Manager).| Enter token.
Token entered incorrectly.| Re-enter token.
PBX is not configured on the client.| Configure PBX on the client. Refer to the WFC Voice Administration Guide for your PBX.
System configuration issue.| Contact Zebra Support.
Error message:
Cannot reach licensing server| | Indicates a networking issue that is frequently due to a firewall issue.| Ensure that wfc- provisioning.pttpro.zebra.com
and wfc-provisioningl.pttpro.zebra.com
are both open on port 443 in the firewall. If the firewall is open, contact Zebra Support for assistance.
Error message:
Insufficient privileges for this software version| | Token not entered
(no Profile Manager or Extension Manager).| Enter token.
Token entered incorrectly.| Re-enter token.
Users see different expiration dates for icenses in the View Licenses dialog in the WFC Voice client.| | Multiple purchases were made of WFC Voice where the licenses had different expiration dates.| This is expected behavior.
Error message:
Your license has expired. Please contact your system administrator to extend your license.| | The license has expired.| Touch OK in the warning popup to hide the warning.
The time set on the device has changed.| Set the time on the device back to the original time.


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