ecler NUO20 Pro DJ Mixer User Manual

June 8, 2024

ecler NUO20 Pro DJ Mixer User Manual


Safety Instructions

In order to get the optimum operation and efficiency from your mixing unit, it is VERY IMPORTANT before you plug anything – to read this manual very carefully and take seriously into account all considerations specified within it. We strongly recommend that its maintenance be carried out by our Authorized Technical Services.

This apparatus must be earthed through its mains cable.
Do not expose the unit to rain or water splashes, and do not place liquid containers or incandescent objects like candles on top of the unit.

Any change in the configuration of the unit must be carried out by a qualified technician.
Should any connection / disconnection task be done, always disconnect the unit from the mains supply.


Warranty Descriptions
Your ECLER equipment has undergone exhaustive laboratory and quality control tests before leaving the factory.
Nevertheless, your may be in need of our Technical Service during the period covered by the Guarantee or afterwards. In that case, carefully protect your equipment in its original packet and send it to our Technical Service with the transport and insurance paid. Attach a photocopy of your Guarantee Certificate and a detailed description of the defect you have observed.

ECLER S.A. guarantees the NUO2.0 mixer against material defects and manufacturing faults for the period of three years, starting from the original purchase date.
ECLER, S.A., will repair the defective equipment within the aforementioned period, with no charge for parts and labour.
To ensure the validity of the Guarantee, it is essential that the attached Guarantee, Registration Card is filled out correctly and remitted to your ECLER distributor, within 10 DAYS after date of purchase.
The Guarantee is non-transferable and protects the original buyer only.

The Guarantee does not cover:
Damages caused by mistreatment or negligent handling, lack of elementary precautions, disregard to the instructions in the manual, faulty connection or accidents.

ECLER, S.A., will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, loss or other damage originated by or relating to the set.

  • sets that have been manipulated, altered or repaired other than at the authorized Technical Service centers.
  • the exterior fittings and electro-mechanical parts, nor their wear due to use.
  • shipping and insurance expenses, nor for damages the set may incur during its transport.

This Guaranteed is valid only for repairs or services carried out at an authorized Technical Service Center.


Congratulations for acquiring a genuine, professional ECLER device!
The NUO2.0 is a professional DJ mixer designed and manufactured by ECLER; an enterprise with headquarters in Barcelona, which works on professional audio equipment since 1965.
The NUO2.0 is a professional audio mixer thought for any kind of DJ, due to its wide range of functions, which make it a console able to mix any kind of music style: techno, house, minimal, electro, hip hop, …
The NUO2.0 is a mixer thought for scratching techniques, due to the versatility of the adjustments of faders and crossfaders.
The NUO2.0 is furthermore able to wear the ETERNAL crossfader, ECLER’s magnetic crossfader with 5 years guarantee, which has been specially designed for scratching specialists.
This genuine mixer uses the best components available on the market, obtaining the highest possible sound quality.
The over 40 years of experience in the design of professional audio equipment make that the circuits are extremely efficient and a warm and crystal clear analogue sound is obtained.
All circuits are mounted and tested in our factory site in Barcelona.
Furthermore, the NUO2.0 is a mixer which has been specially designed for all kinds of professional installations.
Its design and resistance make it an ideal console for professional installations, as well as for mobile applications executed by the trendiest DJ’s.


The main consideration to be taken when looking for the best setup location for the NUO2.0 has to be the maximum commodity for the user and the easiness for realizing the necessary connections.
The NUO2.0 has been basically designed as an on desk mixer and its usual location will be between two turntables or CD players. The mixer is 37 cm (14.57″) deep and 16.5 cm (6.5″) wide.
Using the metallic side panel kit (optionally available) you may fix your NUO2.0 directly on a support surface or on those side panels which also allow you to skew it.
Because of the high gain of the PHONO and MICRO inputs, always try to place the mixer as far away as possible from noise sources (dimmers, engines, etc.) and mains wires.
For the very same reason, and under any circumstance, you should never remove the unit’s metallic cover.
The power consumption of the NUO2.0 is very low, so they do not need any cooling, but you should avoid extreme temperatures and the atmosphere should be as dry and dust free as possible.
The NUO2.0 operates now with a new universal input power supply “Switching Power Supply” and can perfectly works without any internal modification from 90V to 264V – 47 to 63Hz. Make sure that the mains-wire is far away from the signal-cables in order to avoid any possible audio hum.
In order to protect the unit from an eventual electrical overload it carries a T 0.5A fuse.
Should it ever blow up, unplug the unit from mains and replace it with an identical one.
If the new fuse blows again contact immediately with our authorized technical service.


CAUTION: Fuse substitutions have to be performed by a qualified technician.

Audio input connections

LINE| Turntable
CD Deck
LINE| Turntable
CD Deck
LINE| Turntable
CD Deck

Phono Inputs
Phono Turntables must be fitted with a magnetic cartridge with nominal output level between -55dBV and -25dBV (1,77 to 56mV). The PHONO inputs (34) of the NUO2.0 have a high headroom (margin before saturation) and it can handle higher output cartridges than what is usual.
These inputs are supplied with a nominal input sensitivity of -40dBV(10mV).

Line Inputs
The sensitivity of the inputs marked as LINE (35) is 0dBV (1V). You can connect sound sources such as CD, DAT or MP3 players, as well as keyboards and other instruments.

Microphone Input
The MIC input (36) is ready for a nominal input level of -50dBV (3.16 mV).
The connection of balanced signals is as follows:

  • Hot or direct signal > Tip
  • Cold or inverted signal > Ring
  • Ground > Sleeve

Low impedance (200 to 600) monophonic microphones must be used.
For non balanced microphones we recommend monophonic jack plugs although stereo ones are also suitable if the ring is short-circuited to the sleeve.
The NUO2.0 wears an 18V Phantom power for condenser microphones. An internal jumper allows disabling the phantom power. The NUO2.0 MICRO input is delivered ex works with enabled phantom power (see the configuration diagram).

Audio outputs connections

MASTER Main power amplifier
BOOTH Booth/Room2 power amplifier
REC Recording
FX Send/Return External effect device (Input and Output)
Monitor Headphones

MASTER output
This stereo output feeds the PA system through balanced XLR3 connectors (31, 32) and an unbalanced RCA connector (29). The nominal level for MASTER output is set to 0dBV (1V), but can be set to +6dBV using an internal jumper. The MASTER output level is controlled by the MASTER potentiometer (16).

BOOTH output
Commonly used as an independent local “Booth” output for the DJ. This stereo BOOTH (33) has unbalanced RCA connections and its level is set at 0dBV (1V) but can be changed to +6dBV (2V) through internal jumpers. The BOOTH level controlled by the BOOTH (17) potentiometer.

Record output
This output pair uses RCA type connectors. REC (37) is placed on the rear connection panel. The nominal level of the REC output is 0dBV(1V). This output is taken post-fader, before the MASTER signal.

FX Send/Return effects loop
The RCA connectors on the FX SEND output (27) and the FX RETURN input (28) allow creating a signal loop for external effects processors, samplers or sequencers. The nominal level for the SEND output, as well as for the RETURN input, is 0dBV (1V).
The signal sent to the FX SEND output can be taken before or behind the fader using the PRE/POST switch (10) and the send level can be set using the associated potentiometer (11).

In order to obtain a high performance, these should be of the high impedance type (200-600).
Plug them to the MONITOR (26) output, in the front panel, by means of a standard 1/4″ stereo jack. Sleeve is Ground, Ring is Right Channel and Tip is Left Channel.


Install and connect the NUO2.0 as described in the INSTALLATION paragraph nº1.
We will describe a “Quick Start” procedure using the LINE input of channel 1 and headphone monitoring output only.

  1. Set the controllers to their initial position
    Set Channel 1 GAIN, HI, MID, LOW (2, 3, 4, 5) rotary controls to their detente center position.
    Set the channel fader (12) to its down position.

  2. Connect the headphones
    Connect them to the headphones output (26). Set the headphones LEVEL controller (24) to minimum level and move the SELECT (25) controller into PFL position.

  3. Connect a CD player
    Connect a CD player to LINE input on channel 1 (35), insert a CD and play the CD.

  4. Connect the mixer’s power cable
    Connect the power cable to the mixer’s power supply input (39) and turn it on using the MAINS INPUT switch (40). Both elements are located on the mixer’s backside.

  5. Select the input source
    Make sure that channel 1’s input switch (1) is in LINE position and press the PFL button (9). The PFL VU-meter (14) should highlight. If this doesn’t happen, verify that the CD player is correctly connected and that there is an audio track being played back.

  6. Adjust the input level
    Move the GAIN (2) control until the VU-meter shows 0dB.

  7. Send the signal to the main output
    Move the fader from channel 1 (12) all the way up and set the crossfader (13) to the left side.

  8. Listen to the signal with your headphones
    Adjust the LEVEL controller (24) to obtain a comfortable monitoring volume.
    Now you should hear music with your headphones. Turn the SELECT controller (25) to the right to crossfade the PFL signal and the MIX signal.
    When this controller is completely turned to the right, only the MIX signal will be monitored.

  9. Try the operation of the tone controllers
    Experiment with this powerful 3-way stereo equalizer (3, 4, 5).
    This tone control has been designed for a creative sound edition: each way can be individually isolated using the big and ergonomic rotary controllers.

  10. Adjust the crossfader curve
    The XFADER SHAPE control (23) allows you to precisely adjust the skew angle of the crossfader’s curve.
    Turning the controller completely to the left, the two songs will be melt softly.
    The crossfader’s curve raises when turning the controller to the right.
    Moving the controller completely to the right, the signal will enter suddenly with just a short movement of the crossfader, which is a very suitable feature for scratching techniques.



This can be done using the switch (40) located at the mixer’s back panel. Now the LED ON (15) indicator will highlight.
Even if the noise produced while enabling the NUO2.0 is as low as possible and gets completely cancelled if all faders are turned down, it is always recommendable to turn on the devices using the following sequence

  1. Sound sources.
  2. Mixer, equalizers, active filters.
  3. Finally, power amplifiers.

Powering off should be done by following the exact reverse sequence in order to avoid any possible damage to the loudspeakers.

Control Description

Input selector
Each channel features an input toggle switch selector (1).

Channel GAIN
All the NUO2.0 input channels have an accessible input sensitivity GAIN control (2).
The GAIN controls adjust the input level of each channel in order to compensate the different sources connected to the mixer.
The gain adjustments should be done with great care, using as a reference the PFL VU-meter (14).
The standard level reference used to mix audio signals is 0dBV.

The rotary tone controls for each channels provide a +10/-30dB boost/cut at high (3) and low frequencies (5) and +10/-25dB at the mid range (4). This great attenuation range is specially designed for creative live performance.
Also, any of the three frequency bands can be “killed on the fly“ activating the ISOLATOR switches (6, 7, 8) located below the LOW rotary knob on channels 1 & 2.
ATTENTION: Use equalization carefully, by boosting too much the low frequency range, you can induce an excessive displacement of the speakers membrane.

Monitoring System
The NUO2.0 is equipped with a flexible and easy monitoring system that will allow the performers to finely tune PFL (Pre-fader listening) and Mix levels of each input through the VU-METER and the HEADPHONES. Each channel can be monetarized visually and pre-listened pressing the dedicated PFL (9) button.
For HEADPHONES monitoring, the SELECT rotary potentiometer (25) allows you to blend a selected PFL together with the main MIX Program. The LEVEL rotary potentiometer (24) controls the level of headphones output.

Sending to external effects units FX Send/Return
The 2 channels from the NUO2.0 are equipped with rotating potentiometers (11) that allow sending the signal to an external effects unit, sampler, etc. These potentiometers allow to precisely adjusting the signal level sent from each channel.
The FX SEND output (27) has to be connected to the effects processor’s input and its output to the RETURN input (28) or any LINE input (35).
This signal send can be configured either PRE or POST fader with the PRE/POST toggle switch (10), so that the level is affected or not by the channel fader.

The NUO2.0 is equipped with the new generation of ECLER 45mm faders (12) which are precise, extremely soft and their features withstand over 4.000.000 manipulations, thanks to the ECLER VCA system (VCA: Voltage Controlled Amplifier)
The usage of VCA technology allows the modification of the fader’s behavior. On the frontal panel you will find the FADER SHAPE potentiometer (19), which allows adjusting the fader’s curve so that the volume is proportionally distributed on the fader’s range or that it appears suddenly.
The REVERSE switch (18) inverts the crossfader’s direction.

The NUO2.0’s crossfader includes a range of controls which allow adjusting its behavior and make it a really accurate tool.
The XFADER SHAPE control (23) allows you to precisely adjust the skew angle of the crossfader’s curve.
Turning the controller completely to the left, the two songs will be melt softly.
The crossfader’s curve raises when turning the controller to the right.
Moving the controller completely to the right, the signal will enter suddenly with just a short movement of the crossfader, which is a very suitable feature for scratching techniques.
The REVERSE switch (21) inverts the crossfader’s direction.
Depending on the selected direction, it is possible to perform “cuts” as well as “transforms” moving the crossfader into the same direction.

The electronically correction for the CUT IN (22) is only effective if the NUO2.0 has been equipped with the optional ETERNAL crossfader. If it only wears the standard crossfader, the CUT IN potentiometer must remain in the OFF position.
The CUT IN is the existing distance between the physical end of the crossfader and the entering point of the signal.
The position with the shortest CUT IN provides a nearly instantaneous signal cut.
To find this position the fader has to be set to an end and the CUT IN potentiometer must be turned rightwards until a musical
signal can be heard. To enlarge the CUT IN time, turn the potentiometer to the left.
If you want to extend the life time of your crossfader, the NUO2.0 allows the installation of the awarded ETERNAL crossfader.
This inductive crossfader technology is based on a magnetic control system and is completely contact free.
The combination of this technology with an exclusive, mechanical sliding system provides a soft handling and one of the most precise crossfaders available these days.
The inductive ETERNAL crossfader has been specially designed to execute extreme turntablism techniques, which require an extremely soft and fast movement of the crossfader.

If you wish to install the ETERNAL crossfader, please accomplish the following instructions:

  1. Remove the buttons from the sliding and rotating potentiometers of the mixer surface.
  2. Unscrew the outer screws holding the mixer control plate in place and remove it.
  3. Remove the two screws holding the crossfader in place and remove it.
  4. Carefully disconnect the multipin connector.
  5. Replace the crossfader with the ETERNAL crossfader.
    **Front Panel


  1. Connect the multipin connector you disconnected before.
  2. Fix it with the two screws. Make sure the orientation is the one described on the drawing.
  3. Put the control plate back in place and screw it tight.
  4. Put the potentiometer buttons back in place.

ATTENTION: Always use original ECLER replacement parts.
WARNING: the replacement of the crossfader has to be done by a qualified technician.

MASTER and BOOTH output levels
The NUO2.0 features two main output level controls MASTER and BOOTH.
The MASTER level is controlled by the MASTER (16) level knob.
The BOOTH level is controlled by the BOOTH (17) level knob.


Ground loops
Ensure at all times that no signal sources reaching the mixing desk and no devices connected to its output have their earths interconnected; that is, earth should never reach them via two or more different paths, as this could lead to humming which could even interfere with sound reproduction quality.
In order to avoid earth loops, ensure that the shielding of cables, if connected to the chassis, are never connected with each other.

Background noise
The use of active circuitry can yield, depending on the configuration, to a significant noise level.
The NUO2.0 has been designed for the minimum possible noise.
Anyway, the noise level will always depend on the correct use and installation of the mixer.
It is not the same setting up the FADER at “2” and the MASTER at “10” that the other way round; FADER at “10” and MASTER at “2”.
In the first case you get a poor signal to noise ratio that will be fully amplified by the master while on the second we have a good signal to noise ratio only amplified by “2”.
As a result, the background noise is greater in the first case than in the second one.

Audio connections
As a general rule of thumb, make the signal connections as short as possible and use the best connectors and cable available.
Cables and connectors are frequently held cheap, forgetting that a bad connection can result in a poor sound quality.

The control panel should never be cleaned with solvent or abrasive substances as it could become damaged.
To clean it, use a slightly moist soft cloth, together with a neutral liquid detergent, and then dry it with a clean cloth.
It is advisable to remove all sweat stains after use. Be careful to ensure that water never enters the machine through any of the openings.


  1. Input selector
  2. Input sensitivity adjust, GAIN
  3. Treble control, HI
  4. Midrange control, MID
  5. Bass control, LOW
  6. Treble frequency isolation switch, HI
  7. Mid frequency isolation switch, MID
  8. Bas frequency isolation switch, LOW
  9. Prefader listening control, PFL
  10. Send switch to effect bus, PRE/POST
  11. Fx Send controller, FX SEND
  12. Fader
  13. Crossfader control
  14. LED VU Meter
  15. LED indicator, ON
  16. Volume control, MASTER
  17. Volume control, BOOTH
  18. Fader reverse function, REVERSE
  19. Fader Shape adjustment, FADER SHAPE
  20. Crossfader curve mode, SWITCH FADE
  21. Crossfader reverse function, REVERSE
  22. Crossfader “cut in time” adjustment, CUT IN
  23. Crossfader Shape adjuster, XFADER SHAPE
  24. Headphones volume control, LEVEL
  25. PFL/MIX monitoring crossfader, SELECT
  26. Stereo jack headphones
  27. External FX send output, FX SEND
  28. External FX return input, FX RETURN
  29. RCA output, MASTER
  30. Ground pin, GND
  31. Left channel balanced output, MASTER L
  32. Right channel balanced output, MASTER R
  33. RCA output, BOOTH
  34. Phono input, PHONO
  35. Line input, LINE
  36. Micro input, MICRO
  37. Recording output, REC
  38. Fuse holder
  39. Mains socket
  40. Power switch
  41. Input 3 volume control, LEVEL


Function Diagram


Inputs Sensitivity nom/Impedance| LINE
Outputs Level/Minimum Load| MASTER (BAL)
FX SEND| 0dBV/600W 1V(+6dB 2V)
0dBV/2.2kW 1V
(+6dB 2V)
0dBV/2.2kW 1V*(+6dB 2V)
200mW/200W THD 1%
Frequency Response| LINE
FX RETURN| 10Hz÷30kHz -1dB
10Hz÷25kHz -1dB
RIAA ±0.5dB
10Hz÷50kHz –1dB
FX RETURN| <0.07%
CMRR| MICRO| >70dB @ 1kHz
Signal Noise Ratio| LINE

Gain control| INPUTS 1-2
INPUT 3| ±15dB
Tone control Inputs 1-2| LOW
HI| +10 / -30dB
+10 / -25dB
+10 / -30dB
Tone control Input 3| LOW
HI| ±15dB
Kill Filter, cut frequency at –6dB
(Slope 12dB/oct)| LOW
HI| 200Hz
Phantom voltage|  | +18VDC/5mA max.
Power consumption
(*) Internally selectable|  | 90-264VAC 47-63Hz


Configuration Diagram


Block Diagram


ECLER Laboratorio de electro-acústica S.A.
Motors 166-168, 08038 Barcelona, Spain



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