BRiLUM AVESTA, AVESTA R Ceiling Light User Guide

June 3, 2024

BRiLUM AVESTA, AVESTA R Ceiling Light User Guide

BRiLUM AVESTA, AVESTA R Ceiling Light User Guide

BRiLUM AVESTA, AVESTA R Ceiling Light User Guide - How to
Light User Guide - How to use BRiLUM
AVESTA, AVESTA R Ceiling Light User Guide - How to use

AVESTA and AVESTA R are LED luminaires with a high protection rating ­ IP 54. They are designed for illumination of kitchens, bathrooms, utility rooms, home rooms, staircases, corridors, etc. The base and cover of the luminaires are made of polypropylene (PP). The luminaires have a power cable that is lead out of the luminaire through tight rubber gland. AVESTA R versions are equipped with a microwave motion sensor. The AVESTA and AVESTA R luminaires are adapted for installation on wall or ceiling by a special mounting element and by the raw plugs with screws (included in the set with luminaire).
Microwave motion sensor in the AVESTA R luminaires:
-­ daylight threshold: 0-5 lx (light intensity level at which the sensor switches the lighting on), ­
– time-delay: 40 s, ­
– motion detection range: 0 – 8 m, ­
– motion detection angle: 180o / 360o.
AVESTA and AVESTA R luminaires are the containing products.

F> These products contain a light source (LED module) with energy efficiency class F.

It is not possible to replace a light source (LED module). The LED module is powered by an integrated electronic power supply system.


  1. It is unacceptable to use the luminaire without or with a cracked cover.
  2. Minimum distance from the illuminated object: 0.5 m between the lighting luminaire (light source of the luminaire) and the object or illuminated surface.
  3. We reserve the right to apply changes in the construction of the product.
  4. The information included in this document may undergo changes without warning. Possible changes will be taken into consideration while working with other issues of the instructions for use or complementary documents.
  5. We take no responsibility for faults resulting from non-compliance with the this instructions. According to article 568 pt 1 of the Polish Civil Code, the right resulting from a warranty for physical defects are extinct after the lapse of 2 (two) years after delivery of the luminaire to the Buyer.


  1. Unscrew the mounting element from the luminaire by turning it counter clockwise [1].
  2. Mark on the mounting surface drilling places for raw plugs. Drill the holes and fix raw plugs in the substrate [2A] and [2B].
  3. Screw the mounting element to the wall or ceiling by using the screws [2C].
  4. Connect the phase cable (brown) and the neutral cable (blue) to the main power supply ~220-240V using the terminal blocks [3]. The terminal blocks are included in the set with the luminaire.
  5. Install the luminaire to the mounting element by turning luminaire clockwise [4].


  1. Installation of the luminaire should be done by the certified and experienced electrician. Before starting the installation you must absolutely turn off the main power supply, where the luminaire should be connected to, to avoid accidental voltage connection! Electrical cables must be connected according to the instruction and regulations in force.
  2. To keep the optimal technical parameters of the luminaire the periodical maintenance should be carried out. Before cleaning the product, disconnect it from power supply. Ignoring this warning can cause danger of electric shock. The housing of the luminaire should be cleaned by generally available cleaning supplies and also dried with a soft cloth. Do not use corrosives chemicals and solvents. Do not use stream of water under pressure.

This symbol stands for selective collecting of the electrical and electronic equipment, therefore, this product cannot be treated as other household’s waste. It has to be left at a special used-equipment collection point. The appropriate dealing with the collection of used electrical and electronic equipment is crucial, especially if the equipment includes dangerous components which have a negative influence on the environment and on the health of people.

LEDLUM Sp. z o.o.
ul. 29 Listopada 64, 99-300 Kutno, Poland

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