SOL-EXPERT 50036 Water Pump Set for Crafting and Experimenting User Manual
- June 3, 2024
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SOL-EXPERT 50036 Water Pump Set for Crafting and Experimenting
Water pump set for crafting and experimenting
This water pump kit is ideal for making small fountains, watercourses and
water cascades. The power supply (3-6 Volt) can be provided by a power supply
unit, a battery or a solar module.
Structure of the water pump
Press in the seal – it must lie flat
Push the motor in only halfway
Apply a thin bead of adhesive all around the engine (serves to seal it). Use a gap-filling adhesive for this (e.g. Uhu Max Repair Power).
Damit wirklich alles fest verklebt ist, kannst Du noch ein wenig Kleber
zwischen dem Motor und Gehäuserand ringsherum aufbringen. Sei dabei sparsam
mit dem Kleber – eine kleine Menge reicht bereits.
Place the mounting ring flat on a table.
Place the water wheel in the assembly ring.
Now push the motor all the way in and press it firmly into place with a clamp while the glue dries. Let the glue dry completely. By pressing the motor firmly into place with the clamp, it is pressed firmly onto the black seal. Once the glue has hardened, the motor will be permanently attached to the gasket and water will no longer be able to enter the motor from below.
To make sure that everything is firmly glued, you can apply a little glue between the motor and the edge of the housing. Be sparing with the glue – a small amount is enough.
Important: The glue must be cured before further assembly!
Now press the housing against the mounting ring from above with pressure on the motor as far as it will go. Now the optimum height for the water wheel is set. If the motor has come loose, glue it in again.
Press on the lower part of the housing (gluing is not necessary) and mount the hose.
If necessary, the pump holder can be mounted or glued.
Only use distilled water, otherwise, the pump will quickly calcify.
The water may only be filled up to the red marked line! Under no circumstances
should the motor come into contact with water, this will lead to a defect
Stand September 2022 / Christian Reply ©.
SOL-EXPERT group, C.Repky Mehlisstrasse 19, D-88255 Brandt Tel.: +49 (0)7502 – 94115-0 Fax: +49 (0)7502 – 94115-99
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