Vapcell S4 Plus Universal Battery Charger User Manual

June 3, 2024

Vapcell S4 Plus Universal Battery Charger

Power, beyond your imagination
Model No : S4 PLUS.

  • The Vapccll S4 PLUS is a Super, Rcvolutiona,y, Intelligent charger ,3A each slot ,12A in total charging current with almost all cylindrical rechargeable battcrics,such as I 6340, I 0440, 14500, 16340, 18500, 18650, 26650, 21700 20700,even button top or PCB 21700,20700, which eliminate to own several chargers.
  • The S4 PLUS automatically detects and charging Li-ion,Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd batteries, Intelligent charging circuit selects the optimal charging mod (CC,CV and dV/dt) for a given battery and each slot independently charge.
  • The charger can measure the internal resistance (DC JR) of the battery intelligently, and automatically distribute the appropriate charging ci,rrcnt or discharge current according to the internal resistance of the battery.
  • S4 plus charger have Manual and Auto mode selection for charging and discharging currents.
  • And S4 plus charger has a temperature sensor in the charger to lower the charge rate when the battery is too hot to ensure safety
  • S4 plus have four mode: Charge ,Dischargc,Cap test( Capacity Tcst),Rcpair.
  • The capacity of batteries can be accurately measured by Discharge mode and Cap test mode, and Ii-ion batteries and Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd batteries can be repaired by Repair mode.
  • Furthcrmore,LCD display show voltage ,capacity, temperature, internal resistance , charging time and percentage of capacity clearly.
  • The Vapcell S4 Plus: The world’s most advanced, economical and fastest fully automatic multi!functional charger.

Function Description:

Manual &Auto button
There’s a button on the right side of the chnrger. Manual selection of charging and discharging current or automatic intelligent distribution of charging and discharging current

Manual button

  • The advantage of manual mode is that the user can choose the ideal charging current or discharge current.
  • When the battery starts charging or discharging. the default current is 500mA and nashcs continuously, indicate the user 10 choose the current option you want
  • For specific current parameters, please refer to the charger parameter table.

Auto button

  • The charger can measure the internal resistance (DC IR} of the batte1y intelligently, and automatically distribute the appropriate charging current or discharge current according to the internal resistance of the baucry.
  • Please keep the contac1or clean and bright without oil stain, good contact can test internal resistance accurately.

Mode Button

  • The Mode mode have four runctions: Charge, Discharge. Cap test c1nd Repair
  • The default Charge mode of the system. Press on the MODE button to select other runctions.


  • The system automatically determines the type of batte1y, recharges Li-ion batteries or Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd batteries.
  • Li-ion batteries arc charged in CC CV mode and Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd batteries are charged by pulse current.


  • This function can measure the capacity of batteries.
  • The system automatically determines the type of battc1y, Li-ion batteries or Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd batteries.
  • The Discharge mode is from constant currcnl to cuL-off voltagc. Li-ion.battery discharged to 2.5V, Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd battery discharged to 0.9V.
  • The discharge capacity shown artcr discharge refers to the current capacity of the battery. It can discharge at any time with any battery above the cut-off voltage.
  • For example, a Ii-ion battc1y with an initial voltage of 4.0V is discharged to the cut-off voltage with a constant current of 500 mA and a time-consuming of 4 hours.
  • The discharge capacity is shown to be 500 mA•4 h=2000 mAh.
  • Note that this is 1101 the total capacity of the battery.irwant to get the full capacity of the battery, please fully charge the battery then discharge.

Cap test

  • Cap test is short for capacity test ,similar lo Discharge mode, but more intelligent 10 test batte,y capacity.
  • There arc three steps in this mode: Charge-Discharge-Charge
  • The charger full charges the batttiy first. then discharge at a conStant current to the cut-ofT voltage, the charger shows the capacity of the battery.then the charger fully charge the battery again .but the charging capacity is not displayed.


  • Repairable Ii-ion batteries and Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd batteries
  • When the over-discharge voltage of Ii-ion batteries is less than 2.5V, or the over-discharge voltage of lithium batteries with PCB is lower than the cut-off voltage.the charger is activated to charge with a small current, and the lithium battery can continue to be used.
  • There is memory effect in some Ni-Mh,Ni-Cd battery. The charger can refresh the battery and reduce the memory effect through repeated charging and discharging cycles.


  • The parameters displayed on the screen interface arc the parameters of a single battery. For example, when CH2 appears on the display screen,all display data show the parameters of the second slot battery, then press the DISPALY button to display CH3 and Cl-14 CH I in turn. showing the parameters of each battery in turn.
  • LCD display show voltage(V ) ,capacity(mAh,Wh), tempernturc(‘C). internal resistance (mO), charging time I 00:00 \ ,current(mA)and percentage of capacity clearly ‘% \


  • In Manual mode, you can choose the current you need.
  • In the Auto mode. the system will measure the in1cmal resisIancc of the baucry and au10111atically distribute the current.
  • S4 plus charger have a lot of current option, if you want to know more, please refer to the parameter lablc.

USB output

  • You can insert batteries in each slot,thcy can charge for the digitatl devices like mobile phones. tablets and some USB devices.
  • S4 plus supply power for device start from the highest voltage ba!tcty rirstly among four batteries, afterwards four batteries will supply power at the same time
    automatically when four batteries arc same voltage.which ensure you full power always whenever you want.Through USB output only for lithiuri1 battery.


  • Connect the charger and use our I 2V5A DC adapter 10 supply power. The S4 plus
    starts to work.there will be a ringtone indicating that the power supply is switched on. At this time all parameters do not display. NULL appears in the cenlcr of LCD screen

  • Select the AuI0 or Manual gear on the right side fIhe charger. Manual mode requires manual selection of current. while Auto mode docs 1101. Now let’s explain the operation in Manual mode.

  • If the ba11cry is reversed,·· Err·· will be prompted in LCD screen. Users put the battery correctly into the charger.assuming that it is placed in the second slot, Cl-I2 characters will appear on the display screen. Charger will automatically determine whether the ba11c1y is Ii-ion or Ni-Mh.Ni-Cd. and it’s displayed on the screen.

  • At this time. The default Charge mode, Charge is displayed on the LCD screen and nickers. If you need to swi1ch other modes. Discharge.Cap test.Repair mode.please keep pressing MODE 10 find the desired mode.

  • The current 500111/\ on the LCD screen is also llickcring. The default charge or discharge current of the system is 500mA. Press the CURRENT button to select the desired current.

  • At the top of the LCD screen, there arc four cylinders, representing four slots, which can display the charging status of four batteries. There arc five small black grid in 1hc cylinder. representing a rough percentage of capacity. This is based on the battery voltage. They represent 20%. 40%. 60%, 80% and 100% of battery capacity respectively.If charged in the second sI01 ,If the bauery is charged in the second slot,Thc small grid in the second cylinder of the display will continue to increase 10 the riflh grid. and then start again, reciprocating. This display indicates that the battery is charging. At this time, the display screen will display all the data of the second slot.voltagc(V) .capacity(mAh.Wh). temperalure( ‘C), internal resistance ‘mo) , time · ’00:00’ .current{mA) and percentage of capacity clearly 1 % ) .If the ba11cry is discharging. the cylindrical grid will flicker and decrease. In normal operation, the LCD screen will be extinguished in 25 sccondsso as to save energy. But we can still blur the content of the display screen. If you need to re-read the content of the display screen, press any button below the charger display screen.

  • If multiple batteries are placed in the charger at the same time. we press the DISPAL Y button several times to display the battery data of each slot in tum.each slot is independent of each other, there are slots to charge, there arc slots to discharge. there arc slots to repair the process, without interference ll’ith each other.. If Cl 11 is displayed, it will be the data of the rirst slot battery.

  • When charging or discharging is completed, there will be a ringing alarm. The small cylindrical lauices of the display screen will no longer jump. and other parameters .ire recorded and maintained.

Technical points

In order to use this charger well, please read the following technical knowledge

Measure the internal resistance of batteries
The Auto mode of the charger distributes the appropriate current by measuring the internal rcsistance(DC IR).so it is necessary to measure more precise values.Please keep the positive and negative connectors of the charger clean and free of grease_ stain, and the positive and egative electrodes of the battery clean.And check the spring of each slot to ensure that 1hc battery and charger are in good contact.

Measure battery capacity

  • Industry-approved test capacity method, room temperature of about 24 °C, charge battery with Ii-ion 4.2Y, and then discharges at a constant current of 0.2C to 2.SY. Please remember keep record of discharging time.
  • In this way, the capacity mAh of the battery is obtained by multiplying the discharge current by the discharge time.
  • Capacity(mAh)= Current (mA)* Time (Hour)
  • So tell us that in order to use the S4 PLUS charger to measure the battery capacity more accurately, please measure room temperature around 24 degrees. If the temperature is too low, the battery capacity will be greatly reduced.Then choose the appropriate battery discharge current, about 0.2C rate, if the difference-is very small. the capacity gap is very small.
  • Please do not use the capacity shown during charging as the battery capacity, because many batteries arc out of power from the device, and the battery voltage is about 3.0-3.4 Y. The battery has 1hc remaining capacity in it, so the charging capacity is just for rough reference.
  • In order to measure discharge capacity more accurately, we set the discharge cut-off voltage of Ii-ion battery at 2.6Y.There are a lot of high capacity I 8650,21700 batteries, The discharge mode is in the range of3.0Y-2.5Y, there arc still about 50-200mAh capacity.

Current selection

  • This charger have high charge current 3A and discharge current I A,
  • To ensure safety, please refer to the battery specification and select the appropriate charge and di6cargc currents in Manual mode.
  • If the current is too high, the battery may become very hot and explode!
  • In Auto mode, if the internal resistance of measurement is relatively large due to poor contact or oil stain, the allocated current will be relatively small.
  • If you want to increase the charging current, press the current button for at least 2 seconds. The current of the display screen will flicker continuously, then pressing the current button can change the current.
  • CC. CY mode is used for charging Ii-ion battery in charger
  • If the battery voltage before charging is relatively high, such as 4.1 Y, put into the charger at Auto mode, even if the internal resistance is very low, very small charging current will be allocated,as the charge current decrease and out offaf the last stage of charging .

Charger Temperature Control
Temperature sensors arc installed in each slot of the charger to monitor the temperature of the battery in real time.If the battery temperature is too high, we will reduce the charging current intelligcntly,cnsurc safetyVapcell-S4-Plus-Universal-Battery-Charger-fig-5

  1. Temperature is higher than 65 °C. If the charging current is higher than I 500 mA(excluding 1500 mA), it will be reduced to 2 level, for example your current charge current is 3000mA, it will be automatically charged at 2000mA.
  2. The temperature of the slot is more than 70 °C. If charge current is more than 500 mA (excluding 500 mA), the charging current will be forced to drop to 500 mA.

Battery charging current level:
250mA, 500mA, I OOOmA, I 500mA, 2000mA, 2500mA, 3000mA

Re-change MODE or CURRENT
Jfthe batte,y is charging or discharging, other modes can be changed by pressing the MODE button for 2 seconds, and the current can be changed 11mnediatcly after chang111g . the mode, but the data on the previous display will disappear. Please be careful. When chargers works properly, S4 Plus docs not support pressing current button . directly at 2 seconds to change the current. Only in Auto mode the charge cun-ent can be changed directly during the charg111g . process.

Extending the Service Life of Charger

  • This is an intelligent multi-function charger.
  • In order to obtain a longer service life, please keep operate in dry . env1ronment . m door, and have enough space to emit heat. In order to prolong the service life, please try not to discharge/charge four slots at full load for a long time. Because full-load opcrauon will lead to the increase of charger temperature, long-tenn high tcmpemrurc of charger will accelerate the aging of charger parts. Be kind to it and continue to serve you

Parameters and Features


Apply to (battery diameter:10-26mm,length:34-75mm)
10340(RCR123),10440,14500,16340,16650,17500,17650,17670, 18350,18490,18500,18650,20-700,21700,22650,26500,266£0


  • 3A each slot , 12A in total.
  • Charge/Discharge/Capacity test /Repair
  • Automatically select the optimum charge current.
  • Easily choose current you want at manual mode.
  • Wide & High charging current choice: 0.25A /0.SA /I NI .5N 2A/ 2.5N 3A for each slot.
  • Show charging status in real-time like voltage ,capacity,temperature,timc.currcnt.
  • Enough space for 21700 battery, even button top 21700, PCB 21700 .
  • Top surface have a button top type feature to make contact in recessed battery
  • It is compatible with every type of rechargeable battery.
  • Support 4 slots charging independently without interference.
  • Automatically activate and repair “O voltagc”lithium battery.
  • Automatically calculate battery charging time.
  • Automatically calculate the battery percentage.
  • Charging Protection, over-discharge protection and protection of polar rcvcrsc,short , circuit protection .also, it can detect a broken battery.
  • Temperature control protection. Keep your battery safe, most important,your life safety.
  • Intelligent power bank SY IA .
  • Certified by FCC CE ROHS .


  • Indoor condition only, and enough space for heat dissipation.
  • Don’t take apart your charger.
  • Keep it dry when you don’t use it .
  • Please don’t charge leakage, corrosion or dead battery
  • Please remember to cut off the power when you don’t use
  • Please don’t be exposed your charger to rain or water or snow.
  • Charger arc getting hot during operation for a long time, handle with care!
  • This charger is for charging the cylindrical lithium-ion (Ii-ion 3.7v), Ni-Mh / Ni-Cd ballcries. Be sure to know LiFeP04 bancrics(3.2V),Non-rechargcable bancrics, rechargeable alkaline baucries (RAM). lead acid baueries must not be charged with 4 plus charger. There is danger of explosion!
  • Please read these instructions before use; pay auention to the recommended charging current, never choose the wrong charging current.
  • Use the default configuration of the I 2V5A adapter. If the user uses a low output power adapter, the charger may not work. or its function may be limited.
  • Please cut off the electricity and remove the battery from the charger when charging is complct.
  • Data guideline of chargers are for your reference only: please refer to professional instrumcnta1ion, if you need accurate data.
  • In order to reduce shock. please cut of thc power when you clean the charger.
  • Don’t repair yourself. Please contact the professional maintcriancc person when you need.
  • Please make sure 1hc correct program and setting arc chosen and set . Incorrect program or seuing may damage the charger or case fire or explosion
  • Do not misuse in any way! Use for intended purpose and function only .

Warranty Service

Afler sales warranty service is only for the products purchased from authorized sources. this rule is compliant to all products products have after-sales warranty service. In the purchase of this product within 15 days, if any quality problems can be asked to the dealer free replacement. 111 the purchase of this product enjoy one year free warranty
Beyond 12 months, a limited warranty applies.covering the cost of labor and maintenance , but not the cost of accessories or replacement parts
The free warranty docs not apply to the following

  1. Man-made destruction . dismantling, modification of this product
  2. Incorrect operation results in damage to the products(such as refitting the battery, putting it into a non-rechargeable battery, or violating the warning)
  3. Ballet)’ Leakage causes product damage

For the Latest information on vnpccll batteries anc..l o;crviccs, please contact a local vapccll distributbr.or send an email to [email protected]

Shenzhen Vapccll Technology Co.,LTD.
ADD, # 49, LongTou Road. longjian Tian, lluang Jiang . Dongguan. Guangdong Province
Zip Code : 523765
TEL :86 -181-2991-3986
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