PHILIPS BDP780 Turn LED Table Lamp Instruction Manual
- June 3, 2024
- Philips
Table of Contents
Signify Classified – Internal
CitySphere BDP780 / BDP781 / BDP782
Mounting instruction
BDP780 Turn LED Table Lamp
led color| ledgine| LEDs| W
+1-10%| Flux (1m)
+/- 7%| Energy Efficiency Rating
740| LED40| 56| 23| 4000| D
LED50| 56| 28,5| 5000
LED60| 56| 34| 6000
LED70| 56| 40,5| 7000
LED80| 56| 46,5| 8000
LED90| 56| 52| 9000
LED100| 56| 58| 10000
LED110| 56| 64| 11000
LED120| 56| 71| 12000
830| LED30| 56| 22| 3000| E
LED40| 56| 29| 4000
LED50| 56| 36| 5000
LED60| 56| 43,5| 6000
LED70| 56| 52| 7000
LED80| 56| 59| 8000
LED90| 56| 67| 9000
LED100| 56| 75| 10000
LED110| 56| 84| 11000
LED120| 56| 92| 12000
* With colour r i n g add 14W
led color| ledgine| LEDs| W
+1-10%| Flux Om)
+/- 7%| Energy Efficiency Rating
740| LED40| 28| 24| 4000| D
LED50| 28| 30| 5000
LED60| 28| 36,5| 6000
LED70| 28| 43| 7000
830| LED25| 28| 19,2| 2500| E
LED30| 28| 23| 3000
LED40| 28| 30,5| 4000
LED50| 28| 38,5| 5000
LED60| 28| 47| 6000
LED70| 28| 56| 7000
*With colour ring add 14W
led color| ledgine| LEDs| W
+0-10%| Flux Om)
+/_ 7 %| Energy Efficiency Rating
740| LED20| 16| 13| 2000| D
LED25| 16| 16| 2500
LED30| 16| 19| 3000
LED40| 16| 25,5| 4000
830| LED15| 16| 12,4| 1500| E
LED20| 16| 16,4| 2000
LED25| 16| 20| 2500
LED30| 16| 24,5| 3000
LED40| 16| 33| 4000
*With colour ring add 14W
Signify Classified – Internal
Introduce the cable thru the cablegland
Cable diameter from 5 to 13 mm (2,3,4 or 5 poles → cross-section 1.5 to 2.5mm 2 )
Connect following the marks (3 or 5 poles)
Connect following the marks (2 or 4 poles)
All electrical and flux values are typical values at 25ºC ambient.
| Temperature protection:
Both LED and Driver have a temperature protection.
When for any reason the temperature of LED is too high the system first dims
back to 50%, if it is still too hot it will switch off. If the driver is too
warm it switches off. Power will return automaticaly when the temperature has
dropped again.
Tc max. of PCB:
Tc max. = 85ºC
Measurement in LED D7.
This luminaire must be installeed only by qualified personnel
If the external flexible cableor cord of this luminaire is damaged, it shall
be exclusively replaced by the manufacturer or his service agent or a similar
qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
To get an overview of all spare parts for a luminaire, please refer (1% to detailed instructionsin the service manual available via the aes Signify Service tag apps (Android and iOS). To program a spare driver is supported by Signify Service tag (Android only)
Annex : Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity
Herehy, Signify Holding declares that the radin equipment tyne included intn
the luminary is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the
EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
Signify Hulding
nereby, declares that the radio equipment type is in compliance with
Directive 2014/53/tu. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is
available at the following internet address:
The light source comnined in ths leminarre shell only be repoced by the mensfactwer of his service agentor 8 sitar queiied person
Storage, nstallebon, ese , operation and meittenence of the products needs to be performed exactly according the insbuciions in this manuel andlor other insractons a s may be provided by us $o guarentee safe wse of the product over ds enire lifetime . Failure to adhere to these instructions wil inveidele your enifiement to werrenty. Bolts with indication of torque strength on the drewing need bo be ightened using cabbesied torque wrench. Pre-nssemitled bots need to be retightened equim to the required torque speciicaton to assure maximum strengh over lifetime.
Deconnectbelore serving
SR compatibility – For SR-based luminaires only SR-Cesified components/sensors are to be used ( see elso: hip ubloemSrenlerodacsdivine- comeded-fatting) The iunchonsl compatibility of two (SR-cerified) components/sensors fo be used in combination, ss wel es the override possibilty of any line-swiich functon used in an SR-besed luminaire, is to bereleased by the master component/sensor supper. I f using e NEMA 7- pin socket on en SR-based luminsire , 5 full system verification is required. Not following this advice cen/mill couse nick of demage and non -compliance for which S i g n # y cennet eke any responsibilty.
Luminaire has basic insulation between Low = Voltage supply and control conductors.
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information included nerein is given end ery ability for amy action in
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443000015218 I 07/2021
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