SP tools SP62042 Professional Timing Light User Manual

June 3, 2024
SP tools

SP tools SP62042 Professional Timing Light



This timing light is designed for use with all 12-volt negative-ground vehicles. The timing light may also be used on vehicles equipped with DIS (distributorless ignition systems).
Operating Controls and Indicators – General (see Figure 1).


  1. Xenon Bulb – Used to illuminate timing marks for checking timing.
  2. Swiveling Head – Contains the xenon bulb. Rotates over approximately 90° to allow for easy illumination of tinting marks in hard to reach locations.
  3. Control Pane l – Contains the controls and indicators necessary to operate the timing light.
  4. Inductive Pickup Leads – Detachable leads assembly connects timing light to the battery and ignition system:
    • Red Battery Clip – Connects to battery positive(+) terminal.
    • Black Ba tte ry Clip – Connects to battery negative (-) terminal or bare metal chassis ground.
    • Inductive Pickup Clip – Clamps around No. 1 spark plug cable.
    • Green DWELL Clip – Connects to the negative (tach) side of the ignition coil.

Control Panel Controls and Indicators (see Figure 2)

  1. Flash Switch – Push to turn strobe light on. Push again to turn strobe light off.
  2. LCD Display – Provides a digital display of engine operating parameters including engine speed (rpm) , advance (degrees) , dwell angle (degrees), and battery and charging system voltage. Displayed information depends on operating mode selected. LCD display is backlit in soft blue light for easy viewing in low-light areas.SP-tools-SP62042-Professional-Timing-Light-2
  3. Function (F) Switch – Selects timing light operating mode (voltage/rpm, advance or dwell).
  4. RPM Indicator – Displays when 2-cycle (DIS) or 4-cycle rpm mode is selected .
  5. Cylinder/Advance Increment Switch
    • Dwell Mode – Increments through ava ilable cylinder settings for dwell check. Enabled when dwell m ode is select ed .
    • Advance Mode – Increments through degrees of advance. Enabled when advance mode is selected .
  6. Cylinder/Advance Decrement Switch
    • Dwell Mode – Decrements through available cylinder settings for dwell check. Enabled when dwell m ode is select ed .
    • Advance Mode – Decrements through degrees of advance. Enabled when advance mode is selected .
  7. Zeroing Switch – Returns LCD advance degrees to zero. Enabled when advance mode is selected.
  8. DWELL Indicator – Displays when dwell mode is selected. LCD display shows dwell angle and number of cylinders.
  9. ADVANCE Indicator – Displays when advance mode is selected. LCD display shows degrees advance and engine rpm.
  10. Ignition System Slection – Selects the timing light operating mode (either 2- cycle (DIS) or 4 -cycle) by pressing BOTH the Function (F) switch and the Cy linder/Advance Decrement switch simultaneously.
  11. Battery VOL TS Indicator – Displays when battery voltage mode is selected. LCD display shows battery voltage.
  12. Charging System Battery VOLTS Indicator – Displays when voltage/rpm mode is selected. LCD display shows charging system battery voltage and engine rpm.
  13. Volt Symbol – Displays when voltage modes are selected.
  14. Battery Symbol – Displays when battery voltage mode is selected.
  15. Flash Symbol – Blinks when strobe light is operating.
  16. Ignition Mode Symbol – Displays ignition system selected.
  17. Cylinder Symbol – Displays when dwell mode is selected.
  18. Dwell Angle Symbol – Displays when dwell mode is selected.
  19. Advance Degree Symbol – Displays when advance mode is selected.


  • Power Requirements: 10 to 16 volts DC
  • Operating Temperature: 32 to 122°F (Oto 50°C)
  • Tachometer Range: 240 to 9 ,990 RPM
  • Timing Advance Range: 0 to +90°

This timing light is designed for use on most late model import or domestic vehicles equipped with conventional or electronic ignition systems, or with DIS (distributorless ignition systems) .


WARNING: Always keep hands, timing ligh t, lead wires and c lips away from moving eng ine p a r ts and hot surfaces. DO NOT SMOKE.

  • b. Clamp inductive pickup clip around No. 1 spark plug wire (arrow points toward spark plug) .
  • c. Connect the green DWELL clip to the negative (tach) side of the ignition coil (if applicable).
  • d . Connect battery clips to battery:
    • Connect RED clip to battery positive(+) terminal.
    • Connect BLACK clip to battery negative (-) terminal or chassis ground.
  • e . Attach pickup leads into bottom of timing light handle.


  • Make sure timing light is properly connected as described in TIMING LIGHT CONNECTION.
  • ALWAYS check battery and charging system voltage before performing timing check to ensure reliable results.
    • a. With timing light connected and engine off, timing light ls in battery voltage mode: the Battery VOL TS indicator, Volts symbol and Battery symbol will display. The LCD display will s how battery voltage.
    • b. When the engine is started, the timing light enters the voltage/rpm mode; the Charging System Battery VOL TS Indicator, Volts symbol and Ignition Mode symbol (either 2-cycle (DIS) or 4-cycle) will display. The LCD display wtll show charging system voltage and engine rpm.


Dwell angle check is performed for vehicles equipped with conventional or electronic ignition systems.

  • Make sure timing light is properly con nected as described in TIMI G LIGHT CONNECTION.
  • a. Start and run engine until it reaches normal operating temperatu re.
  • b. Press Function (F) switch as needed to select dwell mode. The DWELL Indicator, Cylinder Symbol. and Dwell Angle Symbol will dLsplay when dwell mode Is selected.
    • Press Cylinder/Advance Increment and Decrement switches as needed to select appropriate number 0£ cylinders for vehicle under test. The LCD display will show the number of cylinders selected and the dwell angle.
  • c . Note dwell angle and compare to manufacturer’s specifications.
  • d. Refer to the vehicle’s service manual for procedures to adjust dwell angle.
  • e. Turn ignition off and disconnect timing light from engine.


  • AL \\I A YS refer to the manufacturer’s test procedures and specifications when
    performing timing check. T iming procedures vary from veh icle to vehicle. Refer to the Vehicle Emission Con trol Label or service manual for the vehicle under t est.
    NOTE: Some vehicles equipped with computerized engine control systems may be designated as “NON-ADJUSTABLE “.

  • Make sure timing light ls proper ly connected as described in TIMI G LIGHT CONNECTION.

  • MAKE SURE t h e p roper operating mode is selected (2- cycle (DIS) or 4-cycle).

  • If vehicle is equipped with distributor point s, check dwell as described in CHECKING DWELL ANGLE, and adjust If necessary BEFORE per forming timing check.

  • a. Start and run engine until it reaches normal operating temperatu re.

    • The Flash Indicator wiJI blink to indicate the timing light is operating.
    • Press both ignition system selection switches SIMULTANEOUSLY to select either 2-cycle (DIS) or 4-cycle mode. The Ignition Mode Symbol will display the selected mode.
    • Press Function (F) switch as needed to select voltage/rpm mode. The RPM Indicator will display when voltage/rpm mode is selected. The LCD display will show engine rpm. Adjust engine rpm as n ecessary.
  • b. Adjust timing light barrel, as needed, to ensure proper illumination of timing marks.

  • c. Refer to the vehicle’s service manual to check and adjust timing. OBSERVE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.

  • d. Press Flash switch. Timing light will stop flashing.

  • e. Tum ignition off and disconnect timing light from engine.

  • f. If disconnected, reconnect vacuum line to distributor.


Advance and retard timing controls ensure that ignition occurs at the proper time during the compres-sion stroke. These controls include mechanical advance, vacuum advance, vacuum retard, electronic advance, electronic retard, and e lectronic advance/retard. Depending on make and model, a vehicle may be equipped with a single timing control device, or two or more devices may be used in combination.
NOTE: Advance and retard timing test procedures vary widely from vehicle to vehicle. The following paragraphs provide general test procedures for checking mechanical advance, mechanical/vacuum advance, and vacuum retard. ALWAYS make sure initial timing and dwell are correct before checking advance/retard tin1ing. ALWAYS refer to the service manual for the vehicle under test to obtain the proper timing procedures and spedfications. OBSERVE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.

Centrifugal/Mechanical Advance

  • Make sure timing light is properly connected as described in TIMING LIGHT CONNECTION.
  • Make sure initial timing is correct. If necessary, prepare engine for advance timing check as directed by manufacturer’s instructions.
  • a. With timing light directed at timing marks, note position of rotating timing mark in relation to reference pointer. Reading should indicate initial timing in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
  • b. Adjust engine speed to the specified RPM for advance test.
  • c. Press Fw1ction (F) switch as needed to select advance mode. The ADVANCE indicator and Advance Degree symbol will display when advance mode is selected. T he LCD display will show “Q” degrees advance and engine rpm.
  • d . With timing light directed at timing marks, press Cylinder/Advance Increment switch as needed to reaJign timing marks to initial timing or as instructed by manufacturer’s specifications. Note degrees advance on LCD display and compare with manufacturer’s s pecifications.
  • e. Turn off ignition and disconnect timing light from engine.

Vacuum Advance

  • Make sure timing light is properly connected as described in TIMING LIGHT CONNECTION.
  • Make sure initialtiming is correct. If necessary, prepare e ngine for advance timing check as directed by manufacturer’s instructions.

NOTE: A vacuum pump equipped with a vacuum gauge is needed to check vacuum advance.

  • a. With engine off, disconnect vacuum hose from distributor’s vacuum advance port; plug vacuum hose.
  • b. Connect vacuum pump to dis tributor’s vacuum advance port.
  • c . Start and r un engine until it r eaches normal operating temperature.
  • d . Press Function (F ) switch as needed to select advance mode. The ADVANCE indicator a nd Advance Degree symbol will display w h e n advance mode is selec t e d . The LCD display will show “Q” degrees advance and engine rpm.
  • e. With timing light directed at timing marks, note pos ition of rotating timing mark in relation to reference pointer. R eading should indicate initial timing in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
  • f. Using vacuum pump, a pply specified amount of vacuum to distributor’s vacuum port.
  • g. With timing light directed at timing marks, press Cylinder/Advance Increment switch as needed to realign timing marks to initial tinting. Note degr ees advance on LCD display and compare with manufacturer’s specifications.
  • h. Turn off ignition and disconnect timing light from engine. Unplug and reconnect vacuum hose to distributor’s vacuum port .

Electronic Advance/Retard
Refer to manufacturer’s instructions for procedures to check electronic advance/retard. For some systems, it may be necessary to set the timing light’s advance display to “O” and to read timing from the vehicle’s timing marks.

Refer to the vehicle’s service manual for procedures to adjust timing. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ADJUST T IMI G WITHOUT MA UFACTU RER’S SPECIFICATIONS.


NOTE: I f the timing light readout becomes inoperative or locks up during use, disconnect and reconnect the timing light’s positive battery damp from the battery to reset the unit.
If the timing light fails to operate, make t he following checks:

  • a. Make s ure the battery clips are firmly connected to th e battery terminals.
  • b. Make sure the battery clip polarity is correct (red clip to positive terminal, black clip to negative terminal).
  • c. Ma ke sure the upper and lower ferrite cores of the inductive p ickup clip are clean. C lean the inductive pickup clip if necessary (re fer to Ch a pter 3).
  • d. Make sure the inductive pickup clip is properly connected to the No. 1 spark plug cable.
  • e. Make sure the No. l spark plug is working properly:
    • Conn ect the inductive pickup clip to another spark plug cable.
    • If the timing light flashes, service the No. 1 spark plug before continuing.

Dirt or grease on the inside surfaces of the inductive pickup clip can result in erratic flashing or poor operation of t he timing light. Periodically clean the contact surfaces ins ide the inductive pickup clip by wiping with a soft cloth.
The timing light is equipped with detachable leads which can be disconnected from t h e timing light for easy storage after use. If the test leads or clips become damaged, a replacement set can be obtained from your dealer or dfrectly from the service r:P.ntP.r.

Safety Precautions

Always observe safety precautions whenever working on a vehicle. DO NOT wear loose clothing, watches, rings or other jewelry when working on a vehicle. Always wear safety eye protection. Only work on a vehicle in a well-ventilated area. Put transmission in “park” (for automatic) or “neutral” (for manual) . Set parking brake. Put blocks on drive wheels . Avoid moving fan blades or a ny potentially moving parts. WHEN USING THE TIMING LIGHT, THESE PARTS MAY APPEAR TO BE STOPPED OR MOVING SLOWLY. Avoid hot engine parts. The vehicle battery produces explosive gases. DO NOT smoke or allow spark or flame near the battery. BE CAREFUL when working near high-voltage parts (spark plugs or coil terminals) . Turn off ignition before connecting (or disconnecting) any testing equipment. ALWAYS READ THE VEHICLE’S SERVICE MANUAL BEFORE PERFORMING ANY PROCEDURE. OBSERVE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.


This Limited Warranty applies only to new products* distributed by SP Tools Pty Ltd (“SP Tools”). It is a condition of this Limited Warranty Policy that the purchaser read the owner’s manual for the product and only use the product to the extent or for the purposes stated therein. The purchaser must also ensure that all servicing requirements are completed as listed in the owner’s manual (said servicing is at the owner’s expense). We recommend that all servicing is completed by an authorised service agent and that records of said servicing are retained by the purchaser as proof in the event of a warranty claim. Whilst the owner’s manual, packaging, and/or other documentation supplied with SP Tools’ products may provide details in respect of a Limited Warranty, the terms set out herein supersede these matters, and this Limited Warranty applies in their place. This warranty is no less advantageous than otherwise described in such other documentation. SP Tools agrees, subject to the terms and conditions specified below, to repair or replace at SP Tools’ cost, the product purchased by you when the product does not perform in accordance with its specifications during the limited warranty period, due to any fault in manufacturing, materials and/or workmanship. SP Tools is not liable to repair or replace products that the purchaser uses in a manner that is inconsistent with the owner’s manual or in the circumstances set out in paragraphs 1.1 – 1.7 below. The benefits to the purchaser under this warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The limited warranty period, within which a defect in the product must appear, commences from the date of purchase and ceases on expiration of the specified term below.

THE PURCHASERS ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE FOLLOWING To the extent permitted by law and subject to this Limited Warranty, and as part of the terms of the sale of the equipment or part thereof: SP Tools shall not be liable for any form of loss, damage, cost, injury or harm of any kind (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) howsoever arising from the use or supply of the equipment to the purchaser.

This Limited Warranty will not apply where the equipment or any part thereof:

  1. Fails due to an accident (including liquid spillage), abuse, misuse, neglect or normal wear and tear;
  2. Has been used in a manner other than for which it was originally designed;
  3. Has been tampered with or is otherwise than as supplied by SP Tools;
  4. Where any damage, malfunction or other failure of the equipment or any part thereof resulted directly or indirectly from unauthorized persons, adjusting or failing to adjust any part requiring normal maintenance and service (examples include adjustment of tappets, air filter maintenance, lubrication and tightening of screws nuts and bolts);
  5. Malfunctions due to the use of defective or incompatible accessories;
  6. Is damaged by lightning or thunderstorm activity; or
  7. Has been transported to a country where no authorised Service Agents exist.

This Limited Warranty may be claimed on in the following manner:

  1. In order to make a claim under this Limited Warranty, the purchaser must deliver the equipment or any part thereof to an SP Tools authorised repair agent and pay all costs of transportation and all costs incidental to making a claim under this Limited Warranty. The purchaser must first contact SP Tools (contact details described above) and request the delivery address of an SP Tools authorised repair agent.
  2. The purchaser must deliver to the repair agent written reasons why the purchaser considers that the purchaser has a claim under this Limited Warranty and must provide all necessary details, including:
  3. The place, date and from whom the unit or part was purchased.
  4. The unit or part involved, Model and Serial Number.
  5. The defect, malfunction or failure in respect of which the claim is being made.
  6. Proof of service of the unit or part (if applicable)
  7. Proof of purchase in respect of the unit or part.
  8. If the Limited Warranty claim is valid, the repair agent will carry out repairs and return the product at no charge to the purchaser. These repairs are limited to the Limited Warranty fault identified and as such will not include any other faults due to misuse, abuse, failure to maintain, fair wear and tear or the replacement of serviceable items such as oil, spark plugs, air filters, fuel etc.

Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Note: Units which are failing to perform in accordance with specifications due to non-warrantable causes will be subject to freight, repair and or quote charge.

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