Bodet 8006 Possession Time Scoreboard for Large Gymnasiums User Manual
- June 3, 2024
- Bodet
Table of Contents
- Bodet 8006 Possession Time Scoreboard for Large Gymnasiums
- Electrical and mechanical safety standards
- Checking the material supplied
- Mounting behind basetball backboard – single-sided
- Wall mounting
- Mounting behind baset ball backboard – double sided
- Mounting on basketball goal with arm – rear double-sided
- DIP switches setting
- Electrical connections
- Wired connection
- Use of possession time keyboard
- References
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Bodet 8006 Possession Time Scoreboard for Large Gymnasiums
Electrical and mechanical safety standards
- Installation and maintenance of this equipment should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
- Since 8000 scoreboards are connected to a mains supply, they must be installed in compliance with standard IEC 364.
- Indoor use (protected against blows from balls – Standard DIN18032.3).
- The mains supply for the scoreboards must include a neutral phase circuit breaker, rapidly accessible upstream from the supply. This circuit breaker must be switched off during maintenance operations.
- This material must be installed before being connected to mains.
- It is prohibited and dangerous to immerse the scoreboard in to water or clean it with a water jet.
- Installation ground connection as per EE or EN (earth/earth or earth/neutral) power supply diagram.
- Bodet accepts no responsibility for any use not in compliance with these instructions.
- Any modification to the product will invalidate the guarantee.
Checking the material supplied
- There are 3 versions:
- 8006 single sided with mast
- 8006 double sided with mast
- 8006 single sided without mast
- Display of the game clock (minutes-seconds).
- Display of the possession time countdown from 24 sec to 0 in 1/10 sec during the last 5 sec (ex: 4.9, 4.8…).
- Display of the possession time countdown from 24 sec to 0 in seconds.
- Possession time keyboard: Power supplied through main keyboard.
Diagram of HF wireless installation
The communication with
the 8006 shot clocks is handled by the main keyboard.
Maximum distance for HF communication between the keyboard and the shot clock panels is 100 metres.
Mounting behind basetball backboard – single-sided
- According to the type of basketball boards, extend the support mast (60 × 30 tube) for each display until it reaches the final position (regulation distance for dimensions L).
- Fix the shoe with 4 threaded shafts + flat washers and plywood to the beam of the basketball board.
- Fix the 2 U sections to the mast (level depending on model).
- Position the mast in the shoe with 1 HM10×90 screw, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer.
- Rotate the mast vertically, then lock it with a HM10×90 screw, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer to the opening of the shoe.
- Fix the display to the mast with H M10x30 bolts, HU M10 nuts, Ø12 flat washers and Ø10 washers. 7/ Check the distance L (30 to 50 cm). Countersink the tube to Ø11 in the final position and screw down hard with a HM10×90 screw crossing the tube, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer.
Wall mounting
- Install the 8006, respecting the dimensions as shown below:
Mounting behind baset ball backboard – double sided
- Upon reception assemble the double sided 8006 shot clock on the pole. Slide the pole inside the casing and fasten it to the casing on both flat angle bracket (1 on the top and 1 at the bottom of the casing):2/ According to the type of basketball boards, extend the support mast (60 × 30 tube) for each display until it reaches the final position (regulation distance for dimensions L).
- Fix the shoe with 4 threaded shafts + flat washers and plywood to the beam of the basketball board.
- Fix the 2 U sections to the mast (level depending on model).
- Position the mast in the shoe with 1 HM10×90 screw, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer.
- Rotate the mast vertically, then lock it with a HM10×90 screw, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer to the opening of the shoe.
- Fix the display to the mast with H M10x30 bolts, HU M10 nuts, Ø12 flat washers and Ø10 washers. 7/ Check the distance L (30 to 50 cm). Countersink the tube to Ø11 in the final position and screw down hard with a HM10×90 screw crossing the tube, 1 HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer. .
Mounting on basketball goal with arm – rear double-sided
Upon receipt, assemble the double-sided 8006 onto the arm. Feed the arm inside the casing and then attach it using the two brackets (one upper bracket, one lower bracket):
Affix the mounting shoe using the four threaded shafts + flat washers and backplate onto the arm of the basketball goal.
Position the mount within the shoe using an HM10x90 screw, HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer.
Pivot the mount to vertical, then lock it in place using one HM10x90 screw, one HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer in the opening of the
shoe. -
Drill through the tube to Ø11 in its final position then lock in place using one HM10×90 screw through the tube, one HU M10 nut and Ø10 flat washer.
DIP switches setting
DIP switches have been set in factory; please check that they are set as follows.
- Open all the access hatches. To open the access doors, unscrew the quarter-turn screws. (A).
- On the leftmost DIP bank, DIP switches n°1 to 4 defi ne the part of scoreboard.
- DIP switches n°5 to 8 defi ne the scoreboard number.
ADVICE: number
the 8006 display panels as n°2 and n°3 (the main scoreboard being n°1). the
other panels (2nd scoreboard, additional horn…) will be numered n°4, n°5…
ADVICE FOR THE DOUBLE SIDED: Number the sides of first shot clock panel
n°2 and panel n°3 , the sides of
second shot clock panel n°4 and panel n°5. The main scoreboard is panel n°1.
Iif there is a second scoreboard number it as panel n°6.
Electrical connections
- Open the access door (page 4).
- Feed the power cable through the grommet (B) (cut the membrane) then connect it to the socket (A) and to the mains (100-240VAC supply). The power cable is supplied with each 8006 panel. Attach the cable to its base with a cable tie.
Wired connection
- For an installation with one or several boards, connect a telephone cable 1 pair 0.9 mm RT+ and RT- (C) on every board. And connect the other side of the cable to the connection box (B). Disconnect the modem cable if necessary. Respect polarity.
- Close the access doors and switch on the scoreboard.
Use of possession time keyboard
Pressing START/STOP (1) starts the shot clock timer. Pressing this key again stops the timer.
When the timer value reaches 0, a sound signal (horn or buzzer) is activated for a duration of 3 sec. The LED du Time Pad turns red when the shot clock timer is stopped and shines green when the timer is timing. -
Pressing the RESET Poss (2) key or the RESET 14s (8) key for more than X seconds causes the Time Pad display and the display panels to go blank. When releasing the key, the Shot clock timer take its reset value of 24 seconds or 14 seconds according to the key that was pressed.
Pressing the CLEAR (3) key (The Time Pad displays –) causes the Display panels to go blank Pressing this key again
enables the display of the running value of the timer, without modifying the shot clock status. -
Pressing the Horn (4) key stops the horn blowing that was automatically started when the timer value reached 0.
This key does not activate the horn.
Modification of the running time of the shot clock
Press START/STOP (1) to stop the timer.
Press the Time Pad C (6) key.
The Time Pad display, the Time Pad LED (9) and the display panels start blinking. -
Pressing once on the + (5) key increments the timer value by 1 second.
This value cannot be greater than the memorised value of the RESET Poss (2) (default 24 sec.). -
Pressing once on the – (7) key decrements the timer value by 1 second.
Press the C (6) key to go bacl to the normal mode of operation.
Retrieval of the shot clock timer value
- If, by accident, the RESET Poss (2) was pressed during the shot clock count down it is possible to retrieve the timer value by pressing the CLEAR (3) key within the 2 sec that follow pressing the RESET Poss (2).
Modification of the memorized RESET value (default 24 sec)
Press START/STOP (1) to stop the timer..
Press the C (6) key for 3 seconds.
TheTime Pad display and the display panels start blinking. The displayed value is the value of the current RESET. 3/ Pressing once on the + (5) key increments the value of the RESET Poss by 1 second.
This value cannot be greater than 99 seconds. -
Pressing once on the – (7) key decrements the value of the RESET Poss by 1 second.
Press the C (6) key to go bacl to the normal mode of operation.
This parameter is not saved in case of power loss or if the Time Pad is disconnected after a game. Does not work with the RESET 14s (8) key.
8006 display panel brightness adjustment
Press the (+5) key of the possession keyboard during 3 sec. The keyboard LED screen display the current luminosity
level from 1 to 5. -
Pressing of the + (5) key during normal operation increases the display panel brightness.
Pressing of the – (7) key during normal operation decreases the display panel brightness.
Validate with the C (6) key.
This parameter is not saved if there is a power failure or when the possesion keyboard is disconnected at the end of the match.
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