EASTRON SDM630 Din Rail Smart Meter User Manual

September 21, 2024

EASTRON SDM630 Din Rail Smart Meter


  • Measures kWh Kvarh, KW, Kvar, KVA, P, F, PF, Hz, dmd, V, A, etc.
  • Bi-directional measurement IMP & EXP
  • Two pulse outputs
  • RS485 Modbus
  • Din rail mounting 35mm
  • 100A direct connection
  • Better than Class 1 / B accuracy

Product Usage Instructions

Unit Characteristics:

The unit can measure and display the following:

  • Line voltage and THD% of all phases
  • Line frequency
  • Currents, current demands, and current THD% of all phases
  • Power, maximum power demand, and power factor
  • Active energy imported and exported
  • Reactive energy imported and exported

Password-Protected Set-Up Screens:

The unit has set-up screens for:

  • Changing password
  • Supply system selection (1p2w, 3p3w, 3p4w)
  • Demand Interval Time (DIT)
  • Reset for demand measurements
  • Pulse output duration

Pulse Output:

The pulse output provides two outputs that clock up measured active and reactive energy. The configurable pulse output can be set from the set-up menu.

Start-up Screens:

  1. The first screen lights up all display segments for display check.
  2. The second screen indicates the firmware installed.
  3. The interface performs a self-test and displays active energy measurements.


The buttons operate as follows:

  1. Selects the Voltage and Current display screens.
  2. Selects the Frequency and Power factor display screens.
  3. Selects the Power display screens.
  4. Selects the Energy display screens.

Voltage and Current:

Each pressing of the button selects a new range for voltage and current measurements.

Frequency, Power Factor, and Demand:

Each pressing of the button selects a new range for frequency,  power factor, and demand measurements.


  • Q: How can I change the password on the unit?
    • A: You can change the password from the password-protected set-up screens by following the instructions in the user manual.
  • Q: What is the default constant for configurable pulse output 1?
    • A: The default constant for configurable pulse output 1 is 400imp/kWh with a default pulse width of 100ms. You can adjust this setting from the set-up menu.

Product Information

  • Measures kWh Kvarh, KW, Kvar, KVA, P, F, PF, Hz, dmd, V, A, etc.
  • Bi-directional measurement IMP & EXP
  • Two pulse outputs
  • RS485 Modbus
  • Din rail mounting 35mm
  • 100A direct connection
  • Better than Class 1 / B accuracy


The SDM630-Modbus V2 measures and displays the characteristics of single phase two wires (1p2w), three phase three wires (3p3w,) and three phase four wires(3p4w) supplies, including voltage, frequency, current, power ,active and reactive energy, imported or exported. Energy is measured in terms of kWh, kVArh. Maximum demand current can be measured over preset periods of up to 60 minutes. In order to measure energy, the unit requires voltage and current inputs in addition to the supply required to power the product. SDM630-Modbus V2 supports max. 100A direct connection saves the cost and avoid the trouble to connect external CTs, giving the unit a cost-effective and easy operation. Built-in interfaces provides pulse and RS485 Modbus RTU outputs. Configuration is password protected.

Unit Characteristics

The Unit can measure and display:

  • Line voltage and THD% (total harmonic distortion) of all phases
  • Line Frequency
  • Currents, Current demands and current THD% of all phases
  • Power, maximum power demand and power factor
  • Active energy imported and exported
  • Reactive energy imported and exported

The unit has password-protected set-up screens for:

  • Changing password
  • Supply system selection 1p2w, 3p3w,3p4w
  • Demand Interval Time(DIT)
  • Reset for demand measurements
  • Pulse output duration

Two pulse outputs indicates real-time energy measurement. An RS485 output allows remote monitoring from another display or a computer.

RS485 Serial–Modbus RTU

This uses an RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling the Unit. Set-up screens are provided for setting up the RS485 port.

Pulse Output

This provides two pulse outputs that clock up measured active and reactive energy. The constant of pulse output 2 for active energy is 400imp/kWh (unconfigurable), its width is fixed at 100ms. The default constant of configurable pulse output 1 is 400imp/kWh, default pulse width is 100ms.The configurable pulse output 1 can be set from the set-up menu.

Start-up Screens

After a short delay, the screen will display active energy measurements.


The buttons operate as follows:

Voltage and Current

Each successive pressing of the button selects a new range:

Frequency and Power Factor and Demand

Each successive pressing of the button selects a new range:


Each successive pressing of the button select a new range:

Energy Measurements

Each successive pressing of the button selects a new range:


To enter set-up mode, pressing the button for 3 seconds, until the password screen appears.

Setting up is password-protected so you must enter the correct password (default ‘1000’) before  processing. If an incorrect password is entered, the display will show: PASS Err

To exit the setting-up mode, press repeatedly until the measurement screen is restored.

Set-up Entry Methods

Some menu items, such as password, require a four-digit number entry while others, such as supply system, require selection from a number of menu options.

Menu Option Selection

  1. Use the and buttons to select the required item from the menu. Selection does not roll over between bottom and top of list.
  2. Press to confirm your selection.
  3. If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the and buttons. If not, there maybe a further layer.
  4. Having selected an option from the current layer, press to confirm your selection. The  SET indicator will appear.
  5. Having completed a parameter setting, press to return to a higher menu level. The SET indicator will be removed and you will be able to use the and buttons for further menu selection.
  6. On completion of all set-up, press repeatedly until the measurement screen is restored.

Number Entry Procedure

When setting up the unit, some screens require the entering of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left to right.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The current digit to be set flashes and is set using the and buttons.
  2. Press to confirm each digit setting. The SET indicator appears after the last digit has been set.
  3. After setting the last digit, press to exit the number-setting routine.

Change Password

DIT Demand Integration Time

This sets the period in minutes over which the current and power readings are integrated for maximum demand measurement. The options are: 0, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 minutes

Supply System

Use this section to set the type of electrical system

Pulse Output

This option allows you to configure the pulse output 1. The output can be set to provide a pulse for a defined amount of energy active or reactive.

  • Use this section to set up the pulse output for:
  • Total kWh/ Total kVArh
  • Import kWh/Export kWh
  • Import KVArh/Export KVArh

Pulse Rate

Use this to set the energy represented by each pulse. Rate can be set to 1 pulse per dFt/0.01/0.1/1/10/100kWh/kVArh.

  • (It shows 1 pulse = 10kWh/kVArh)

Pulse Duration

The energy monitored can be active or reactive and the pulse width can be selected as 200, 100(default) or 60ms.

(It shows pulse width of 200ms)


There is a RS485 port can be used for communication using Modbus RTU protocol. For Modbus RTU, parameters are selected from Front panel.

RS485 Address

Baud Rate

return to the main set-up menu.


Stop Bits

Note: Default is 1, and only when the parity is NONE that the stop bit can be changed to 2.


The meter provides a function to reset the maximum demand value of current and power.


Measured Parameters

The unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a single phase two wire(1p2w), three phase three wire(3p3w) or four phase four wire(3p4w) supply.

Voltage and Current

Phase to neutral voltages 100 to 289V a.c. (not for 3p3w supplies) Voltages between phases 173 to 500V a.c. (3p supplies only) Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (THD%) for each phase to N ( not for 3p3w supplies) Percentage voltage THD% between phases (three phase supplies only) Current THD% for each phase

Power Factor and Frequency and Max. Demand

  • Frequency in Hz
  • Instantaneous power:
  • Power 0 to 99999 W
  • Reactive Power 0 to 99999 VAr
  • Volt-amps 0 to 99999 VA
  • Maximum demanded power since last Demand reset Power factor
  • Maximum neutral demand current, since the last Demand reset (for 3p4w supply only)

Energy Measurements

  • Imported active energy 0 to 999999.99 kWh
  • Exported active energy 0 to 999999.99 kWh
  • Imported reactive energy 0 to 999999.99 kVArh
  • Exported reactive energy 0 to 999999.99 kVArh
  • Total active energy 0 to 999999.99 kWh
  • Total reactive energy 0 to 999999.99 kVArh

Measured Inputs

Voltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 25mm² stranded wire capacity. single phase two wire(1p2w), three phase three wire(3p3w) or four phase four wire(3p4w) unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 voltage or L3 voltage.


  • Voltage 0·5% of range maximum
  • Current 0·5% of nominal
  • Frequency 0·2% of mid-frequency
  • Power factor 1% of unity (0.01)
  • Active power (W) ±1% of range maximum
  • Reactive power (VAr) ±1% of range maximum
  • Apparent power (VA) ±1% of range maximum
  • Active energy (Wh) Class 1 IEC 62053-21
    • Class B EN50470-1/3
  • Reactive energy (VArh) Class 2 IEC 62053-23
  • Response time to step input 1s, typical, to >99% of final reading, at 50 Hz.

Interfaces for External Monitoring

Three interfaces are provided

  • RS485 communication channel that via protocol remotely.
  • Pulse output(Pulse 1) indicating real-time measured energy.(configurable)
  • an Pulse output(Pulse 2) 400imp/kWh(non-configurable)

The Modbus configuration (Baud rate etc.) and the pulse output assignments (kW/kVArh, import/export etc.) are configured through the Set-up screens.

Pulse Output

The unit provides two pulse outputs. Both pulse outputs are passive type. Pulse output 1 is configurable. The pulse output can be set to generate pulses to represent total / import/export kWh or kVarh.

The pulse constant can be set to generate 1 pulse per:

  • dFt = 2.5 Wh/VArh
  • 0.01 = 10 Wh/VArh
  • 0.1 = 100 Wh/VArh
  • 1 = 1 kWh/kVArh
  • 10 = 10 kWh/kVArh
  • 100 = 100 kWh/kVArh
  • Pulse width: 200/100/60ms

Pulse output 2 is non-configurable. It is fixed up with active kWh. The constant is 400imp/kWh

RS485 Output for Modbus RTU

For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the

Set-up menu:

  • Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
  • Parity none (default)/odd/even
  • Stop bits 1 or 2
  • RS485 network address nnn – 3-digit number, 001 to 247
  • Modbus™ Word order Hi/Lo byte order is set automatically to normal or reverse. It cannot be configured from the set-up menu.

Reference Conditions of Influence Quantities

Influence Quantities are variables that affect measurement errors to a minor degree. Accuracy is  verified under nominal value (within the specified tolerance) of these conditions

  • Ambient temperature 23°C ±1°C
  • Input frequency 50Hz(MID)
    • 50 or 60Hz ±2%(non-MID)
  • Input waveform Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0·005)
  • Magnetic field of external origin Terrestrial flux


  • Operating temperature 3K6(-25°C to +55°C),Default 3K7(-40°C to +70°C)
  • Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C*
  • Relative humidity 0 to 90%, non-condensing
  • Altitude Up to 2000m
  • Warm up time 5S
  • Vibration 10Hz to 50Hz, IEC 60068-2-6, 2g
  • Shock 30g in 3 planes

Maximum operating and storage temperatures are in the context of typical daily and seasonal variation



Wiring Guide

Wiring diagram

Three Phase Three Wires:

Three Phase Four Wires:

Single Phase two Wires:

IF you have any questions, please feel free to contact our sales team.



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