EVCO EVY216DN9 Evy Cold Medium Instructions

September 11, 2024

EVY216DN9 Evy Cold Medium


Product Specifications

  • Controllers for refrigerated cabinets and display units

  • Power supply: 115-230 VAC

  • 3 analogue inputs for configurable PTC, NTC, or Pt 1000

  • Door switch digital input

  • 4 multi-purpose digital inputs

  • Management of variable capacity PWM compressors (Embraco,
    Secop, and Tecumseh)

  • 6 digital outputs (electro-mechanical relays)

  • Main relay: 16 A res. @ 250 Vac or 30 A res. @ 250 Vac
    (according to the model)

  • Sealed relays compliant with the standard EN 60079-15

  • Alarm buzzer

  • TTL MODBUS slave port for remote monitoring systems

  • Type C USB port

  • Hot or cold mode regulation

Product Usage Instructions

Measurements and Installation

Measurements are expressed in mm (inches). Front installation on
a plastic or metal panel with elastic holding flaps.

Note: Metal panel thickness should be between 0.8 and 1.5 mm
(1/32 and 1/16 in), while the plastic panel should be between 0.8
and 3.4 mm (1/32 and 1/8 in).

Electrical Connection

– Use cables of an adequate section for the current running
through them.

– To reduce any electromagnetic interference, locate the power
cables as far away as possible from the signal cables.

Installation Precautions

– Ensure that the working conditions are within the limits
stated in the Technical Specifications section.

– Do not install the device close to heat sources, equipment
with a strong magnetic field, in places subject to direct sunlight,
rain, damp, excessive dust, mechanical vibrations, or shocks.

First-Time Use

  1. Carry out the installation following the instructions given in
    the Measurements and Installation section.

  2. Power up the device: an internal test will start up. The test
    normally takes a few seconds; when it is finished, the display will
    switch off.

  3. Configure the device as shown in the Setting configuration
    parameters section.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use the EVY Cold MEDIUM controllers for

low-temperature units?

A: Yes, the controllers can be used for normal or
low-temperature units.

Q: What type of probes are compatible with the EVY Cold MEDIUM


A: The controllers support configurable PTC, NTC, or Pt 1000

Q: How many digital outputs do the EVY Cold MEDIUM controllers


A: The controllers have 6 digital outputs in the form of
electro-mechanical relays.


EVCO S. p. A. | EVY Cold MEDI UM | I nst ruct ion sheet ver. 1. 0 | Code 104YCM08E103 | Page1 of 6 | PT 18/ 24


Con t r olle rs for r e fr ige r a t e d ca bin e t s an d displa y u n it s


controllers for norm al or low tem perature units

power supply 115… 230 VAC

3 analogue input s for configur able PTC, NTC or Pt 1000 pr obes

door switch digital input

4 m ulti-purpose digital inputs

m anagem ent of v ar iable capacit y PWM com pr essor s ( Em br aco, Secop and Tecum seh) ,

rat her t han variable capacit y com pressors or 0-10 V m odulat ing fans

6 digit al out put s (elect ro-m echanical relays)

m ain r elay 16 A res. @ 250 Vac or 30 A r es. @ 250 Vac ( accor ding t o t he m odel)

sealed r elay s com pliant w it h t he st andar d EN 60079 – 15

alarm buzzer

TTL MODBUS slave por t for t he EVconnect app or t he EPoCA r em ot e m onit or ing sy st em

type C USB port

hot or cold m ode regulation

Models av ailable Pur chasing code EVY2 1 6 D N9 EVY2 3 6 D N9 EVY2 3 6 D N9 PFT

Num ber of relays 6 6 6

Capacit y of m ain r elay 16 A res. @ 250 Vac 30 A res. @ 250 Vac 30 A res. @ 250 VAC

Manag. of r em ot e indicat or no no yes



Measur em ent s ar e ex pr essed in m m ( inches) . Fr ont inst allat ion on a plast ic or m et al panel ( w it h

elastic holding flaps).

N.B. The m et al panel m ust be bet w een 0.8 and 1.5 m m ( 1/ 32 and 1/ 16 in) t hick , while t he plast ic panel m ust be bet ween 0.8 and 3.4 m m (1/ 32 and 1/ 8 in)

N.B. – use cables of an adequate sect ion for t he cur rent running t hr ough them – t o r educe any elect r om agnet ic int er fer ence, locat e t he pow er cables as far away as possible fr om t he signal cables – por t for r em ot e indicat or is only av ailable in m odel EVY236DN9PFT


ensur e that the w or k ing condit ions are w it hin t he lim it s st at ed in t he TECHNI CAL SPEC-

I FI CATI ONS sect ion

do not inst all t he dev ice close t o heat sour ces, equipm ent w it h a st r ong m agnet ic field,

in places subj ect to direct sunlight, rain, dam p, excessive dust, m echanical vibrations or

sh ock s

in com pliance w it h safety regulat ions, t he dev ice m ust be inst alled pr oper ly t o ensur e

adequat e pr ot ect ion fr om cont act w it h elect r ical par t s. All pr ot ect iv e par t s m ust be fix ed

in such a way as t o need t he aid of a t ool t o rem ove t hem .

PRECAUTI ONS FOR ELECTRI CAL CONNECTI ON – if using an elect r ical or pneum at ic scr ew dr iv er , adj ust the t ight ening t or que – if t he dev ice is m ov ed fr om a cold t o a w ar m place, hum idit y m ay cause condensat ion t o for m inside. Wait for about an hour befor e sw it ching on t he pow er – m ak e sur e that t he supply v olt age, electr ical fr equency and pow er ar e w it hin t he set lim it s. See t he sect ion TECHNI CAL SPECI FI CATI ONS – disconnect t he power supply before car ry ing out any ty pe of m aint enance – do not use t he dev ice as a safet y dev ice – for r epair s and fur ther infor m at ion, cont act the EVCO sales net w or k



Car r y out the inst allat ion follow ing t he inst ruct ions giv en in t he sect ion MEASUREMENTS


Pow er up t he dev ice: an int er nal t est w ill st ar t up.

The t est nor m ally t akes a few seconds; w hen it is finished, t he display w ill sw it ch off.

Configur e t he dev ice as shown in the sect ion Set t ing configur at ion par am et er s.

Recom m ended configurat ion par am eter s for fir st – t im e use:



SP 0 .0 setpoint

r1… r2



type of probe

0 = PTC

1 = NTC

2 = Pt 1000



t em perat ure m easurem ent unit

0 = °C

1 = °F



type of defrost

0 = electric 1 = hot gas

2 = com pressor stopped

Nex t check that t he r em aining set t ings ar e appr opr iat e; see t he sect ion CONFI GURATI ON


Disconnect t he device from t he m ains.

Mak e t he elect r ical connect ion as shown in t he sect ion ELECTRI CAL CONNECTI ON, w it h-

out pow er ing up t he dev ice.

To per for m t he configurat ion upload or dow nload, connect t he EVJKEY pr ogr am m ing k ey .

To act iv at e r eal- t im e funct ions, connect the EVlink ing RS- 485 EVI F23TSX conv er ter .

To cont r ol t he dev ice using t he EVconnect app, connect t he EVlink ing BLE EVI F25TBX

m odule t hen sy nchr onise it w it h t he app.

To cont r ol t he dev ice using t he EPoCA m onit or ing sy st em or a t hir d- par t y MODBUS TCP

system :

connect t he EVlink ing Wi- Fi EVI F25TWX m odule t o t he dev ice and t hen t o a local

Wi- Fi net w or k

connect t he EVlink ing RS- 485 EVI F24TSX conver t er t o the dev ice t hen t o an I oT

EV3 Web gat ew ay or EVD Web. Nex t connect t his t o a free Et her net por t of a

r out er or an Et her net hub connect ed t o a local net w ork .

Pow er up t he dev ice again.



4.1 Keypad

4.2 Display

4 .3 Sw itching the device on/ off

I f POF = 1 ( default ) , t ouch the ON/ STAND- BY key for 4 s

I f t he dev ice is sw it ched on, t he display w ill show t he P5 v alue ( default “cabinet or pr oduct

t em per at ure” ) ; if t he LED alar m is on, see the sect ion ALARMS.




com pressor on

com pressor off

com pr essor pr ot ect ion act iv e

heating active

heating not active

dem ist ing on or door heaters on

evaporat or fans on

evaporat or fans off

ev apor at or fans off act iv e

defrost or pre-drip ac- defrost or pre-drip not – defrost delay active

t iv e

act iv e

– dripping active

clock active

clock not active


active hum idity level –

display ed

° C tem perature displayed –

in Celsius

° F tem perature displayed –

in Fahr enheit

ener gy sav ing act iv e ener gy sav ing not ac- –

t iv e

overcooling or over- overcooling or over- –

heating active

heating not active

alarm active

alarm not active

com pr essor m aint enance r equest


sav ed HACCP not displayed
cabinet light on


no HACCP alar m sav ed or no sav ed HACCP alarm not displayed cabinet light off

new HACCP alar m sav ed cabinet light on from digital input

con nect ion

w it h

EVconnect app or

EPoCA r em ot e m oni-

toring system

no connection thawing not active

thawing active

AUX 1 auxiliary load 1 on

auxiliary load 1 off

AUX 2 auxiliary load 2 on

auxiliary load 2 off

I f Loc = 1 (default ) and 30 s have elapsed without the keys being pressed, t he display will show

t he “LOCK” label and t he keypad will lock aut om at ically.

4.4 Unlocking the keypad Touch a k ey for 1 s: t he display w ill show the label ” U N LOCK” .

4 .5 Setting the setpoint ( if r3 = 0 , default) Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o set t he v alue w it hin the 2
limits r1 and r2 (default “-40… 50″ )

Touch t he SET k ey ( or t ak e no act ion for 15 s)

4 .6 Setting the 0 – 1 0 V evaporator fan speed for norm al operation ( percentage 0 – 1 0 V output; available if Ao1… Ao3 = 3 and F30 = 0)
Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey again

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o set t he v alue w it hin the 3.
lim it s F31 and F32 ( default ” 50… 100″ )

Touch t he SET k ey ( or t ak e no act ion for 15 s)

4.7 Activating/ deactivating m anual defrost ( if r5 = 0, default) Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed and t hat ov er cooling is not act iv e.

Touch t he DEFROST k ey for 2 s

I f P3 = 1 ( default ) , defr ost is act ivat ed pr ov ided t hat t he evapor at or tem per at ur e is low er t han t he d2 or d2b t hr eshold.

4.8 Activating/ deactivating m anual overcooling, overheating and energy saving Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.


Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o select an opt ion

Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show a m essage

OPTI ON Overcooling

DESCRI PTI ON Ov ercooling


Ov erheat ing

Energy Saving Ener gy Sav ing

MESSAGE Overcooling/ Stop Overcooling SET To Confirm Overheating/ Stop Overhea ting SET To Confirm Energy Saving/ Stop Ene rgy Saving SET To Confirm

Touch t he SET k ey : t he dev ice w ill ex it t he pr ocedur e

FUNCTI ON ov er coolin g
ov erh eat in g
energy saving



r 5 = 0, r8 = 1 e sbr inam ent o t he set point becom es ” set point –

non attivo

r6″ , for the r7 time

r5 e r8 = 1

the setpoint becom es ” setpoint +

r6″ , for the r7 time

r5 = 0 e r8 = 2 (default)

the setpoint becom es ” setpoint +

r 4″ , for t he HE2 t im e at the m ost

I f u1c… u6c = 16, t he evapor at or fans w ill oper at e at this speed dur ing t he ener gy – sav ing funct ion . I f u1c… u6c = 18, t he condenser fans w ill oper at e at t his speed dur ing t he ener gy – sav ing funct ion .

EVCO S. p. A. | EVY Cold MEDI UM | I nst ruct ion sheet ver. 1. 0 | Code 104YCM08E103 | Page2 of 6 | PT 18/ 24

4.9 Manually sw itching the cabinet light on/ off ( if u1c… u6c = 5)

Touch t he CABI NET LI GHT k ey

Touch t he SET k ey Touch t he SET k ey again

4 .1 0 Silencing the buzzer ( if u9 = 1 , default) Touch a k ey . I f u1c… u6c = 11 and u4 = 1, t he alarm out put is deact ivat ed.

Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o set ” 1 4 9 ”

Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show t he m essage ” ..D ON E..” .



Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

5 .1 Setting the date and tim e ( available w hen the EVlinking RS- 4 8 5 EVI F2 3 TSX con- 5 .6 Deleting com pressor operation days

vert e r, t he EV linking BLE EVI F2 5 TBX m odule or t he EV linking W i- Fi EVI F2 5 TW X Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

m odule is connected)


CAUTI ON – do not disconnect t he device from t he m ains in the t wo m inutes aft er set t ing t he 2.

date, time and day of the week

– if t he dev ice com m unicates w it h the EVconnect app or t he EPoCA r em ot e m onit or ing 3.

syst em , t he dat e, t im e and day of t he week will aut om at ically be set by the

sm art phone or t ablet

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Service”
Touch t he SET k ey
Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Reset Com pressor W orking Hours”

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he SET k ey


Touch t he SET k ey again

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Ser-


Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o set ” 1 4 9 ”

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show t he m essage ” ..D ON E..” .

Touch the UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Clock”

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure



7 .1 Set ting configuration pa ram e ters

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.


Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Ser2.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Pa4.
ram eters”

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey again

Touch the UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he PAS v alue ( de7.
fault ” – 1 9 ” )

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o select a par am et er

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he v alue

Touch t he SET k ey ( or t ak e no act ion for 15 s)

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

Touch t he SET k ey

7.2 Restoring factory settings

5 .7 Setting the la nguage

Touch t he SET k ey again

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.



Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he y ear

Check t hat t he fact or y set t ings are appr opr iat e; see t he sect ion CONFI GURATI ON PARAMETERS

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Ser-


Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he m onth ( 01… 12)

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Lan-


Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Service”

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he day ( 01… 31)

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he language

Touch t he SET k ey
Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Reset Param eters”

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he t im e ( 00… 23)

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

Touch t he SET k ey again

Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o set t he m inut e ( 00… 5 .8 Reboot ing t he EV linking W i- Fi m odule

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure


Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o set ” 1 4 9 ”

Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show t he m essage ” ..D ON E..” .

5 .2 Sw itching on/ off the dem isting function ( if u1 c… u6 c = 8 ) , auxiliary load 1 ( if 2.

u1c… u6c = 10) and auxiliary load 2 ( if u1c… u6c = 11)

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Service”
Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

10. Disconnect t he dev ice fr om t he pow er supply




Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Re-

boot EVlinking”




Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o select an opt ion

Touch t he SET k ey for 2 s: t he dev ice w ill ex it t he pr ocedur e

1 SP 0 .0 setpoint

r1… r2



Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show a m essage

Dem isting

DESCRI PTI ON auxiliary load 1
auxiliary load 2
dem isting

MESSAGE AUX 1 sw itch ON/ OFF SET To Confirm AUX 2 sw itch ON/ OFF SET To Confirm Sw itch on/ off Dem isting SET To Confirm

Touch t he SET k ey : t he dev ice w ill ex it t he pr ocedur e

The dem ist ing funct ion stay s on at full pow er for the dur at ion of u6 at t he m ost .

5 .3 Setting the hum idity level ( if F0 = 5 ) Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.


Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” H u2.
m idity Level”

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o set t he v alue

Touch t he SET k ey : t he dev ice w ill ex it t he pr ocedur e

I f u1c… u6c = 16, t he evaporat or fans will operat e at this speed during low hum idit y funct ion.

5.4 Activating/ deactivating thaw ing Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed and t hat ov er cooling is not act iv e.


Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Thaw 2.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o select an opt ion


DESCRI PTI ON light load medium load full load



6 .1 V iew ing H ACCP alarm inf orm at ion

Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he I NTERNAL STATUS key

Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion 2.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o select an opt ion



Low Tem pera- low temperature alarm


High Tem pera- high temperature alarm


Door Open

door open alarm (if i4 = 1)

Pow er Failure

pow er failure alar m ( av ailable when the EVlink ing RS- 485

EVI F23TSX conver t er , t he EVlink ing BLE EVI F25TBX m odule or t he

EVlink ing Wi- Fi EVI F25TWX m odule is connect ed)

Touch t he SET k ey : t he display w ill show :

– t he dat e and t im e of t he alar m ( available w hen t he EVlink ing

RS- 485 EVI F23TSX conv er ter , t he EVlink ing BLE EVI F25TBX 5.
m odule or t he EVlink ing Wi- Fi EVI F25TWX m odule is connected)

– t he durat ion of t he alarm

– the critical value

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

6.2 View ing internal status Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he I NTERNAL STATUS key

Touch the UP or DOWN key w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” I n2.
ternal Values”

Touch t he SET k ey


Touch t he UP or DOWN key t o select an opt ion DESCRI PTI ON

2 CA1 3 CA2 4 CA3 5 CA4 6 P0 7 P1 8 P2 9 P3 10 P5
11 P5r 12 P7
13 P8 14 PP1

0 .0 probe 1 offset

– 25… 25 ° C/ ° F

0 .0 probe 2 offset

– 25… 25 ° C/ ° F

0 .0 probe 3 offset

– 25… 25 ° C/ ° F

0 .0 probe 4 offset

– 25… 25 ° C/ ° F

1 type of probe

0 = PTC

1 = NTC

2 = Pt 1000

1 enable decim al point ° C

0 = no

1 = yes

0 t em perat ure m easurem ent unit 0 = ° C

1 = °F

1 evaporat or probe funct ion

0 = disabled

1 = defrost + fans

2 = fans

0 value displayed

0 = if PP1… PP4 = 5, pr oduct

t em per at ure ( CPT) , ot h-

erwise cabinet tem pera-


1 = setpoint

2 = evaporat or t em perature

3 = condenser t em per atur e

4 = critical tem perature

5 = incom ing air tem pera-


6 = outgoing air temperature

7 = evaporat or 2 t em pera-


0 v alue shown on r em ot e display lik e P5

(when m anaged)

5 0 incom ing air effect t o calculat e 0… 100%

pr oduct t em per at ur e ( CPT)

CPT = { [ ( P7 x ( incom ing air ) ]

+ [ ( 100 – P7) x

(outgoing air)] : 100}

5 display refresh tim e

0… 250 s: 10

1 probe 1 funct ion

0 = disabled

1 = if PP1… PP4 = 5, incom –

ing air temperature

pr obe, ot her w ise cabinet

temperature probe

2 = evaporat or t em perat ure


3 = condenser tem per at ur e


4 = critical

t em per at u r e

Touch t he SET k ey : t he dev ice w ill ex it t he pr ocedur e

Touch t he SET k ey for 2 s t o deact iv at e thaw ing




t h aw in g

u1c… u6c = 8

– if LI GH T LOAD selected, m ain

function of r19, r22 and r25, de-

frost disabled

– if M ED I U M LOAD selected,

m ain function of r20, r23 and

r26, defrost disabled

– if HI GH LOAD selected, m ain

function of r21, r24 and r27, de-

frost disabled

When t haw ing is com plet e, a buzzer w ill sound for t he dur at ion of u10 and t he dev ice w ill go int o

conserv at ion phase ( m ain funct ion of r28) . The ev apor at or fan st ay s on.

I f t he door is opened dur ing t haw ing, t he funct ion is deact iv at ed.

5 .5 Deleting HACCP alarm inform ation Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.


Touch the UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Ser2.

Touch t he SET k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o select t he opt ion ” Reset 4.
HACCP Alarm s”

Cabinet T Evaporator T Condenser T Critical Tem p. Outgoing Air T. Evaporator 2 Tem p. CPT Value Com pressor Speed Condenser Fan Speed Evaporator Fa n Speed Minimum Temperature Maximum Temperature Com p. Days No. Com p. Activations No. Door Openings

cabinet t em per atur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 0 and PP1… PP4 5) ev apor at or t em per atur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 2) condenser t em per atur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 3) cr it ical t em per at ur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 4) out going air t em per at ur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 6) ev apor at or 2 t em per ature ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 7)
pr oduct t em per at ur e ( v isible if PP1… PP4 = 5) percentage of power supplied by the analogue output to the com pressor (visible if Ao1… Ao3 = 1) per cent age of pow er supplied by t he analogue out put t o the condenser fan (visible if Ao1… Ao3 = 2) percent age of power supplied by t he analogue out put t o t he evaporator fan (visible if Ao1… Ao3 = 3) m inim um t em perat ure saved in t he last 72 hours
m axim um tem perature saved in the last 72 hours
com pressor operat ion days num ber of com pressor swit ch-ons
num ber of door openings

Touch t he ON/ STAND- BY k ey a few t im es t o ex it t he pr ocedure

As regards the m inim um and m axim um tem peratures saved in the last 72 hours, the device sav es the rEt v alue ( default ” t em perat ure of t he cabinet or t he pr oduct , not dur ing defr ost , pr edrip or dripping and wit h t he fans off” ). When t he device is swit ched on/ off, t hese tem perat ures are delet ed.

15 PP2 16 PP3 17 PP4
NO. PAR. 18 r0
19 r1 20 r2 21 r3 22 r4 23 r5
24 r6
25 r7 26 r12
27 r13

2 3 0
DEF. 2.0
-40 50.0
0 0.0
0 1

probe 2 funct ion probe 3 funct ion probe 4 funct ion
MAI N REGULATOR setpoint differential
m inim um setpoint m axim um setpoint enable setpoint lock set point offset in ener gy sav ing hot or cold m ode regulation
set point offset in overcooling/ overheat ing durat ion overcooling/ overheat ing differential position r0
pr opor t ional band w it h PWM com pr essor ( r elat iv e t o set point )


5 = outgoing air temperature


6 = evaporat or 2 t em pera-

ture probe

lik e PP1

lik e PP1

0 = disabled (m ulti-purpose

input enabled)

lik e PP1 for the r em aining v al-



1… 15 ° C/ ° F

if Ao1… Ao3 = 0, com pressor

band off (relative to setpoint,

i.e. setpoint – r0)

– 99 ° C/ ° F. .. r 2

r 1… 199 ° C/ ° F

0 = no

1 = yes

0… 99 ° C/ ° F

0 = cold m ode

1 = hot mode

0… 99 ° C/ ° F

0… 240 min 0 = asym m etrical 1 = sym m etrical 0… 99 ° C/ ° F setpoint + r13

EVCO S. p. A. | EVY Cold MEDI UM | I nst ruct ion sheet ver. 1. 0 | Code 104YCM08E103 | Page3 of 6 | PT 18/ 24

28 r 14 1 0 int egr al act ion t im e w it h PWM 0… 99 m in

com pressor

29 r15

3 t y pe of PWM com pr essor

1 = Em br aco VEM

2 = Em br aco VEG

3 = Em br aco VNEK and VNEU

4 = Secop VNL 50… 150 Hz

(40 Hz when set t o off)

5 = Secop 33… 133 Hz

6 = Tecum seh 85… 150 Hz

7 = Em br aco VES

8 = Em br aco FMX

9 = Em br aco VESF

30 r16

0 percent age 0-10 V out put for 0 % … r17

com pressor with m inim um capac-

it y

31 r17 1 0 0 percent age 0-10 V out put for r16… 100%

com pressor wit h m axim um ca-

pacit y

32 r18

0 m axim um percent age 0-10 V out – 0… 100%

put for com pressor in energy sav- 0 = disabled

ing mode

33 r 19 2 5 .0 init ial r egulat ion t hreshold for – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

light load thawing

for r 25 : 5 ( phase 1)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 19 – r 22)

: 4] x 3} , for r25 : 5 ( phase 2)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 19 – r 22)

: 4] x 2} , for r25 : 5 ( phase 3)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 19 – r 22)

: 4] x 1} , for r25 : 5 ( phase 4)

34 r 20 3 0 .0 init ial r egulat ion t hr eshold for m e- – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

dium load thawing

for r 26 : 5 ( phase 1)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 20 – r 23)

: 4] x 3} , for r26 : 5 ( phase 2)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 20 – r 23)

: 4] x 2} , for r26 : 5 ( phase 3)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 20 – r 23)

: 4] x 1} , for r26 : 5 ( phase 4)

35 r 21 3 5 .0 init ial r egulat ion t hr eshold for full – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

load thawing

for r 27 : 5 ( phase 1)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 21 – r 24)

: 4] x 3} , for r27 : 5 ( phase 2)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 21 – r 24)

: 4] x 2} , for r27 : 5 ( phase 3)

nex t thr eshold = { [ ( r 21 – r 24)

: 4] x 1} , for r27 : 5 ( phase 4)

36 r 22 1 0 .0 final r egulat ion t hreshold for light – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

load thawing

for r 25 : 5 ( phase 5)

37 r 23 1 2 .0 final r egulat ion t hreshold for m e- – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

dium load thawing

for r 26 : 5 ( phase 5)

38 r 24 1 5 .0 final r egulat ion t hr eshold for full – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

load thawing

for r 27 : 5 ( phase 5)

39 r25 2 4 0 light load thawing duration

1… 999 min

40 r26 4 8 0 medium load thawing duration

1… 999 min

41 r27 7 2 0 full load thawing duration

1… 999 min

42 r 28 3 .0 r egulat ion thr eshold dur ing con- – 50… 99 ° C/ ° F

servat ion

43 r 29 1 .0 neutr al zone thr eshold for t haw – 0… 10 ° C/ ° F

ing and conservat ion (relat ive t o

current t hreshold)

44 r 30 2 .0 neutr al zone t hr eshold differ ent ial 1… 25 ° C/ ° F

for t haw ing and conserv at ion

(r29) during heat ing

45 r 31 2 .0 neutr al zone t hr eshold differ ent ial 1… 25 ° C/ ° F

for t haw ing and conserv at ion

(r29) during cooling

46 r 32 4 5 heat ing on cy cle t im e dur ing 1… 600 s

t h aw in g

47 r33

4 heat ing on t im e dur ing t haw ing 1… 600 s



48 U01 0 evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

49 U02 0 evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

50 U03 6 0 t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 0

51 U04 1 t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 0

52 U05 0 t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 0

53 U11 0 evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

54 U12 0 evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

55 U13 6 0 t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 1

56 U14 1 t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 1

57 U15 0 t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 1

58 U21 0 evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

59 U22 0 evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

60 U23 6 0 t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 2

61 U24 1 t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 2

62 U25 0 t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 2

63 U31 0 evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

64 U32 0 evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

65 U33 6 0 t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 3

66 U34 1 t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 3

67 U35 0 t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 3

68 U41
69 U42
70 U43 71 U44 72 U45 73 U51
74 U52
75 U53 76 U54 77 U55 78 U61
79 U62
80 U63 81 U64 82 U65 83 U71
84 U72
85 U73 86 U74 87 U75 88 U81
89 U82
90 U83 91 U84 92 U85 93 U91
94 U92
95 U93 96 U94 97 U95 NO. PAR. 98 CP0 99 CP1 100 CP3 101 CP4 102 C0 103 C1 104 C2 105 C3 106 C4 107 C5 108 C9
109 C10 110 C11 111 C12
112 C13

60 1 0 0
60 1 0 0
60 1 0 0
60 1 0 0
60 1 0 0
60 1 0 DEF. 0 50 100 0 0 5 3 0 10 10 5
0 10 2

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 4

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 4

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 4

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 5

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 5

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 5

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 6

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 6

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 6

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 7

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 7

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 7

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 8

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 8

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 8

evaporat or fans on delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor on for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor on delay from on re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately on

evaporat or fans off delay from -300… 300 s

com pressor off for hum idity level if values are negative, com –


pressor off delay from off re-

quest and evaporator fans im –

mediately off

t im e evaporat or fans on for hu- 0… 60 s

midity level 9

t im e evaporat or fans off for hu- 0… 59 m in

midity level 9

t im e evaporat or fans on if com – 0… 59 s

pressor is off for hum idity level 9



85 Hz PWM com pr essor t im e fr om 0… 100 s x 10


percentage 0-10 V com pressor 0… 100%

from power-on

percentage 0-10 V com pressor in 0… 100%

cabinet probe alarm

m axim um 0-10 V com pressor-on 0… 240 m in

t im e

com pressor-on delay from power- 0… 240 m in


delay between two com pressor 0… 240 m in

sw it ch – on s

m inim um com pressor-off tim e

0… 240 min

m inim um com pressor-on tim e

0… 240 s

com pressor-off tim e in cabinet 0… 240 m in

probe alarm

com pressor-on tim e (m axim um 0… 240 m in

capacity) in cabinet probe alarm

cabinet t em per atur e consecut iv e 0… 99 h

tim e within proportional band to 0 = disabled

operat e com pressor at m ax. unt il cabinet t em perat ure <


set poin t

com pressor days for m aintenance 0… 999 days

0 = disabled

com pressor 2 on delay

0… 240 s

if C14 = 0

com pr essor hour v alue effect t o 0… 10

balance hour s and sw it ch – ons BHC = { [ C12 x ( com pr essor

( BHC)

hour s) ] + [ C13 x ( com pr essor

switch-ons)] }

com pressor switch-ons value effect t o balance hours and swit chons ( BHC)

if C14 = 2 0… 10 BHC = { [ C12 x ( com pr essor hour s) ] + [ C13 x ( com pr essor switch-ons)] }

if C14 = 2

113 C14
NO. PAR. 114 d00 115 d01 116 d0
117 d0b 118 d1
119 d1b 120 d2 121 d2b 122 d3 123 d3b 124 d4 125 d5 126 d6
127 d7 128 d7b 129 d8
130 d9
131 d11 132 d15
133 d16 134 d18
135 d19
136 d20 137 d21
138 d22
139 d25
140 d26
NO. PAR. 141 A0
142 A1 143 A2
144 A4 145 A5
146 A6 147 A7 148 A8 149 A9 150 A10 151 A11 152 A12
153 A13 154 A14 155 A15

DEF. 0
1.0 8
6 0
2 2.0 4.0 30 20
0 0 1
2 2 0
0 0
0 40
180 200
– 2 .0
DEF. 0
0.0 0
0.0 0
120 15 15 15 10 2.0 1
80 90 10

const raint between com pressor and com pressor 2
DEFROST ( if r 5 = 0) enable ” b” m ode param et ers set point t hr eshold t o act iv ate ” b” mode parameters aut om at ic defrost int erval
autom atic defrost interval in ” b” m ode type of defrost
type of ” b” m ode defrost defrost end threshold ” b” m ode defr ost end t hr eshold defrost duration
” b” m ode defrost durat ion enable defrost at power-on defrost delay from power-on value displayed when defrosting
drip duration ” b” mode drip duration defrost interval count m ode
ev apor at or t em per at ure t hr eshold for autom atic defrost interval cou n t enable defrost tim eout alarm com pr essor – on consecut iv e t im e for hot gas defrost
pre-drip duration for hot gas def r ost adaptive defrost interval
adapt iv e defr ost thr eshold ( r elative to optimal evaporator temperature) com pr essor – on consecut iv e t im e for defrost com pr essor – on consecut iv e t im e for defrost from power-on and from overcooling
ev apor at or t em per at ure t hr eshold for adapt ive defrost interval count (relative to optimal evaporator t em per at u re) enable outgoing air temperature probe for defrost in evaporator probe alarm defrost interval in evaporator probe alarm
TEMPERATURE ALARMS select value for high/ low tem perat ure alarm s
low tem perature alarm threshold type of low temperature alarm
high t em per atur e alar m thr eshold type of high temperature alarm
high temperature alarm delay from power-on high/ low temperature alarm delay high temperature alarm delay after defrost high temperature alarm delay from door closure duration of power failure for saving alarm high/ low t em perat ure alarm t hr eshold differ ent ial ( A1 and A4) enable power failure alarm signal
high condensat ion signal t hr eshold high condensat ion alar m thr eshold high condensat ion alarm delay

0 = funct ion of C11

1 = function of r0

2 = funct ion of C12 and C13


0 = no

1 = yes

r1… r2

activated if setpoint > d01

0… 99 h

0 = m anual only

if d8 = 3, maximum interval

like d0

0 = electric

1 = hot gas (do not use with

regulation with 2 com –

pr essor s)

2 = com pressor stopped

like d1

– 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

like d2

0… 99 min

if P3 = 1, m ax im um dur at ion

like d3

0 = no

1 = yes

0… 99 min

0 = cabinet or product tem –


1 = locked display

2 = label dEF

0… 15 min

like d7

0 = hours device on

1 = hours com pressor on

2 = hours evaporator tem-

perature < d9

3 = adaptive

4 = in real time

– 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

0 = no

1 = yes

-20… 99 min

if values are negative, drip-

ping heat ers on t im e

0… 99 min

0… 999 min if com pressor on + evaporat or temperature < d22 0 = m anual only 0… 40 ° C/ ° F optimal evaporator temperature – d19 0… 999 min 0 = disabled 0… 999 min if (cabinet or product tem perat ur e – set point ) > 10° C/ 20 ° F 0 = disabled – 10… 10 ° C/ ° F optimal evaporator temperature + d22

0 = no

1 = yes

0… 99 h 0 = m anual only if d25 = 1 MI N… MAX. 0 = cabinet or product tem –
perature 1 = evaporat or t em perature 2 = critical tem perature – 99… 99 ° C/ ° F 0 = disabled 1 = relative to setpoint (i.e.
setpoint + A1) 2 = absolute (A1) – 99… 99 ° C/ ° F 0 = disabled 1 = relative to setpoint (i.e.
setpoint + A4) 2 = absolute (i.e. A4) 0… 240 min

0… 240 min 0… 240 min

0… 240 min

0… 240 min 0 = disabled 1… 15 ° C/ ° F

0 = no

1 = y es ( label PF, if EVlink ing

RS- 485


EVlink ing


EEVI F25TBX or EVlink ing

Wi- Fi EVI F25TWX is con-

n ect ed)

0… 199 ° C/ ° F

differ ent ial = 2 ° C/ 4 ° F

0… 199 ° C/ ° F

0… 15 min

156 A16 NO. PAR. 157 F0
158 F0b

0 DEF.

enable viewing of high/ low temperature alarm s on rem ote display FANS evaporat or fan m ode in norm al oper at ion
evaporat or fan m ode in norm al ” b” mode operation

0 = no

1 = yes


0 = off

1 = on

2 = on if com pressor on

3 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with cabinet or product

t em per at ure + F1)

4 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with cabinet or product

t em per at ure + F1) if

com pressor on

5 = hum idity levels function

6 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with evaporator tem-

per at ure + F1)

7 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with evaporator tem-

per at ure + F1) if com –

pressor on

lik e F0

EVCO S. p. A. | EVY Cold MEDI UM | I nst ruct ion sheet ver. 1. 0 | Code 104YCM08E103 | Page4 of 6 | PT 18/ 24

159 F1 – 4 .0 ev apor at or fans regulat ion – 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

t hr eshold

160 F2

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in defr ost 0 = off

1 = on

and drip mode

2 = funct ion of F0

161 F2b

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in ” b” m ode lik e F2

defrost and drip

162 F3

2 maximum time evaporator fans 0… 15 min


163 F3b

2 maximum time evaporator fans 0… 15 min

off in ” b” mode

164 F4

3 0 t im e ev apor at or fans off in ener gy 0… 240 s x 10

sav in g

if F0 5

165 F5

3 0 t im e evaporat or fans on in energy 0… 240 s x 10

sav in g

if F0 5

166 F7 5 .0 ev apor at or fans on t hreshold fr om – 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

dripping (relative to setpoint)

set point + F7

167 F8 2 .0 ev apor at or fans regulat ion 1… 15 ° C/ ° F

t hr eshold differ ent ial ( F1)

168 F9

1 0 evaporat or fans off delay from 0… 240 s

com pressor off

if F0 = 2 or 5

169 F10

1 condenser fan m ode in nor m al op- 0 = t her m ost at cont r olled

er at ion

(with condenser tem per-

at ur e + F11)

1 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with condenser tem per-

at ur e + F11) if com pr es-

sor off, on if com pressor


2 = t her m ost at cont r olled

(with condenser tem per-

at ur e + F11) if com pr es-

sor off, on if com pressor

on, off in defrost, pre-

drip and dripping

170 F11 1 5 .0 condenser fans on thr eshold

0… 99 ° C/ ° F

differ ent ial = 2 ° C/ 4 ° F

171 F12 3 0 condenser fans off delay fr om 0… 240 s

com pressor off

if PP1… PP4 3

172 F13

2 condenser fans on thr eshold dif- 1… 25 ° C/ ° F

fer ent ial ( F11)

if Ao1… Ao3 = 2, condenser

fans proportional band (rela-

t iv e t o F11, i.e. F11 + F13)

173 F14 1 0 100 % star t – up t im e for 0- 10 V 0… 240 s

condenser fans

174 F15 1 0 0 m ax im um per cent age 0 – 10 V con- 0… 100%

denser fans in energy saving

175 F17 6 0 t im e ev apor at or fans off if com – 0… 240 s

pressor off

if F0 and/ or F0b = 0

176 F18 1 0 t im e ev apor at or fans on if com – 0… 240 s

pressor off

if F0 and/ or F0b = 0

177 F19

0 r ev er sible condenser fans on in- 0… 240 h


178 F20

0 reversible condenser fans on t im e 0… 240 m in

179 F30

0 set t ing per cent age 0- 10 V ev apo- 0 = t ouch SET key t w ice

r at or fan speed in nor m al oper a- 1 = w it h F33

t ion

2 = aut om at ic w it h F1, F31,

F32 and F36

180 F31 5 0 per cent age 0 – 10 V evapor at or 0… 100%

fans with m inim um capacity

if F31> F32, F32 is r elevant

181 F32 1 0 0 per cent age 0 – 10 V evapor at or 0… 100%

fans with m axim um capacity

if F32 < F31, F31 is relev ant

182 F33 1 0 0 per cent age 0 – 10 V evapor at or F31… F32

fans in norm al funct ion

183 F34 1 0 F35 st ar t – up dur at ion 0- 10 V 0… 240 s

evaporat or fans

184 F35 1 0 0 per cent age 0 – 10 V evapor at or 0… 100%

fans from power-on

185 F36 1 0 0- 10 V evapor at or fans 1… 25 ° C/ ° F

pr opor t ional band ( r elat iv e t o set – set point + F36

poin t )

186 F37

0 m axim um percentage 0-10 V 0… 100%

evaporat or fans in energy saving

187 F38

0 evaporat or fans on delay from 0… 240 s

door closed

188 F39

0 evaporat or fan m ode in phase 1 0 = on if cooling is on and on

t h aw in g

if heating is on

1 = on

189 F40

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in phase 2 lik e F39

t h aw in g

190 F41

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in phase 3 lik e F39

t h aw in g

191 F42

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in phase 4 lik e F39

t h aw in g

192 F43

0 ev apor at or fan m ode in phase 5 lik e F39

t h aw in g



193 i0

5 door switch input function

0 = disabled

1 = com pressor + evapora-

tor fans off

2 = evaporat or fans off

3 = cabinet light on

4 = com pressor + evapora-

tor fans off, cabinet light


5 = evaporat or fans off, cab-

inet light on

194 i1

0 door switch input activation

0 = with contact closed

1 = with contact open

195 i2

3 0 door open alarm delay

-1… 120 min

-1 = disabled

196 i3

1 5 m axim um com pressor and evap- -1… 120 m in

orator fan off tim e with door open -1 = until closed

197 i4

0 enable door open alar m sav ing 0 = no

1 = yes

if i2 -1 and after i2

198 i5

0 m ulti-purpose input function

0 = disabled

1 = energy saving

2 = m ulti-purpose



3 = high pressure alarm

4 = auxiliary load 1 on

5 = auxiliary load 2 on

6 = swit ch device on/ off

7 = low pressure alarm

8 = com pressor

t h er m al

switch alarm

8 = com pressor 2 therm al

switch alarm

199 i6

0 m ulti-purpose input activation

0 = with contact closed

1 = with contact open

200 i7

0 m ulti-purpose input alarm delay 0… 120 m in

if i5, i15 or i18 or i20 = 3 or 7,

com pressor on delay from

alarm reset

201 i8

0 num ber of m ulti-purpose input 0… 15

act iv at ions for high pr essur e 0 = disabled


202 i9 2 4 0 consecut iv e t im e if t her e ar e no 1… 999 m in

m ulti-purpose input activations to

reset counter due t o high pres-

sure alarm

203 i10

0 door closed consecut iv e t im e for 0… 999 m in

energy saving

204 i13 205 i14 206 i15 207 i16 208 i18 209 i19 210 i20 211 i21 NO. PAR. 212 u1c
213 u2c 214 u3c 215 u4c 216 u5c 217 u6c 218 u2 219 u3 220 u4 221 u5 222 u5d 223 u6 224 u7
225 u9 226 u10 NO. PAR. 227 Ao1
228 Ao2 229 Ao3 NO. PAR. 230 Hr0 NO. PAR. 231 HE2 NO. PAR. 232 H01 233 H02 NO. PAR. 234 Hon 235 HoF 236 Hc1
237 Hc2 NO. PAR. 238 Hd1 239 Hd2 240 Hd3 241 Hd4 242 Hd5 243 Hd6 NO. PAR. 244 POF 245 Loc 246 Sen 247 PAS 248 PA1 249 PA2 NO. PAR. 250 r E0 251 r E1
252 r Et

180 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEF. 0
2 12 5 4 13 0 0 1 – 1 .0 2.0 5 – 5 .0
1 5 DEF. 5
5 5 DEF. 1 DEF. 0 DEF. 0 0 DEF. hhh-
hhhhhhDEF. 1 1 80 -19 426 824 DEF. 15 1

aft er cabinet or product t em –

perature < SP

0 = disabled

num ber of door openings for de- 0… 240

f r ost

0 = disabled

door open consecut iv e t im e for 0… 240 m in

def r ost

0 = disabled

m ulti-purpose input 2 function

like i5

m ulti-purpose input 2 activation like i6

m ulti-purpose input 3 function

like i5

m ulti-purpose input 3 activation like i6

m ulti-purpose input 4 function

like i5

m ulti-purpose input 4 activation like i6



K1 r elay configur at ion

0 = com pressor

1 = com pressor 2

2 = evaporat or fans

3 = condenser fans

4 = defrost

5 = cabinet light

6 = dem isting

7 = door heat ers

8 = heat ers for neut ral zone

9 = dripping heaters

10= auxiliary load 1

11= auxiliary load 2

12= alarm

13= on/ stand-by

14= evaporat or fans 2

15= defrost 2

16= speed 2 evaporat or fans

17= r ev er sible condenser


18= speed 2 condenser fans

K2 r elay configur at ion

like u1c

K3 r elay configur at ion

like u1c

K4 r elay configur at ion

like u1c

K5 r elay configur at ion

like u1c

K6 r elay configur at ion

like u1c

enable cabinet light and auxiliary 0 = no

1 = yes

load 1 and 2 in st and-by

in manual mode

alarm out put act ivat ion

0 = with alarm not active

1 = with alarm active

enable deact iv at ion alar m out put 0 = no

1 = yes

with silencing buzzer

door heat er s on thr eshold

– 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

door heat er s on t hr eshold differ – 1… 25 ° C/ ° F

ential (u5)

m axim um duration dem isting on 1… 120 m in

1 = m anual swit ch on/ off

neutr al zone for heat ing t hr eshold – 99… 99 ° C/ ° F

(relative to setpoint)

differ ent ial = 2 ° C/ 4 ° F

setpoint + u7

enable alarm buzzer

0 = no

1 = yes

durat ion alarm buzzer at end of 0… 240 s

t h aw in g



analogue out put configurat ion

0 = PWM com pr essor ( r 15)

1 = 0-10 V com pressor

2 = 0-10 V condenser fans

3 = 0-10 V evaporator fans

4 = disabled

5 = disabled

analogue out put 2 configur at ion lik e Ao1

analogue out put 3 configur at ion lik e Ao1



enable clock

0 = no

1 = yes

ENERGY SAVI NG ( if r 5 = 0)


m ax im um dur at ion ener gy sav ing 0… 999 m in

0 = until door opened


r5 = 0)

energy saving t im e

0… 23 h

m ax im um dur at ion ener gy sav ing 0… 24 h


tim e device switch-on

0… h

h = disabled

tim e device switch-off

like HoF

1st t im e reversible condenser fans 0… h


h = disabled

for F20

2nd t im e reversible condenser fans like Hc1




1st daily defrost tim e

0… h

h = disabled

2nd daily defrost tim e

like Hd1

3rd daily defrost tim e

like Hd1

4th daily defrost tim e

like Hd1

5th daily defrost tim e

like Hd1

6th daily defrost tim e

like Hd1



enable ON/ STAND- BY key

0 = no

1 = yes

enable keypad lock

0 = no

1 = yes (after 30 s)

keypad sensit ivit y

40… 120

40= v er y sensit ive

password to access settings from -99… 999


lev el 1 passw or d t o access set – – 99… 999

t ings fr om EVconnect and EPoCA

lev el 2 passw or d t o access set – – 99… 999

t ings fr om EVconnect and EPoCA



EVlink ing dat a logger sam pling in- 0… 240 m in


select t em per at ur e for EVlink ing 0 = none

1 = cabinet

data logger

2 = evaporat or

3 = condenser

4 = critical

5 = outgoing air

6 = evaporat or 2

7 = product

8 = cabinet + evaporator +

co n d e n se r

5 = all

select tem perature for data logger 0 = cabinet or product (not

device in last 72 hours

during defrost, pre-drip-

ping, dr ipping and fan

st op)

1 = cabinet or product (also

during defrost, pre-drip-

ping, dr ipping and fan

st op)

2 = critical (not during de-

frost, pre-dripping, drip-

ping and fan stop)

3 = critical (also during de-

frost, pre-dripping, drip-

ping and fan stop)

4 = cabinet or product (only during defrost, pre-dripping, dr ipping and fan st op)

NO. PAR. 253 LA 254 Lb

DEF. 247

MODBUS MODBUS addr ess MODBUS baud r ate

255 LP

2 MODBUS par it y


256 bLE

1 t y pe of use of TTL MODBUS por t


1… 247

0 = 2,400 baud

1 = 4,800 baud

2 = 9,600 baud

3 = 19,200 baud

0 = none

1 = odd

2 = even


0 = for EVI F23TSX or thir d-

par t y MODBUS TCP sy s-

t em ( v ia EVI F24TSX)

1 = for EVconnect ( v ia


( v ia EVI F25TWX)

2… 99 = for EPoCA ( v ia

EVI F24TSX and I oT

EV3 Web gat ew ay

or EVD Web)



9.1 View ing active alarm s Check that t he k ey pad is not lock ed.

Touch t he ALARM k ey

Touch t he UP or DOWN k ey w it hin 15 s t o scr oll t hr ough t he act iv e 2.
alar m s Touch the ON/ STAND- BY k ey ( or t ake no act ion for 60 s) t o ex it 3. the procedure

9.2 Alarms ALARM Cabinet Prb. Failur e
Evaporator Prb. Failu re


cabin et



evaporat or probe


RESET au t om at ic
au t om at ic

Condenser Prb. Failure Critical Tem p. Prb. Failure Outgoing Air Prb. Failure
Evaporator 2 Prb. Failu re RTC Failure Low Tem perature High Temperature Door Open Pow er Failure

condenser pr obe aut om at ic


critical tem pera- autom atic

ture probe alarm

outgoing air tem- automatic

perature probe


evaporat or

2 automatic

probe alarm

clock alarm

m an u al

low temperature automatic


high temperature automatic


door open alarm automatic


failure manual


Cond. Overheat Com p. Locked

high condensat ion aut om at ic sign al high condensat ion m anual alarm

M ult i- purpose High Pressure High Pressure Lock

m ulti-purpose in- autom atic

put alarm

m ulti-purpose in- autom atic

put alarm


pr essur e m anual


Low Pressure Therm al Sw itch 1 Therm al Sw itch 2
Defrost Tim eout


pressure autom atic


com pressor ther- autom atic

m al switch alarm

com pressor

2 automatic

therm al switch


defrost tim eout m anual


TO CORRECT – check P0 – check the integrity
of the probe – check electrical con-
n ect ion
set the date and tim e check A0, A1 and A2
check A0, A4 and A5
check i0 and i1 – touch a key – check electrical con-
n ect ion check A13
– switch the device off and on
– check A14 check i5, i6, i15, i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21 check i5, i6, i15, i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21 swit ch t he device off and on – check i5, i6, i8, i9, i15,
i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21 check i5, i6, i15, i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21 check i5, i6, i15, i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21 check i5, i6, i15, i16, i18, i19, i20 and i21
– touch a key – check d2, d2b, d3, d3b
and d11


Pur pose of the contr ol dev ice:

funct ion cont roller

Const r uct ion of t he cont r ol dev ice:

built-in electronic device

Hou sin g:

black, self-extinguishing

Cat egor y of heat and fir e r esist ance:


Measur em ent s:

193.0 x 59.0 x 73.0 mm (7 5/ 8 x 2 5/ 16 x 2 7/ 8 in)

Mount ing m et hods for the cont r ol dev ice:

front inst allat ion on a plast ic or m et al panel

(with elastic holding flaps).

Degr ee of pr otect ion pr ov ided by t he casing: I P65 ( fr ont ) , pr ov ided t hat t he dev ice is in-

st alled on a m et al panel 0.8 m m (1/ 32 in)

t h ick

Connect ion m et hod:

plug-in screw term inal blocks for wires up to 1.5 m m ² (analogue inputs, digital inputs, analogue

out put s and port for rem ot e indicat or) and wires up t o 2.5 m m ² (power supply and digit al

ou t pu t s)

Pico- Blade connector ( TTL MODBUS por t )

Max im um per m it t ed lengt h for connect ion cables:

power supply: 10 m (32.8 ft)

analogue input s: 10 m ( 32.8 ft )

digital inputs: 10 m (32.8 ft)

analogue out put s: 3 m (9.84 ft )

digital outputs: 10 m (32.8 ft)

port for rem ote indicator: 3 m (9.84 ft)

Operat ing t em perat ure:

fr om – 5 t o 60 ° C ( fr om 23 t o 140 ° F)

Storage temperature:

fr om – 25 t o 70 ° C ( fr om – 13 t o 158 ° F)

Operat ing hum idit y :

r elat iv e hum idit y w it hout condensat e from 10

to 90 %

Pollut ion st at us of the cont r ol dev ice:


Com pliance: RoHS 2011/ 65/ EC REACH ( EC) Regulat ion no. 1907/ 2006 Pow er supply :
Ear t hing m et hods for t he contr ol dev ice:

WEEE 2012/ 19/ EU LVD 2014/ 35/ EU 115… 230 VAC ( + 10 % – 15 % ) , 50/ 60 Hz( ± 3 Hz) , m ax . 11 VA, 6,4 W none

Rat ed im pulse w it hst and v olt age: Ov ervolt age cat egory : Software class and structure: Analogue input s:

2,5 kV II A 3 for configurable PTC, NTC or Pt 1000 pr obes

PTC pr obes: NTC pr obes:

Ty pe of sensor : Measur em ent field: Resolut ion: Ty pe of sensor : Measur em ent field: Resolut ion:

KTY 81- 121 ( 990 @ 25 ° C, 77 ° F) fr om – 50 t o 150 ° C ( fr om – 58 t o 302 ° F) 0.1 ° C ( 1 ° F) ß3435 ( 10 k @ 25 ° C, 77 ° F) fr om – 40 t o 105 ° C ( fr om – 40 t o 221 ° F) 0.1 ° C ( 1 ° F)

EVCO S. p. A. | EVY Cold MEDI UM | I nst ruct ion sheet ver. 1. 0 | Code 104YCM08E103 | Page5 of 6 | PT 18/ 24

Pr obes

Ty pe of sensor :

1 k @ 0 ° C, 32 ° F

Pt 1000:

Measur em ent field:

fr om – 99 t o 199 ° C ( fr om – 146 t o 390 ° F)

Resolut ion:

0.1 ° C ( 1 ° F)

Digital inputs:

5 volt age-free (door swit ch and m ult i-pur-


Volt age- fr ee:

Ty pe of cont act :

3.3 Vdc, 1 m A

Pow er supply :


Pr ot ect ion:


Analogue out put s:

3 configur able PWM or 0- 10 V out put

PWM out put : Out put :

11 Vdc (± 15% ), 10 mA max

Fr equency :

0… 150 Hz

Pr ot ect ion:


0-10 V

Minim um applicable im ped- 1 k


an ce:

Resolut ion:

0.01 V

Digital outputs:

6 wit h sealed elect ro-m echanical relays in com pliance wit h t he

EN 60079-15 st andar d

K1 relay:

SPST, 16 A r es. @ 250 Vac ( 30 A res. @ 250

Vac in t he EVY236DN9 m odel)

K2 relay:

SPDT, 8 A res. @ 250 Vac

K3 relay:

SPST, 8 A res. @ 250 Vac

K4 relay:

SPST, 8 A res. @ 250 Vac

K5 relay:

SPDT, 8 A res. @ 250 Vac

K6 relay:

SPST, 16 A r es. @ 250 Vac

The dev ice guar ant ees r einfor ced insulat ion bet w een t he digit al out put s ( elect r o- m echanical

r elay s) and t he SELV ( Safet y Ex t r a Low Volt age) cir cuit s, as w ell as bet w een the digit al out put


Ty pe 1 or Ty pe 2 act ions:

type 1

Addit ional feat ur es of Ty pe 1 or Ty pe 2 act ions: C

Display s: Alarm buzzer: Com m unicat ions por t s: 1 x TTL MODBUS slav e por t for the EVconnect app or EPoCA rem ot e m onit or ing sy stem

2.4 inch LCD colour graphic display bu ilt – in
1 t y pe C USB por t

N.B. The dev ice m ust be disposed of accor ding t o local r egulat ions gov er ning t he collect ion of elect rical and elect ronic equipm ent .
This docum ent and t he solut ions cont ained t herein are t he intellect ual propert y of EVCO and t hus prot ect ed by t he I t alian I nt ellect ual Propert y Right s Code (CPI ). EVCO forbids t he reproduct ion and dist ribut ion, even in part , of t he content s, unless express aut horisat ion is obt ained direct ly from EVCO. The cust omer ( m anufact urer, inst aller or end user) assum es all responsibilit y for t he configurat ion of t he device. EVCO accept s no liabilit y for any possible errors in t his docum ent and reserves t he right t o m ake any changes at any t im e wit hout prej udice t o t he essent ial funct ional and safet y feat ures of t he equipm ent .
EVCO S. p. A. Via Felt re 81, 32036 Sedico ( BL) I TALY tel. + 39 0437 8422 | fax + 39 0437 83648 e m a il info@evco. it | w e b www.evco.it


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