EDA TEC ED-AIC2000 Series Industrial Smart Camera User Guide

September 5, 2024

ED-AIC2000 Series
Industrial Smart Camera Based on
Raspberry Pi CM4
SDK Development Guide
EDA Technology Co., LTD

December 2023

ED-AIC2000 Series Industrial Smart Camera

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Copyright Statement
ED-AIC2000 series and its related intellectual property rights are owned by EDA Technology Co.,LTD.
EDA Technology Co.,LTD owns the copyright of this document and reserves all rights. Without the written permission of EDA Technology Co.,LTD, no part of this document may be modified, distributed or copied in any way or form.

EDA Technology Co.,LTD does not guarantee that the information in this manual is up to date, correct, complete or of high quality. EDA Technology Co.,LTD also does not guarantee the further use of this information. If the material or non-material related losses are caused by using or not using the information in this manual, or by using incorrect or incomplete information, as long as it is not proved that it is the intention or negligence of EDA Technology Co.,LTD, the liability claim for EDA Technology Co.,LTD can be exempted. EDA Technology Co.,LTD expressly reserves the right to modify or supplement the contents or part of this manual without special notice.


Reader Scope
This manual is applicable to the following readers:
◆ Software Engineer
◆ System Engineer

Related Agreement
Terminology Convention

Terminology Meaning
CM4 Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

Symbolic Convention

Symbolic Instruction
Prompt symbols, indicating important features or operations.
Notice symbols, which may cause personal injury, system damage, or signal

| May cause great harm to people.

Safety Instructions

◆ This product should be used in an environment that meets the requirements of design specifications, otherwise it may cause failure, and functional abnormality or component damage caused by non-compliance with relevant regulations are not within the product quality assurance scope.
◆ Our company will not bear any legal responsibility for personal safety accidents and property losses caused by illegal operation of products.
◆ Please do not modify the equipment without permission, which may cause equipment failure.
◆ When installing equipment, it is necessary to fix the equipment to prevent it from falling.
◆ If the equipment is equipped with an antenna, please keep a distance of at least 20cm from the equipment during use.
◆ Do not use liquid cleaning equipment, and keep away from liquids and flammable materials.
◆ This product is only supported for indoor use.

SDK Overview

This chapter introduces the definition and composition of SDK to help users understand the SDK better.
SDK Introduction
SDK Composition

1.1 SDK Introduction
The SDK of the ED-AIC2000 series Camera is a set of software development kit, which provides users with the interfaces required for upper-layer applications to facilitate secondary development of the camera.
The SDK functions of the ED-AIC2000 series Camera include registering Trigger/Tune button, DI definition, laser control, status indicator control, alarm indicator control, 2-channel DO control, Light and light source control, camera working mode setting, camera exposure time setting, camera gain setting and image data processing.
The location of SDK in the camera system is shown in the figure below.

EDA TEC ED AIC2000 Series Industrial Smart Camera - SDK

1.2 SDK Composition
The SDK of camera is composed of multiple header files and library files. The details file names and installation paths are as follows.

Function File Type File Names Installation Paths
IO Control Head File eda-io.h /usr/include/eda/
Library libeda io.so /usr/lib/
Camera Sensor Control Head File camera.h /usr/include/eda/

camera 0234.h
camera 2311.h
Library| libeda camera.so| /usr/lib/

During the development process, users can complete the development of upper- layer applications based on actual needs and refer to the corresponding function description below.

Function Description

This chapter introduces how to write the code corresponding to each function to help users write the code required for upper-layer applications.
IO Control
Sensor Control

2.1 IO Control
This section introduces the operations of indicator control, laser control, event callback, and output control.

2.1.1 Flow Diagram

EDA TEC ED AIC2000 Series Industrial Smart Camera - Flow

2.1.2 Getting Instance and Initializing
Before operating IO, you need to obtain an IO instance and initialize the instance. The steps are as follows.

  1. Getting an IO instance.
    eda::EdaIo *em = eda::EdaIo::getInstance();

  2. Initializing the instance.

2.1.3 Event Callback Function
IO control supports registering callback functions for events, including registering Input, registering Trigger button, and registering Tune button.
◆ DI1 trigger event
The COMMON_IN pin in the 12-Pin M12 interface is connected to ground signal, and the DI1
pin is connected to 5V signal for triggering.
◆ Registering Trigger button
◆ Registering Tune button


include “eda/eda-io.h”

void trigger_input(int b){
printf(“[Test] Tirgger input: %d\n”, b);
int main(int argc, char argv[]){
em = eda::EdaIo::getInstance();

2.1.4 Controlling IO
Using IO to control the on/off of the laser, the on/off of the status indicator, the on/off of the alarm indicator and the enable/disable of the 2 outputs.

Initialization of the instance has been completed.

Operating Instructions
◆ Laser On/Off
◆ Status indicator On/Off
◆ Alarm indicator On/Off
◆ 2 outputs enable/disable

2.1.5 Controlling light
Both the camera side lights and area lights can be controlled independently.

Initialization of the instance has been completed.

Operating Instructions
◆ Side light color

  • 0: Closing side light
  • 1: Setting the color to Red
  • 2: Setting the color to Green
  • 3: Setting the color to Blue

◆ RGB color of side light
void setRgbLight_rgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
◆ Area lights

● Enable (The default state)
The value range is 1~4, corresponding to different partitions.
● Disable
The value range is 1~4, corresponding to different partitions.

Enabling/disabling the area light does not turn on/off the light. The area light and the camera are linked. The area light will only turn on when the area light is enabled and the camera is turned on.

2.1.6 Source File
IO Control Class (C++)
typedef void (IoTrigger)(int level);
class EdaIo{
static EdaIo
static void close_io();

  • @brief Laser On
  • */
    void openLaser();

  • @brief Laser Off
  • */
    void closeLaser();

  • @brief set status indicator
  • @param good
    void setScanStat(bool good);


  • @brief alarm indicator On
  • */
    void openAlarm();

  • @brief alarm indicator Off
  • */
    void closeAlarm();

  • @brief
  • @param section 1~4
  • @return int
    int enableLightSection(int section);
  • @brief
  • @param section 1~4
  • @return int
    int disableLightSection(int section);
  • @brief set output1 to [high/low] *
  • @param high
    void setDo1High(bool high);
  • @brief set output2 to [high/low] *
  • @param high
    void setDo2High(bool high);

// void setAimerColor(RGBColor color);


  • @brief register input trigger callback function
  • @param callback

void registerInput(IoTrigger callback);

  • @brief register button callback function
  • @param callback
    void registerTrigger(IoTrigger callback);
  • @brief register Tune button callback function
  • @param callback
    void registerTune(IoTrigger callback);


  • @brief set RGB light
  • @param light 0: Close; 1: Red; 2: Green; 3: Blue,
  • @return int
    void setRgbLight(uint8_t light);
  • @brief Set the RGB Light
  • @param r red
  • @param g green
  • @param b blue
    void setRgbLight_rgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);


  • @brief initializing IO settings
  • */
    void setup();

IO Control (Python3)
from libedaio import EdaIo, register Input, register Trigger, register Tune
def func_trigger(v):
print(“[Debug] Trigger: trigger button!”, v)

eda = EdaIo.singleton(); # Get IO control instance
registerTrigger(func_trigger); # Register Trigger button callback

registerInput(func_trigger); # Register Input callback

registerTune(func_trigger); # Register Tune button callback

eda.setup(); # Initialization

eda.openLaser(); # Laser On

eda.closeLaser(); # Laser Off

eda.setScanStat(True); # Set status indicator
eda.openAlarm(); # Alarm indicator on

eda.closeAlarm(); # Alarm indicator off

eda.setDo1High(True); # Set output1
eda.setDo2High(False); # Set output2
eda.setRgbLight(1); # Set side light,0: Off; 1: Red; 2: Green; 3: Blue

2.2 Sensor Control
This section introduces the operations of opening/closing camera, setting the camera working mode, setting the camera exposure time and setting the camera gain, etc.

2.2.1 Flow Diagram

EDA TEC ED AIC2000 Series Industrial Smart Camera - Flow Diagram

2.2.2 Operating Steps

  1. Getting an instance
    eda::Camera *t_camera = eda::load_default();

  2. Checking sensor type
    ◆ eda::CameraName::AR0234
    ◆ eda::CameraName::OV2311
    AR0234 is the 2.3-megapixel camera.
    OV2311 is the 2-megapixel camera.

  3. Open the camera and set working mode, camera area width and camera area height.
    t_camera->open(mod, width, height);
    ◆ mod is the working mode, the value includes 0, 1 and 5.
    ● 0 means continuous mode (the camera keeps opening), both AR0234 and OV2311 support this mode.
    ● 1 means hardware trigger mode, connecting 5V signal to trigger through trigger pin.
    Both AR0234 and OV2311 support this mode.
    ● 5 means software trigger mode, triggering through manual adjustment. Only OV2311 supports this mode.
    int call_trigger();
    ◆ width is area width of camera.
    ◆ height is area height of camera.

  4. Setting gain
    ◆ OV2311: The value range of gain is 0~30.
    ◆ AR0234: The value range of gain is 0~64.

  5. Setting exposure time
    ◆ OV2311: The value range of exposure is 0~65523, which unit is microsecond.
    ◆ AR0234:The value range of exposure is 1~1500, which unit of 6.8 times the value is microsecond.

  6. Obtaining camera data through callback.
    In the callback function, it is recommended to only obtain data and not process logic.

  7. Close camera

2.2.3 Source File
Sensor Control

typedef int(img_Callback)(char img_buff, int img_len);

enum CameraName{
AR0234, OV2311
class Camera

  • @brief initializing camera
  • @param mode 0 – continuous mode; 1 – hardware trigger mode; 5 – software trigger
  • @param width
  • @param height
  • @return int
    int open(int mode, int width, int height) = 0;
  • @brief close camera
  • @return int
    int close() = 0;
  • @brief set exposure time
  • @param exp_value
  • @return int
    int set_exposure(int exp_value) = 0;
  • @brief obtain exposure time
  • @param exp_value
  • @return int
    int get_exposure(int
    exp_value) = 0;
  • @brief set gain
  • @param gain_value
  • @return int
    int set_gain(int gain_value) = 0;
  • @brief obtain gain
  • @param gain_value
  • @return int
    int get_gain(int
    gain_value) = 0;
  • @brief register callback function, obtain image data
  • @param callback
  • @return int
    int callback_image_ready(img_Callback callback)=0;
    CameraName name() = 0;

Getting AR0234 instance

include “CameraManger.h”

include “camera_0234.h”

void test()
eda::Camera t_camera = eda::create_ar0234();
t_camera_1 = static_cast<eda::Camera_0234*>(t_camera);



This chapter introduces detailed code examples, including writing code, compiling code, and running code.
Writing Code
Compiling and Running Code

3.1 Writing Code
The following takes the function of “turn on the laser, wait for 2 seconds and then turn off the laser” as an example, using C++ language to write the code.

The detailed code is as follows

include “eda/eda-io.h”

include <unistd.h>

include “stdlib.h”

int main(int argc, char argv[]){
em = eda::EdaIo::getInstance();
//open Laser
// close Laser
return 0;

After writing is completed, save it as test123.cpp file.
The file name can be customized.

3.2 Compiling and Running Code

After the C++ code is written, you need to log in to the camera device, compiling and running it on the Raspberry Pi OS.

◆ The connection of camera cables has been completed. For detailed operations, please refer to the “ED-AIC2020 User Manual”.
◆ The camera has been powered and connected to the network through the router.
◆ Obtained the camera IP address and successfully logged in to the camera system.


  1. Create a folder on the camera OS and upload the code files written in Chapter 3.1 Writing Code to the folder.

  2. Execute the following command to view the files in the folder and ensure that the code file has been uploaded successfully.

  3. Execute the following command to compile the written code.
    g++ -leda_io -o test-io test123.cpp
    “test123.cpp” means the code file written in Chapter 3.1Writing Code.
    “test-io” means the file name generated after compilation, the file name can be customized.

  4. Execute the following command to view the new file generated after compilation, as shown below “test-io”.

  5. Execute the following command to run the compiled code.
    sudo ./test-io
    “test-io” means the file name generated after compilation.

After successful operation, you can see that the laser lights up and goes out after waiting for 2 seconds.


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