EDA TEC ED-GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway User Manual

June 11, 2024

ED-GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway
User Manual of ED-GWL2010

ED-GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway

Shanghai EDA Technology Co.,Ltd
EDA Technology Co.,LTD– Electronics Development Accelerator
Copyright Statement
ED-GWL2010 and its related intellectual property rights are owned by Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd owns the copyright of this document and reserves all rights. Without the written permission of Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd, no part of this document may be modified, distributed or copied in any way or form.
Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd does not guarantee that the information in this manual is up to date, correct, complete or of high quality. Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd also does not guarantee the further use of this information. If the material or non-material related losses are caused by using or not using the information in this manual, or by using incorrect or incomplete information, as long as it is not proved that it is the intention or negligence of Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd, the liability claim for Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd can be exempted. Shanghai EDA Technology Co., Ltd expressly reserves the right to modify or supplement the contents or part of this manual without special notice.

Product Overview

ED-GWL2010 is an indoor light gateway designed based on Raspberry Pi 4B. This product uses the LoRa gateway module of the new generation SX1302 and SX1303 baseband chips, which has the characteristics of long transmission distance, large node capacity and high receiving sensitivity. In addition, this gateway has strong performance, light structure and simple deployment, which can greatly simplify and shorten your development threshold and design time.
1.1 Target Application

  • LoRa intelligent gateway
  • Smart manufacturing
  • Smart city
  • Smart transportation

1.2 Specifications and Parameters

Function Parameters
CPU Broadcom BCM2711 4 core, ARM Cortex-A72(ARM v8), 1.5GHz, 64bit CPU
Memory 1GB / 2GB / 4GB / 8GB option
SD card 8GB / 16GB / 32GB / 64GB option
Ethernet 1 × Gigabit Ethernet
WiFi / Bluetooth 2.4G / 5.8G dual WiFi, bluetooth 5.0
Frequency Support 868MHz(EU868,RU864), 915MHz(US915,AS923- 1/2/3,AU915).

Button| Support custom function
RGB| RGB. Support a variety of custom displays.
Encryption chip| Support encryption function
HDMI| 2 × Micro-HDMI
HDMI FPC touch screen| 1 × FPC HDMI, support USB touch, PWM aiming
DSI| 1 × DSI, Support Raspberry Pi 7 inch official touch.
USB Host| 2 × USB 2.0 Type A, 2x USB 2.0
Power input| 12V 2A
Case| Full Metal Jacket
Dimensions| 95(L) x 95(W) x 24(H) mm
Antenna accessory| Support optional WiFi/BT external antenna, which has passed wireless authentication together with Raspberry Pi CM4, and LoRa external antenna.
Working environment temperature| Running at full speed at ambient temperature of-25 ~ 50 C.
OS| Compatible with official Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu.

NOTE: Most of the interfaces are hidden in the case, only the power interface, RGB indicator light and network port are left on the case.
1.3 System DiagramEDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - System
Diagram 1.4 Functional Layout EDA TEC
ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Functional Layout

Item Function Description Item Function Description
A1 Mini PCIe A2 Power interface
A3 Indicator light A4 User-defined key
A5 RJ45 network port A6 USB 3.0
A7 USB 2.0 A8 3.5mm earphone port
A9 CSI A10 Micro HDMI
A11 Micro HDMI A12 Pi4 power interface(no need to use)

EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Functional Layout

Item Function Description Item Function Description
B1 Debug serial port B2 SD card slot

1.5 Packing List

  • 1x ED-GWL2010 host
  • [option] 1x LoRa antenna
  • [option] 1x 2.4GHz/5GHz WiFi/BT antenna

1.6 Order CodeEDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Order
Code Example
Part#: ED-GWL2110-1232-4C-CN
Configration: GWL2110 LoRa Gateway
1 pcs Raspberry Pi certified WiFi/Bluetooth Antenna
CM4102032 Compute Module with Wireless, 2GB DDR and 32GB eMMC Flash
4G Module with 1pcs 4G antenna
Metal Case
CN470 LoRa Module

Quick Start

2.1 Equipment List

  • 1x ED-GWL2010 host
  • 1x WiFi / BT external antenna
  • 1x LoRa external antenna
  • 1x net cable
  • 1x 12V@2A power supply

2.2 Hardware Connection

  1. Install the WiFi external antenna.
  2. Install LoRa external antenna.
  3. Insert the network cable into the Ethernet port, and the network cable is connected with network devices such as routers and switches that can access the Internet.
  4. Plug in the DC power input port (+12V DC) of ED-GWL2010 and supply power to the power adapter.

2.3 First Start
ED-GWL2010 has no power switch. Plug in the power cord and the system will start.
2.3.1 Raspberry Pi OS (Lite)
If you use the system image provided by us, after the system starts, you will automatically log in with the user name pi, and the default password is raspberry.EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Raspberry Pi
OSIf you use the official system image, and the image is not configured before burning, the configuration window will appear when you start it for the first time. You need to configure the keyboard layout, set the user name and the corresponding password in turn.

  • Set the configuration keyboard layoutEDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - keyboard layout
  • Create a new user nameEDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Create a new user name

Then set the password corresponding to the user according to the prompt, and enter the password again for confirmation. At this point, you can log in with the user name and password you just set.
2.3.2 Enable SSH
All the images we provide have turned on the SSH function. If you use the official image, you need to use a method to turn on the SSH function. raspi-config
sudo raspi-config

  1. Choose 3 Interface Options
  2. Choose I2 SSH
  3. Would you like the SSH server to be enabled? Select Yes
  4. Choose Finish Add Empty File to Enable SSH
Put an empty file named ssh in the boot partition, and the SSH function will be automatically enabled after the device is powered on.
2.3.3 Get The Device IP

  • If the display screen is connected, you can use the ifconfig command to find the current device IP.
  • If there is no display screen, you can view the assigned IP through the router.
  • If there is no display screen, you can download the nmap tool to scan the IP under the current network.

Nmap supports Linux, macOS, Windows and other platforms. If you want to use nmap to scan the network segments from to 255, you can use the following command:
nmap -sn
After waiting for a period of time, the result will be output:
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-12-30 21:19
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.0010s latency).
MAC Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (Phicomm (Shanghai))
Nmap scan report for DESKTOP-FGEOUUK.lan (
Host is up (0.0029s latency).
MAC Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (Dell)
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up.
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (3 hosts up) scanned in 11.36 seconds

Wiring Guide

3.1 Internal I/O
3.1.1 micro-SD Card
ED-GWL2010 is internally integrated with Raspberry Pi 4B, which has a micro SD card slot. Please insert the micro SD card of the burned system into the micro SD card slot.
3.1.2 Antenna
ED-GWL2010 has two external antennas, namely WIFI/BT antenna and LoRa antenna, which are not universal, so they cannot be mixed. EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor
Light Gateway - AntennaAccording to the icon next to the antenna, install WIFI/BT antenna on the left and LoRa antenna on the right. A paper logo is also attached to the antenna.

Software Operation Guide

4.1 Button
ED-GWL2010 has a user-defined button, which is connected to the GPIO23 of CPU. By default, it is at high level, and when the key is pressed, the pin is at low level.
We use the raspi-gpio command to test, and query the GPIO23 pin when the key is not pressed.
raspi-gpio get 23
GPIO 23: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT
level of 1 indicates that the GPIO23 pin is high.
When the key is pressed, query the GPIO23 pin.
raspi-gpio get 23
GPIO 23: level=0 fsel=0 func=INPUT
level of 0 indicates that the GPIO23 pin is low.
4.2 LED Indication
ED-GWL2010 has an RGB tricolor LED indicator. Corresponding to the GPIO pin of CPU is as follows:

Blue GPIO16
Green GPIO20
Red GPIO21

When the GPIO output is low, the corresponding LED is valid.
We use the raspi-gpio command to operate, and the configuration parameter is op, which means output setting, dl setting pin is low level, and dh setting pin is high level.
The LED is displayed in blue.
sudo raspi-gpio set 16 op dl
sudo raspi-gpio set 20 op dh
sudo raspi-gpio set 21 op dh
The LED is displayed in green.
sudo raspi-gpio set 16 op dh
sudo raspi-gpio set 20 op dl
sudo raspi-gpio set 21 op dh
The LED is displayed in red.
sudo raspi-gpio set 16 op dh
sudo raspi-gpio set 20 op dh
sudo raspi-gpio set 21 op dl
The LED is displayed in yellow.
sudo raspi-gpio set 16 op dh
sudo raspi-gpio set 20 op dl
sudo raspi-gpio set 21 op dl
4.3 Ethernet Configuration
ED-GWL2010 has an adaptive 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet interface.
The official system of Raspberry Pi uses dhcpcd as the network management tool by default.
Static IP can be set by modifying/etc/dhcpcd.conf. For example, eth0 can be set, and users can set wlan0 and other network interfaces according to their different needs.
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers= fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::1
4.4 WiFi
ED-GWL2010 support 2.4/5.8 GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n WiFi。
The official system of Raspberry Pi uses dhcpcd as the network management tool by default.
sudo raspi-config

  1. Choose 1 System Options。
  2. Choose S1 Wireless LAN。
  3. Select your country in the Select the country in which the pi is to be used window, and then select OK. This prompt only appears when setting up WIFI for the first time.
  4. Please enter SSID,input WIFI SSID name。
  5. Please enter passphrase. Leave it empty if none,input password and then restart the device。

4.5 Bluetooth
ED-GWL2010 supports Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth Low Power Consumption (BLE), and the Bluetooth function is turned on by default.
Bluetoothctl can be used to scan, pair and connect Bluetooth devices. Please refer to the ArchLinuxWiki- Bluetooth guide to configure and use Bluetooth.
4.5.1 Basic Usage
bluetoothctl scan on/off
Find device:
bluetoothctl discoverable on/off
Truct device:
bluetoothctl trust [MAC] Connect:
bluetoothctl connect [MAC] Disconnect:
bluetoothctl disconnect [MAC] 4.5.2 Example
Into bluetootch shell
sudo bluetoothctl
Enable Bluetooth
power on
Scan Device
scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:85:04:8B Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 4A:39:CF:30:B3:11 4A-39-CF-30-B3-11
Find the name of the turned-on Bluetooth device, where the name of the turned- on Bluetooth device is test.
Device 6A:7F:60:69:8B:79 6A-7F-60-69-8B-79
Device 67:64:5A:A3:2C:A2 67-64-5A-A3-2C-A2
Device 56:6A:59:B0:1C:D1 Lefun
Device 34:12:F9:91:FF:68 test
Pair device
pair 34:12:F9:91:FF:68
Attempting to pair with 34:12:F9:91:FF:68
[CHG] Device 34:12:F9:91:FF:68 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 34:12:F9:91:FF:68 Paired: yes Pairing successful
Add as trusted device
trust 34:12:F9:91:FF:68
[CHG] Device 34:12:F9:91:FF:68 Trusted: yes
Changing 34:12:F9:91:FF:68 trust succeeded
4.6 LoRaWAN
ED-GWL2010 supports LoRaWAN open source service platform ChirpStack. Please refer to the following steps for installation and configuration.
4.6.1 Install LoRa Service and ChirpStack Client
We install it by APT.

[all] dtparam=i2c_arm=on
Modify /etc/modules,add i2c-dev at the end
ED-GWL2010 use i2c-1 and spidev0.0。
4.6.2 Configuring LoRa Service Pktfwd Config

update region

$ cat /etc/ed_gwl/region
EU868 # EU868 / US915
pktfwd use 1700 as UDP port
$ sudo systemctl restart ed-pktfwd.service chirpstack-gateway-bridge Configuration
You can use nano to edit the configuration file chirpstack-gateway- bridge.toml.
$ sudo nano /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml

This configuration provides a Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend and

integrates with a MQTT broker. Many options and defaults have been omitted

for simplicity.

See https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/ for a


configuration example and documentation.

Gateway backend configuration.

[backend] # Backend type.

Semtech UDP packet-forwarder backend.

[backend.semtech_udp] # ip:port to bind the UDP listener to

Example: to listen on port 1700 for all network interfaces.

This is the listener to which the packet-forwarder forwards its data

so make sure the ‘serv_port_up’ and ‘serv_port_down’ from your

packet-forwarder matches this port.

udp_bind = “″

Integration configuration.

[integration] # Payload marshaler.

This defines how the MQTT payloads are encoded. Valid options are:

* protobuf: Protobuf encoding

* json: JSON encoding (easier for debugging, but less compact than


MQTT integration configuration.

[integration.mqtt] # Event topic template.
event_topic_template=”eu868/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}”

Command topic template.

command_topic_template=”eu868/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#”

MQTT authentication.

[integration.mqtt.auth] # Type defines the MQTT authentication type to use.

Set this to the name of one of the sections below.


Generic MQTT authentication.

[integration.mqtt.auth.generic] # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

Connect with the given username (optional)


Connect with the given password (optional)

• ‘event_topic_template / command_topic_template’ needs to modify the prefix with gateway zone.
event_topic_template=”eu868/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}”
If you use the US915 or CN470 module, please change the prefix eu868 to us915_0/cn470_10.
event_topic_template=”us915_0/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}”
• The server address of integration.mqtt needs to be your chirpstack server.
$ sudo systemctl restart chirpstack-gateway-bridge.service
After modify chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml config,need restart chirpstack- gateway-bridge service. Reboot
$ sudo reboot
4.6.3 Install ChirpStack Server
To configure a cloud server, docker needs to be installed on the server before configuration.
Install docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
Install docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose Config chirpstack-docker
We use docker container to deploy ChirpStack server.
$ git clone https://github.com/chirpstack/chirpstack-docker.git

Need to config chirpstack-docker and docker-compose.yml
$ cd chirpstack-docker
$ nano docker-compose.yml

Remove the chirpstack-gateway-bridge, because we run the bridge on gateway.

Delete the red font part.
$ nano docker-compose.yml
version: “3”
image: chirpstack/chirpstack:4
command: -c /etc/chirpstack
restart: unless-stopped
– ./configuration/chirpstack:/etc/chirpstack
– ./lorawan-devices:/opt/lorawan-devices
– postgres
– mosquitto
– redis
– MQTT_BROKER_HOST=mosquitto
– REDIS_HOST=redis
– 8080:8080

image: chirpstack/chirpstack-gateway-bridge:4
restart: unless-stopped
– 1700:1700/udp
– ./configuration/chirpstack-gateway-bridge:/etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge
– mosquitto

image: chirpstack/chirpstack-rest-api:4
restart: unless-stopped
command: –server chirpstack:8080 –bind –insecure
– 8090:8090
– chirpstack

image: postgres:14-alpine
restart: unless-stopped
– ./configuration/postgresql/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
– postgresqldata:/var/lib/postgresql/data

image: redis:7-alpine
restart: unless-stopped
– redisdata:/data

image: eclipse-mosquitto:2
restart: unless-stopped
– 1883:1883
– ./configuration/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf


Start chirpstack service
$ docker-compose up -d Logs Into chirpstack Service Management Interface.
Enter the server’s IP address and port number 8080 in the PC browser, and the login interface will appear when the network is normal.
The default administrator user name and password are as follows:
user: admin
psw : admin

4.6.4 Adding LoRa Gateway and Terminal Gets LoRa Gateway ID
Execute the following command to get the ID of LoRa gateway. When adding LoRa gateway to chirpstack server, you need to add the corresponding gateway ID.
$ /opt/ed-gwl-pktfwd/ed-gateway_id Add LoRa Gateway
Open chirpstack management interface in PC browser, click Gateway -> Add gateway, fill in the Gateway ID corresponding to the device, set the Name, and then click Submit. If the network connection is correct, wait a moment to see that the added gateway becomes Online.

EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - LoRa Gateway Add Device Profile
Click device profile-> add device profile to further improve the device information.

EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Add Device
Profile Add Application
Click Applications -> Add application

EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Add
Application Add Device
You should know the DevEUI and AppKey of LoRa terminal products, which are provided by LoRa terminal equipment manufacturers.
Click Application -> your application -> Add device to add LoRa terminal device

EDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Add DeviceEDA TEC ED GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway - Add Device

Wait a few minutes to see the device become online.

Operating System Installation

5.1 Image Download
We have provided the factory image. If the system is restored to factory settings, please click the following link to download the factory image.
Raspberry Pi OS Lite, 32-bit
– Release date: February 9th, 2023
– System: 32-bit
– Kernel version: 5.15
– Debian version: 11 (bullseye)
– Downloads: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Au060HUAtEYBgQDcbpWTp7mNb88L?e=cFOdiM

5.2 System Flash
5.2.1 Tool Preparation
It is recommended to use the official burning tool of Raspberry Pi:
Raspberry Pi Imager ( https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_latest.exe )
Formatting tool:
SD Card Formatter ( https://www.sdcardformatter.com/download/ )

5.2.2 Flash

  1. Download the image you want to burn.
  2. Connect the SD card to the computer through the card reader.
  3. Open SD Card Formatter, select SD card letter, and click Format below to format.
  4. After formatting, open Raspberry Pi Imager, select the image you want to burn in the first item, select the custom image for the local image, and select the memory card for the second item.
  5. Click Burn after setting, and wait for the burn to end.
  6. After burning, remove the SD card and insert the device to start.

5.3 Install BSP Online Based on The Original Raspberry Pi OS.
Refer to chapter 4.6 LoRaWAN for installation of lorawan.


6.1.1 Default Username and Password
User name:pi
Password: raspberry

About Us

7.1 About EDATEC
EDATEC, located in Shanghai, is one of Raspberry Pi’s global design partners. Our vision is to provide hardware solutions for Internet of Things, industrial control, automation, green energy and artificial intelligence based on Raspberry Pi technology platform.
We provide standard hardware solutions, customized design and manufacturing services to speed up the development and time to market of electronic products.

7.2 Contact Us
Mail – [email protected] / [email protected]
Phone – +86-18621560183
Website – https://www.edatec.cn
Address – Room 301, Building 24, No.1661 Jialuo Highway, Jiading District, Shanghai

Shanghai EDA Technology Co.,Ltd
Electronics Development Accelerator

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| EDA TEC ED-GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway [pdf] User Manual
ED-GWL2010, ED-GWL2010 Indoor Light Gateway, Indoor Light Gateway, Light Gateway, Gateway


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