PARKSIDE PERFORMANCE PHDP 180 C2 Nettoyeur Haute Pression Instruction Manual

July 18, 2024

Translation of the
original instructions

PHDP 180 C2 Nettoyeur Haute Pression


IAN 436138_2304 Before reading, unfold the page containing the illustrations and familiarise yourself with all functions of the device.PARKSIDE
PERFORMANCE PHDP 180 C2 Nettoyeur Haute Pression - Parts


Congratulations on purchasing your new pressure washer (hereafter referred to as device or power tool).
You have chosen a high-quality device.
This device was quality-tested and subjected to a final inspection during production, therefore ensuring proper functioning of your device.
In some cases, residual amounts of water may be present on or in the device or in hose lines. This is not a flaw or a defect and is no cause for concern. The instruction manual forms part of this device. It contains important information on safety, use and disposal. Read the instruction manual carefully. Familiarise yourself with the controls and how to use the device correctly. Use the device only as described and for the stated fields of application. Store the instruction manual carefully and ensure that all documents are handed over in the event that the device is passed on to another user.

Proper use
This device is only intended for the following use:

  • Cleaning machines, vehicles, buildings, tools, facades, terraces, garden equipment etc. with a high-pressure water jet.
    Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the object being cleaned.
    Any other use that is not expressly permitted in this instruction manual may pose a serious hazard to the user and result in damage to the device. The operator or user of the machine is responsible for any accidents or personal injury and/or material damage to third parties or their property. The machine is intended to be used by do-it-yourselfers. It was not designed for heavy commercial use. The warranty is void in the case of commercial use. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use or incorrect operation.

Scope of delivery/ accessories
Unpack the device and check that everything is present.
Dispose of the packaging material properly.

  • Pressure Washer
  • Trigger gun
  • Lance
  • High-pressure hose
  • Cleaning agent tank (pre-assembled)
  • 3-in-1 nozzle
  • Turbo dirt blaster
  • Surface cleaner
  • Cleaning agent URM 500 (500 ml)
  • Coupling (Water connection)
  • Quick connector, Filter insert
  • Filter insert
  • Nozzle cleaning needle
  • 2 × TRONIC Alkaline battery (1,5 V; AAA/LR03)
  • Instructions

Description of functions
The pressure washer cleans using a highpressure water jet.
If necessary, it can also be operated with
additional cleaning agents.
Please refer to the descriptions below for information on how the operating elements work.
The illustrations for the device can be found on the front fold-out page.

  1. Trigger gun
  2. U-handle
  3. Release (U-handle)
  4. Lance
  5. Hose reel with crank handle
  6. Nozzle cleaning needle
  7. Extension hose
  8. High-pressure hose
  9. Guide for high-pressure hose
  10. Power cord
  11. Holder (Power cord)
  12. Sealing cap with suction hose
  13. Cleaning agent tank
  14. Wheels
  15. LC display
  16. Battery compartment
  17. Switch lever
  18. Child safety lock
  19. Release (High-pressure hose)
  20. Pressure setting
  21. Quick connector
  22. Turbo dirt blaster
  23. 3-in-1 nozzle
  24. Surface cleaner
  25. Pressure regulator (Surface cleaner)
  26. Pivotable connection (Surface clean- er)
  27. Cleaning agent
  28. Water connection
  29. Coupling (Water connection)
  30. Filter insert
  31. Holder (Trigger gun)
  32. On/Off switch
  33. Holder for nozzles
  34. Quick connector with garden hose adaptor
  35. Alkaline battery (1,5 V; AAA/LR03)

Technical data
Pressure Washer ……PHDP 180 C2
Rated voltage U ………….. 230 V ∼; 50 Hz
Rated output P …………………………3000 W
Length Power cord …………………………..5 m
Protection class …………………………………….I
Protection type ………………………………. IPX5
Weight ……………………………………..21.6 kg
Length of high-pressure hose …………. 10 m
Operating pressure (p) …………….. 15 MPa
Max. permissible pressure (pmax) .18 MPa
Max. inlet pressure (pin;max) ………0.8 MPa
Max. inlet temperature (Tin;max) …….40 °C
Rated flow rate (Q) ……. 540 l/h (9 l/min)
Max. rated flow rate (Qmax) …………………………………600 l/h (10 l/min)
Max. suction height …………………….. 0.5 m
Sound pressure level (LpA) ……………………………79.8 dB(A); KpA=3 dB
Sound power level (LWA)
– Measured ….92.9 dB(A); KWA=2.41 dB
– Guaranteed …………………………98 dB(A)
Vibration (ah) ………………………≤2.50 m/s²

Information on the power supply
This device is only intended for operation in premises having a service current ca-pacity of at least 100 A per phase at the transfer point (house connection). The user must ensure that the device is only oper-ated on a suitable supply network. If ne-cessary, clarify with the responsible power supplier whether the operating current ca-pacity is sufficient for the device.
Levels of noise and vibration were determ-ined according to the standards and regu-lations in the declaration of conformity.
The specified total vibration value and the stated noise emission value have been measured according to a standardised test method and can be used to compare one power tool with another. The specified total vibration value and the stated spe-cified noise emission value can also be used for a provisional assessment of the load.
Warning-icon.png WARNING! The vibration and noise emissions may deviate from the specified values during actual use of the power tool, depending on how the power tool is be-ing used. Try to keep the exposure to vi-brations as low as possible. An example of a measure to reduce vibration exposure is limiting the working hours. All parts of the operating cycle have to be considered while doing so (for example, times when the power tool is switched off and times when it is switched on but running without any load).

Safety Warnings

ATTENTION! When using power tools, observe the follow- ing basic safety measures to pro-tect against electric shock, risk of injury and fire.
The device must not be used by children. Children should be su-pervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.
The device can be used by in- dividuals with reduced physic- al, sensory or mental abilities or a lack of experience and know-ledge if they are supervised or have been instructed in the safe use of the device and under-stand the resulting hazards.
Meaning of the safety information
DANGER! If you do not ob-serve this safety instruction, an accident will occur. The result of which is severe bodily injury or death.
WARNING! If you do not observe this safety instruction, an accident may occur. The res-ult of which is likely severe bod- ily injury or death.
CAUTION! If you do not ob-serve this safety instruction, an accident will occur. The result of which is likely minor or moder-ate bodily injury.
NOTICE! If you do not observe this safety instruction, an ac-cident will occur. The result of which is possible damage to property.

Pictograms and symbols Symbols on the device
Read the instruction manu- al carefully. Familiarise yourself with the controls and how to use the device correctly.
Caution! If the cable gets damaged during use, it must be disconnected from the supply network imme- diately. This also includes connecting to the water supply or trying to elimin-ate leaks.
The device is not suitable for connecting to a drink-ing water supply system.
Waste electrical and elec- tronic equipment (WEEE) must not be disposed of with domestic waste.
Guaranteed sound power level LWA in dB(A).
Operate the device vertic- ally only. Never use hori-zontally.
High-pressure jets can be dangerous if used incorrectly. The jet must not be direc-ted at persons, an- imals, active electric-al equipment or the device itself.

Safe initial start-up of the device General Information

  • Read the instruction manual carefully. Familiarise yourself with the controls and how to use the device correctly.

  • The device must not be used by children. Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device. The device can be operated by individuals with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or a lack of experi-ence and knowledge if they
    are supervised or have been instructed in the safe use of the device and understand the resulting hazards.

  • People who are not familiar with the instruction manual may not use the device.

  • Pressure washers may only be operated by instructed per- sons.

  • The machine must not be used at altitudes over 2000 m.

  • In the case of a malfunction or defect during operation, the device must be switched off immediately and the mains plug unplugged. For pos- sible causes of a malfunction:
    Troubleshooting, p. 40. Or, contact our service centre.

  • Note that the user is respons- ible for any accidents or risks to others and their property.

  • Observe noise protection rules and other local regula- tions.


  • Protect yourself against splashing water or dirt by wearing protective goggles and suitable protective cloth-ing.

  • Aerosols may be produced during the use of pressure washers. Inhalation of aero-sols may be harmful to health.
    Depending on the applica-tion, the use of fully shielded nozzles (e.g. surface clean- ers) can significantly reduce the emission of aqueous aero- sols. Depending on the envir-onment to be cleaned, wear a suitable respirator of class FFP 2 or comparable to pro-tect against the inhalation of aerosols if the use of a fully shielded nozzle is not pos-sible.

  • Do not work with a damaged or incomplete device or one which has been converted without the permission of the manufacturer. Before com- missioning, have a specialist check that the required elec- trical protective measures are in place.

  • The device may only be con- nected to a power outlet that has been installed by an ex-perienced electrician in ac-cordance with IEC 60364-1.

  • Prior to use, always check the power cord and extension cord for signs of damage or wear and tear. If the cable gets damaged during use, it must be disconnected from the supply network immedi-ately. DO NOT TOUCH THE CABLE BEFORE IT HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED FROM THE POWER SUPPLY. Do not use the device if the cable is dam- aged or worn.

  • If the power cord of this device is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, their customer service or by a similarly qualified person in order to avoid hazards. con-tact the service centre.

  • Connect the device only to a power outlet with a resid-ual current circuit breaker (FI switch) of rated residual cur- rent no more than 30 mA.

  • Use only extension cords that are designed for outdoor use.
    The connection must be dry and routed above the ground.
    We recommend using a cable drum that holds the power out- let at least 60 mm above the ground.

  • Extension cords must have a minimum wire cross section of 2 × 2.5 mm².

  • High-pressure hoses, fittings and couplings are important for device safety. Only use high-pressure hoses, fittings and couplings recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Do not start the device up if the power cord, water supply or other important parts such as the high-pressure hose or spray gun are damaged or leaky.

  • Only use the device standing and on a firm, level surface.

  • Never use the device if there are children or animals nearby. People nearby must wear protective clothing.


  • Pay attention, be aware of what you are doing and take the utmost care when working with the device. Do not use the device if you are tired or you are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.

  • High-pressure jets can be dan-gerous if used incorrectly. The jet must not be directed at per- sons, animals, active electrical equipment or the device itself.

  • Do not direct the jet at your-self or others to clean clothing or shoes.

  • If you come into contact with cleaning agents, rinse them with sufficient clean water.

  • Never use the power cord to pull the plug out of the outlet or to pull the device. Protect the power cord from heat, oil and sharp edges.

  • Explosion hazard – do not spray flammable liquids.

  • Do not use the device near flammable liquids or gases. There is a risk of fire or ex-plosion if this advice is not heeded.

  • Never transport the device while the drive is running.

  • Switch off the device and dis- connect the plug from the power outlet. Make sure that all moving parts have come to a complete stop
    • when leaving the device,
    • before changing the ac-cessories,
    • before removing obstruc-tions or loosening block-ages,
    • before checking the device, cleaning it or performing maintenance work on it.

  • If the device starts to vibrate abnormally, an immediate check is required, :
    • search for signs of damage,
    • replace damaged parts,
    • contact the service centre.

Cleaning, maintenance and storage

  • Allow the motor to cool down before storing the device for a longer period.

  • Replace worn or damaged parts in the interests of safety.
    Use only original spare parts and accessories. Using extern-ally produced parts results in the immediate loss of any war- ranty claim.

  • The device may only be opened by an authorised electrician. Always contact our service centre for repairs.

  • Switch the drive off, discon- nect the device from the power supply and allow the device to cool off if you want to clean, adjust, store the device or to exchange an ac-cessory part.

  • Handle the device with care and keep it clean.

  • Store the device out of reach of children.

Safety information for batteries
Under normal operating condi-tions, a hermetically sealed bat- tery does not present any haz-ards. A battery can present a hazard in the following cases:
Warning-icon.png DANGER! Danger to life due if swallowed! Keep children away from batteries.
Warning-icon.png CAUTION! Risk of explosion and burns! When handling bat-teries, observe the following:

  • Never open or damage bat- teries.

  • Never try to charge dispos- able batteries.

  • Never expose batteries to a source of heat, fire or direct sunlight.

  • Never short-circuit batteries.

  • Never mix used and new bat- teries in a device.

  • Pay attention to the correct polarity when inserting the batteries.

  • Take leaking batteries out of the battery compartment im-mediately.
    Warning-icon.png WARNING! Risk of chemic-al burns and poisoning from bat-tery acid! If toxic and caustic battery acid leaks:

  • After eye contact: Flush the eyes with a large amount of running water for 30 minutes. Call a doctor right away.

  • After skin contact: Take off soiled clothing and rinse the skin with a large amount of running water for at least 15 minutes. Call a doctor if ir-ritation, injury or pain persists.

  • After breathing it in: Get some fresh air if you notice your respiratory tract is irrit-ated. Call a doctor if irritation persists.

  • After swallowing: Do not force vomiting. If the affected person is conscious, make sure that they rinse their mouth and the surrounding areas of skin with water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a doctor right away. Call a doctor right away.


Warning-icon.png WARNING! Risk of injury due to un-intentional start-up. Do not insert the plug into the outlet until the device is fully pre- pared for use.
Operating elements and how they work
Familiarise yourself with the operating ele-ments before using the device for the first time.
Trigger gun (1)

  • Switch lever (17)

  • Pulling the switch lever: Activates the pressure jet

  • Releasing the switch lever: Deactiv-ates the pressure jet

  • Switch lever child safety lock (18) (seen from behind)
    ⭠ The switch lever is locked .
    ⭢ You can pull the switch lever .
    Warning-icon.png WARNING! Risk of injury due to pressure jet! Lock the switch lever every time you take a break.

  • Pressure setting (20)
    The trigger gun pipe can be turned through three levels.
    • ⭯ low pressure
    • ⭮ high pressure

  • LC display (15)
    The display shows the set pressure
    when the switch lever is pulled.
    high pressure for walls and foam
    medium pressure for vehicles low pressure for sensitive ob-jects

Bow-type handle (2)
With the bow-type handle pulled out, you can conveniently roll the device.

  • Pulling out the handle: Pull the bow-type handle up.
  • Pulling in the handle: Press the release (3) on the bow-type handle and pull the bow-type handle down.

Inserting the batteries
Insert the batteries in the battery compart-ment before using the device for the first time.
Tools required

  • Phillips screwdriver (not included)


  1. Remove the screw from the battery compartment cover (16).

  2. Remove the cover of the battery com- partment.

  3. Insert the batteries (35) in the battery compartment. Pay attention to the cor- rect polarity when inserting the batter- ies in the battery compartment.

  4. Press the switch lever (17) on the trig- ger gun (1).
    The LC display shows the selected pres- sure. If the LC display is not display-ing anything, check the direction of the batteries.

  5. Insert the cover of the battery compart- ment.

  6. Fasten the cover of the battery com-partment using the screw.

Setting up the device

  1. Place the device horizontally on a level surface.
  2. Make sure that the high-pressure hose (8) passes through the guide for the high-pressure hose (9).
  3. Insert the high-pressure hose (8) into the high-pressure connection on the trigger gun (1).

Establishing a water supply
You have two options to supply the device with water:

  • Household water connection
  • Suctioning standing, clean water, e.g. rain barrel

Household water connection Requirements

  • Supply hose: Garden hose with fit- ted quick connector with garden hose adaptor (34); ⌀ 13 mm (½”); length between 5 m and 30 m

  • Minimum pump capacity: 540 l/h (9 l/min)

  • System separator
    A system separator (check valve) prevents the backflow of water and cleaning agent into the drinking water pipeline.

  • According to current regulations, a pressure washer must never be con-nected to the drinking water network without a system separator. A suit-able system separator must be used in accordance with EN 12729 Type BA.

  • Water that has flowed through a system separator is classified as non- potable.

  • System separators are available from specialist dealers.


  1. Insert the filter insert (30) in the water connection (28).

  2. Fit the coupling (29) on the water con-nection (28).

  3. Attach the quick connector with garden hose adaptor (34) to the sup-ply hose.
    • Remove the grooved clamping nut.
    • Push the clamping nut over the end of the hose.
    • Insert the end of the hose into the thread of the quick connector with garden hose adaptor.
    • Fix the quick connector with garden hose adaptor with the clamping nut.
    • Check whether the quick connector with garden hose adaptor is fitted securely to the hose.

  4. Connect the supply hose to the water supply.

  5. Bleed the supply hose: Open the water supply until the water flows bubble-free out of the other end of the supply hose. Close the water supply.

  6. Connect the quick connector with garden hose adaptor (34) on the sup-ply hose to the coupling (29).

Suctioning water Requirements

  • NOTICE! Contamination from back- washed cleaning agent! Do not draw in any water from natural accumula-tions.
  • Suction hose with filter basket (not in- cluded, Spare parts and accessories, p. 44)
  • standing, clean water, e.g. rain barrel
  • Max. suction height: 0.5 m

Warning-icon.png WARNING! Electric shock! The device itself must not be submerged in the water collector.
NOTICE! Damage due to dry running! En-sure there is a sufficient and reliable water supply.

  1. Connect the suction hose with filter basket to the coupling (29) on the wa-ter connection (28) of the device.

  2. Insert the end with the filter basket into the water collector.

  3. Remove the lance (4) from the trigger gun (1).

  4. Press and hold the switch lever (17).

  5. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “I” (ON).
    The device begins to suction water and air can escape.

  6. Once the device is free of air, you can release the switch lever.

  7. Fit an attachment.

Select the attachment
3-in-1 nozzle (23)
You can choose from 3 nozzles by rotat-ing the tip. A symbol on the lance exten-sion shows the nozzle which is selected.

| Spot jet
| Flat spray (30°)
| Foam nozzle for cleaning agent

Turbo dirt blaster (22)
The rotating water jet is suitable for working with low water consump-tion.
Surface cleaner (24)

  • Only use the surface cleaner on solid surfaces.
  • Never raise the surface cleaner while the pressure jet is active. Properties
  • Splash-free high-pressure cleaning of floor and wall surfaces
  • High degree of cleaning through rotat- ing nozzles
  • Pressure regulator Control elements
  • Pressure regulator (25)
    ⭮ Higher pressure, spray arms rotate faster
    ⭯ Lower pressure, spray arms rotate slower

Fitting and removing attachments
Fitting the nozzle

  1. Fit the lance (4) on the trigger gun (1) (Bayonet locking device: plug and turn).
  2. Pull and hold the quick connector ring (21) on the lance (4).
  3. Fit the attachment on the lance (4).
  4. Release the quick connector ring (21).
    The attachment clicks into place.

Removing the nozzle

  1. Pull and hold the quick connector ring (21) on the lance (4).
  2. Pull the attachment off the lance (4).
  3. Release the quick connector ring (21).
  4. Remove the lance (4) from the trigger gun (1) (Bayonet locking device: push,turn and pull).

Mounting the surface cleaner (24)

  1. Remove the lance (4) from the trigger gun (1) (Bayonet locking device: push, turn and pull).
  2. Optional: Fit the extension tube (7) on the pivotable connection (26) of the surface cleaner (Bayonet locking device: plug and turn).
  3. Fit the extension tube (the pivotable connection of the surface cleaner) on the trigger gun (1).
  4. Secure the pivotable connection and the extension tube with the coupling nuts. The Bayonet locking devices must not be able to be opened.

Removing the surface cleaner (24)

  1. Loosen the coupling nuts on the pivot- able connection (26) and the exten- sion tube (7).
  2. Remove the extension tube (the con- nection of the surface cleaner) from the trigger gun (1) (Bayonet locking device: push, turn and pull).
  3. Remove the extension tube from the pivotable connection (26) (Bayonet locking device: push, turn and pull).


Cleaning using cleaning agent
Requirements for the cleaning agent

  • This device has been designed to be used with a neutral cleaning agent based on biodegradable anionic sur-factants.
  • Use of other cleaning agents or chem-icals can negatively impact the safety of the device and can cause dam-age. Such damage to the device is not covered by the warranty.
  • You can buy cleaning agents from our online shop, Spare parts and accessor- ies, p. 44.


  • The cleaning agent tank is filled with cleaning agent.
  • The rotatable pressure setting (20) on the trigger gun (1) is at the position high pressure for walls and foam, the LC display (15) shows .

Filling and emptying the cleaning agent tank

  1. Remove the sealing cap with suction hose (12) from the cleaning agent tank (13).

  2. Pull the cleaning agent tank up and then away from the device.
    The cleaning agent tank is removed and can be filled or emptied.

  3. Insert the cleaning agent tank in re-verse order.

  4. Seal the cleaning agent tank with the sealing cap.

  5. Push the suction hose into the cleaning agent tank until it reaches the bottom.

Switching on
Warning-icon.png WARNING! A leaky water system can result in electric shock! Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “0” (OFF). Pull out the plug. Try connecting the water again (see Establishing a water supply, p. 35).
Warning-icon.png WARNING! The device may only be used in an upright position! There is a risk of an electric shock if the device falls over.
Move the On/Off switch (32) to the po-sition “0” (OFF). Pull out the plug. Only now may you bring the device into the up-right position. For your own safety, wait about five minutes until you restore the electrical connection.
Warning-icon.png WARNING! Unsuitable extension cables can be dangerous! Use only ex-tension cables that are designed for out- door use. The connection must be dry and routed above the ground. We recommend using a cable drum that holds the socket at least 60 mm above the ground.

  1. Ensure that the On/Off switch (32) isin the “0” (OFF) position.

  2. Put the device in an upright position.

  3. Insert the mains plug into an earthed socket with residual current circuitry.
    The right part of the holder for the mains connection cable (11) as seen from behind is rotatable. This allows you to easily remove the mains connec-tion cable (10).

  4. NOTICE! Dry running will damage the device. Do not operate the pressure washer with the tap turned off.
    Turn the tap on fully.

  5. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “I” (ON).
    The motor switches on briefly until the necessary pressure has built up. The motor then stops.

  6. Warning-icon.png WARNING! Be aware of the recoil force when the water jet com-mences. There is a risk of injuring your-self or other people. Ensure that your footing is secure. Keep a good hold on the trigger gun (1).
    Press the switch lever (17) on the trig-ger gun (1).
    The nozzle starts working at pressure and the motor starts. If you release the switch lever (17), the motor stops. The high pressure is maintained in the sys-tem.

Interrupting the operation
You can insert the trigger gun (1) with lance and nozzle into the holder (31) for the trigger gun.

  1. Release the switch lever (17) on the trigger gun (1).

  2. If you put down the trigger gun: Lock the switch lever using the child safety lock (18) (seen from behind).
    ⭠ The switch lever is locked .
    ⭢ You can pull the switch lever .
    Warning-icon.png WARNING! Risk of injury due to pressure jet! Lock the switch lever every time you take a break.

  3. When taking longer breaks: Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “0” (OFF).

Bleeding the supply hose

  1. Close the tap.
  2. Remove the supply hose from the device.
  3. For more, see Establishing a water sup-ply, p. 35

Bleeding the device

  1. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “I” (ON).
  2. Wait until pressure has built up and the motor stops.
  3. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “0” (OFF).
  4. Press the switch lever (17) on the trig- ger gun (1) until the pressure has been released.
  5. Repeat these steps several times until there is no more air in the device.

Ending the operation

  1. After working with cleaning agents:
    • Empty the cleaning agent tank (13).
    • Rinse the device with clear water until the lines are free of cleaning agent.

  2. Release the switch lever (17).

  3. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “0” (OFF).

  4. Close the tap.

  5. Press the switch lever (17) on the trig- ger gun (1) until the pressure has been released.

  6. Pull out the plug. Wind the mains con- nection cable (10) on the holder (11).

  7. Disconnect the device from the water supply.

Cleaning, maintenance and storage

Warning-icon.png WARNING! Electric shock! Risk of in-jury due to unintentional start-up. Protect yourself when performing maintenance or cleaning work. Switch off the device and disconnect the mains plug from the socket.
You should have any repair and mainten-ance work that is not described in these instructions carried out by our Service Centre. Only use original replacement parts.
NOTICE! Risk of damage! Improper cleaning can damage the device. Never spray down the device with water. Do not clean the device under running water. Do not use any abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.
Always keep the device clean.
Cleaning after operation

  1. Move the On/Off switch (32) to the position “0” (OFF).
  2. Pull out the plug.
  3. Keep the ventilation slits clean and free of objects.
  4. Clean the device with a soft brush or a slightly damp cloth.

Cleaning the standard vario-nozzle
In rare cases, the standard vario-nozzle may become clogged by foreign bodies.

  1. Remove the standard vario-nozzle ().
  2. Remove the foreign body from the front using the nozzle cleaning needle (6).
  3. Rinse the standard vario-nozzle with water from the front to remove the for-eign body.

Cleaning the filter insert in the wa-ter connection

  1. Remove the coupling (29) from the wa- ter connection (28).
  2. Remove the filter insert (30) from the water connection.
  3. Clean the filter insert under running water.
  4. Fit the filter insert (30) and coupling (29) in reverse order.

Replacing the batteries
Replace the batteries if the LC display (15) is not displaying anything.
Power tools required

  • Phillips screwdriver (not included)

Replacing the batteries

  1. Remove the screw from the battery compartment cover (16).

  2. Remove the cover of the battery com- partment.

  3. Replace the batteries (35) in the bat- tery compartment with new batteries.
    Pay attention to the correct polarity when inserting the batteries in the bat- tery compartment.

  4. Press the switch lever (17) on the trig- ger gun (1).
    The LC display shows the selected pres-sure. If the LC display is not displaying anything, check whether the batteries are inserted correctly.

  5. Insert the cover of the battery compart-ment.

  6. Fasten the cover of the battery com-partment using the screw.

The device is maintenance free.
Always store the device and accessories:

  • clean
  • dry
  • protected against dust
  • protected against frost
  • out of the reach of children

Preparing the device for storage
NOTICE! The pressure washer and ac-cessories will be destroyed by frost if they are not completely emptied of water.

  1. Completely empty the water from the device.
    • Disconnect the device from the wa-ter supply.
    • Turn on the pressure washer with the On/Off switch (32) for a maximum of 1 minute.
    • Press the switch lever (17) on the trigger gun (1) until there is no more water coming out of the trigger gun
    (1) or the attachments.
    • Turn off the device.

  2. Completely empty the water from the accessories.

  3. Store all attachments upright in the holders with the connection facing downwards.

  4. Roll the high-pressure hose around the hose reel (5).

  5. Store the mains connection cable in the holder (11) provided.


The following table will assist you in fixing faults:

Problem Possible cause Error correction
Device does not work On/Off switch (32) turned off Check the position of the

On/Off switch
No mains power supply| Check the socket, mains con-nection cable, plug and fuse and have them repaired by a qualified electrician if neces-sary.
Incorrect voltage supply| Check whether the electrical system matches the informa-tion on the type plate
Device does not convey wa-ter| Air locks in the pressure washer| Turn the device on and press the switch lever (17).
Bleeding, p. 38
No pressure in device| Air locks in the pressure washer| Bleeding, p. 38
Pressure loss in line| Check the water supply
Water system leaky| Connections not correctly in-stalled| Turn off the device and dis-connect it from the mains. Re-connect the device to the wa-ter supply (see Establishing a water supply, p. 35)
Water connection (28) leaky| Turn off the device and dis-connect it from the mains. Change the quick connect-or for the garden hose () including sealing ring (see Spare parts and accessor-ies, p. 44)
Strong pressure fluctuations| 3-in-1 nozzle (23) is dirty| Rinse the 3-in-1 nozzle (23) with water. If required, clean the nozzle bore hole with a needle (see Cleaning, p. 39).
3-in-1 nozzle (23) clogged| Remove the 3-in-1 nozzle (23) and ensure that the wa-ter can discharge from the trigger gun (1) unimpeded.

Disposal/environmental protection

The device, accessories and packaging should be properly recycled.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) must not be disposed of with domestic waste.
The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin means that this product must not be dis-posed of as unsorted municipal waste at the end of its useful life.
Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equip-ment:
Consumers are legally obliged to recycle electrical and electronic equipment in an environmentally sound manner at the end of its life. In this way, environmentally friendly and resource-saving recycling is ensured.
Depending on the implementation in na-tional law, you may have the following op- tions:

  • Return to a shop,
  • Hand over to an official collection point,
  • Return to the manufacturer/distributor.

This does not affect accessories enclosed with the old devices or tools without any electrical components.
Dispose of the batteries according to local regulations. Hand in the batteries at a used battery collec-tion point where they are recycled in an environmentally friendly man-ner. For more information, please contact your local waste manage-ment provider or the service centre.

Cleaning agent bottle disposal

  • Product residues must be disposed of in compliance with the Waste Direct-ive 2008/98/EC as well as nation-al and regional requirements. For this product, no disposal code in accord-ance with the European Waste Cata-logue (AVV) can be identified, as the use and therefore the code is determ-ined by the consumer. Within the EU, the disposal code must be determined in consultation with the disposal con-tractor.
  • Non-contaminated packaging can be recycled.
  • Packaging that cannot be cleaned must be disposed of in the same way as the material.


Dear Customer,
This product is provided with a 5 year guarantee from the date of purchase.
In case of defects, you have statutory rights against the seller of the product.
These statutory rights are not restricted by our guarantee presented below.
Terms of Guarantee
The guarantee period begins on the date of purchase. Please retain the original re-ceipt. This document is required as proof of purchase.
If a material or manufacturing defect oc-curs within five years of the date of pur- chase of this product, we will repair or replace – at our choice – the product for you free of charge. This guarantee re-quires the defective product and proof of purchase to be presented within the five-year period with a brief written description of what constitutes the defect and when it occurred.
If the defect is covered by our guaran-tee, you will receive either the repaired product or a new product. No new guar-antee period begins on repair or replace-ment of the product.
Guarantee Period and Statutory Claims for Defects
The guarantee period is not extended by the guarantee service. This also applies for replaced or repaired parts. Any dam-ages and defects already present at the time of purchase must be reported imme-diately after unpacking. Repairs arising after expiry of the guarantee period are chargeable.
Guarantee Cover
The product has been carefully produced in accordance with strict quality guidelines and conscientiously checked prior to deliv-ery.
The guarantee applies for all material and manufacturing defects. This guarantee does not extend to cover product parts that are subject to normal wear and may therefore be considered as wearing parts (e.g. High-pressure hose) or to cover dam-age to breakable parts (e.g. switch).
This guarantee shall be invalid if the product has been damaged, used incor- rectly or not maintained. Precise adher- ence to all of the instructions specified in the operating manual is required for prop-er use of the product. Intended uses and actions against which the operating manu-al advises or warns must be categorically avoided.
The product is designed only for private and not commercial use. The guarantee will be invalidated in case of misuse or im-proper handling, use of force, or interven-tions not undertaken by our authorised ser-vice branch.
Processing in Case of Guarantee
To ensure efficient handling of your query, please follow the directions below:

  • Please have the receipt and identific- ation number (IAN 436138_2304) ready as proof of purchase for all en-quiries.
  • Please find the item number on the rat- ing plate.
  • Should functional errors or other de- fects occur, please initially contact the service department specified below by telephone or by e-mail. You will then receive further information on the processing of your complaint.
  • After consultation with our customer service, a product recorded as defect-ive can be sent postage paid to the service address communicated to you, with the proof of purchase (receipt) and specification of what constitutes the defect and when it occurred. In or-der to avoid acceptance problems and additional costs, please be sure to use only the address communicated to you.
    Ensure that the consignment is not sent carriage forward or by bulky goods, express or other special freight. Please send the appliance inc. all accessories supplied at the time of purchase and ensure adequate, safe transport pack-aging.

Repair service
For repairs that are not covered by warranty , contact the service centre.
They will gladly create a cost estimate for you.

  • We can only work on devices which are sent in properly packed and with postage paid.
    Note: Please send your device cleaned and with an indication of the defect to the address named for the service centre.

  • The following are not accepted: devices sent in without prepaid post-age, sent as bulky goods, sent as an Express shipment, or devices sent as any other form of special freight.

  • We will dispose of defective devices you ship to us free of charge.

Service Centre
Service Great Britain
Tel.: 0800 404 7657
IAN 436138_2304

Please note that the address below is not a service address. Contact the service centre named above first.
Grizzly Tools GmbH & Co. KG
Stockstädter Str. 20
63762 Großostheim

Spare parts and accessories

You can get spare parts and accessories from If you have any problems with your order, contact us via our online shop. If you have any other questions, contact the Service Centre, p. 43

Pos. nr. Name Order No.
27 Cleaning agent URM 500 (500 ml) 30990010
6 Nozzle cleaning needle 91103736
28 Water connection 91106023
14 Wheels 91106025
13 Cleaning agent tank 91106026
11 Holder (Power cord) 91106027
24 Surface cleaner 91106028
2 U-handle 91106029
8 High-pressure hose, 10 m, black 91106030
1 Trigger gun 91106032
5 Hose reel with crank handle (without High-pressure hose) 91106035
7 Extension hose 91106036
29 , 30 Coupling (Water connection), Filter insert 91106182
4 Lance 91106183
22 Turbo dirt blaster 91106184
23 3-in-1 nozzle 91106185

Translation of the original EC declaration of conformity

Product: Pressure Washer
Model: PHDP 180 C2
Serial number: 000001 – 013000
The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:
2006/42/EC • 2014/30/EU • 2000/14/EC & 2005/88/EC •
2011/65/EU & (EU) 2015/863
The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
To ensure conformity, the following harmonised standards and national standards and regulations have been applied:
EN 60335-1:2012/A15:2021 • EN 60335-2-79:2012 • EN 62233:2008
EN IEC 55014-1:2021 • EN IEC 55014-2:2021 • EN IEC 63000:2018
EN IEC 61000‑3‑2:2019/A1:2021 • EN 61000‑3‑11:2019
In accordance with the Directive 2000/14/EC relating to noise emission, the following is confirmed:
Sound power level (LWA)
– Measured: 92.9 dB(A)
– Guaranteed: 98 dB(A)
Followed conformity assessment procedure according to 2000/14/EC , Annex V.
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer:
Grizzly Tools GmbH & Co. KG
Stockstädter Str. 20
63762 Großostheim

Christian Frank
Authorised representative of documentation

Last Information Update ·
Tilstand af information: 08/2023
Ident.-No.: 75041717082023-8

Paper from
responsible sources
FSC® C142184


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