integriti STiD Mobile Credential Integration User Manual

August 31, 2024

STiD Mobile Credential Integration



  • Product Name: Integriti STid Mobile Credential Plugin v1.1

  • Manufacturer: Inner Range Pty Ltd

  • Location: 1 Millennium Court, Knoxfield, Victoria 3180,

  • Contact: Telephone: +61 3 9780 4300 | Email:

Product Information:

The Integriti STid Mobile Credential Plugin is designed to
integrate mobile credential capabilities into the Integriti system.
It offers core and advanced features for managing mobile
credentials efficiently.

Product Usage Instructions:

Core Mobile Credential Capabilities:

  • Generate New Credentials: Create and populate
    newly generated credentials for a user in the mobile credential
    system, into Integriti.

  • Cancel Invitations or Revoke Existing
    Revoke credentials from Integriti either
    through the user interface, by deleting the credential from
    Integriti, or by removing the credential from the Integriti

  • Resend Invitations: Send users email
    invitations to accept new credentials in the mobile credential

  • Automatically Generate and Revoke Credentials:
    Automatically generate or revoke credentials for a user as soon as
    a change is detected for that user in Integriti.

  • Display Connection Status: View whether
    Integriti is connected to the mobile credential system.

Advanced Mobile Credential Capabilities:

  • Entity Synchronisation: Any change to an
    Integriti user corresponding to a user in the mobile credential
    system will update that user and their credentials in the mobile
    credential system.


Q: Can I use the plugin with any mobile credential system?

A: The plugin is designed to work specifically with Integriti
and may not be compatible with other mobile credential systems.

Q: How do I know if the plugin is successfully integrated?

A: You can check the connection status within Integriti to see
if it is connected to the mobile credential system.


Integriti STid Mobile Credential Plugin v1.1
INNER RANGE recommends that all Inner Range systems be installed & maintained by FACTORY
CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS. For a list of Accredited Dealers in your area refer to the
Inner Range Website.
Inner Range Pty Ltd
ABN 26 007 103 933 1 Millennium Court, Knoxfield, Victoria 3180, Australia
PO Box 9292, Scoresby, Victoria 3179, Australia Telephone: +61 3 9780 4300 Facsimile: +61 3 9753 3499 Email: Web:

Integriti STid Mobile Credential Integration
Table of Contents
MOBILE CREDENTIAL CAPABILITIES …………………………………………………………………………………….3 CORE MOBILE CREDENTIAL CAPABILITIES……………………………………………………………………………………….3 ADVANCED MOBILE CREDENTIAL CAPABILITIES ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4
INTEGRITI STID MOBILE CREDENTIAL INTEGRATION COMPATIBILITY ……………………………………….5 IMPORTANT NOTES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 MINIMUM INSTALLED INTEGRITI VERSION……………………………………………………………………………………… 5 TESTED AGAINST…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
STID CONFIGURATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 ACTIVATE API, GENERATE CLIENT ID AND CLIENT SECRET …………………………………………………………………… 6 ADD CUSTOMER SITE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7 CREATE READER CONFIGURATIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………8
INTEGRITI CONFIGURATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………9 PORTS USED ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 CONNECTION CONFIGURATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Connection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Logging ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Invitations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 STID PRIVATE NUMBER GENERATION ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10


Mobile Credential Capabilities

Core Mobile Credential Capabilities


Feature Description


Generate new

Create and populate newly generated credentials, in the

credentials for a user mobile credential system, into Integriti


Cancel invitations for new credentials or revoke existing

Revoke credentials from Integriti

credentials in the mobile credential system through the user interface or by deleting the credential from Integriti or by


removing the credential from the Integriti user.

Resend Invitations from Integriti

Send users email invitations to accept new credentials in the mobile credential system.



generate credentials When configured Integriti automatically generates credentials

for a user from

for a user as soon as a change is detected for that user.



Automatically revoke When configured Integriti automatically revokes credentials,

credentials for a user or cancels invitations for new credentials, for a user as soon as 22

from Integriti

a change is detected for that user.

Display Connection Status to mobile

Display whether Integriti is currently connected to the mobile credential system.


credential system

Automatically generate and restore Alerts tied to a specific

Generate Alerts from credential or credential pool in Integriti whenever specific

Mobile Credential

events/alarms are received from the mobile credential




Trigger Integriti

Trigger actions to automatically occur in Integriti whenever

Actions on mobile

specific events/alarms are received from the mobile



credential system.


Entity Synchronisation

A change to an Integriti user, corresponding to a user in the

mobile credential system, will verify and update that user, and credentials belonging to that user, in the mobile credential






Advanced Mobile Credential Capabilities


Feature Description

Ver Y/N

Populate configured

Refreshing Child Devices will automatically populate all

credential pools, configured in the mobile credential system, into 22

credential pools Integriti when run.

The current status of configured mobile credentials will be visible Show Card Status directly through Integriti.


Show Credential Pool Status

The current status of the configured credential pools will be visible directly through Integriti, whether available or not available.


64-bit Integration The integration supports being run on the 64-bit integration Server Support server.


Categorised Review Records

Review generated by the integration will have a different category for different event types, allowing for easy filtering of specific Integration events.



Integriti STid Mobile Credential Integration Compatibility
Important Notes · To remove virtual cards from sites in STid customers must complete the virtual card revocation process. Once a virtual card has been revoked in Integriti the end user will have to refresh their STid Mobile ID application on their mobile device to remove the virtual card from their mobile device. Only then Integriti will be able to complete the virtual card removal process. · Virtual Card generation feature requires the persisted connection to be running.
Licensing Requirements The Integriti STid Mobile Credential Integration requires an Integriti/Infiniti Professional,
Business or Corporate Software Edition license to be present on the product key running the integration.
Additionally, the Integriti Mobile Credential Integration requires the 996964 Mobile Credential Management Integration license to operate. Minimum Installed Integriti Version
The Integriti STid Mobile Credential integration is only compatible with an installation of Integriti Pro or Infiniti that is v23 or higher. Tested Against
The Integriti STid Mobile Credential plugin was built and tested against the following versions of software:
· STid Mobile ID Cloud Service v2.5.0.101

STid Configuration
Activate API, Generate Client Id and Client Secret For Integriti to connect to STid using the STid Web Api it is necessary to activate the Api for the customer account. Once the current status of the Api is Active’ it is necessary to generate the Client Id and Client Secret. These are entered in Integriti to authenticate the connection to STid for customers to be able to use all the features offered by the integration. This section outlines the necessary configuration steps. 1\. Open theAPI Settings’ page from the Settings’ tab. 2. Select an End Customer from the drop-down list. 3. If theCurrent Status’ of the API is not active then press the Activate API’ button. 4. Click theGenerate’ button to generate a Client Id and Client Secret. 5. The Client Secret will be shown only once so it is recommended to copy it right after

Add Customer Site In order to be able to add new virtual cards in STid it is necessary to create at least one customer site in STid to add the virtual cards to. This section outlines the configuration steps to create sites in STid.
1. In the Sites’ page, underManage My Customer Sites’ tab, click Add’ to add a site to the list. 2\. Specify a customer site name and clickCreate’.

Create Reader Configurations The Integriti STid Integration requires that reader configurations are added to the relevant sites in STid to generate virtual cards in these sites. Reader configurations are created using the STid SECard software tool and imported to STid Mobile ID portal. This section outlines the necessary steps to add a reader configuration to an STid site.
1. Create a Reader Configuration using the STid SECard software tool. 2. Open the Reader Configurations’ page in STid Mobile ID portal under theManage My
Customer Sites’ tab. 3. From the Customer Site’ dropdown menu select the site to add the reader configuration to. 4. Click onPSE File Import’ button to open the reader configuration PSE file import dialog. 5. Select the Reader Configuration PSE file for the site and click the `Save As’ button to save
the configuration. 6. Repeat the above steps for all other existing STid sites.

Integriti Configuration
This section specifies the STid Mobile Credential Integration specific configuration details. Please refer to the `Integriti Integrations – Mobile Credential’ manual for a detailed description on how to fully configure and use Mobile Credential integrations in Integriti/Infiniti. Ports Used
The following ports are used for communication between the Integriti Stid integration and the STid server. These ports should be configured in the Integriti Integration Server and any Integriti Client Machine’s firewalls to allow the integration to be used.
· TCP Port 9092 · HTTPS Port 443 Connection Configuration
Connection Server Hostname ­ The STid Mobile ID web server hostname used to connect to the STid Mobile Credential Web Service with. Client Id ­ Enter the Client ID of the STid System account to connect to the STid Mobile Credential Service as. The Client ID can be obtained from the STid account portal. Please refer to the STid Configuration section above on how to obtain the Client ID. Client Secret ­ Enter the Client Secret used to authenticate the connection to the STid Mobile Credential Web Service. The Client Secret can be obtained from the STid account portal. Please refer to the STid Configuration section above on how to obtain the Client Secret. State Processing Interval (s) ­ Select how often (in seconds) Integriti should poll for and process changes to card state from the STid system. Logging Log Verbosity – Only logs of the specified level or higher will be logged. If Warning is selected, only Warning, Error and Fatal logs will be written to the log. Invitations Invitation Link ­ Enter the STid Invitation Link. This is only necessary if sending invitations through Integriti. The invitation code will be inserted in place of ‘UID’ in the specified invitation link.

STid Private Number Generation For Integriti to be able to generate a virtual card in STid it is necessary to configure the Private ID generation parameters. These parameters conform to the reader configuration specified in the STid SECard software tool. The Private ID is a unique number within the STid site. Integriti uses the options under the Integration Configuration’ andCredential Generation’ categories to specify the Private ID parameters. This section outlines the steps required to be able to configure the Private Id generation options.
1. Create and add STid reader configurations to STid sites as described in the Create Reader Configurations’ section above. 2\. Download the STid sites to Integriti by executing theRefresh Mobile Credential Pools’ feature from the mobile credential system.
3. Open a credential pool in Integriti, corresponding to an STid site and reader configuration, in the Mobile Credential Pools’ tab under Integrations’.
4. Specify the relevant Private ID options for the specific reader configuration that the pool corresponds to and save.
Send Decimal Private ID ­ Specify the format Integriti will use when sending the generated Private ID to STid. If true the Private ID will be send as a decimal number. If false Private ID will be send as a Hexadecimal number. The format must conform to the reader configuration specified in the SECard software tool. Card Start Point ­ Specify the minimum number Integriti will use when generating the PrivateSTidId. This number must conform to the reader configuration specified in the SECard software tool. Card End Point ­ Specify the maximum number Integriti will use when generating the PrivateSTidId. This number must conform to the reader configuration specified in the SECard software tool. Randomise Card Numbers ­ Specify if Integriti should create a random number for Private ID. If true a random Private ID number between the `Card Start Point’, and ‘Card End Point’ will be generated. If false the Private ID number will be generated sequentially.

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