FUTEK LCA Series Column Load Cell Instruction Manual

August 29, 2024

LCA Series Column Load Cell



  • Maximum Excitation Power: 18V
  • Bridge Sensor: XXX

Product Usage Instructions

Mechanical Installation

The following steps should be followed to avoid damage to the
LCA sensor during installation and usage:

  1. Do not pull on or carry the sensor by the cable.

  2. Monitor sensor output for effects on zero output during
    installation to prevent damage.

  3. Install in a dry, clean environment unless the IP rating allows
    for other environments.

Mounting and Installation

Proper mounting and installation instructions:

  • Refer to the sensor spec sheet for thread information and load
    cell orientation.

  • Ensure the sensor is supported on a flat surface.

Cable Care and Routing

Guidelines for cable care and routing:

  1. Avoid stress and movement on the cable to prevent damage.
  2. Properly secure the sensor cable to limit cable movement

Electrical Installation

Electrical installation details:

  • Maximum excitation power is 18V.
  • Bridge Sensor: XXX

Shield Usage and Connections

Instructions for shield usage and connections:

A shunt is an external resistance applied across two points on
the load cell’s Wheatstone bridge to generate a known, fixed output
from the sensor.

Shunt results can be used to set up instruments and compare
changes to the load cell output over time.


What is the maximum excitation power for the load cell?

The maximum excitation power for the load cell is 18V.

How should I handle the sensor cable to avoid damage?

Avoid stress and movement on the cable, and properly secure it
to limit cable movement influence.

What is the purpose of using a shunt with the load cell?

A shunt is used to generate a known, fixed output from the
sensor, which can be helpful in instrument setup and monitoring
changes in load cell output over time.


LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual
LCA Series
Column/Canister Load Cell Family Manual
Sensor Solutions Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


Table of Contents

Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Mechanical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Mounting and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Cable Care and Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Electrical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Shield Usage and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Further Support Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


Key Features
· Small size · High Capacities · Robust · Fast Response Times · Low Deflection

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual

Mechanical Installation
The following items should be observed to avoid damage to the LCA sensor during installation and usage .
· Avoid conditions that exceed the sensors IP rating .
· Store in a dry area without fixtures.
· Extraneous load information can be used to assist in determining if the sensor can withstand any unavoidable off-axis loads and moments . Extraneous load information can be found at: https://www .futek .com/ technical-support- extraneous-load-factor
· An extraneous how-to guide can be found at: https://www .futek .com/guide- tocalculating-extraneous-loads

1. Do not pull on or carry sensor by cable .
2. Monitor sensor output for effects on zero output during installation to avoid damage .
3. Install in a dry, clean environment, unless IP rating allows for other environments


Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual

Mounting and Installation
Below is information for proper mounting and installation . Refer to the sensor spec sheet for thread information and proper load cell orientation to maximize performance and limit cable interference .
Measurements are called out on the sensor spec sheet and have the following tolerances based on the number of decimal points present .

Sensor is supported on flat surface .



±0 .1″


±0 .01″


±0 .005″


±0 .001″

Active end Fixed end Non-loading surface, do not contact

5 + Output (compression)

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


Cable Care and Routing
· Below is information for proper cable care and handling . Cable material type and length can be found online in the sensor description page .
· For static bends, adhere to a minimum bend radius of 5 times the cable diameter . For dynamic bends, ensure a minimum bend radius of 10 times the cable diameter . These guidelines are essential to maintain cable integrity and prevent potential damage during operation .

1. Sensor has small cable diameter . Avoid stress and movement on cable to avoid damage .
2. Properly secure sensor cable to limit cable movement influence.






Excellent Excellent

Industrial, medical, aerospace

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) Good



Silicone Polypropylene Polyester Polyurethane

Average Good Good Average

Fair Good Good Good

Automation Automation General Automation

HANDLING Robust, slick


Soft, flexible, easy to use Not suitable for cold applications
Soft, flexible, easy to use
Soft, flexible, easy to use
Soft, flexible, easy to use
Soft, flexible, easy to use Not suitable for thermal chambers

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual

Electrical Installation
WIRING AND CONNECTIONS · The LCA load cell series utilizes a four-
conductor spiral Teflon cable with bare leads . · Wire connections are + Excitation, ­ Excitation, + Signal, and ­ Signal . The coloring code for the LCA series connections are Green, Black, White, and Red . · Consult the sensor’s online spec sheet for any further wiring information .

Bridge Sensor XXX

+ Excitation (Red)
+ Signal (Green)
­ Excitation (Black) ­ Signal (White)
Shield (Floating)








Sensor Receptacle View



A Red

+ Excitation + Excitation

B Black ­ Excitation ­ Excitation

C Green + Signal

+ Signal

D White ­ Signal

­ Signal

E Orange + Sense


F Blue

­ Sense

TEDS Return (Ground)

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual

Shield Usage and Connections
· Cable shielding should be grounded on one end, either the sensor side or instrument side to avoid ground loops .
· A shield connection listed as floating on a sensors spec sheet means the cable shield is not connected on the sensor side and may be connected on the instrument side to ground .


Jacket Shield Wires

Power Supply


· A yearly calibration is recommended . But verification and calibration period shall be defined based on application, conditions, endurance and usage .
· FUTEK offers NIST calibrations as well as A2LA accredited calibrations for total uncertainty .
· For more information on available calibrations visit FUTEK calibration web page at: https://www .futek .com/storecalibration
· For recalibration orders visit the FUTEK recalibration page at: https://www .futek . com/recalibrationterms
· An online summary of calibration results is available at: https://www .futek .com/ support/calibrationdata

A shunt is an external resistance applied across two points on the load cell’s Wheatstone bridge to generate a known, fixed output from the sensor .
Shunt results can be used to set up instruments as well as compare changes to the load cell output over time and usage .
When selecting the appropriate shunt resistance for your load cell, we recommend a resistance that generates an output of about 80% of the sensor’s rated output . It is important to have a shunt resistance that results in an output that is less than the full output of the load cell .
An online shunt calculator can be found at https://www .futek .com/online- calculators to find a resistance that will generate a certain shunt output level, or to estimate the output for a known shunt resistance .
Additionally, recommended shunt resistance levels may be available on the sensor spec sheet .
+ Excitation

TEDS Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) IEEE1451 .4 standard is available for FUTEK sensors and is utilized by select FUTEK instruments . Through the use of TEDS load cell calibration information can be stored with sensor, or sensor cable, for use with TEDS capable instruments . FUTEK utilizes the Bridge Sensor template 33 for the LCA family . The following FUTEK instruments are TEDS and LCA compatible:
IPM Series Panel Mount Display
IHH Series Handheld Instrument

Bridge Sensor XXX
Shunt Cal
Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

+ Signal
­ Excitation ­ Signal

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


When troubleshooting, we recommend that the sensor be removed from any fixtures. In order to confirm that that sensor is operating correctly, we suggest placing the sensor on a firm surface, and to apply a known load. We also recommend using a volt meter with a clean power supply to confirm the sensor is operating correctly.





High zero output

· Sensor is under preload
· Sensor has been overloaded from too much load, off axis load, or moment .
· Sensor has experienced high cyclical load fatigue .

· Fixtures or bolting stress for causes of pre-load .
· Loading and support placement for off axis loads .
· Avoid excessive moments during installation .

· Overload shift would not be repairable .
· If zero offset is stable it may be possible to use sensor by use of Tare or subtracting zero from sequential readings .

Non-responsive zero output

· Sensor or instrument is not powered .
· Sensor is not properly connected .
· Load is not displaced properly onto sensor .
· Sensor is not supported correctly and not allowing deflection to occur to measure load .
· Internal disconnect or short .

· Power and wiring to sensor and instrument .
· Sensor bridge resistance for possible opens or shorts .
· Perform continuity test on cable .
· Load is placed correctly on sensor loading surface .
· Sensor loading surface is not obstructed or supported and able to flex under load .
· Sensor support is not giving while sensor is loaded .

· Internal disconnections or shorts would not be available for repair .
· Sensor cable repair may be available if disconnect or short is not too close to sensor .

Non-responsive high output

· Sensor is disconnected from instrument .

· Power and wiring to sensor and instrument .

· An opening has occurred in sensor or · Sensor bridge resistance for possible

cable connection .

opens or shorts .

· Sensor has been overloaded and deformed causing permanent high stress on internal gauges .
· Fixture, applied load, or mounting is causing a high pre-load on sensor .

· Perform continuity check on cable .
· Sensor zero output to see if sensor returns to zero or has a high zero load output due to overloading .
· Remove load and loosen mounting bolts or fixtures to check if sensor is being preloaded .

· Overload shift would not be repairable .
· Internal disconnections or shorts would not be available for repair .
· Sensor cable repair may be available if disconnect or short is not too close to sensor .

Incorrect output for applied load

· Load is not applied correctly to sensor loading surface or is off axis .
· Fixtures are not secure or obstruct loading .
· Sensor loading surface is not able to deflect with applied load.
· Sensor support is not ridged and firm.

· Placement of load on sensor .
· Fixtures are not impeding ability to load .
· Support surface is not giving with applied load .
· Calibration verified outputs are being used .

· Incorrect sensor output is utilized .

· Recalibration is available for confirmation of sensor performance .

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


SYMPTOM Zero output drift
Creep in output while under load
Noisy or unstable output




· Unstable power supply, or noisy power supply, to sensor .
· Sensor exposed to temperature change .
· Sensor exposed to pre-load from fixture or mounting.
· Sensor exposed to liquid or humidity .

· Stability of power supply and noise levels .
· For temperature changes or unevenly distributed temperature changes .
· Possible loose fixtures and bolts

· Internal damage from liquid exposure is not repairable .
· Recalibration is available for confirmation of sensor performance .

· Load or fixtures are not stable. · Power supply is unstable or noisy . · Sensor is exposed to temperature
change . · Sensor support is not rigid and firm. · Sensor exposed to liquid or humidity . · Friction in assembly

· Stability of power supply and noise levels .
· Fixtures for stability .
· For temperature changes or unevenly distributed temperature changes .
· Confirm support surfaces are not giving while under load .

· Internal damage from liquid exposure is not repairable .
· Recalibration is available for confirmation of sensor performance .

· Power supply is noisy .

· Power supply stability .

· Load is not stable .

· Load is stable and fixtures are secure.

· Sensor or cable is placed close to high · Reroute cables away from high power

power equipment .

equipment .

· Sensor or instrument is exposed to ground loop with other equipment grounds .

· Confirm wiring and grounds are not connected to unintended equipment
ground .

· There are no active electronics in a load cell, such as capacitors or IC chips that may contribute to noise .

Sensor Solution Source
Load · Torque · Pressure · Multi-Axis · Calibration · Instruments · Software

LCA Column/Canister load cell Family Manual


Further Support Resources
· Tips on noise reduction can be found at: https:// media.futek.com/content/futek/files/pdf/Manuals_ and_Technical_Documents/how- to-reduceelectrical-noise-in-your-system .PDF
· Support information for FUTEK instruments can be found online at: https://www .futek .com/instrumentmanuals
· A one year recalibration is recommended . But verification and calibration period shall be defined based on application, conditions, endurance and usage . Calibration data may be available online at https://www .futek .com/support
· To send in your sensor or system for recalibration visit our FUTEK calibration web page at: https:// www .futek .com/recalibration
· FUTEK Technical Support may be reached at: https://www .futek .com/contact /technical-request
· To send in your sensor or system for evaluation and repair visit our FUTEK RMA web page at: https:// www .futek .com/rma
· FUTEK contact information can be found online at: https://www .futek .com/about/contact
· Warranty information, using Product ID, can be found online at https://www .futek .com/support

Drawing Number: EM1077 10 Thomas, Irvine, CA 92618 USA


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