FUTEK QSH02289 Ultra Low Power Miniaturized Integrable Sampling System User Guide

June 13, 2024

FUTEK QSH02289 Ultra Low Power Miniaturized Integrable Sampling System

Drawing Number EM1066 REV B 2023-06-02 Page 1 of 11
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QIA128 UART Communication Guide

General Description

The QIA128 is a single-channel ultra-low power digital controller with UART and SPI outputs.

PIN Configurations and Function Descriptions


Table 1.



| __


| __


| __

J1 #

1| RESET| Active low reset pin.| –
2| TMS| JTAG TMS (Test Mode Select). Input pin used for debugging and download.| –
3| TX| Transmit Asynchronous Data output.| 7
4| RX| Receive Asynchronous Data input.| 6
5| GND| Ground pins are connected to each other internally.| 1

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| -Excitation| __

Sensor excitation return (connected to Ground).

| __


7| -Signal| Sensor negative Input.| 5
8| +Excitation| Sensor excitation.| 3
9| +Signal| Sensor positive Input.| 4
10| VIN| Voltage input 3 − 5 VDC| 9
11| CS| __

Active low chip selection. Do not drive the DRDY  line low until the device has booted up completely. Also, ensure that the DRDY line is not driven low unless the CS and DRY **** is low.

| 14
12| SILK| The serial clock is generated by the master.| 13
13| MISO| Master-In-Slave-Out.| 12
14| MOST| Master-Out-Slave-In.| 11





| __





| __

An active low DRDY pin is used to keep all communication synchronized. It notifies the master device when new data from the sampling system is ready. This ensures that the master is always collecting the latest data.  When the DRDY pin goes low,  it indicates that the data is ready to be clocked out. This pin can be used to externally interrupt the master. The pin returns high when the system is in a conversion state and returns low once new data is ready.

* _Note:_** The pin does not return high once data is read—it will only return high once the system enters a conversion


| __




16| VDD| Digital rail (2.5V).| –
17| NTRST| JTAG NTRST/BM Reset/Boot Mode. Input pin used for debug and download only

and boot mode DRY

| –
18| TDO| JTAG TDO (Data Out). Input pin used for debugging and download.| –
19| TDI| JTAG TDI (Data In). Input pin used for debugging and download.| –
20| TCK| JTAG TCK (Clock Pin). Input pin used for debugging and download.| –

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
Drawing Number EM1066 REV B 2023-06-02 Page 3 of 11 This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.


Data 8-Bit
Operation Baud Rate: 320,000bps
Parity None
Stop bits 1-Bit
Flow Control: None

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
QIA128 UART Configuration

DRDY Pin Functionality
When the DRDY pin goes high, it means the device is in the process of A/D conversion. DRDY goes low as soon as the conversion is complete.
Note: Since UART is asynchronous, the DRDY is provided to make the communication synchronous if required.

DAD Period
The following table shows the period of the DRDY pin for all sampling rates.


Table 3.

T2MS T3 US Description
240 4 SPS
55 20 SPS
19 50 SPS
9 125 100 SPS
4.5 200 SPS
1.5 500 SPS
1.1 850 SPS
0.6 1300 SPS

Drawing Number EM1066 REV B 2023-06-02 Page 4 of 11
This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
“Stream” Mode
The Set System Stream State (S) [with a payload of 1] command may be sent to activate the stream mode. The device will stop streaming as soon as the Set System Stream State command [with payload of 0], or any other command is sent to QIA128.
Note : There may be no response from the QIA128 if an incorrect command is sent.

UART Packet Structure
The packet structure and length for every command may vary due to their type (GET and SET) and functionalities; refer to the Command Set Table for further information.

System Behavior

Start-up and Self-Calibration Mode
When the system powers ON, it starts reading the data from EEPROM and goes to the internal calibration mode.
Note: The first pulse could be used as an indicator of when the device is ready for communication.

Sampling Rate Change
When a sampling rate change is requested, it will take no more than 0.5 seconds (depending on the selected sampling rate) to see the change in the period.

Sampling Rates

Table 4.

Maximum Approximate data rate change timing (MS)| SR Code| Sampling Rate





| 0x00| 4 SPS
0x01| 20 SPS
0x02| 50 SPS
0x03| 100 SPS
0x04| 200 SPS
0x05| 500 SPS
0x06| 850 SPS
0x07| 1300 SPS

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This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
Command-Set List
Table 6.

Type| Name| Description| TX Packet Structure| RX Packet Structure| Bytes in


Get| GSAI| Get slave activity inquiry

(Used to test communication)

| __

00 05 00 01 0E

| __

00 05 00 01 0E

| N/A
** Get| GCCR| Get channel current reading| 00 06 00 05 00 20| See Payload Example| 4
Set| SSSS| Set system stream state OFF| 00 06 00 0C 00 3C| 00 05 00 0C 3A| N/A
Set_| SSSS| Set system stream state ON|

00 06 00 0C 01 41

| __

00 05 00 0C 3A … [Stream Bytes]

| N/A … [4]
* Get| GDSN| Get device serial number| 00 05 01 00 0D| See Payload Example| 4
Get| GDMN| Get device model number| 00 05 01 01 11| See Payload Example| 10
* Get| GDIN| Get device item number| 00 05 01 02 15| See Payload Example| 10
Get| GDHV| Get device hardware version| 00 05 01 03 19| See Payload Example| 1
* Get| GDFV| Get device firmware version| 00 05 01 04 1D| See Payload Example| 3
Get| GDFD| Get device firmware date| 00 05 01 05 21| See Payload Example| 3
* Get| GPSSN| Get profile sensor serial number| 00 06 03 00 00 15| See Payload Example| 4
Get| GPSPR| Get profile sampling rate| 00 06 03 1E 00 8D| See Payload Example| 1
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 4SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 00 92| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 20SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 01 98| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 50SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 02 9E| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 100SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 03 A4| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 200SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 04 AA| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 500SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 05 B0| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 850SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 06 B6| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 1300SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 07 BC| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 0 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 00 7B

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 1 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 01 81

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 2 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 02 87

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 3 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 03 8D

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 4 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 04 93

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __ Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital calibration value 5 (Direction 1)| __**

00 07 03 19 00 05 99

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
Type| Name| Description| TX Packet Structure| RX Packet Structure| Bytes in


Get| GSAI| Get slave activity inquiry

(Used to test communication)

| __

00 05 00 01 0E

| __

00 05 00 01 0E

| N/A
** Get| GCCR| Get channel current reading| 00 06 00 05 00 20| See Payload Example| 4
Set| SSSS| Set system stream state OFF| 00 06 00 0C 00 3C| 00 05 00 0C 3A| N/A
Set_| SSSS| Set system stream state ON|

00 06 00 0C 01 41

| __

00 05 00 0C 3A … [Stream Bytes]

| N/A … [4]
* Get| GDSN| Get device serial number| 00 05 01 00 0D| See Payload Example| 4
Get| GDMN| Get device model number| 00 05 01 01 11| See Payload Example| 10
* Get| GDIN| Get device item number| 00 05 01 02 15| See Payload Example| 10
Get| GDHV| Get device hardware version| 00 05 01 03 19| See Payload Example| 1
* Get| GDFV| Get device firmware version| 00 05 01 04 1D| See Payload Example| 3
Get| GDFD| Get device firmware date| 00 05 01 05 21| See Payload Example| 3
* Get| GPSSN| Get profile sensor serial number| 00 06 03 00 00 15| See Payload Example| 4
Get| GPSPR| Get profile sampling rate| 00 06 03 1E 00 8D| See Payload Example| 1
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 4SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 00 92| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 20SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 01 98| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 50SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 02 9E| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 100SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 03 A4| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 200SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 04 AA| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 500SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 05 B0| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 850SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 06 B6| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
Set| SPSPR| Set profile sampling rate 1300SPS| 00 07 04 1E 00 07 BC| 00 05 04 1E 8E| N/A
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 0 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 00 7B

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 1 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 01 81

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 2 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 02 87

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 3 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 03 8D

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __** Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital

calibration value 4 (Direction 1)

| __

00 07 03 19 00 04 93

| __

See Payload Example

| 4
* __ Get| GPADP| Get profile analog-to-digital calibration value 5 (Direction 1)| __**

00 07 03 19 00 05 99

| __

See Payload Example

| 4

Drawing Number EM1066 REV B 2023-06-02 Page 6 of 11
This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

QIA128 UART Communication Guide

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QIA128 UART Communication Guide
Payload Example
The following transaction is the response to the GDSN command (Get device serial number). This command has a payload of 4 bytes.

  • TX: 00 05 01 00 0D
  • RX: 00 09 01 00 00 01 E2 40 49
  • Hex to decimal: 0x0001E240 -> 123456

ADC Data Conversion
The following formula could be used to convert the raw ADC data:


Here are the variables:


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This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
ADC Data Conversion Examples (Direction 1, 2-point Calibration)

Calibration Data

  • Get profile analog-to-digital calibration value 0 (Direction 1) [GPADP]:
  • Hex to decimal: 0x81B320 -> 8,500,000
  • Get profile analog-to-digital calibration value 5 (Direction 1) [GPADP]:


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This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

QIA128 UART Communication Guide
Checksum Calculation
Use the following function to calculate the checksum.

  • (The last byte gives you the information from the first three bytes)
  • Let’s assume:
    • HSB = 0x0A
    • MSB = 0x0B
    • LSB = 0x0C

Then ChS byte will be calculated and sent back as:

  • ChS = (0x0A 1) + (0x0B 2) + (0x0C * 3) = 0x44
  • So in this case the received packet on your side will be:
  • <0x0A> <0x0B> <0x0C> <0x44>
  • If the ChS calculation exceeds a byte we only send the LSB byte, for example: 0x2FD which includes two bytes, it will then be ChS = 0xFD

Firmware Revision


Revision| 6.1.0
Release Date| 11/15/2022
Hardware Compatibility| REV001


| New Features

·         N/A


·         Added internal calibration commands


·         N/A

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QIA128 UART Communication Guide
Firmware Revision

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This drawing, INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION DEPICTED THEREON (COLLECTIVELY, “Drawing”), is FUTEK’s property. It is provided solely for the information and exclusive use of the original addressee. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY FUTEK, YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE OR SHARE this Drawing, in whole or part, with any OTHER firm or individual and without this legend appearing thereon.

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