technoteka TWS-10 OnGo Headphones Owner’s Manual
- August 27, 2024
- technoteka
Table of Contents
- TWS-10 OnGo Headphones
- Product Information
- Specifications:
- Product Usage Instructions:
- Flawless Sound
- Active Noise Suppression
- Touch Control
- Quick Charge
- Beautiful Colors
- Stable Connection
- Reset Button
- Q: How do I pair the earbuds with my device?
- Q: How do I control the active noise cancellation feature?
- Q: Can I adjust the volume using the touch controls?
TWS-10 OnGo Headphones
Product Information
- Model: CANYON OnGo TWS-10
- Color Options: Beige, Deep Purple, Rich Gray
- Bluetooth Version: 5.3
- Microphones: Four microphones
- Charging Time: 50 minutes for full charge
- Features: Active Noise Cancellation, Environmental Noise
Cancellation, Touch Control, Quick Charge, Earcaps in 3 sizes
Product Usage Instructions:
Flawless Sound
Thanks to Environmental noise cancellation function, these
Canyon earphones ensure the clarity of sound and speech, making
them an excellent choice for calls and meetings.
Active Noise Suppression
Four microphones are used to suppress surrounding noise and
enhance your speech. Hear sounds, not noises.
Touch Control
Use intuitive touch-sensitive surfaces to control playback,
answer calls, and toggle the transparency mode.
Quick Charge
With 80mA QC capabilities, your earbuds will recharge in no
time. It takes only 50 minutes till the full charge!
Beautiful Colors
Available in beige, deep purple, and rich gray. Bring some style
into this world!
Stable Connection
Bluetooth 5.3 guarantees stable connectivity and long range
while being energy-efficient. Also, the latest protocol provides
low latency and up to 10 meters of range.
Reset Button
Press it to clear all previous pairing history. In 5-7 seconds,
your headset is good as new.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: How do I pair the earbuds with my device?
A: To pair the earbuds, make sure they are charged, then follow
the device’s Bluetooth pairing instructions. The earbuds should
appear in the available devices list for pairing.
Q: How do I control the active noise cancellation feature?
A: The active noise cancellation feature is automatic during
calls. You can’t manually control it. It ensures you hear what you
want to hear without external disturbances.
Q: Can I adjust the volume using the touch controls?
A: Yes, you can adjust the volume using the touch controls on
the earbuds. Refer to the user manual for specific touch gestures
related to volume adjustment.
Informacije o proizvodu (EN)
CANYON slusalice OnGo TWS-10 ljubicaste
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tehnike, potrosacke elektronike i IT ureaja kod trgovinskih lanaca i internet
prodavnica u Srbiji. Nasa stranica vam omoguava da istrazite najnovije
informacije, detaljne karakteristike i konkurentne cene proizvoda. Posetite
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True Wireless Stereo Headset OnGo 10 ANC
Have you already tried true wireless earphones? There is a chance you won’t
look back with Canyon OnGo 10 earbuds. With the energy-efficient BT 5.3, they
offer long playtime and stable connection to your device even if you’re not
Perfect for music and calls thanks to four microphones: active noise canceling
ensures you hear what you want to hear. Besides, it is activated automatically
OnGo 10 earbuds are controlled by touch and have a voice assistant to inform
you about the status of your earphones.
The case supports Quick Charge technology. You can get a full charge for your
earphones in just 50 minutes.
Elegant and ergonomic, these TWS earphones do look great in any color: rich
gray, deep purple, or beige. We added earcaps in three sizes to make the fit
ideal for you.
Pick one today and bring joy to your ears!
Earbud quick
Stereo sound in
phone calls
Bluetooth 5.3
Earbud automatic
Active noise
Environmental noise
Four microphones
Earcaps in 3 sizes
Flawless Sound
OnGo 10 provides full-fledged stereo audio at all times. Enjoy music, listen
to podcasts and audiobooks, make calls all that with the perfect sound
Let’s Talk
Thanks to Environmental noise cancellation function, these Canyon earphones
ensure the clarity of sound and speech, making them an excellent choice for
calls and meetings.
Active Noise Suppression
Four microphones are used to suppress surrounding noise and enhance your
speech. Hear sounds, not noises.
Touch Control
Use intuitive touch-sensitive surfaces to control playback, answer calls, and
toggle the transparency mode.
Quick Charge
With 80mA QC capabilities, your earbuds will recharge in no time. It takes
only 50 minutes till the full charge!
Beautiful Colors
Available in beige, deep purple and rich gray. Bring some style into this
Stable Connection
BT 5.3 guarantees stable connectivity and long range while being
energyeffective. Also, the latest protocol provides low latency and up to 10
meters of range.
Reset Button
Press it to clear all previous pairing history. In 5-7 seconds, your headset
is good as new.
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Ovaj dokument je originalno proizveden i objavljen od strane proizvoaca,
brenda Canyon, i preuzet je sa njihove zvanicne stranice. S obzirom na ovu
cinjenicu, Tehnoteka istice da ne preuzima odgovornost za tacnost, celovitost
ili pouzdanost informacija, podataka, misljenja, saveta ili izjava sadrzanih u
ovom dokumentu. Napominjemo da Tehnoteka nema ovlasenje da izvrsi bilo kakve
izmene ili dopune na ovom dokumentu, stoga nismo odgovorni za eventualne
greske, propuste ili netacnosti koje se mogu nai unutar njega. Tehnoteka ne
odgovara za stetu nanesenu korisnicima pri upotrebi netacnih podataka. Ukoliko
imate dodatna pitanja o proizvodu, ljubazno vas molimo da kontaktirate
direktno proizvoaca kako biste dobili sve detaljne informacije.
Za najnovije informacije o ceni, dostupnim akcijama i tehnickim
karakteristikama proizvoda koji se pominje u ovom dokumentu, molimo posetite
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- Tehnoteka - Poređenje cena i karakteristika - Kupujte pametno
- Tehnoteka - Poređenje cena i karakteristika - Kupujte pametno
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