Bang and Olufsen Beosound 2 3rd Generation User Guide

August 16, 2024
Bang and Olufsen

Beosound 2 3rd Generation



  • Product Model: Beosound 2 3rd Generation
  • Manufacturer: Bang & Olufsen

Product Usage Instructions

1. Download the Bang & Olufsen App

To set up and control your Beosound 2 3rd Generation, download
the Bang & Olufsen App from

2. Set Up in the Bang & Olufsen App

Follow the instructions in the Bang & Olufsen App to set up
your speaker.

3. Using Apple Home App for AirPlay Users

If you are an AirPlay user, you can set up the speaker using the
Apple Home App. Follow the provided instructions.

4. Remote Control for Spotify

You can use your phone, tablet, or computer as a remote control
for Spotify. Visit to learn how to set it

5. System Software Update

To ensure your product has the latest features, automatic system
software updates are enabled by default. You can change this
setting in the UPDATE PRODUCT SOFTWARE menu using the BeoSetup

6. Log Information

Your product may collect performance and usage data to improve
services. You can manage this in the STATUS menu using the BeoSetup


Q: How can I control Spotify with my Beosound 2 3rd


A: Use your phone, tablet, or computer as a remote control for
Spotify. Visit for instructions.

Q: How do I update the system software of my Beosound 2 3rd


A: Automatic system software updates are enabled by default. You
can change this setting in the UPDATE PRODUCT SOFTWARE menu using
the BeoSetup App.


Beosound 2 3rd Generation
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5 (&/24(“VHJOEE

+44 20 39 36 14 84


For user guide, see: Se betjeningsvejledning på: Användarhandledning finns här: Die Bedienungsanleitung finden Sie unter: Voor de gebruikershandleiding, zie: Pour accéder au manuel de l’utilisateur, consultez le site: Si desea descargar la guía de usuario, visite: Per la guida utente, vedere: Para aceder ao manual do utilizador, visite: : : : : :
Bang & Olufsen App

7 (&/24(“VHJOEE

For AirPlay only users, the speaker can be set up using the Apple Home App.
Kun brugere af AirPlay: Højttaleren kan konfigureres ved brug af Apple Home App.
För AirPlay endast användare, kan högtalaren ställas in med hjälp av Apple Home App.
Nur für AirPlay Benutzer – der Lautsprecher kann mit der Apple Home App eingerichtet werden.
Alleen voor gebruikers van AirPlay: de luidspreker kan worden ingesteld met de Apple Home-app.
Pour les utilisateurs d’AirPlay uniquement, le haut-parleur peut être configuré à l’aide de l’Apple Home App.
Únicamente para los usuarios de AirPlay, el altavoz puede configurarse usando Apple Home App.
Solamente per gli utenti AirPlay: è possibile configurare il diffusore mediante Apple Home App.
Para utilizadores de apenas AirPlay, é possível configurar a coluna utilizando a Apple Home App.
Apple Home App ( AirPlay).


Pro uzivatele pouzívající pouze AirPlay: reproduktor lze nastavit pomocí aplikace Apple Home App.
A csak Airplay-es felhasználók az Apple Home App segítségével állíthatják be a hangszórókat.
Doar pentru utilizatorii care folosesc AirPlay, difuzorul poate fi configurat folosind Apple Home App.
AirPlay Apple Home APP AirPlay , Apple Home App .
AirPlay Apple Home App
AirPlay Apple Home App

9 (&/24(“VHJOEE

Use your phone, tablet or computer as a remote control for Spotify. Go to to learn how
Brug din telefon, tablet eller computer som fjernbetjening til Spotify. Gå til for at finde ud af, hvordan du gør
Använd din telefon, surfplatta eller dator som fjärrkontroll för Spotify. Gå till för att ta reda på hur
Verwende dein Smartphone, Tablet oder deinen Computer als Fernbedienung für Spotify. Auf erfährst du mehr.
Gebruik je telefoon, tablet of computer als een afstandsbediening voor Spotify. Ga naar om te leren hoe je dat doet
Utilisez votre téléphone, votre tablette ou votre ordinateur comme une télécommande pour contrôler Spotify. Accédez à pour en savoir plus.
Usa tu teléfono, tu tablet o tu computadora como control remoto de Spotify.Para más información, entra a
Usa il tuo cellulare, tablet o computer come telecomando remoto per Spotify. Vai su per scoprire come
Usa o teu telemóvel, tablet ou computador como comando do Spotify. Vaia para saberes como


Spotify , .
, Spotify . .
Spotify ‘

11 (&/24(“VHJOEE

English Automatic system software update In order to ensure that your products have the latest features and improvements, automatic system software updates are enabled by default, and this is the recommended setting. You may change this at any time in the UPDATE PRODUCT SOFTWARE menu using the BeoSetup App.
Log information To help us improve our range of available products and services offered to you, we may request certain information from your product about its performance and usage patterns. The information will at all times be provided on an anonymous basis only. You can at any time easily disable this function in the STATUS menu using the BeoSetup App.
Dansk Automatisk softwareopdatering Da vi gerne vil sikre, at du har de seneste funktioner og forbedringer, er automatisk softwareopdatering slået til som standard, og dette er den anbefalede indstilling. Du kan til enhver tid ændre dette i menuen OPDATER PRODUKTSOFTWARE ved hjælp af BeoSetup App.
Logoplysninger For at forbedre vores udbud af produkter og tjenester kan du blive bedt om bestemte oplysninger vedr. dit produkts ydeevne og din brug af produktet. Disse oplysninger videregives altid kun anonymt. Det er til enhver tid muligt at deaktivere denne funktion i menuen STATUS i BeoSetup App.


Svenska Automatisk systemprogramuppdatering För att säkerställa att dina produkter alltid har de senaste funktionerna och förbättringarna är automatiska systemprogramu ppdateringar aktiverade som standard och den inställning som rekommenderas. Du kan när som helst ändra inställningen på menyn UPPDATERA PRODUKTENS PROGRAMVARA med hjälp av BeoSetup App.
Logga information Vi kan begära viss information från din produkt om dess prestanda och användningsmönster för att hjälpa oss att förbättra vårt sortiment av tillgängliga produkter och tjänster som erbjuds. Informationen ska alltid lämnas anonymt. Du kan när som helst enkelt avaktivera denna funktion i menyn STATUS med hjälp av BeoSetup App.
Deutsch Automatische Systemsoftware-Aktualisierung Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Geräte über die neuesten Funktionen und Verbesserungen verfügen, sind die automatischen Aktualisierungen der Systemsoftware standardmäßig aktiviert. Diese Einstellung wird empfohlen. Sie können diese Einstellung jederzeit über die BeoSetup-App im Menü PRODUKTSOFTWARE AKTUALISIEREN ändern.
Log-Information Um die von uns angebotenen Produkte und Services zu verbessern, werden wir ggf. Informationen zur Leistung Ihres Geräts und des Nutzungsverhaltens abrufen. Die Bereitstellung der entsprechenden Informa-


tionen erfolgt vollständig anonym. Sie haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit, diese Funktion über die BeoSetup-App im STATUS-Menü zu deaktivieren.
Nederlands Automatische software-update Om ervoor te zorgen dat uw producten van de laatste kenmerken en verbeteringen genieten, zijn automatische systeemsoftware-updates standaard ingeschakeld en dit is de aanbevolen instelling. U kunt dit op elk gewenst moment wijzigen in het menu PRODUCTSOFTWARE UPDATEN met behulp van de BeoSetup App.
Loginformatie Om ons te helpen ons assortiment beschikbare producten en diensten te verbeteren, kan het zijn dat we bepaalde informatie over de prestaties en de gebruikspatronen van uw product vragen. De informatie zal altijd uitsluitend anoniem worden gegeven, U kan deze functie te allen tijde uitschakelen in het menu STATUS via de BeoSetup App.
Français Mise à jour automatique du logiciel système Afin de garantir que vos produits disposent des dernières fonctionnalités et améliorations, les mises à jour automatiques du logiciel système sont activées par défaut. Il s’agit d’un paramètre recommandé. Vous pouvez modifier ce paramètre à tout moment dans le menu METTRE À JOUR LE LOGICIEL DU PRODUIT à l’aide de l’app BeoSetup.


Informations du journal Pour nous aider à améliorer notre gamme de produits et services mis à votre disposition, nous sommes susceptibles de vous demander certaines informations sur les performances et l’utilisation de votre produit. Les informations seront fournies à tout moment de manière anonyme uniquement. Vous pouvez à tout moment désactiver facilement cette fonction dans le menu ÉTAT à l’aide de l’app BeoSetup.
Español Actualización automática del software del sistema Para garantizar que sus equipos cuenten siempre con las funciones y mejoras más recientes, las actualizaciones automáticas del software del sistema se encuentran habilitadas de forma predeterminada (esta es la configuración recomendada). Puede deshabilitarlas en cualquier momento a través del menú ACTUALIZACIÓN DE SOFTWARE DEL EQUIPO, empleando la aplicación BeoSetup.
Información de registro Con el fin de mejorar la gama de productos y servicios que ponemos a su disposición, puede que solicitemos al equipo cierta información acerca de su rendimiento y sus patrones de uso. Tal información será recopilada en todo momento con carácter anónimo. Puede deshabilitar esta función cuando lo desee en el menú ESTADO, empleando la aplicación BeoSetup.
Italiano Aggiornamento software di sistema automatico Per assicurare che i prodotti siano dotati delle ultime funzioni e miglioramenti, gli aggiornamenti software automatici sono abilitati per


impostazione predefinita e questa è l’impostazione consigliata. È possibile modificare questa impostazione in qualsiasi momento nel menu AGGIORNA SOFTWARE PRODOTTO utilizzando l’app BeoSetup.
Informazioni registrate Per aiutarci a migliorare la nostra gamma di prodotti e servizi offerti, potremmo richiedere determinate informazioni sul prodotto, le sue prestazioni e l’utilizzo. Le informazioni saranno sempre fornite su base anonima. È possibile disattivare questa funzione in qualsiasi momento nel menu STATO utilizzando l’app BeoSetup.
Português Actualização automática do software do sistema Para assegurar que os seus produtos possuem as mais recentes funcionalidades e melhorias, as actualizações automáticas de software do sistema estão activadas por defeito e esta é a definição recomendada. Poderá alterar isto em qualquer momento no menu ACTUALIZAÇÃO DE SOFTWARE DO PRODUTO da aplicação BeoSetup.
Informações de registo Para nos ajudar a melhorar a gama de produtos e serviços que colocamos à sua disposição, poderemos pedir ao seu produto determinadas informações relativas ao respectivo desempenho e padrões de utilização. Estas informações serão sempre fornecidas em modo anónimo. Poderá desactivar esta função em qualquer momento através do menu ESTADO da aplicação BeoSetup.


, . BeoSetup.
, , . . BeoSetup.
BeoSetup App [] BeoSetup App


, , . BeoSetup App .
B&O . . BeoSetup App .
BeoSetup App “”
BeoSetup App ” ”
[] BeoSetup App


[] BeoSetup App,
The Wi-Fi CERTIFIEDTM Logo is a certification mark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trade-marks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Bang & Olufsen group is under license. Other trade-marks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
The Spotify software is subject to third party licenses found here third-party-licenses


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Tilmeld dig online på for at modtage vigtige oplysninger om produkt- og softwareopdateringer fra BANG & OLUFSEN Group.
Registrieren Sie sich online unter, um wichtige Informationen zu Produkt- und SoftwareAktualisierungen sowie interessante Neuigkeiten und Angebote von der BANG & OLUFSEN Gruppe zu erhalten.
Register online at to receive important information about product and software updates ­ and to get exciting news and offers from the BANG & OLUFSEN Group.
Regístrese online en la página web para recibir información importante acerca del productos y de actualizaciones de software ­ y para conseguir fantásticas noticias y ofertas del Grupo BANG & OLUFSEN.
Inscrivez-vous en ligne sur pour recevoir des informations importantes sur les mises à jour de produits et de logiciels – et pour obtenir des nouvelles et des offres intéressantes du Groupe BANG & OLUFSEN.
Registrarsi online su per ricevere importanti informazioni su prodotti e aggiornamenti software,







notizie e le fantastiche offerte del Gruppo BANG & OLUFSEN. BANG & OLUFSEN Group
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Registreer online op om belangrijke informatie te ontvangen over product- en softwareupdates – en om de laatste nieuwtjes en aanbiedingen van de BANG & OLUFSEN Group te ontvangen.
Registe-se online em para receber informações importantes sobre atualizações de produtos e software, e para receber notícias e ofertas entusiasmantes do Grupo BANG & OLUFSEN. , BANG & OLUFSEN.






Registrera dig online på för att få viktig information om produkter och programuppdateringar samt för att få spännande nyheter och erbjudanden från BANG & OLUFSEN Group. BANG & OLUFSEN Group — BANG & OLUFSEN

2 23

upon appropriate documentation of relocation to the People’s Republic of China for Bang & Olufsen Products purchased abroad. For Hong Kong and Macau markets only: The Warranty only applies to Bang & Olufsen Products imported by Bang & Olufsen Limited and purchased from authorized physical stores located or authorized online stores hosted in Hong Kong or Macau, or legally imported in connection with an end-user’s properly documented relocation to Hong Kong or Macau. Bang & Olufsen Products purchased outside Hong Kong or Macau are excluded from the Warranty but subject to the applicable legislation in the relevant market of purchase.


For the Australian market only: Bang & Olufsen Products are subject to the guarantees provided under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major problem’ and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the Bang & Olufsen Product repaired or replaced if the Bang & Olufsen Product fails to be of acceptable quality and the problem does not amount to amajor problem’. For the US market only: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Thus, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. For the People’s Republic of China market only: The Warranty only applies to Bang & Olufsen Products imported by Bang & Olufsen Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and purchased from Authorised Resellers selling from physical stores located or authorized online stores hosted in the People’s Republic of China or legally imported in connection with an end-user’s properly documented relocation to the People’s Republic of China. Bang & Olufsen Products purchased in Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan or elsewhere outside the People’s Republic of China are excluded from the Warranty but subject to the applicable legislation in the relevant market of purchase. Import, sale and use of specific Bang & Olufsen Products in the People’s Republic of China is subject to China Quality Certification (CQC), obtained from the above mentioned authorized stores located or hosted in the People’s Republic of China at the time of purchase or


Olufsen Product, whether such third-party software or equipment is included with the Bang & Olufsen Product distributed by Bang & Olufsen or otherwise. Responsibility for the quality, capabilities, operations, performance and suitability of any such third-party software or equipment rests solely with the user and the direct vendor, owner or supplier of such third-party software or equipment. Nothing contained in the user manual or any other document shall be construed to create an express warranty of any kind with respect to the Bang & Olufsen Product. No agent, employee, dealer, representative or reseller is authorized to modify or extend this Warranty or to make binding representations or claims, whether in advertising, presentations or otherwise, on behalf of Bang & Olufsen regarding the Bang & Olufsen Products or this Warranty.
Severability If any portion of this Warranty is held to be illegal or unenforceable, such partial illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the enforceability of the remainder of the Warranty.
Consumer’s legal rights This Warranty is provided in addition to the rights and remedies granted by the seller of the Bang & Olufsen Product or granted under applicable legislation. Any and all remedies (e.g. rectification, claim for damages, and/or right to terminate the contract) granted by the seller of the Bang & Olufsen Product or available by law remain unaffected by this Warranty.


strongly recommends customers to ensure that, if possible, all data is backed up prior to requesting repair services from Bang & Olufsen. The Warranty will not operate if the serial number has been defaced or altered or if non- authorized modifications in the software have been made. In countries with governmental requirements on specifically developed versions of Bang & Olufsen products, e.g. due to varying transmission systems and approval demands, and the defect or malfunction is caused by the usage of other versions than required in the specific country, this Warranty does not apply. To obtain information about usage of the Bang & Olufsen Product in several countries, please contact the legal entity stated on the original invoice for the Bang & Olufsen Product. All implied warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the duration of this Warranty. In no event shall Bang & Olufsen be liable for damages in excess of the purchase price of the Bang & Olufsen Product or for, without limitation, commercial loss of any sort; loss of use, time, data, reputation, opportunity, goodwill, profits or savings; inconvenience; incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages; or damages arising from the use or inability to use the Bang & Olufsen Product. Bang & Olufsen makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality, capabilities, operations, performance or suitability of any third-party software or equipment used in conjunction with the Bang & Olufsen Product, or the ability to integrate any such software or equipment with the Bang &


in other locations not experiencing such external effects. To obtain information about the functionality of specific purposes, please contact Bang & Olufsen; ·Defects in consumables (i.e. components that are expected to require regular replacement such as but not limited to batteries) as well as defects caused by overcharging; ·Unreasonable costs or expenses related to modifications or demolitions of the space in which the Bang & Olufsen Product is placed during the process of repair; and/or ·Costs for cleaning the screen due to external influences. Defects claimed under the Warranty are rectified at Bang & Olufsen’s discretion within the rules of the marketing and consumer law. Rectification is ensured by way of (i) repairing the defective Bang & Olufsen Product, (ii) inserting remanufactured parts into the Bang & Olufsen Product, and/or (iii) replacing the Bang & Olufsen Product with a new product equivalent in performance and reliability to the Bang & Olufsen Product. Replacement of limited or special edition Bang & Olufsen Products depends on the availability of the Bang & Olufsen Products in question. Where the Bang & Olufsen Product cannot be repaired (damage is considered as total loss) and where exchange is not feasible, compensation is offered on a pro-rata basis of the purchase price. All exchange modules become property of Bang & Olufsen.
Exclusions and limitations Bang & Olufsen is not liable for the damage or loss of any programs, data and/or media content during the repair process. Bang & Olufsen


suggestions on proper use and maintenance of Bang & Olufsen Products and its internal components should always be followed. Thus, this Warranty is conditioned upon proper use of the Bang & Olufsen Product within the Warranty Period. The Warranty does not cover:
·Defects which have been caused by wrongful use, incorrect and/or unauthorized installation, incorrect repairs/modifications, or maladjustment of the Bang & Olufsen Product, or neglect, including but not limited to “burn in” of plasma or OLED displays, overdriving of speakers and similar wrongful use;
·Defects resulting from usage of the Bang & Olufsen Product in conjunction with accessories that are not approved by Bang & Olufsen;
·Defects which have been caused by lightning, fire, water, voltage fluctuations, improper ventilation or other events of force majeure beyond the control of Bang & Olufsen;
·Consequential damage, indirect or direct loss or any related expenses claimed under the Warranty, such as but not limited to loss from inability to operate the Bang & Olufsen Product or costs connected with rent of substitution products;
·Software and content provided by third parties or problems occurring due to modifications made by the software provider;
·Field assistance for problems that can be solved with online software updates. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide network connection for these updates;
·Problems occurring with network/wireless connection caused by external effects present locally only and not impacting functionality


General Conditions Genuine Bang & Olufsen products (“Bang & Olufsen Products”) are covered by this limited warranty (the “Warranty”). The terms of this Warranty apply to Bang & Olufsen Products purchased in or after November 2019. To claim any rights under this Warranty, the original invoice received at the time of purchase of the Bang & Olufsen Product must be presented to Bang & Olufsen. This Warranty covers all defects (relevant to the specification of the Bang & Olufsen Product in question) that may arise in the Bang & Olufsen Product within the warranty period. The warranty period commences upon the date of purchase by the first consumer purchaser and continues for the following 36 months after that date (the “Warranty Period”). If a defect covered by the Warranty arises within the Warranty Period and your Bang & Olufsen Product is applicable for online return, please make your claim at: If the online return tool is not available in your country or if the Bang & Olufsen Product is not applicable for the tool, please contact the legal entity stated on the original invoice for the Bang & Olufsen Product.
Coverage Bang & Olufsen warrants that the Bang & Olufsen Product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for the Warranty Period. Bang & Olufsen Products are products of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. Procedures and




B&O-produkter som marknadsförs av Bang & Olufsen A/S och som köps av en auktoriserad återförsäljare omfattas av en begränsad garanti. Detaljerad information om den här begränsade garantins omfattning och dess begränsade giltighetstid finns på
B&O Bang & Olufsen A/S www.
Bang & Olufsen A/S tarafindan satia sunulan ve yetkili saticidan alinmi olan B&O ürünleri sinirli garanti kapsamindadir. Bu sinirli garantinin kapsami ve sinirli süresi hakkinda ayrintili bilgi için www. warranty adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Bang & Olufsen A/S B O
Bang & Olufsen A/S B&O www.





garantie. Voor meer informatie over deze beperkte garantie en de beperkte duur ervan, kunt u terecht op Produkty B&O wprowadzane do obrotu przez Bang & Olufsen A/S i zakupione od upowanionego sprzedawcy s objte ograniczon gwarancj. Szczególowe informacje dotyczce zakresu oraz czasu trwania ograniczonej gwarancji znajduj si na stronie
Os produtos B&O comercializados pela Bang & Olufsen A/S e comprados a um revendedor autorizado estão abrangidos por uma garantia limitada. Para obter informações detalhadas sobre a cobertura desta garantia limitada e a sua duração limitada, visite
Os produtos da B&O são comercializados pela Bang & Olufsen A/S e podem ser comprados de um revendedor autorizado e são cobertos por garantia limitada. Para obter informações detalhadas sobre a cobertura desta garantia limitada e sua duração limitada, visite www.
B&O, Bang & Olufsen A/S, , .







I prodotti B&O commercializzati da Bang & Olufsen A/S e acquistati da un rivenditore autorizzato sono coperti da garanzia limitata. Per informazioni più dettagliate relative alla copertura di questa garanzia limitata e alla sua durata, visitare il sito limited-warranty.
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Bang & Olufsen A/S B&O . .
Produk B&O yang dipasarkan oleh Bang & Olufsen A/S dan dibeli daripada peruncit sah adalah dilindungi oleh waranti yang terhad. Untuk butiran lanjut tentang perlindungan jaminan terhad ini dan tempoh terhadnya sila layari www
B &O-producten die op de markt worden gebracht door Bang & Olufsen A/S en worden gekocht bij een erkende verkoper, vallen onder de beperkte







Los productos B&O lanzados al mercados por Bang & Olufsen A/S como tales y adquiridos de un distribuidor autorizado están cubiertos por una garantía limitaday. Si desea obtener información detallada acerca de la cobertura que proporciona esta garantía limitada y su duración, también limitada, visite www
Bang & Olufsen A/S -yhtiön markkinoimat ja valtuutetulta jälleenmyyjältä ostetut tuotteet ovat rajoitetun takuun kattamia. Lisätietoja rajoitetun takuun soveltamisalasta ja rajoitetusta kestosta on osoitteessa www. bang-
Les produits B&O commercialisés par Bang & Olufsen A/S et achetés auprès d’un revendeur agréé sont couverts par une garantie limitée. Pour de plus amples informations sur la couverture qu’apporte cette garantie limitée et sur sa durée, rendez-vous à l’adresse
Bang & Olufsen B&O . ,
A Bang & Olufsen A/S által hirdetett és hivatalos viszonteladótól megvásárolt B&O termékekre korlátozott garancia érvényes. Ezen korlátozott jótállás részleteit és idtartamát lásd a következ







Bang & Olufsen B&O .
B&O-produkter, der markedsføres af Bang & Olufsen A/S og købes hos en autoriseret forhandler, er dækket af en begrænset garanti. Detaljerede oplysninger om denne begrænsede garanti og garantiens varighed findes på www
Für B&O Produkte, die von Bang & Olufsen A/S vertrieben und von einem autorisierten Händler erworben wurden, gilt die beschränkte Garantie. Weitere Informationen zu den Garantiebestimmungen finden Sie unter www.bang-
B&O Bang & Olufsen A/S . www.bang-olufsen. com/limited-warranty.
B&O products marketed by Bang & Olufsen A/S and purchased from an authorised retailer are covered by limited warranty. For detailed information on the coverage of this limited warranty and its limited duration go to www.bang-




Begrænset Garanti Beschränkte Garantie Limited Warranty Garantía Limitada Rajoitettu Takuu Garantie Limitée Korlátozott Jótállás Garanzia Limitata () Jaminan Terhad Beperkte Garantie Ograniczona Gwarancja Garantia Limitada Begränsad Garanti Sinirli Garanti




La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada.

100-240VAC 50/60Hz 90W 10/100 Mbps WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax, 2.4GHz and 5GHz Bluetooth, BT LE, BT classic

5.25 – 5.3 5



· · · · · · · · · · · · / · · · 40ºC · · ·


Beosound 2 3rd Generation


UK Frequency range (MHz) 2402~2480MHz 2412~2472 MHz 5150~5725 MHz

Max. Transmit Power (dBm) 20 dBm 20 dBm 20 dBm

UK Compliance Information Hereby. Bang & Olufsen A/S. declares that this device is in compliance with Radio Equipment Regulations 2017. The full text of the UK Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address:
The product complies with the PSTI Act 2022 requirements
UK-Importer Company name: Bang & Olufsen UK Ltd Company address: 7 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4HQ, United Kingdom


· Não coloque quaisquer objetos sobre o produto. · Não sujeite o produto a humidade elevada, chuva ou fontes de
calor. · O produto destina-se apenas para uso em espaços interiores,
ambientes residenciais. Utilize num intervalo de temperatura entre 10 e 40°C (50­105°F). · Deixe espaço suficiente em torno do produto para possibilitar uma ventilação adequada. · Não ligue qualquer um dos produtos incluídos no seu sistema à tomada elétrica antes de ligar todos os cabos. · Não tente abrir o produto. Essas operações devem ser efetuadas por pessoal de assistência técnica qualificado. · O produto só pode ser desligado completamente retirando a ficha da tomada de parede. · A ficha e o cabo de alimentação fornecidos foram concebidos especificamente para o produto. Não substitua a ficha e, se o cabo de alimentação ficar danificado, deve comprar um novo através do seu revendedor da Bang & Olufsen. · AVISO: Para reduzir o risco de incêndio ou choque elétrico, não exponha o aparelho a chuva ou humidade. Não exponha o produto a pingos ou salpicos e não coloque objetos com líquidos (por exemplo, jarras) sobre o equipamento. Para desligar completamente o equipamento da alimentação de CA, desligue a ficha da tomada de parede. A tomada de parede deve estar sempre facilmente acessível.


O produto vai ser vendido em todos os membros da União Europeia e países EFTA.
A banda 5.15 ~ 5.35 GHz está restrita para utilização em espaços interiores apenas nos seguintes países: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.


Equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos, peças e pilhas/ baterias assinalados com este símbolo não devem ser eliminados juntamente com resíduos domésticos normais, mas sim recolhidos e eliminados separadamente para proteger o meio ambiente.
O revendedor da Bang & Olufsen fornecer-lhe-á informações sobre a forma correta de eliminar esses resíduos no seu país.

Importante! · Evite colocar o produto sob luz solar direta ou luz artificial direta (por exemplo, um holofote). · Certifique-se de que o produto seja instalado, posicionado e ligado em conformidade com as instruções. · Coloque o produto numa superfície estável ou numa base na qual pretenda colocar o produto de forma permanente. Utilize apenas bases e suportes de parede aprovados pela Bang & Olufsen!


Pelo presente, a Bang & Olufsen A/S declara que o tipo equipamento de rádio Beosound 2 3rd Generation está em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE. A Declaração de Conformidade total pode ser encontrada no site Web seguinte:
Em conformidade com 2014/53/UE, Diretiva relativa aos equipamentos de rádio (RED) De acordo com o Artigo 10.8(a) e 10.8(b) da RED, a tabela seguinte fornece informações sobre bandas de frequência utilizadas e a potência de transmissão RF máxima do produto para venda na UE:

Intervalo de frequência (MHz) Potência máx. de transmissão (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

O firmware do produto está disponível para transferir a partir da Bang & Olufsen App.


· Non esporre il prodotto a valori elevati di umidità, a pioggia o a fonti di calore.
· Il prodotto è inteso solo per un uso in ambienti domestici e privi di umidità. Utilizzare a temperature comprese tra 10° e 40° C.
· Lasciare spazio sufficiente intorno al prodotto per consentirne una ventilazione adeguata.
· Non collegare nessuno dei singoli dispositivi dell’impianto alla rete di alimentazione prima di aver collegato tutti i cavi.
· Non tentare di aprire il prodotto. Queste operazioni sono esclusivamente di competenza del personale tecnico qualificato.
· Il prodotto può essere spento completamente solo scollegandolo dalla presa a muro.
· Il cavo dell’alimentazione e la relativaw spina in dotazione sono stati progettati specificamente per il prodotto. Non sostituire la spina e, se il cavo dovesse subire danni, è necessario acquistarne uno nuovo da un rivenditore Bang & Olufsen.
· ATTENZIONE: per evitare il rischio di incendi o scariche elettriche, non esporre questo apparecchio a pioggia o umidità. Non esporre l’apparecchio a gocciolii o spruzzi e non collocare oggetti contenenti liquidi, ad esempio vasi, sopra di esso. Per scollegare completamente l’apparecchio dall’alimentazione CA, scollegare il cavo dell’alimentazione dalla presa a muro. Il dispositivo scollegato rimarrà pronto per l’uso.


Il presente prodotto viene venduto in tutti i Paesi membri dell’Unione Europea e AELS.
La banda 5,15~5,35 GHz è limitata all’utilizzo esclusivo in interni nei seguenti Paesi: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.


Apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche, parti e batterie, contrassegnate con questo simbolo non devono essere smaltite con i normali rifiuti domestici, ma devono essere raccolte e smaltite separatamente per proteggere l’ambiente.
Per informazioni sulla procedura di smaltimento corretta per il proprio Paese, rivolgersi a un rivenditore Bang & Olufsen.

Importante! · Non esporre il prodotto alla luce del sole o artificiale (ad esempio un faretto) diretta. · Verificare che il prodotto sia stato installato, posizionato e collegato in conformità con le istruzioni fornite. · Posizionare il prodotto su una superficie stabile o altra collocazione permanente. Utilizzare solo stand e staffe da parete approvati da Bang & Olufsen. · Non posare oggetti sopra il prodotto.


Con la presente Bang & Olufsen A/S dichiara che l’apparecchiatura radio di tipo Beosound 2 3rd Generation è conforme alla Direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo della Dichiarazione di conformità è reperibile al seguente sito web:
Conformità con la Direttiva 2014/53/UE (RED) Ai sensi degli articoli 10.8(a) e 10.8(b) della Direttiva RED, la seguente tabella fornisce informazioni sulle bande di frequenza utilizzate e sulla potenza massima di trasmissione in radiofrequenza del prodotti in vendita nell’UE:

Gamma di frequenza (MHz)

Potenza massima di trasmissione (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

Il firmware del prodotto è scaricabile dall’app Bang & Olufsen. 26


· No someta el equipo a niveles elevados de humedad, a la lluvia o a fuentes de calor.
· Este equipo ha sido diseñado exclusivamente para el uso interior en entornos domésticos secos. El uso debe tener lugar a una temperatura comprendida entre 10 y 40 °C (50 y 105 °F).
· Mantenga el espacio necesario alrededor del equipo para favorecer su correcta ventilación.
· No conecte ninguno de los equipos del sistema a la red eléctrica hasta que haya conectado todos los cables.
· No intente abrir el equipo. Este tipo de operaciones debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado.
· El equipo sólo se puede apagar totalmente desconectando el enchufe de la toma de suministro eléctrico.
· El enchufe y el cable de alimentación suministrados han sido diseñados especialmente para este equipo. No cambie el enchufe; si el cable de alimentación resulta dañado, deberá adquirir otro a través de su distribuidor de Bang & Olufsen.
· ADVERTENCIA: A fin de reducir el riesgo de incendio o descarga eléctrica, no exponga este aparato a la lluvia ni a la humedad. No exponga este equipo a goteos o salpicaduras ni coloque ningún objeto que contenga líquido, como un jarrón, sobre el mismo. Para desconectar completamente este equipo de la red eléctrica de corriente alterna, desconecte el enchufe de alimentación de la toma de suministro eléctrico. El dispositivo de desconexión debe encontrarse en un lugar fácilmente accesible.


El producto a la venta en todos los países miembros de la Unión Europea y de la EFTA.
La banda de 5,15~5,35 GHz está restringida solo al uso en interiores en los países siguientes: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.


Los equipos, piezas y baterías de tipo eléctrico y electrónico marcados con este símbolo no deben eliminarse junto con los residuos domésticos habituales; en su lugar, deben ser recogidos y eliminados de forma independiente para proteger el medioambiente.
Su distribuidor de Bang & Olufsen le asesorará acerca de los pasos a seguir en su país para realizar la eliminación de forma correcta.

Importante · Evite colocar el equipo en un lugar expuesto a la luz solar directa o a luz artificial directa, como la generada por un foco halógeno. · Asegúrese de que el equipo permanezca instalado, situado y conectado de acuerdo con las instrucciones. · Coloque el equipo sobre una superficie firme o en un soporte apto para su instalación permanente. Use exclusivamente soportes de pie y de pared homologados por Bang & Olufsen. · No coloque ningún objeto sobre el equipo.


Por la presente, Bang & Olufsen A/S declara que el tipo de equipo de radio Beosound 2 3rd Generation cumple la directiva 2014/53/EU. Se puede consultar la declaración de conformidad completa en el sitio web siguiente: on.
Conformidad con la directiva 2014/53/EU sobre la comercialización de equipos radioeléctricos (RED) Conforme a los artículos 10.8(a) y 10.8(b) de la RED, la tabla siguiente proporciona información sobre las bandas de frecuencias utilizadas y la potencia de RF transmitida máxima del producto a la venta en la UE.

Intervalo de frecuencias (MHz) Potencia transmitida máxima (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

El firmware del producto está disponible para descargar desde la Bang & Olufsen App.


· Laisser suffisamment d’espace autour de l’appareil pour une ventilation appropriée.
· Ne relier aucun élément de l’installation au secteur avant d’avoir branché tous les câbles.
· Ne pas tenter d’ouvrir le boîtier de l’appareil. Les opérations de ce type doivent être confiées à du personnel de maintenance qualifié.
· Pour éteindre complètement l’appareil, la seule possibilité est de débrancher la prise murale.
· Le câble secteur et la fiche fournis sont spécialement conçus pour cet appareil. Ne pas changer la fiche. Si le câble secteur est endommagé, en acheter un autre auprès de votre revendeur Bang & Olufsen.
· AVERTISSEMENT : afin de réduire le risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité. Ne pas exposer l’appareil à l’écoulement de liquides et aux éclaboussures et s’assurer qu’aucun objet rempli de liquide, par exemple un vase, n’est placé sur l’appareil. Pour déconnecter complètement l’appareil du secteur, débrancher le cordon d’alimentation de la prise secteur. L’appareil débranché reste prêt à l’emploi.



Il n’est pas permis de jeter les équipements, les pièces électriques et électroniques et les batteries portant ce symbole avec les ordures ménagères ; ces équipements doivent être collectés et mis au rebut séparément afin de préserver l’environnement.
Votre revendeur Bang & Olufsen se fera un plaisir de vous conseiller sur la procédure correcte de mise au rebut dans votre pays.

Important ! · Eviter d’exposer directement l’appareil au soleil ou à la lumière artificielle (spots, etc.). · Vérifier que l’appareil est installé, positionné et connecté conformément aux instructions. · Poser l’appareil sur une surface ferme, de préférence sur une table, un buffet ou un pied, où il restera en permanence. · N’utiliser que les pieds et les supports muraux agréés par Bang & Olufsen ! · Ne poser aucun objet sur l’appareil. · Ne pas exposer l’appareil à un taux d’humidité élevé, à la pluie ou à une source de chaleur. · Cet appareil est uniquement conçu pour être utilisé à l’intérieur, dans un lieu sec. Plage de températures acceptable : 10 à 40 °C.


Conformité à la directive sur les équipements radio 2014/53/EU (RED) Conformément à l’article 10.8(a) et 10.8(b) de RED, le tableau suivant fournit des informations sur les bandes de fréquences utilisées et la puissance de transmission RF maximale du produit à vendre dans l’UE :

Gamme de fréquences (MHz)

Puissance de transmission max. (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

Le firmware du produit est disponible pour téléchargement à partir de Bang & Olufsen App.
Le produit à vendre dans tous les pays membres de l’Union européenne et de l’AELE.
La bande 5,15~5,35 GHz est limitée aux opérations intérieures dans les pays suivants seulement : AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.


· Schließen Sie keines der Geräte in Ihrem System an das Netz an, bevor Sie alle anderen Kabel angeschlossen haben.
· Versuchen Sie nicht, das Gerät zu öffnen. Überlassen Sie dies qualifiziertem Servicepersonal.
· Das Gerät kann nur durch Netztrennung vollständig ausgeschaltet werden.
· Das mitgelieferte Netzkabel samt Stecker wurde speziell für dieses Produkt entwickelt. Tauschen Sie den Stecker nicht aus. Wenn das Netzkabel beschädigt wird, müssen Sie bei Ihrem Bang & Olufsen Fachhändler ein neues anfordern.
· ACHTUNG: Um Feuer oder elektrische Schläge zu vermeiden, darf dieses Gerät weder Regen noch Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt werden. Setzen Sie dieses Gerät keinem Tropf- bzw. Spritzwasser aus und stellen Sie keine mit Flüssigkeiten gefüllten Objekte wie z. B. Vasen darauf ab. Um das Gerät vollständig vom Netz zu trennen, ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. Die Steckdose sollte frei zugänglich bleiben.
Par la présente, Bang & Olufsen A/S déclare que l’équipement radio de type Beosound 2 3rd Generation est conforme à la directive 2014/53/EU. La Déclaration de Conformité complète se trouve sur le site Web suivant :



Mit diesem Symbol gekennzeichnete elektrische und elektronische Geräte, Bauteile und Batterien dürfen nicht in den normalen Haushaltsmüll gegeben, sondern müssen zum Schutz der Umwelt sämtlich getrennt eingesammelt und entsorgt werden. Ihr Bang & Olufsen Fachhändler berät Sie bei der sachgerechten Entsorgung in Ihrem Land.

Wichtiger Hinweis: · Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in direktem Sonnenlicht oder nahe an direkten künstlichen Lichtquellen wie Spots auf. · Achten Sie darauf, dass das Gerät entsprechend diesen Hinweisen platziert, angeschlossen und eingestellt wird. · Stellen Sie das Gerät auf einer festen Oberfläche oder einem soliden Standfuß an dem Ort auf, wo es auf Dauer verbleiben soll. Benutzen Sie nur von Bang & Olufsen zugelassene Standfüße und Wandhalterungen! · Stellen Sie keine Gegenstände auf das Gerät. · Setzen Sie das Gerät nicht hoher Feuchtigkeit, Regen und Wärmequellen aus. · Das Gerät ist ausschließlich für den Gebrauch in trockenen Wohnräumen vorgesehen. Die zulässige Umgebungstemperatur im Betrieb beträgt zwischen 10 und 40 °C. · Lassen Sie um das Gerät stets genug Platz für ausreichende Lüftung.


und zur maximalen Funkfrequenz-Sendeleistung des Produkts, das in der EU vertrieben wird:

Frequenzbereich (MHz)

Max. Sendeleistung (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

Die Produkt-Firmware steht über die Bang & Olufsen App zum Download bereit.
Das Produkt wird in allen Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union und in den EFTA-Staaten vertrieben.
Das Frequenzband von 5,15~5,35 GHz ist in den folgenden Ländern auf Innenräume beschränkt: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR



· Slut ikke nogen af produkterne i dit system til lysnettet, før du har tilsluttet alle kablerne.
· Forsøg aldrig at åbne produktet. Produktet må kun åbnes af uddannede serviceteknikere.
· Produktet kan kun slukkes helt ved at tage stikket ud af stikkontakten. · Den medfølgende netledning og stikket på den er specielt
designet til dette produkt. Stikket må ikke ændres, og hvis netledningen bliver beskadiget, skal du købe en ny hos din Bang & Olufsen forhandler. · ADVARSEL: For at reducere risikoen for brand og elektrisk stød må dette produkt ikke udsættes for regn eller fugt. Produktet må heller ikke udsættes for dryp eller stænk, og der må ikke placeres genstande fyldt med væske, f.eks. vaser, på udstyret. Tag stikket ud af stikkontakten for helt at afbryde strømmen til produktet. Afbryderen skal altid være nem at komme til.
Hiermit erklärt Bang & Olufsen A/S, dass das Radiogerät vom Typ Beosound 2 3rd Generation die Richtlinie 2014/53/EU erfüllt. Die vollständige Konformitätserklärung ist auf der folgenden Website erhältlich:
Erfüllt die Funkgeräterichtlinie 2014/53/EU (RED) In Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 10.8(a) und 10.8(b) der RED bietet die folgende Tabelle Informationen zu den verwendeten Frequenzbändern


Båndet 5,15~5,35 GHz er begrænset til indendørsbrug i følgende lande: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.


Elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr, reservedele og batterier,

Vigtigt! · Anbring ikke produktet i direkte sollys eller direkte under kunstig belysning, f.eks. en spot. · Sørg for, at produktet sættes op, placeres og tilsluttes i overensstemmelse med instruktionerne. · Placer produktet på en solid overflade eller stand, hvor du ønsker, det skal blive stående. Brug kun stande og vægbeslag, der er godkendt af Bang & Olufsen. · Anbring ikke genstande oven på produktet. · Udsæt ikke produktet for høj luftfugtighed, regn eller varme. · Produktet er udelukkende beregnet til indendørsanvendelse under tørre forhold inden for et temperaturområde på 10-40 ºC. · Sørg for, at der er plads nok omkring produktet til at sikre tilstrækkelig ventilation.


Bang & Olufsen A/S erklærer hermed, at radioudstyret type Beosound 2 3rd Generation er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fuldstændige overensstemmelseserklæring fremgår af følgende side:
I overensstemmelse med radioudstyrsdirektivet 2014/53/EU (RED) I overensstemmelse med paragraf 10.8(a) og 10.8(b) tilhørende RED ­ følgende tabel indeholder oplysninger om de benyttede frekvensområder og den maksimale RF-sendeeffekt for produktet, når det sælges i EU:

Frekvensområde (MHz)

Maks. sendeeffekt (dBm)


20 dBm

2412~2472 MHz

20 dBm

5150~5725 MHz

20 dBm

Produktets firmware er tilgængeligt til download fra appen Bang & Olufsen. Produktet markedsføres til salg i alle EU-medlemsstater og EFTA-lande.


RSS-102 statement · English: This equipment complies with Industry Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. · French: Cet équipement est conforme à l’exposition aux rayonnements Industry Canada limites établies pour un environnement non contrôlé.
Model: Beosound 2 3rd Generation Product Name: Wireless Speaker
Bang & Olufsen A/S Phone number: +45 96841122
North America 5.15~5.25 GHz band operations in the 5.15~5.25 GHz band are restricted to indoor ues only.
This equipment is a Class II or double insulated electrical appliance. It has been designed in such a way that it does not require a safety connection to electrical earth.


FCC RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENT This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device should be Installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) IC warning
· English: This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence- exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: a) this device may not cause interference, and b) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
· French: Cet appareil contient des émetteurs / récepteurs exemptés de licence conformes aux RSS (RSS) d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : a) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et b) l ‘utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.”


no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. · Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. · Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected. · Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity 47 CFR § 2.1077 Compliance Information Unique Identifier: Beosound 2 3rd Generation Responsible Party – U.S. Contact Information
Bang & Olufsen America Inc. Street Address: 79 Walker Street. 4th Floor City, State: New York City, New York Zip Code: 10013 Telephone number or internet contact information: +1 917 810 5557


· WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. Do not expose this product to dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the equipment. To completely disconnect this equipment from the AC Mains, disconnect the mains plug from the wall socket. The wall socket must always be easily accessible.
Fcc statement · This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: a) This device may not cause harmful interference, and b) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
· Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is


Important! · Avoid placing the product in direct sunlight or direct artificial light, such as a spotlight. · Make sure that the product is set up, placed and connected in accordance with the instructions. · Place your product on a firm surface or stand where you want it placed permanently. Use Bang & Olufsen approved stands and wall brackets only! · Do not place any items on top of your product. · Do not subject the product to high humidity, rain or sources of heat. · The product is intended for indoor use in dry, domestic environments only. Use within a temperature range of 10­ 40°C (50­105°F). · Leave enough space around the product for adequate ventilation. · Do not connect any of the products in your system to the mains until you have connected all the cables. · Do not attempt to open the product. Leave such operations to qualified service personnel. · The product can only be switched off completely by disconnecting it from the wall socket. · The supplied plug and mains cord are specially designed for the product. Do not change the plug and if the mains cord is damaged, you must buy a new one from your Bang & Olufsen retailer.


Frequency range (MHz) 2402~2480MHz 2412~2472 MHz 5150~5725 MHz

Max. Transmit Power (dBm) 20 dBm 20 dBm 20 dBm

The product firmware is available for download from the Bang & Olufsen App.

The product to be sold in all European Union member and EFTA countries.

5.15~5.35 GHz band is restricted to indoor operations only in the following countries: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FR, DE, IS, IE, IT, EL, ES, CY, LV, LI, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, FI, SE, CH, UK, HR.



Electrical and electronic equipment, parts and batteries marked with this symbol must not be disposed of with normal household wastage, it must be collected and disposed of separately to protect the environment.

Your Bang & Olufsen retailer will advise you of the correct way of disposal in your country.


The product can only be switched off completely by disconnecting it from the mains socket. The mains socket must always be accessible.

No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles should be placed on the product.

Follow instructions to ensure correct and safe installation and interconnection of equipment in multimedia systems.

Make sure the cable connection between the product and the router does not exit the building to avoid contact with high voltage.


To prevent electric shock hazard, do not connect to mains power supply while grille is removed. Hereby, Bang & Olufsen A/S declares that the radio equipment type Beosound 2 3rd Generation is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full Declaration of Conformity can be found at the following web site:

Compliance with 2014/53/EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED) In accordance with Article 10.8(a) and 10.8(b) of the RED, the following table provides information on the frequency bands used and the maximum RF transmit power of the product for sale in the EU:



use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over. · Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. · Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. · WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. Do not expose this equipment to dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the equipment.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.


Important safety instructions · Read these instructions. · Keep these instructions. · Heed all warnings. · Follow all instructions. · Do not use this apparatus near water. · Clean only with dry cloth. · Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. · Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. · Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or groundingtype plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. · Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. · Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. · Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used,


Model: BeoSound 2 3rd generation


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Beosound 2 3rd Generation
Vigtigt Wichtiger Hinweis Important Importante Tärkeää Important Importante

Belangrijk Importante ! Viktigt



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