Dimplex SAP 10.2 guide Apartment Buildings Instruction Manual

August 15, 2024

SAP 10.2 guide Apartment Buildings
Instruction Manual

SAP 10.2 guide Apartment Buildings

Experience better living. Routes to Part L compliance
SAP 10.2 modelling for multi-occupancy residential buildings: heat pumps, ambient loops and complementary technologies, by Dimplex, for heating, cooling, hot water and ventilation.


Future outlook: The Future Homes Standard and beyond The design and specification of multi-occupancy residential buildings is undergoing unprecedented change, at an unparalleled speed. While Part L 2013 was with us for eight years, Part L 2021 was introduced as a four-year stepping stone towards the Future Homes Standard (FHS) in 2025 and, ultimately, zero carbon buildings.
Under Part L 2021, energy performance compliance continues to be assessed via the Standard Assessment Procedure, or SAP. The latest version – SAP 10.2 – includes the latest changes to residential dwelling performance requirements. For SAP assessors, M&E consultants and developers working on multi-occupancy developments, it is helpful to understand the new regulations, and how to establish compliance through SAP 10.2 modelling using the most efficient HVAC specifications possible.
Added benefits of pursuing more efficient solutions include smaller central plant, lower installation and maintenance costs, and more lettable space within buildings.
Alongside Part L 2021’s new energy efficiency requirements and metrics, specifiers and building energy assessors must also grapple with:

  • updated ventilation requirements (Part F)
  • new overheating metrics and how they apply to different apartment designs within the same building (Part O)
  • as-built photographic evidence aimed at reducing the performance gap
  • the phasing out of fossil fuel heating systems
  • stricter transitional arrangements for the implementation of the new requirements

This guide for SAP assessors, M&E consultants and developers introduces Dimplex’s range of residential HVAC solutions.
Used by themselves or as a suite of solutions, and backed by Dimplex’s technical service and support, these technologies can help to simplify compliance with the current Part L and Part F regulations.
Dimplex heat pump technologies are also a stepping stone that can help us prepare for the Future Homes Standard that is expected to be introduced in 2025. The government’s 2019 consultation on Part L 2021 also set out the roadmap to 2025 and the expected introduction of the Future Homes Standard. Now that it has come into effect, deciding how to go about complying with Part L 2021 can therefore be made easier by understanding where it fits into the bigger picture.
What is zero carbon-ready in 2025?
The aim of the Future Homes Standard is to make homes “zero carbon-ready”.
The intention is for residential specifications in 2025 to emit 75% to 80% less carbon than a Part L 2013-compliant design. New apartments will therefore need to be fully electric in their provision of heating and hot water and cooling if applicable, otherwise it is unlikely they will meet the carbon reduction targets.
The aim is for buildings to need no retrofit measures at a later date – hence being “zero carbon-ready”. As the National Grid continues to decarbonise, new dwellings featuring electric heating and hot water technologies will benefit from the lower carbon factor of electricity.
What is a typical 2025 specification likely to be?
The precise detail of the Future Homes Standard has is not fully known, but a typical building specification is likely to include the following.

  • Heat pump technology, direct electric heating and heat networks
  • Waste water heat recovery
  • Triple glazing
  •  Minimum building fabric standards that significantly limit heat loss

As is the case at the moment, compliance will be guided by performance targets such as a primary energy and carbon emissions reduction, not through the specification of particular technologies.
What does the future outlook mean for compliance with Part L 2021?

Part L 2021 is designed to help the construction industry adapt. It lays the groundwork for an easier transition to the Future Homes Standard. T he notional dwelling
Part L 2021 retains the concept of the ‘notional dwelling’ as the way to measure compliance. The actual dwelling is assessed against a theoretical notional dwelling of the same geometry and must match or exceed its performance.
The performance of the notional dwelling is established using a specification set out in Part L 2021. Matching this specification ensures compliance with the energy performance requirements of the Building Regulations.
Copying the notional specification is just one way of setting a compliant specification and for most developments it is unlikely to be the optimum specification.
It may not be the best solution for an individual developer, or the best performing solution for the constraints of a specific development.
The notional specification may not align with local planning requirements either. Local authorities remain free to set their own building performance targets that go above and beyond the Part L of Building Regulations. Depending on the targets set, it may not be possible to meet more stringent local targets using gas boilers or other fossil fuel technologies.
A second notional specification
The notional specification that is placed front and centre of Part L 2021 features a gas boiler as the main energy source. This is mainly because it is a well-established technology that is a known quantity within the UK construction, especially for volume house builders working at scale.

The government opted to encourage greater adoption of alternative systems, like heat pumps, gradually rather than making them mandatory. By giving the option of an alternative, industry would see an increase in installations that would help increase the number of installers required and also provide for gradual improvements to infrastructure to support full roll out of these technologies.
Part L 2021 features a second notional specification, in Appendix D of the Approved Document, featuring a heat pump. Developers who want to move away from fossil fuel heating can use the second notional specification as a baseline, refining it to suit the needs of a specific development.
When is the right time to move away from fossil fuel heating?
As a developer, you are faced with two choices: continue to use gas boilers for the short period of time they can still be specified or begin your own process of adaptation as soon as possible.
By adapting now, you will comply with Part L 2021 and prime your business for the next set of regulation changes, smoothing your transition to alternative specifications. When the Future Homes Standard is introduced, you’ll be ready for it.
You’ll also be providing purchasers or renters with attractive, future-proofed homes at a time when energy costs are at the front of their minds.

What changed in Part L 2021?

While gas boilers and fossil fuel heating remain in Part L 2021, there were plenty of other changes that fit with the aim of it being a stepping stone to the FHS. These changes only encourage the process of adapting to fully electric, low-carbon HVAC solutions as part of your compliance with current requirements.
Part L 2021’s four compliance metrics
Primary energy target Limiting how much fuel is consumed to produce a final unit of energy

Carbon emissions target Limiting carbon dioxide emissions
Fabric energy efficiency standards Limiting heat demands of properties
Minimum standards for the efficiency of building services and building fabric

  1. Primary energy
    The primary energy target looks at how much energy is needed for heating, hot water, lighting and ventilation. As well as the energy used within the home, it looks at the energy used to produce the fuel (including power station efficiency) and deliver it to the property.

  2. Carbon dioxide emissions
    Carbon emissions are becoming less effective as a measure of building performance over time. However, it remains a useful metric while the grid decarbonises.
    As a stepping stone to 2025’s expected 75% to 80% reduction, Part L 2021 aims to deliver an average 31% reduction in CO compared to Part L 2013.

  3. Fabric energy efficiency standard (FEES)
    FEES promotes a ‘fabric first’ approach to energy efficiency, by ensuring that buildings are designed and built with a thermally efficient building envelope. The approach combines low fabric element U-values with good thermal bridging detailing and low air permeability rates.
    Reducing heating demand within dwellings in this way gives more options for heating system specification.
    It becomes possible to choose solutions that are capable of operating at lower temperatures and can deliver increased energy efficiency.

  4. Minimum standards for fabric and fixed building services
    Otherwise known as ‘limiting’ or ‘backstop’ values, minimum standards ensure that no part of the building fabric or services specification performs worse than the given threshold. Compliance cannot be achieved by meeting the minimum standards alone, especially with the minimums having been made stricter in Part L 2021 compared to Part L 2013.

Minimum standards for fabric performance values| Revisions to minimum building services efficiencies and controls for new dwellings
External walls (W/m2.K)| 0.26| Application| Part L
2013 standard| Final Part L
2021 standard 1
1 Party walls (W/m2.K)| 0.20| I Gas boiler efficiency| I 88% SEDBUK 2009| 92% ErP
IFloor (W/m2.K)| 0.18| Heat pump efficiency| I SCOP ‘D’ if 512kW/COP2.5| SCOP 3.00
1 Roof (W/m2.K)| 0.16| Comfort cooling efficiency| EER 2.4 if air cooled and EER 2.5 if water cooled| SEER 4.00
1 Windows (W/m2.K)| 2.2
IRoof-lights1 (W/m2.K)| 1.6| Lighting| 45 lamp lumens per circuit-watt| 75 lamp lumens per circuit-watt
Air Permeability at 50 Pa| 8m3/m2.K

COP = Coefficient of performance
SCOP = Seasonal coefficient of performance
EER = Energy efficiency ratio please
How can Part L 2021’s metrics be achieved in practice?
New-build developments are designed to comply with the Building Regulations and their cons      performance gap and help properties achieve the design intent.
BREL report
In an effort to combat the performance gap, Part L 2021 introduced the ‘Building Regulations England Part L’ – or BREL – report.
The BREL report is produced as part of the SAP assessment process. Geotagged photographic evidence is required to back up the description of what is constructed compared to what is designed.
The BREL reporting system aims to reduce the performance gap

  1. Design stage BREL report – Produce a list of specifications
  2. As-built BREL report – Produces a list of the final specifications and a schedule of changes
  3. Signed – The person carrying out SAP assessments and the developer
  4. Building control – Used to check what was designed has been built

Part F, Part O and transitional arrangements

Energy performance alone does not create a healthy and comfortable home. Airtight building fabric that restricts heat loss can also lead to poor indoor air quality, unless adequate ventilation measures are specified.
Similarly, the risk of summer overheating is worsened if the home has no way to deal with solar gains causing a rise in air temperature. This is particularly true of single-aspect apartments where achieving cross- ventilation is impossible.
For that reason, Part F (ventilation) was updated alongside Part L, and a new Part O was introduced to tackle overheating.
Part F: Ventilation
There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer for ventilation and airtightness in the apartments of a multi-occupancy building. Airtightness and ventilation strategies must take that into account when deciding how best to meet new regulatory requirements.
As part of the 2021 regulatory updates, ventilation strategies have been simplified to a combination of the following.

  • Extract ventilation from wet rooms (either intermittent or continuously running)
  • Whole dwelling ventilation (either mechanically or via background ventilators)
  • Purge ventilation to remove high concentrations of water vapour or pollutants

The way whole-dwelling ventilation rates are calculated has also been changed to remove guesswork.
The ventilation system choice is now linked to airtightness

System Type| Dwellings covered by guidance| Design air permeability| As built air permeability
Natural ventilation| Less airtight dwellings| Higher than 5 m3(h.m2) at 50 Pa| Higher than 3 m3(h.m2) at 50 Pa
Mechanical ventilation (continuous extract & supply and extract)| All dwellings| Any level of air permeability

The above should be achieved with a system that produces low levels of noise, offers easy access for maintenance, and provides protection from cold draughts.
Should a home designed using only natural ventilation be built with a level of airtightness beyond that recommended by Part F, expert advice should be sought, or a mechanical ventilation system should be considered.
As part of the new regulations’ efforts to reduce the performance gap, all homes (rather than a sample of house types) on a development must now be air pressure tested to confirm their air permeability. This information will be submitted as part of the BREL report.
Part O: Overheating
Two approaches are available to assess overheating risk in dwellings: a simplified approach, and dynamic thermal modelling.

Overheating in new residential buildings
Simplified method
Focus on passive measures such as limiting solar gains and removing excess heat via ventilation. High risk areas need to meet higher standards.
Dynamic thermal modelling (TM59)
Strategies for limiting solar gains and removing excess heat via natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation or mechanical cooling. Developments using a communal heat network must use this assessment.
Both can be used within a multi-occupancy building. Factors such as glazing area, orientation, whether an apartment is single aspect or not, and whether the building features communal heating or hot water systems, all influence compliance and the best approach to take.
In addition, it’s worth being aware that even the simplified approach isn’t particularly simple and expert advice should be sought.
Also, altering the design of windows and their openings to address overheating might risk impacting compliance with other areas of the Building Regulations like Part B and Part K.
Transitional arrangements
For Part L 2013 and Part F 2010 to continue to apply to a dwelling, developers needed to have:

  • submitted a building/initial notice or deposited plans by the 15th of June 2022; and
  • commenced work on the individual building by the 15th of June 2023
    For homes that did not meet these conditions – even if they’re on the same site as other homes that do – the transitional arrangements would not have applied. The dwellings must therefore have been built in accordance with the 2021 regulations.
    Depending on the size of the site, and whether work has started on individual plots, a development which failed to keep to these timescales may have needed quite substantial redesign to some or all dwellings.

Alternative routes to compliance:
Two options from Dimplex
This guide is aimed at encouraging you to consider earlier adoption of alternatives to gas boilers. But what are those alternatives?
As a leading manufacturer of low carbon, fully electric HVAC solutions, Dimplex can offer practical guidance to whole-building heating, hot water and ventilation system selection. We’ve partnered with Darren Evans, the UK’s leading sustainability consultancy, to produce SAP 10.2 modelling that shows how different technology combinations can achieve compliance with Part L 2021.
The two routes to compliance offered over the following pages are fully modelled technology combinations that you can use to help meet the regulatory requirements for new apartments outlined in this guide.
Route 1:
Edel hot water heat pump (page 11)
Route 2:
The Zeroth Energy System – an ambient loop solution (page 13)
Selecting the heating systems modelled in these two routes can help achieve compliance with Part L 2021.
Designers and homeowners have become used to combi-boilers that require no hot water storage. These new go-to heating solutions require space for a cylinder, but don’t take up significantly more floor space than a conventional boiler. In fact, thanks to efficiencies around central plants and pipework, this new technology takes up less space in residential buildings generally.
More important is that you can make the leap from fossil fuel-based systems to low carbon systems quickly, easily and with confidence.
Route 1:
Edel hot water heat pump The first route to compliance uses a Dimplex Edel hot water heat pump for the hot water supply, with efficient direct acting panel heaters delivering space heating. Accompanied by ventilation and control options, the complete solution is economical, energy efficient and designed to enhance user comfort.
When the building envelope is optimised for SAP 10.2, hot water is the highest energy demand service. Meeting hot water demand in an efficient way can therefore help achieve Part L 2021 compliance.
The Edel hot water heat pump unit produces hot water efficiently: its coefficient of performance (COP) is up to 3.36, meaning it is capable of producing 3.36 units of hot water for every unit of electricity it consumes. By contrast, even the most efficient gas boiler has a COP of less than 1.0.
Specifying this route to compliance allows the construction of efficient, low carbon developments. Each apartment as a fully electric solution, rather than a hydronic heating and hot water system. This technology is fast becoming a popular choice in new-build apartment buildings.

  • Flexible placement – can be installed in airing cupboards or utility rooms
  • Space efficient – Edel unit is a standard cylinder size and fits in a standard service cupboard
  • Fully internal – well-suited to projects where regional requirements restrict the installation of technology externally
  • Remote operation – via RF enabled module and the Dimplex Hub and app
  • Single unit – stainless steel inner vessel paired with hot water heat pump mounted on top
  • Integrated air source heat pump – no refrigerant handling requirements at installation, meaning it can be installed by a plumber and electrician
  • Low capital cost – no need for the cost or infrastructure of a gas connection
  • Low maintenance – no water leaks or maintenance of a hydronic system
  • Cost effective – overall cost is lower than a full heat pump solution
  • Low noise – engineered for quiet operation

We modelled a fully electric solution with the Edel hot water heat pump at the heart in a selection of flats along with electric panel heaters and a choice of ventilation system. The solution gives a clear pass.
Typical flat values modelled

Floor area 61.39 m2 Windows G factor 0.71
Living room 23.17 m2 Air pressure with cMEV and MVHR 4
Wall U value 0.18 W/m2K Air pressure natural 5.01
Part wall fully filled and capped Heating direct acting

panel heaters
Floor U value for ground floor flat| 0.10 W/m2K| Hot water| Edel hot water heat pump 200l
Roof U value for top floor flat| 0.12 W/m2K| MVHR Model| Xpelair Natural Air 180
Windows U value| 1.2 W/m2K| cMEV model| Xpelair Xplus 2‐EC

Modelling in new residential apartments

Calculation Type| TER kgCO2/m2| DER kgCO2 /m2| Pass/Fail%| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Gas boiler, cMEV, single zone controls| 13.6| 14.5| -6.68| 72.81| 81.95| -12.56

*Base specification modelled using SAP10 beta version and option two of the 2021 Part L proposal

Calculation Type for Ground floor Flat| TER kgCO2/m2| DER kgCO2/m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & MVHR| 13.69| 4.1| 70.05| 74.94| 52.71| 29.66
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & cMEV| 13.69| 5.1 1| 62.67| 74.94| 55.5| 25.94
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & Natural| 13.69| 5.39| 60.63| 74.94| 42.62| 43.13

Table 1 – Modelled in a ground floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building

Calculation Type for Mid floor Flat| TER kgCO2/m2| DER kgCO2 /m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & MVHR| 12.4| 3.44| 72.26| 67.96| 44.9| 33.93
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & cMEV| 12.4| 4.33| 65.08| 67.96| 47.37| 30.3
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & Natural| 12.4| 4.58| 63.06| 67.96| 36.09| 46.9

Table 2 – Modelled in a mid floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building

Calculation Type for Top floor Flat| TER kgCO2 /m2| DER kgCO2 /m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & MVHR| 15.02| 4.71| 68.64| 82.08| 58.52| 28.7
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & cMEV| 15.02| 5.66| 62.32| 82.08| 60.94| 25.76
Electric Panel Heater with Edel, HWHP & Natural| 15.02| 5.91| 60.65| 82.08| 48.99| 40.31

Table 3 – Modelled in a top floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building
TER Target Emission Rate (for the Notional Dwelling)
TPER Target Primary Energy Rate (for the Notional Dwelling)
DER Dwelling Emission Rate (for the Actual Dwelling)
DPER Dwelling Primary Energy Rate (for the Actual Dwelling)
All modelling carried out by Darren Evans consultancy on behalf of Dimplex

Fully programmable| Excellent acoustic  performance| Remote operation for improved
control and convenience| Up to 3.36 COP
2-year warranty for unit & 5-year warranty for tank| Maximum temperature with immersion heater 65°C| Water regulations G3 KIWA
approval to EN 12897| Comes complete with factory fitted
T+P valve

Dimplex Q-Rad electric radiators

  • Instant warmth through dual-element technology
  • Customisable heating with four time and temperature settings per day
  • Adaptive Start pre-heating and Open Window detection auto-shutdown
  • Control via the Dimplex Hub using our smartphone app
  • Attractive styling
  • Easy to install

The routes to compliance described in this guide can be remotely controlled using the Dimplex Control smartphone app, in addition to the controls on the units themselves.
Homeowners therefore have control over their supported technology anywhere, and at any time. They can also easily track and manage their energy use.
Simple control of low carbon technology is vital to making it attractive to homeowners and ensuring that the benefits of the technology are fully realised. In addition, the app allows for remote diagnostics, which can help to reduce callouts and maintenance costs. Route 2: The Zeroth Energy
System – an ambient loop solution
The second route to compliance uses The Zeroth Energy System by Dimplex.
It provides heating, hot water services and optional comfort cooling using a network of in-apartment water-water heat pumps that are connected to an ambient loop. The refrigerant-free ambient water circuit is maintained at 25°C, regulated by the central plant. This can be an ASHP, another renewable energy source, or a district heating network connection.
Each apartment in a development features a Zeroth unit that contains a 172-litre water cylinder and a heat pump module, pre-plumbed and pre-wired for easier installation. The Zeroth Energy System can be connected to a range of hydronic heat emitters to suit the design. Performance
Ambient loops like The Zeroth Energy System have lower distribution heat losses compared to traditional, high temperature alternatives.
Losses can be reduced by up to 90%, giving improved energy performance across the whole-building network, and significantly reducing the risk of overheating within the building’s thermal envelope.
By operating at lower water temperatures, pipework insulation requirements are also reduced, saving on space and upfront material costs.
The in-apartment unit for a typical two- or three-bedroom unit features a 172-litre unvented water cylinder, capable of providing hot water up to 60C.
Zeroth specification

  • 4 and 6 kW Heating only
  • 4 and 6 kW Heating and Cooling
  • 172L unvented cylinder
  • 550 x 560 x 2000mm (W/D/H)

The key benefits of adopting the Zeroth Energy System can include:

  • Helping to simplify regulatory compliance
  • Reduced overheating risk of apartments
  • Reduced corridor temperatures
  • Improved energy performance, lower resident bills
  • Greater design flexibility for central plant
  • Opportunities to increase usable space
  • Carbon tax saving opportunities
  • Cost saving opportunities

The Zeroth Energy System’s in-apartment unit is designed to look similar to a fridge freezer and takes up no more space than traditional solutions. The heat pump is well insulated to minimise sound and standing heat losses.


As it runs with a lower system temperature, the Zeroth Energy System typically needs a smaller central plant room.
The energy loop requires a single pipework, reducing space and material requirements. The pipework insulation can also be reduced.
Within each apartment, the Zeroth unit is pre-plumbed and pre-wired for easier installation. If cooling is required in addition to heating, the spatial requirement for the unit does not change.
Internal access is entirely from the front of the unit, and the heat pump is a removable module to minimise disruption during routine maintenance. In the unlikely event of the heat pump failing, a back-up immersion heater ensures apartments will never be left without hot water.
The Zeroth Energy System is designed to use hydronic emitters in each apartment, allowing freedom of choice on every development. Emitters can be specified to provide heating or cooling only, or heating and cooling, depending on the design requirements and specification of The Zeroth Energy System with a cooling option.
Emitter options:
• Wet radiators • Underfloor heating • Fan coil units
Dimplex do not manufacture and supply wet radiator systems, so these need to be sized and specified accordingly to complete the system.
We modelled The Zeroth Energy System in a selection of flats with a choice of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR), centralised mechanical ventilation or a natural ventilation option. The solution gives a clear pass.
Typical flat values modelled

Floor area 61.39 m2
Living room 23.17 m2
Wall U value 0.18 W/m2K
Part wall Fully filled and capped
Floor U value for ground floor flat 0.10 W/m2K
Roof U value for top floor flat 0.12 W/m2K
Windows U value 1.2 W/m2K
Windows G factor 0.71
--- ---
Air pressure with cMEV and MVHR 4
Air pressure natural 5.01
Heating G Hot water The Zeroth Energy System (172l

cylinder/1.63 loss)
Central plant| ASHP Communal system (355%)
MVHR Model| Xpelair Natural Air 180
cMEV model| Xpelair Xplus 2‐EC
Calculation type| TER| DER| % reduction| TPER| DPER| % reduction
Gas boiler, cMEV, single zone controls| 13.6| 14.5| -6.68| 72.81| 81.95| -12.56

*Base specification modelled using SAP 10 beta version and option two of the 2021 Part L proposal

Calculation Type for Ground floor Flat| TER kgCO2 /m2k| DER kgCO2/m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Zeroth & MVHR| 13.77| 2.91| 78.87| 75.36| 31.98| 57.56
Zeroth & cMEV| 13.77| 3.03| 78| 75.36| 31.92| 57.64
Zeroth & Natural| 13.77| 3.03| 78| 75.36| 30.96| 58.92

Table 1 – Modelled in a ground floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building

Calculation Type for Mid floor Flat| TER kgCO2/m2| DER kgCO2/m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Zeroth & MVHR| 12.48| 2.74| 78.04| 68.42| 29.9| 56.53
Zeroth & cMEV| 12.48| 2.82| 77.4| 68.42| 29.74| 56.53
Zeroth & Natural| 12.48| 2.81| 77.48| 82.08| 29.28| 57.21

Table 2 – Modelled in a mid floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building

Calculation Type for Top floor Flat| TER kgCO2/m2| DER kgCO2/m2| DER/TER Pass/Fail %| TPER kWh pa| DPER kWh pa| Pass/Fail %
Zeroth & MVHR| 15.1| 3.1 1| 79.4| 82.52| 34| 58.8
Zeroth & cMEV| 15.1| 3.22| 76.68| 82.52| 33.85| 58.98
Zeroth & Natural| 15.1| 3.21| 78.74| 82.52| 33.04| 59.95

Table 3 – Modelled in a top floor 2-bedroom flat, east oriented, mid terrace apartment building
TER Target Emission Rate (for the Notional Dwelling)
TPER Target Primary Energy Rate (for the Notional Dwelling)
DER Dwelling Emission Rate (for the Actual Dwelling)
DPER Dwelling Primary Energy Rate (for the Actual Dwelling)
All modelling carried out by Darren Evans consultancy on behalf of Dimplex
Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)
This system uses heat from extracted stale air to warm incoming fresh air for a comfortable indoor environment and increased efficiency through reclaimed heat.
Natural Air 180 – This compact Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) unit provides whole-house ventilation. Mechanical Extract Ventilation (MEV)
This system extracts stale, moist air continuously from wet rooms to create a healthier indoor environment.
Xplus 2 EC – Centralised extraction system. The Xplus 2 brings the added benefit of a long-life, energy-efficient EC motor.
Control options
Flexibility is a feature of The Zeroth Energy System, and that extends to the in-apartment controls. The ambient loop is designed to allow the specifier to choose the preferred controls specification.
Central plant
Where a development is required to be connected to a district heating network, the Zeroth Energy System can accommodate this. Alternatively, air source heat pumps, or other renewable energy sources, can be used as a central plant. Dimplex offer a range of air source, ground source and water source heat pumps which can be specified with the Zeroth Energy System.

Experience better living.
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Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation
Millbrook House, Grange Drive, Hedge End. Southampton, Hampshire
United Kingdom, SO30 2DF


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