HYDROTECHNIK HTS 0004 Dual Pressure and Temperature Sensor Instruction Manual

August 13, 2024

HYDROTECHNIK HTS 0004 Dual Pressure and Temperature Sensor


  • Product Name: HTS 0004
  • Quality Assurance Standards: DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, DIN EN ISO 14001:2004
  • Documentation Requirements: Technical delivery instructions, data sheets, and company standards.


  • The supplier is responsible for the quality of its services to the Hydro-Technik GmbH.
  • To ensure that they comply with the specifications, an effective quality assurance system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is required certification according to DIN EN ISO 14001: 2004 would be desirable
  • We assume that every supplier and service provider of Hydrotechnik GmbH complies with legal regulations and aligns its actions with etethicalrinciples.
  • Through this quality system, errors should be prevented, and deviations from the agreed specifications should be detected at the earliest possible time so error causes can be stopped in time and finally.
  • For this, the supplier shall establish appropriate measures, and monitor, and document their implementation. The Hydrotechnik GmbH representative must be able to review instructions and records.
  • The quality assurance system of the supplier will be assessed by Hy-drotechnik GmbH. The assessment may take the form of an audit by a Hydrotechnik GmbH representative, or presenting appropriate references (for example, certifications, valid audits by reputable companies), or a self-assessment of the supplier and will be repeated at certain intervals. RThe requirementfor contract placing is a positive rating reresultIt is expected that the supplier will convince himself through internal audits of the functioning of its quality assurance system. Hydrotechnik GmbH reserves the right to carry out inspections and supervision at the supsupplierhereby the supplier is not relieved of its responsibility for quality.


Partners for Development

  • Suppliers who collaborate as development and subsequent series partners carry out project planning that applies to their area. An exchange of information in the project phases is carried out with the dedicated project managers of Hydrotechnik GmbH at regular intervals. The supplier shall independently maintain project documentation.
  • Responsibilities and deadlines must be defined during project planning. All activities resulting from the planning must be completed in good time before the start of series production; initial sample approval must be available.

Contract manufacturer
Suppliers who work as contract manufacturers for Hydrotechnik GmbH must be approved by the purchase and quality department.

Technical documentation

  • The technical documentation contains company standards, technical delivery instructions, data sheets, and important features. These specifications are binding. Functional features must be monitored and ensured by appropriate quality assurance measures during the production process.
  • If sources are mentioned in the technical documentation and the susupplierants use others, a written confirmation from Hydrotechnik GmbH is necessary.
  • If the supplier notices differences in the documents, they are obliged to clear this with Hydrotechnik GmbH.
  • The supplier must provide Hydrotechnik’s GmbH representatives access to all technical documentation along with the product Pyrotechnick GmbH.
  • To ensure and prevent the disclosure of technical documents and the know-how of Hydrotechnik GmbH, customised confidentiality agreements are concluded with the respective supplier depending on the business relationship.


Change of an approved production
If the supplier wishes to change conditions that have led to series approval (e.g., design, manufacturing and testing procedures, packaging, preservation), this is only possible after approval of a new initial sampling or, in consultation with Quality Management, using a cover sheet sampling (see also point 5 “Initial sampling”). The Supplier must keep records of the dates on which changes are introduced.

Deviation from drawing
Deviations from the specifications must be reported by the supplier. The product may only be delivered with an authorized special release. The special approval with a precise description of the deviation must be submitted to the quality department of Hydrotechnik GmbH. Acceptance of the deviating product will be checked by Quality and Technology. The “Special release” form is available from the quality ddepartment

Initial sampling

  • An initial sample test report is required if this is stated on the inquiry/order. The test results of all characteristics must be recorded in an initial sample report. Forms can be provided by Hydrotechnik GmbH.
  • The initial samples have to be delivered together with the initial sample report and all necessary documents on the agreed date to Hydro-Technik GmbH.
  • To identify the characteristics, identical numbers on the initial sample test report and the drawing, must be used. All characteristics on the drawing must be checked.
  • An accepted initial sample report is a mandatory requirement before the first shipment. The documentation has to be submitted in time so that a rejection does not affect the promised shipment/delivery date.
    The initial sample report approved by Hydrotechnik GmbH does not excuse the supplier from their responsibility for product quality.

Compliance Obligations

This chapter is not relevant for manufacturers of individual metallic parts, the material of which is specified by Hydrotechnik GmbH.

CE conformity
Suppliers who brand or manufacture products for Hydrotechnik GmbH or their subsidiaries and customers are obliged to properly carry out the CE certification and to always keep this by the currently valid legal regulations. It should be noted that the time at which the product is placed on the market is decisive and not the time at which the product is released. The supplier undertakes to notify Hy-drotechnik GmbH of all changes to the product or to the respective currently valid legal provisions that are relevant for the proof of EU conformity and, if necessary, to create a new certificate.
At the request of the supervisory authority, the supplier shall provide Hydrotechnik GmbH or the supervisory authority with the technical documents that establish conformity within six working days.
The products are to be labeled by the requirements of the guidelines and the EU declarations of conformity must be sent to mc@hydrotechnik.com.

Notes on the EMC Directive
Hydrotechnik GmbH is primarily a manufacturer of industrial, universally applicable measurement technology and sensors. The product standards/product family standards of the DIN EN IEC 61326 series are therefore to be used.
In particular, the criteria for the test specifications called up must be selected in such a way that maximum interference immunity is achieved in the industrial environment with simultaneous minimum interference emission for residential areas, business and commercial areas as well as in small businesses.
For certain reasons, a deviation from the above specification may be permitted by referring to special product standards with their exception clauses. This procedure must be clarified in advance with the technical bodies at Hydrotechnik GmbH.
Currently, valid standards nd guidelines always apply.

Notes on the RoHS directive
Since our products are used in very different markets and various devices, it must be marked in the CE declaration if there are restrictions on use in certain categories according to Annex I of this directive.
See also 6.3.2.

CE conformity for branded products
Suppliers who brand or produce products for Hydrotechnik GmbH or its subsidiaries and customers are obliged to carry out the CE certification properly under their name by the above specifications.

Material compliance

REACH regulation

  • All Hydrotechnik GmbH suppliers are obliged to comply with this reg-regulationsen if they are not subject to the scope of the REACH reguregulation exceptions given in the regulation are asserted that restrict the in-tintended of our products, this must be pointed out before the first delivery or in the event of changes to the product or when the regulation is updated by e-mail to mc@hydrotechnik.com.
  • If your product contains substances from the REACH candidate list (SVHC) valid at the time of placing it on the market (delivery date), a notice including the parts SCIP number is to be sent to mc@hydro-technik.com before the first delivery or in the event of changes to the product or the candidate list.
  • When reporting these products to ECHA, use understandable product names in English that do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the supply chain.

RoHS Directive
A large part of the Hydrotechnik GmbH products is also used in electrical and electronic devices. Therefore, the selection of material for components that do not fall within the scope of the RoHS directive must nevertheless comply with the requirements of the RoHS directive in their latest version.
If not covered by the EU declarations of conformity, a manufacturer’s declaration must be sent to mc@hydrotechnik.com.
See also section 6.1.2.

The products must comply with this regulation in its latest version.

TSCA Section 6 (h)
Since the Hydrotechnik GmbH products are also exported to the USA, compliance with TSCA, Section 6 (h) is required.

This relates to

  • 2,4,6-Tris(tert-butyl) phenol (2,4,6-TTBP), CAS number 732-26-3
  • Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), CAS number 87-68-3
  • Pentachloro-thiophenol (PCTP), CAS number 133-49-3
  • Decabromdiphenylether (DecaBDE), CAS number 1163-19-5
  • Phenol, isopropylated phosphate (PIP (3:1))
  • CAS number 68937-41-7

Extended conflict minerals
As Hydrotechnik GmbH, we take our responsibility to exercise due diligence along the supply chain very seriously. As early as 2010, the US legislature defined “conflict minerals” as materials that finance armed conflicts in certain regions. Since then, various definitions of “conflict minerals” have emerged. They usually include working conditions, social and environmental standards, and high political risks (e.g., corruption) in the affected areas or countries.

  • Initially, tantalum, tin, tungsten, their ores (cassiterite, columbite-tan-talite, and wolframite), and gold, also known as “3TG”, were designated as conflict minerals. Today, cobalt and mica are also included. In 2012, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued a valid legal framework for 3TG with the “Conflict Minerals Rule”.Regulation (EU) 2017/821 is not relevant for Hydrotechnik GmbH due to the size of the company and the quantity of raw materials imported into the EU. However, this does not necessarily apply to our suppliers.
  • Hydrotechnik GmbH pursues an integrated risk-based management approach based on the five steps of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Af-fected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA).
  • We expect our business partners to make comparable efforts to comply with the relevant regulations and requirements.
  • In every confirmed case of a violation of the expectations formulated in this guideline, we will take appropriate measures. Respecting human rights along the supply chain is essential for our business activities.
  • About 3TG, cobalt, and mica, the CAHRA list published by the EU Commission serves as the basis for our categorization as a conflict or high-risk area.
  • Business partners that source either directly or indirectly from one of the listed areas or even have their own mining or processing sites in one of these areas are categorized as high-risk.
  • In this context, we consider reviews of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) or comparable sustainability initiatives as essential tools to minimize risks in our supply chain.
  • The RMI is a well-known initiative with a particular focus on social and environmental standards in minerals and metals supply chains. We recognize the standards of this initiative and accept smelters and refiners that have completed RMI certification.
  • We prefer to work with business partners whose (production) sites are either RMI-compliant themselves or who directly or indirectly source mainly from smelters or refiners that are listed on the so-called “Conformant List” or “Active List” of the RMI. In this case, we consider them to be “conflict-free” even if the mining or processing sites are located in a CAHRA.
  • Therefore, we expect all business partners to provide the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) for 3TG and the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) for cobalt and mica developed by the RMI.

Further regulations
Further national and international regulations can be added to individual products. These will then be requested separately.

Alternative procedures

  • Hydrotechnik GmbH explicitly requires a material data sheet (MDS) with a solid material declaration for selected products.
  • A solid material declaration can also be used as an alternative to the initial and recurring testing of material conformity.
  • Hydrotechnik GmbH uses the “compliance.data.exchange” (CDX) platform to manage the material data sheets (MDS) and the inspection aofvarious regulations. The company ID is 28628.
  • Alternatively, data can be transferred from the Material Data System (IMDS). The company ID of Hydrotechnik GmbH is 116030.
  • The use of jokers in the MDS should be avoided, as their reliability depends on the underlying regulation and its output status. Therefore, it does not release the declaration from the independent check about the regulations to be applied. In the CDX (but not in the
  • IMDS), substances may be marked as confidential to protect company secrets.
    The supplier must ensure that after submission of the material data sheet, all future deliveries of the product comply with the promised properties. Changes to the material composition must be notified before delivery via a version of the material data sheet.


  • Test requirements and procedures that are required in the technical documentation are binding. Any changes require written approval by Hydrotechnik GmbH. The frequency of testing depends on the process capability and mastering of the process. Random samples are not permitted as long as the production process is not mastered completely.
  • If a sampling result indicates defective products, the production lot has to be sorted as an immediate action. Until the cause of error has been eliminated, for all available stocks and subsequent lots a screening inspection has to be carried out.
  • The production state and the inspection decision must be recognizable at all manufacturing and partial lots.
  • Test results must be available in written form and attached to the delivery.

Receiving inspection at the supplier

  • If the supplier places orders with sub-suppliers, they have to take care that the requirements of this directive are met by its sub-suppliers.
  • Hydrotechnik GmbH reserves the right to review these sub-suppliers. Hereby the supplier is not released from their responsibility towards the sub-suppliers and Hydrotechnik GmbH.

Inspection during production

  • To guarantee process safety, the important features and/or production-critical features must be subjected to control according to a statistical process control.
  • Depending on the manufacturing process (e.g., heat treatment, casting) the product inspection must be complemented by the monitoring of the process parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure, time). In doubt, the supplier has to coordinate with the quality manager of Hy-drotechnik GmbH.
  • To allow traceability, features must be recorded. These records also can be used for improvements in the production process improvement. If necessary, these records must be handed over to Hy-drotechnik GmbH.
  • Initiated error elimination measures and improvement measures are noted in the records.

Final inspection at the supplier

  • The supplier guarantees, that only products, which meet all requirements, are shipped. Therefore, final inspections are necessary which are based on the ability of the processes. This requires a test report (forms can be provided by Hydrotechnik GmbH).
  • If the supplier determines errors that could also affect already delivered parts, they are obliged to inform immediately the quality department of Hydrotechnik GmbH and inform them about the used error elimination measures.
  • If the supplier is not able to eliminate the error until the next delivery, they must immediately inform the purchase and quality department of Hydrotechnik GmbH and stop any further delivery until receipt of contrary advice.
    Products with approved deviations must be delivered separately to the Hydrotechnik GmbH. Delivery notes and packaging units must include corresponding references to the type of deviations.

Test equipment and instruments
The supplier uses suitable testing equipment in a sufficient number. The suitability arises from the uncertainty of measurement, which has to be determined.
A system for regular reviews has to be provided for this test equip-ment/ instruments. This system ensures that defective devices are detected in time and are no longer used.

Incoming inspection

  • We reserve the right, to examine the deliveries and depending on the results, accept or reject them.
  • In particular, we reserve the right to sort and rework – if necessary – refused lots due to time reasons, if the supplier cannot do this in a reasonable period.
  • The cost for all arising works will be charged to the supplier.
  • However, accepting a production lot does not mean that the supplier has been disbudisburdenedfailures occur during further processing, which aiscaused by errors of the supplier, the supplier is still responsible for this.

Defective products
Production lots with defective products must be removed by the supplier from the process, sorted, rreworked, randscrapped.

The supplier must ensure that the reworking of its products does not have any detrimental effects (dimensions, function, strength, service life).
Rework that changes the properties of the products or causes deviations from specifications, including the planned rework process, must be approved by Hydrotechnik GmbH with a special release. This approval must have been granted in writing by Hydrotechnik GmbH before the rectification.

Deliveries must be made according to the specifications of the order or the call-offs of the delivery schedule, according to type and batch. If partial deliveries are required for individual orders, this must be noted on the delivery note. The last delivery of an order must be labeled “remaining delivery”.

The delivery note must contain:

  • Delivery note number
  • Batch/Heat number
  • Hydrotechnik part-number
  • Hydrotechnik drawing number with revision index
  • Supplier
  • Order number, Order position, Date of dispatch, Method of packaging
  • Quantity
  • Weight
  • Delivery address

Additional documents like initial sample test reports, test reports, material test reports, special releases, etc. must be attached to the delivery note. A remark on the delivery notes as „enclosures“ is also necessary.
Products and/or transport containers must be marked so that they can be identified.


Clean packaging appropriate to the product must be selected for the transport of Hydrotechnik GmbH products. Contamination and damage due to inadequate packaging must always be avoided.
The products and/or transport containers must be labeled in such a way that they can be identified and mix-ups/mixtures are avoided. Batch separation must be strictly adhered to.

Duty to inform
The supplier is obliged to indicate activity in novel and cost-efficient production processes.

Normative references

  • DIN EN 10204 metallic product types of inspection documents; German version EN 10204
  • HTS 0201 General technical requirements of Hydrotechnik GmbH
  • HTS 0205 Marking of components
  • REACH Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (…)
  • RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (…)
  • EMV Directive 2014/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility
  • POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on persistent organic pollutants
  • UKCA United Kingdom Conformity Assessed, marking on technical products used by the manufacturer to declare compliance with the relevant UK Statutory Instruments
  • TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, Section 6 (h) on certain chemicals that are persistent, bio-accumu-lative and toxic (PBT).
  • DFA Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, United States federal law, specifically Section 1502 on Conflict Minerals, and related final rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

There is no liability for possible misprints. The German language version is valid in any case of doubt.

Rev.| Projekt


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| Bearbeitet


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0| N/A| Veröffentlichung

Ersetzt Werknorm N 901-01-42

| Nemak, Velten| Hempel| 2024-01-23

Rev. 00 • 2024-01-23 • 9/9
© Hydrotechnik GmbH Holzheimer Str. 94-96


  • Q: What should suppliers do if they want to use different sources than those mentioned in the technical documentation?
    • A: Suppliers must obtain a written confirmation from Hydrotechnik GmbH for using alternative sources mentioned in the technical documentation.


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