GOWIN UG299-1.0.3E Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

August 9, 2024

GOWIN UG299-1.0.3E Analog to Digital Converter

Product Information

Arora V Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)


  • Trademark: Arora V Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Model: UG299-1.0.3E
  • Date: 02/02/2024
  • Trademark Holder: Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation

Product Information

The Arora V Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is a trademark of Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation and is registered in China, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and other countries.
It is designed to convert analog signals into digital data efficiently.

Usage Instructions

About This Guide
The purpose of the Arora V ADC User Guide is to help users quickly learn the features and usage of the ADC by introducing functions, ports, configurations, etc.

Related Documents
The latest user guides and related documents are available on the GOWINSEMI website. Users can find additional information on DS981E, GW5AT series of FPGA Products Data Sheet, DS1103E, GW5A series of FPGA Products Data Sheet, DS1104E, GW5AST series of FPGA Products Data Sheet, DS1108E, GW5AR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet, DS1115E, GW5AS-25 Data Sheet, DS1114E, GW5AS-138 Data Sheet,and SUG100, Gowin Software User Guide.

Terminology and Abbreviations
The manual uses specific terminology and abbreviations such as ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), CIC (Cascaded Integrator-Comb),FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), IP (Intellectual Property),OSC (Oscillator), and SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory).

Support and Feedback
Gowin Semiconductor offers comprehensive technical support to customers. For questions, comments, or suggestions, users can contact Gowin Semiconductor directly using the provided information.


Q: Where can I find the latest user guides for the Arora V ADC?
A: The latest user guides are available on the GOWINSEMI website at www.gowinsemi.com.

Copyright © 2024 Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GOWIN is a trademark of Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation and is registered in China, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any denotes, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of GOWINSEMI.

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Revision History

Date Version Description
05/08/2023 1.0E Initial version published.
07/31/2023 1.0.1E Description of “2.3.1 ADC Conversion Timing” optimized.
12/08/2023 1.0.2E ADC parameter descriptions updated.
02/02/2024 1.0.3E l  Description of ADC input optimized.

l  Table 3-3 ADC GUI Parameters updated.

About This Guide

Arora V Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) User Guide is to help you quickly learn the features and usage of Arora V ADC by introducing to the functions, ports, configuration, etc.

Related Documents
The latest user guides are available on the GOWINSEMI website. You can find the related documents at www.gowinsemi.com:

  • DS981E, GW5AT series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS1103E, GW5A series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS1104E, GW5AST series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS1108E, GW5AR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS1115E, GW5AS-25 Data Sheet
  • DS1114E, GW5AS-138 Data Sheet
  • SUG100, Gowin Software User Guide
Terminology and Abbreviations

The terminology and abbreviations used in this manual are as shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Terminology and Abbreviations

Terminology and Abbreviations Full Name
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
CIC Filter Cascaded Integrator–comb Filter
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
IP Intellectual Property
OSC Oscillator
SRAM Static Random Access Memory

Support and Feedback

Gowin Semiconductor provides customers with comprehensive technical support. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us directly using the information provided below.

Website: www.gowinsemi.com

E-mail: support@gowinsemi.com


Arora V series of FPGA products integrate eight-channel 10 bits Delta-sigma ADC. It is an ADC with low power, low-leakage current, and high dynamic performance. When combined with the programmable logic capability of the FPGA, the sensor can address the data acquisition and monitoring requirements for by chip internal temperature and power monitoring. FPGA also provides rich and freely configurable GPIO differential interfaces and ADC analog differential signal interfaces to connect to the ADC voltage channels, which can meet the voltage data sampling and monitoring requirements.


The main features of Arora V ADC are as follows:

  • Number of ADC:
    • GW5A-25/ GW5AR-25/ GW5AS-25: 1
    • GW5A-138/ GW5AT-138/ GW5AT-75/ GW5AST-138: 2
  • Reference voltage source: Built-in
  • Number of channels per ADC: 8
  • Bit width accuracy: 10 bits
  • Sampling Clock: < 2MHz
  • ADC differential input voltage range: 0~1V (positive input voltage > negative input voltage)
  • Temperature sensor accuracy: +/-2℃
  • Voltage sensor accuracy: +/-5mV
Functional Description


Arora V ADC provides analog Delta-sigma modulators to meet the requirements of on-chip temperature and voltage detection in multiple regions, and also provides GPIO differential interfaces for off-chip voltage and temperature input, only supporting differential signal input (Positive input voltage > Negative input voltage).

Arora V ADC has embedded reference voltage source with high accuracy, and it does not require off-chip voltage reference source; Arora V ADC features low power and high accuracy for temperature and supply voltage detection. Arora V ADC has an internally integrated voltage signal processing module, so no external voltage reference source is required. It meets the accuracy of voltage signal measurements and helps to reduce user costs.


Figure 2-1 shows the structure diagram of GW5A-25 / GW5AR-25 / GW5AS-25 ADC.


GW5A-25 / GW5AR-25 / GW5AS-25 ADC supports on-chip temperature and voltage detection. Through the control signal, you can select the voltage from the on- chip temperature sensor to enter the on-chip temperature detection mode; or you can select another path to monitor the power supply voltage of IP modules in the FPGA, including bank voltage, core voltage, and SRAM voltage, etc. The off-chip voltage signals can be sent to the ADC via the GPIO differential pins on
Bank0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 or the dedicated ADC differential input pins for ADC quantization.
For GW5A-25 / GW5AR-25 / GW5AS-25 ADC, you can select UserLogic clock or OSC clock to obtain a better balance between power and performance.
The voltage signal into the Delta sigma modulator0 is quantized and noise- shaped to output adc_1bit0 and adc_clk0, which can be sent to the embedded CIC hard core or CIC soft core for further processing to obtain the digital characterization of temperature and voltage.

GW5A-138/GW5AT-138/GW5AT-75/GW5AST-138 offers two ADCs. Figure 2-2 shows the structure diagram.


GW5A-138/GW5AT-138/GW5AT-75/GW5AST-138 supports on-chip temperature and voltage detection. Through the control signal, you can select the voltage from the on-chip temperature sensor to enter the on-chip temperature detection mode; or you can select another path to monitor the power supply voltage of IP modules in the FPGA, including Bank2/3/4/5/6/7/10 voltage, core voltage, MIPI and SERDES voltage, etc. The off-chip voltage signals can be sent to the ADC via the GPIO differential pins on Bank2/3/4/5/6/7 or the dedicated ADC differential input pins for ADC quantization.

For GW5A-138/GW5AT-138/GW5AT-75/GW5AST-138 ADC, you can select user logic clock IO, GPIO clock or OSC clock to obtain a better balance between power and performance.

The voltage signal into the Delta_sigma modulator1/Delta_sigma modulator2 is quantized and noise-shaped to output adc_1bit1/adc_1bit2 and adc_clk1/adc_clk2. They can be sent to the embedded CIC hard core for further processing to obtain the digital characterization of temperature and voltage.

In addition, the 138K ADC supports two pairs of dedicated ADC differential input interfaces: adcvp/adcvn, adctp/adctn, providing users with a low- latency, low-noise differential voltage input channel.

ADC Characteristics

ADC Conversion Timing

There are N clock cycles needed for the ADC to sample analog input signals, convert them to output digital signals, and then generate the output signals. When the rising edge of the sensor_req signal comes, and the sensor_en signal is enabled (active-high), the ADC will be triggered to sample once; when the sensor measurement is finished, it will pull the sensor_rdy signal high to indicate the completion of sampling and output the sampling value of sensor_value[13:0].

In voltage measurement mode, the output value of sensor_value is an unsigned number (sensor_value [13:11] for the integer part and sensor_value [10:0] for the fractional part), which needs to be divided by 2048 to get the actual measured value in V.

In temperature mode, the output value of sensor_value is a signed number (sensor_value [13] for the sign bit, sensor_value [12:2] for the integer part and sensor_value [1:0] for the fractional part), which needs to be divided by 4 to get the actual measured value in℃.


Table 2-1 ADC Timing Parameters

Symbol| Description| Spec.| ****


Min.| Max.
CLK| Clock cycle| TBD| TBD| ns
TS| SOC setup    time| TBD| TBD| ns
TH| SOC hold-up time| TBD| TBD| ns
TD_EOC| EOC delay time| TBD| TBD| ns
TD_B| Data-out delay time| TBD| TBD| ns

Electrical Characteristic Parameters

Table 2-2 ADC Electrical Parameters


| ****


| Spec.| ****


Min.| Typ.| Max.
DC precision
Output| Digital output bits| –| 10| –| Bit
INL| Integral nonlinearity| –| TBD| –| LSB


| Differential nonlinearity| ****

| ****


| ****

| ****


Offset error| Offset error| –| TBD| –| %FS
Gain error| Gain error| –| TBD| –| %FS
Analog Input


| Single-ended input range| ****

| TBD| ****

| ****


CIN| Input capacitance| –| TBD| –| pF
Slew Rate
SoC| Sample frequency| –| TBD| –| MHz
CLK| Master Clock| –| TBD| –| MHz
Date-out delay| Date-out delay| –| TBD| –| Clock cycle
Dynamic Characteristic Parameters


| ****

Signal Noise Ratio

| –| TBD| –| DB
–| TBD| –| DB


| Spurious-free dynamic range| –| TBD| –| DB
–| TBD| –| DB


| Valid    output   data bits| –| TBD| –| Bit
–| TBD| –| Bit


| ****


| Spec.| ****


Min.| Typ.| Max.
Digital Input
VIH| Input high level| –| TBD| –| V
VIL| Input low level| –| TBD| –| V
Digital output B[9:0]
VOH| Output high level| –| TBD| –| V
VOL| Output low level| –| TBD| –| V
Supply voltage
Vdd_a| Analog core voltage| –| TBD| –| V
Vdd_dig| Digital voltage| –| TBD| –| V
Vddx| Analog voltage| –| TBD| –| TBD
Ivdd_a| Analog bitstream| –| TBD| –| uA
Ivdd_dig| Digital current| –| TBD| –| uA
Ivddx| Analog current| –| TBD| –| TBD
Ipd| Turn-off current| –| TBD| –| mA



Devices Supported

Table 3-1 Terminology and Abbreviations

Family Series Device
Arora® GW5A GW5A-25A

Port Diagram

Port Description

Table 3-2 ADC Port Description

Port I/O Description
clk input clk input
drstn input digital part reset signal, active low
adcmode input mode selection

1’b0: temperature mode 1’b1:voltage mode

vsenctl| input| input source selection bit [2:0] 3’b000: glo_left 3’b001:glo_right

3’b010:loc_left(Corresponding to Bank1 GPIO)

3’b011: vtest 3’b100:vcc 3’b101:vccc 3’b110:vccm


adcen| input| enable signal, active high
adcreqi| input| measurement request signal, valid rising edge
adcrdy| output| measurement completion signal, active high
adcvalue| output| bit[13:0] the measurement result output
mdrp_rdata| output| bit[7:0] mdrp_rdata
mdrp_clk| input| mdrp clock
mdrp_wdata| input| bit[7:0] mdrp_wdata
mdrp_a_inc| input| mdrp_a_inc
mdrp_opcode tlvds_ibuf_adc_i tlvds_ibuf_adc_ib


| input input input


| bit[1:0] mdrp_opcode

The adcvp signal from bank1 The adcvn signal from bank1

The adc enable signal from bank1

Parameter Description

Table 3-3 ADC GUI Parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
ADC Mode Temperature Temperature/Voltage

Division Factor

| ****


| clock division 0: /1, 1: /2, 2: /4, 3: /8

Clock after frequency division, 500kHz~8MHz

Clock Select

| ****


| clk source

osc (2.5MHz) or CLK

Sample Rate

| ****


| sample rate configuration


Sample Count

| ****


| sample count configuration


Fscal Value

| 730(Temperature) 623(Voltage)| temperature mode: 510~948 voltage mode: 452~840


| -1180(Temperature)


| temperature mode: -1560~-760

voltage mode: -410~410

Dynamic Bank Enable (Voltage mode)

| ****


| If checked, the tlvds_ibuf_adc ADC input interface (Bank1 input) will be enabled.
glo_left (Voltage mode)| ****


| vcc/vcc_ext/vccio_bk1/vccc/pad The pad corresponds to the bank0/6/7 IOs, referred to as bus0. When using the IOs of these banks as
| | ADC inputs, it is necessary to add the physical constraints as follows: USE_ADC_SRC_bus0 loc.

loc: the location of the ADC input pin, e.g.


glo_right (Voltage mode)| vcc_reg| vcc/vcc_reg/vccc/vccm/vccio_bk4/ vccio_bk5/vccio _bk10/pad

The pad corresponds to the bank2/3/4/5 IOs, referred to as bus0. When using the IOs of these banks as ADC inputs, it is necessary to add the physical constraints as follows: USE_ADC_SRC_bus1 loc.

loc: the location of the ADC input pin, e.g.



(Voltage mode)

| vccx| vccx

ADC Instantiation

Verilog Instantiation:


Vhdl Instantiation:



Devices Supported

Table 3-4 Terminology and Abbreviations

Family Series Device
Arora® GW5A GW5A-138B
GW5AT GW5AT-138 / GW5AT-138B / GW5AT-75B

Port Diagram


Port Description

Table 3-5 ADCULC Port Description

Port I/O Description
clk input clk input
drstn input digital part reset signal, active low


| ****


| input source selection bit[2:0] 3’b000:vtest





3’b101:vdd18_1 3’b111:vdd33

adcen| input| enable signal, active high
adcreqi| input| measurement request signal, valid rising edge
adcrdy| output| measurement completion signal, active high
adcvalue| output| bit[13:0]   the measurement result output


| ****


| bit[9:0]

temperature mode: 510~948 voltage mode: 452~840


| ****


| bit[11:0]

emperature mode: -1560~-760 voltage mode: -410~410

tlvds_ibuf_adc_i| input| The adcvp signal from bank6/7
tlvds_ibuf_adc_ib| input| The adcvn signal from bank6/7
tlvds_ibuf_adc_adcen| input| The adc enable signal from bank6/7
adcinbk6a| input| adcvp from Bank6 GPIO
adcinbk6b| input| adcvn from Bank6 GPIO
adcinbk7a| input| adcvp from Bank7 GPIO
adcinbk7b| input| adcvn from Bank7 GPIO

Table 3-6 ADCLRC Port Description

Port I/O Description
CLK input clk input
DRSTN input digital part reset signal, active low


| ****


| input source selection bit[2:0] 3’b000: adcv

3’b001: adct 3’b010: vdd09_0

3’b011: vdd09_1

3’b100: vdd18_0

3’b101: vdd18_1

3’b110: vdd33_0

3’b111: vdd33_1

ADCEN| input| enable signal, active high
ADCREQI| input| measurement request signal, valid rising edge
ADCRDY| output| measurement completion signal, active high
ADCVALUE| output| bit[13:0] the measurement result output


| ****


| bit[9:0]

temperature mode: 510~948 voltage mode: 452~840


| ****


| bit[11:0]

emperature mode: -1560~-760 voltage mode: -410~410

TLVDS_IBUF_ADC_I| input| The adcvp signal from bank2/3
TLVDS_IBUF_ADC_IB| input| The adcvn signal from bank2/3
TLVDS_IBUF_ADC_ADCEN| input| The adc enable signal from bank2/3
ADCINBK2A| input| adcvp from Bank2 GPIO
ADCINBK2B| input| adcvn from Bank2 GPIO
ADCINBK3A| input| adcvp from Bank3 GPIO
ADCINBK3B| input| adcvn from Bank3 GPIO
ADCINBK4A| input| adcvp from Bank4 GPIO
ADCINBK4B| input| adcvn from Bank4 GPIO
ADCINBK5A| input| adcvp from Bank5 GPIO
ADCINBK5B| input| adcvn from Bank5 GPIO

Parameter Description

Table 3-7 ADCULC GUI Parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
ADC Mode Temperature Temperature/Voltage
--- --- ---

Division Factor

| ****


| clock division 0: /1, 1: /2, 2: /4, 3: /8

Clock after frequency division, 500kHz~8MHz

Clock Select

| ****


| clk source

osc(2.5MHz) /CLK/IO

VSEN Control

| ****


| vsenctl control port

If checked, the ADC IP generated has no vsenctl signal.

Sample Rate

| ****


| sample rate configuration


Sample Count

| ****


| sample count configuration


Fscal Value

| 730(Temperature) 623(Voltage)| temperature mode: 510~948 voltage mode: 452~840


| -1180(Temperature)


| temperature mode: -1560~-760

voltage mode: -410~410

Dynamic Bank Enable

(Voltage mode)

| ****


| If checked,the tlvds_ibuf_adc   ADC input port will be enabled.

(Bank6/7 input)


(Voltage mode)

| vcc| vcc

(Voltage mode)

| vccm| vccm

(Voltage mode)

| vdda_serdes_q0| vdda_serdes_q0/vddt_serdes_q0/vdda_mipi_m0/ vddd_mipi_m0/ vdda_mipi_m1/ vddd_mipi_m1

(Voltage mode)


(Voltage mode)

| vddh_serdes_q0| vddh_serdes_q0/vccx_mipi_m0/ vccx_mipi_m1

(Voltage mode)

| vccx| vccx

(Voltage mode)

| vccio_bk6| vccio_bk6/vccio_bk7

Table 3-8 ADCLRC GUI Parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
ADC Mode Temperature Temperature/Voltage

Division Factor

| ****


| clock division 0: /1, 1: /2, 2: /4, 3: /8

Clock after frequency division, 500kHz~8MHz

Clock Select

| ****


| clk source

osc(2.5MHz) /CLK/IO

VSEN Control

| ****


| vsenctl control port

If checked, the ADC IP generated has no vsenctl signal.

Sample Rate

| ****


| sample rate configuration


Sample Count

| ****


| sample count configuration


Fscal Value

| 730(Temperature) 623(Voltage)| temperature mode: 510~948 voltage mode: 452~840


| –



| ****

temperature mode: -1560~-760 voltage mode: -410~410

Dynamic Bank Enable

(Voltage mode)

| ****


| If checked,the tlvds_ibuf_adc   ADC input port will be enabled.

(Bank2/3 input)


(Voltage mode)

| vdda_serdes_q1| vdda_serdes_q1/vddt_serdes_q1/vcc/ADCINBK2/ADCINBK 3

(Voltage mode)


(Voltage mode)

| vddh_serdes_q1| vddh_serdes_q1/ vccx

(Voltage mode)

| vccx| vccx

(Voltage mode)

| vccio_bk2| vccio_bk2/vccio_bk3

(Voltage mode)

| vccio_bk4| vccio_bk4/ vccio_bk5/vccio_bk10

ADC Instantiation (Take ADCULC as an Example)

Verilog Instantiation:


Vhdl Instantiation:



ADC Configuration and Call

You can click “Tools > IP Core Generator” in Gowin Software to call and configure ADC.
The following description takes the GW5A-25 ADC call as an example.

ADC Configuration

The ADC configuration interface is shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 ADC Configuration


Generation Files

After ADC configuration, it will generate three files that are named after the “File Name”. Take the default configuration as an example:

  • “gowin_adc.v” file is a complete Verilog module to generate instance Gowin_ADC;
  • “gowin_adc_tmp.v” is a template file for IP designs;
  • “gowin_adc.ipc” file is an IP configuration file for users to load and configure the IP.

If VHDL is selected as the hardware description language, the first two files will be named with .vhd suffix.


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