watchgas QSG-SST4-Micro-Mini Rev 1.4 Micro 4 Gas Monitor User Guide

July 31, 2024

QSG-SST4-Micro-Mini Rev 1.4 Micro 4 Gas Monitor



  • Product: Gas Detector
  • Model: SST4 Micro / SST4 Mini
  • Manufactured in: Korea
  • IP Rating: IP65/67
  • Compliance: RoHS
  • Approvals: IECEx, ExVeritas, CPEx

Product Usage Instructions:


The detector can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth. Do not use
any harsh chemicals or solvents.

Important Notes:

This product is a gas detector and not a measuring device.
Extended exposure to certain concentrations of gases may affect

Zeroing the Sensor:

Periodically zero the sensor in a normal atmosphere for optimal

Calibration and Sensor Replacement:

If an alarm occurs due to high gas concentration, calibrate the
detector. Replace the sensor if needed.

Battery Information:

Use only approved batteries and chargers. Do not attempt to
replace internal components as it may void the warranty.

Sensor Calibration:

Check the catalytic combustible sensor with a known
concentration of calibration gas after extended use.


Q: Can I use non-Approved chargers with the device?

A: No, only use WatchGas approved chargers to ensure safety and
proper functionality.

Q: What should I do if the device appears damaged?

A: Do not use the device if it appears damaged. Contact an
authorized WatchGas distributor for assistance.

Q: How often should I calibrate the sensor?

A: It is recommended to calibrate the sensor with a known
concentration of calibration gas after extended use or in case of
an alarm due to high gas concentration.


· ·
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· QSG-SST4-Micro/Mini Rev 1.4
EN · 19.06.24

The internal battery is non-replaceable. The internals must · not be accessed by the end-user by any means. The equipment is intended for use in hazardous atmosphere ·

(typical value).


The end-user shall contact the equipment manufacturer if ·

The equipment shall only be charged wirelessly in non- · explosive atmosphere.



All inspections should be performed in a clean and hazardous- · free environment.

The detector can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth using a

neutral cleaner (i.e. ACL Staticide). NOTE: Do not use solvents, · soaps, or polishes.

This product is a gas detector, not a measuring device.


For optimal performance, periodically zero the sensor in a normal

) that is free of hazardous gas. This equipment is intended for use in hazardous atmosphere in ·

Before using the detector, refer to Sensor Poisons and · Contaminants. (see SAFETY INFORMATION – READ BEFORE USE chapter)
Assurez-vous que le moniteur est allumé et que le capteur et le port · sonore ne sont pas obstrués avant utilisation. Ce détecteur est un dispositif de sécurité personnelle. Il est de votre responsabilité de réagir correctement à toute condition d’alarme. N’utilisez pas l’appareil s’il semble endommagé. Inspectez-le toujours ·



Testez périodiquement la réponse des capteurs en exposant le

détecteur à une concentration de gaz cible qui dépasse le point de

vibrantes et visuelles sont activées. Pour des raisons de sécurité, cet équipement doit être utilisé et ·

Cet équipement est destiné à être utilisé dans une atmosphère dangereuse dans un air dont la teneur normale en oxygène ne dépasse
et contactez votre distributeur Watchgas agréé. Avant d’utiliser le détecteur, reportez-vous à la section Poisons et contaminants du capteur. A bateria interna não é substituível. Os internos não devem ser
O equipamento destina-se ao uso em atmosferas perigosas em ar com

Extended exposure of the detector to certain concentrations of combustible gases and air may stress a detector element that can seriously affect its performance. If an alarm occurs due to high concentration of combustible gases, calibrate the detector. If necessary, replace the sensor.
continuous mechanical shock. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION
Serial number 10 digit:



sonora estejam desobstruídos antes do uso. Este detector é um dispositivo de segurança pessoal. É sua responsabilidade responder adequadamente a quaisquer condições de alarme.
Teste periodicamente a resposta dos sensores expondo o detector a uma concentração de gás alvo que exceda o ponto de ajuste do alarme.
estão ativados. Por razões de segurança, este equipamento deve ser operado e
Não tente substituir os componentes internos. Isso anulará a

INTRINSIC SAFETY: With CAT LEL. II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga I M1 Ex ia I Ma With IR sensor installed: II 1G Ex ia op is IIC T4 Ga I M1 Ex ia op is I Ma,

(A menos que seja substituído por um técnico de serviço aprovado pela WatchGas usando peças originais da WatchGas.) Desativar o detector removendo a bateria pode causar operação inadequada e danos ao detector. A bateria de íons de lítio deste produto apresenta risco de incêndio, explosão e queimadura química se usada incorretamente. Não desmonte, incinere ou aqueça acima de 100°C (212°F). Baterias expostas ao calor a 130°C (266°F) por 10 minutos podem causar incêndio e explosão. As baterias só devem ser carregadas em uma área segura e livre de gases perigosos. Use apenas carregadores WatchGas. O uso de outros carregadores não

SST4 Micro SST4 Mini
EU conformity RoHS compliant Standard



N’essayez pas de remplacer les composants internes. Cela annulera la


Ensure the monitor is switched on and the sensor and

cote de sécurité intrinsèque et annulera la garantie du produit. (Sauf remplacement par un technicien de service agréé WatchGas utilisant

devidamente aprovada com uma tensão máxima não superior a 5 V.)

audible port are unobstructed prior to use.

des pièces WatchGas d’origine.)


Este instrumento contém uma bateria de polímero de lítio. Não


This detector is a personal safety device. It is your ·

La désactivation du détecteur en retirant la batterie peut entraîner un


responsibility to respond properly to any alarm conditions. Do not use the device if it appears to be damaged. Always


mauvais fonctionnement et endommager le détecteur. La batterie Li-ion de ce produit présente un risque d’incendie, · d’explosion et de brûlure chimique en cas de mauvaise utilisation.

sólidos. ou por um manipulador de materiais perigosos.

· ·

physical damage. Periodically test the response of the sensors by exposing the detector to a target gas concentration that exceeds the · alarm set point. Manually verify that the audible, vibration, · and visual alarms are activated. For safety reasons, this equipment must be operated and

Ne pas démonter, incinérer ou chauffer à plus de 212°F (100°C). Les

batteries exposées à une chaleur de 266°F (130°C) pendant 10 minutes

peuvent provoquer un incendie et une explosion.


Les batteries ne doivent être chargées que dans une zone sûre,

exempte de gaz dangereux.


Utilisez uniquement des chargeurs WatchGas. L’utilisation d’autres

· ·

Todas as inspeções devem ser realizadas em um ambiente limpo e livre de perigos. O detector pode ser limpo com um pano macio úmido e um limpador
polidores. Este produto é um detector de gás, não um dispositivo de medição. Para um desempenho ideal, zere periodicamente o sensor em uma

PN SST4-BAT BATTERY CHARGER Induction charger for SST Range: SST-IND-S Induction Disk Charger for SST Range (comes with unit as standard):

· ·

Do not attempt to replace the internal components. This will void the intrinsic safety rating and will void the warranty


of the product. (Unless replaced by a WatchGas-approved

service technician using original WatchGas parts.)


Deactivating the detector by removing the battery pack may

ne dépassant pas 5 V.) Cet instrument contient une batterie au lithium polymère. Ne pas ·

déchets solides.


ou un manutentionnaire de matières dangereuses.


Este equipamento destina-se ao uso em atmosferas perigosas em ar
entre em contato com seu distribuidor autorizado Watchgas. Antes de usar o detector, consulte Venenos e contaminantes do sensor.

WARNING Charge only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas and within temperatures of 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F). First-time charge: 3 hours.


cause improper operation and harm to the detector.


The Li-ion battery in this product presents a risk of ·

aucun cas accéder aux composants internes. L’équipement est destiné à être utilisé dans une atmosphère

dangereuse dans un air dont la teneur normale en oxygène ne dépasse Sensor contaminate

Normal charge: Indication Error LEL:± 5% FS

disassemble, incinerate, or heat above 212°F (100°C).

Batteries exposed to heat at 266°F (130°C) for 10 minutes ·

antistatique appliqué est endommagé.


Batteries must only be charged in a safe area free of ·

non explosive.

hazardous gas.


WatchGas recommends the catalytic combustible sensor be

checked with a known concentration of calibration gas after

WatchGas, Klaverbaan 121, 2908 KD Capelle a/d IJssel, Netherlands


SST4 Micro Made in Korea IP65/67

compounds, silicon vapors, halogenated compounds, etc). The catalytic combustible sensor is factory calibrated to 50% LEL

II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga I M1 Ex ia I Ma


WatchGas, Klaverbaan 121, 2908

KD Capelle a/d IJssel, Netherlands


SST4 Mini – X Made in Korea II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga


I M1 Ex ia I Ma

With IR sensor installed:


II 1G Ex ia op is IIC T4 Ga

I M1 Ex ia op is I Ma


Only use WatchGas chargers. Using other Non-Approved


methane. If monitoring a different combustible gas in the % LEL range, calibrate the sensor using the appropriate gas.

IECEx EXV 23.0045X ExVeritas 23ATEX1686X ExVeritas 23UKEX1687X

OCP 0160 CPEx 24.1870 X

IECEx EXV 23.0045X ExVeritas 23ATEX1686X ExVeritas 23UKEX1687X

OCP 0160 CPEx 24.1870 X

charger used in conjunction with the equipment must be ·

Toutes les inspections doivent être effectuées dans un environnement propre et sans danger.

Do not test the combustible sensor’s response with a butane

-40°C Tamb +60°C, Um 5V Int.Safe: Cl I Dv 1, Gr A,B,C,D T4 Cl I Zn 0, AEx ia IIC T4 Ga



-40°C Tamb +60°C, Um 5V Int.Safe: Cl I Dv 1, Gr A,B,C,D T4 Cl I Zn 0, AEx ia IIC T4 Ga



voltage not exceeding 5 V.)


Le détecteur peut être nettoyé avec un chiffon doux et humide en cigarette lighter; doing so will damage the catalytic LEL sensor.

Do not open or charge when an explosive E115688 C


atmosphere is present. Read instuction prior to use.

Do not open or charge when an explosive E115688 C


atmosphere is present. Read instuction prior to use.


This instrument contains a lithium polymer battery. Do not

N’utilisez pas de solvants, de savons ou de produits à polir.

WARNING: Overrange readings may indicate an explosive

Não abra ou carregue quando uma atmosfera explosivaé presente.


Ce produit est un détecteur de gaz et non un appareil de mesure.


Leia as instruções antes de usar.

the solid waste stream. ·
or hazardous materials handler.


Pour des performances optimales, mettez périodiquement le capteur Any rapid up-scaling reading followed by a declining or erratic

Ne pas ouvrir ou charger losqu’une atmosphère explosiveest présent. Lire les instructions avant utilisation.


reading may indicate a gas concentration beyond upper scale limit, which may be hazardous.

SST4 Micro label

Não abra ou carregue quando uma atmosfera explosivaé presente. Leia as instruções antes de usar. Ne pas ouvrir ou charger losqu’une atmosphère explosiveest présent. Lire les instructions avant utilisation.
SST4 Mini label


The list below provides the standard items included with the

detector. If the detector is damaged or parts are missing, contact

the place of purchase immediately.


S, SO , CO, O , and combustible (LEL) (LPC, CAT

or IR) as ordered


Calibration cap and hose


Printed Quick Start Guide




Low Alarm High Alarm Short Term Exposure Alarm Time Weighted Average Alarm Indicate LOW LOW or HIGH HIGH alarm. 3rd alarm level

the WatchGas SST Application, which is available for download on both Google Play and the IOS store (the download links to the Apple Store and Google Play Store can be obtained from

ALARM SET POINTS Default factory alarm set points







10 %LEL 20 %LEL


10 ppm

15 ppm

15 ppm

10 ppm


35 ppm

200 ppm 100 ppm 20 ppm


5 ppm

10 ppm

5 ppm

2 ppm


19.5% Vol 23.5% Vol

These set points can be changed using the WatchGas SST Application. To display the detector alarm set points, press the button on the front of the detector.

To activate the detector press and hold the button and a 3 sec countdown starts. To deactivate the detector, press and hold the button until the OFF countdown is complete and the LCD deactivates. To view the TWA, STEL, and peak (maximum) readings, press the button twice. To clear the readings, press the button when the LCD displays CLR.
To activate NFC, press the button for 1.5 second until you hear a single beep and the NFC Icon is active. To activate the backlight in normal operation, press the button. To acknowledge latched alarms, press the button.

Sulfur dioxide sensor Carbon monoxide sensor Oxygen sensor NDIR LEL Low Power Catalytic Catalytic bead LEL sensor INFORMATION Product Compliant Product Non- Compliant Calibration Required Bump Required NFC in Communication Battery level Mute UNIT OF MEASURE Parts Per Million Milligrams per Cubic Meter Percentage LEL Percent VOL



1 1. Visual Alarm

2 2. Display

3. Audio Alarm

4. Button



5. Oxygen sensor 6. Toxic sensor


6 7. Toxic Sensor



When the Device is powered on or off the full display will light up as below showing all segments allowing the user to fully verify the correct function. A self-test can be performed by holding the button for 3 seconds, after the detector will alarm and light up the display as well as perform an internal sensor test.

In normal operation the installed sensors are displayed and a Smiley Face indicates no attention is needed. Press the button for 1.5 sec until you hear a beep and
Use the WatchGas SST Application or a SST Dock
are in the manual.
The SST Range products are shipped with following features
Latched Alarm, Heart beat, Silent Mode, Alarm mute, Low Alarm Acknowledgement, Scan Protect, Compliance Interval, Enable Expiry, Zero Cal, Safe Mode, High High and Low Low alarms.
MENU Press the button twice and the settings of the unit will be displayed. Short button press to move to next screen 1. STEL Press and hold button to reset 2. TWA Press and hold button to reset 3. PEAK Press and hold button to reset 4. 5. 6. LEL correction factor 7. Language
Date 9. Time 10. User ID 11. Site ID Screenshots are available in the full manual.

The SST Range products can only be calibrated with the WatchGas SST Application or a SST Dock.


Last-O-More Sampling Hose

MEASUREMENTS SST4 Micro: 103.9 x 62.4 x 26.1 mm (4 x 2.4 x 0.9 in.) SST4 Mini: 107.9 x 62.4 x 26.1 mm (4.2 x 2.4 x 1.1 in) (Measured without clip)
SST4 Micro:
SST4 Mini:
OPERATING TEMPERATURE: OPERATING HUMIDITY: 0% to 95% relative humidity (non- condensing)
ALARM SETPOINTS: All setpoints automatically display during the startup self- test
H S: CO: 0 ­ 2000 ppm (1 ppm increments) O : 0 ­ 25% vol. (0.1% vol. increments)
SO : Combustible (LEL): 0% to 100% LEL (1% LEL increments) ALARM CONDITIONS: TWA Alarm, STEL Alarm, Low Alarm, High Alarm, Over Limit (OL) Alarm, Low Battery Alarm, Low Low and High High alarm. Compliance Check AUDIBLE ALARM: 95 dB at 30 cm (1 ft.) (100 dB typical) multi tone
VIBRATION ALARM: VISUAL ALARM: Red light-emitting diodes (LED) DISPLAY: Alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD)
DATALOGGING: BACKLIGHT: Activates when the pushbutton is pressed and deactivates after 5 seconds; also activates during an alarm condition

The SST Range of products can be charged in the WatchGas Universal Charger. Plug the Power adaptor in main and the charging LED should turn RED. When the unit is installed correctly in the charger the LED on the charger shall blink RED and the device shall indicate charging on the display.

Where a product within the warranty period has a defect or a quality issue, WatchGas provides the buyer with a repair or a replacement free of charge direct from WatchGas, or through an
ble to the original purchaser of the product. Also, this warranty is valid only if the detector is activated by the date on the package.
This warranty does not include: 1. fuses, disposable batteries, or routine replacement of parts
due to the normal wear and tear of the product arising from use. 2. any product which, in WatchGas’s opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected, or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation, handling, or use. 3. any damage or defects attributable to repair of the product by any person other than an authorized dealer, or the installation of unapproved parts on the product.

1. proper storage, installation, calibration, use, maintenance, and compliance with the product manual instructions and any other applicable recommendations of WatchGas;
2. the purchaser promptly notifying WatchGas of any defect.
No products shall be returned to WatchGas until receipt by the purchaser of shipping instructions from WatchGas; 3. and the right of WatchGas to require that the purchaser provide proof of purchase such as the original invoice, bill of sale, or packing slip to establish that the product is within the warranty period.

In no event shall WatchGas liability hereunder exceed the purchase price actually paid by the buyer for the product. The buyer agrees that this warranty is the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty or mer-

not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or losses, including loss of data, whether arising from breach of warranty or based on contract, tort, or reliance on any other theory. Some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an applied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of inci dental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.

EMEA Klaverbaan 121
The Netherlands

Americas 313 N. State Hwy 342
APAC Woods Square Tower 1, 12 Woodlands Square, #11-71, Singapore 737715


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