Amphos GM-912 Hearing Aids Seniors Noise Cancelling Instruction Manual

July 25, 2024

Amphos GM-912 Hearing Aids Seniors Noise Cancelling


  • Model: GM-912
  • Type: Rechargeable OTC Hearing Aid
  • Brand: Amphos Brio

Product Usage Instructions

Getting Started

What’s in the box?
The package includes

  • Charging Station
  • Hearing Device
  • Cleaning Brush
  • USB Charging Cable
  • Double Ear Plug Domes (5 Pair)
  • Closed Ear Domes (3 pair)
  • Volume Adjustment Tool

Components of Charging base
The charging base components include

  • Hearing Device Charging Inserts
  • Right Hearing Device Charge Indicator
  • Left Hearing Device Charge Indicator
  • Charging Base On-Board Battery Charge Indicator
  • Type-C USB Charger

Wings that make you hear clear
We congratulate you on your purchase of the Amphos “Brio”

 Getting Started

  1. What’s in the box?
  2. Components of your charging base
  3. How to charge
  4. Things to note

What’s in the box?

  1. Charging Station
  2. Hearing Device
  3. Cleaning Brush
  4. Closed Ear Domes (3 pair)
  5. Volume Adjustment Tool
  6. USB Charging Cable
  7. Double Ear Plug Domes (5 Pair)

Components of Charging base

| Charging Base Components| **Functions
1.| Hearing Device Charging Inserts|

Uses two gold pins to charge each of your Amphos hearing devices.

2.| Right Hearing Device Charge Indicator| Indicates the battery charge on your right hearing device from a level of 1 to 4.
3.| Left Hearing Device Charge Indicator|

Indicates the battery charge on your left hearing device from a level of 1 to 4.

4.| Charging Base On- Board Battery Charge Indicator| Indicates the battery charge on your charging base on-board battery as a percentage.

Charging base serves as a small portable charger for your hearing devices.

**** 5.| Type – C USB Charger| Used to charge both your hearing devices as well as the charging base.

How to Charge?

  1. Step 1: Place your left and right Amphos hearing devices in the charging base and close the lid.

  2. Step 2: Connect the charging base to the Type-C charging cable provided in the package.

  3. Step 3: Digital display and what it means :
    Flashing green lights on the left and right display indicates the devices are charging.
    No display on the left and right indicates the devices are fully charged.
    Flashing charge percentage in the middle of the display indicates charging base battery.

  4. Step 4: Wait for 5-6 hours until fully charged or until the charging base and device battery are fully charged.

Charging :
Flashing Display L = Left Hearing aid is charging.
Flashing Display R = Right Hearing aid is charging.
Display percentage = Charging Base

Fully Charged :
No Display L = Left Hearing aid is fully charged.
No Display R = Right Hearing aid is fully charged.
Display percentage 100% = Charging Base is fully charged.

Things to note

  1. Please close the lid to avoid power loss while the hearing devices are charging.
  2. If the green lights do not turn on while charging (blinking or solid), remove the hearing devices from the charging base an d look to ensure that the golden pins (2 pins for each device, 4 total) are popped up and in functioning order. You may push the pins down a few times with your fingers to pop the pins up to try and get it to proper working order. Make sure your charging cable is unplugged prior to troubleshooting.
  3. If the hearing aids haven’t been used for a long time, the battery self charge will cost the battery to be seriously insufficient and the hearing devices should be charged non stop for a total of 5-6 hours.

Even if the charging indicators shows the charging is complete, the charging should not be stopped for minimum of 5-6 hours.
How will I know when to recharge the battery ?
During use, if the hearing aid volume becomes low, each hearing device should be turned off & returned to the charging base for charging.

Wearing your hearing device

  1. Components of your Amphos Hearing Device
  2. Dome Selection
  3. How to wear the device
  4. Change of Mode & Volume Adjustment
  5. Week Wear Chart

Components of your Amphos Hearing Device

| Amphos Hearing Devic Components| e| Functions
1.| Pull String| | Used to remove the device from your ear canal.
2.| Charging Conta| cts| Contact ports used to charge your device. Place the device onto the charging base to turn your device off.
3.| Volume Control Knob| | Used to increase or decrease the volume.
4.| Microphone| | Picks up sounds that will be amplified.
5.| Ear Dome & W Guard| ax| Holds your hearing device in your ear and helps to guide sound into your ear.
6.| ON/OFF Switc| h| To turn the device on/off.

Dome Selection

Dome Types:
Each Amphos hearing device comes with two different types of domes, namely; Double Ear Plug Domes and Oval Shaped domes. Double Ear Plug domes come in five sizes and Oval Shaped domes come in three sizes.

Which Ear Domes to use?
Choice of domes depends from person to person; oval shaped domes may prevent the ears from feeling blocked. This type of dome can help in cases where your own voice seems too loud or the hearing device seems too noisy.
Choose the dome that fits your ears; larger domes generally help reduce whistling/squealing at higher volume levels.

Ear Dome Selection and Installation

  • Your Amphos hearing device comes pre-assembled with a medium sized double ear plug dome. If the ear domes don’t feel comfortable or secure, choose another ear dome size.
  • If it feels like the dome is falling out of your ear, it means that the dome is most likely too small for your ear. Try changing your dome to one that is a size larger.
  • If it feels like you have to squeeze or force the dome into your ear, it means that the dome is most likely too large for your ear. Try changing your dome to one that is a size smaller.
  • To install a new dome, hold the device and firmly pull the current ear dome off. Then align the new ear dome with the groove on your hearing device and slide the dome in place.

Note: After using the hearing devices for some time, if you feel like you need more amplification or hear whistling at higher volume settings, consider trying larger ear domes.

How to wear the device

  1. Clean the ear canal with a cotton swab before wearing your hearing aids.
  2. Hold the device firmly between your thumb and index finger and insert the tip of the hearing aid in to the ear canal and gently push it in until it sits securely in your ear.
  3. It is recommended to insert the hearing aids with the microphone located at the bottom as shown in the picture above.
  4. Ensure to insert the hearing aid optimally and not pushed too far and past the depth limit causing unnecessary pressure build-up in the ear canal. Talk to a healthcare professional if there is discomfort.
  5. Once the hearing aid is properly in place, it should sit securely in the bowl of your ear.

Note : Contact the supplier at for a video on how to wear the device. The devices are interchangeable for both the ears.

Turning the Device On / Off

  • Before turning on : Insert the device fully in your ear before turning the device on (to reduce whistling/squeal-ing.
  • Turning On : Switch the power button to N to turn it on as shown in the picture above.
  • Turning Off : Switch the power button to O to turn it off before removing the device as shown in the picture above.

Volume Adjustments

  • You can make sounds louder or quieter by using the complimentary tuning stick.

Week Wear Chart

Unlike vision correction, which simply wears glasses, hearing correction is a rather detailed process. Once you start your hearing correction journey, you will experience countless “new sounds” , and your brain needs to adapt for a period of time. In just a few weeks, you will be shocked by the sound that you ave never experienced before.

1 – 2 Hours Per Day
Some sounds may be too noisy when wearing a hearing aid for the first time, such as the buzzing of the refrigerator, the wrinkling of paper, or the sound of your footsteps. This is normal, and your brain is relearning how to prioritize these sounds that you don’t hear very often . Sometimes you may not like the noise, but please don’t give up wearing.

Be Patient
At the beginning, wear the hearing aid for 1-2 hours a day, and then gradually increase the wearing time.

THE SECOND WEEK 3 – 4 Hours Per Day
The more you wear the hearing aid, the more you can adapt to the sound environment. You even can ask people around you not to speak loudly to you anymore, because you can easily communicate with people.

Listen carefully to a song you are familiar with or watch a TV game show, and guess the answer without looking at the subtitles.

THE THIRD WEEK 6 – 8 Hours Per Day

After a few weeks, you will feel more energetic because you no longer need to spend a lot of energy to listen what others say. The sound will become clearer and clearer, and you will once again enjoy the sounds that surround you in your life, such as the melodious singing of birds in the backyard, the cheerful laughter of children, and rustling of leaves in the wind.

Have a meal in a restaurant with friends, watch a movie in a theatre, join a family gathering, and no longer have to bother to speculate about missed information.

Once you get used to all the sounds in the environment, you will be able to wear the hearing aid all day long without limitations.

Storage and Maintenance

  1. Storing your Amphos Hearing Device
  2. Precautions
  3. Maintenance Schedules

Storing your Amphos Hearing Device

When not in use, store your hearing devices in the charging base provided. The charging base should be stored in a cool dry area to prolong the lifespan of the devices.

Keep your hearing devices, charging base and components out of reach of children. Contains small parts which may be a choking hazard.

  1. Normal use environmental conditions
    • Ambient temperature: -10°C~40°C;
    • Relative humidity: <80%;
    • Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa~106kPa;
  2. The product should be stored in a room with no corrosive gas and well ventilated, and the environment should meet the following conditions:
    • Ambient temperature: -40°C~55°C;
    • Relative humidity: <93%;
    • Atmospheric pressure: 50kPa~150kPa;
  3. Handle with care to avoid collision or strong impact on the product.


  • Hearing aids are sophisticated and sensitive electronic devices that require regular cleaning. Cleaning ear wax, ear flakes and proper maintenance will ensure the longevity and reliability of your hearing aid. Wipe with a dry cotton cloth or a soft cloth, not with any solvents or cleaners.
  • The hearing device contains a built-in and non-remov-able rechargeable battery, as such should be stored appropriately.
  • Before storage/charging, turn off the device to avoid whistling and potential power loss.
  • The hearing device must be dry before storing/charging. 14.
  • After use, the devices can also be stored in a desiccant box.
  • During storage after use, avoid light, high temperature and high humidity, and also avoid falling and touching Please close the lid when charging, otherwise it may not easily be fully charged.
  • Never wear hearing devices in the shower, bath, or pool.
  • Protect the hearing devices from exposure to rain. Never apply hairspray, cologne, creams, or other cosmetics while wearing hearing devices.
  • Hearing aids should be kept out of the reach of children, to prevent children from playing or swallowing them as toys.
  • Do not wash the hearing aid by water or other liquids to avoid damage to the hearing aid circuit.
  • In order to ensure the performance of the hearing aid, please keep the microphone sound input port clean, and gently brush off the dirt on the input port with the soft brush provided with the hearing aid.

Maintenance Schedules
It is important to regularly maintain and replace components of your hearing devices in order to prolong the lifespan of your device. Care and maintenance schedules are shown in the table below.

Schedule Maintenance Function Maintenance Description
Daily Dome Cleaning Your hearing device dome should be cleaned daily in

order to keep the device wax free that ensures optimal functioning and to prolong the lifespan of your hearing device.

Use the cleaning brush provided to clean the dome.

Weekly| Hearing device body cleaning| Use a soft dry cloth or tissue to gently wipe down the body of your hearing device. This is an electronic device. Don’t use any liquids (water, solvents or cleaning agents) on the body of your hearing device.
Quarterly| Dome Replacement| Replace the dome of your hearing device every 3 months. This will help to prolong the lifespan of your device.


No Sound Device not turned on Recharge the hearing aids in the charging

Incorrect Wearing| Remove the hearing device, wear it correctly.
Volume too low| Turn volume up by turning the volume dial clockwise.
Device is not charged| Place the hearing devices in charging case and charge until the indicator shows No Display.
Microphones are clogged| Clean out any debris from the mic holes.
Ear Domes are clogged| Clean out any debris from the ear domes, receiver area with cleaning brush.
Voices are low, very weak, or unclear| Low Battery| Place the device into the charging case for at least 5 hours.
Volume is set too low| Turn volume up by turning the volume dial clockwise.
Ear Domes are too loose| Replace ear domes with the correct fit
Earwax in ear dome| Clean out any debris from the ear domes, receiver area with cleaning brush
Hearing has changed| Consult your hearing healthcare professional
Excessive cerumen| Consult your hearing healthcare professional
Inconsistent performance or distorted sound quality| Restart required| Dry the hearing devices and leave the devices inside the charging case without plugging it to charge overnight.
| 18.
| | Plug the charger in until charging begins again.
Tunneling sound quality| New user needs time to adjust to hearing device| It may take up to 6 weeks for the wearer to fully adjust to the new hearing device. If tunneling sound quality does not improve, contact your seller.
Hearing devices whistling in the charger| Incorrect Orientation| Ensure the USB cable is connected to the charging case and is plugged into power. The case power status lights will flash white to indicate charging.
Charger Battery depleted| Reposition your hearing device in their slots, ensuring the contact points in your hearing devices are touching the charge
| | points (ie. golden pins) in the charging case.
Hearing devices turned on incorrectly| Recharge the hearing aids in the charging base.
Hearing devices inserted incorrectly| Make sure that you’re placing the devices in your ears correctly.

Remember to insert each device firmly into your ear canal until it feels secure.

Incorrect ear dome size| Choose another ear dome size. You may need a different dome size for each ear.
Incorrect ear dome type| If you’re using double ear plug domes, try replacing them with the same size oval shaped domes .
High volume| Decrease the volume settings.
After the| Poor contact| Reinsert the hearing
hearing| between| device into the charging
amplifier is| hearing| case.
connected| device and|
to the| charging case|
charging| Hearing devices are in the incorrect

charging base

| Check to see if the hearing device (left/right) is inserted in the correct (left/right) charging base.
base, the
indicator is
not lit.
Charging| Hearing| Insert the amplifier
does not| devices| correctly and gently into
start| not inserted| the charging base.
| correctly into| If the white lights do not
| the charging| turn on while charging
| base or to the| (blinking or solid),
| charger| remove the hearing
| | devices from the
| | charging base and look
| | to ensure that the
| | golden pins (2 pins for
| | each device, 4 total) are
| | popped up and in
| | functioning order.
| You may push the pins down a few times with
| your fingers to pop the pins up to try and get it
| to proper working order.

Technical Information

Processing Digital
Peak OSPL90(dB SPL) 110+3
OSPL90-HFA(dB SPL) 105±3
Peak Gain(dB) 25±5
HFA/FOG(dB) 25
Frequency Range(Hz) Not narrower than

200 – 5000

Harmonic distortion @500 Hz(%)| ≤3%
Harmonic distortion @800 Hz(%)| ≤3%
Harmonic distortion @1600 Hz(%)| ≤3%
EQ Input NOISE(dB)| ≤22
Latency (s)| <15
Processing| Digital
Housing Design| Complete-in-canal

Safety Information

Warning: If you are younger than 18, do not use this.
You should go to a doctor,preferably an ear-nose-throat doctor (an ENT), because your condition needs specialized care. Over the counter hearing aids are only for users who are age 18 or older.
This OTC hearing aid is for users who are 18 and older. People who are younger than 18 with hearing loss should see a doctor, preferably an ENT, because they may need medical testing and management. Hearing loss can affect speech and learning, so professional fitting and continuing care are also important.

Warning : When to See a Doctor.
If you have any of the problems listed below, please see a doctor, preferably an ear-nose-throat doctor (an ENT)

  • Your ear has a birth defect or an unusual Shape. Your ear was injured or deformed in an accident.
  • You saw fluid, pus, or blood coming out of the ear in the past 6 months.
  • Your ear feels Painful or uncomfortable.
  • You have a lot of earwax, or you think something could be in your ear.
  • You get really dizzy or have a feeling of spinning or swaying (called Vertigo)
  • Your hearing changed suddenly in the past 6 months Your hearing changes: it gets worse then gets better again
  • You have worse hearing in one ear
  • You hear ringing or buzzing in only one ear.

Warning: This hearing aid should not cause pain when inserting it.
Remove this device from your ear if it causes pain or discomfort when inserting or placing it. To try again, make sure to follow the instructions.If you feel pain or discomfort again, contact the manufacturer. If your pain or discomfort doesn’t go away, contact your hearing healthcare professional.You can also report this to FDA as an adverse event according to the instructions that appear later.

Caution : This is not hearing protection.
You should remove this device if you experience overly loud sounds, whether short or long-lasting.If you’re in a loud place, you should use the right kind of hearing protection instead of wearing this device. In general, If you would use ear plugs in a loud place, you should remove this device and use ear plugs.

  • Caution: the Sound output should not be uncomfortable or painful.
    You should turn down the volume or remove the device if the sound output is uncomfortably loud or painful. If you consistently need to turn the volume down, you may need to further adjust your device.

  • Caution : You might need medical help if a piece gets stuck in your ear.
    If any part of your hearing aid, like the ear tip, gets stuck in your ear, and you can’t easily remove it with your fingers, get medical help as soon as you can. You should not try to use tweezers or cotton swabs because they can push the part farther into your ear, injuring your eardrum or ear canal, possibly seriously.

  • Note : If you remain concerned, consult a professional.
    If you try this device and continue to struggle with or remain concerned about your hearing, you should consult with a hearing healthcare professional.
    Note : What you might expect when you start using a hearing aid.

  • A hearing aid can benefit many people with hearing loss,
    However, you should know it will not restore normal hearing, and you may still have some difficulty hearing over noise. Further, a hearing aid will not prevent or improve a medical condition that causes hearing loss.
    People who start using hearing aids sometimes need a few weeks to get used to them.similarly, many people find that training or counseling can help them get more out of their devices
    If you have hearing loss in both ears, you might get more out of using hearing aids in both, especially in situations that make you tired from listening – for example, noisy environments.
    Note : Tell FDA about injuries, malfunctions, or other adverse events.
    To report a problem involving your hearing aid, you should submit the information to FDA as soon as possible after the problem. FDA calls them “adverse events” and they may include: skin irritation in your ear, injury from the device (like cuts or scratches, or burns from an overheated battery), pieces of the device getting stuck in your ear, suddenly worsening hearing loss from using the device, etc.

Additional Safety Information


  • Keep small parts (hearing instrument,ear domes, battery or other detachable parts) that can be swallowed out of children’s reach. Dropping, immersing in liquid, exposure to strong electromagnetic fields or excessive heat will damage the hearing amplifier. Remove devices prior to any type of X-ray, MRI or CT Scan. If parts become stuck in the ear canal, seek medical assistance – do not attempt to remove by yourself.

  • Do not immerse the hearing amplifier in any liquid. Remove the hearing amplifier before swimming or bathing. After swimming or washing, wait for the ear to dry before wearing the hearing amplifier.
    The external surfaces of the hearing amplifier should be kept clean, and ear wax in the ear domes should be cleaned out daily. Routine maintenance to keep the device clean is required. Ensure that the ear domes are free of debris and moisture at all times.

  • The external surfaces of the hearing amplifier should be kept clean, and ear wax in the ear domes should be cleaned out daily. Routine maintenance to keep the device clean is required. Ensure that the ear domes are free of debris and moisture at all times.

  • When you do not use hearing amplifiers, please charge the product regularly to avoid battery damage; the recommended charging time internal of hearing amplifiers is <= 28 days.

  • Do not use it at high volume for extended periods of time – ear injury can result.

  • If you experience any pain or strong discomfort using the devices, remove and consult a doctor.

  • Batteries should be properly recycled and not disposed of in the trash.

  • Do not set volume levels too high. Listening with high-output devices for extended periods at high volume levels can cause further hearing damage.

  • Do not share your hearing amplifiers with others. Using a hearing amplifier configured for someone else may result in hearing damage or injury.

  • Monitor for any unusual skin reaction. If you notice any allergic reaction (itchiness, swelling, or rash), stop wearing the hearing amplifiers and consult a medical specialist.

  • Do not touch the hearing amplifiers to any type magnet or magnetized object. Your hearing amplifiers are delicate electronic instruments and may be damaged by contact with strong magnetic fields.

  • Do not attempt to open or repair the devices yourself. Damage can result and will void the warranty

  • Do not store your devices in hot/humid locations. You should never leave your hearing amplifiers in the car as inside temperatures can reach dangerous levels which could damage the devices.

  • Do not use the hearing amplifiers together with a cell phone earpiece directly – excessive noise and distortion may result. Instead, use via bluetooth pairing with your cell phone. Radio wave emissions from mobile phones can cause noise in the hearing aids or result in reduced volume.

  • Please contact the manufacturer/seller:

  • For assistance if needed, in setting up, using or maintaining your devices or maintaining your devices or to Report any unexpected operation or events.

  • If you try this device and continue to struggle with or remain concerned about your hearing, you should consult with a hearing healthcare professional.
    A hearing aid will not restore normal hearing and may not completely eliminate difficulty hearing over noise. Further, a hearing aid will not prevent or improve hearing over noise. Further, a hearing aid will not prevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting from a medical condition(s).

  • For many people, the use of a hearing aid may be more satisfactory with training or counseling because the device is only one part of hearing rehabilitation.

  • Also, if you have hearing loss in both ears, use of hearing aids for both ears (bilateral hearing aids) may provide more benefit than just one hearing aid, especially in demanding listening situations- for example, noisy environments.

  • Hearing amplifiers should be sent to the fitting center for the maintenance and inspection on a regular basis to ensure that the hearing amplifiers are in good condition.

  • If you feel uncomfortable with your ears during use, replace suitable earplugs or consult a physician.

  • Instructions for safe use and maintenance of rechargeable batteries.

  •  When charging the hearing amplifier, it should be charged through a professionally equipped power adapter or a computer USB port.

  • Hearing amplifier charging: first turn off the power of the hearing amplifier, and then charge it. The first charge should ensure sufficient charging time (not affected by the indicator light), and a charging time of 10-12 hours should be provided.

  • If the hearing amplifier is not used for a long time, the battery self-discharge will cause the battery to be seriously insufficient. It should be charged, and the charging time should reach 12 hours. Even if the charging indicator shows that the charging is complete, the charging should not be stopped (provide at least 12 hours).

  • The hearing amplifier should not be used close to or stacked with other equipment.

  • Except for the cables sold by the manufacturers of the air conduction hearing amplifiers as spare parts of internal components, the use of accessories and the cables other than those specified may result in an increase in emission of air conduction hearing amplifiers or a decrease in immunity.

Limited Warranty

This limited warranty covers defects in material and workmanship for a period of 6 months from the date of purchase, which includes the hearing devices, and charger case.
Any damage caused by improper handling and care, exposure to elements or chemicals, or unauthorized service will not be covered by the warranty. All other damage claims are excluded. A warranty claim must be submitted with the purchase receipt.
Contact your seller for details.

 Contact Information

  • Contact us :
  • Distributor name & address Ampcom LLC,  5201 Collin Mckinney Pkwy,
  • Mckinney, Tx- 75070. Manufacturer name & address

CO., LTD] Room 301, 302, 303, 3rd Floor, Building 12, Fuqiao Second
District, Heping Community, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

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