ESI Website Transition Manual for Incentive Receivers User Guide
- July 12, 2024
- ESi
Table of Contents
ESI Website Transition Manual for Incentive Receivers
The transition period
The new era ESI will replace the current ESI and go live by 2026. During the
transition period, before 2026, the data input process will change by 1st July
2024. The formulae also have changed and with the new ESI Core will have four
subscores: SOx, NOx, GHG, Innovation. There is a new methodology for
calculating GHG emissions. The innovation and the application of zero-
emissions technics onboard vessel will be rewarded.
General features for incentive receivers
Data input will increase during the Transition period of May 2024 – January
2026 to help develop incentive schemes. This data input is due to new sources
that haven’t previously been used, for example, electricity delivery notes for
onshore power. This will significantly help ports develop.
Engines & Fuels
For existing score and data input please see FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020
ESI from 2026 will use a broader range of fuels and power sources to make the
calculations therefore in transition there will be more options within the
data input fields.
ESI Formula
From January 2026 the ESI revised module is the sum of four sub scores for
NOX, SOX, GHG, and Innovation. The new ESI formula introduces innovation and
removes reward for OPS capability while use of OPS is rewarded. SOx and GHG
consider the mix of energy usage using the new Energy Composition weighting
factors. GHG focuses on the well-to-wake CO2e intensity of energy types used.
Inclusion of Innovation will stimulate new technology deployments. ESI remains
capped at 100 Sub scores – up to 100 points each.
ESI = 0.4 ESINOx + 0.2 ESISOx + 0.4 ESIGHG + 0.2 ESIInnov
For 2024-2025 the existing ESI score calculation will be presented on the system and used in incentives by ports. Please refer to FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1 for the score calculations currently in place until 2026.
ESI score
During the transition the current score will be active and used while the data
input starts for the creation of evidence-based incentives and scores from the
new data fields required.
ESI score validation
The current score will be validated in the same way during the transition
period until 2025. Green Award will be trialling verification on the new data
sets as they are provided by Incentive receivers from July 2024.
User Registration
There are no changes to the login process during transition please refer to
FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1.
After clicking on ships, you have to read the updated terms of use before you
Update ship master data
There are no changes to the ship master data during transition please refer to
FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1.
Add a ship
There are no changes to the ship adding process during transition please refer
to FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1
Ship data
Once you have added the ships, you can click the ship name to add ship data.
Below data tabs will pop up. You can then click on each tab to input
corresponding data.
The existing requirement that all vessels need a valid IAPP certificate to receive an active ESI score remains in place.
Sulphur Oxides (SOx)
SOx tab
ESI existing data should be inputted as per FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020
For transition you can add your fuel consumption per BDN and click on “Add
BDN”. The preliminary SOx subscore will be shown immediately as well as the
actual SOx sub score.
Days outside SECA
ESI existing data should be inputted as per FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1. -
ESI existing score requires existing please refer to FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1.
Virtual BDN
ESI existing score requires existing please refer to FILE A-1 – ESI
instruction 2020 v.1.1.
LNG or other alternative fuels
The use of LNG or other alternative fuel instead of very and ultra-low Sulphur
Oil or scrubbed High Sulphur oil is highly appreciated. During the transition,
there are further additional fuels that you can input information on via your
These include Fossil HF, Fossil VLSFO, Fossil LFO, Fossil MGO, BioDiesel,
eDiesel, Fossil LPG, Fossil LNG, BioLNG, eLNG, Fossil Methanol, BioMethanol,
eMethanol, Ammonia and Hydrogen.
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)/ Power Sources tab ESI existing data should be inputted
as per FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1.
Please refer to the Power Sources section below for the transitional guidance
related to NOx.
As part of the transition for future score purposes the following additional power sources are possible to input using the EIAPP certification data, RPM and rated power. The period in which the equipment runs in Tier III mode must be recorded to create a beneficial score. This value for the year is in hours and can be derived from the ship’s engine running mode log.
Installed Power Sources
Diesel engine, 2-stroke
Diesel engine, 4-stroke
Diesel electric engine
LNG engine, Otto Medium
LNG engine, Otto Slow
LNG engine, Diesel Slow
LNG engine, LBSI
LNG, Steam Turbine
LNG Otto electric
LPG engine, 2-stroke
Ammonia engine, 2-stroke
Ammonia engine, 4-stroke
Methanol engine, 2-stroke
Methanol engine, 4-stroke
Hydrogen engine, 4-stroke
Solar panels
Fuel cell – PEM
Fuel cell – SOFC
You can add the type of power source you use by clicking on the down arrow on the ‘type’ to select the power source.
Bunker Delivery Notes
From May 2024 BDNs can be uploaded in the excel template for the following
fuels: Fossil HF, Fossil VLSFO, Fossil LFO, Fossil MGO, BioDiesel, eDiesel,
Fossil LPG, Fossil LNG, BioLNG, eLNG, Fossil Methanol, BioMethanol, eMethanol,
Ammonia and Hydrogen.
If you have any other alternative fuels or 100% wind, please email the ESI administration team to discuss your profile.
Input ESI existing data as per FILE A-1 – ESI instruction 2020 v.1.1.
From Transition as soon as available to the shipping companies, electrical
delivery notes for the kWh for the onshore power and solar generation on board
can be added. The EDNs should be uploaded in an Excel template.
Under innovation, you will find the list of innovative technologies. Click to
turn on the innovative technology that you have. Once you turn on the ‘Wind
assisted propulsion’, you must add the value of P_ME and P_EFF. After turning
on all the technologies you have, click save.
ESI existing data for Noise should be inputted as per FILE A-1 – ESI
instruction 2020 v.1.1.
Preliminary score
Under “Preliminary Score” you will see your preliminary ESI score. This is a
summary of the preliminary scores shown in the different tabs. THIS IS THE
CURRENT ESI SCORE NOT NEW ESI CORE SCORE. The new ESI Core score will not be
available during the initial transition period.
The new ESI Score will be comprised of four sub-scores for each module: NOX,
SOX, GHG, and Innovation. The inclusion of innovation by removing the benefit
for OPS capacity while rewarding OPS use.
The new Energy Composition weighting factors consider the balance of energy
usage for calculating SOx and GHG. GHG focuses on the well-to-wake CO2e
intensity of energy sources. The inclusion of Innovation will encourage new
technology deployments. The new ESI (ESI Core) has a maximum of 100 sub-
scores, each worth 100 points.
ESI = 0.4 ESINOx + 0.2 ESISOx + 0.4 ESIGHG + 0.2 ESIInnov
Total score 120 capped at 100
ESINOx : NOx subscore up to 100, 0.4 of total score
ESISox : SOx subscore up to 100, 0.2 of total score
ESIGHG : GHG subscore up to 100, 0.4 of total score
ESIInnov : Innovation subscore up to 100, 0.2 of total score
Energy proportion calculation
The Energyelec and Energyfuel, which are used in SOx and GHG score
calculations, is defined as follows,
Energyfuel = fuel energy / total energy
Energyelec = electrical energy / total energy
- Where Energyfuel – the proportion of energy associated with all bunkered fuels, unitless.
- Energyelec – the proportion of energy used from all OPS & solar, unitless.
- fuel energy – sum of all fuel energy bunkered during reporting period provided on BDNs, kWh or MJ.
- electrical energy – sum of all energy provided/generated by OPS and/or solar on EDNs, kWh or MJ.
- total energy – sum of fuel energy & electrical energy, kWh or MJ
ESI NOx sub score
NOx points are out of 40 and are scored by using fuel consumers which emit
less NOx emissions than the Tier II required levels which are calculated in
g/kWh. If a NOx After Treatment mechanism (such as Selective Catalytic
Reduction (SCR) or Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)) is used to reach Tier III
requirements for some periods of time, then extra points are scored in line
with the level of NOx emissions while using the NOx After Treatment and in
line with the proportion of time the After Treatment is in use.
For combustion engines, the NOx emissions values in the IAPP are used. For alternative fuel consumers such as steam turbines, or fuel cells, which do not have NOx emission certifications, default values are used. For the instances of fuel cells, the standard value is 0 NOx emissions. Auxiliary engines must be included.
The baseline for the NOx emissions changes based on engine RPM, so the improvement from the baseline needs to be calculated first and then averaged to produce the score.
The NOx Score is calculated as follows:
ESINOx = 100x [ ∑ICE (time wgt NOx vs Tier II) x rated power + ∑ FCS (NOx
vs Tier II) x rated power] /total power
Where for each fuel consumer the Average Improvement is defined as:
time wgt NOx vs Tier II – time weighted Tier II & III NOx vs applicable
Tier II, g NOx/kWh.
Rated power – power source rated power, kW.
Total power – rated power of all power sources
For fuel cells & solar power sources, we assume 0 g NOx/kWh.
Fuel consumers with actual NOx emissions higher than the baseline are not
penalized with a negative score. The use of onshore power or solar panels does
not affect the NOx score. However, if a vessel is fully electrified running
only on battery power from onshore power, then there are no power sources on
board so the NOx Score would be 40/40.
ESI SOx sub score.
SOx points are out of 20 and are gained by using fuel with less than 0.1%
sulphur content. The calculation is performed as follows.
ESIsox = 100 x [ (Energyfuel x (1 – (weight avg S% / 0.1 S%)) +
Energyelec] With Energyfuel – the proportion of energy associated with all
bunkered fuels, unitless.
weighted avg S% – the mass weighted average sulfur content of all
bunkered fuels, %
Energyelec – the proportion of energy used from all OPS & solar,
Note that if the BDN %S > 0.1%, then 0.1% is used. That is to say that bunker delivery notes where sulphur content is over 0.1% are not penalized by negative scores.
This means that the electricity from shore power and solar panels, which replaces the energy from using a fuel is taken into account in the SOx score. It is assumed that energy used from shore power has no SOx emissions associated with it, so the average sulphur content of fuel is reduced in line with the proportion of energy used from shore.
Unlike the SOx score from the current ESI 1, no scrubber information is required as the baseline for the score is 0.1% regardless of where geographically the fuel is used. However, there is no penalisation of using fuels with sulphur content higher than 0.1%. If a vessel is fully electrified and takes energy only from OPS to charge batteries, then the Energyelec is 1 and the Energyfuel is 0 and therefore the SOx score is 20/20.
ESI GHG Sub score
GHG points are out of 40 and are scored by using fuel with a lower well-to-
wake greenhouse gas intensity than the 2020 average from the MRV, this
baseline will be updated to be in line with the IMO global fuel standard when
it is launched.
For fossil fuels, default fuel intensity values will be used for the whole
well-to-wake calculation. For bio or RFNBO fuels the well-to-tank fuel
intensity values can be found in the certificate of sustainability provided on
purchase of the fuel, the tank-to-wake values are standard values which are
based on engine type and the chemistry of the fuel burnt.
The intensity is measured in gCO2eq/MJ, meaning the well-to-wake grams of greenhouse gases in CO2 equivalent units per mega joule of fuel. This means that the warming effect of emission of other non-CO2 greenhouse gases, namely N2O and CH4, are included in the calculation in terms of their impact relative to CO2. The standard IPCC 100-year global warming potential conversions are used.
The calculation is performed as follows:
ESIGHG = 100 x [ (Energyfuel x (1 – (weight avg GHG / 91.16)) + Energyelec]
Energyfuel – the proportion of energy associated with all bunkered fuels,
weighted avg GHG – the mass weighted average CO2e fuel intensity of all
bunkered fuels minus any CO2 captures when the verification process for carbon
capture is sufficient to include its input in the calculation, g CO2e/MJ
Energyelec – the proportion of energy used from all OPS & solar,
Note that if the Fuel Intensity> 91.16, then 91.16 is used. That is to say that bunker delivery notes where fuel intensity is over 91.16 gCO2eq/MJ are not penalized with a negative score.
ESIInnov = ∑ Innovation points
Innovation points: points assigned for identified innovative technologies,
capped at 100.
The Innovation module results in maximum of 20 score of totals (less than 20% overall), to acknowledge effort to utilise new technologies in the market following the existing guiding principles managed and led by the Technical Advisory Group to the Stakeholder Assembly; to reward trial and/or deployment of innovative technology defined in ESI as.
- Innovative Technology which has a beneficial effect on the environmental performance, which is not yet measurable in ESI.
- Innovative removed from innovation list based on guiding principles. AG to explain the rationale for removal from the list.
- Annually review the listed technologies
The calculation is proposed to be a simple addition of scores across a group of technologies capped at 100.
Wind Calculation
The ratio of Pwind:P Prop, where Peff(i) – main engine power reduction due to
individual energy efficiency technologies, kW PME(i) – individual main engine
power, kW is used in Fuel EU Maritime Legislation and has been incorporated in
the innovation points in ESI. Unlike the other technology resulting from
rewards for presence on board, this is rewarded differently depending on wind
% contribution/ratio up to 99%. The values can be found on the EEDI or EEXI
technical files.
Any vessels claiming for 100% must contact the ESI Administration for
Technologies| Points| Max Line points| Data input &
Carbon Capture| 10| 10| y/n
Wind assist (all types) e.g. including Wings/Sails, Rotors/wind
turbines, Kites.| No fixed points| up to 100| <10% propulsion
MCR [25] points
| | | 10-<25% propulsion MCR
| | | [50] points
| | | 25%+ propulsion MCR
| | | [100] points
Air lubrication| 20| 20| y/n
Fuel Cell (all types)| 20| 20| Kw
Solar Minimum 5kw| 10| 10| y/n
Batteries Minimum 500kwh for score| 10| 10| y/n
Particulate Matter Filter (PM)| 10| 10| y/n
Water in Fuel Emulsification (WIFE)| 10| 10| y/n
Direct Water Injection| 10| 10| y/n
Highlights for ESI core
General overview for “ESI Core”
Trial verification period:
Well in advance of official implementation, starting Mid-2024 trial verification will be started on the new data, and again after indicative scores in place mid 2025.
Key changes
There is lot more data/information to check in each verification as scores
will now be 1 year (instead current 6 months). As such, time onboard is
expected to be longer. Changes related to more in-depth technical aspects of
the verification will be monitored during the transition period.
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