ALMOST HEAVEN SAUNAS Bridgeport 6 Person Indoor Sauna Owner’s Manual

July 8, 2024

ALMOST HEAVEN SAUNAS Bridgeport 6 Person Indoor Sauna


Product Specifications

  • Model: Bridgeport | Braxton Sauna
  • Usage: Indoor Sauna
  • Surface Compatibility: Concrete, Ceramic, Vinyl, Laminate, Tile
  • Assembly: Simple assembly on pre-fabricated rails and risers
  • Tools Required: Cordless drill, Tape measure, Rubber mallet, Hammer, Forstner bit, Utility knife, Screwdriver (phillips and flathead), Level, Step stool or ladder, Framing square

Product Usage Instructions

Step 1: Connect the Four Floor Risers

Fasten the four floor risers together using the predrilled holes. Ensure the shorter boards are on the sides and the longer boards are on the front and back. Use a framing square to check for squareness.

Step 2: Position Wall Support Rails

Place the wall support rails in their designated positions according to the assembly instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can the sauna be assembled on a carpeted surface?

A: No, installation on a carpeted surface is not recommended. The sauna should be assembled on a firm and flat surface.

Q: What tools are required for assembling the sauna?

A: The tools required include a cordless drill, tape measure, rubber mallet, hammer, Forstner bit, utility knife, screwdriver (phillips and flathead), level, step stool or ladder, and framing square.


  • DANGER: Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
  • WARNING: Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
  • CAUTION: Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
  • NOTICE: Indicates information considered important, but not hazard-related.


  • This sauna is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabili-ties, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the sauna by a person responsible for their safety.
  • Consult your doctor about any health-related limitations related to sauna use. Ignoring advice from your medical provider could cause serious injury or death.
  • Do not let people with pre-existing health conditions bathe in the sauna on their own. Using the sauna could cause these users to lose consciousness.
  • Parents should consult your pediatrician before allowing children to use the sauna. Ignoring advice from your medi-cal provider could cause serious injury or death.
  • Do not smoke, use alcohol, or exercise in the sauna. These tasks could cause users to lose consciousness.
  • Do not exceed 30 min. in the sauna at one time, as excessive exposure may be harmful to health. The sauna should not be used as an endurance test.
  • Do not place any combustible material over the sauna heater (towels, bathing suits, wooden bucket or ladle)! This will cause the sauna to catch fire.
  • Hyperthermia occurs when the internal temperature of the body reaches a level several degrees above the normal body temperature of 98,6 ºF. The symptoms of hyperthermia include an increase in the internal temperature of the body, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, and fainting.
  • Only use stones approved for sauna heater use. Inadequate stones may crack or explode leading to serious injury.
  • Do not sleep in a sauna that the heater is operating. Sleeping in a heated sauna may lead to injury or death.


  • Keep all occupants away from the heater and when it is hot. The stones and outer surface of the heater may burn your skin.
  • Do not throw excessive amounts of water on the stones. The evaporating water is boiling hot and could cause burns.
  • Do not throw water directly onto the elements. This could cause burns and damage to the heater.
  • Be very careful when moving in the sauna, as the benches and floors may be slippery. This could cause the user to slip and fall.
  • Do not alter the sauna in any way, unless explicitly instructed in this manual. Altering the sauna could lead to struc-tural damage, increasing the risk to bodily harm.
  • When moving and lifting heavy pieces, use two or more people. Moving pieces without adequate manpower will lead to injury.

Bridgeport | Braxton Installation & Owner’s Manual
Note: While there are cosmetic and feature variations of the Bridgeport and Braxton models assembly is the same except where noted.
Thank you for your purchase of your Bridgeport | Braxton sauna! Should you have any questions during assembly, please feel free to call us at 888-355-3050, or email Regular business hours are 9-5 EST, M-F. In addition to reading this manual you may find our instruction video helpful. You can find it at:
Your Bridgeport | Braxton Indoor Sauna is specifically designed to utilize your existing floor. As such, assembly is made very simple since the entire sauna sits on pre-fabricated rails and risers. Your sauna can be assembled on any surface that is firm and flat, including concrete, ceramic, vinyl, laminate or tile. Installation on a carpeted surface is not recommended.

Your Bridgeport | Braxton kit should include the following:

  • 4 Floor risers
  • 4 Wall support rails
  • 4 Roof support rails
  • 3 Roof sections
  • Wall section A
  • Wall section B
  • Wall section C
  • Wall section D
  • Wall section E
  • Wall section F
  • Window section G
  • Door section H
  • Window section I
  • Wall section J
  • Upper bench
  • Lower long bench
  • Lower side bench
  • 2 Lower side bench supports
  • Long backrest w/LED light
  • Short backrest
  • LED power supply
  • Door handle assembly
  • Heater
  • Stones
  • Wall sensor cover
  • Hardware bag containing screws and trim nails
  • Heater fence kit (optional)

These tools are required to assemble your Bridgeport | Braxton sauna:

  • Cordless drill
  • Tape measure
  • Rubber mallet
  • Hammer
  • 1/2” or 5/8” Forstner bit
  • Utility knife
  • Screwdriver (phillips and flathead)
  • Level
  • Step stool or ladder
  • Framing square

Sauna Assembly


Ensure sauna foundation is sturdy and level. If the foundation is not, the sauna could tilt, shift or fall leading to injury.

  • Step 1. Connect the Four Floor Risers
    Fasten the four floor risers together using the predrilled holes as a guide, being sure the two shorter boards are located on the sides and the two longer boards are on the front and back. Use a framing square to ensure the assembly is square. (Images 1-5)


  • Step 2. Position Wall Support Rails
    Align each wall support so that the angled cuts make a corner (Images 6 & 7), placing the shorter supports on the sides and the longer supports on the front and back. Each wall support has a predrilled hole. Fasten the front, back and sides together (Images 8 & 9) and lay the assembly squarely on top of the floor risers with the groove facing up (Image 10). The rails should overlap both sides of the riser by approximately 1” (Image 11). Secure the assembly to the floor risers using three screws evenly spaced on each wall support rail (Images 12 & 13).


  • Step 3. Position wall sections A & B
    Position wall section A in the groove of the left rail and push it flush against the back rail (Images 14 & 15). Having a helper hold wall section A, orient wall section B so that the vent holes are on top and place it in the groove of the back rail (Image 16). Push the flat edge flush against wall section A. Align the two panels so they are flush and fasten them together using the 2” screws (Images 17 & 18).


  • Step 4. Position Wall Sections C, D, & E
    Position wall section C into the groove of the back rail. Attach it to wall section B by way of the tongue and groove fit (Images 19 & 20). Secure it by tapping it into place with a rubber mallet. Repeat this step for wall section D, again tapping it into place with a rubber mallet (Images 21 & 22). Position wall section E into the groove to the right side rail and push flush against the back rail (Image 23). Being sure panels D and E are flush with each other, fasten them together using the 2” screws (Images 24 & 25).


  • Step 5. Bench Installation
    Note: You may choose to install all the benches and backrests after the sauna is completed, but you may find it easier to install with the extra space and light afforded at this step.
    Place the wider upper bench on the pre-installed upper bench supports and push flush against the back wall, being sure the side of the bench with the screws showing is oriented towards the back (Images 26 & 27). Secure the bench to the back and side panels using 2” bench screws and the predrilled holes in the bench frame supports (Images 28 & 29).
    Repeat this process for the lower long bench, aligning the face of the bench frame flush with the front edge of the pre-installed lower bench supports. Fasten the lower bench to the side walls using 2” screws (Images 30 – 33).


  • Step 6. LED Backrest Installation
    Center the LED backrest between the two sides being sure it’s oriented so the shorter slat is down and position it vertically at a height most comfortable for you (typically 8-12” from the bench). Using a level to ensure proper installation, fasten the backrest into place using the 2” screws (Images 34 & 35).
    To connect the LED light to the power source, bore a 5/8” hole through the back of the panel at the bottom right corner of the backrest and push the LED pigtail through (Images 36 & 37). Now mount the power supply to the back of the sauna at the base of panel D, underneath the hole you just bored (Image 38). Connect the power supply and LED pigtail (Image 39), and plug in the supply to an outlet. You are able to turn on the LED light and adjust its brightness from within the sauna using the control mounted to the side of the backrest (Image 40).
    Note: The lower side bench will be installed once the rest of the sauna is finished.


  • Step 7. Position Wall Sections F & Window Section G
    Position wall section F into the groove of the side rail orienting it so that the heater vent holes are located at the bottom. Slide wall section F into place with section E (Image 41). Section F connects to section E via tongue and groove so there is no need to use screws. Use a rubber mallet to secure the fit (Image 42). Place window section G in the groove on the front rail (Image 43) and push the flat end against wall section F. Being sure the two sections are flush, fasten them together using 2” screws through the predrilled holes (Image 44).


  • Step 8. Position Door Section H, Window Section I and Wall Section J
    Place door section H onto the front rail orienting it so that the door opens according to your preference (Image 45). Snip the securing rope (Image 46). Door section H connects to window section G via tongue and groove so there is no need for screws. Gently tap it into place with a rubber mallet to secure the fit (Image 47). Now place window section I into the groove of the front rail and connect it to door section H via the tongue and groove fit (Image 48). Gently tap into place with a rubber mallet to secure the fit. Finally, place wall section J onto the side rail (Image 49), connecting it to wall section A via the tongue and groove fit. Tap into place with a rubber mallet. Now, making sure section J and section I are flush with each other, secure them together with the 2” screws and predrilled holes (Image 50).


  • Step 9. Position Side Bench and Lower Vertical Bench Support
    Locate the two pre-cut side-bench supports. Rest two of them on the rail behind window section I and secure them in place using two 2” screws each (Images 51 & 52). Locate the side bench and place it on the two supports, orienting it so that the recess in the side matches the profile of the long bench (Image 53). Secure the bench with 2” screws to both wall section J as well as the lower long bench (Image 54-55).
    Using a level, secure the lower backrest to wall section J with 2” screws at the same height above the lower side bench as the LED backrest above the upper long bench.
    Note: Bench style may vary.

  • Step 10. Assemble and Position Roof Support Rails
    Align each roof support rail so the angled cuts join together to make a 90 degree angle (Image 56), placing the shorter supports on the sides and the longer supports on the front and back. Fasten them together using 2” screws through the predrilled holes (Image 57). Use a framing square to ensure the assembly is square.
    Place the assembly on top of the wall sections so that the wall sections fit snugly into the groove (Image 58). When in place, secure to the assembly to the walls using four 2” screws on each rail (Image 59).


  • Step 11. Position Roof Sections
    Place the roof panels on top of the ceiling supports being sure the predrilled holes are facing up (Image 60). Connect the sections via the tongue and groove fit (Image 61). Measure around the roof support rails to ensure there is equal spacing around the top of the sauna; approximately 1” of the support rails should extend past each side of the roof sections (Image 62). Once evenly spaced, secure them into place with the 2” screws through the predrilled holes (Image 63). Install roof trim to cover the raw sides of the roof panels.


  • Step 12. Accessories
    • Install the vent hole cover using the provided screw and washer (Images 64 & 65).
    • Install door handle (Images 66 & 67).


  • Step 13. Finishing Touches
    After the sauna has been installed, sweep down the inside to remove any sawdust and wood shavings, and then vacuum completely. Using a damp cloth with warm water, wipe down the entire sauna including the benches to remove any remaining dirt, dust and debris.

  • Step 14. Heater Installation

    Turn off power to heater at breaker before beginning installation or performing maintenance on the heater. Failure to turn off the power will lead to electrocution and even death.
    Improper installation of heater mounting bracket could cause the heater to fall leading to burns and other injuries.
    Before placing or adjusting stones, ensure heater is back to room temperature. Failure to do so may cause burns.

Please consult your heater manual for all heater installation information.

Optional Heater Fence Assembly (KIP & Wall Heaters)

The heater fence kit will come banded in stretch wrap, remove the wrap and place the three pieces on your working surface (68-69). Match the front piece, and one side as shown below (70).


Turn over matched pieces so the long section is face down. Ensure the boards are flush in the top corner for optimal fitment (71). Attach the two pieces together using the two predrilled holes and remaining screws from your sauna hardware kit (72). It is recommended to keep pressure on the two square boards during fastening for easier assembly. Then repeat process for other side. See below for finished heater fence (73). To install heater fence into sauna, use the four predrilled holes and screws from sauna hardware kit (74-75). Place fence around heater and fasten into side panel (76).



Congratulations! You are ready to enjoy your sauna! You may use your sauna in a wet or dry fashion. A dry sauna means you do not sprinkle any water onto the stones, while wet means you increase the humidity of the room by sprinkling water on the stones. Please note that not much water is needed to achieve a wet sauna experience.
The sauna as we know it originates in Finland. The typical sauna experience follows the steps below, but you may enjoy your sauna in any way you like!

  • Set your heater so your sauna achieves the desired temperature. This is typically 160 -185+° F. Please note, novice sauna users should begin at the lower end of that range and increase their high temperature over time.
  • Take a quick shower or a quick dip in a hot tub or pool.
  • Step into the sauna and enjoy for 5-15 minutes, bringing a towel to sit or lay on. Leave the sauna once you are perspiring freely.
  • Take a plunge in a pool, shower, snowbank, lake – anything that will cool you down! After that, relax and cool down for 10-20 minutes.
  • Step into the sauna again. During this visit, you may wish to sprinkle small amounts of water onto the stones to create bursts of steam. If water spills through the heater to the floor, you are using too much water, though this will not hurt the heater or the sauna.
  • Continue repeating this process. After your final visit to your sauna, relax for at least 20 minutes. Shower with warm water initially, finishing with cool water to close your skin pores.
  • Prepare to feel refreshed for the day or to have an amazing night’s sleep!

Whatever your sauna routine, it is imperative that you STAY HYDRATED!


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