UCI 14062024 Road Races Memorandum Instructions

June 30, 2024

UCI 14062024 Road Races Memorandum Instructions

Rules amendments applying on 01.07.2024.
Update on 14.06.2024

2.1.005 International races and participation







(1) In order to compete in a UCI ProSeries event, UCI Continental Teams and UCI cyclo-cross professional teams must contribute to the programme for the fight against doping related to UCI ProSeries events as provided in the Financial Obligations published on the UCI website; the teams concerned will be included in a list published on the UCI website.
(2) Only regional and club teams from the country of the organiser or border country and only if the national team of the country of the regional or club team is also taking part in the event.
(3) only for UCI Africa Tour.
(4) Women of the second year of Junior may be included in these teams, provided they have authorisation from the National Federation that issued their license.

In order to compete in a UCI WorldTour race, riders must have submitted accurate and up-to-date whereabouts information to an anti-doping organisation for a minimum period of 6 weeks and have been subject to testing in accordance with the athlete biological passport programme as implemented by the UCI. (text modified on 1.01.99; 1.01.05; 1.01.06; 1.10.06; 25.09.07; 1.01.08; 1.1.09; 1.07.09; 1.10.09; 1.10.10; 1.07.11; 1.07.12; 1.10.13; 1.01.14; 1.01.15; 1.01.16; 12.01.17; 1.02.17; 1.01.18; 23.10.19; 1.01.20; 9.11.20; 1.01.24; 1.07.24).
Development teams of UCI WorldTeams, UCI Women’s WorldTeams, and UCI ProTeams and UCI Women’s ProTeams

2.1.005 Riders registered with a development team may participate in UCI ProSeries or bis Class 1 events with the related UCI WorldTeam, UCI Women’s WorldTeam, or UCI ProTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam subject to the following limitations:


2.1.006 MU riders can participate in races classed as ME. WU riders can participate in races classed WE. MU Races are reserved exclusively for riders of the MU category.
(text modified on 1.01.05; 1.01.07; 1.01.08; 1.01.15; 1.01.18).

2.1.007 Unless prior authorization has been obtained from the UCI Management Committee, organisers may not set other age limits than the ones corresponding to the junior, under 23 and elite categories. (article introduced on 1.01.05).

2.1.007 Obligatory invitations to events on the international calendar

Provisions for Grand Tours and UCI WorldTour stage races
The organiser must invite the best UCI ProTeams on the UCI World Team Ranking, as considered on the last day of the previous season (under the terms of article 2.1.001) (1), according to the followings:


(1) For the purpose of this article, teams registered as UCI ProTeam or UCI WorldTeam during the previous season are taken into consideration.
(2) As a matter of exception to article 1.2.049, the UCI ProTeam shall confirm its participation or not to the organiser at the latest 70 days before the event. In the UCI ProTeam declines the invitation or fails to confirm its participation within the aforementioned deadline the organiser may issue an additional wild card.
(3) The organiser of a Grand Tour must guarantee the participation in the race of at least one UCI WorldTeam or UCI ProTeam from the country of the organiser amongst the 22 participating teams. (4) For the 2024 season, only the 50 best- ranked teams on the UCI World ranking by teams of the 2023 season shall be entitled to receive a “wild-card” invitation from a Grand Tour organiser.
For the 2025 season, only the 40 best-ranked teams on the UCI World ranking by teams of the 2024 season shall be entitled to receive a “wild-card” invitation from a Grand Tour organiser.
From the 2026 season onwards, only the 30 best ranked teams on the UCI World ranking by teams of the previous season shall be entitled to receive a “wild- card” invitation from a Grand Tour organiser.
UCI ProTeams registered for the first time as UCI ProTeams will be considered based on the addition of the points scored at the end of the previous season by their 20 best riders, according to the list of riders published on the UCI website following the confirmation by the UCI of the registration of the team.

UCI ProTeams that accept the obligatory invitation from the organiser (except wild card) to participate in at least one Grand Tour, shall pay the same contribution to the biological passport as UCI WorldTeams, as published in the International Testing Agency (ITA) financial obligations document available on the UCI website.

Provisions for UCI WorldTour one-day races
The organiser must invite the best UCI ProTeams on the UCI World Team Ranking, as considered on the last day of the previous season (under the terms of article 2.1.001)(1), according to the followings:


(1) For the purpose of this article, teams registered as UCI ProTeam or UCI WorldTeam during the previous season are taken into consideration.
(2) Invitations declined by invited UCI ProTeams may be used by the organiser as additional wild cards.

Provisions for UCI Women’s WorldTour events
The organiser must send an invitation to all UCI Women’s WorldTeams and to the two best UCI women’s continental teams on the basis of the first UCI women’s world team ranking published after the last event of the previous season UCI Women’s ProTeams in the UCI World Team Ranking, as at the last day of the previous season (within the meaning of article 2.1.001) (1), in accordance with the following provisions..

In the event that the number of UCI Women’s WorldTeams is less than 13, the number of obligatory invitations to the UCI women’s continental teams UCI Women’s ProTeam, based on the abovementioned ranking, shall be increased accordingly in order to ensure a minimum number of 15 invitations to the UCI Women’s WorldTeams and UCI women’s continental teams UCI Women’s ProTeam.

Provisions for ME and MU class2 events of the Europe Tour as well as ME and MU class 1 and class 2 events of the America Tour, Asia Tour and Oceania Tour
The organiser must invite the first 3 UCI continental teams, in the classification by team for the relevant continental circuit of the event, on the last day of the previous season (in the sense of Article 2.1.001). For the application of this provision, only teams from the relevant continental circuit of which the event is part and, amongst these, only the best team of each nation is considered.

Provisions for ME and MU class 1 and class 2 events of the Africa Tour
The organiser must invite the first 3 national teams in the classification by nation for the UCI Africa Tour, on the last day of the previous season (in the sense of Article 2.1.001).

The organiser must accept entries from above mentioned teams who have responded positively to an invitation.
(text modified on 1.01.06; 1.01.07; 1.10.10; 1.02.11; 1.07.11; 1.07.12; 1.10.13; 1.01.15; 1.01.17; 25.10.17; 22.10.18; 23.10.19; 11.02.20; 12.06.20; 8.02.21, 1.11.21, 1.01.23, 1.03.23; 1.01.24; 1.07.24).

National calendars

2.1.008 The management of the national calendar, its structure, the classification of national races and the participation rules are the responsibility of the respective National Federations, subject to the provisions below. (article introduced on 1.01.05).

2.1.009 Only the following teams and riders may participate in national events:

Provisions for Men Elite national events in Europe

  • UCI ProTeams of the country with no more than 10 events of the ME category registered on the international calendar with the approval of their National Federation;
  • UCI continental teams of the country;
  • regional and club teams;
  • national teams;
  • mixed teams.

Provisions for Men Elite national events outside of Europe

  • UCI ProTeams of the country with the approval of their National Federation;
  • UCI continental teams of the country;
  • regional and club teams;
  • national teams;
  • mixed teams.

Provisions for Women Elite national events

  • UCI Women’s WorldTeams (With a maximum of three participations to national or class 2 events per year. Upon request, teams will provide the UCI, at its request, with a list of events in which they wish to participate during the season. Teams are then required to update the UCI of any changes during the season);
  • UCI Women’s ProTeams of the organiser’s country for countries for which a maximum of 10 WE category events are registered on the UCI international calendar and with the approval of the country’s National Federation;
  • UCI women’s continental teams;
  • national teams;
  • regional and club teams;
  • mixed teams.

Only national teams may include riders from a team registered with the UCI.
(article introduced on 1.01.05; modified on 1.08.13; 1.01.15; 25.10.17; 23.10.19; 1.01.24; 1,07.24).

(numbering of the articles modified on 1.01.05).

§ 1 Participation
2.2.001 Riders belonging to a team registered with the UCI with the same paying agent or main partner may not compete in the same race except in the case of an individual event. Furthermore, no more than one national team of each nationality may compete in an event.

In addition, the participation of both a UCI team (UCI WorldTeam, UCI Women’s WorldTeam, or UCI ProTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam) and the UCI registered development team supported by such team is prohibited.

National Federations shall declare to the UCI their affiliated club teams that have the same paying agent / team representative or main partner than a team registered with the UCI.
Finally, they must refrain from selecting riders whose team, in which the rider is registered for the current season, is taking part in the same event.

(text modified on 1.01.05; 1.07.10; 1.10.11; 1.01.13; 1.01.15; 25.10.17; 01.11.22; 1.07.24).

2.2.008 Riders belonging to a UCI WorldTeam, to a UCI Women’s WorldTeam, or to a UCI ProTeam or to a UCI Women’s ProTeam may not take part in cycling for all events unless an exemption is granted by the UCI for UCI Women’s WorldTeams and by the Professional Cycling Council for UCI WorldTeams and UCI ProTeams.

However, without obtaining an exemption, riders may participate once a year in a cycling for all event bearing their name.

Riders belonging to a UCI continental team or a UCI women’s continental team can take part a maximum of 3 times a year in a cycling for all event.
The number of participants belonging to a team registered with the UCI being limited to three, every rider must, however, check with the organiser that this number is not exceeded.
(article introduced on 1.01.05; 23.10.19; 1.07.24).

(chapter replaced on 1.01.09; modified on 1.01.16).

§ 2 Elite and Under 23 Women’s UCI World Rankings
(paragraph moved from Chapter XII on 1.01.16)
UCI world ranking by teams

2.10.014 The UCI world ranking by teams shall be drawn up at least once a week by adding the points obtained from the start of the season by the 8 best riders under contract with each team at the time of the ranking. This ranking is reset to zero at the start of the season.

Special provision for riders transferred
Points obtained from the start of the season (or date of start of contract if the latter started after the start of the season) until the date of the transfer are added to the points of the former team. Points obtained from the date of the transfer until the last day of the season (or date of a new transfer) are added to the points of the new team.

Special provision for riders ending contract
Points obtained from the start of the season (or date of start of contract if the latter started after the start of the season) until the date of end of contract are still added to the points of the former team.
Special provision concerning trainees and development teams

During his training period a trainee is still considered as a member of his regular team with regards to rankings. Points potentially obtained by the trainee during the training period, shall in no instance be added to the points of the host team.

Regarding rankings, a rider of a development team who takes part in an event with the related UCI Women’s WorldTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam is still considered as a member of her usual development team. A rider of a UCI Women’s WorldTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam who takes part in an event with the related development team is still considered as a member of her usual UCI Women’s WorldTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam. Points potentially obtained by concerned riders will be added to the points of their primary team.

Ties between teams shall be resolved by counting the greatest number of 1st places, 2nd places etc. on the (final general) classification (on time) of their best 8 riders during races counting towards the ranking. (text modified on 1.07.12; 1.01.17; 1.01.19; 1.02.19; 23.10.19; 01.11.22; 1.07.2

§ 4 UCI Women’s WorldTour ranking
(paragraph moved from chapter XIII on 1.01.19).

Team classification
2.10.035 The team classification shall include UCI Women’s WorldTeams, UCI Women’s ProTeams as well as UCI women’s continental teams.

The team classification is obtained by adding the individual classification points scored by all the riders of the team in the UCI Women’s WorldTour individual ranking.

Special provision for riders being transferred

Points obtained from the start of the season (or date of start of the contract if this commenced after the start of the season) until the date of the transfer are added to the points of the former team. Points obtained from the date of the transfer until the last day of the season (or date of a new transfer) are added to the points of the new team.
Special provision for riders ending a contract

Points obtained by a rider from the start of the season (or date of start of contract if the this commenced after the start of the season) until the date of the end of the contract are still added to the points of the former team.

Special provision concerning trainees
During his training period, regarding rankings, a trainee is still considered as a member of his usual team. Points potentially obtained by the trainee during the training period, shall in no instance be added to the points of the host team.

(article introduced on 1.01.06; modified on 1.01.17; 25.10.17; 11.02.20; 1.07.24).

(Chapter introduced on 1.07.24)

§ 1 Identity
2.19.001 UCI Women’s ProTeams are teams of high-level professional women cyclists, which is recognised as the second division of women’s road cycling teams.
2.19.002 The UCI shall be the exclusive owner of the “UCI Women’s ProTeam” concept and name.
2.19.003 A UCI Women’s ProTeam consists of the paying agent, the riders registered with the UCI as members of the team, the sponsors and any other persons contracted by the paying agent to ensure the operation of the team (manager, sports director, coach, team doctor, paramedical assistant, mechanic, accountant, etc.).
2.19.004 The name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be either that of the company or brand name of one or several principal partners, or the name of its paying agent. Upon specific request, the UCI may authorize another designation which is linked to the UCI Women’s ProTeam project.
The UCI may refuse the registration if the name of a UCI Women’s WorldTeam submitted in the licence application is likely to create confusion with another UCI Women’s ProTeam. Similarly, it may refuse any name that damages the reputation and/or image of cycling or the UCI.

2.19.005 The nationality of the UCI Women’s ProTeam is determined, at the choice of the UCI Women’s ProTeam, by:
1. the country of the registered office of the paying agent; or
2. a country where a product or service is marketed by the or a main sponsor under the name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam or of a component of this name.
The UCI administration must be informed of this choice at the latest by 15 October before the first year of the licence. Failure to do so will result in the nationality of the UCI Women’s ProTeam being determined by the country of the registered office of the paying agent.

2.19.006 The choice of the nationality of the country of the registered office of the paying agent is valid for the entire duration of the registration and cannot be changed, subject to the approval of a new paying agent having their registered office in another country, in accordance with article 2.13.160. In the latter case, the UCI Women’s ProTeam may make another choice in accordance with article 2.13.132. The choice of the nationality of a country where a product or service is marketed by the or a main sponsor under the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s name or a component of this name is valid for the entire duration of the registration and cannot be changed except if the main sponsor concerned no longer holds this status. In the latter case, the UCI Women’s ProTeam may make another choice in accordance with article 2.13.132.
The change of nationality comes into effect on 1st January following its notification to the UCI administration.

2.19.007 The members of UCI Women’s ProTeams may have no link with the members of other UCI Women’s WorldTeams, UCI Women’s ProTeams or with UCI women’s continental teams likely to challenge or be perceived to challenge the integrity of the competition or sporting fairness. In particular, it would be considered that any common main sponsor, ownership structure, shareholding or senior managers between these teams challenges the integrity of the competition and/or sporting fairness.

2.19.008 The members of UCI Women’s ProTeams may have no link with a UCI Women’s WorldTour or UCI ProSeries (WE) event likely to challenge or be perceived to challenge the integrity of the competition or sporting fairness. In particular, it would be considered that any common ownership structure, shareholding or senior managers between a UCI Women’s WorldTour event and a UCI Women’s ProTeam challenges the integrity of the competition and/or sporting fairness.

2.19.009 During the licence application and registration procedures it shall be the duty of the team to indicate the presence or potential existence of a link with a team or an organiser as described in the previous articles.

2.19.010 In the event that the UCI should discover the presence of such a link as referred to in articles 2.19.007 or 2.19.008, the UCI Women’s ProTeam concerned shall be subject to a fine of CHF 3,000 to 10,000. The UCI administration may either set a time limit for the situation to be rectified or refer the case to the licence commission in accordance with article 2.19.147.

§2 Accounts and finances
2.19.011 The paying agent must keep complete accounts of the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s activities.

2.19.012 If a principal partner acts as paying agent or if the paying agent has another activity authorised by the licence commission, the paying agent must keep separate accounts for the activities of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. In this case, the paying agent must on each occasion submit the documents corresponding to their general accounts with the accountancy documents regarding the activities of the UCI Women’s ProTeam.
The obligations set out in articles 2.19.025 and 2.19.026 must also be fulfilled in respect of all the paying agent’s activities.

2.19.013 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must designate an accountant responsible for the accounts relating to all the activities of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. Any person in possession of documents providing evidence of professional accountancy training and/or experience recognised as such by the auditor appointed by the UCI may be appointed as accountant to the UCI Women’s ProTeam. In particular, the accountant is responsible for keeping the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s accounts and for the preparation of the documents required for the financial audit for the purposes of annual registration.

2.19.014 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must propose to the UCI-appointed auditor, for prior approval, a State-approved company auditor. The auditor must be independent of the UCI Women’s ProTeam, its members and associated persons or bodies. In this respect, they will sign a declaration that there is no conflict of interests.
This proposal must be made by 1st July at the latest. It must be renewed annually before the same date. However the UCI Women’s ProTeam may propose, and the UCI-appointed auditor may accept, the same company auditor for a period not exceeding four years.

2.19.015 The company auditor shall audit the annual accounts in accordance with the national legislation applicable to fixed-capital companies in the country of the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s registered office, even if such an audit is not required by law.

2.19.016 The accounting year must correspond to the calendar year.

2.19.017 The annual accounts shall be established and the accounts kept in accordance with the national legislation applicable to fixed-capital companies in the country of the paying agent’s registered office. The annual accounts shall consist of the balance sheet, the profit-and-loss account, a financing table, and an explanatory appendix. These annual accounts shall be expressed in Swiss francs, euros or US dollars and shall be signed by the paying agent and the UCI Women’s ProTeam. If the financial accounting must be carried out in another currency under national law, the annual accounts must be converted into Swiss francs, euros or US dollars at the rate current at the end of the accounting period.

2.19.018 The accounts of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must also include the other documents required for the financial audit for the purposes of annual registration.
2.19.019 The UCI administration may draw up instructions and models for the keeping of accounting documents.
2.19.020 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must inform the UCI-appointed auditor without delay of any significant changes in the annual budget, the cash flow plan or the financial planning following a reduction in capital.
2.19.021 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must provide any documents, information or other items required by the UCI-appointed auditor within 15 days. Any declarations or other documents from the tax or social security authorities in the country in which the paying agent has their registered office must be provided within 30 days of receipt of the request.
The auditor will pose any questions and ask for any information they deem necessary from the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s company auditor, who must supply all the information requested.

2.19.022 Without having to request them, the UCI-appointed auditor must receive each year, no later than 30th June, a copy of the annual accounts closed on 31 December of the previous year and the company auditor’s report. However, the UCI may require these documents for 1st March at the earliest, by request sent two months in advance.
These documents must be provided in French or English.
2.19.023 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must inform the UCI-appointed auditor without delay of:
6. any significant changes in the annual budget, the cash flow plan or the financial planning or of insolvency or risk of insolvency;
7. any risk, dispute or other circumstance liable to endanger financial stability;
8. the nonfulfillment, for any reason whatsoever, of an obligation to a rider or another member of the team.
In the event of a breach of this regulation, a fine of between CHF 500 and 5,000 may be imposed, without prejudice to the application of article 2.19.147 in the event of a serious offence.
2.19.024 The auditor shall inform the UCI administration of any anomalies or irregularities observed in the course of their audit in the context of registration applications as well as random audits.

2.19.025 The financial stability of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be ensured at all times, in particular by adequate owner’s equity. The income deriving from the activities of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be allocated exclusively to its operations or to the development of cycling. The available profit in the balance sheet must be used in accordance with the legal provisions in force in the country of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. The allocation of the profit must be decided after the annual accounts have been established and audited.

No advance payment of profits may be made to beneficiaries during the course of the year.
2.19.026 The cash flow situation of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be balanced at all times, taking account of the credit facilities obtained.
The UCI Women’s ProTeam must always avoid any arrears of payment.
§3 Paying agent
2.19.027 The paying agent is the entity responsible for managing the UCI Women’s ProTeam.
2.19.028 If the paying agent is not a principal partner of the team, the management of a cycling team will be the paying agent’s sole activity, unless an exemption is granted by the licence commission.
2.19.029 The paying agent shall represent the UCI Women’s ProTeam for all purposes as regards the UCI Regulations.
2.19.030 The paying agent must be a trading company or other legal entity authorised by the law in the country in which the company has its registered offices.
2.19.031 The paying agent may only act through the intermediary of the physical persons holding a personal licence as set out in article 1.1.010.

2.19.032 The paying agent shall sign the contracts with the riders and the other persons under contract for the operation of the team. They shall also sign contracts related to the team’s income.
2.19.033 The paying agent must remain the same throughout the period of registration, including during the period of any renewals, except with the agreement of the UCI. The UCI may, if it deems necessary, refer them to the licence commission in accordance with article 2.19.147.
2.19.034 The paying agent must manage all the operations of the UCI Women’s ProTeam from a single registered office. The registered office of the paying agent shall be established in the country where the paying agent is subject to income tax and social security as an employer for all activities related to the UCI Women’s ProTeam. If the registered office is moved to another country, the approval of the licence commission must be obtained in advance.
2.19.035 The paying agent and the principal partners must inform the UCI and the auditor
without delay of the following: a change of registered offices, reduction in capital, change of legal form or identity (due, for example, to merger or takeover), request for or implementation of any agreement or any measure concerning all creditors.

§4 Sponsors and principal partners
2.19.036 The sponsors are the persons, firms or bodies who contribute to the funding of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. Among the sponsors, a maximum of three are designated as the principal partners of the UCI Women’s ProTeam.
2.19.037 The principal partner or partners must enter into a commitment to the UCI Women’s ProTeam for at least a full calendar year.
2.19.038 Any contract relating to the income of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be signed directly between the paying agent and the actual debtor of that income.
2.19.039 The principal partner(s) and the paying agent may have no association with another UCI Women’s ProTeam, except as authorised by the Licence Commission.
§5 Riders
2.19.040 The number of riders in each UCI Women’s ProTeam may not be fewer than 10.
The maximum number of riders per UCI Women’s ProTeam which may be registered with the UCI is restricted according to the number of new professional riders under contract (as per article 2.19.042), in the following manner:


The riders taken into account must be contracted on a full-time basis and for the whole registration year.
Without prejudice to article 2.13.168, only elite and under 23 riders may be members of UCI Women’s ProTeams.

2.19.041 If the number of riders proves to be less than the minimum stipulated in article 2.19.040, the UCI shall issue a warning to the UCI Women’s ProTeam and allow it a grace period of 30 days to rectify the situation. In case of failure to do so, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be liable for a fine of between CHF 2,000 and 20,000. To determine the fine, the UCI shall take account in particular of the reduction of the payroll costs from which the team benefits during the period for which its numbers fall short of the required minimum.
Payment of the fine does not release the UCI Women’s ProTeam from the obligation to register the minimum number of riders.
If the failure to comply persists, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be suspended.

2.19.042 Status of new professional rider
i. The status of new professional rider is given to any rider who joins a UCI
Women’s ProTeam for the first time no later than during their twenty-third year.
For the application of this article the date of joining shall be the date on which the rider’s contract comes into force. The age of the rider is determined by the difference between the year of their hiring and the year of his birth.
ii. The status of new professional ends if:
a. the contract comes into force before 1 July: on 31 December of the subsequent registration year;
b. the contract comes into force after 30 June: on 31 December of the second subsequent registration year.

During this period the rider shall retain the status of new professional even if:
2. The rider reaches the age of 24 during this period;
3. The contract is terminated early and the rider changes team.

iii. If, at the time that the new professional’s contract comes into force, the remaining term of the contract between the paying agent and the principle partner or contracts between the paying agent and the three principal partners is less than the duration of the contract as determined under the first paragraph of point 2 above but equal to at least one year, the duration of the new professional’s contract may be limited to the remaining duration of the contract with the principal partner or the longer of the contracts with the three principal partners. If, on expiry of the contract between the paying agent and the principal partner or the contracts between the paying agent and the three principal partners, the team continues its activities or the paying agent continues its activities in another team, the paying agent must reemploy the rider at that rider’s request for at least one year and under conditions which may not be less favourable to the rider.

2.19.043 Trainees
In addition, in the period between 1st August* and 31st December, each UCI Women’s ProTeam may register two trainees, who may be of elite, under 23 or junior category (second year only), on the following conditions:

  1. in the case of an elite or under-23 rider, they shall not previously have belonged to any UCI Women’s WorldTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam;
  2. the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall notify the UCI of the rider’s identity before 1st August;
  3. the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall obtain the authorisation of the National Federation of the rider’s nationality and, if applicable, the authorisation of the National Federation of the team with which the rider is registered;
  4. the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall obtain the authorisation of the parents or legal representative if the rider is a minor;
  5. a rider may join only one UCI Women’s WorldTeam or UCI Women’s ProTeam during this period;
  6. the rider may not take part in UCI Women’s WorldTour events;
  7. the rider in question may continue to take part in events with their club team or National Federation and, if appropriate, their UCI women’s continental team;
  8. the rider will be paid on the basis of a flat-rate payment for each race day or day of participation in an event with the UCI Women’s ProTeam. The amount of the flat-rate payment will correspond to at least 50% of the amount of the minimum salary (calculated on a pro rata daily basis of the minimum salary for new-professional rider as defined in article 2.19.052). The payment will be made to the team which will pay the rider, after deducting sums for which they are contractually responsible towards the rider.
  • Upon justification of the participation in a stage race starting in July and ending in August, the registration of these riders may occur in July no earlier than the day before the first race day of the aforesaid event.
    In all other respects, the relationship between the rider and the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be mutually agreed between the parties.

§6 Contract
2.19.044 A rider’s membership with a UCI Women’s ProTeam requires a written contract of employment to be entered into, which must contain, as a minimum, the provisions of the standard contract in article 2.19.055.
2.19.045 The provisions of the standard contract shall be applied as of right. Any clause agreed between the rider and the paying agent that impinges on the rights of riders as provided for in the standard contract is null and void.
2.19.046 Any contract between a UCI Women’s ProTeam and a rider must be drawn up and typed in three original copies, at least one of which must be given to the rider. A copy shall be sent electronically to the auditor, and an original shall be kept by the team and made available at any time if requested by the auditor.
2.19.047 The parties must sign each page of the contract. Clauses of the contract which are on a page not signed by the rider cannot be invoked against them; the rider may take advantage of such clauses.
The name of the person who signs the contract on behalf of the UCI Women’s ProTeam must be given on the final page of the contract alongside the signature.

2.19.048 Without prejudice to article 2.19.060, the employment contract between the rider and the UCI Women’s ProTeam must govern all the services provided by the rider for the benefit of the paying agent and the sponsors, and all remuneration relating thereto. All remuneration and payment methods must be set out in writing.
2.19.049 A contract coming into force before 1st July in the registration year will be valid at least until 31st December of the same year. A contract coming into force from 1st July will be valid at least until 31st December of the following registration year.

2.19.050 The employment contract may not provide for a trial period.
2.19.051 Upon expiry of the term of the contract, the rider is free to leave the UCI Women’s ProTeam and join another team.
All transfer payment systems upon expiry of the contract are prohibited.
2.19.052 Minimum salary
The riders of the UCI Women’s ProTeams are entitled to a fixed minimum salary, of which the annual gross amount is fixed as follows for the years 2025 to 2027:


The salary for the following years will be covered in an amendment to these regulations.
2.19.053 Any bonus, payment, prize or any other cash benefit and benefit in kind are considered to be in addition to the fixed salary and may not be attributed to the latter or taken into consideration for its calculation.
2.19.054 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must cover the travel costs incurred by riders as a result of their work. These costs include, at a minimum, train and plane tickets as well as parking, taxi and petrol costs.
Standard contract between a rider and a UCI Women’s ProTeam
2.19.055 Between the undersigned, (name and address of the employer) paying agent for the UCI Women’s ProTeam (name) for whom the principal partners are:
– (name and address) (where applicable, the employer itself)
– (name and address)

hereinafter “the Employer”
And: (name and address of the rider) born in on of….. nationality

holding a licence issued by hereinafter “the Rider”



  • the Employer is engaged in setting up a cycling team who, within the UCI Women’s ProTeam…. and under the management of ….. .(name of manager or sports director), intend to take part, during the duration of the present contract, in cycle road races governed by the regulations of the Union Cycliste Internationale;
  • the Rider wishes to join the team (name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam);
  • both parties are acquainted with and declare that they will abide wholly by the UCI constitution, codes and regulations, and those of its affiliated National Federations.

It is thus agreed as follows:
ARTICLE 1 – Employment
The Employer hereby employs the Rider, who accepts the position, as a full- time rider in cycling road races.
Participation by the Rider in events in other disciplines shall be decided by the Parties on a case-by-case basis.
The employment shall be subject to the registration of the team as a UCI Women’s ProTeam with the UCI. Should such registration not be obtained, the Rider may terminate the present contract without notice or compensation.

ARTICLE 2 – Duration
This contract shall be entered into for a fixed period commencing on … and expiring on 31st December….
Unless the contract has already been renewed, each party shall notify the other in writing, no later than the 30 September preceding the termination of the contract, of their intentions as to the renewal of the contract.

ARTICLE 3 – Salary
1. The Rider is entitled to a gross annual salary of….
This pay may not be less than the higher of the two following amounts:
A. The legal minimum wage of the country of residence of the Rider;
B. The minimum salary provided for in article 2.19.052 of the UCI Regulations.

ARTICLE 4 – Payment of the salary

  1. The Employer shall pay the salary determined under article 3 in equal monthly payments on or before the fifth day of the following month;
  2. Should the Rider be suspended under the terms of the UCI regulations or those of one of its affiliated federations, the Rider shall not be entitled to the said salary referred to in article 3 for the part of the suspension exceeding one month;
  3. In the event of a failure to make payment of the net sums of remuneration on their due date as per article 3 or of any other sum which is due, the Rider shall be entitled, without notice, to interest and increases of 5% per year.
  4. The salary, or any other sum due by the Employer to the Rider, shall be paid by transfer to the bank account n° … of the Rider at the (name of the bank) at (branch where the account is held). Only the proof of the execution of the bank transfer shall be accepted as proof of payment.
  5. A detailed payslip must be sent to the Rider for each payment.

ARTICLE 5 – Prizes and bonuses
The Rider shall be entitled to prizes won during cycling competitions in which she participated for the UCI Women’s ProTeam, in accordance with the Regulations of the UCI and its affiliated federations.
Furthermore, the Rider shall have the right to the following bonuses:




(mark as appropriate)
ARTICLE 6 – Miscellaneous obligations

  1. The Rider may not, for the duration of the present contract, work for any other team or advertise for any other sponsors than those belonging to the UCI Women’s ProTeam, save in such cases as are provided for in the regulations of the UCI;
  2. The Employer hereby undertakes to allow the Rider to properly perform her occupation by providing her with the necessary equipment and clothing and by permitting her to participate in a sufficient number of cycling events, either as a member of the team or individually;
  3. The Rider may not compete in a race as an individual without the express consent of the Employer and under the conditions set by the latter. The Employer shall be deemed to have given its consent if it has not replied within a period of ten days from the date of the request. In no case may the Rider take part in a road race as a member of any other structure or of a mixed team if (name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam) is already entered in that race;
  4. The Parties undertake to respect the riders’ health protection programme;
  5. The Employer undertakes to reimburse the Rider for reasonable travel costs incurred as a result of her work as mentioned in article 2.19.054.

In the event of selection for a national team, the Employer shall be required to permit the Rider to participate in such races and preparatory programmes as may be determined by the National Federation. The Employer shall authorise the National Federation to give the Rider any instructions it may deem necessary in connection with and for the duration of the selection provided that it does so solely in connection with sporting matters, in its own name and on its own behalf.

In none of the aforementioned cases shall this contract be suspended.

ARTICLE 6 BIS – Medical Data
Pursuant to article 13.3.015 of the UCI Regulations, the Rider hereby expressly consents to the processing of any medical data by the team doctor, the UCI and the potential service provider appointed by the UCI to carry out the tests (altogether referred to as the Medical Data Processors), This processing is subject to medical confidentiality and complies with the provisions on the confidentiality of medical data outlined in Part 13 of the UCI Cycling Regulations and applicable data protection laws and regulations.

This medical data is collected and processed in accordance with the objectives and purpose set out in the “Programme of obligatory tests for UCI medical monitoring”. The Rider understands that, under this provision, only medical data pertinent to the Rider’s health and necessary for the purpose of the “Programme of obligatory tests for UCI medical monitoring” – the objective of which is to safeguard the health and safety of riders – will be collected and processed.

The Rider further acknowledges that any disclosure of medical data to persons other than those designated as Medical Data Processors shall be limited to those individuals with a legitimate need to know for medical purposes, in the interests of the Rider and his health and always with equivalent confidentiality as when processed by the Medical Data Processors.

The Rider retains the right to access his medical data as provided by applicable laws and regulations. In the event the Rider has any queries about his medical data the team doctor can be contacted at the following address:___(email address of the team doctor) and the UCI (also for any queries regarding medical data processed by its provider service) at the following address: data.protection@uci.ch.

This consent shall remain valid for the duration of the Rider’s employment with the UCI Women’s ProTeam and for any necessary period thereafter as required by law or legitimate purposes related to the Rider’s health and safety.

ARTICLE 7 – Calendar and Holidays
The Employer shall set the number of days of annual competition and plan the competition programme by taking into account a maximum of 75 race days. The Employer shall take into account the recovery periods needed for the Rider to enjoy the rest necessary for their physical balance.

The Rider shall be entitled to a minimum of 30 days of holiday per year. The parties to this contract shall decide on the holiday periods by mutual agreement, depending on the competition schedule and training courses. In no case may the holiday period be replaced by financial compensation. Selections for national teams and individual races may in no case be included in the holiday periods.

ARTICLE 8 – Change of team
On the expiry of the present contract, the Rider shall be entirely free to leave the UCI Women’s ProTeam and sign a contract with a third party, without prejudice to the provisions of the UCI Regulations.
In the event the Rider has signed a contract with another team for the subsequent season, the Rider may, after the end of the last UCI Women’s WorldTour event of the season, take part in official presentation, training camp(s) and other non-promotional events as well as use equipment (e.g. bike, cycling outfit…) provided by his team for the next season, if any, provided that such equipment is white-labelled.

The Rider shall inform the Employer of any such activity and/or use of equipment beforehand and the latter shall not be requested to bear any costs related thereto.
For the sake of clarity, any and all image rights granted to the Employer by the Rider shall remain in force until expiry of the present contract.

The Rider and Teams concerned may agree on further measures applicable between the last UCI Women’s WorldTour event of the season and expiry of the present contract through specific agreements.

ARTICLE 9 – Termination of the contract
Without prejudice to the legislation governing this contract, it may be terminated
before expiry, in the following cases and on the following conditions:
i. The Rider may terminate this contract, without notice or liability for damages:
A. if the Employer is declared bankrupt or insolvent or goes into liquidation;
B. if the UCI Women’s ProTeam is suspended for a period of three months or more;
C. if the name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam or its principal partners is changed during the calendar year without the approval required under article 2.19.006 of the UCI Regulations;
D. if the Employer or a principal partner withdraws from the UCI Women’s ProTeam and the continuation of the UCI Women’s ProTeam is not guaranteed or else if the UCI Women’s ProTeam announces its dissolution, the winding up of its activities or its inability to meet its commitments; should this be announced for a given date, the Rider shall continue to perform the contract until that date
E. in the event of serious misconduct on the part of the Employer. Serious misconduct is considered to include a failure to permit the Rider, despite her repeated requests, to participate in 5 consecutive competitions in which the team participates.
Where relevant, the Employer shall be required to prove that the Rider was not in a condition to take part in a race;
F. if, on 15 October of the year preceding a year of registration covered by this contract, the UCI Women’s ProTeam has not submitted a registration file containing the essential documents listed in article 2.19.106, this right of termination lapses upon the registration of the UCI Women’s ProTeam in the first division.

ii. The Employer may terminate the present contract, without notice or liability for damages, in the event of serious misconduct on the part of the Rider and suspension under the terms of the UCI Regulations for the remaining duration of this present contract.
Serious misconduct is considered to include refusal to participate in cycle races, despite being repeatedly called on to do so by the Employer.
Where relevant, the Rider shall have to prove that they were in no state to compete in a race.
Notwithstanding article 2.19.042, the Employer may terminate the contract with a Rider who has new professional status on 31 December of the first year of this contract, if the UCI Women’s ProTeam is unable to continue its activity during the following season. In that case, the Employer must give at least three months advance notice.
Should the Employer nevertheless be able to continue his activity after exercising the right of termination referred to above, he shall offer a contract for a period of one year to the Rider, on the same conditions as in the previous contract which he terminated before its normal expiry date.

iii. Either party shall be entitled to terminate this contract, without notice or liability, should the Rider be rendered permanently unable to exercise the occupation of professional cyclist.
iv. The contract can be terminated by common agreement of both parties before its full term.

ARTICLE 10 – Defeasance
Any clause agreed upon between the Parties that runs counter to the terms of the standard contract between a Rider and a UCI Women’s ProTeam, and/or to the provisions of the UCI Constitution or Regulations and which would in any way restrict the rights of the Rider shall be null and void.

ARTICLE 11 – Arbitration
Any dispute between the Parties arising from the present contract shall be submitted to arbitration without prejudice to the compulsory jurisdiction of ordinary courts. This body may be the UCI Arbitral Board, the arbitral court of the National
Federation of the Rider or the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
The parties shall agree to submit any dispute related to this contract to the following body: …

ARTICLE 12 – Submitted contracts
The Rider shall have the right to ascertain from the UCI-appointed auditor the contract(s) which has/have been submitted to the latter by the paying agent. The contract(s) shall be covered by the bank guarantee subject to the conditions and restrictions set out in articles 2.19.121 to 2.19.143 of the UCI Cycling Regulations.
2.19.056 Compulsory declaration for any contract for riders or other members

The parties declare that, apart from this contract, no other contract has been entered into concerning the Rider’s activities for the benefit of the UCI Women’s ProTeam in the sense of articles 2.19.060 or 2.19.061 of the UCI Cycling Regulations
Signed in … on …
In 3 original copies

The Rider For the UCI Women’s ProTeam Rider’s agent Paying agent
[signatory’s name]

only the contracts below have been entered into in connection with the Rider’s activities for the benefit of the UCI Women’s ProTeam:


The Rider For the UCI Women’s ProTeam Rider’s agent Paying agent
[signatory’s name]

Contract between a self-employed rider and a UCI Women’s ProTeam

2.19.057 The rider may contract with the UCI Women’s ProTeam as a self- employed worker and be registered as a member of the UCI Women’s ProTeam, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Self-employed status complies with the applicable legislation. The paying agent of the UCI Women’s ProTeam is, to the exclusion of the UCI and the auditor, responsible for the verification of such compliance and of the consequences of any non-compliance, without prejudice to the liability of the sponsors.
  2. The rider’s remuneration must be at least 164% of the total amount payable under article 2.19.052;
  3. For the rest, the contract must comply with articles 2.19.044 to 2.19.056 of the UCI Regulations. Should the legally applicable social security regime not provide for the insurances mentioned in articles 2.19.065 to 2.19.068, the rider must take out such insurance;
  4. The rider must have taken out the insurance mentioned in articles 2.19.065 to 2.19.068.
  5. The contract with the rider must require the latter to provide evidence of the social benefit or insurance cover mentioned above, without which the rider may not be registered as a member of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. This evidence must be submitted to the UCI Women’s ProTeam, which will pass it on to the auditor with the audit documentation; the first page of the contract must be headed in a striking manner, “contract for a SELF-EMPLOYED rider” and summarise the principal obligations of the parties as regards remuneration, tax and social security, as per the standard contract in article 2.19.055 and, for the rest, comply with articles 2.19.044 to 2.19.056.

2.19.058 The paying agent shall be responsible for ensuring that the status of a self-employed rider is authorised according to the law applicable to the contract.
2.19.059 Model for the first page of the “contract for a SELF-EMPLOYED rider”
Contract for a SELF-EMPLOYED rider

Paying agent:
Contract in force from… to…
Contractual monthly pay:
Deductions made by the paying agent:

Social security:

Effective monthly earnings payable:

The rider is required to issue invoices:


If YES: – total sum to be invoiced monthly excluding VAT
– total VAT to be invoiced
– total payable to be invoiced.

Legal obligations of the rider in the country of the paying agent:

  1. VAT: no/yes: amount:
  2. Taxes: no/yes
  3. Social security: no/yes

Bank details of the account to which the sums due by the team shall be transferred:

Other contracts
2.19.060 In addition to the employment contract, only an image contract may be entered into, subject to the following conditions:

  • the person of the rider must represent a commercial value clearly distinct from the rider’s sporting value as a member of the team;
  • the remuneration granted for image rights must be in return for rights or services that are distinct from the activities of a professional rider; these rights and services shall be set out in a precise manner;
  • the remuneration for the activity as a professional rider must correspond to the sporting value of the rider and must in any event exceed double the minimum salary;
  • the remuneration payable under the image contract may not exceed 30% of the total remuneration paid to the rider.

2.19.061 Without prejudice to articles 2.19.048 and 2.19.060, the parties must declare, under all circumstances and for every contract submitted to the auditor appointed by the UCI, any other contract entered into regarding the services of the rider to the benefit of the UCI Women’s ProTeam, whatever the nature of the services and whatsoever the parties to these other contracts.

The following would be covered, for example:

  1. image, advertising or sponsorship contracts;
  2. contracts signed, directly or indirectly, with a principal partner of the UCI Women’s ProTeam or with a person, company or other entity linked with the paying agent or a principal partner;
  3. contracts signed with a spouse, a relative, an agent, a representative or other intermediary of the rider, with a company in which they have a holding, hold an office or have any form of interest.
    The declaration must be drawn up in line with the model and include the elements set out in article 2.19.056.

2.19.062 The obligation to complete this declaration and submit it to the UCI-appointed auditor is applicable at any time, even if the relevant agreement intervenes after the signature of the employment contract and its filing with the auditor.

All contracts must be included in the budget and in the calculations of the sum for the bank guarantee.
In the event of infringement of this article, the parties concerned shall be penalised by a suspension of between one and six months and/or a fine of between CHF 2,000 and 50,000.
2.19.063 The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall attach to each contract, on the form drawn up by the UCI administration, a list of the legal or contractual insurance benefits to which the rider will, or will not, be entitled.
2.19.064 The contract must be entered into for a fixed term ending on 31st December.

2.19.065 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must take out a civil liability insurance policy for all damages that the riders or other team members may cause in the course of their professional activities, taking account of the insurance policies previously entered into by the person in question and/or by their National Federation.
2.19.066 A rider temporarily prevented from exercising their activity as a cyclist through no fault of their own, following an illness, injury, or accident, shall be entitled to 100% of their salary for a period of 3 months and 50% of their salary for another period of 5 months, although the amount due shall not be less than the minimum salary according to article 2.19.052.

This entitlement shall cease at the end of the incapacity or contract. It is renewed for a new incapacity having a different cause to the previous incapacity.

The entitlement to the salary shall be assumed by the UCI Women’s ProTeam, after deduction of social insurance benefits for loss of revenue to which the rider may be entitled for this risk. Where applicable, the rider will do whatever is required to enable action against the liable third parties.

The incapacity for work shall be duly established. The UCI Women’s ProTeam may require that the rider undergoes an examination, either with a doctor designated by mutual agreement or with an occupational doctor recognised by the applicable social security scheme.

2.19.067 A rider temporarily prevented from exercising their activity as a cyclist, due to pregnancy, shall be entitled to 100% of their salary for a period of 3 months and 50% of their salary for another period of 5 months, although the amount due shall not be less than the minimum salary stipulated in article 2.19.052.
This entitlement shall cease at the end of the pregnancy or contract.
The entitlement to the salary shall be assumed by the UCI Women’s ProTeam, after deduction of social insurance benefits for loss of revenue to which the rider may be entitled for this situation.

The pregnancy shall be duly established. The UCI Women’s ProTeam may require that the rider undergoes an examination, either with a doctor designated by mutual agreement or with an occupational doctor recognised by the applicable social security scheme.


  1. The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall ensure its compliance with the applicable social security legislation in its capacity as an employer, so that the rider will be entitled to the benefits granted by law to full-time workers;
  2. In the event a rider is not a beneficiary of a legal social security system, the UCI Women’s ProTeam must take out and cover the costs of the following types of insurance:

3. The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall cover half of the insurance premiums set out in point two:
– if the rider has been able to become affiliated, as a free policyholder for example, with another legal social security system to that to which the UCI Women’s ProTeam is subject;
– if the affiliation of the rider to this other legal system is compulsory.
4. It is the responsibility of the UCI Women’s ProTeam to prove the cover referred to in this article by producing the necessary certificates as part of the team’s licence and registration applications.
2.19.069 Independently of the benefits referred to in article 2.19.068, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall take out and cover the costs:

2.19.070 The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall attach to each contract a list of the legal or contractual insurance benefits to which the rider will, or will not, be entitled.
The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be responsible for any benefits it has erroneously indicated on said list as a rider’s entitlement.
2.19.071 The UCI Women’s ProTeam should be able at any time to show evidence of the insurance cover referred to in articles 2.19.068 and 2.19.069 on the simple request of the riders that it employs, the UCI or the UCI-appointed auditor.
2.19.072 A lack of insurance or cover is the responsibility of the party with the obligation of taking it out. The UCI is exempt from any responsibility. The UCI’s power to ask for evidence is merely an option, implying no obligation or liability.

Transfers and registration
2.19.073a Two registration periods exist for the registration of riders with UCI Women’s ProTeams.
The first registration period extends from 1 to 15 August and applies for registrations with immediate effect during the season.

The second registration period extends from 15 October to 31 December and applies for the registration of riders as from 1 January of the following year.
The registration periods apply for any rider registration with a UCI Women’s ProTeam, whether the rider was registered with another team or not at the time of the envisaged registration.
The provisions in this section (2.19.073a to 2.19.078) apply both to teams which are registered as UCI Women’s ProTeams or which are applicants for registration as UCI Women’s ProTeams.

2.19.073b A UCI Women’s ProTeam may register a rider outside of the registration periods of article 2.19.073a if the rider has no contract with a UCI-registered team or if the rider’s contract expired or was terminated by mutual consent prior to the end of the last registration period.

2.19.074 Unless ordered otherwise by a competent authority, and without prejudice to potential consequences according to article 2.19.076a and 2.19.076c, the UCI will allow the registration of a rider by a UCI Women’s ProTeam during the registration periods stated in article 2.19.073a when the rider’s contract with another UCI-registered team has been unilaterally terminated by either the rider or the UCI-registered team.

When the unilateral termination is notified by the rider, the registration shall only take place upon request to the UCI and authorisation by the President of the UCI Arbitral Board.
The President of the UCI Arbitral board should withhold the authorisation only if a prima facie analysis shows that the termination was clearly unlawful. In any case where the rider’s remuneration with the UCI Women’s ProTeam – including any relevant remuneration, whether fixed, variable, deferred etc. – does not exceed the remuneration under the terminated contract, the termination shall not be considered as being clearly unlawful on the basis of a prima facie examination.

The President of the UCI Arbitral Board can also make the authorisation conditional on the increase of the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s bank guarantee for an amount corresponding to half of the residual remuneration under the terminated contract. Such amount shall be released from the bank guarantee by the UCI upon the competent authority rendering a final decision finding the unilateral termination lawful and called-up by the UCI for payment to the former team in case the decision finds the termination unlawful. The amount may also be called-up by the UCI and blocked on a dedicated account in case the bank guarantee is due to expire – such as but not limited to cases where the team ceases its activities – before the issuance of the aforementioned final decision. The amount shall, in any case, not be used for any other purpose prior to issuance of the final decision based on which the UCI may either release the funds to the rider’s new team or seize the funds for distribution to the former team.

2.19.075 In any case where a rider is already contracted with another UCI- registered team, registration with a UCI Women’s ProTeam in accordance with articles 2.19.073a and 2.19.073b shall only be completed upon receipt by the UCI of proof of termination of the relevant contract, if any. Such proof may be the transfer agreement between the two teams concerned and the rider, the mutual termination agreement between the team and the rider or the unilateral termination notice by the team or the rider.

2.19.076a Should a UCI Women’s ProTeam wish to engage a rider under contract with a UCI registered team such that the new contract would enter into force prior to the end date of the rider’s current contract, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall inform the rider’s current team of such intention before entering into discussions related to the envisaged contract with the rider. In this situation, prior to entering into a binding contract (according to applicable law) with the rider, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall enter into a transfer agreement with the rider and his current team.

In case a UCI Women’s ProTeam enters into a contract with a rider already contracted by another UCI-registered team and the termination by the rider of his previous contract is found to be unlawful by the competent authority, the following consequences shall apply:

a) The rider and the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of compensation to the rider’s previous team for an amount corresponding to the residual remuneration under the contract with the previous team. The amount shall not be less than six months’ salary. The amount shall be reduced by the amount paid by the rider or the UCI Women’s ProTeam to the rider’s previous team according to the decision of the competent authority, if any, and by the additional amount paid onto the bank guarantee under article 2.19.074, if any;
b) The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be subject to a fine corresponding to three months’ salary of the rider with the UCI Women’s ProTeam;
c) The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be subject to a ban from registering new riders for a period of 12 months;
d) The rider shall be subject to a period of suspension of three months;
e) The rider’s agent involved shall be subject to a fine corresponding to one month salary of the rider with the UCI Women’s ProTeam and a suspension of one month.

Any consequence under let. c) and d) of this article shall apply from the UCI being informed of the first enforceable decision holding that the contract was unlawfully terminated by the rider. In case such information is notified to the UCI between 1 August and 31 December, the ban on registering riders under let c) shall apply from 1 January of the following year. The effective period of suspensions under let d) shall be set by the UCI in accordance with article 12.3.020.

Monetary fines and compensation under let. a), b) and e) of this article shall apply when such decision has become final.

During a registration ban pursuant to let. c) above, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall:
– not be entitled to register riders who are out of contract as set out in article 2.19.073b;
– be entitled to register riders from its development team with the same paying agent up to the minimum number of riders required by article 2.19.040, on condition that the riders were already registered with the development team before notification of the registration ban;
– be entitled to register neo-professional riders up to the minimum number of riders required by article 2.19.040 if it does not have a development team with the same paying agent.

Any sanctions on the UCI Women’s ProTeam – let. a), b) and c) – shall not be applied in case the UCI Women’s ProTeam can establish that it had no means of knowing that the rider had entered into an agreement and obtained a written and contemporary written confirmation from the rider or the rider’s agent stating that the rider had never entered into an agreement, in any form, with another team for the relevant period.

2.19.076b UCI Women’s ProTeams are not restricted from entering into discussions with riders on a potential agreement which would enter into force after expiry of the rider’s current contract.
2.19.076c Riders and their agents are responsible for informing the UCI Women’s ProTeam wishing to enter into discussions on a potential contract about the rider’s contractual status and, in particular, whether an agreement, in any form, has been entered into in the meantime with another team.
Any incorrect or misleading information provided by a rider or their agent to the UCI Women’s ProTeam on whether the rider is bound by another contract, in any form, for the relevant period shall be sanctioned with a fine corresponding to two months’ salary and a suspension of three months for the rider and a fine corresponding to three months’ salary of the rider and a suspension of two months for the agent.
In case an infringement to this article is committed in the context of an agreement entered into with a new UCI Women’s ProTeam which also constitutes a breach of article 2.19.076a, the sanctions laid down in article 2.19.076a and 2.19.076c shall apply cumulatively. In addition, the rider’s agent shall be jointly and severally liable for the compensation due to the rider’s previous team pursuant to article 2.19.076a let. a).

2.19.077 UCI Women’s ProTeams and riders shall have the obligation to inform the UCI of any binding agreement ― (according to applicable law) – they enter into within 10 days. If a rider is represented by a riders’ agent, the obligation shall be incumbent on the latter.

In addition, upon entering into a binding agreement (according to applicable law), UCI Women’s ProTeams and riders will have to sign the formal agreement pursuant to article 2.19.044 et seq. of UCI Regulations and submit it to the auditor appointed by the UCI within a deadline of 30 days.

In case of failure to comply with the obligations under this article, a fee of CHF 200 per day of delay shall be due by the UCI Women’s ProTeam. In addition, fines may be imposed as follows: CHF 2,000 to 10,000 for the rider or riders’ agent and CHF 5,000 to 20,000 for the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

2.19.078 The UCI shall maintain a publication on a platform accessible to UCI- registered teams and riders’ agents which includes the following information:
– the duration of rider contracts;
– the names of the riders’ agent representing a rider.

This publication will distinguish information which is ascertained on the basis of rider contracts submitted to the auditor appointed by the UCI from information which has been reported to the UCI in accordance with article 2.19.077 paragraph 1.

Other team members
2.19.079 The other members of the UCI Women’s ProTeam consist of all the UCI Women’s ProTeam staff contracted for the operation of the team, other than the riders and the paying agent. These members must all have a contract with the UCI Women’s ProTeam and be regular licence-holders with their National Federation so as to be registered as a member of the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

2.19.080 All contracts between a UCI Women’s ProTeam and another member of the team must be drawn up and typed in three original copies, at least one of which must be given to the member of the team. A copy shall be sent electronically to the auditor, and an original shall be kept by the team and made available at any time if requested by the auditor.

2.19.081 The parties must sign each page of the contract. Clauses of the contract which are on a page not signed by the other member of the team cannot be invoked against them; the other member of the team may take advantage of such clauses.
The name of the person who signs the contract on behalf of the UCI Women’s
ProTeam must be given on the final page of the contract alongside the signature.

2.19.082 The employment contract between the other member of the team and the UCI Women’s ProTeam must govern all the services provided for the benefit of the paying agent and the sponsors, and all remuneration relating thereto. All remuneration and payment methods must be set out in writing.

2.19.083 Any dispute between the UCI Women’s ProTeam and a member of the team with regard to their working relationship shall be submitted, without prejudice to the compulsory jurisdiction of ordinary courts, to the body specifically designated by the jurisdiction clause provided for in the contract. This body may be the UCI Arbitral Board, the arbitral court of the National Federation of the team member or the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

Compulsory staff
2.19.084 Each UCI Women’s ProTeam must employ — on a full-time basis and for the whole registration year — at least 1 sport director and 3 other staff members, who must all be paid for their activity (coaches, doctors, paramedical assistants, mechanics, etc.).

2.19.085 All UCI Women’s ProTeam sports directors must hold the UCI Sports Director Diploma in accordance with the provisions of article 1.1.077.
Supervision and penalties

2.19.086 Each licence-holder and each UCI Women’s ProTeam must give to the UCI, upon first request, any document or information which it deems useful for verifying compliance with the regulations and the rights and interests of members of the UCI Women’s ProTeam. In the event of refusal, without prejudice to other consequences, the licence-holder shall be liable to a fine of between CHF 500 and 2,000 and the UCI Women’s ProTeam to a fine of CHF 5,000. Furthermore, the offending party may be suspended in accordance with article 12.4.017.

2.19.087 The UCI is entitled to demand copies of contracts, financial records and any other document submitted within the registration process, from the concerned rider, the UCI Women’s ProTeam or auditor in the following cases :
– In order to verify compliance with UCI regulations with a view to potentially submitting a petition to the UCI Disciplinary Commission or Ethics Commission;
– if the UCI is informed that a team’s paying agent has or anticipates any financial difficulties, including, but not limited to, the failure to pay a debt on the due date, insolvency or risk of insolvency, any significant changes in the annual budget, the cash flow plan or the financial planning;
– if there arises a risk, a dispute or any other circumstance likely to endanger the financial stability of the paying agent;
– if the paying agent announces to the UCI or to the members of the team the dissolution, the end of its activity or the failure to meet any obligation;
– if the paying agent plans to move its registered office, a decrease in capital, a change in legal form or identity (e.g. by merger or absorption), is subject to a request or implementation of any agreement or any measure regarding its creditors.

§ 7 Annual registration
2.19.088 Every year, the UCI Women’s ProTeams must apply for registration for the following year, hereinafter the “registration year”, in accordance with the procedures set out below.
Registration is decided on the basis of an assessment conducted by the UCI
administration in accordance with the criteria set out in articles 2.19.146a to

2.19.089 With the exception of the provisions set out in article 2.19.107, the UCI will make no automatic statements regarding the progress of the registration procedure. It is for the interested parties, including the riders and organisers, to request information from the UCI.
2.19.090 By being registered, the UCI Women’s ProTeam commits to participate in the anti-doping programme defined by the International Testing Agency (ITA).

Preliminary procedure
2.19.091 On 15 August preceding the registration year, all UCI Women’s ProTeams which do not have a valid bank guarantee transmitted by SWIFT for the following season must:

  1. Obtain a confirmation from their bank that it shall be able to issue, either directly or through a correspondent bank, a SWIFT message to UBS Switzerland (UBSWCHZH12A);
  2. Obtain a confirmation from their bank that the bank guarantee shall be issued in accordance with the model guarantee provided in article 2.19.144 and shall fully correspond to the relevant text;
  3. Provide the UCI with the name and contact details of the bank that will issue the bank guarantee and confirm that the text shall fully comply with the model provided in article 2.19.144.

2.19.092 In addition, the UCI reserves the right to request teams to submit the text, in French or English, of their standard contract(s) with riders by 15 August.

2.19.093 The documents in question are submitted for information only. The UCI is under no obligation to examine them at this stage. However, without prejudice to other reasons for rejection, if a contract signed with a rider does not correspond to the standard contract specified in article 2.19.055180, it shall be rejected during the registration procedure.
The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall remain solely responsible for compliance of its
documents with the requirements of the regulations and, where applicable, any
compulsory legal requirements.

Registration fee and anti-doping contribution

2.19.094 Every year, the UCI Women’s ProTeam must pay into the UCI’s account a sum to be determined annually by the UCI Management Committee, as a registration fee and contribution to the anti-doping programme.

The fee is due on 15 September preceding the registration year.
In the event of delay, the registration fee shall be automatically increased by CHF 500 per day. If the sum due is not paid in full by 31st January, registration will be refused.
In addition, a fine of CHF 2,500 shall be payable.

2.19.095 No reimbursement shall be made if the application is refused or if the applicant withdraws their application. However, if the team is subsequently registered as a UCI women’s continental team, the registration fee that has been paid will be used for the same registration year.

2.19.096 The dates mentioned above with regard to the registration fee are the dates on which the UCI account must be credited.
Audits related to the registration procedure
2.19.097 On 15 October preceding the registration year, each UCI Women’s ProTeam or applicant for a licence must:

  1. Ensure that the issuing bank submits to the UCI’s bank (UBSWCHZH12A), by SWIFT messaging, a bank guarantee, an amendment to an existing bank guarantee or an additional guarantee in accordance with articles 2.19.121 and thereafter;
  2. Submit to the UCI via the UCI’s electronic platform a list including:
    A. the exact name of the UCI Women’s ProTeam;
    B. the address (including telephone number and e-mail) to which all communications to the team can be sent;
    C. the names, UCI IDs and addresses of the paying agent, manager, principal partners, accountant, sports director, assistant sports director and team doctor;
    D. the surnames, first names, addresses, nationalities, dates of birth and UCI IDs of the riders;
    E. the list of the division of tasks referred to in article 1.1.082;
    F. the name and details of the person responsible for the team’s registration and accounting. This will be the person nominated by the paying agent as responsible for the registration process on behalf of the team.

In the event of delay, the registration fee will automatically be increased by CHF 50 per day. In addition, the examination of the application will not start until all information has been provided. The risk that the examination may not be completed in good time is the responsibility of the team.

Financial audit
2.19.098 In the context of a registration application, the paying agent must provide the following financial documentation to the auditor in an electronic form:

  1. the audited accounts for the last financial year, with the audit report;
  2. profit-and-loss account forecast for the current year;
  3. forecast cash flow plan to the end of the current year;
  4. annual budget for the registration year with explanatory notes;
  5. monthly cash flow budget for the registration year;
  6. State of payments by key sponsors, for the current year, as of 30 September;
  7. financial plan for the period covered by the licence application or the remainder of the licence period.

The documents required must be drafted in accordance with the models and instructions drawn up by the UCI administration.

2.19.099 The documents required for the audit will also include all the contracts signed with riders.
All the contracts, corresponding as a minimum to the number of riders required by article 2.19.040, must be submitted to and approved by the auditor no later than

15 November.
Concerning rider and staff contracts, a copy must be sent electronically to the auditor.
The original document must be kept by the team and made available at any time if requested by the auditor.
2.19.100 The budget and the bank guarantee to be submitted by 15 October must take account of all the riders that the UCI Women’s ProTeam intends to recruit.

Organisational audit
2.19.101 For the 2026 season and thereafter, in the context of registration application, the paying agent must provide the following documentation to the organisational auditor:

  1. the team’s internal regulations;
  2. the team’s medical regulations;
  3. the team’s organisational chart;
  4. a description of the system used to formalise each rider’s training plan;
  5. a description of the communication procedures;
  6. a copy of the doctor’s medical diploma, full CV, certificate of good standing and statement.

The documents required must be drafted in accordance with the models and instructions drawn up by the UCI administration.

2.19.102 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must provide any documents, information or other items required by the organisational auditor within 15 days. The organisational auditor may pose any questions and ask for any information they consider necessary from the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

2.19.103 The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall inform the organisational auditor without delay of:

1. any significant change in the organisation of its team that is likely to influence the team’s compliance with the organisational specifications;
2. any event that is likely to put at risk the team’s compliance with the organisational specifications;
3. any non-compliance, for any reason whatsoever, with obligations set out in the organisational specifications.

In the event of a breach of this article, a fine of between CHF 1,000 and 10,000 may be imposed, without prejudice to the application of article 2.19.147 in the event of a serious offence.

2.19.104 Without prejudice to the consequences provided for shortcomings observed during the registration process, any non-compliance with the organisational specifications observed in the context of random audits, or otherwise brought to the attention of the UCI, may be sanctioned by a fine of between CHF 500 and CHF 25,000 payable by the UCI Women’s ProTeam.
In the case that the information or documentation submitted by the UCI Women’s ProTeam during the registration process, or otherwise, is found to be incorrect (in light of facts at the time) and the actual circumstances did not comply with the organisational specification(s) concerned, a fine of CHF 10,000 to CHF 50,000 may be imposed against the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

In case of reoccurrence of an infringement, the fine imposed may be doubled and a suspension of up to one month may be imposed on the person responsible for such infringement and/or the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

Common provisions to the financial audit and organisational audit

2.19.105 The paying agent must provide to the auditor and the organisational auditor all the documents and information required for the audits no later than 15 October preceding the registration year.
In the event of delay, the registration fee will automatically be increased by CHF 500 per day. This increase shall not be cumulative with that provided for under article

2.19.097 where it applies to the same period. The audit concerned will be postponed until the documentation is in order. The risk that the audit may not be completed in good time is the responsibility of the UCI Women’s ProTeam.

2.19.106 After the deadline of 15 October, the auditor and the organisational auditor shall each give their opinion on the registration documentation submitted by the UCI Women’s ProTeam. The opinion shall indicate whether the file contains the documents necessary for the examination of the financial audit and the organisational audit as well as the following essential documents in particular: the sponsorship contracts duly signed with the principal partners, the bank guarantee and, for the new teams only, a description of the structure of the team together with a copy of the deed of incorporation of the paying agent.

The opinions do not constitute a validation of the conformity of said documents with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations.
The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall receive a copy of the opinion of the auditor and the opinion of the organisational auditor

2.19.107 The UCI shall then publish a list of the UCI Women’s ProTeams which have submitted a registration file containing all the essential documents on its website.
2.19.108 A failure to submit all the essential documents will give the riders the right to terminate their contracts as provided for under article 9.1.f of the model contract under article 2.19.055.
This right of termination lapses upon the registration of the UCI Women’s ProTeam in the second division.
2.19.109 In the event of a failure to submit all the essential documents, the penalties for lateness provided for in articles 2.19.097 and 2.19.105 remain applicable.
2.19.110 The UCI Women’s ProTeams or licence applicants that have not submitted all the essential documents listed in article 2.19.106 by 1 November will not be registered and will be excluded from the registration process.

2.19.111 All expenses resulting from additional work, carried out by the auditor or the organisational auditor on a UCI Women’s ProTeam, or a team that is a candidate for this status, may be invoiced to the team as additional audit costs.

2.19.112 On 15 November, the UCI administration will issue its assessment of the UCI Women’s ProTeams.
For each registration, the UCI will determine if the team – based on information related but not limited to the paying agent – can be considered, on the basis of the criteria it deems relevant, as the continuation of an active team during the current season. The UCI may ask for any additional information it deems appropriate to determine whether the applicant can be considered as the continuation of an existing team.
2.19.113 The UCI Women’s ProTeams whose documentation is found to be in order by the UCI administration shall be registered directly for the following registration year.

2.19.114 If the UCI administration consider that the registration application of the UCI Women’s ProTeam does not meet the applicable requirements, it will notify the paying agent. Unless the paying agent renounces the registration, the UCI administration will refer the case to the licence commission:

  1. the licence commission summons the applicant UCI Women’s ProTeam to a hearing with a minimum of 10 days’ notice, unless otherwise agreed with the applicant UCI Women’s ProTeam;
  2. the applicant UCI Women’s ProTeam must ensure that it forwards any documents in support of its registration application to the commission and to the UCI at least 5 days before the date of the hearing except in exceptional cases justifying a different deadline. Documents submitted after this deadline shall be automatically disregarded;
  3. at least 5 days before the date of the hearing except in exceptional cases justifying a different deadline, the applicant UCI Women’s ProTeam shall notify the licence commission and the UCI of the identity of those persons who will represent them or attend the hearing. The licence commission may refuse to hear any persons not announced within this deadline;
  4. the UCI may participate in the hearing. The auditor and organisational auditor may be heard at the request of the applicant UCI Women’s ProTeam, the UCI or the licence commission;
  5. the licence commission shall apply the assessment criteria set out in articles 2.19.146a to 2.19.146d.

Should the licence commission refuse the registration, the licence commission will pass on the application documentation to the UCI administration for the latter to assess the possibility of registering the team as a UCI women’s continental team if it so wishes, subject to the agreement of the National Federation and subject to compliance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 2.17 of the UCI Regulations
[Comment: The internal organisation and operation of the Licensing Commission, as defined in Chapter 15, Articles 2.15.201 et seq. apply to matters dealt with under this article].

Reporting requirements

2.19.115 For each rider and for any other persons contracted by the UCI Women’s ProTeam after its registration, the auditor must issue an additional report.
An additional report is also required if total contractual benefits increase without additional commitments.
Where applicable, an additional bank guarantee must be established or an amendment made to the existing bank guarantee.

2.19.116 The UCI Women’s ProTeam must inform the UCI administration within the week when one of the persons or bodies under article 2.19.097 points 2.C and 2.D leaves the UCI Women’s ProTeam for any reason whatsoever.
Similarly, any change in the information on the list in article 2.19.097 must be reported within a week to the UCI administration for approval.
Where applicable, this approval may only be given after receipt of additional reports from the auditor and/or the organisational auditor as well as an additional bank guarantee or an amendment to the existing bank guarantee.

Only the riders appearing on the list approved by the UCI administration can take part in the cycling events as members of their UCI Women’s ProTeam.
2.19.117 The act of registering UCI Women’s ProTeams shall not compensate for any failings in the registration documentation nor breaches committed by the team or its members. Checks and audits carried out by the UCI are of necessity limited and the UCI shall not be liable.

Random audits
2.19.118 During the season, the UCI may require the UCI Women’s ProTeams to undergo a random audit within the framework of which the team’s compliance with the financial, administrative and/or organisational requirements covered in this chapter will be examined.
The random audit will be undertaken by the competent bodies for the assessment of the different relevant elements (the UCI, the auditor and the organisational auditor).

2.19.119 The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be obliged to undergo the random audit required by the UCI subject to advance notification of 30 days.
2.19.120 The costs related to the random audit will be assumed by the UCI when no infringements of the UCI Regulations are noted.

2.19.121 In the case of infringements noted during the random audit and without prejudice to the application of article 2.19.147 in the case of serious infringements, the costs of the random audit may be charged to the team and a fine may be imposed under the relevant provisions.

§8 Bank guarantee
2.19.122 Each UCI Women’s ProTeam must establish a first-demand (abstract) bank guarantee in favour of the UCI in accordance with the model in article 2.19.145.
2.19.123 The bank guarantee must be established by the paying agent and submitted by the issuing bank on behalf of the paying agent. In the bank guarantee, the paying agent must be the “applicant” and “instructing party”, while the issuing bank must be the “issuer” and the “guarantor”.
2.19.124 The guarantee shall be drawn up in English by a good-standing banking institution which can, either directly or through a correspondent bank, transmit a SWIFT message to the UCI’s bank (UBSWCHZH12A).
2.19.125 The guarantee must be drawn up and payable in either Swiss francs, euros or US dollars, depending on the currency which is most used by the UCI Women’s ProTeam for the payment of salaries (including remuneration to self- employed riders). The exchange rate to be applied in establishing the guarantee is that at 1 September preceding the registration year.

2.19.126 The purpose of the bank guarantee is:

  1. to defray the debts, related to the registration year, in accordance with the procedure set out below, incurred by the paying agent and the sponsors towards riders and persons under contract for the operation of the UCI Women’s ProTeam or team applying for this status in consideration of their services for the operation of the UCI Women’s ProTeam;
  2. to defray the payment of fees, expenses, indemnities, fines and sanctions or sentences imposed by or in virtue of the regulations of the UCI or related to their application.
    2.19.127 For the application of provisions regarding the bank guarantee:
    9. the following are considered as debts incurred in consideration of services by the licence-holder for the operation of the team:
    – at the moment of the request to draw on the bank guarantee: unpaid sums due under contract; and
    – in case of breach of the contract: sums due under contract not exceeding those corresponding to services anticipated within the remaining period of the contract ; and, as an exception, in case of open-ended contracts, the maximum shall correspond to services anticipated until the end of the registration year. These sums constitute a contractual debt at the moment of the breach of the contract; and
    – late payment interest on the sums mentioned above up to a maximum of 5%.

The following are not considered as debts incurred in consideration of services by the rider for the operation of the team, in particular:
– other benefits in case of breach of contract, prize monies, fees and costs of proceedings

10. debts contracted by any other party in return for the services of a rider or any other member under contract for the benefit of the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be considered as debts contracted by the paying agent and the sponsors and covered by the guarantee, in particular debts contracted under the contracts referred to in articles 2.19.060 and 2.19.061;
11. the companies through which the licence holders concerned, apart from the riders, carry out their activities for the operation of the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be considered as members of the UCI Women’s ProTeam;
12. the definitions above are without prejudice to the question of whether a request is founded in any particular case.

2.19.128 The creditor may not benefit from the guarantee for a contract if a copy of said contract has not been passed to the auditor appointed by the UCI no later than 1st January of the registration year or within a month of signature for contracts signed after 1st December prior to the registration year.

However, the right to the guarantee will apply:

1. to any contract passed to the auditor by another party;
2. subsequently, insofar as the guarantee has not been exhausted on its expiry date.

2.19.129 The amount of the guarantee shall represent 25% of all the gross sums due by the UCI Women’s ProTeam to riders and persons under contract for the operation of the team during the registration year plus the amount of CHF 15,000. In no case may the amount of the bank guarantee be less than CHF 130,000.

2.19.130 If the total contractual benefits increase following the establishment of the guarantee, the total sum of the bank guarantee must be increased proportionately. The UCI Women’s ProTeams must immediately inform the UCI administration of this increase, indicating the amount and the reason. They must also forward without delay, to the auditor appointed by the UCI, all documentation relating to the increase including, in particular, the additional bank guarantee or amendment to the existing bank guarantee. The auditor shall issue a supplementary report to the UCI administration.

2.19.131 If the amount of the contractual benefits diminishes after a guarantee has been set up, an adjustment of the guarantee with effect from 1st April of the registration year for which the reduction has occurred is possible only in the event of a multi-year bank guarantee, provided that the conditions set out below are satisfied:
– The amount of the contractual benefits diminishes from one registration year to the next;
– The reduction will apply to the full year of registration;
– The reduction is acknowledged by the UCI auditor during the registration procedure.

Upon the conditions above being fulfilled, the UCI Women’s ProTeam may submit a request for the UCI to instruct its bank of the reduction, with effect on 1st April of the registration year, of the amount of the bank guarantee.

2.19.132 If the bank guarantee proves to be inadequate, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall be liable for a fine of between CHF 1,000 and 10,000. In addition, the UCI Women’s

ProTeam will be automatically suspended if it fails to establish the additional or amended guarantee within one month of the date of the decision to impose the fine and for so long as it fails to do so. In the event of persistent default, the UCI may refer the case to the licence commission in accordance with article 2.19.147.

2.19.133 The UCI may not be held responsible for the inadequacy of the guarantee, insolvency of the issuer of the bank guarantee, or any delays in the remittance of funds by the issuer.

2.19.134 For the first registration year, the guarantee shall be valid from 1 January of the first registration year until 31 March of the following year.
The guarantee must be available from 1st January of each registration year.

For any subsequent year of registration, the bank guarantee may stipulate that it may be called up at the latest as of 1st April of the registration year, including for the sums due in January, February and March.

Calling up the guarantee
2.19.135 The creditor must introduce their application for the guarantee to be called up by 1st March of the year following the date on which their claim falls due. The application must be made in writing to the UCI Legal, Compliance & Integrity department (legal@uci.ch) or by using the online form “Bank Guarantee Claim” available on the UCI website, along with the documentary evidence which is relevant for the claim.
Failing this, the UCI shall not be obliged to call up the guarantee.

2.19.136 The UCI will call up the bank guarantee in favour of the creditor mentioned in article 2.19.126 unless the claim is manifestly unfounded. The UCI Women’s ProTeam will be informed of the creditor’s request and of the call on the guarantee.

2.19.137 For any call on the bank guarantee, the UCI shall draw, in addition to the amount claimed by the creditor, a) the amount of CHF 500 as costs (this amount is drawn for each creditor, up to a maximum of CHF 15,000 per bank guarantee); and b) an amount corresponding to the bank charges applied for calling up the bank guarantee.

2.19.138 The actual payment to the creditor shall not take place until one month after the implementation of the guarantee. If, in the interim, the UCI Women’s ProTeam raises a written objection to the payment of the money to the creditor, the UCI shall pay the disputed sum into a special account and shall subsequently distribute it in accordance with any agreement reached between the parties or according to an enforceable judicial or arbitral decision.

2.19.139 If the creditor has not introduced their claim against the paying agent before the body designated in their contract or the body which they regard as competent on some other basis during the three months following the date of their call on the guarantee, the paying agent may apply to the UCI to have the blocked funds released in their favour.

The funds shall be released should the creditor fail to take proceedings within one month of the despatch of notice by the UCI. The creditor then has 15 days to provide the UCI with proof that they have commenced proceedings. If the body before which the creditor has commenced proceedings declares that it is not competent, the creditor must take fresh proceedings within one month of learning of this decision. Should this not be the case, the paying agent may call on the UCI to release the funds in their favour. The funds shall be released should the creditor fail to take further proceedings within one month of the despatch of notice by the UCI. The creditor then has 15 days to provide the UCI with proof that they have recommenced proceedings.

2.19.140 Any creditor having called-up the bank guarantee shall keep the UCI informed of all follow-up action and proceedings initiated before the competent decision-making body. If the creditor fails to provide the UCI with information regarding the status of proceedings before the competent decision- making body during a period of three years as from blocking of the funds by the UCI or as from the last notification from the creditor, the UCI shall release the funds in favour of the paying agent in accordance with article 2.19.140bis.

In the event that, at the time of release of the funds, the paying agent has undergone dissolution or the UCI is not reasonably capable of returning the funds to the paying agent, the UCI may use the funds for projects related to the development of cycling, which must be agreed upon by the UCI Management Committee.

2.19.140 bis In the event that all or part of the funds are to be released in favour of the paying
agent pursuant to articles 2.19.138; 2.19.139 or 2.19.140, the UCI shall withhold from the amount payable to the paying agent any amounts due to the UCI in accordance with article 2.19.137 and, if applicable, article 2.19.142. The remaining amount payable to the paying agent will only be released in favour of the paying agent when the bank guarantee has been reconstituted (unless the team is no longer a UCI-registered team).

In the event that all or part of the funds are to be released to the creditor in accordance with articles 2.19.138 or 2.19.139, the UCI shall deduct any unpaid fees, expenses, indemnities, fines, penalties, or charges imposed by or in accordance with UCI regulations, or related to their application, which are due by such creditor to the UCI, from the amount payable to the creditor. In case of ongoing proceeding involving the creditor and which may result in payments being due to the UCI – including but not limited to fines, fees, costs, etc. – the UCI may withhold the payment of amounts due to the creditor until the issuance of a final decision that allows to definitively establish the amount to be paid to the creditor, if any.

In case of payment by the UCI of a seized amount from a bank guarantee, all bank fees are exclusively at the expense of the beneficiary.

2.19.141 Should the debt claimed exceed the amount corresponding to the share of contractual benefits covered under article 2.19.129 (25%), only a sum equal to a 25% share of contractual benefits may be paid in the first instance, provided that the conditions for payment are fulfilled. The acknowledged balance of the debt may be paid from the global guarantee on condition that the latter is not exhausted at the end of its period of validity. In the event that there are several creditors, the available balance of the guarantee will be allocated proportionally between them.

2.19.142 The UCI may call up the bank guarantee in the event of non- payment of fees, expenses, indemnities, fines and penalties or sentences imposed by or in virtue of the UCI regulations or related to their application, provided that the guarantee is not exhausted at the end of its period of validity, where applicable after application of article 2.19.141.
2.19.143 Upon distribution of funds obtained from the bank guarantee, the UCI Women’s ProTeam shall automatically be suspended if the guarantee is not fully reconstituted within one month of the request from the UCI to do so.
In the event of persistent default, the UCI may refer the case to the licence commission in accordance with article 2.19.147.
2.19.144 When a competent authority pronounces the opening of liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings against a paying agent, the UCI may release the bank guarantee in favour of the liquidation or bankruptcy administration, upon request from the competent authority.

Bank guarantee model
2.19.145 (To be issued by swift: UBSWCHZH12A – by swift MT760)
Guarantee type: Performance bond

Underlying relationship: The APPLICANT’s obligation in respect of the cycling regulations of the UNION CYCLISTE INTERNATIONALE for the purpose of guaranteeing, within the limits set in those regulations, the payment of sums due by the UCI Women’s ProTeam [INSERT NAME OF THE TEAM] (paying agent: [INSERT NAME OF THE PAYING AGENT]) to riders and other creditors covered by said regulations as well as the payment of fees, expenses, indemnities, fines and sanctions or sentences imposed by or in virtue of the regulations of the UCI or related to their application.

In the event of any change in the status or name of the team upon issuance of this performance bond, this performance bond continues to cover debts and obligations of the team both under the old and new team name/status without requiring any amendment or reissuance of this performance bond.

Guarantee amount and currency: [INSERT AMOUNT & CURRENCY] (in words: [INSERT AMOUNT & CURRENCY]) (“GUARANTEE AMOUNT”)

Form of Presentation (“FORM OF PRESENTATION”): Paper form or transmitted in full by authenticated swift through one of the GUARANTOR’s correspondent banks.
For the purpose of identification, the BENEFICIARY’s demand and supporting statement must bear or be accompanied by a signed confirmation of one of the GUARANTOR’s correspondent banks stating that the latter has verified the BENEFICIARY’s signature(s) appearing thereon. In case of a swift transmission through one of the GUARANTOR’s correspondent banks, the latter has to confirm having verified the BENEFICIARY’s signature(s) appearing on the demand and supporting statement.

In case that at the time of a demand under this guarantee, there is a client relationship between BENEFICIARY and a branch of the GUARANTOR in (INSERT COUNTRY OF GUARANTOR) with a valid list of authorized signatures regarding the persons signing for the BENEFICIARY, the verification of signature(s) by a third bank is not required. In such case, BENEFICIARY’s demand and supporting statement must be presented to the GUARANTOR duly signed in paper form (swift excluded).

Place for presentation: GUARANTOR’s address as stated above or swift [INSERT GUARANTOR’S SWIFT ADDRESS], respectively (“PLACE FOR PRESENTATION”)

As GUARANTOR, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the BENEFICIARY any amount up to the GUARANTEE AMOUNT upon presentation of the BENEFICIARY’s complying demand, in the FORM OF PRESENTATION indicated above, supported by the BENEFICIARY’s statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating that the amount claimed is demanded according to the cycling regulations of the UNION CYCLISTE INTERNATIONALE.

Any demand under this guarantee must be received by us on or before EXPIRY at the PLACE FOR PRESENTATION indicated above.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication No. 758, the supporting statement under article 15 a. being expressly excluded.

§9 Registration criteria
2.19.146a The administrative criterion takes particular account of the compliance of the application and registration documentation (contracts, insurance, bank guarantee, etc.), the professionalism and rapidity with which this documentation is assembled and respect for deadlines.

2.19.146b The financial criterion is assessed on the basis of the report by the auditors appointed by the UCI, taking particular account of financial resources and stability; it corresponds to the examination undertaken in virtue of articles 2.13.079 and thereafter.

2. 19.146c The ethical criterion takes particular account of the compliance of the team and/or its members with:

A. the UCI regulations, particularly with regard to anti-doping, sporting conduct and the image of cycling;
B. the Code of Ethics and related statement of recognition from members of team staff;
C. their contractual obligations;
D. their legal obligations, particularly with regard to matters of taxes, social security and accounting;
E. principles of transparency and good faith.

2.19.146d From the 2026 season, the organisational criterion will be assessed on the basis of the report by the organisational auditor appointed by the UCI, taking account of the UCI Women’s ProTeam’s compliance with the following rules:

  1. Each rider must have their preparation managed via a training plan formalised in writing indicating, in particular, the nature of the preparation work, recovery periods and competitions. This training plan must be drawn up in consultation with the sports director(s) and coach of the rider. It must be understood by all persons concerned;
  2. A team must have the number of sports directors provided for in article 2.13.210. The sports directors may only take on the role of coach on the condition that they are qualified as such. Should this be the case, they must provide evidence of their double certification. The role of the sports directors is to direct the riders in competition. Ideally, they also draw up the competition programme for the riders in consultation with both the riders and their personal coach so as to ensure coherence between race preparation and the race programme.;
  3. The team shall employ a doctor responsible for the organisation of care (the “chief medical officer”). In particular, the chief medical officer is entrusted with ensuring the compliance of the team’s care activities with the UCI’s Medical Rules, in Part XIII of the UCI Regulations. The teams may employ one or more additional doctor(s) in addition to the chief medical officer, but the doctor(s) in question must comply with the requirements of Rule no. 9 among others. Any staff member employed by a team as a doctor may not take on a role other than that of doctor within the team. The chief medical officer is the sole authority in terms of health within the team and assumes responsibility for this. All doctors employed by a team are subject to strict confidentiality with regard to the medical data in their possession;
  4. Each rider must have a referring doctor identified by the team whether or not employed by the latter. They are subject to strict confidentiality with regard to the medical data in their possession;
  5. The team must have internal medical regulations describing terms and conditions of care for riders as well as, in particular, access to medical data;
  6. The team will have to use a communication mechanism that may involve the use of an IT communication platform. The UCI Women’s WorldTeam shall provide detailed explanations of the method of communication put in place within the team and will be obliged to apply it;
  7. The sports directors, coaches (including the performance manager and analysts) and doctors — as well as any other role for which the UCI Regulations provide for a licence — may only be employed by a UCI Women’s ProTeam or a rider on a personal basis (for the coaches) on the condition that they hold the licence required for their role in accordance with article 1.1.010 of the UCI Regulations, and in accordance with the requirements of the National Federation of the country of residence at the time of the licence application;

In addition, the sports directors must hold the certification required by the UCI for the competences related to their function. The doctors must, in addition, provide the following information:
a. a copy of their original medical diploma(s) translated into French or English;
b. a full CV including the details of their experience in elite sport and training and, where applicable, their qualifications in sports medicine;
c. a “certificate of good standing” (which must have been produced in the previous three months) from the medical board of the country of residence or a certified declaration from the country’s medical authority testifying that no problem has had an impact on the doctor’s competences in exercising their role;
d. a declaration that stipulates the following: “I attest that I have read and I fully accept compliance with the UCI Medical Rules.”

§10 Referral to the licence commission
2.19.147 The UCI may refer a case to the licence commission at any time upon simple written request, a copy of which is sent to the paying agent. The request should indicate the UCI’s conclusions which may be amended as the proceedings progress.
§11 Dissolution of the UCI Women’s ProTeam
2.19.148 A UCI Women’s ProTeam must announce its dissolution, the termination of its activities or its inability to perform its obligations as soon as possible to the riders, its other members and the Professional Cycling Council.

Once this announcement has been made, riders shall be fully entitled to contract with a third party for the following season or for the period starting at the moment announced for the dissolution, the termination of activities or the inability to perform.

§12 Development teams
2.19.149 The paying agent of a UCI Women’s ProTeam may also manage and be responsible for a UCI Women’s continental team as a development team. In this case, both teams shall have the same paying agent and share a common identity (at least part of the name and design of the jersey).
The development team will need to fulfil requirements set for UCI continental teams as per art. 2.17.001 and following.

2.19.150 The registration of the development team shall be done through the national federation of the nationality of the majority of the riders as per art. 2.17.001, or through the national federation of the nationality of the UCI Women’s ProTeam.
The development team will have the nationality of the national federation which certified the team.
All documents remitted to the national federation for the registration of the development team shall also be sent to the UCI’s appointed auditor.

§13 Training compensation fees

2.19.151 As from 1 August 2025, when a new professional within the meaning of article 2.19.042 joins a UCI Women’s ProTeam for the first time, a training compensation fee is due to all teams involved in the rider’s training from the year of his fifteenth birthday and for a maximum of eight years. The amount of training compensation fee is the cumulation of flat rate payment of EUR 250 (amount is due pro-rata temporis in case of incomplete years) over the number of years of registration with a Club or a UCI Women’s Continental Team as from the year of the rider’s fifteenth birthday. The training compensation shall be paid by the UCI Women’s ProTeam to the National(s) Federation(s) of the teams having registered the riders from the year of the rider’s fifteenth birthday to the year of the entry in force of his first professional contract with a UCI Women’s WorldTeam.

National(s) Federation(s) shall then redistribute the entire amount pro-rata temporis among the club(s) and/or the UCI Women’s Continental Team(s) with which the rider was registered. Upon publication of a rider’s registration with the UCI Women’s ProTeam on the UCI’s website, National Federation(s) shall have three months to inform the UCI Women’s ProTeam of the applicable amount of training compensation. The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall not be liable for any payment in case a National Federation provides the relevant information after expiry of the deadline. The UCI Women’s ProTeam shall make the payment(s) to the National Federation(s) at least six months after the publication of the rider’s registration on the UCI’s website, subject to an agreement between the UCI Women’s ProTeam and the National Federation(s) regarding the payment dates. National Federation(s) shall provide the proof of payment to its affiliated club(s) and/or UCI Women’s Continental team(s), to the UCI Women’s ProTeam, during the year in which the payment was made. In case a club or UCI Women’s Continental team would not exist anymore, the amount of the training compensation fee will be used by the National Federation for its own development programs. Any dispute regarding the application of these provisions is submitted to the UCI Arbitral Board. The decision of the UCI Arbitral Board is final and not subject to appeal.

Allée Ferdi Kübler 12
1860 Aigle

T: +41 24 468 58 11
F: +41 24 468 58 12
E: road@uci.ch

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