3Doodler 3D Pro Printing Pen Set Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024

3Doodler 3D Pro Printing Pen Set

3Doodler 3D Pro Printing Pen Set


Please do not throw these instructions away.
(We worked really hard to make sure they were as useful and readable as possible!)





  • The Nozzle & Nose Cone of the 3Doodler PRO can become hot. DO NOT touch the Nozzle or Nose Cone, or you may be burned!
  • DO NOT allow the Nozzle or Nose Cone near or in contact with flammable materials.
  • Inform others in the area that the Pen is hot and should not be touched.

| Unplug and set the ON/ OFF Switch to OFF when not in use or before storing.
| Allow the Nozzle and Nose Cone to cool completely before storing.
| The Unblocking Tool can become hot. DO NOT touch the metal part of the Unblocking Tool after using it to clean your 3Doodler PRO, or you may burn yourself!
| DO NOT use the 3Doodler PRO near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water.
This could result in death due to electric shock.
| The 3Doodler PRO should only be used with the plastic filament approved by us. Misuse of your 3Doodler PRO, setting your pen to the wrong heating temperature, and/or use of non-approved plastics or other materials may result in damage to your pen or injury to you, and will void your warranty.
Injuries to the user may include, but are not limited to, harm sustained from inhaling substances that are not suitable for heating; or burns from flammable materials used in the 3Doodler PRO.


Disposal of this product

At the end of your 3Doodler PRO’s life (and that of the JetPack®J, please do not dispose of it in your general household waste. In order to prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please dispose of your 3Doodler PRO separately in accordance with local laws and regulations. For more information on the separate collection systems for waste electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your local municipal authority. You can also contact the retailer from which you purchased your 3Doodler PRO, who may have a recycling service, or be part of a specific recycling scheme that you can use.

Output Power: 1 OW
Output Voltage: SV
Input Voltage: SV

Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice.


For care and maintenance information, and more advice on how to use your 3Doodler, please refer to our website: the3Doodler.com
To troubleshoot, please visit: the3Doodler.com/troubleshooting



We created this User Manual as a step-by-step guide to get you comfortable with your 3Doodler PRO Pen and its features. Once you are familiar with these steps, you will be able to Doodle with confidence.
Skipping steps may result in a less enjoyable time with your 3Doodler PRO.


  • Click once to start
  • Click once to stop


Solid RED:
Heating up (Please wait)

Temperature reached

Flashing Blue:
Reversing Plastic

  1. Tactile Speed Control Adjust the extrusion speed of your pen
  2. Temperature Control Adjust the temperature settings of your pen
  3. On/ Off Switch
  4. Power Adaptor Port Comes complete with power adapter or battery pack for untethered use
  5. Light
  6. LCD Display Monitor target actual speed and temperature settings
  7. oC/ oF Toggle Toggle the temperature settings between celcius (oC) and Fahrenheit (oF)
  8. Reverse Button
  9. Extrusion Button
  10. Plastic Loading Port
  11. Fan Speed Switch Control the rate materials harden to suit your needs
  12. Control Port
  13. Nose Cone
  14. Nozzle Hot end where Strand is extruded for Doodling
  15. Material Strand
    Section 2: Getting Started

How it Works:

The 3Doodler PRO melts Plastic and uses a motor and gears (Drive Gear) to push it through the Pen’s hot end (Nozzle) in a thin line. This process is called extruding or extrusion, and we will refer to it throughout this User Manual. Once extruded, Material hardens nearly instantly, allowing you to draw on surfaces and in the air. This User Manual will show you how!

When the PRO is turned on, the LED will light up red. When it reaches the target temperature the LED will light up blue.

LCD Temperature: LCD Speed

When changing temperature, the new target temperature will flash on the LCD screen. The LCD screen will then display the current temperature in real time as it changes.|  When changing speed, the new speed will show on the LCD for a few seconds as the pen adjusts.

How do I switch the display from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
There is a tiny hole located underneath the LCD display screen where you can insert a paperclip (and press down) to switch the temperature display from Celsius (°C) to Fahrenheit (°F). The temperature rating defaults to Celsius (°C).

Step 1: Turn on your 3Doodler PRO and Doodle with ABS

  1. Plug in 3Doodler PRD Pen.

  2. Slide Fan Speed Switch to HI.

How to set temperature and speed on the 3Doodler PRO
To increase temperature by 5 degrees, twist the dial towards the(+) symbol, and then recenter. The LCD should reflect the new temperature.
Repeat this step until desired temperature is reached.

To decrease temperature by 5 degrees, twist the dial towards the(-) symbol, and then recenter. The LCD should reflect the new temperature.
Repeat this step until desired temperature is reached.

The same procedure applies to increase or decrease speed by 1

  1. Light will glow RED while the Pen is reaching the temperature required to melt your Plastic. Once Light has turned BLUE, your Pen is ready to extrude Plastic.
    How To Set Temperature And Speed On The 3doodler Pro

Start Doodling with ABS while you get to grips with your 3Doodler PRO.

Step 2: Load and extrude Plastic

  1. Select one strand of ABS (MATTE) Plastic (provided in your 3Doodler PRO box).

  2. Refer to the Materials Snapshot and set the 3Doodler PRO to the correct ABS temperature and speed settings (200°C-240°C / 3-6). Also turn on the Fan Speed Switch on HI.

  3. Making sure the Light is BLUE, push the Plastic through the Filament Loading Port.

  4. Click the Extrusion button button once and release. You will hear the Drive Gear start.

  5. Gently push Plastic into Filament Loading Port until you feel the strand pulled through the Drive Gear on its own.

  6. After 10-15 seconds, Plastic will begin extruding from the Nozzle. Extruded Plastic will harden after a few seconds.

  7. Press the Extrusion button once to stop extruding.
    Step 2: Load And Extrude Plastic

When Doodling, use the fan to control how fast or slow the Material hardens. For quicker hardening, set the fan to HI (increasing air flow). For slower hardening, set the fan to MED or LO (decreasing air flow).

Step 3: Learning how to Doodle in2D

Use box below to create your first Doodle -a triangle!

  1. Draw a triangle in the box provided using marker, pen, pencil, or any other writing utensil of your choice.

  2. Click Extrusion button once.
    When Material starts extruding, push Nozzle down into paper to get Material to stick to surface .

  3. Doodle in a continuous unbroken line by dragging the Material along the paper as if you were writing with a pencil, with all letters connected. Keep your movement slow and steady.

  4. When you reach the end of the triangle, be sure to connect the two ends. Stop extruding by clicking the Extrusion button once again.

  5. Bend the paper outwards to pop your triangle off.

Please Doodle here:

Step 4: Learning how to Doodle in 3D

Please read all steps below before you begin this section, which will teach you how to Doodle vertically in the air.

  1. With the triangle flat on the page, extrude Material onto one corner of the triangle until you have a small blob. Make sure it is anchored into the triangle before proceeding.

  2. Lift Pen and Material up off the paper in a straight line for 1.5 in towards the center of the triangle.

  3. Click the Extrusion button to stop extruding, BUT DO NOT MOVE PEN YET.

  4. Wait a few seconds with the Pen still connected to the top of your Material’s line.

  5. Pull the Pen away. The line will remain vertical.

  6. Repeat twice from the two remaining corners of the triangle.

Well done! You just Doodled in the air! This is a crucial stepping stone to making all kinds of wonderful three dimensional objects with your 3Doodler PRO.

Step 5: Doodle Even More!

For further guides, projects and inspiration, please refer to:

YouTube videos: Cube

YouTube videos: Squiggly

For more videos visit:

Community projects for further inspiration and guidance:

Now that you’ve Doodled with ABS Plastic, we want to show you everything you need to know about changing Materials and introduce you to the different types of Materials.

Step 6: Reverse and Remove Strand

  1. While keeping the Pen temperature set for ABS, wait for Blue Light to come on.

  2. Click the Reverse Button once.
    Light will start flashing to signal Plastic reversing.

  3. Once Material stops reversing, it is safe to remove it from the Pen by gently pulling on the back of the strand.
    Step 6: Reverse And Remove Strand

Once Material stops reversing, it is safe to remove it from the Pen by gently pulling on the back of the strand.


After removing a Material strand from the 3Doodler PRO, cut and remove any partially melted material at the end of your strand before re-feeding it into the 3Doodler PRO. This will reduce blockages and clogging issues.



Material strands that are shorter than 6.5 inches cannot be reversed. You should feed it all the way through your 3Doodler PRO and use it up.
Step 6: Reverse And Remove Strand


(When using Paleways have fan set to HI}

  • Sticks to a variety of surfaces
  • Glossy finish

| 195-220
(383-428)| 3-5

(When using METAL always have fan set to HI)

  • Sand and polish for shimmer
  • Uses real metal

| 180-200
(356-392)| 3-6

  • Uses real wood fiber
  • Sand it, stain it, and fill in wooden cracks

| 170-200
(338-392)| 3-6

  • Hardens quickly
  • Perfect for drawing in the air

| 200-240
(392-464)| 3-6

  • Best for Doodles that need to bend
  • Flexible and stretchy

| 200-230
(392-446)| 2-5

  • Strong, Flexible and Durable
  • Make functional parts or add clothing dyes
  • Use clothing dyes to color

| 200-225
(392-437)| 3-6

  • Resists high temperatures
  • Cools super fast with a rigid finish

| 220-240
(428-464)| 3-6

  1. Please do not exceed the suggested maximum temperature for any materials.
  2. Speeds are suggestions only and may be modified.
  3. ALWAYS remove strand from pen when pen is idle.

Step 7: Let’s Switch Plastic!

  1. Switch your pen’s temperature and speed settings for the chosen Material with reference to the Material Use Guidelines.
    Load the desired new strand into Plastic Loading Port.
    Step 7: Let's Switch Plastic!

  2. Push the Material through the back of Pen and click the Extrusion Button once. Wait until strand starts to pull through on its own.

  3. Click Extrusion Button once to continue extruding your new Material and Doodle as you wish.

Step 8: Power Down

  1. Remove all Material from the Pen using the Reverse feature (as shown in Step 6). Friendly reminder to snip those ends!
    Step 8: Power Down

  2. Move the On/ Off Switch to OFF.

  3. Allow your 3Doodler PRO to cool completely before storing.

Allow your 3Doodler PRO to cool completely before storing.
After 10 minutes of inactivity, the 3Doodler PRO’s heating system will automatically power down. You will need to press the Extrusion Button OR toggle the Power Switch OFF and then ON again to continue use.

We recommend powering down and giving your 3Doodler PRO a 30 minute break after every 2 hours of continuous use.


Pay attention to Material types and settings

  • For optimal Doodling, we suggest using the correct temperature settings for your Materials.
  • Do double check which type of Material you are using before you turn on the 3Doodler PRO and insert a strand.

Do not forget to snip your Material Strand ends

  • After removing a Material strand from the 3Doodler, cut and remove any partially melted  Material at the end of yourstrand before re-feeding it into the 3Doodler. This will reduce blockages or clogging issues.

Reverse and remove Material correctly

  • DO NOT pull Strand from the back of the 3Doodler PRO other than as directed.
  1. With the Pen set to the appropriate temperature setting, wait for the BLUE Light to come on.

  2. Click Reverse Button once and the Light will start flashing to signal the Strand is reversing.

  3. Once the Strand stops reversing, it is safe to remove it from the Pen by gently pulling on the back of the strand.
    Reverse and remove Material correctly

Take a break

  • DO give your 3Doodler PRO a rest after every 2 hours of continuous Doodling. 30 minutes of down time should be plenty.

Treat your Nozzle right

  • If you ever remove your Nozzle, DO NOT remove it when your 3Doodler is cold.
    Light should be BLUE, set the Temperature to (180°(/ 356°F).

  • If you ever need to tighten your Nozzle, DO NOT force the Nozzle or overtightens it, as you could break the Nozzle and permanently damage your 3Doodler PRO.


Before showing you how to troubleshoot issues with your 3Doodler PRO, we want to introduce you to three handy tools provided in your box:

Section 4: Tools \(Provided In Box\)



Read all instructions and warnings prior to using this product. Improper use of this product may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic fumes, fire or explosion, damages for which you, and not the manufacturer are responsible.

  • Always ensure that your 3Doodler PRO is warmed up, with the blue LED light on.
    Set the temperature to (180°(/ 356°F).
    Attempting to remove the nozzle when the 3Doodler PRO is cool will irreparably damage it.

  • Take care not to use excessive force when removing or screwing on a new nozzle. Make sure that the nozzle is screwed on firmly without forcing it. Excessive force will damage your 3Doodler PRO.

  • While it is normal for there to be plastic inside the nozzle itself, please ensure that the exterior of the nozzle is clean when removing or replacing it. This will prevent the nozzle from becoming stuck inside the removal tool.

  • Clean the nozzle while it is hot using a cloth or a folded up tissue, being sure to keep enough material between your fingers and the hot nozzle so as to protect your fingertips from burning.


Step 1: Plug in your 3Doodler PRO , set the power switch to ON, and wait for the LED light to turn BLUE (HI). Set the temperature to (180°C/ 356°F).

Step 2: Remove the nozzle by turning the nozzletool counter-clockwise . Please be careful not to touch the nozzle, it’s very hot!

Step 3: Insert the new nozzle into the nozzle tool with the screw/base facing outwards. Again, it is okay for there to be residual plastic inside the nozzle.

Step 4: Press the extrusion button so that the pen heats up again. Once the pen is hot, screw the nozzle onto the pen, turning the nozzle tool clockwise to tighten the nozzle onto the pen. Make sure the nozzle is screwed on firmly, but don’t force it!

Step 5: You’re ready to start Doodling!

Step 6: When you’re done, don’t forget to store your nozzles !
Section 5: Nozzle Set Manual


Step 1: While the 3Doodler PRO is unplugged and not hot/warm, slide the Smoothing Tool onto the nozzle of the 3Doodler PRO.

Step 2: Turn on the 3Doodler PRO, selecting the temperature setting appropriate to the material that you are extruding.

Step 3: Use the Smoothing Tool to:

  • Smooth out rough spots or edges
  • Remove excess material from your Doodle
  • Create contours or textures

Step 4: Turn off the 3Doodler PRO and allow it to cool (for approximately five minutes) before removing the Smoothing Tool.


Read all instructions and warnings prior to using this product. Improper use of this product may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic fumes, fire or explosion, damages for which you, and not the manufacturer are responsible.
Section 6: Jetpack® Manual



  • The JetPack® should be operated only in open-air conditions. It should not be operated in an enclosed, unventilated space such as a carrying bag, pocket, or purse.
    Failure to follow these instructions may cause damage to the JetPack® by overheating.

  • Do not store or locate this device next to your 3Doodler PRO while your 3Doodler PRO is on or hot. Do not, under any circumstances, touch this device with the nozzle of your 3Doodler. Doing so may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic fumes, fire, or explosion.

  • Do not store the device in a high temperature environment, including heat caused by intense sunlight. Do not place device in fire or other excessively hot environments.

  • Be cautious of excessive drops, bumps, abrasions or other impacts to this device.
    If there is any damage to the device such as dents, punctures, tears, deformities or corrosion, due to any cause, discontinue use, and contact us or dispose of it in an appropriate manner.

  • Do not disassemble this device or attempt to re-purpose or modify it in any manner.

  • Do not expose this device to moisture or submerge it in liquid. Keep device dry at all times.

  • All devices have gone through a thorough quality assurance inspection. If you find that your device is excessively hot, is emitting odor, is deformed, abraded, cut, or otherwise damaged, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

  • For extended storage, first charge your JetPack® for one hour.

  • Never dispose of batteries in the garbage.
    Disposal of batteries in the garbage is unlawful under state and federal environmental laws and regulations.
    Always take used batteries to your local battery-recycling center.

  • This product contains chemicals that are known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  • This JetPack® is meant for use ONLY in conjunction with your 3Doodler 2.0/ Create/ Pro.
  • Manufacturer shall not in any way be liable to you or to any third party for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of use, intended or unintended, or accessory other than the 3Doodler PRO for which this JetPack® is designed. Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of misuse of this JetPack® as outlined above. If you are using this JetPack® with an unintended device, and damages result from such use, you agree to indemnify Manufacturer for any resulting injuries to any third part(ies).

Product Information

  • 4400mAh battery
  • Built-in charging cable for your 3Doodler 2.0 /Create/ Pro
  • Output Power: 6 watts
  • Output Voltage: sv, 1.2A – 2.4A
  • Input Voltage: SV, 0.5-1A
  • Compatible with the 3Doodler 2.0 /Create/ Pro


My Pen won’t turn on! (Light doesn’t turn on)

Let’s double check the following:
A. Is the Power Adapter plugged into a working power outlet?


If you have a spare power adapter around the house please use it to test your 3Doodler PRO. This will help determine if the problem is with your 3Doodler PRO or with the Power Adapter (5v2amp) provided in the box.

B. Is the end of the Power Adapter connected to the correct part of the Pen?

C. Make sure the On/ Off Switch on your 3Doodler does not turn OFF.

My Material is extruding but it won’t stick to the paper, or is curling up around the Nozzle.

When the Material resumes extruding, push the Nozzle firmly down into the paper, allowing Plastic to stick to the surface.

Drag the Material along the paper or surface in a continuous unbroken line as if you were writing with a pencil.

Keep your movement slow and steady. The Plastic should hold to the paper and not curl up around the Nozzle.
Section 7: Troubleshooting

My Material is not extruding from my 3Doodler.

3A, Strand not engaging properly with the Drive Gear:
Gently push the Strand until you feel the strand pulled through the Drive Gear on its own.
Section 7: Troubleshooting

If the above does not work, reverse the Strand fully from the Pen.
(See Section 2, Step 6) Snip ends, then reinsert and try again.

If Strand is too short to be removed from the Pen, move to 3B.

3B. Plastic is too short to be removed from the Pen:
Try unscrewing the Noule and inserting the Thin Unblocking Tool into the front of the pen and clicking the Reverse Button.
Section 7: Troubleshooting

My Material is leaking from around the Nozzle.

Nozzle may loosen with continued usage (or in transit). While Pen is hot (BLUE Light on), set the temperature to (180 °( / 356 °F) gently turn Nozzle clockwise to tighten it using the Nozzle Tool located on the bottom of the Nozzle Set Case provided.
Stop tightening once you first feel resistance so as to avoid over-tightening the Nozzle and breaking it.

My Material won’t stop extruding.

A , Click the Extrusion Button once.
B. If Step A does not solve this problem, please unplug your 3Doodler PRO and then plug it in and try again.

How do I reverse my unused Strand?

While the Pen is on (appropriate temperature setting) and hot (BLUE Light), click the Reverse Button. Light will start flashing to signal the Strand is reversing. Once the Strand stops reversing, it is safe to remove it from the Pen by gently pulling on the back of the strand.

If Strand is too short to reverse, see Section 3, Step 3B.

Snip the ends of your Strands now for easier loading TIP and Doodling later.

I have reversed my Strand but cannot get it out.

It is possible that the Strand is either too short to reverse all the way out of your 3Doodler PRO, or that the Strand has moved past the Pen’s Drive Gear system.

  • Strand reversed, but too short to take out and no longer in contact with the Drive Gear.
    I have reversed my Strand but cannot get it out.

  • Strand is beyond Drive Gear.
    I have reversed my Strand but cannot get it out.

For both of these issues, you can try the following options:

  • Insert a new strand or Unblocking Tool to push the remaining Plastic through while Pen is ON and extruding.


  • Remove Nozzle and use Unblocking Tool to push Plastic out the back of the Pen.
  • (See Section 3, Step 3B).
    I have reversed my Strand but cannot


Eiffel Tower

Section 5: Stencils
Section 5: Stencils
Section 5: Stencils



My Pen won’t heat up! (light stays red).

lt takes around 60-90 seconds for your Pen to heat up. If, after time, the Pen still does not heat up and the LIGHT remains RED, turn the Pen OFF and ON and try again. If that still does not work, please contact us at [email protected] and we will assist further.

For more details on your limited warranty, please visit : the3Doodler.com/warranty
For Doodler’s Terms and Conditions and other notices please refer to our
website: the3Doodler.com/terms-and-conditions

This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed of with other household wastes. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.



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