PHILIPS GC529 Vertical Steamer User Manual

June 6, 2024

GC529 Vertical Steamer







EN Your appliance has been designed to be used with tap water. In case you live in an area with hard water, fast scale build-up may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to use water without minerals such as distilled or purified water to prolong the lifetime of your appliance.
Note: Do not add perfume, vinegar, mineral water, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids, chemically descaled water or other chemicals as they may cause water spitting, brown staining, or damage to your appliance.
TC ()

VI Thit b ca bn ã c thit k s dng nc máy.Trong trng hp bn sng ti khu vc có nc rt cng, vic tích t cn nhanh s xy ra.Vì vy, chúng tôi khuyên bn nên s dng nc không có khoáng cht, chng hn nh nc ct hoc nc tinh khit kéo dài tui th ca thit b. Lu ý: Không thêm nc hoa, gim, nc khoáng, h vi, cht làm sch cn, cht ph tr i, nc ã c ty sch bng hóa cht hoc các hóa cht khác, do các cht này có th gây tình trng phun nc, vàng hoc làm hng thit b ca bn.
MS Perkakas anda telah direka bentuk untuk digunakan dengan air paip. Jika anda tinggal di kawasan yang mempunyai air liat, pembentukan kerak yang cepat mungkin akan berlaku. Maka, anda disyorkan untuk menggunakan air tanpa mineral seperti air suling atau air tulen untuk memanjangkan hayat perkakas anda.
Nota: Jangan tambahkan minyak wangi, cuka, air mineral, kanji, agen penanggal kerak, bahan bantu penyeterikaan, air yang dinyahkerak secara kimia atau bahan kimia lain kerana ini boleh menyebabkan air berdetus, kesan kotoran perang atau kerosakan pada perkakas anda.


KO . . .
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EN Multi steam settings are provided to save water and energy. You can increase the steam setting for more steam power at any point of time. The appliance is safe to use on all fabrics at any setting.
Note: The steam supply hose becomes warm during steaming. This is normal. TC

VI Nhiu cài t hi nc c cung cp giúp tit kim nc và nng lng. Bn có th tng cài t hi nc lên có thêm công sut hi nc vào bt k lúc nào.Thit b an toàn s dng trên tt c các loi vi mi cài t. Luý:Vòi cung cp hi nc s nóng lên trong khi i hi. ây là hin tng bình thng.
MS Berbilang tetapan stim disediakan untuk menjimatkan air dan tenaga. Anda boleh meningkatkan tetapan stim untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kuasa stim pada bila-bila masa. Perkakas selamat untuk digunakan pada semua jenis kain dengan semua tetapan. Nota: Hos bekalan stim menjadi panas semasa menstim. Ini perkara biasa.
: KO .
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EN Put the glove on the hand you are using to hold a garment. The glove protects your hand against the steam from the steamer head.
VI eo gng vào tay bn nh dùng gi qun áo. Gng tay bo v bàn tay ca bn tránh khi hi nc thoát ra t u bàn i hi.
MS Pakai sarung tangan pada tangan yang anda gunakan untuk memegang pakaian. Sarung tangan melindungi tangan anda daripada stim yang keluar daripada kepala penstim.





EN Caution: Do not attach or detach the brush/pleat maker while the steam is on or the steamer head is hot.
TC /
VI Chúý: Không gn hoc tháo bàn chi/dng c xp li khi ang có hi nc hoc u bàn i hi còn nóng.
MS Awas: Jangan pasang atau tanggalkan pembuat lisu/berus sewaktu stim dihidupkan atau sewaktu kepala penstim panas.
TH :
KO : /




1 hour



EN To maintain optimal steam performance and prolong the lifetime of the appliance, it is important to remove scales and impurities inside the appliance regularly. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the de-calc process at least once a month.
Before you start de-calc process, make sure there is some water in the water tank.
VI iu quan trng là phi thng xuyên thc hin vic ty cn và các tp cht bên trong thit b duy trì hiu sut i hi ti u và kéo dài tui th ca thit b. Do vy, bn nên thc hin quy trình ty sch cn bám ít nht mt tháng mt ln. Trc khi bt u quy trình ty sch cn bám, hãy m bo có nc trong ngn cha nc.
MS Untuk mengekalkan prestasi stim yang optimum dan memanjangkan jangka hayat perkakas, anda perlu menanggalkan kerak dan kotoran di dalam perkakas dengan kerap. Oleh itu, anda disyorkan untuk melakukan proses pembersihan kerak sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sekali.
Sebelum memulakan fungsi pembersihan kerak, pastikan terdapat sedikit air di dalam tangki air.

KO . , . .





_ 10 min.

MS Nota: Bersihkan perkakas dan sapu mendapan daripada kepala penstim dengan kain lembap dan agen pencuci cecair tidak melelas. Kosongkan tangki air setiap kali selepas penggunaan untuk menghindarkan penokokan kerak dan mengekalkan prestasi stim yang baik.
TH Note:
KO : . .





EN Note: Ensure that pole is closely collapsed without any gap in between pole lock clips to remove the pole from its base.
VI Lu ý: m bo tr ng c thu sát vào nhau, không có khong h gia các kp khóa, ly tr ra khi .
MS Nota: Pastikan dirian dilipat rapat tanpa ruang di antara klip pengunci dirian untuk mengeluarkan dirian dari tapak.
TH :

KO : .

EN Problem

Possible cause


The appliance produces no steam or irregular steam.

The steamer has not heated up sufficiently.

Let the appliance heat up for approximately 45 seconds.

Steam has condensed in Lift the steamer head

the hose.

to straighten the hose

vertically. This allows any

condensation to flow


Low water level in the tank or the tank is not inserted properly.

Refill the water tank and insert it properly.

Too much scale has built Perform calc-clean

up in the appliance.

process. Refer to


Water droplets drip from the steamer head or the appliance produces a croaking sound.

You have left the steamer head and/or the steam supply hose in horizontal position for a long time.

Lift the steamer head to straighten the hose vertically. This allows any condensation to flow back.

When the hose forms a U-shape, condensation in the hose cannot flow back into the water tank.

Lift the steamer head to straighten the hose vertically. This allows any condensation to flow back.

An excessive amount of water drips out of the steamer head when the appliance is heating up.

The water in the appliance is dirty or has been left inside the appliance for a long time.

Perform calc-clean process. Refer to section.

Water leaks out from the steamer base.

You have not closed the Close the water tank cap water tank cap or de- or de- calc knob securely. calc knob securely.

The water tank is not inserted properly.

Insert the tank properly.








EN Note: Clean the appliance and wipe any deposits off the steamer head with a damp cloth and non-abrasive liquid cleaning agent.
Always empty the water tank after usage, to prevent calc build-up and maintain good steam performance.
VI Luý: Lau chùi thit b và lau sch các bi bn trên u bàn i bng mt ming vi m và cht ty ra không mang tính n mòn. Luôn ht nc ra khi ngn cha nc sau khi s dng, tránh tích t cn và duy trì hiu sut hi nc thích hp.





VI S c

Nguyên nhân co thê Giai phap

Thit b to hi nc không u hoc không có hi nc.

Bàn i hi vn cha nóng.

thit b nóng lên trong khong 45 giây.

Hi nc ngng t trong Nhc u bàn i làm


cho vòi thng li theo

hng thng ng.Vic

này cho phép nc ngng

t chy ngc li.

Nc trong ngn cha nc không hoc ngn không c lp úng cách.

Châm li nc vào ngn cha nc và lp thit b úng cách.

Tích t quá nhiu cn vôi trong thit b.

Thc hin quy trình calc-clean (kh cn bám). Tham kho mc .

Nc nh git t u Bn ã u bàn i và/ Nhc u bàn i làm

bàn i hoc thit b to hoc vòi cung cp hi cho vòi thng li theo

ting x khí.

nc v trí ng trong hng thng ng.Vic

mt thi gian dài.

này cho phép nc ngng

t chy ngc li.

Khi vòi xp thành hình Nhc u bàn i làm

ch U, nc ngng t cho vòi thng li theo

có trong vòi không th hng thng ng.Vic

chy ngc li ngn cha này cho phép nc ngng


t chy ngc li.

Lng nc tha r ra Nc trong thit b bn Thc hin quy trình

t u bàn i hi khi hoc ã có trong thit b calc-clean (kh cn bám).

thit b nóng lên.

t rt lâu.

Tham kho mc .

Nc r ra t phía bên Bn không óng k np óng k np ngn cha

di .

ngn cha nc hoc nc hoc núm de-calc.

núm de-calc.

Ngn cha nc không Lp ngn úng cách. c lp úng cách.

MS Masalah Perkakas tidak mengeluarkan stim atau mengeluarkan stim yang tidak sekata.
Titisan air menitis dari kepala penstim atau perkakas mengeluarkan bunyi menguak.
Banyak air menitis daripada kepala penstim apabila perkakas mula memanas. Air keluar dari tapak penstim.

Penyebab yang mungkin
Penstim tidak memanas dengan secukupnya.

Biarkan perkakas menjadi panas selama kira-kira 45 saat.

Stim telah terpeluwap di Angkat kepala penstim

dalam hos.

untuk meluruskan hos

secara menegak. Ini

membolehkan sebarang

pemeluwapan untuk

mengalir semula.

Air di dalam tangki tidak mencukupi atau tangki tidak dimasukkan dengan betul.

Isi semula tangki air dan masukkannya dengan betul.

Terlalu banyak kerak Lakukan proses

telah menokok di dalam pembersihan kerak. Rujuk


bahagian .

Anda telah membiarkan Angkat kepala penstim

kepala penstim dan/ untuk meluruskan hos

atau hos bekalan

secara menegak. Ini

stim dalam kedudukan membolehkan sebarang

mendatar dalam tempoh pemeluwapan untuk

masa yang lama.

mengalir semula.

Apabila hos membentuk Angkat kepala penstim

bentuk U, pemeluwapan untuk meluruskan hos

di dalam hos tidak dapat secara menegak. Ini

mengalir semula ke

membolehkan sebarang

dalam tangki air.

pemeluwapan untuk

mengalir semula.

Air di dalam perkakas adalah kotor atau telah dibiarkan di dalam perkakas dalam tempoh yang lama.

Lakukan proses pembersihan kerak. Rujuk bahagian .

Anda tidak menutup tukup tangki air atau tombol pembersihan kerak dengan ketat.

Tutup tukup tangki air atau tombol pembersihan kerak dengan ketat.

Tangki air tidak dimasukkan dengan betul.

Masukkan tangki dengan betul.



Calc – Clean



Calc – Clean


EN User manual TC SC VI Hng dn s dng

MS Manual pengguna TH KO

©2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved.
4239 001 19762










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45 .
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i b





EN a Steamer head b Steam supply hose c Steam dial d Base e De-calc knob f Water tank g Pole h Pole lock clip
TC a b c d e f g h
a b c d e f g h

i Pants clip j Hanger k Hanger hook l Steamer head holder m Pleat maker and brush n Glove o Board p Board cover
i j k l m n o p
i j k l m n o p

a u bàn i hi b Vòi cung cp hi nc c Núm chn ch hi nc d e Núm de-calc f Ngn cha nc g Tr ng h Kp khóa

i Kp qun áo
j Giá treo k Móc treo l Kp gi u bàn i hi m Dng c xp li và bàn chi n Gng tay o Ván lót p V bc ván lót

a Kepala penstim b Hos bekalan stim c Tombol stim d Tapak e Tombol pembersihan kerak f Tangki air g Dirian h Klip pengunci dirian

i Klip seluar j Penggantung k Cangkuk penggantung l Pemegang kepala penstim m Pembuat lisu dan berus n Sarung tangan o Papan p Alas papan

a b c d e De-Calc f g h

j k l m n o p

a b c d e f g h

i j k l m n o p

Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at
Important Read the separate important information leaflet and the user manual carefully before you use the appliance. Save both documents for future reference. This appliance has been designed for domestic use only. Any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to comply with the instructions, the manufacturer accepts no responsibility and the guarantee will not apply.
Danger – Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the
Warning – Check if the voltage indicated on the type plate corresponds to the local mains
voltage before you connect the appliance. – The plug must be plugged to a power outlet of the same technical characteristics
of the plug only. – Do not use the appliance if the plug, the mains cord, the steam supply hose or the
appliance itself shows visible damage or if the appliance has been dropped or leaks. – If the mains cord or the steam supply hose is damaged, you must have it replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. – The appliance must not be left unattended while it is connected to the supply mains. – This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years or above and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. – Children shall not play with the appliance. – Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. – Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children less than 8 years of age when the appliance is switched on or cooling down. – Do not let the mains cord and steam supply hose come into contact with the hot steamer head. – The appliance must be used and placed on a flat, stable, heat resistant surface. – Steam may damage or cause discolouration of certain wall, door finishes or furniture. – Care should be taken when using the appliance due to the emission of steam. – Your appliance gives off steam which can cause burns. Handle your steamer carefully. Never direct the steam towards persons or animals. – Do not use your bare hand as a supporting surface when you steam. Pull the sides of the garment to stretch it. – If the appliance has a hot air outlet, it can be extremely hot and may cause burns when touched.
CAUTION: Hot surface (Fig. 1) – Surfaces are liable to get hot during use (for steamer with hot symbol marked on
the appliance).
Caution – This appliance is intended for household use only. – Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket. – Check the mains cord and the supply hose regularly for possible damage – Fully unwind the mains cord before you plug it in the wall socket. – Do not use the appliance when the water tank is empty. – Do not add perfumed water, water from the tumble dryer, vinegar, starch, descaling
agents, ironing aids, chemically descaled water or other chemicals, as they may cause water leakage, brown staining or damage to your appliance. – Do not place the steamer base on top of table or chair but rather keep the steamer base on the floor during usage duration. If the hose forms a U shape, steam condenses in the hose. This causes irregular steam or water droplets to come out of the steamer head. – Unplug the appliance during filling and cleaning. – When you have finished steaming, clean the appliance, fill or empty the water tank, perform cleaning and rinsing, attach or detach the brush attachment, or leave the appliance even for a short while, switch off the appliance and remove the mains plug from the wall socket. – Make sure that the steamer has been unplugged for at least 1 hour and has completely cooled down, before you use De-Calc function (if the function is available). – Do not pour water, vinegar, descaling agents or other chemicals into the opening of the De-Calc function (if the function is available).
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Recycling – Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its
life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment. – Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.
Guarantee and support If you need information or support, please visit or read the separate worldwide guarantee leaflet. welcome

– –

– – 8
– – – 8 – – – – – – –
( 1) – ()
– – – – – –
– U – – () – De-Calc () 1 – De-Calc ()

– /

– –

– – 8
– – – 8 – – – – – – –
– ” ”
– – – – – –
– U – – – 1 –

– /
Chúc mng n t hàng ca bn và chào mng bn n vi Philips! c hng li ích y t h tr do Philips cung cp, hãy ng ký sn phm ti com/welcome.
Quantrng Hãy c k tài liu thông tin quan trng riêng và tài liu hng dn s dng trc khi s dng thit b. Hãy ct gi tin tham kho sau này. Thit b này ã c thit k ch s dng trong nhà. i vi bt k hành vi s dng thng mi, không thích hp nào hoc không tuân th các hng dn, nhà sn xut s không chu trách nhim và bo hành s không c áp dng.
Nguyhim – Không nhúng thit b vào nc hay bt k cht lng nào, hoc ra di vòi nc.
Canhbao – Trc khi cm in, kim tra xem in áp ghi trên bng thông s có tng ng vi
in áp ngun hay không. – Ch c cm phích in vào cm có cùng c tính k thut nh phích cm. – Không s dng thit b nu phích cm, dây in, ng cp hi nc hoc chính bn
thân thit b có biu hin h hng rõ ràng, hoc nu thit b ã b ri hoc rò r. – Nu dây in hoc ng cp hi nc b h hng, bn nên thay dây in hoc ng
cp hi nc ti trung tâm bo hành ca Philips, các trung tâm dch v do Philips y quyn hoc nhng ni có kh nng và trình tng ng tránh gây nguy him. – Phi luôn giám sát thit b nu ang c kt ni vi ngun in. – Tr em t 8 tui tr lên và nhng ngi b suy gim nng lc v th cht, giác quan hoc tâm thn, hoc thiu kin thc và kinh nghim có th s dng thit b này nu h c giám sát hoc hng dn s dng thit b theo cách an toàn và hiu c các mi nguy him liên quan. – Không tr em chi ùa vi thit b. – Không tr em thc hin vic v sinh hoc bo dng thit b tr khi chúng c giám sát. – thit b và dây in ngun ngoài tm vi ca tr em di 8 tui khi thit b ang bt hoc ang ngui xung. – Không dây in ngun và ng cp hi nc tip xúc vi u bàn i ang nóng. – Thit b phi c s dng và t trên b mt bng phng, chc chn và chu c nhit. – Hi phun có th gây h hng hoc làm phai màu mt s b mt tng, ca hoc c nht nh. – Cn cn trng khi s dng thit b do có hi phun thoát ra. – Thit b ca bn bc ra hi nc có th gây bng. Cn thn khi cm bàn i hi nc. Không c hng dòng hi nc v phía ngi khác hoc ng vt. – Không dùng tay trn ca bn làm b mt khi i hi. Kéo cng vi góc. – Nu thit b có l thoát hi nóng, l này có th rt nóng và gây ra bng khi chm vào.
CHÚÝ:Bmtnóng(Hình1) – B mt có kh nng b nóng trong khi s dng (vi bàn i hi nc có ký hiu
nóng trên thit b).
Chúý – Thit b này c thit k ch dùng trong gia ình. – Ch ni thit b vào cm in có dây tip t. – Kim tra dây in và ng cp thng xuyên xem có b h hng gì không – Kéo hoàn toàn dây in ra trc khi cm phích cm vào in. – Không s dng thit b khi ngn cha nc ht nc. – Không thêm nc hoa, nc t máy sy o, gim, h vi, cht làm sch cn, cht
ph tr i, nc ã c ty sch bng hóa cht hoc các hóa cht khác, do các cht này có th gây tình trng r nc, vàng hoc làm hng thit b ca bn. – Không t bàn i hi nc lên mt bàn hoc gh mà nên t trên sàn trong khi ang s dng. Khi ng cp gp thành hình ch U, hi phun s ngng t trong ng. Vic này khin hi phun không u hoc có nc nh git t u bàn i. – Rút phích cm in ca thit b trong khi châm nc và lau chùi. – Tt thit b và rút phích cm in ra khi in sau khi i xong, khi lau chùi thit b, châm nc hoc ht nc trong ngn cha nc, ty cn và ra sch, tháo hoc lp ph kin bàn chi, hoc khi không i dù ch trong chc lát. – m bo ã rút phích cm bàn i hi nc trong ít nht là 1 gi và bàn i ã hoàn toàn ngui xung trc khi s dng chc nng De-Calc (nu có sn chc nng này). – Không c nc, gim, cht ty cn hoc các hóa cht khác vào trong l h ca chc nng De-Calc (nu có sn chc nng này).
inttrng(EMF) Thit b Philips này tuân th tt c các tiêu chun và quy nh hin hành liên quan n mc phi nhim in t trng.
Taich – Không vt sn phm cùng chung vi rác thi gia ình thông thng khi ngng s
dng nó, mà hãy em sn phm n im thu gom chính thc tái ch. Làm nh vy s giúp bo v môi trng. – Làm theo các quy nh ti quc gia ca bn i vi vic thu gom riêng các sn phm in và in t.Vic vt b úng cách s giúp phòng tránh các hu qu xu cho môi trng và sc khe con ngi.
Baohànhvàhtr Nu bn cn h tr hay bit thông tin, vui lòng truy cp hoc c t bo hành toàn cu riêng l.

Bahasa Melayu
Tahniah atas pembelian anda dan selamat menggunakan Philips! Untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya sokongan yang ditawarkan oleh Philips, daftarkan produk anda di
Penting Baca risalah maklumat penting yang berasingan dan manual pengguna sebelum menggunakan perkakas ini. Simpan kedua-dua dokumen untuk rujukan masa hadapan. Perkakas ini direka bentuk untuk penggunaan di rumah sahaja. Pengeluar tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas apa jua masalah dan jaminan tidak akan terpakai jika perkakas digunakan secara komersial, terdapat penggunaan tidak sesuai atau kegagalan mematuhi arahan.
Bahaya – Jangan sekali-kali merendam perkakas di dalam air atau sebarang cecair lain,
ataupun membilasnya di bawah paip.
Amaran – Periksa sama ada voltan yang ditandakan di atas plat jenis sepadan dengan voltan
sesalur kuasa setempat sebelum anda menyambungkan perkakas. – Palam perlu dipasang pada salur keluar kuasa dengan ciri teknikal yang sama
dengan palam sahaja. – Jangan gunakan perkakas jika palam, kord sesalur kuasa, hos bekalan stim atau
perkakas itu sendiri menunjukkan kerosakan yang nyata, atau jika perkakas telah terjatuh atau bocor. – Jika kord sesalur atau hos bekalan stim rosak, item tersebut mestilah digantikan oleh Philips, pusat servis yang dibenarkan oleh Philips atau pihak berkelayakan yang serupa untuk mengelakkan bahaya. – Perkakas tidak boleh dibiarkan tanpa dijaga semasa disambungkan pada sesalur kuasa. – Perkakas ini boleh digunakan oleh kanak-kanak berumur 8 tahun ke atas dan orang yang kurang keupayaan fizikal, deria atau mental atau kekurangan pengalaman dan pengetahuan jika mereka diberikan pengawasan dan arahan berkaitan penggunaan perkakas secara selamat dan memahami bahaya yang mungkin berlaku. – Kanak-kanak tidak seharusnya bermain dengan perkakas ini. – Pembersihan dan penyelenggaraan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh kanak-kanak tanpa pengawasan. – Simpan perkakas dan kord jauh dari jangkauan kanak-kanak yang berumur di bawah 8 tahun apabila perkakas dihidupkan atau sedang disejukkan. – Jangan biarkan kord sesalur kuasa dan hos bekalan stim bersentuhan dengan kepala penstim yang panas. – Perkakas mestilah digunakan dan diletakkan pada permukaan rata, stabil dan tahan panas. – Stim mungkin merosakkan atau menyebabkan perubahan warna pada kemasan dinding, pintu tertentu atau perabot. – Hati-hati sewaktu menggunakan perkakas kerana terdapat stim yang keluar. – Perkakas akan mengeluarkan wap yang boleh menyebabkan kelecuran. Kendalikan penstim anda dengan berhati-hati. Jangan sekali-kali arahkan stim kepada orang atau haiwan. – Jangan gunakan tangan anda sebagai permukaan sokongan semasa anda menstim pakaian. Tarik sisi pakaian untuk menegangkannya. – Jika perkakas mengandungi salur keluar udara panas, bahagian tersebut mungkin menjadi sangat panas dan mengakibatkan kelecuran apabila disentuh.
AWAS: Permukaan panas (Raj. 1) – Permukaan boleh menjadi panas semasa penggunaan (untuk penstim dengan
simbol panas ditandakan pada perkakas tersebut).
Awas – Perkakas ini dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan di rumah sahaja. – Sambungkan perkakas hanya kepada soket dinding yang dibumikan. – Periksa sesalur kuasa dan hos bekalan dengan kerap untuk mencari apa-apa kerosakan – Buka lilitan kord sesalur kuasa sepenuhnya sebelum anda masukkan palam ke
dalam soket dinding. – Jangan gunakan perkakas apabila tangki air kosong. – Jangan gunakan air berwangian, air dari mesin pengering pakaian, cuka, kanji,
agen penyahkerakan, bahan bantu penyeterikaan, air yang dinyahkerak secara kimia atau bahan kimia lain, kerana ini boleh menyebabkan air bocor, kesan kotoran perang atau kerosakan pada perkakas anda. – Jangan letakkan tapak penstim di atas meja atau kerusi tetapi lebih baik meletakkan tapak penstim di atas lantai semasa digunakan. Jika hos membentuk bentuk-U, stim akan memeluwap dalam hos. Ini akan menyebabkan stim atau titisan air yang tidak sekata keluar daripada kepala penstim. – Cabut palam perkakas sewaktu diisi dan dibersihkan. – Apabila anda selesai menstim, membersihkan perkakas, mengisi atau mengosongkan tangki air, membersihkan atau membilas, memasang atau menanggalkan alat tambahan berus atau meninggalkan perkakas walau untuk seketika, matikan perkakas dan cabut palam sesalur kuasa daripada soket dinding. – Pastikan palam penstim telah dicabut sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam dan telah sejuk sepenuhnya sebelum anda menggunakan fungsi De-Calc (jika fungsi ini tersedia). – Jangan tuang air, cuka, agen penyahkerakan atau kimia lain ke dalam bukaan fungsi De-Calc (jika fungsi ini tersedia).
Medan elektromagnet (EMF) Perkakas Philips mematuhi semua piawaian dan peraturan berkaitan dengan pendedahan kepada medan elektromagnet.
Mengitar semula – Jangan buang produk dengan sampah rumah biasa di akhir hayatnya. Sebaliknya,
bawa perkakas ke pusat pungutan rasmi atau kitar semula. Dengan melakukan ini, anda membantu memelihara alam sekitar. – Ikut peraturan negara anda untuk pengumpulan berasingan produk elektrik dan elektronik. Cara membuang yang betul akan membantu mencegah akibat negatif terhadap alam sekitar dan kesihatan manusia.
Jaminan dan sokongan Jika anda memerlukan maklumat atau sokongan, sila lawati atau baca atau baca risalah jaminan sedunia yang berasingan.

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EN The board provides backing support to enhance the steaming performance. Note: Do not wash the board cover as it may damage the foam material
VI Ván lót phía sau giúp tng cng hiu sut i hi. Lu ý: Không git v bc ván lót vì có th làm hng cht liu xp
MS Papan menyediakan sokongan menegak untuk meningkatkan prestasi penstiman. Nota: Jangan cuci alas papan kerana ini boleh merosakkan bahan busa
TH :
KO . : .


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