ST BlueNRG-LP Evaluation Boards User Guide
- June 6, 2024
- ST
Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide
Getting started with BlueNRG-LP evaluation boards
This document provides basic information on BlueNRG-LP development kits hardware and software setup operations. It also describes the key information about the associated software development package STSW-BNRGLP-DK and some common troubleshooting cases.
The BlueNRG-LP device is a low power Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) system-on- chip, compliant with the Bluetooth® specification and supports master, slave and simultaneous master-and-slave roles. The device also supports the Bluetooth Low Energy data length extension, 2 Mbps, Long Range, extended advertising, GATT caching, LE Ping procedure, Periodic advertising and periodic advertising sync transfer, LE L2CAP connection-oriented channel, LE power control and path loss monitoring features.
The following BlueNRG-LP kits are available:
• STEVAL-IDB011V1 (QFN48 package) development platform
Development platforms
The S TEVAL-IDB011V1 development platform embeds a CMSIS-DAP programming/debugging interface and features hardware resources for a wide range of application scenarios: sensor data (accelerometer, pressure and temperature sensor), human interface (buttons and LEDs), digital MEMS microphone and serial communication through USB virtual COM.
Figure 1 STEVAL-IDB011V1 development board
Getting Started
The STEVAL-IDB011V1 evaluation board is preprogrammed with Bluetooth LE Sensor demonstration application for ST BLE Sensor app which allows to set and establish a connection with a smartphone (iOS or Android) running the ST BLE Sensor smartphone app (previously known as ST BlueMS). Once connected, the BlueNRG-LP device sends the data collected from the accelerometer sensor and environmental sensor (pressure and temperature) to the ST BLE Sensor smartphone app, which displays this information.
Powering up the evaluation board
Two power options are available:
- Batteries – To power the selected evaluation board using batteries, 2 AAA batteries must be inserted into the battery holder BATT1 placed at the rear of the board or, alternatively, a coin cell battery (CR2032) must be placed on BATT2 region. Jumper JP2 set to position BAT.
- USB – To power the selected evaluation board through USB, jumper JP2 set to position USB. Connect a USB cable to the micro-USB connector and to a PC USB port.
Figure 2 . Board power options (JP2)
When powered through USB, the evaluation board is also recognized on Windows Device Manager as CMSIS-DAP device.
Figure 3 Windows Device Manager – CMSIS-DAP
- In Windows 10, no specific driver installation is required.
- The composite device (WebUSB: CMSIS-DAP) installation is not required, as this functionality is not used.
In this context, once the evaluation platform has been recognized, it should also appear under Device and drivers as a ST IDB011VX mass storage device:
Figure 4 ST IDB011VX mass storage device
Once powered (batteries or USB), the Sensor Demo application for ST
BLE Sensor app starts advertising, waiting for a smartphone to connect to it.
Install the ST BLE Sensor app for smartphones (central role)
Two versions (Android and iOS) of the smartphone ST BLE Sensor app are
available for download on the specific web pages ( Table 2. Reference
information, Android & iOS Sensor App).
Install the ST BLE Sensor App on the selected smartphone.
Run ST BLE Sensor app for smartphones
Launch the ST BLE Sensor app on the smartphone
- It starts scanning for the BlueNRG-LP Sensor Demo peripheral device. A device called “BlueNRGLP” appears on the screen.
- Tap on the “BlueNRGLP” name to connect to the selected STEVAL-IDB011V1 platform. The ST BLE Sensor app enables notifications on the acceleration characteristic and on the environment characteristics (pressure and temperature) and it displays the received environment characteristics values on the screen.
Figure 5 ST BLE Sensor smartphone app environment characteristic notifications
User can also plot the received acceleration values, by selecting the ST BLE Sensor app, Plot Data window, Accelerometer option. The STEVAL-IDB011V1 accelerometer sensor values (X, Y, Z) are displayed on a graphical chart.
Figure 6 ST BLE Sensor smartphone app acceleration notifications plot
Software demonstration applications
In order to develop a software application for the STEVAL-IDB011V1 evaluation board, it is recommended to start with the reference demonstration applications provided within the BlueNRG-LP Development Kit SW package for BlueNRG-LP devices (STSW-BNRGLP-DK) available on the STEVAL-IDB011V1 web page:
- Unzip the file, launch the related installer and follow installation steps.
- Wait for the package installation to complete.
- The Projects folder in SW package contains the available demonstration applications, projects, sources and header files.
The Bluetooth LE Sensor Demo application for ST BLE Sensor app projects and header and source files are available on
- Projects\BLE_Examples\BLE_SensorDemo_BlueMSapp folder.
IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM) and Keil MDK-ARM tools are needed for
building the software applications running on the BlueNRG-
LP microcontroller.
WiSE-Studio IDE (GCC toolchain) is also supported from STSW-BNRGLP-DK
v1.1.0 or later.
Reference demonstrations applications are also provided.
- The BlueNRG-LP patches for IAR, EWARM and KEIL, MDK-ARM toolchains are available on Project/Utility folder.
- For a description of the available BlueNRG-LP demonstration applications and supported platforms, refer to BlueNRG-LP development kits user manual ( Table 2. Reference information, UM2735 ).
- The BLE_SensorDemo_BlueMSapp.hex prebuilt binary image for BlueNRG-LP platform is also provided within the Development Kit
software package, in the Firmware\BLE_Examples\BLE_SensorDemo_BlueMSapp folder.
The following section reports some tips to be followed if the STEVAL- IDB011V1 platform is not recognized as a CMSIS-DAP device once connected to a PC USB port, or if user is not able to connect/debug to the selected platform through a CMIS-DAP programmer/debug tool:
The STEVAL-IDB011V1 platform starts always in “MAINTENANCE” mode.
a. The USB_CMSISDAP firmware is not loaded. Follows the instructions in the UM2735 manual (Table 2. Reference information, UM2735), section 2.9.4
“USB_CMSISDAP firmware update” in order to load the USB_CMSISDAP firmware. Please notice that this condition is not expected , since the USB_CMSISDAP firmware is programmed at STEVAL-IDB011V1 manufacturing time.
b. The application loaded in the BlueNRG-LP device makes the device continuously reset. Since the RTSN signal is used at the startup by the USB_CMSISDAP firmware for choosing to start in “MAINTENANCE” mode or not, it is necessary to disconnect the RSTN signal of the BlueNRG-LP from the USB_CMSISDAP. In order to do it, user must perform the following steps:
1. Remove the jumper JP5.
2. Unplug the USB cable (if plugged).
3. Plug the USB cable.
4. The mass storage device “ST IDB011VX” should be present among the devices in Windows “Devices and drives”.
5. Put back the jumper JP5 (fitted position).
6. Now user should able to use the USB_CMSISDAP firmware in order to fix the code in the BlueNRG-LP. -
It is not possible to connect to the STEVAL-IDB011V1, BlueNRG-LP device with the on board CMSIS-DAP debugger/programmer.
a. The BlueNRG-LP could be under reset, or the SWD pins have been configured in a different mode at the startup of the application, or the application sets the device in DEEPSTOP modes which powers off the debug port.
In such cases, it is possible to recover the BlueNRG-LP status as follow:
1. Plug the USB cable in order to power up the board.
2. Press and hold the PUSH1 button.
3. Press the RESET button.
4. This operation activates the internal UART bootloader: now it is possible to connect the CMSIS-DAP debugger/programmer to the BlueNRG-LP.
- Please refer to the STSW-BNRGLP-DK, C:{Installation_Path}\ ST\BlueNRG-LP DK x.x.x\Docs\BlueNRGLP_Debugging_Guidelines\BlueNRG-LP_Debugging_Guidelines.html document for useful guidelines to be followed in these scenarios:
- CMSIS-DAP programming vs BlueNRG-LP running application in low power modes
- Debugging vs BlueNRG-L P running application in low power modes.
Acronyms and abbreviations
Table 1 List of acronyms
Acronym | Description |
Bluetooth LE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
DK | Development kit |
SW | Software |
USB | Universal serial bus |
Table 2 References
| Where|
Bluetooth Low
Energy wireless
System on Chip||
BIueNRG-LP device web page
STEVAL-IDB011V1|, Tools
and Software, Solution Evaluation Tools section| STEVAL-IDB011V1
platform web page
Low Energy
specification/| Bluetooth Low Energy specification web page
ST BLE Sensor app for Android|
software/stblesensor.html| ST BLE Sensor app web page
ST BLE Sensor app for loS|
software/stblesensor.html| ST BLE Sensor app web page
and Software, Evaluation Tool Software section| BIueNRG-LP DK SW package web
development-kits-stmicroelectronics.pdf| BIueNRG-LP
Development Kits user manual
software/wireless-connectivity-software/stsw-wise- studio.html| WiSE-Studio
IDE for Windows
Revision history
Table 3 Revision history
Date | Table 3 Revision history | Change |
19-Oct-20 | 1 | Initial release |
25-May-21 | 2 | Updated Introduction section. |
Added reference to WiSE-Studio
free IDE for Windows.
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