DOMETIC Rally Air Pro 240 TG AIR Awning User Manual

June 6, 2024


AIR awning Installation and Operating manual
© 2020 Dometic Group. The visual appearance of the contents of this manual is protected by copyright and design law. The underlying technical design and the products contained herein may be protected by design, patent, or be patent pending. The trademarks mentioned in this manual belong to Dometic Sweden AB. All rights are reserved.


Please carefully read and follow all instructions, guidelines, and warnings included in this product manual in order to ensure that you install, use, and maintain the product properly at all times. By using the product, you hereby confirm that you have read this disclaimer, all instructions, guidelines, and warnings carefully and that you understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set forth herein. You agree to use this product only for the intended purpose and application and in accordance with the instructions, guidelines, and warnings as set forth in this product manual as well as in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. A failure to read and follow the instructions and warnings set forth herein may result in an injury to yourself and others, damage to your product, or damage to other property in the vicinity. Dometic accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred, directly or indirectly, from the installation, use, or maintenance of the product not in compliance with the instructions and warnings in the product manual. This product manual, including the instructions, guidelines and warnings, and related documentation may be subject to changes and updates. For up-to-date product information, please visit,


Thank you for purchasing your Dometic awning. Please read these instructions carefully before attempting to set up and retain them for future reference. If used properly, your awning should give you years of trouble-free use. We recommend that your awning is insured against accidental and storm damage as this is not covered by the warranty.


Under certain conditions, all awnings will suffer from internal condensation. Depending upon the time of year, the weather, and the amount of moisture in the ground, the condensation could be quite severe and is commonly mistaken for leaking, especially as it can run down the inside of the roof and drip off ties, tapes, and other internal fittings. If you suspect your awning is leaking it is almost certainly condensation. Laying a waterproof groundsheet (not a breathable carpet) throughout the whole awning will help and condensation can also be improved by ensuring adequate ventilation. On some awnings, we offer an optional roof lining that can also help prevent condensation and catch any drips that fall from the roof.
The Pro awning material has a waterproof PU coating over its entire surface and the main seams of your awning have been factory taped to help prevent leakage. Depending upon your expectations, it may be necessary to treat the remaining seams with a seam sealant. Seams treated with seam sealant cannot leak. Seam sealant should also be applied to areas where the taping is damaged or has peeled away through wear and tear. It can also be applied to areas where a leak may have developed. Dometic seam sealant is available from your dealer.
The awning keder beading is sewn to the awning with a special waterproof sewing thread. This thread swells when wet to fill the needle holes but the thread needs to become wet several times before it is totally effective. This process is known as ‘weathering’ and it may take several soakings for the weathering to be fully effective. This area can also be treated with seam sealant.
This awning is designed for use in light to moderate weather. During very strong winds or snowfall, we recommend that you take your awning down. The awning is designed for touring use; it is not designed for seasonal pitch or commercial use.
We recommend a trial run before using your awning for the first time. This will allow you to familiarise yourself with the awning, it’s set up and any limitations the awning may have for your particular use.


Choose a site that is flat and, if possible, protected from the wind. The sloping ground may have an adverse effect on your finished awning.


Position your vehicle in your desired position. To protect your awning from dirt and damage, it may be beneficial to lay a groundsheet or awning carpet down before unpacking. Unpack the awning, separate, and identify the different parts. Po The awning is attached to the rear of the vehicle using the following: Guy Rope: Two guy ropes that are attached to the back of the roof of the awning are positioned along the roof of the vehicle and secured to a suitable vehicle part such as the wing mirrors. Elasticated Side Hooks: Hooks with elasticated cords are located on the lower part of the rear sides of the awning that fit onto the vehicle’s rear-wheel arches on both sides. Webbing Strap: A webbing strap, located at the top rear of the awning, can be tensioned to help provide a secure fit over the vehicle’s roof and side panels.

Pegging Sequence

The order in which you should peg down your Dometic inflatable awning (or pegging sequence) is important to help ensure the correct shape and fit is achieved. The set-up procedure is different from a traditional awning that you may be used to. Please ensure that you peg in the following sequence:
A – the connecting tunnel corner pegging points
B – the front corner pegging points
C – the rear awning pegging points
D – the skirt pegging points (blue triangle)
E – any doorways (cross-pegging) (10)
F – remaining pegging points

Pre-Inflation Pegging

Pegging Point A : Peg the connecting tunnel corner pegging points of the awning (see Diagram 1a). Pegging Point A should be positioned so that the awning side walls are in-line with the sides of the vehicle. The positioning must ensure that the vehicle will be covered by a sufficient amount of the awning. Note: where possible, the awning should not go across any side windows.
Pegging Point B: The front corners should now be pegged (see Diagram 1b). Make sure that the awning is sitting squarely in relation to your vehicle.
Pegging Point C : Peg the rear corner.s of the awning (QuickPitch point) (see Diagram 1c). If necessary adjust the pegging at the four corners (Points A, B & C) ensuring that the sides and front are stretched tight.


Dometic awnings are supplied with a high-performance manual hand pump. This will inflate beyond the recommended pressure and so it is essential to only inflate the awning into the green zone on the pressure gauge. The gauge on the supplied hand pump will only give a reading on a downward stroke.
DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF COMPRESSOR DESIGNED TO INFLATE CAR TYRES – these may damage your awning as they can inflate to extreme pressures and the pressure gauges can be inaccurate. Over-inflated AirPoles are not covered under the product guarantee.
Locate the deflation valves at the bottom of each of the AirPods (see Diagram 2a). Ensure that the deflation valves are closed by turning the tap clockwise 90°. Locate the inflation valve on the awning (2b). Unscrew the top cap and attach the pump nozzle (4). Start to pump (5). Once the awning has a good amount of air in it, pull the front of the awning outwards so that the AirPods can assume their correct shape (6). Keep pumping until the ideal inflation pressure of 9 psi (0.62 BAR) is achieved. If necessary take a rest before adding more pressure.

Connection Tunnel Attachment

A guy rope system is incorporated into the connection tunnel to enable the awning to fit over the roof of the vehicle without the need for a step ladder.
To do this, unclip the guylines located on both sides of the tunnel (see Diagram 7), pull the cord down, and attach it to the lower ring attachment point. When this is done, on both sides, the roof of the tunnel is pulled back towards the awning.
Two long guy lines are attached to the top of the tunnel. Locate the end of each guyline and walk each one back towards the front of the vehicle. Tie them loosely around a suitable point on the vehicle such as the wing mirrors. Unclip the side guylines that are holding the tunnel roof away from the vehicle and clip them back onto the upper attachment points. Pull-on each guyline to pull the tunnel roof over the top of the vehicle. When the tunnel roof has sufficient tension each guyline can be secured onto the vehicle in a suitable position such as around the wing mirrors. Attach the elasticated side hooks onto a suitable part of the vehicle to provide additional tension to the tunnel (see Diagram 12).

Additional Pegging

Once satisfied with the connection and tensioning of the tunnel to the vehicle the rest of the pegging can be done. Close all doors and entrances (if open) before continuing with any pegging.
Pegging Point D : The Skirt Pegging Points (blue triangles) should now be pegged. This point is attached to the skirt, inside the awning, and regulates the position of the center pole/s. Pulling this pegging point outwards will pull the front of the awning into the correct position. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. It is a common mistake to have the front of the awning too far forward. If the front is too far forward it can cause poor performance in wind and rain; the awning will not look its best and the optional carpet may fit poorly.
Pegging Point E: Cross-peg all doorways and openings (see Diagram 10).

Cross -Pegging: All zipped openings should be cross-pegged. This creates tension in adjacent panels and also reduces stress on zips. Points that should be cross-pegged are pre-stitched at an angle. (see Diagram 11 for referenc e)
Pegging Point F: Peg all remaining pegging points. The pegging points have a range of possible pegging options. Select a point that puts the awning under tension but without over-stressing. Ensure the overall shape of the awning is sitting square to the vehicle and that all panels are correctly tensioned.
Once satisfied check the AirPoles are inflated sufficiently (9 psi) and, if necessary, add more air. Once you are happy with the pressure replace the inflation valve cap until it is tight to prevent leaking.


Quick pitch guying system: (see Diagram 13a/13b) Corner straps should be pegged at 45°degree from the corner seams. Any straps along the front panel(s) should be pegged at 90° degrees in relation to the panel. First, release the straps to their maximum length. Peg the loop ensuring tension along the bottom webbing strap. Tighten by pulling the straps through the buckles. Do not over- tension as this can distort the shape of the awning.

DO NOT allow children to play around your awning. Guylines are a trip hazard.


The awning comes complete with general-purpose pegs. These will be suitable for many sites but there will be some instances where different pegs will be necessary. Your dealer will stock a range of pegs suitable for different types of ground. For maximum effectiveness, pegs should be driven into the ground at a 45° angle away from the pegging point (see Diagram).

CAUTION: Pegs can be sharp. Do not allow children to play around the awning and ensure that suitable protective footwear is worn.

Connection Tunnel Tensioning

The roof of the tunnel of the awning should be as taut as possible in order to minimize any pooling of water. The roof can be adjusted using the tensioning straps attached to either side of the tunnel (see Diagram 11). The rear tunnel is designed to universally fit vehicles and will fit some vehicles better than others.


Fit the curtains (see Diagram 15). Check curtain size/shape against window size/shape before fitting.

Storm Tie-Down Kit (optional)

The QuickPitch straps/guy lines should be utilized at all times. However, for extra security an optional Storm Tie-Down Kit is available (see Diagram 14a/14b). Ensure that the storm strap is pegged under tension but not so that it distorts the shape of the awning. The tie-downs should always be used in pairs.


To pack away the awning:

  1. Inspect the awning to ensure that all the interior isolation valves are open (these usually remain open and do not normally need to be adjusted) (see Diagram 17).

  2. Close all doors and openings.

  3. Close all window blinds or remove curtains.

  4. Unpeg any Quickpitch straps/guy lines and, if fitted, the tie-down kit.

  5. Unpeg all pegging points but keep the four corners in place.

  6. Open all external deflation valves (2). The awning will start to deflate. Wait until most of the air has been expelled.

  7. Unpeg the four corners and slide the awning out of the awning rail.
    Note: If fitted to a roll-out awning this may need to be unwound slightly. Please ensure that the roll-out awning mechanism is supported during this process.

  8. Using two people, hold the awning at the tie-down attachment points and lay the awning down on the ground so that the outside of the roof is on the ground and the front windows are upwards on top of the roof. Protect the awning from dirt and damage. Fold each end inwards to create a rectangle. Roll the awning towards the deflation valves to expel more air and then roll to fit in the carry bag. Please refer to the Diagram 17 sequence for guidance.

  9. Ensure that the awning is totally dry before storing it in a cool, dry, dark space: if possible opened out.


The main seams of Pro awnings have been factory taped to help prevent leakage. Depending upon your expectations, it may be necessary to treat the remaining seams with a seam sealant. Seam sealant should also be applied to areas where the tape is damaged or has peeled away through wear and tear. It can also be applied to areas where a leak may have developed. Dometic seam sealant is available from your dealer.
All-Season awnings are sewn with a special waterproof thread to help to prevent leakage. This thread swells when wet to fill the needle holes but the thread needs to become wet several times before it is totally effective. This process is known as ‘weathering’ and it may take several soakings for the weathering to be fully effective. This area can also be treated with seam sealant.

UV Degradation

Awning fabrics can be weakened by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Dometic awning fabric is treated to protect it from UV. Under normal holiday use, your awning will give long service but use for extended periods in strong sunlight will soon cause fading and may lead to deterioration. In those cases, it would be wise to use a site as shaded as possible. UV degradation is not covered under the warranty. The warranty does not cover awnings used on permanent or semi-permanent sites, displays, or commercial


Under certain conditions, awnings will be affected by condensation inside. Please refer to the section at the beginning of the manual for more information about condensation. Condensation and its effects are not covered under the warranty.



Dometic uses a high-quality window material designed to give the clearest view out. Due to environmental regulations, the composition of the window material means that there may be some impressions in the window, particularly after storage and folding and these may be present from new. These are not faults. We suggest, particularly in cold conditions and certainly in subzero temperatures, that the awning/panels containing the windows are thoroughly warmed up before set up. Do not let snow build-up against

In the event of a Puncture

If you suspect a puncture follow the following procedure:
Inflate the awning and close all interior isolation valves (see Diagram 16). Wait for a while and then check each AirPole for pressure. If there is reduced pressure in any AirPole check the connecting hoses to make sure that the collars are done up tightly on the isolation valves. If you still suspect a leak it will be necessary to investigate the individual role. If tightening the valve collars does not solve the problem then the AirPole may be punctured.

How to Repair or Replace an AirPole


  1.  Unzip the outer sleeve holding the role.
  2. Undo the collar and slide down the conical split washer on the affected side of the isolation valve. There may be multiple valves per AirPole. You should now be able to remove the AirPole (keep the collar and washer safe).
  3. Unzip the protective sleeve of the AirPole to expose the bladder (inner tube).
  4. Locate the puncture. This is made easier if you blow some air into the tube. For small holes, it may be necessary to submerge the bladder in water.
  5. Once the puncture has been located the bladder can be repaired using repair tape. We recommend the product Dometic Awning & Tent Repair Tape. – The repair can be enhanced by using a combination of Repair Tape and Repair Solution, which is a flexible adhesive. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to repair. – Another alternative is to replace the tube. Spares are available from your dealer.
  6. assemble the AirPole, zip back into the sleeve, and reconnect the hoses to the isolation valves.


Awnings are best stored opened out. Air fully and ensure it is totally dry before packing away. Store in a well-ventilated dry place. A wet/damp awning will develop mildew surprisingly quickly. Mildew can also form when an awning is left up for long periods of time with poor ventilation.
Dirty awnings can be washed using clean water and a soft brush. Do not scrub and never use detergents. If this does not clean the awning, we recommend the use of a Dometic Awning and Tent Cleaner. This cleaner, available as a 1 Litre spray and in 1L Eco-Pouch Concentrated Refills, is ideal for use on Dometic awnings and tents and will thoroughly clean and help prevent damage to our synthetic or our cotton materials.
As a precaution, we would always recommend that the awning is re-coated with our Dometic Waterproofer, available as a spray or liquid, as this will provide an added layer of water and UV resistance.
If not using Dometic cleaning and re-proofing products, it is always best to first test the cleaning product on a part of the awning you cannot see in case of any adverse effects the cleaner may cause.
Bird lime and tree sap should be removed as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage to the material.
The AirPods do not need any maintenance but should be protected from damage during storage. Has any damage been repaired at the first opportunity?
Zips should be treated with care, use two hands to close and open and never tread on them. Never force a zip.
We strongly recommend that you carry a comprehensive spares kit including Dometic waterproof spray, Dometic seam sealer, and Dometic repair tape.
Repairs should only be made by a company authorized by Dometic or your supplying dealer. Repairs and alterations made by an unauthorized company may invalidate your guarantee.


Dometic AIR awnings are covered by a comprehensive guarantee and we offer an excellent aftersales service that can be accessed through your supplying dealer. AirFrame – 2 years / Other components – 1 year
The guarantee covers manufacturing faults, materials, and parts. The guarantee does not cover fading and UV degradation, misuse, accidental damage, storm damage, permanent, semi-permanent, or commercial use. It does not cover consequential losses. Please contact your supplying dealer to make a claim. This does not affect your statutory rights.





Difficulty in pumping up the awning.| 1. The inflation valve is not fully screwed into the AirPole.
2. The deflation valves are open. Close.
3. Check the pump is working.
Part of the awning does not inflate| The isolation valves that connect the AirPods may not be open. Open all internal isolation valves and the air will flow into all the AirPods. Do not close the valves during normal use.
Part of the awning does not deflate| An isolation valve may have been closed. Locate and open.
The roles are kinked| Add more air (9 psi/0.62 bar).
If you suspect an air leak| 1. Check that the inflation valve is properly closed and that the black O-ring seal is in place.
2. Check that the top cap on the inflation valve is done up tightly
3. Check that all the deflation valves are closed
If you still suspect an air leak| Close the isolation valves in the awning. Wait for a while and then check each AirPolefor pressure. If there is reduced pressure in any AirPole check the connecting hoses to make sure that the isolation valves are done up tightly and are properly seated. If you still suspect a leak it will be necessary to investigate the individual role. SeetheAirPolerepairing and changing section of this manual.
If you think your awning has a water leak| Most suspected leakage is actually condensation (see condensation section of this manual). This forms on the inside of the awning fabric. Try to increase the ventilation by opening doors. Awaterproofgroundsheetwill help stop moisture from the ground causing condensation. The fabric used to make this awning has a massive hydrostatic head, so it is extremely unlikely that it would leak.
If your awning has a water leak at specific points/areas| The main seams of this awning have been factory taped to help prevent leakage. Depending upon your expectations, it may be necessary to treat the remaining seams with a seam sealant. Seam sealant should also be applied to areas where the taping

is damaged or has peeled away through wear and tear. It can also be applied to areas where a leak may have developed. Dometic seam sealant is available from your dealer.

If you think your awning has a water leak at the beading that attaches to the vehicle| It is not possible to hot air tape the join between the awning and the keder beading. Thereforeweusea a special waterproof sewing thread. This thread swells when wet to fill the needle holes but the thread needs to become wet several times before it is totally effective. This is known as ‘weathering:


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