ReSound Cochlear Nucleus 6 Sound Processor User Manual

June 6, 2024

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ReSound Cochlear Nucleus 6 Sound Processor

ReSound Cochlear Nucleus 6 Sound Processor

Microphone Pairing

Before You Begin:
The Cochlear™ Nucleus® 6 (CP900 Series) Sound Processor may require a simple software update before it can pair to a wireless accessory. In addition, the CR230 Remote Assistant will not be able to monitor or control wireless streaming without a software update.
Confirm the CP900 Series Sound Processor and CR230 Remote Assistant (if applicable) has been connected to Cochlear™ Custom Sound® 4.2 or later (Custom Sound 4.3 was introduced in October 2015. All devices shipped after this date already have the latest software.)
Ensure microphone is fully charged, Nucleus 6 Sound Processor has a fresh or recharged battery, and the hearing aid has a new battery. You may experience connectivity issues if battery power is low.

  1.  Turn off ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.
    Microphone Pairing 01

  2. Turn on microphone.
    Microphone Pairing 02

  3. Locate and press the pairing button on back of the microphone by the clip. Press number of times (1, 2, or 3) for channel allocation.
    Microphone Pairing 03

  4. Turn on ReSound Hearing Aid. The hearing aid pairing is successful when the yellow flashing light on the microphone turns solid.
    Microphone Pairing 04

  5. The yellow light will go back to flashing when ready for the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing.
    Microphone Pairing 05

  6. Turn on Nucleus 6 Sound Processor by connecting the battery and confirm successful pairing. The Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing is successful when the light on the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor flashes blue.
    Microphone Pairing 06

Microphone Streaming

  1. Turn on ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.
    Microphone Streaming 01

  2. Turn on microphone.
    Microphone Streaming 02

  3. Nucleus 6 Sound Processor
    Choose from one of the 4 options below to start streaming.
    Nucleus 6 Sound Processor
    Press and hold the upper button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.

CR210 Remote Control
Press and hold the Telecoil button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.

CR230 Remote Assistant
Press and hold the Telecoil button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
Microphone Streaming 05
CR230 Remote Assistant
Click right arrow until you get to “Stream Screen”, scroll down to desired streaming device, and select okay.
Microphone Streaming 06

  1. ReSound Hearing Aid
    Choose from one of the 5 options below to start streaming.
    ReSound Hearing Aid
    Press and hold the push button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    Microphone Streaming 07
    ReSound Unite Remote Control 2
    Press the Streaming button. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    Microphone Streaming 08
    ReSound Smart App
    From home screen, swipe right, and select desired accessory.
    iPhone® Triple Click

    Press home button 3 times, scroll to bottom of screen, and select desired accessory.
    ReSound Control App**
    Select menu item in upper right corner, select desired accessory.
  • Only for MFi enabled devices
    ** Must have Phone Clip paired to hearing aid and phone.
Microphone FAQs

Q: How far from the microphone can I hear the sound?
A: You should be able to hear the streamed signal over 80 feet (25 meters) from the microphone in ideal, clear line of sight in situations where the microphone is facing the hearing devices. If the sound does not come through clearly, you may have to move closer to the microphone. Range varies depending on the environment.

Q: How do I stop streaming through the microphone?
A: Short-press the upper button on the Nucleus Sound Processor or the push button on the hearing aid. This will stop streaming on the side pressed. Depending on your processor type, you can also use the Cochlear™ Nucleus CR210 and CR230 Remotes to stop streaming. Details are provided in the User Guides for each system.

Q: How many hearing devices can the microphone be paired with?
A: The microphone can be paired with as many hearing devices as you need. For example, in a classroom setting one microphone worn by the teacher could be paired to each compatible sound processor worn by members of the class.

Q: What happens if I get a phone call via my Wireless Phone Clip while I am using my microphone?
A: If you are using the microphone and a phone call is initiated, then the streaming of the microphone will be paused while the call is taking place. When you have ended your phone call, streaming of the microphone will resume.

Q: What causes a break in connection between the microphone and the hearing devices?

  1. The microphone and hearing devices are not within wireless range: Ensure that the microphone and hearing devices are within wireless range.
  2. The battery in the sound processor or hearing aid is depleted so that it no longer supports audio streaming. Replace the battery with a new one.
  3. If the microphone battery is depleted, charge the microphone for a minimum of 3 hours.

Q: How many microphones can I have connected to my hearing devices?
A: Your sound processor(s) can be paired with up to three “shareable” Wireless Accessories (microphone and TV Streamer) and one Phone Clip, making a total of four Wireless Accessories. The Nucleus CR210 and CR230 Remotes do not impact the number of Wireless Accessories you can pair.


Q: Where should I place the microphone?
A: Clip your microphone on the speaker’s sweater, jacket or other clothing within a range of 4 – 8 inches (10-20 cm) from the speaker’s mouth.

Q: Do volume adjustments on an auxiliary sound source affect the volume in my hearing devices?
A: Yes. Always try to adjust the volume on the auxiliary device to a comfortable level to minimize unwanted external noise. There is also a volume control on the side of the microphone.

Q: How do I adjust the volume on the microphone?
A: Adjusting the listening volume can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Keep in mind that volume adjustments apply to the streamed signal only, not the volume of normal environmental sounds.

  1. Use the “+” and “-” keys on the microphone to adjust volume to a comfortable level. Make sure that your hearing devices are comfortably adjusted before you change the settings with the volume control. When turned ON the microphone automatically starts at the volume level it was last used. The line-in volume level will default to a pre-set level on power up.

Q: Can I use the microphone as a table microphone?
A: The ReSound Micro Mic and Cochlear Mini Microphone 2 have been optimized for person-to-person communication, where the microphone user speaks into the microphone. The ReSound Multi Mic and Cochlear Mini Microphone 2+ have an omni microphone mode that is optimized for table or conference microphone use. When a table or conference microphone mode is desired, use either of these microphones.

Microphone Troubleshooting


| Cause|

Possible Remedy

Sound from the microphone isn’t clear.| This could be because the hearing devices are out of range of the microphone or the cable connecting the microphone to the auxiliary source may not be inserted properly.
The microphone may be too close to other electrical devices such as a DVD player or stereo receiver causing interference.| A) Try shortening the distance between the hearing devices and the microphone.
B)  Check to make sure that it is not sitting on top of an electrical device.
C)  Ensure all cables are plugged in appropriately.
Streaming signal disappears.| The hearing devices are out of range of the microphone. Try shortening the distance between the hearing devices and the microphone.| A) You can be over 80 feet (25 meters) away from the microphones depending on the physical environment. If you get out of this range and return to range within 5 minutes the hearing devices will reconnect themselves.
B)  If you get out of range and don’t return within 5 minutes simply start streaming again using one of the methods described in this brochure.
The cable connecting the ReSound Multi Mic or Cochlear Mini Microphone 2+ to the audio source is not inserted completely into the ReSound Multi Mic or Cochlear Mini Microphone 2+.| Insert the cable completely.

Phone Clip Pairing

Before You Begin:
Sequence of Pairing MUST occur in this order:

  1. Hearing aid & Nucleus 6 Sound Processor to Phone Clip
  2. Phone Clip to Phone
  3. and then if hearing aid is MFi direct, hearing aid to phone (to use phone as a remote for hearing aid).

Ensure that hearing devices are programmed for right and left ears for bimodal use (e.g. two devices programmed for the same ear will not pair to Phone Clip).
Ensure Phone Clip is fully charged, Nucleus 6 Sound Processor has a fresh or recharged battery, and the hearing aid has new battery. You may experience connectivity issues if battery power is low.

  1.  Turn off ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.
    Phone Clip Pairing 01

  2. Turn on Phone Clip and remove silver cap.
    Phone Clip Pairing 02

  3. Press the white pairing button on Phone Clip.
    Phone Clip Pairing 03

  4. Turn on ReSound Hearing Aid. The hearing aid pairing is successful when the yellow flashing light on the Phone Clip turns solid.
    Phone Clip Pairing 04

  5. The yellow light will go back to flashing when ready for the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing.
    Phone Clip Pairing 05

  6. Turn on Nucleus 6 Sound Processor by connecting the battery and confirm successful pairing. The Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing is successful when the light on the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor flashes blue.
    Phone Clip Pairing 06

Phone Clip Pairing with Mobile Phone

  1. Turn on Phone Clip and remove silver cap.
    Phone Clip Pairing with Mobile Phone 01

  2. Press blue Bluetooth pairing button on Phone Clip.
    Phone Clip Pairing with Mobile Phone 02

  3. Turn on mobile phone’s Bluetooth® function and search for new Bluetooth® devices. Select “Hearing Aid Phone” from the list.

Phone Clip Streaming


Streaming is initiated automatically through the Bluetooth® paired device (e.g. mobile phone)· The phone clip will automatically engage hearing devices when Bluetooth® paired device sends a Bluetooth® signal.

Phone Clip FAQs


Q: Can the Phone Clip be used bimodally (a Nucleus 6 Sound Processor and a ReSound Hearing Aid)?
A: Yes, Cochlear Nucleus 6 Sound Processors will work bimodally with the Phone Clip and compatible ReSound wireless hearing aids. The key is to make sure both devices are paired in the same 20 second window and that the hearing aid is paired first.

Q: Will the Wireless Phone Clip allow for voice dialing?
A: Yes – voice dialing is possible if this feature is available and configured in your mobile phone.
If voice dialing is configured in your mobile phone, voice dialing can be activated by holding the call pick-up/hang-up button for 2 seconds.

Q: How do I accept a mobile phone call?
A: When a call is received on your mobile phone, the Bluetooth® indicator will flash and you will hear the ringing tone in your hearing devices. You can accept the call in two ways:

  1. To accept the incoming call, push the call pick-up/hang-up button once on your Phone Clip. If you are wearing a Nucleus 6 Sound Processor and a hearing aid, the caller’s voice will be streamed to both of them.
  2. You can also accept calls by pressing the accept button on your mobile phone.

Q: How do I reject a phone call?
A: To reject incoming calls double-click the call pick-up/hang-up button on the Phone Clip.
You can also reject calls by pressing the reject button on your mobile phone.

Q: How do I end a phone call?
A: To end a call via your Phone Clip, push the call pick-up/hang-up button once. The call will terminate and your hearing devices will return to the last used program.
You can also end calls by pressing the appropriate button on your mobile phone.

Q: How do I make a call?
A: Initiating a phone call is not any different with or without Phone Clip: simply use the mobile phone keypad to enter or select the number to dial. If connected, the phone streaming mode will be activated automatically and you will hear the ring tones in the hearing devices.

Q: Can I talk on my landline phone without needing to pick up the phone receiver?
A: Yes, you can buy a Bluetooth® landline phone adapter, which sends the signal from the phone to the Phone Clip and then to the hearing devices. There is no need to pick up the phone receiver.

Q: If I’m listening to music from my phone, will I miss phone calls?
A: No, any incoming phone calls will override the audio stream. The music stream pauses and you will hear the ringing through your sound processor.

Q: How do I un-pair a Wireless Phone Clip from my processor?
A: You cannot un-pair a Wireless Accessory from your processor; you can only pair over the existing accessory with a new one. Re-pairing or pairing with a new processor will cause any previously paired processor to be dropped.

Q: Why don’t my phone and the Wireless Phone Clip re-connect after I lose connection (like when I go to a meeting or leave the house without my phone)?
A: Apart from the phone having to be set up for automatic re-connect; the Phone Clip also takes an active role here. Since it will consume power for the Phone Clip to keep searching for a phone that is out of range, a search algorithm has been created. This is a standard algorithm used in consumer electronics to conserve battery power. After a period of time, the Phone Clip decreases the frequency of its search for the phone to connect with and eventually stops searching altogether. In most cases, turning off and on the Phone Clip should allow for the reconnection to occur. In some cases, a manual reconnection using the phone interface is required.


Q: How do I adjust the volume?
A: Your Phone Clip has an easy to operate volume control (+ and – button) on the side for increasing or decreasing the volume of the streamed signal. Depending on the phone, you can also utilize the volume control in your mobile phone.

Q: What is the range of the volume setting on the Phone Clip?
A: The Wireless Phone Clip has a total volume range from –9 dB to +12 dB in 3 dB increments (7 incremental steps total). When paired and connected to a Bluetooth® device, the Phone Clip mirrors the volume setting of that device so a default setting is not applicable.

Q: What does the mute button do?
A: This feature is not available for Cochlear™ Nucleus® recipients at this time.

Q: What does the “P” button do?
A: This feature is not available for Cochlear Nucleus® recipients at this time.

Phone Clip Troubleshooting


| Cause|

Possible Remedy

I follow the pairing steps for a bimodal set up but can only hear streaming in one ear.| If the hearing aid and processor are not paired sequentially in the same pairing window, then only the last device paired to the Phone Clip will stream.| Repair your devices in the proper sequence; hearing aid first, then Cochlear device.
Phone doesn’t work with the Phone Clip after pairing.| The Phone Clip is powered off.| Power on the Phone Clip.
The Phone Clip and mobile phone have not been paired.| Go through Bluetooth® pairing process and establish a Bluetooth® connection between the Phone Clip and the mobile phone.
The Bluetooth® connection between the Phone Clip and the mobile phone is lost.| Ensure that Bluetooth® is enabled in the mobile phone and establish a connection between the Phone Clip and mobile phone again.
Break in connection.| The Phone Clip is not within wireless range of the sound processor or hearing aid.| Ensure the Phone Clip and hearing devices are within wireless range.
The batteries in the phone clip or hearing devices may be depleted and no longer support audio streaming.| Recharge or replace batteries as needed.
Can’t hear ring tone when someone is calling.| The Phone Clip may be out of the hearing devices range.| Try to move the Phone Clip closer to the hearing devices.
Callers can’t hear me speak.| Phone Clip may not be positioned optimally.| Be sure the Phone Clip is placed vertically, keeping it 4-12 inches (10-30cm) from your mouth. Do not place the Phone Clip under clothing or let it rub against your clothing during calls.
Incoming calls being transferred to my hearing devices without my acceptance.| If “auto answer” feature is supported by the mobile phone and has been turned on this enables you to receive calls without having to touch either phone or the Phone Clip.| Turn “auto answer” feature off.
Hearing devices switch to streaming mode when I browse through the phone menu, type messages, etc.| On some Bluetooth® phones, all alarms, notifications and signals are being sent to the connected Bluetooth® device.| This can be turned off by setting the phone in “silent” mode so pressing buttons or receiving messages does not generate sounds in the phone. Refer to the phone’s user manual to turn off notifications.
Certain apps on the phone will cause the phone to send a “pinging” signal to the Phone Clip when using the smart phone for things other than talking or listening to music.| It may be necessary to close all apps and do a “soft reset” on your phone.
If the above options still do not solve the issue, turn off the personal alarms on the sound processor using the Remote Assistant. This will turn off all alarms and notification beeps from the processor.
Cannot see the Wireless Phone Clip on the list of accessories in the “Stream” screen on the Nucleus CR230 Remote Assistant.| The Phone Clip has its own automatic channel separate from the other Wireless Accessories and therefore will not be seen on the CR230 Remote.| When streaming from the Phone Clip, the CR230 will show a Bluetooth® symbol in the streaming screen.

TV Streamer Pairing

Before You Begin:
Ensure your Nucleus 6 Sound Processor has a fresh or recharged battery, and hearing aid has a new battery. You may experience connectivity issues if battery power is low.

  1.  Plug power cable into TV Streamer, and plug into wall outlet.
    TV Streamer Pairing 01

  2. Turn off ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.
    TV Streamer Pairing 02

  3. Press pairing button on TV Streamer. Press number of times (1, 2, or 3) for channel allocation.
    TV Streamer Pairing 03

  4. Turn on ReSound Hearing Aid. The hearing aid pairing is successful when the yellow flashing light on the TV Streamer turns solid.
    TV Streamer Pairing 04

  5. The yellow light will go back to flashing when ready for the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing.
    TV Streamer Pairing 05

  6. Turn on Nucleus 6 Sound Processor by connecting the battery and confirm successful pairing. The Nucleus 6 Sound Processor pairing is successful when the light on the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor flashes blue.
    TV Streamer Pairing 06

TV Streamer Streaming

  1. Turn on ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.
    TV Streamer Streaming 01

  2. Connect audio cable from TV Streamer to Audio OUT on TV.
    TV Streamer Streaming 02

  3. Nucleus 6 Sound Processor
    Choose from one of the 4 options below to start streaming.
    Nucleus 6 Sound Processor
    Press and hold the upper button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    TV Streamer Streaming 03
    CR210 Remote Control
    Press and hold the Telecoil button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    TV Streamer Streaming 04
    CR230 Remote Assistant
    Press and hold the Telecoil button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    TV Streamer Streaming 05
    CR230 Remote Assistant
    Click right arrow until you get to “Stream Screen”, scroll down to desired streaming device, and select okay.
    TV Streamer Streaming 06

  4. ReSound Hearing Aid
    Choose from one of the 5 options below to start streaming.
    ReSound Hearing Aid
    Press and hold the push button for 3 seconds. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    TV Streamer Streaming 07
    ReSound Unite Remote Control 2
    Press the Streaming button. Repeat to correspond to channel.
    TV Streamer Streaming 08
    ReSound Smart App
    From home screen, swipe right, and select desired accessory.
    iPhone® Triple Click

    Press home button 3 times, scroll to bottom of screen, and select desired accessory.
    ReSound Control App**
    Select menu item in upper right corner, select desired accessory.

  • Only for MFi enabled devices
    ** Must have Phone Clip paired to hearing aid and phone.

TV Streamer FAQs


Q: How many Wireless TV Streamers can I pair my processor to?
A: Your sound processor can be paired to up to three sharable Wireless Accessories (microphones and TV Streamer) and one Phone Clip, for a total of four Wireless Accessories. The Nucleus CR210 and CR230 Remotes do not impact the number of Wireless Accessories with which you can pair.

Q: Which audio devices can be connected to the Wireless TV Streamer?
A: Any device with audio output and compatible connection jacks can be connected. For example, you can connect your TV, stereo and computer with the Wireless TV Streamer.

Q: How many hearing devices can the Wireless TV Streamer be paired with?
A: As many hearing devices as needed can be paired to a TV Streamer. For example, multiple family members can all pair to the same TV Streamer.

Q: Where should I place the Wireless TV Streamer?
A: You can place the TV Streamer next to the TV or anywhere that allows the TV Streamer to be in line of sight when streaming i.e. do not block the TV Streamer with objects. Do not place on top of other electrical objects as this may cause interference.

Q: How far from the Wireless TV Streamer can I hear the sound?
A: You should be able to hear the streamed signal clearly up to 23 feet (7 meters) from the TV Streamer. If the sound does not come through clearly, you may have to move closer to the TV Streamer.

Q: How do I connect the Wireless TV Streamer to the TV, stereo and computer?
A: Set up instructions are included with the TV Streamer. The basic premise is to connect the TV Streamer to the “audio out” jack on the audio device. Due to the large variation in audio devices globally, it is impossible to provide exact instructions for each type. For some devices there may be additional cables needed for connecting. Consult your local TV or audio technician if you experience difficulty getting the TV Streamer set up.

Q: My TV does not have RCA (red and white) audio out jacks; does that mean I can’t use my TV Streamer?
A: Many newer TVs do not have the RCA audio out jacks but do have an optical audio out jack. This jack requires an additional optical (Toslink) cable to connect. The TV streamer comes with an Optical (Toslink) and RCA cable included.

Q: How do I stop streaming?

  1. Short-press the upper button on the Nucleus Sound Processor or the push button on the hearing aid. This will cancel streaming on the side pressed.
  2. Nucleus recipients can use the CR230 or CR210 Remotes to start and stop streaming. Instructions for this method are included with the product.

Q: If the streamed signal disappears how do I reconnect?
A: If the streamed signal disappears it can be due to:

  1. The hearing devices are out of range of the Wireless TV Streamer. Try shortening the distance between the hearing devices and the Wireless TV Streamer.
    • You can be up to 23 feet (7 meters) away from the Wireless TV Streamer. If you get out of this range and return to range within five minutes the hearing devices will reconnect themselves.
    • If you get out of range and don’t return within five minutes you can simply connect the hearing devices following the instructions presented earlier in this guide.
  2. The cable connecting the Wireless TV Streamer to the audio source is not inserted completely into the Wireless TV Streamer. Ensure that all cables are plugged in and the power is on.

Q: My TV system uses Dolby Digital, is this supported by the Wireless TV Streamer?
A: The TV Streamer supports the most common Dolby Digital formats; however, the following are not supported: Dolby Digital Plus (requiring an HDMI interface), Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital Surround EX and AAC Advanced Audio Codec.


Q: Does the volume on the sound source also affect the volume in my hearing devices?
A: Normally, it does not. To adjust the streamed sound from the TV, stereo or computer you can use the volume control on the top of the TV Streamer. If the Wireless TV Streamer is connected to the headphone jack on the TV, stereo or computer, volume adjustments on the sound source may also adjust the volume in the hearing devices.

Q: How do I adjust the volume?
A: Adjusting the listening volume can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Keep in mind that volume adjustments apply to the streamed signal only, not the volume of normal environmental sounds.

  1. Use the “+” and “-” keys on the Wireless TV Streamer to adjust volume to a comfortable level. In most cases this adjustment should only be made one time, as the Wireless TV Streamer is intended as a “set and forget” type of device.
  2. Depending on the audio device set up, volume can be further adjusted at the signal source, for example by turning the TV itself down. In many cases this will adjust the volume of both streamed audio (transmitted wirelessly to your hearing devices) and non-streamed audio (sounds reaching the sound processor microphones in the normal fashion). Of course, this will also affect listening volume for others in the room.

Q: Can I hear others while watching TV?
A: Depending on the mixing ratio of your sound processor microphones and the streamed audio, you can carry on a conversation while watching TV if you choose.

Q: What is the range of the volume setting on the TV Streamer?
A: The Wireless TV Streamer has a total volume range from -24 dB to +18 dB in 3 dB increments (14 incremental steps total). The default setting is 0 dB, meaning the sound signal is transmitted to the processors without any additional amplification. To return to default – press volume up 14 times (to ensure at maximum volume), then press volume down 6 times.

TV Streamer Troubleshooting.


| Cause|

Possible Remedy

Sound isn’t clear.| The hearing devices are out of range of the Wireless TV Streamer.| Try shortening the distance between the hearing devices and the Wireless TV Streamer.
The cable connecting the Wireless TV Streamer to the TV, stereo, computer or other audio sources is not inserted completely into the Wireless TV Streamer.| Ensure that all cables are plugged in and the power is on.
The connecting cable to the audio source is not connected to the correct output.| Review the Instructions for Use and contact your local technician if unable to connect.
The Wireless TV Streamer may not be positioned vertically for optimal streaming.| Check to make sure the TV Streamer is positioned in a vertical manner and not lying flat.
The Wireless TV Streamer may be too close to other electrical devices such as a DVD player or stereo receiver.| Check to make sure that it is not sitting on top of an electrical device.
There seems to be an echo when I listen through the TV Streamer.| Very rarely there can be misalignment between the TV speakers and your sound processor (echo) , or between the streamed audio and the TV pictures (lip- sync problem). This usually happens with more complex entertainment systems and set-top boxes where the TV Streamer is not connected directly to the TV.| The streaming delay from the TV Streamer can be adjusted by following the instructions that came packaged in the TV Streamer box.
I’ve paired to my TV Streamer and the yellow activity light is on but I don’t hear any sound. When I start streaming, I hear the 3 tone chime and then about 10 seconds later, it beeps once and there is never any audio through my sound processor/hearing aid.| The beeps indicate that the sound processor is attempting to connect to the TV Streamer but there is no audio being sent so after 10 seconds the processor will “time out” and return to previous program.| Ensure you are selecting the right channel on your processor to stream from the TV Streamer (channel 1, 2 or 3).
Review the set up steps and ensure that the TV Streamer is properly connected to audio OUT jacks.
The streaming button on the CR230 or CR210 is pressed but with no effect at all.| The TV Streamer and hearing instruments have not been paired.| Carry out pairing process.
The Remote Control and hearing instruments are not within wireless range.| Ensure that wireless accessory and hearing instruments are within wireless range and activate streaming again.
The upper button on the Nucleus Sound Processor or the push button on the hearing aid has been pressed for more than 3 seconds but with no effect at all.| The TV Streamer and hearing instrument have not been paired.| Carry out pairing process.
There is no sound in the hearing instruments although it is in the streaming program.| The TV Streamer and hearing instruments are not within wireless range.| Ensure that the TV Streamer and hearing instruments are within wireless range.
| The TV might have been powered off or the sound from the TV has been muted.| Power on or unmute the TV.
The sound from the TV Streamer is distorted.| The audio input level from the TV is too high.| Adjust the volume using the volume button on the TV Streamer until the sound is no longer distorted.
The volume level from the TV Streamer is very low.| The audio input level from the TV is too low.| Adjust the volume using the “+” and “-” keys on the TV Streamer until the sound is sufficiently loud.
The sound from the TV Streamer is distorted or drop-outs occur from time to time.| The TV Streamer and hearing instruments are on the edge of the wireless range.| Move a little closer to the TV Streamer.
| The TV Streamer and hearing instruments are not within sufficient “line-of- sight”.| Ensure that the TV Streamer is placed in an adequate position and that you are within normal reach without any significant obstacles obstructing the TV Streamer.
The sound from the TV Streamer is not synchronized with the TV picture.| Your TV is not able to synchronize the sound from the selected audio outputs and the picture.| If possible, try using another audio output from your TV. Alternatively, follow the instructions in the “adjustable delay mode” section of this user guide. If this does not help, contact your TV dealer. The TV Streamer 2 audio streaming has almost no latency and does not contribute itself to any lip sync error.
The sound from the TV Streamer is not synchronized with the sound from the TV loudspeakers.| Your TV is not able to synchronize the sound from the selected audio outputs with the sound from the TV loudspeakers.| If possible, try using another audio output from your TV. Alternatively, follow the instructions in the “Adjustable delay mode” section of this user guide. If this does not help, contact your TV dealer. The TV Streamer audio streaming has almost no latency and does not contribute itself to any echo effects.
The volume from the hearing instruments is either too low or too high.| The audio input level is not suitable for listening.| Adjust the volume using the “+” and “-” keys on the TV Streamer until the sound is suitable. Alternatively, use the “+” and “-” keys on the Remote Control (optional) for this operation.
A sound processor unintentionally drops out of the streaming program.| The TV Streamer and hearing devices have been out of wireless range for more than 5 minutes. The battery in the hearing instrument is so depleted that it no longer supports audio streaming.| Ensure that TV Streamer and hearing devices are within wireless range and activate streaming again. Replace the battery in the hearing instrument with a new one.

CR230 or CR210 Remote


Q: Does the Cochlear™ Nucleus® CR230 or CR210 Remote also control a ReSound Hearing Aid?
A: No the Cochlear™ Nucleus® Remote Control is unique to the cochlear implant system; separate remote controls are required for a ReSound Hearing Aid and a Nucleus 6 Sound Processor.

Q: What shows on the CR230 screen when pairing the Wireless Accessories?
A: The CR230 Remote Assistant only shows active streaming and standby modes but does not display pairing information. You can, however, confirm that a microphone or TV Streamer has been paired using the CR230 stream screen.

CR230 or CR210 Remote Troubleshooting


| Cause|

Possible Remedy

CR230 Remote Assistant does not work with the Wireless Accessories.| It is likely that the firmware on the CR230 Remote is not updated.| Update the firmware on your CR230 Remote. This requires a physical connection to the latest Custom Sound (4.2 or newer) by your clinician. You can however, still use the Wireless Accessories by using the processor buttons or the CR210 Remote Control.
Processor won’t pair with my CR230 Remote Assistant when I first turn it on.| It is likely that the firmware on the CR230 Remote is not updated.| Update the firmware on your CR230 Remote. It is recommended to always update both processor and remote at the same time.



Q: I have a new LiNX2 or ENZO2 hearing aid from ReSound and it is Made for iPhone® (MFi). How will this impact using Phone Clip and streaming?
A: For bimodal users, it is not recommended to use MFi streaming as this will stream only to the hearing aid side. In order to stream bimodally (to both Nucleus 6 Sound Processor and hearing aid) one must use the Phone Clip paired to the phone. Using the Phone Clip has the added benefit of hands free telephone use.

Q: I have a new LiNX2 or ENZO2 hearing aid from ReSound and it is Made for iPhone (MFi) and I want to use my iPhone® for the Smart app but don’t want use the audio streaming feature. How can I do this?
A: If you intend to stream audio via the Phone Clip, you must pair the Phone Clip bimodally according to instructions and then pair the Phone Clip to the iPhone.® Once this is completed you can pair your hearing aid to the iPhone® directly following the iPhone® instructions. Once you’ve paired your LiNX2 or ENZO2 to your iPhone,® you can go into the “Accessibility” settings and de- select “Stream to (right or left) hearing aid.” This means your hearing aid is connected to the iPhone® and you can use the Smart app but it will not stream phone calls, music or other audio to the hearing aid.
In general we do not recommend pairing directly to your iPhone with a bimodal fitting.

ReSound Unite Remote Control 2


Q: Does the ReSound Unite Remote Control 2 also control the Cochlear™ Nucleus® implants?
A: No, the ReSound Remote Control is unique to the ReSound hearing aid system; separate remote controls are required for a ReSound Hearing Aid and a Cochlear™ Nucleus® 6 Sound Processor.

ReSound Unite Remote Control 2 Troubleshooting


| Cause|

Possible Remedy

No information is shown in the display after it has been activated.| The Remote Control 2 and hearing instruments have not been paired.| Carry out the pairing process.
The pairing button on the Remote Control 2 is pressed but the “search” icon on the display does not become substituted by the status of the hearing instrument.| The Remote Control 2 and hearing instrument are not within wireless range.| Assure that Remote Control 2 and hearing instrument are within wireless range and repeat pairing process.
The Remote Control 2 and hearing instrument have not been simultaneously in pairing mode.| Repeat pairing process and assure that the battery doors on both hearing instruments are closed within 20 seconds after the pairing button has been pressed on the Remote Control 2.
The “search” icon on the Remote Control 2 display is displayed constantly.| The Remote Control 2 and hearing instrument are not within wireless range.| Assure that Remote Control 2 and hearing instrument are within wireless range.


Q: How do Cochlear™ products work with ReSound Hearing Aids?
A: ReSound wireless compatible hearing aids and Cochlear wireless compatible sound processors share a common 2.4 GHz platform. This allows wireless accessories to stream audio to a Cochlear Sound Processor fitted to one ear and a ReSound wireless compatible hearing aid fitted to the other ear. The same audio stream is directed simultaneously to both devices.

Q: What audio wireless accessories stream to both a ReSound Hearing Aid and a Cochlear device?
A: The TV Streamer, Phone Clip and microphones can stream to both a compatible ReSound Hearing Aid and Nucleus 6 Sound Processor. There are up to 3 channels available for the microphones and TV Streamers. The Phone Clip is an automatic streaming device and is made for single use.

Q: If I already have a ReSound wireless accessory (TV Streamer 2, Phone Clip+, Multi Mic or Micro Mic) do I need a Cochlear wireless accessory as well?
A: If you already have a ReSound wireless accessory, that accessory may work with a compatible Cochlear™ product. If you already have a Cochlear wireless accessory, that accessory will work with compatible ReSound Hearing Aids. A software upgrade may be required for Nucleus 6 Sound Processors to ensure compatibility.

Q: Can the Phone Clip from Cochlear or ReSound, stream phone calls to both devices?
A: Yes, the Phone Clip can be paired with both devices and thus streams phone calls to both. The important thing to note is the order of operation when pairing both devices. For Nucleus 6 Sound Processor users, the program button and mute button are not functional on the Phone Clip.

Q: Can the remote control from Cochlear or ReSound control both devices?
A: No, the remote controls will only work with their respective devices.

Q: How do you pair both a ReSound Hearing Aid and a Nucleus 6 Sound Processor to wireless accessories?
A: To pair to Nucleus 6 Sound Processor, follow the simple instructions that came with the accessory. Video tutorials can be located at:
NOTE: During the pairing process the ReSound Hearing Aid must be paired first followed by the Cochlear™ Nucleus® 6 Sound Processor.

Q: If there is a problem with a wireless accessory, which company should I contact?
A: If it is a Cochlear supplied and branded product, contact Cochlear Americas for support at 1 800 483 3123. If it is a Resound branded product, contact ReSound for support at 1 800 248 4327.

Q: If there is a problem programming a wireless accessory for a customer with both a Cochlear hearing device and a ReSound Hearing Aid, who should I call?
A: You should call Cochlear’s Support at 1 800 483 3123 to receive support on pairing issues to a Cochlear product.

Q: If I get a new or repaired Nucleus 6 Sound Processor, will I have to re- pair to my Wireless Accessory(s) with my new processor?
A: Yes. If you receive a new processor you will need to re-pair your wireless accessory(s). If you receive a repaired processor, you may need to re-pair depending on the work done.

Q: Am I able to use the Nucleus Monitor Earphones to check if my child’s accessory is working?
A: Yes, the Monitor Earphones can be used on the CP910 processor while streaming to listen to the audio input. (The CP920 does not support the use of the Monitor Earphones.)

Q: Does the Wind Noise Reduction (WNR) feature work when streaming through the Wireless Accessories?
A: Yes, WNR will operate on the processor microphone only, when wind noise is detected, to reduce any environmental wind noise. It will not operate on or affect the audio streaming through the wireless accessory. Note however that in this scenario the Wind icon will not show on the RA or be logged in data- logging. Note this operation (and indeed all mixing behavior with wireless accessories) is the same as when mixing another accessory or telecoil with the N6 processor.
Cochlear Americas
13059 East Peakview Avenue
Centennial, CO 80111 USA
Telephone: 1 303 790 9010
Support: 1 800 483 3123

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