BIASI APP Connect Kit WIFi Connection Device Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Instruction, installation, and use handbook

“APP Connect”

General Information

APP Connect” kit is a wit Connection device” that operates in the WLAN home network, allows controlling the ambient thermoregulation and the boiler’s operation, both locally and remotely, by means of a dedicated APP

This section contains both the instructions for the installation of “APP Connect Kit and the instructions for the configuration and use of the app to control the system remotely using a smartphone

The APP/device can control the systems equipped with this kit via the web; the same system can be controlled by means of several smartphones featuring the APP and duly set with it’s credentials


Carefully read the warmings included in this manual

  • APP Connect” kit is intended only for use for which it has been expressly designed, any other use is to be considered as improper and dangerous

  • the installation of the appliance must be performed ONLY by professionally qualified personnel operating in compliance with the national and local regulations in force, and with the indications included in this manual

  • The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by
    • Use contrary to the intended use or failure to follow the indications in the instruction manual and/or safety instructions;
    • Carelessness, accidents or normal wear,
    • Dtemal influences/agents (e.g.. damage caused by vibrations, excessive heat, water, humidity, acids….);
    • Use of unsuitable accessories
    • Loss of the settings made by means of the APP due to failed power supply, even temporary, of the WFC device

  • if necessary, contact expert personnel also during the installation and/or configuration of the APP or network connections

To ensure a correct operation of the appliance, installation must be performed exclusively indoors, in dry places far from strong electromagnetic fields.

  • The type of control that can be carried out by means of the APP Connect” kit is to be considered as temporary The programming and general control of the boiler is to be carried out by means of the Remote Control (or the boiler’s control panel, in special cases).

APP compatibility

  • Smartphones with Android 4.4 or higher
  • Not compatible with tablets or other devices other than Smartphones, even if equipped with the correct Android version
  • iPhone, iPad e iPod touch with i0S 8.0 or higher

All product names. logos. o beets oe property of their respective owners. Alf company prout a service nae up in the doCure are for identification pup0$ 00y


It is possible to clean only the device’s plastic coating Cleaning can be performed using a damp cloth It is forbidden to use abrasive or powder detergents

Kit composition

  • n° 1.”Module WFCOl” [WFi Control)
  • n° 1-Power supply unit
  • n° 4-Eyelets with screws for wall fixing
  • n° 2-Expansion plugs with screws for wall fixing

Required accessories
This device works only in combination with the original Remote Control Kit

Mechanical installation

Check that there is an adequate signal of the WLr network at the installation point of the Module WFCOl” and that there are no metal/conductive surfaces nearby since they may affect reception.

On DIN rail

The Connect Box can be installed on DIN roil, duly preset for easy hooking and release, pull the indicated black hook


Fit the plastic eyelets on the BOX body using screws, then fix the “Module WFCOl” to the wall using the expansion plugs. All the above-mentioned material is supplied with the kit

Electrical connections

with BOX not powered

  • connect 0TM terminals of the “Module WFCO]” to TA terminals of the boiler (see the Wiring Diagram in the boiler’s booklet],
  • connect 0TS/TA terminals of the “Module WFC9l” to OT no. 1-2 terminals of the Remote Control (see paragraph 1 of its booklet]


NTC| Not used The external temperature probe, if present, must be connected to the boiler’s board; the ambient temperature probe is integrated into the Remote Control
OTM| Signal connection to the boiler
OTS/RT| Signal connection to the remote control
+24Vdc| Connector for a power supply unit

Never connect any of the mentioned connections to the 230V power supply.

Insert the power supply unit connector (supplied with the kit) in the “Module WFC01” and connect the power supply unit to a socket to power everything up.


Required material:

  • “Module WFC01” powered and connected
  • Modem/router with an Internet connection and active WIFI network, functioning and stably receivable at the installation point of the “Module WFCO 1 “
  • Android smartphone or iOS device with “APP Connect” installed

Operation phases (preliminary summary):

  • in the first configuration phase of the “Module WFC01”, the BOX itself creates a temporary Hotspot, namely it generates a WiFi network to be used only for:
    • entering, by means of the smartphone and “APP Connect’, the credentials of your WiFi network (that will be used by the “Module WFC01” during its operation)
    • choosing a password to allow smartphones (yours and any other one) to access the control functions of boiler and system

  • then, the Hotspot of the “Module WFOO]” is disabled and the communication between the smartphone and “APP Connect Kit occurs via WEB and through your Wif network

“APP Connect” installation

install the “BIASI Connect suitable tor your operating system (from Google Play Store o Apple App Store, see also APP compatibility on page l1)



NB.During the ietoiletioi and use. the AP could eek tow acceptance of conditions, aid permission to access to some contents aid function 0f your device

“Module WFCOl” configuration

when the “Module WFCOl” is powered for the first time, it automatically generates its own Wifi network (Hotspot), which can be found among the writ sources available from the smartphone and is identified by the name of:


where the last 6 digits are the same 6 digits of the MAC address of the device [without [:), included on a label partially visible from the window)

  • on your smartphone, with active Wifi, access Settings »> Wireless and networks [or similar, depending on the system and version)
  • Search for the name of the Hotspot transmitted by the Module WFC9I” and connect your smartphone to it No password is required [he the indication “Internet may not be available” or similar is normal since it is an internal network
  • ln the case you cannot see the Hotspot name in the list, try to
    • move your smartphone closer to the “Module WFCOl”
    • perform a total reset of the Module WFC91″ (see Module WFC9]” total reset on page 14)
    • Start the APP Connect
    • of at this point, you are adding a “Module WFCo” on a smartphone which already features other “Module WFC9]”, go to paragraph Adding a “Module WFCOI” on page 13

Detection of the first “Module WFCO1”

  • Since the APP has just been installed and there is yet no “Module WFC9]” configured, the first “DEVICES” installation page will open

NOTE the indicative AC device (acronym of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, in this case, refers to the Motl we give the AP corrnunicotes with the system through the Moul WFCO

  • Click on Wizard installation and go to paragraph Module WFCO1″ guided installation on page 13

Adding a “Module WFCO1”

  • Open the side drop-down menu dragging it towards the left or by clicking on the icon

  • Click on Devices and, in the screen showing the Module wrote” already configured, click on ****New device

    • |

Click on Setup Wizard and proceed

“Module WFCO1” guided installation

  • After detecting the new “Module wool”, enter Phase I – VERIFY CONNECTIVITY where you will establish a connection between the APP and the Module WFCO1″

  • Click on Stant verity; after a short time, the DEVICE IDENTIFICATION screen will be displayed (Phase 2) to create the credentials necessary to check the Module WFCO]” from the APP
    the default Device name is displayed [it ends with the last 6 digits of the MAC address of the Module WFCOl”) and can be modified as necessary This is useful in case you want to configure other systems (i.e.: other Module WFCOI”) at a later stage, for example, you could name them City house” and Country house”

  • Create and enter a univocal login Password [at least 6 characters] for this specific device ( = system / “Module WFCO”) The_password_is mandatory

  • Since no password recovery procedure is provided, note down the Device name and Password to retrieve them in case of replacement or reset of the device or if the APP is reinstalled

  • In the event of a total Reset or reconfiguration of the “Module WFCO]”, it will instead be possible to enter the same Device name and Password again with the advantage of keeping the configuration valid on all other smartphones

  • In case of loss of the credentials, perform a Module WFC9]” total reset (see page 14], create new ones, Reconfigure the “Module WFCO]” as described
    in this paragraph and, if other smartphones are enabled to control the system(s), enter the new credentials also in them.

Press and go to Phase 3 – CONNECTIVITY SETTINGS, where you will enter the data that will allow the Module WFCO]” to access your Wifi network and be reachable via WEB

  • in the menu “Connection mode” leave (or select) the default setting “Automatic, local and remote”
  • in the menu “SSID WiFi”, select the name of your WiFi network among the detected and listed ones If your WiFi network is hidden, select “Enter manually”, which is the last item of the list, and enter the WiFi exact name
  • Enter the Password of your WiFi network in the third Is not possible to connect the device to a WIFI network without a password.

Press and go to Phase 4 – SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, where you just have to select the name of the boiler from the menu “Type of installation”.


  • Click on Save device; wait for the short saving time to end until the “Installation complete” screen is displayed to confirm that the operation was successful, and click on the checkmark button

Now, the configuration is complete and the

  • “Module WFC01” disables its Hotspot ❑ on your smartphone, access Settings > Wireless and networks, and reconnect it to your usual WiFi (home) network

  • The identification code of your device is now visible on the display. The checkmark indicates that the data exchange with the device has been

  • If the device is “not available”, search for availability through the Refresh command. “Module WFC01”

Configuration is complete.

“Module WFC01” total reset

The Total reset (reset to factory settings) is to be performed only in exceptional cases, for example:

  • when trying to restore operation after device’s
    malfunctions that could not be diagnosed

  • in case of loss of the credentials necessary to access the device

  • Hold R key pressed for at least 10 seconds until the green LED 3 starts flashing.

Note: the R key is inside the box and is activated by pressing the upper cover at the center of the area shown in the figure:

  • Release the R key; LEDs 4-5-6 start flashing noticeably randomly”

Note: after a Total reset, it is necessary to configure the Module wFCOl” again (see Module WFC0I” configuration on page 12)

Controls and Indicators of the “Module WFCO1”

| Description
R| Reset button
OTM (boiler) connection status
lack of communication with the boiler or open contact
regular communication with the boiler
FLASHING (quickly ‘/2 sec.):
communication en–or with the boiler or the remote control
FLASHING (slowly 2 sec.):
Request to the boiler in progress (generated from APP+WFC or from Remote Control)
OTS (remote control) connection status
no connection (open contact)
regular communication with remote control
FLASHING (quickly 1/2 sec.):
Communication error with the boiler or the remote control
FLASHING (slowly 2 sec.):
OTS contact closed (not provided for  in this application)
“Module WFC01” status
normal operation
FLASHING (quickly ‘A sec.): Total reset in the start-up phase
4| RED:
WiFi connection status
Associated with WiR network
FLASHING (quickly ½ sec)
NOT associated with wifi network or [with LED 6 flashing slowly) Hotspot activated
Wii data
during dart traffic on Wif
ICP connection
ICP connection active
FLASHING (quickly½ sec.
No valid lP address or configuration mode
FLASHING (slow 2sec.
Valid P address [(normal wifi operation) or [with LED 4 flashing quicky Hotspot activated
7| RED:
WI Control [WFC
WRC active (the boiler status is determined temporarily, from APP+gmat phone)
the boiler status is determined from the emote Control

System control

IMPORTANT: Remember that the default and main control device of the system is always the Remote Control and not the APP on the smartphone

The control through APP is always temporary (timed). The system will always go back to the operation based on the settings of the Remote Control at the end of the activation time. The activation and timing can be changed at any moment: see the Activation and timing of the device on page 16 for details.

APP start-up and information

  • At start-up, the APP shows the system’s current status (or the status of the last system/ “Module WFC01” connected, if connections to several devices have been configured)

  • Different system’s values can be viewed and
    edited, such as the set ambient temperature

  • A blank screen (data not shown) indicates that the “Module WFC01” of the system is already connected to another smartphone. After a very short time, during which the APP tries to establish a connection, the information that the device is busy, is displayed

  • The APP is easy to use and intuitive. The function of the main symbols/buttons is explained below

The home page and side menu closed

There are 3 main functions or menus:

Symbol Description
Home (status of the system and peripheral devices)
Boiler (status of the temperatures and other information on the boiler)
Devices (where it is possible to view the status and the options of the

“Module WFC01” and select other devices, if available

Other controls and/or indicators

Symbol Description
**** Device activation/deactivation button ­When the device is activated

from the App commands can be sent from the
| smartphone to the “Module WFC01”.
When a device is enabled in an APP, it will not be available for any other smartphone connected at a later stage, which will show a blank screen.
| Internet -Indicates that the APP  is connected to the “Module WFC01” via the Internet (the WiFi home network to which the “Module WFC01” is connected does not reach the smartphone)
| WiFi – Indicates that the APP is connected to the “Module WFC01” via the WiFi home network

Activation and timing of the device Activation

Click on , the following menu options:
Select the type of activation and click on the checkmark button :

  • “Enable device”: allows you to temporarily check the activation of the device. Warning: when the APP is closed, the device will be disabled;
  • “Activate device timing” allows setting a time interval from 00h30′ to 124h30′ in steps of 30 minutes +/—:

Modification of timing or deactivation

To deactivate or modify the timing, click : the following menu opens:

Select the type of activation and click on the checkmark button :

  • “Enable device” sets, without any other step necessary, a 24-hour default time;
  • “Activate device timing” allows setting a lime interval from 00h30′ to 124h30′ in steps of 30 minutes +/—:
  • “Enable device” sets, without any other step necessary, a 24-hour default time starting from the moment the command is given;
  • “Cancel timing” forces the system to be immediately controlled by the Remote Control again;
  • “Activate device timing” allows setting a different timing starting from the current moment

At the end of activation time, the button is again .


Boiler’s alarms
If the system “Module W FC01” Kit – APP – Remote Control is working, the APP will show the symbol on the side drop-down menu. By clicking it, the alarm code “E…” will show, with a short description and some instructions.

On the boilers handbook, you’ll find a dedicated paragraph and a table that Isis the possible alarms and relevant, more detailed instructions.

We suggest you read it and call the Assistance Service whenever you have difficulty solving the problem with the procedures reserved for the User.

Note: as in all cases of malfunctioning of any device, the alarms provide an indication of the most probable cause (to be investigated first) but not exclusive of other problems, to be fixed by the Technician.

Kit-related alarms: E91 – E94

In case of failure of the system Kit BOX WFC – APP –

Remote Control, the APP will show the symbol on the side drop-down menu. By clicking it, one of the alarms listed below will show, with a short description and some instructions.

E91 This alarm showing on the APP can be triggered by different causes. Please, look at the boiler’s display and read the alarm code shown on it:

  • if the alarm E91 is present on the boiler’s display too, means that the error is specific to the boiler and therefore it is necessary to refer to its instruction booklet

E94 This alarm showing on the APP can be triggered by different causes. Please, look at the boiler’s display and read the alarm code shown on it:

if no error code is displayed on the boiler, the problem is probably located on the link (interrupted or subject to noise) between the “Module WFC01” and the Remote Control (see also Electrical connections on page 12). In case of interruption, the Remote Control’s display should be off;

Notes ——————————————————————————————————-




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