BIASI Multiparva3.0 F Gas Condensing Boiler with Stainless Steel Exchanger User Manual

June 6, 2024

**BIASI Multiparva3.0 F Gas Condensing Boiler with Stainless Steel Exchanger User Manual


Dear Client

Thank you for purchasing this condensing appliance, a technically advanced and high quality product, offering high efficiency and extremely low pollutant emissions and therefore complete respect of the environment, designed to meet all your needs for comfort at low operating costs.

Please read this manual with care before using the appliance, and observe in particular all WARNINGS and SAFETY REGULATIONS.

We also recommend that the appliance is inspected by Technical Service personnel, specially trained in servicing this type of appliance using exclusively original spare parts when necessary.

This manual is an integral part of the appliance and as such must be conserved with care for future consultation or transfer to another Owner or User.

Kind regards,


  • After unpacking the appliance, ensure that all parts are intact and complete as per the supply specifications, and if any non-conformities are found, contact the Representative that sold the appliance.
  • The appliance must be installed by professionally qualified personnel, in conformity with current national and local standards and the instructions in the manual supplied with the product.
  • The appliance must only be used as envisaged in the design. The manufacturer declines all liability for physical injury or damage to animals or objects caused by errors in installation, adjustments, maintenance or improper use of the appliance.
  • In the event of water leakage, disconnect the appliance from the electric power mains, shut off the water supply and promptly notify the Technical Services department or other professionally qualified personnel.
  • Periodically check that the hydraulic system operating pressure, in cool conditions, is approx. 1.5 bar. Otherwise contact the Technical Services department or other professionally qualified personnel.
  • In the event of prolonged disuse of the appliance, the following procedure must be observed:
    • Set the appliance switch H and the main system switch to “OFF”.
    • Shut off the fuel and mains water valves.
  • This manual is an integral part of the appliance and consequently must ALWAYS accompany the appliance, also in the event of sale to another Owner or User or transfer to another system. The manual must be kept with care and in the event of damage or loss, another copy may be requested from the Technical Services department.
  • It is recommended to service the appliance at least once a year.

Pursuant to Directive 2012/19 / EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) “the crossed bin symbol on the appliance and on the packaging indicates that the gas boiler, at the time of its disposal, must be collected and disposed separately from other waste (see section End of life disposal).


  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to allow children or disabled persons to change settings on the appliance without assistance.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to activate electrical devices or equipment such as switches, telephones, household appliances etc. if smells of fuel or uncombusted fuel are detected. In this case:
    • Open doors and windows to ventilate the room.
    • Close the fuel shut-off valve.
    • Arrange for prompt intervention of the Technical Services or other professionally qualified personnel.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to touch the appliance with bare feet or wet parts of the body.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to perform technical interventions or cleaning before disconnecting the appliance from the electrical power mains and setting the main system switch and appliance H switch to “OFF”.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to modify safety devices or control devices without prior authorisation and instructions from the appliance manufacturer.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to pull, detach, or twist cables coming out of the appliance, even when disconnected from the electrical power mains.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to seal off or partially obstruct the ventilation outlets of the installation room and the appliance (if present). The ventilation outlets are essential to ensure efficient combustion.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to obstruct the condensate drain outlet.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to leave containers of flammable substances in the same room as the appliance.
  • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to dispose of packaging into the environment as this constitutes a potential source of danger. It must therefore be disposed of in accordance with current legislation in the place of use.


The aluminium boilers in the range MULTIPARVA 3.0 F are condensing heat generators, designed to heat rooms, and in combination with a storage tank, for the production of domestic hot water.

They comprise:

  • a steel heat exchanger, with low water content and generously sized  exchange surface to optimise energy efficiency andheating output;
  • a full pre-mix microflame burner in stainless steel, to guarantee high modulation ratios, combustion stability and low pollutant emissions (NOx Class = 6);
  • a variable speed blower, required for air/gas modulation and mixing;
  • a combustion circuit, which can be “type C” (room-sealed) or “type B” (open-flued), with respect to the installation environment, and on the basis of the flue exhaust configuration on site;
  • command-control electronics, which if equipped with outside sensor enables adjustment of the supply temperature on the basis of the outside temperature. The appliance thus only provides the heat effectively needed by the utility, avoiding energy waste. The unit is fitted with self-diagnostics with a display of the error codes and operating parameters at the time of the fault, thereby simplifying tasks for the Technical Services department.

Also, during periods of prolonged disuse or holidays, the appliance remains protected by the Anti-freeze Function, which is activated automatically when the supply temperature falls to 5°C and shuts off when it returns to 15°C. Obviously the gas and electrical mains supplies must be active during these periods.

The design phase adopted specific solutions to:

  • obtain a constantly optimal air/gas mix;
  • minimize dispersion;
  • reduce noise levels to a minimum.

The MULTIPARVA 3.0 F boilers are designed for connection to 0-10 V DC controls and for operation in cascade, in sets of up to 6 units, and can be equipped with various system accessories, such as the mix bottle or water shut-off valve, and the INAIL unit, which all simplify the work of the installer and comply with compulsory italian legal requirements.

The MULTIPARVA 3.0 F boilers are equipped with 5 litres expansion vessel, safety drain valve and water pump. The MULTIPARVA 3.0 N boilers are without expansion vessel, safety drain valve and water pump.


MULTIPARVA 3.0 F appliances are equipped with the following safety, control and adjustment devices:

  • Sensor on the appliance heat exchanger, to ensure thermal cut-out when the temperature reading exceeds the maximum admissible value. This is reset manually via the DSP keypad.
  • Water pressure sensor: this intervenes when the hydraulic circuit pressure falls below 0.5 bar.
  • Flue safety sensor: this intervenes when the flue temperature is too high.
  • Hydraulic circuit diagnostics to protect the boiler against:
  • temperature overload, by checking the difference in temperatures on supply and return (ΔT);
  • inadequate water circulation in the heat exchanger, checking the difference in temperatures between the heat exchanger sensor and supply sensor.
  • Siphon pressure switch that turn off the burner when the pressure inside the combustion chamber overcome 700 Pa.


  • If a safety devices trips, this means that there is a potentially hazardous appliance malfunction. In this case contact Technical Services as soon as possible for assistance.




Key functions


| Description of function|


This shuts down the appliance, inhibiting the use of DSP keys
ON: This enables start-up of the appliance, enabling use of DSP keys| LCD Display
SUMMER: DHW production only
WINTER: heating only or heating and DHW
NONE: no heating or DHW Anti-freeze or “Manual Test” function active| LCD Display
| ECO – Manual
This reduces, by the set value, the temperature of domestic water supply and heating water (energy saving mode)| LCD Display
Interrupts the current action and returns to the initial screen| LCD
Enables display of the page for menu selection (USER or TECHNICIAN)| LCD
This enables entry of the holiday dates (start/end) and values for the supply of domestic hot water and heating water during this period| LCD

| UP
Enables the user to scroll up through the lines on screen
Enables the user to scroll down through the lines on screen
Keep pressed to speed up the scrolling action.|
| OK

  • access to the selected line of the menu or sub- menu
  • confirmation of a newly modified value

| RED (at top)

  • access to the USER menu
  • increases to the value to be modified

Keep pressed to speed up the action.

| RED (intermediate )

  • access to the TECHNICIAN menu
  • decreases to the value to be modified

Keep pressed to speed up the action.

| RED (at bottom)
Enables return to the selected line without saving/ storing the modified data.|


The initial commissioning of the appliance must be performed by the Technical Services, after which the appliance can operate automatically.

The system supervisor can turn the appliance on and off as follows:


  • Power up the boiler from the electrical mains by setting the main system switch (IG) to “ON”.
  • The display returns to the stand-by screen.
  • Press to activate the keypad for the DSP.

User menu navigation TREE and procedure

The appliance is supplied in the configuration STAND-BY. To scroll through the screen menus, use the keys shown in the diagram below.


| Keys| Sub-menu| Keys| Lines| Keys| Factory settings|


1. HEATING| | 1. CH temperature /OTC set| | 1. CH temperature| | 75°C| 20 – max. absolute T. (*)
| | 2. Outside temperature for CH off| | OFF| OFF / 7 – 30°C
| 2. ECO setpoint reduction| | —>| —>| 50°C| 0 – 50°C
| 3. Scheduler set| | 1. Enable/disable scheduler| | Enabled| Enabled/ disabled
| 2. Scheduler settings| | Monday| week days
2. DOMESTIC HOT WATER| | 1. DHW setpoint| | —>| —>| 80°C (**)| 35 – 85°C
| | 2. ECO setpoint reduction| | —>| —>| 20°C| 0 – 50°C

| 3. Scheduler set| | 1. Enable/disable scheduler| | Enabled| Enabled/ disabled
| 2. Scheduler settings| | Monday| week days
3. HOLIDAY| | 1. CH holiday setpoint| | —>| —>| 20°C| 20 – max. absolute T. (*)

| | 2. DHW holiday setpoint| | —>| —>| 80°C (**)| 30 – 85°C
4. MAINTENANCE| | 1. Service information| | —>| —>| read only
| | 2. Service due date| | —>| —>| read only
5. SETTINGS| | 1. Select Language| | English / Italiano| | Italiano| English / Italiano
| | 2. Select Units| | Fahrenheit / Celsius| | Celsius| Fahrenheit / Celsius
| 3. Set date| | —>| —>| day / month / year
| 4. Set time| | 24 hour / 12 hour| | hours : minutes
| 5. Restore factory settings| | —>| —>| OK to reset
DIAGNOSTICS| | 1. Boiler information| | Read-only display of boiler status, temperature readings and blower rpm
| | 2. Lockout history| | read-only display of lockout/fault history

(*) Maximum absolute temperature set at point “1.2.1“ of the technician menu.
(**) – If “2.5 TYPE OF REQUEST“ of the Technician menu = “Contact” then “Factory setting” = 80°C with “Field” = 30 ÷ 85°C.- If “2.5 TYPE OF REQUEST“ of the Technician menu = “Sensor” then “Factory setting” = 60°C with “Field” = 10 ÷ 65°C.

Key to the USER menu LINES

Ref. menu line

| Line title|


1.1.1| CH temperature/OTC set| Entry of setpoint of supply temperature (heating)
1.1.2| Outside temperature for CH off| Entry of setpoint of outside temperature for automatic switchover to “Summer mode”
1.2| ECO setpoint reduction| Entry of value to reduce temperature on supply in “energy saving” mode (day or night time)
1.3.1| Enable/disable on board scheduler| Enable or Disable implementation of the “heating time bands” set for the various week days
1.3.2| Scheduler set| Settings of the “heating time bands” applied for the various week days
2.1| DHW setpoint| Entry of the setpoint for DHW temperature
2.2| ECO setpoint reduction| Entry of value to reduce temperature of DHW in “energy saving” mode (day or night time)
2.3.1| Enable/disable on board scheduler| Enable or Disable implementation of the “DHW production time bands” set for the vari- ous week days
2.3.2| Scheduler set| Settings of the “DHW production time bands” applied for the various week days
3.1| CH holiday setpoint| Entry of the setpoint for supply temperature during the holiday period.
3.2| Instant DHW setpoint| Entry of the setpoint for DHW during the holiday period.
4.1| Contact info| Display of services contact phone number
4.2| Service due date| Display of date for next maintenance due
5.1| Select Language| Selection of language (English or Italian)
5.2| Select Units| Selection of units of measurement (Celsius or Fahrenheit)
5.3| Set date| Entry or modification of current date. The transition from DST to the Solar time will take automatically.
5.4| Set time| Selection of 12 or 24 hour format – Entry or modification of current time
5.5| Restore factory settings| Restores factory settings
6.1| Boiler information| Display of boiler status and temperature readings To display, select the message, press C and view the values, scrolling through items by means of the arrows
6.2| Lockout history| Display of the error list.



| Description of function|


| to display the MENU screens to enter the USER MENU|
| to select “5. SETTING”
to confirm and access the selected line|
| to confirm and access the “LANGUAGE” line|

| to select the desired language to confirm the language e to return at the previous menu|
| to come back at the initial screen.|


The system also envisages the option of setting time bands during which the boiler is set to operate, if there is a demand for heat, and those during which it remains off, or in ECO mode when fitted with an outside sensor. There is a maximum of 6 programmable time bands within 24 hours, each of which must be identified by a start time (ON), and end time (OFF). The minimum interval between each time is half an hour.


| Description of function|



| to display the MENU screens to enter the USER MENU|

| to select “1. HEATING” or to select “2. DOMESTIC HOT WATER”
NOTE: the scheduler setting procedure is the same for both functions.|

| to select “3. Scheduler set” to confirm and access the selected line|

| to select Enabled or Disabled
to confirm the selection and return to line “1. Enable/ disable on board scheduler”
CAUTION: if the selection is DISABLED, the scheduler settings are memorised but not enabled.|

| to select “2. Scheduler set” to confirm and access the selected line|

| to select the single day or group of days in the week to confirm and access the selected line|

| to set the “start” time of the first band to set the “end” time of the first band to select the operating mode of the first time band, from ON, ECO or — (boiler OFF)
to go to the second time band
To enter the settings, proceed in the same way as with the first band.
NOTE: the time entry procedure is the same for all selected time bands.|

| to select “Save and exit” or “Copy to the Next Day” (if the user wishes to copy the current settings to the next day) to save the settings made and return to the line of the single day or group of week days selected previously|

| to select the day or days remaining and set the required time bands to confirm and access the selected line
NOTE: the time entry procedure is the same for all selected time bands.|


This function enables a reduction in the operating regime of the boiler in the case of temporary absences, weekends, holidays and above all automatic restart after the set time interval.


  • During the holiday period, it is essential to leave the electrical and gas mains supplies to the appliance powered, to ensure correct operation.

The supply temperatures for the heating system and/or production of domestic hot water, must be set as described below:

Key to press

| Description|



| to display the MENU screens
to enter the USER MENU|

| to select “3. HOLIDAY”
to confirm and access the selected line|
| to select “1. CH holiday setpoint”
to set the required value
to confirm the settings and return to line “1. CH holiday setpoint”|
| to select “2. DHW holiday setpoint”
to confirm and access the selected line
to set the required value (only in the case of storage tanks with sensor) (*)
to confirm the settings and return to line “2. DHW holiday setpoint”|

(*) In the case of storage tanks with thermostat, take care not to set an excessively low value, as this could cause continuous requests for domestic hot water.

Key to press

| Description|



| to return to the initial screen
to display the “Holiday start” date|
| to set the holiday start day
to select the month
to set the month
to select the year
to set the year
to confirm the settings made and enter the “Holiday end” screen.
NOTE: to make the settings for the day, month and year of the holiday end, follow the same procedure as described for “Holiday start”.|



The Technical Services department can fulfil this legal requirement when necessary.


  • Increased safety
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Extended lifetime of the boiler
  • The reassurance of not receiving considerable penalties in the event of inspections.


Internal cleaning of the appliance and removal of combustion residue from the exchange surfaces are operations required at least once a year, to be performed by professionally qualified personnel.
This is an essential condition to reduce consumption, pollutant emissions and to keep the stated efficiency and reliability of the boiler over time.

Before cleaning:

  • Set the main system switch (IG) to “OFF”
  • Close the fuel shut-off valves.

The outer casing should be cleaned with cloths dampened with water and detergent. In the case of stubborn stains, dampen a cloth with a mix of 50% water and denatured alcohol or with special products.
After cleaning, dry the appliance thoroughly.


  • Never use abrasive products, benzene or trichloroethane

Technical informations compliance with Reg. 813/2013 All.II point 5

Description: Symbol U.M. MULTIPARVA 3.0 F
M154HE.35/F M154HE.45/F M155HE.70/F
Condensing boiler: yes
Low-temperature boiler: no
B1 boiler: no
Cogeneration space heater: no
Combination heater: no
Rated heat output Pnominale kW 34

Useful heat output
Rated power high-temperature regime| P4| kW| 34| 44| 68
At 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature regime| P1| kW| 11,3| 14,6| 22,7
Seasonal space heating energy efficiency| ηs| %| 92| 92| 93
At rated heat output and high-temperature regime| η4| %| 87,5| 87,5| 87,4
At 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature regime| η1| %| 97,3| 97,3| 97,6
Auxiliary electricity consumption
At full load| Elmax| kW| 0,040| 0,062| 0,156
At part load| Elmin| kW| 0,017| 0,017| 0,022
In standby mode| PSB| kW| 0.004| 0,004| 0,004
Standby heat loss| Pstby| kW| 0,090| 0,090| 0,110
Ignition burner power consumption| Pign| kW| 0| 0| 0
Emissions of nitrogen oxides| NOx| mg/kWh| 25| 33| 30


Outdated appliances

When you decide to permanently shutdown the boiler, please request a qualified professional to decommission the boiler & ancillary equipment. They must ensure that boiler has been disconnected from power supplies, water and gas.
This device contains potentially recyclable materials that can be  reused. Components are easy to separate and for thisreason, they can be processed and used for recycling or disposal.

  • Electrical and electronic components no longer usable must be collected separately and recycled in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Do not dispose of either the product or the accessories with household waste. Make sure that products and all accessories are disposed of in a workmanlike manner.
  • Always observe all laws in force.


Gas boilers are electrical and electronic appliances (AEE) and, when dismissed, they become electrical and electronic waste (RAEE): as such, they must be disposed according to current legislation.
Gas boilers are classified as household appliances and must be disposed with washing machines, dishwashers and dryers (RAEE R2 waste).
The disassembly of gas boilers and their disposal through channels not approved is prohibited by law.
The user has the right to be able to deliver the disused gas boiler, integral in its construction, to the ecological area.
The installer and the user have the right to be able to deliver the disused gas boiler, integrated in its construction to the point of sale where they purchase the new gas boiler.


With regards to packaging; BIASI always use recyclable and ecological components.
All materials used for packaging are environmentally friendly and can be reused; please follow the recycling procedures specific for your country, which guarantee optimal recycling.

  • Dispose of the packaging material of the boiler in accordance with the laws for environmental protection.


MULTIPARVA 3.0 F appliances are covered by a SPECIAL WARRANTY as of the date of authorisation by the Technical Services departments.

On delivery, the adhesive labels with bar codes supplied in the document envelope should be attached to the specific certificates.


The MULTIPARVA 3.0 F appliances comply with:

  • Regulation GAR (UE) 2016/426
  • Ecodesign directive 09/125/CE
  • Ecolabel directive 10/30/CE
  • Low voltage directive 2014/35/UE
  • Electromagnetic compatibility directive 2014/30/UE
  • Class of Seasonal energy efficiency in central heating mode A
  • “Condensing” classification
  • NOx Class 6 (< 56 mg/kWh)

For the serial number and year of manufacturer, refer to the technical data plate.

The appliance must be installed by qualified personnel in conformity with current Technical Standards and national and/or local legislation.
All safety, installation and maintenance instructions must also be strictly observed, as stated in this manual.

Contact Us

BSG Caldaie a Gas S.p.A.
Registered office, sales and administrative headquarters,
Plant and technical support
Via Pravolton, 1/b – 33170 PORDENONE (Italy)
+39 0434 238311
+39 0434 238387

Sales headquarters
+39 0434 238400

Technical support
+39 0434 238387

This manual replaces previous versions.
In order to constantly improve its products, BSG Caldaie a Gas S.p.A. reserves the right to change the data provided in this manual at any time and without notice. Product warranty pursuant to Italian Leg. Decree. no. 24/2002.

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