C CRANE CWF3 CCWiFi 3 Internet Radio with Skytune Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Internet Radio

C CRANE CWF3 CCWiFi 3 Internet Radio with Skytune


Owners Record
Thank you for purchasing a CC WiFi 3 Internet Radio from C. Crane. We hope the CC WiFi 3 Internet Radio will give you many years of learning, news, and entertainment. If you have questions about your radio, please give us a call or email: [email protected]

For your future reference:
Seal No. (Found inside the battery compartment): Date of purchase/Name & address of the dealer


The box should contain the CC WiFi 3 Internet Radio. an AC Power Adapter. this manual and a warranty card. If anything Is missing or damaged, please contact C. Crane Immediately. We recommend that you keep the box in the unlikely event that your radio needs servicing.

Safety Instructions

Please read IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before use. It is important to read and understand all instructions. Keep these precautions and instructions where all who will use this radio will read them.
WARNING: To prevent fire or electric shock hazards do not expose this product to rain or moisture.


CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the radio back. No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.




  • Before turning the unit on, set your volume control to a low setting. • Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly without distortion.
  • Long-term exposure to loud sounds may cause hearing damage. It is best to avoid high volume levels when using headphones/earbuds, especially for extended periods. To prevent damage to your radio or possible injury to you or others, read these safety precautions and instructions entirely before applying power to your radio.

Check the radio, AC adapter, and any accessories regularly. Do not use the radio if there is any sign of damage. Only operate in accordance with the instructions in this manual.
If you smell or notice smoke, disconnect the AC adapter immediately to avoid burns. Contact C. Crane for inspection and service before any future operation. Only use the AC adapter supplied with the unit and replace it if wires become frayed or exposed.
Use only on a stable, level surface. Dropping the radio can cause damage or injury. Keep the AC Adapter cord in a position so someone cannot trip and cause the radio to fall.
Keep the radio dry. Liquids and moisture can damage the radio. If liquid leaks into the radio do not operate and seek a qualified service shop. To clean, remove the power adapter and use a damp cloth on the exterior only.
can damage the radio. Do not leave or use the radio where it can be subjected to high or very cold temperatures.
** Refer all service work to a qualified service shop when the radio does not appear to operate normally, exhibits a change in performance or the radio has received damage. Never open the radio as this may expose you to dangerous voltages and this will void all warranties.

Location of Controls and Features


  1. LCD Display

  2. Alarm button or Play Next

  3. Equalizer button or Play Previous

  4. Preset button

  5. Remote Sensor


  7. HOME MENU button

  8. Back button

  9. Power button or Sleep Timer

  10. Speaker

  11. DC Power Jack

  12. Headphone Jack

  13. Line Out Jack

  14. WIN Antenna Jack
    Location of Controls — Remote Control
    C CRANE CWF3 CCWiFi 3 Internet Radio with Skytune -

  15. (POWER) Switches ratio OW OFF.

  16. (MUTE) Mutes audio.

  17. (04) Store presets and recalls functions 0-9.

  18. (HISTORY)Accesses a bit of recently played stations.

  19. (PRESETS) Stores and recalls favorite stations.

  20. (UP) Scrolls menu up.

  21. (DOWN) Scrolls menu down.

  22. (SELECT) Selects the indicated item on the diSPlay.

  23. (LEFT) Reverts to the previous menu level.

  24. (RIGHT) Goes to the next menu level for the current selection.

  25. (ALARM) Enters alarm menu Options.

  26. (SLEEP TIMER) Enters sleep timer menu selections.

  27. (VOLUME kb) Adjust the volume up and down.

  28. (HOME) Returns to primary menu selections.

  29. (MODE) Selects internal radio. or Bluetooth.

  30. (EO) Enters equalizer menu options.

  31. (PLAY PREVIOUS) Plays previous Staten or songnrack.

  32. (PLAY/PAUSE) Play/pause song/ track or Splashtop stations.

  33. (PLAY NEXT) Plays the next station or song/track.

  34. (SETTINGS) Enters settings menus for various functions.

  35. (INFO) Enters network and system information menu.

  36. (DIMMER) Enters display a bright menu.

First Time Setup
Plug the power adapter cube into a 120V AC power outlet. Connect the power adapters small plug into the jack on the back of the radio that is labeled “DC in 5V”. After a few seconds, the display on the front of the radio will light up and show:

  1. Crane > Powered by Skytunes > Starting… Please wait > Searching for WiFi… Note: If the radio cannot find any wireless networks, then see page 20 for troubleshooting assistance)
  2. When the radio finds wireless networks, it will show in a list… Example: Bob’s Network Internet.service-A19B0 MediaNet_1A4260
  3. Rotate the dial until your desired network has the triangle-shaped cursor:   in front of the name.
  4. Press and release the dial to make your selection. Need Help?: Refer to page 18 for help finding which SSID (Network Name) is yours.
  5. The password entry screen will be displayed. This mode contains upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

Notice that the letter “a” is highlighted in center of the display. Rotate the dial and you will see that the highlighted character is always in the middle. To enter the password for the network that you have selected follow these steps:
a. Rotate the dial until the first character of your password is in the center of the display.
b. Select it by pressing and releasing the main dial. After you have selected the first character of your password, it will appear at the top.
c. Turn the dial to the next character in the password.
d. Press and release the dial to select.
Repeat this process until your entire wireless password is entered at the top of the screen. Passwords are case sensitive to upper and lowercase letters, so you must enter them exactly.

Using the BACK and HOME Buttons
After the final character is entered, press-and-hold the dial le for 4 seconds to finish. When finished the radio automatically goes to the ‘Primary Menu” that contains six options: My Presets, Internet Radio Stations, Bluetooth, Alarm, Sleep Timer, and Settings.
Note: Menu tree flow charts are located on pages 23-24.

Using the BACK and HOME buttons
While viewing any selection or menu, the BACK button will return you to your previous location. If you are feeling stuck or lost, press it enough times and you will return to the Primary menu or to the station that is playing.
The HOME button is a quick way to return to the Primary menu. Press it again to return to the station that is playing.

Finding a Radio Station

  1. From the Primary Menu, turn the dial until the triangle-shaped cursor is in front of ‘Internet Radio Stations”, then press and release the dial to select

  2. Next, turn the dial to choose a radio station from either the “Most Popular (U.S.)’, ‘By Genre” or “By Location’ menu. Press and release the dial to continue into the selected menu.
    Note: The “Most Popular (U.S.)’ menu lets you choose from the top 20 USA- based radio stations that are most popular with CC WiFi 3 Radio users. This list will evolve and change over time as more users acquire the radio. The “By Location” menu lets you choose a radio station from a large continental or multicontinental area, then by country inside the selected area. The “By Genre° menu lets you choose a radio station by categorized content— for example” Dance, Classical, Rock, Talk” etc. For direct station name entry, skip ahead to “Enter Search Words”.

  3. After pressing and releasing the “DIAUSELECT” knob on Most Popular (U.S.)”, “By Location”, or °By Genre rotate the dial to scrol through the remaining submenus until station names are listed.

  4. Stations are listed in numerical and alphabetical order depending on how the station is named in the list. You may need to turn the dial many times until your desired station is reached.

  5. Press and release the DIAL/ SELECT knob to play your selected station.

  6. As the station connects, the display MI show “Awaiting server” followed by “Connecting”, followed by ‘Buffering”. This can sometimes take up to a minute or two, depending on the speed and popularity of the station.

Note: Once the station is fully buffered, it will begin to play. You may need to turn up the volume by rotating the media select* knob.

Choosing a Radio Station
Note: C. Cone has no control over the station Ilst or the quality of each station. The CC WWI 31s are fully dependent on the Skytunes music service for gathering URLs and information from each station that has been made available for public use by the station itself.

Searching Directly for a Specific Station
You can search for an Internet radio station by directly entering the station name or call letters into the radio.

  1. From the Primary Menu. turn the dial until the triangle-shaped cursor is in front of Internet Radio Stations, then press and release to select
  2. Next, turn the dial clockwise (past the other selections) to ‘Enter Search Words”, then press and release the dial.
  3. Rotate the dial until the first character of the denied station name is in the center of the display.
  4. Select it by pressing and releasing it on the main dial. Yaw selected characters will appear at the top of the screen.
  5. Tum the dial to the next character in the station name. Press and release the dial to select.
  6. Repeat this process until all the characters in the station name are entered at the top of the screen. After the final character is entered. Press-and-hold the dial ‘in’ for 0 seconds to finish.
  7. The radio will now display the station names resulting from your search. You can rotate the dial to browse through the results. When you we ready to play a station, align the cursor Min front of your selection and press and release the dial.

Changing the Volume
While a station is playing, you can change the volume by lumina the dial clockwise to increase the volume and counterclockwise to decrease the volume. The display shows the volume bar. You cannot change the volume when you are on a menu. except when using the remote control. After a station is selected and begins to play. you can then change the volume with the main dial.

4 Ways to Store a Radio Station as a Preset

  1. Using the controls on the front of the radio to store presets: While a radio station is playing. press and hold the PRESET button for three seconds or until the display screen shows a downwards anew Icon. The radio station has now been saved as the next available preset.
  2. Using the remote control to store presets 0-9 (0.10): While a radio station Is playing. press and hold the preset number on the remote control that you want the station to be stored to. After three seconds the Splay screen will show a downwards arrow IC.0e
  3. Using the remote control: While a radio station is playing, press and hold the PRESETS button for three seconds or until the display screen shows a downwards arrow icon. The radio station has now been saved as the next available preset.
  4.  Advanced users can enter their own custom URL to the radio presets page with a computer or other devices such as a tablet or smartphone. See page 13 for more details.

Ways to Play a Stored Radio Station Preset

  1. Using the controls on the Mont of the radio to store presets: Briefly press the PRESET I button and a list of your preset stations will be displayed. Rotate the dial until the cursor Ca is in front of the station you desire. then press the dial-in to select it.
  2. Using the remote control to recall presets 0-9 (0.10): Briefly press and release the preset button assigned to the station you want to play.
  3. Using the remote control: Briefly press the PRESETS button and your list of preset stations will be displayed. Press the DOWN arrow until the cursor al is in front of the station you desire, then press the SELECT button to play it.
  4. Advanced users can play radio presets using a Computer or other devices such as a tablet or smartphone. See Page 13 For more details.

Radio Preset Page (Optional for Advanced Users)

Advanced users can access the radio presets page with a computer or other devices such as a tablet or smartphone. The computer or device must be connected to the same WiFi network as the CC WiFi 3 radio. To Access the Radio Preset Page:

  1. Open a web browser such as Chrome®, Safari®, Firefox®, or Edge®

  2. In the address bar at the top of the screen, enter your radio’s IP address.
    a. To find the IP address, navigate on your radio to: Homer: Settings I:3 Information Network Information I:3 IP: *
    a.i. Write down your radio’s IP address numbers and include the dots between the numbers. It should look something like this (example):
    Note: IP addresses are usually dynamic and likely to change every time your radio is restarted.

  3. After entering your IP address into to address bar of your web browser, press enters on your keyboard. Loading this page may take a minute.

  4. If successful, your web browser will navigate to the “My CC WiFi Radio 3 Presets” page. This page will contain your radios station preset list and information about each.
    ID: This is the preset number for your preset station. Example “Preset


    Channel Name : These are the names of your radio station presets.
    Channel URL : This will likely say something like “Channel URL is maintained by Skytune”… unless you have entered a custom URL for the station you desire.
    Play: Clicking this button will begin playing the station preset through your CC WiFi Radio 3
    Edit: Clicking this button will allow you to change the Station name to anything you desire. Example “Bob’s Rock Station”. This new name will only show up on your radio.
    Delete: Clicking this button will remove the station as a preset.
    Move: This allows you to change the order of your preset listings. Enter the preset number that you wish to move in the first “ID” box, then enter the destination number in the next box (named “To ID”). Lastly, press the move button to complete the move.
    Previous/Next : If you have many presets then they will be separated into pages. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate pages.

Radio Preset Page (Optional for Advanced Users)

– Add Channel: Warning, this is for advanced users. But, if you desire a station that is not found on the CC WiFi Radio 3, and you know the exact “Stream URL” of this station, then it can be added in this area. Keep in mind that your radio will only play the correct “Stream URL” and not just any web address that works on your computer. Computers are designed differently in this aspect.
Tip: Stream URLs are not easy to find. They are usually hidden and will usually look something like this: “http://live.*******.com:2470/live43.m3u” Notice that the correct URL will usually end with .m3U or .mp3 or something similar.
Tip: Here is another way to look for a Stream URL. (This does not always work, but is a good attempt)

  1. Try searching with Google Chrome for your desired station name (Example: KMUD) followed by “Stream URL”.
  2. Select the Google result that looks best (usually the top result).
  3. If the page result gives you a link to play the station, then try right-clicking on the link, then select “Inspect”.
  4. The highlighted result in the code may contain the Stream URL that you are looking for. Write down a portion of the result that has the blue underline (or copy with your computer) starting with “http”.
  5. Try adding the station URL to the “Add Channel” area of the Radio Presets Page. You do not need to enter exact information for Channel name, Country, or Genre. Only the Channel URL needs to be exact with the Station URL that you have found.
  6. Click “Save” and then try playing it from your radio presets.
    Note: Some stations use JavaScript or some other method to play stations and do not have a listed MP3 or M3U station stream. These stations will be impossible to play on the radio. As a last resort, you can attempt to find the stream URL by contacting the station and asking them if they have an “MP3” or “M3U” URL station stream so that you can play it on your device.

For Future Reference: The CC WiFi Radio 3 uses Skytune as the main directory for looking up and playing stations. If for some reason in the future the Skytune radio service is not available or cannot connect to your radio, you have the ability to continue listening to your preset stations. To add new stations to your preset list, you will need to enter the stream URL into the Radio Preset Page via a computer, tablet, or smartphone. This is a good feature to remember and will hopefully give peace of mind knowing that the CC WiFi Radio 3 is not fully dependent on the success of the Skytune radio service.

Using Bluetooth Functionality

Bluetooth mode allows your CC WiFi Radio 3 to become a wireless speaker for your smartphone or tablet.

  1. From the Primary Menu, turn the dial until the triangle shaped cursor 0 is in front of “Bluetooth”, then press the dial “in” to select. 2
  2. The radio screen will display “CC WiFi 3-**** Not connected”
  3. Go to your smartphone or tablet and enable Bluetooth. a. Bluetooth is usually accessible from “Settings” CII”Bluetooth” if using an Apple® device. b. Bluetooth is usually accessible from “Settings” Mil “Connections” if using an Android device.
  4. After enabling Bluetooth, look for “CC WiFi 3-***” in the listed devices and select it. 5. Your smartphone or tablet will connect to the CC WiFi 3 and use it as the speaker. Try playing any audio from your smartphone or tablet. You will need to adjust the volume on your radio and the volume on your phone or tablet.

Bluetooth Radio Controls
The CC WiFi 3 can control your phone’s Bluetooth audio playback if the option is available in the app that you are using.
Play or Pause : Press the dial “in” on the radio.
Skip : Press the ALARM button on the radio.
Play Previous : Press the EQ button on the radio.
Note: Using the remote control, the arrow buttons (at the bottom) will control playback. Setting the Time and Date
Note: The CC WiFi 3 radio is equipped with “Auto Time” detection and will self-adjust the time once it is connected to your WiFi network. It is likely that the time will be correct without any adjustment. If the time is incorrect then follow the instructions below. At any point, you can use the BACK button to start over at the previous screen.

  1. If you are currently listening to a radio station, briefly press the HOME button to access the Primary Menu.
  2. Rotate the dial until the cursor 1:::1 is in front of “Settings” — press the dial to select.
  3. Rotate the dial clockwise to “Date & Time” — press the dial to select.
  4. Rotate the dial to “Time Zone” — press the dial to select.
  5.  Rotate the dial to “Manual-Set Time Zone” — press and release the dial to select.
  6. Rotate the dial to “Americas” — press and release the dial to select.
  7. Rotate the dial and scroll through a list of large cities in many time zones. Choose a large city that is close to your location and in the same time zone (for example Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, New York, etc.) – press and release the dial to select.
  8. When finished, the radio will show the correct time and date while the power is off, or a radio station is playing.

Setting the Alarm
Note: At any point, you can use the BACK button to start over at the previous screen.

  1. If you are currently listening to a radio station, briefly press the HOME button to access the Primary Menu.

  2. Rotate the dial until the cursor (show icon) is in front of “Alarm”
    — press and release the dial to select.

  3. Rotate the dial to “Alarm 1”
    — press and release the dial to select. 4. Rotate the dial to “Turn On”
    — press and release the dial to select.
    Note: “Turn OFF” can be selected later to disable the alarm if desired.

  4. Rotate the dial to “Time”
    — press and release the dial to select.

  5. Rotate the dial to the correct hour
    — press the “Right Arrow” button.

  6. Rotate the dial to the correct minute
    — press the “Right Arrow” button.

  7. Rotate the dial to “am” or “pm”
    — press the dial to finish.
    Note: By default, the alarm will wake up with a beeping tone. The loudness of the alarm, duration, repetition, and type (i.e. tone or pre-set radio station) can also be modified in the Alarm menu. To wake up with a radio station playing, you must first store the station as a memory preset. See page

Setting the Sleep Timer
With the sleep timer enabled, the internet radio will automatically switch itself off after a set amount of time.

  1. Press and hold the POWER button 0 for 3 seconds to access the sleep timer menu.
  2. Rotate the dial and choose how long you want the radio to play before shutting itself off. The choices are 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 150, and 180 minutes. When the cursor is in front of your selection —press the dial. A small icon zZ ilw will show on the top of the screen to remind you that the sleep timer is set.

Settings Menu Options
Note: To disable the sleep timer follow the steps above except choose “Turn Off” instead of selecting the number of minutes.
Settings Menu Options To access the “Settings” menu follow these steps:

  1. Press the “HOME” button quickly to access the primary menu.
  2. Rotate the dial until the cursor arrow is on front of “Settings” — press the dial to select.
  3. Rotate the dial clockwise to access all the options in the “Settings” menu.

This option is used for connecting your radio to your WiFi network or changing existing network parameters. Once the radio has established a connection to the network, the settings will be saved to the radio for later use.
Date & Tim
Use this option to set the time, date, and clock format. See “Setting the Time and Date” on page 15. Language Allows you to change the display language. There is a “Flag” icon in front of the setting for “Language”. This is an important clue in the case the language setting is changed by accident. To return to English, select the “Flag” icon and choose the first option in the list thereafter.
p Language
Resume Playing Station
The “ON” setting allows the previously playing station to resume playing when the power button is pressed. If you desire the radio to start at the primary menu and remain silent until a station is selected, then choose the “OFF” setting.
Display Brightness
The radio will detect when any button or control is used, and it will make your screen brighter for 20 seconds to help you navigate the menus. This setting is called “First 20 seconds” and can be increased to the level you desire. If no buttons are used within 20 seconds, then the radio will revert to regular brightness or “After 20 seconds” brightness. Both settings can be changed to your desired brightness level.

This setting allows you to control the way your radio sounds from the Speaker, headphones, and the Line-out jack. There are several different preset combinations, or you can choose to customize your sound using the “Advanced” option.

Buffer Time
Before a station is played, the radio takes a few seconds to record ahead of the audio stream. This is called buffering and it keeps the station playing smoothly, even if there are tiny breaks in the audio stream. If the buffering time is increased then the station should play longer without problems, but there will be extra time for the station to begin playing. For most high- quality stations longer buffering is not needed.

This section contains network and system information such as the radio’s current IP Address, WiFi Network Name (SSID), WiFi signal strength percentage, and hardware (MAC) address. You can also find the radio model and firmware version in this area.

Software Update
Check here to see if your radio software is up to date. Most software updates will be automatic when the radio is started but if you are experiencing problems then it is always good to check for software updates. Reset to default Restore your radio programming to the way it was when you first received it. A reset to default will erase your WiFi password and network information, your preset stations, and any custom settings that you have made since receiving the radio. In some cases, this may correct a lasting problem that is not cured by unplugging the power briefly.

About Your Network Name (SSID) : This is the name that was assigned to your wireless router by the person who set it up. Alternatively, your router’s network name (SSID) may be printed on your router (usually on the back or bottom label). After scanning for your wireless network on the radio, rotate the dial through all the results. You may recognize your network name (SSID). If your router’s manufacturer name or your internet service provider name is displayed, try selecting it.

About your Wireless Security Key
About Your Wireless Security key (password) : This can also be called “WPA key” or “Encryption key” and is used to keep unwanted “guests” from your wireless network. If you are unaware of what your password is, you can follow our suggested steps for finding it:

  1. Check the label on the back or bottom of your router.
  2. Search your records for a document that was printed out after your router was setup by the technician or user. This document should contain the Wireless password.
  3. If your wireless network has been renamed and password changed to something unknown, then it is possible to reset your router. You may need to call the manufacturer of the router or your Internet service provider for more assistance.

Having Trouble Connecting to a Wireless Network : This problem can be caused by several possible scenarios.

  1. Double-check the wireless password entry. The password must be exact including upper case, lower case, and special characters.
  2. Make sure that you do not accidentally add extra spaces or characters to the end.
  3. Passwords are usually 8 – 26 characters. It is very unusual to see passwords with fewer than 8 characters.
  4. You may have received an error number. See our “Error Messages Explained” below for more info.

Error Messages Explained

Error #1: The radio could not connect to the router for some reason. Always try again, this may have been a glitch. 90% of the time this error is caused by entering the wrong WiFi password. Another cause could be related to DHCP not being enabled on your router. Most routers come with DHCP enabled. For static IP networks, the radio can be set up manually as an option in network settings.

Error Messages Explained

If you have enabled MAC filtering on your router then the radio will not be allowed to connect until the MAC address is allowed. There may be some incompatibility with the radio and your router’s encryption method that it is currently using. If all else fails, try changing your router’s encryption to “WPA2 PSK AES only”. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #2: There has been a glitch with the WiFi chip inside your radio. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again. Contact C. Crane customer support for further assistance.
Error #3: After scanning for nearby WiFi networks, no networks are found.
– Sometimes your wireless network will not show on the first scan. Try scanning for networks again on your radio. You must have access to nearby WiFi to operate the radio (except in Bluetooth mode).
– You may be out of range from your WiFi router. As a test, move closer to the WiFi router that you are attempting to connect to.
– Check your WiFi router, it must be powered on and ready. Be sure that the “power and “wireless” LED lights are on. If they are not on, you may need to call the manufacturer of the router for more assistance.
– Try unplugging the power to your router and then wait 2 minutes before trying to connect with the radio again.
– Your WiFi router may not be broadcasting on the 2.4 GHz band therefore it is not showing up in the list. Most new routers have dual-band. Please make sure that the 2.4 GHz band is enabled.
– There is a setting on your WiFi router called “Enable SSID Broadcast”. This is usually enabled by default on most routers. This must be enabled. You may need to call the manufacturer of the router for more assistance.
– Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #4: The radio has connected to the WiFi signal but cannot access the Internet.
– You may be connecting to a public network (like a hotel or RV park) that requires web browser authentication per device. Since the radio does not have a web browser you may need to speak with the hotel technical staff about allowing the radio to connect.
– Make sure the WiFi network that you are connected to has working internet. Try connecting to the same WiFi network with another device such as a smartphone or tablet and browse the internet as a test. If the Internet is working, then you can rule out this as the problem. If you have saved preset stations, then try playing one. If the station does not play, then you can furthermore assume that the router does not have Internet. If the station does play, then there may be a temporary problem with the radio station server. Wait sometime before browsing the radio for new stations. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #5 : The Internet and WiFi is working but the Skytune station’s list is not responding making it impossible to browse for new stations. You should however have access to your saved radio station presets. Wait a few minutes and try again later. This problem should not last long. After a few unsuccessful tries, the radio will offer a backup list of saved stations. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #6 & 7: The radio failed to authenticate with the Skytune server. There may be maintenance underway. Wait a few minutes and try again later. This problem should not last long. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #8 : The radio tried to upgrade its firmware (user interface) programming but could not download it to the radio. Wait a few minutes and try again later. This problem should not last long. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again.
Error #9: The radio downloaded the new firmware (user interface) programming but could not install it to the radio. Wait a few minutes and try again later. This problem should not last long. Unplug your radio for 10 seconds and try again. There may be some incompatibility regarding the firmware and your radio. Recommend contacting C. Crane customer support for assistance.

Having Trouble Playing a Radio Station :

  1. If you tried playing several radio stations but none are working, the radio may have lost connection to your router or internet connection. Unplug the radio’s power cord momentarily and reconnect.
  2. The radio is “buffering” and constantly reconnecting to a particular station:
    a. Try moving the radio closer to the router
    b. The station may be overloaded with connected listeners. Try other stations to test if they are working properly.
    c. The station may have changed its streaming information. If using a preset to play the station, you may want to try searching for the station again using the Search function. If the station plays, then you can re-assign the station to your preset.
    d. If the above does not help, please contact C. Crane.

Having Trouble Finding a Particular Radio Station
Having Trouble Finding a Particular Radio Station: If you are unable to find a radio station using the radio search functionality then you can visit www.skytune.net to search it. It is possible to add stations to your radio from this website (by clicking the “heart” icon next to the search results). You will need to know your radio’s IP address. This can be found in your radio’s settings (Settings 1:::: Information 1::: Network information E:1 IP).

Note: Your computer, smartphone, or tablet that you are using needs to be connected via WiFi to the same WiFi network router as your radio for this to work. Adding a New Station to Skytune: If you are a “non-technical” person there is an easy way to request a station to be added to the Skytunes radio service. It may take several days for Skytune to add the new station to the radio. There may also be a chance that the station does not have a normal radio stream URL or one that is not compatible to be played on the radio. Some station stream URLs will only work with computers.

  1. Visit www.skytune.net
  2. Click on “Suggest Station” (usually located on the top-right of the screen)
  3. Enter the station information. You do not need to have all the details, but more details help.
  4. Click the “Send” button.


C CRANE CWF3 CCWiFi 3 Internet Radio with Skytune -
Internet Radio with Skytune - SETING

Memory Preset Log

Preset Location/Genre Station Host

NOTICE: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Copyright ©2020 by C. Crane, Fortuna, CA 95540 Phone: 1-800-522-8863 Web: ccrane.com
All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, in any form or means whatsoever, without permission in writing from C. Crane.

FCC Statement: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator&your body.

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