NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure Subsystem Instructions

June 6, 2024

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure Subsystem

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure pro


This application note explains how TrustZone® technology offers an efficient, systemwide approach to security with hardware-enforced isolation built into the CPU. It also demonstrates how to configure the TrustZone to set secure and non-secure states on RT500 and how to switch between these states and to handle different secure faults.


The TrustZone for ARMv8M in combination with the Platform Security Architecture (PSA) offers a comprehensive security foundation. This subsystem includes the Secure Bus controller, NXP implemented Device Attribution Unit (IDAU), Security Attribution Unit (SAU), and secure GPIO. Built into the core platform, the TrustZone has both secure and non-secure Memory Protection Units(MPUs).

  • The TrustZone for Cortex-M33 plus Platform Security Architecture include:
  • ARMV8-M addition states
  1.  Secure and non-secure stack pointers
  2.  Dual stack limit checking
  3.  Private SysTick timer for each state
  • Security Attribution Unit (SAU),
  • Memory Protection Unit (MPU) which has Secure and Non-Secure memories.
  • NXP modules include
  1. Defined Attribution Unit (using IDAU interface)
  2.  Secure Bus Control
  3.  Secure GPIO Controller
  4.  Secure DMA Controller

Just having a combination of secure and non-secure code in the TrustZone decrease the attack surface of your software. Make sure that secure portion of your software is bullet-proof and protected.

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 1

TrustZone for ARMv8M Cortex-M33

TrustZone is a technology used in all Cortex A to secure your smartphone, tablets, and smart TVs. TrustZone provides the means to implement separation and access control to isolate trusted software and resources to reduce the attack surface of key components. The created trusted enclave can protect trusted software and is ideal to store and run critical security services. Best practices demand that this code be small, reviewed code with provisions of security services. The enclave can also protect trusted hardware to augment and fortify the trusted software. This includes the modules for hardware assists for cryptographic accelerators, random number generators, and secure storage. Security needs be thought about from a system perspective – it needs to cover CPU, memory, peripherals, and all the IP that connect these devices together.
Isolation is just the foundation – security is about layers of protection, adding in further HW and SW to add further layers.

Secure and Non-Secure Memory Attribution

Memory can be Secure, Non-Secure (NS) or non-secure callable (NSC). These are defined by the Security Attribution Unit (SAU) as programmable or the Implementation Defined Attribution Unit (IDAU) is fixed by NXP. Secure data can only be read by secure code. Secure code can only be executed by a CPU in a secure mode. NS data can be accessed by both secure state and non-secure state CPU. NS code cannot be executed by secure code. The NSC is a special region for NS code to branch into and execute a Secure Gateway (SG) opcode. This is the only way for NS code to call an S function. If SG is executed in the NSC region and the CPU is in NS state, then the CPU moves to S state.

Only SG instructions can be legally executed out of the NSC region, so the branching to the actual S function is done in Secure mode.

The CPU states can be Secure privilege, secure non-privileged, privilege (Handler), or non-privileged (Thread). The NSC region of S-memory provides a veneer for S-application code to access function in S-memory without divulging the specific address of the secure function. On executing the SG instruction, the CPU changes from CPU-NS to CPU-S, then will execute the veneered call to a secure function in S-memory. If the CPU-NS calls into an address in the NSC region that is not an SG instruction an exception fault is created. The exception fault results in the CPU entering a secure state. The secure application code developer creates function calls inside the NSC region to S-application code, allowing the NS-application the capability to use functions inside S-memory.

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 2

ARMv8M additional CPU States

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 3

ecure and non-secure code run on a single CPU for efficient embedded implementation. CPU in a non-secure state can only execute from non-secure program memory. CPU in a non-secure state can access data from both NS memory only. For the secure, trusted code there is a new secure stack pointer and stack-limit checking. There are separate Memory Protection Units (MPUs) for S and NS regions and private SysTick timers for each state. The secure side can configure the target domain of interrupts.

Secure Bus

The secure bus includes a PPC (Peripheral Protection Checker), MPC (Memory Protection Checker), and the MSW (Master Security Wrapper). This is not the same as the secure bus between the PUF and PRINCE and AES.

Security defined by the address

The NXP IDAU implementation of Arm TrustZone for CPU0 involves using address bit 28 to divide the address space into potential secure and non-secure regions. Address bit 28 is not decoded in memory access hardware, so each physical location appears in two places on whatever bus they are located on. Other hardware determines which kinds of accesses (including non-secure callable) are allowed for any address.

TrustZone and System General Mapping

Start Address| End Address| TrustZone| CM-33 bus| CM-33 usage
0x0000 0000| 0x0FFF FFFF| Non-Secure| Code| Shared RAM, Boot ROM, FlexSPI0 (Quad/Octal SPI0) Interface memory mapped space.
0x1000 0000| 0x1FFF FFFF| Secure| Code| Same as above
0x2000 0000| 0x2FFF FFFF| Non-Secure| Data| Shared RAM, Smart DMA Controller RAM, FlexSPI1 (Quad/Octal SPI1) Interface memory mapped space
0x3000 0000| 0x3FFF FFFF| Secure| Data| Same as above
0x4000 0000| 0x4FFF FFFF| Non-Secure| Data| AHB and APB Peripherals
0x5000 0000| 0x5FFF FFFF| Secure| Data| Same as above

Attribution Unit

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 3
All addresses are either secure or non-secure. The Security Attribution Unit (SAU) inside of the ARMV8M works with the MPUs. There are 8 SAU regions supported by RT500. NXP incorporated an Implementation-specific Device Attribution Unit (IDAU) allowing a secure OS to be decoupled from the application.

RT500 IDAU and Security Attribution Unit

The IDAU is a simple design using address bit 28 to allow aliasing of the memories in two locations. If address bit 28 is = 0 the memory is Non-Secure. If address bit 28 = 1 the memory is Secure. The SAU allows 8 memory regions and allows the user to override the IDAU’s fixed Map, to define the non-secure regions. By default, all memory is set to secure. At least one SAU descriptor should be used to make IDAU effective. If either IDAU or SAU marks a region that region is secure. NSC area can be defined in the NS region of the IDAU.

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 4

  1. Configure SAU region 0.
    / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 0;
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = SAU_REGION_0_BASE & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk; / Region end address /

  2. Configure SAU region 1.
    / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 1;
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = SAU_REGION_1_BASE & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk; / Region end address /

  3. Configure SAU region 2.
    / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 2;
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = SAU_REGION_2_BASE & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk; / Region end address /

  4. Configure SAU region 3.
    / Configure SAU region 3 – Non-secure FLASH for CODE execution/ / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 3;
    / Region base address /
    / Region end address /
    ((0U << SAU_RLAR_NSC_Pos) & SAU_RLAR_NSC_Msk) |

  5. Configure SAU region 4.
    / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 4;
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = SAU_REGION_4_BASE & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk; / Region end address /

  6. Configure SAU region 5.
    / Set SAU region number /
    SAU->RNR = 5;
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = SAU_REGION_5_BASE & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk; / Region end address /
    ((1U << SAU_RLAR_ENABLE_Pos) & SAU_RLAR_ENABLE_Msk); }
    / Region base address /
    SAU->RBAR = (0x08040000) & SAU_RBAR_BADDR_Msk;
    / Region end address /
    SAU->RLAR = (0x080BFFFF & SAU_RLAR_LADDR_Msk) |
    ((0U << SAU_RLAR_NSC_Pos) & SAU_RLAR_NSC_Msk) |
    ((1U << SAU_RLAR_ENABLE_Pos) & SAU_RLAR_ENABLE_Msk); }

Security Bus Controller

The RT500 uses a matrix of secure bus controller modules to manage the data flow in the MCU. A combination of a Peripheral Protection Checker (PPC), the Memory Protection Checker (MPC), the Master Security Wrapper (MSW) along with security locking and error log, secure interrupt masking Hypervisor Interrupt and GPIO masking. The Bus matrix between bus masters like the M33 core or DMA engines are wrapped with the MSW and have security sideband signals used for tamper detection. There is a PPC for each bus slave port. The MPCs are used for memories and bus bridges.

NXP AN13156 TrustZone Secure 5
Memory Protection Checkers

The MPC is used with all memory devices, on-chip Flash, and SRAM as well as external memory devices. Memory blocks have one checker setting per ‘sector’ where typically, memory is divided into 32 sectors. For example, a 128 KB memory would have a granularity of 4 kB per sector. All rules are set in the Secure Control register bank. A user must have the highest level “Secure Privileged” to set rules. The Privilege level is ignored if left in default states. By default, only the security level is checked.

Master Security Wrapper

The MSW wraps three types of bus masters, TrustZone aware Cortex M33 with security extension, simple masters such as SDIO, PowerQuad, DMA0, DMA1, Hash- AES and smart masters such as bus master’s that can perform data and/or instruction access.

Security Locking

The secure bus controller allows locking of the following configurations:

  • All PPC & MPC checkers settings
  • All master security level (MSW) settings
  • SAU Settings
  • Secure MPU settings
  • Secure Vector offset address (S_VTOR) for CM-33
  • Non-secure MPU settings
  • Non-secure Vector offset address (NS_VTOR) for CM-33

Demo Application

As part of this, we run an SDK example to understand how to configure the TrustZone to set secure and non-secure states and how to switch between these states as well as how to handle different secure faults.

SDK Example 1

This application demonstrates the following techniques for TrustZone applications development:

  1.  Application separation between the secure and non-secure part
  2.  TrustZone environment configuration
  3.  Exporting secure function to non-secure world
  4.  Calling non-secure function from the secure world
  5.  Creating veneer table.
  • Environment

Hardware environment

  • Board MIMXRT595EVK
  • Debugger Integrated CMSIS-DAP debugger on the board
  • Miscellaneous 1 Micro USB cable

Board Setup

Connect the micro USB cable between the PC and the J40 link on the board for loading and running a demo.

Software environment

  • Tool chain  embedded workbench 8.50.9 or MCUXpresso IDE 11.3.0 or Keil 5.33
  •   Software package  SDK_2.9.1_EVK-MIMXRT595

Steps and result
The basic steps are as follows:

  1.  Follow the Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for RT500 (can be found inside SDK->docs) in order to go through the steps for running hello_world demo (SDK\boards\evkmimxrt595\trustzone_examples\hello_world) using MCUXpresso , IAR or Keil. The instruction for a TrustZone based application are a little different as compared to other application. Follow steps for TrustZone based application in getting started guide. Select UART from the SDK debug console option while importing trustzone based project (hello_world & secure_fault) for MCUXpresso.
  2.  Connect the development platform to your PC via USB cable.
  3.  Open the terminal application on the PC, such as PuTTY or TeraTerm, and connect to the debug serial port number (to determine the COM port number). Configure the terminal with these settings:
  • 115200 baud rate
  •  8 data bits
  • No Parity
  • 1 Stop bit
  • No Flow control

4. Result:

The application shows how to use SAU to configure secure and non-secure memory and how to switch between them in two states. There are two projects in application: secure and non-secure. Only Secure can handle UART and entry to function printf to UART as defined in NSC while the strcmp callback function is defined in normal mode. The application implements the function of calling non-secure code from secure code and calling secure code from non-secure code, printing the execution results in the two states.

SDK Example 2

The Secure Faults demo application demonstrates the handling of different secure faults. This application is based on the application Hello World. In addition, the user can invoke different secure faults by setting the value of variable test case number.
Hardware environment

  • Board  EVK-MIMXRT595
  • Debugger Integrated CMSIS-DAP debugger on the board
  • Miscellaneous 1 Micro USB cable
  • Board Setup  Connect the micro USB cable between PC and J40 link on the board for loading and running a demo.

Software environment

  •   Toolchain  IAR embedded workbench 8.50.9 or MCUXpresso IDE 11.3.0 or Keil 5.33
  • Software packag e SDK_2.9.1_EVK-MIMXRT595

Steps and result
All the steps remain the same as defined in Section 3.1.4 except step 1 where one needs to import the “secure_faults” example application instead of hello_world. In order to get the different secure fault errors, change the variable ‘test case number’ value from 1-5 in the secure_faults_s.c file before compiling.
As part of this application, users can invoke the following faults:

  • The invalid transition from secure to the normal world:

In this example, a direct address to non-secure RESET is used to jump into the normal world. There are two issues related to this approach:

  • All core registers are not clear so there is a potential data leak
  •  The most LSB of address into the normal world has to be cleared
  •  As this is not met, therefore secure fault is generated. Both issues can be solved by using the cmse_nonsecure_call keyword attribute. If this attribute is used for a function call to normal world, the compiler will:
    1. Clear all used registers to avoid potential data leak
    2. Clear LSB address bit
    3. Jump to address using BXNS instruction
  • The invalid entry point from normal to secure world:

Calling function located in the secure world without asm(SG) cause SAU to call HardFault.The PRINTF_NS entry point is intentionally increased by 4. Therefore, the Secure Gateway SG instruction is skipped causing secure fault event due to an illegal entry point to S world.

  • Invalid data access from the normal world, example 1:

In this example, the pointer is set to address 0x30000000. This address has a secure attribute (see SAU settings). If data is read from this address, the secure fault is generated as in NS world, the application doesn’t have access to secure memory

  • Invalid input parameters in entry function:

The input parameter is set to address 0x30000000. This address has a secure attribute (see SAU settings). This secure violation is not detected by secure fault, since the input parameter is used by the secure function in a secure mode. So this function has access to the whole memory. However, every entry function should check the source of all input data in order to avoid potential data leaks from secure memory. The correctness of input data cannot be checked automatically. This has to be checked by software using Test Target TT instructions.

  • Invalid data access from the normal world, example 2 :

The pointer is set to address 0x00130000. This address has a non-secure attribute in SAU but it has a secure attribute in AHB secure controller. If data is read from this address, the data bus error is generated. Compared to test #3, this error is caught by the AHB secure controller, not by SAU, because in SAU this address is non-secure so the access from the normal world is correct from the SAU perspective.


TrustZone technology offers an efficient, systemwide approach to security with hardware-enforced isolation built into the CPU. It does this by running two domains side-by-side and sharing resources per set configuration. It is more efficient in hardware resources and overall design effort than implementing a dedicated security subsystem. It encourages the separation of applications into security-critical aspects from general-purpose aspects: reducing the attack surface. The SDK examples show how to configure the TrustZone to set secure and non-secure states and how to switch between these states as well as how to handle different secure faults.


  1.  RT500 user manual.
  2.  RT500 datasheet.
  3.  MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes for EVK-MIMXRT595 (can be found inside SDK).
  4.  Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for EVK-MIMXRT595 (can be found inside SDK).
  5.  MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual.

Revision history

Revision number Date Substantive changes
0 02/2021 Initial release

Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.

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Date of release: 02/2021
Document identifier: AN13156


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