AzureWave AW-CU300AV3-USB WLAN Microcontroller Module with Type-C Dongle User Guide
- June 6, 2024
- AzureWave
Table of Contents
AzureWave AW-CU300AV3-USB WLAN Microcontroller Module with Type-C Dongle
User Guide
Hardware Specification
Hardware Setup
Plug the AW-CU300AV3-USB dongle into the USB type C port or through an USB type A male to USB type C female adapter (not included in the box) if the computer does not have the USB type C port or it can not recognize the dongle.
Remove all the jumpers (2mm pitch) on the dongle before mating it with the Arduino Uno through the ARDUINO UNO ADPAPTOR. The digital logic level & power supply input of the dongle are 3.3V. DO NOT directly connect the dongle to the Arduino Uno.
- AW-CU300AV3-USB connected to Arduino Uno through the ARDUINO UNO ADPAPTOR.
Identify the Hardware and Firmware
Check if Device Manager can recognize AW-CU300AV3-USB. If not, download FTDI Driver at, then send the AT commands through the second FTDI com port.
Open a serial connection by using PuTTY or the similar terminal emulator.
To force the terminal show characters you type and send the command only after you hit the “Enter” key, set Local echo & Local line editing to “Force on”.
Type AT+MOD_About and hit “Enter” key to identify the dongle hardware and firmware.
AWS Command Example
Please find the command details in AWS CONNECTOR AT Command Set.
Below are commands for the demo:
Turn on Wi-Fi module: AT+WIFI_ On.
Retrieve the Wi-Fi AP Station Mode: AT+WIFI_ Get Mode
Perform a Wi-Fi network scan: AT+WIFI_ Scan
Set and store the Wi-Fi AP information when AW-CU427-USB in Station Mode:
AT+WIFI_ Set AP=SSID, password, security type.
SSID: SSID of AP (case sensitive).
password: password for AP (case sensitive)/
security type: OPEN WEP WPA WPA2. -
Connect to the AP: AT+WIFI_ Connect.
Define and store Thing-specific configuration:
AT+THING_ Set=client ID, endpoint, root CA certificate, client certificate, client private key.
client ID: Thing name(Client ID).
endpoint: AWS Iot endpoint URL.
root CA certification: Certificate for root CA.
client certificate: Certificate for this Thing.
client private key: Private key for thing Thing. -
Connect the client to MQTT broker: AT+MQTT_ Connect.
Subscribe to and save MQTT topic: AT+MQTT_ Subscribe=
, >qos>. -
Publish to MQTT topic:
AT+MQTT_ Publish=topic, message, qos.
topic: Topic to publish to
message: Message to publish.
qos: 0 1
Getting Started with AWS IoT Core
Step 0: The below link is a documents of how to setup AWS IOT console, you can refer to it for full AWS IOT knowledge.
But, if you want to setup AzureWave AWS Connector, you would just refer to the following steps.
Step 1: Create AWS Account, Create an IAM user.
Please refer to the below link to setup AWS Account and IAM user.
If you have created an IAM user, please refer to the following setting to
connect these two policies (Amazon Free RTOS Full Access, AWS IoT Full Access)
to your IAM.
Step 2: Create a thing.
A thing represents a specific device or instance that can communicate with AWS
IOT. Please refer to the following link to create a thing.
Step 3: Register a device
This step will create certificate and private key. You can use certificate,
private key, thing name and endpoint as AT+THING_ Set command parameter.
After this command executing, the four parameter will be provision to our
connector. After provisioning, you can connect AWS IOT with MQTT or SHADOW
Please refer to the steps as the following link.
After finishing the steps, please notice the following two actions:
Download certificate and private key
In Create and activate a device certificate chapter, please download and keeps the certificate and private key. Because they will be used when send AT+THING_ Set command. -
Thing Name and Endpoint
These two data will also be used for AT+THING_ Set command.
You can find out thing name in Manage > Things submenu, and endpoint in settings of AWS IOT dashboard.
Publish and Monitor MQTT message on the cloud
Step 0: Make sure the AP under test is connected to the internet using other Wi-Fi enabled devices. Assume the SSID, password and security type of the AP is MySSID, MyPassword, wpa2.
Step 1: Connect the AW-CU427-USB to the system ( refer to 2. Hardware Setup ) and turn off the wireless devices near the AW-CU427-USB (except for the device under test). Turn on the Wi-Fi module of the AW-CU427-USB using AT+WIFI_On
Step 2: Check if AW-CU427-USB is in station mode using
Step 3 : Set and store information of the AP using AT+WIFI_SetAP=
AT+WIFI_SetAP=SSID, password, security type
SSID: SSID of AP (case sensitive)
password: password for AP (case sensitive)
security type: OPEN WEP WPA WPA
Step 4: Connect to the AP: AT+WIFI_Connect
Step 5: Define and store Thing-specific configuration using
AT+THING_Set command.
AT+THING_Set=client ID, endpoint, client certificate, client private key
client ID: Thing name(Client ID)
endpoint: AWS IoT endpoint URL
client certificate: Certificate for this Thing (downloaded in 3.1 step 3)
client private key: Private key for this Thing (downloaded in 3.1 step 3)
You should create command as format below:
AT+THING_Set=98c6,, —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–\n…base64 data…\n—–END CERTIFICATE—–\n, —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–\n…base64 data…\n—–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–\n
Step 6: Connect the client to MQTT broker: AT+MQTT_Connect.
Step 7: Subscribe to and save MQTT topic using AT+MQTT_Subscribe=iotdemo/1,0
Step 8: Publish to MQTT topic using AT+MQTT_Publish=iotdemo/1, hello, 0
AT+MQTT_Publish=topic,message,qos topic: Topic to publish to
Step 9: Use the MQTT client in the AWS IoT console to monitor the messages that device sends to the AWS Cloud.
Sign in to the AWS IoT console.
In the navigation pane, choose Test to open the MQTT client.
In Subscription topic, enter iotdemo/#, and then choose Subscribe to topic.
You should see the message send from device as like below.
Block Diagram and Schematic
Block Diagram for AW-CU300AV3-USB
Schematics for AW-CU300AV3-USB
**Module pinout (AW-CU300A V3)
** Block Diagram for Arduino Uno Adaptor
Schematics for Arduino Uno Adaptor
Additional Information
The AW-CU427-USB is designed for Engineering Evaluation Purpose Only as opposed to an end product. Thus, it may not comply with directives such as WEEE, CE and FCC. The dongle is not completely enclosed with a shielding case. User must take whatever measures to prevent ESD and minimize interference generated by the dongle. For preventing any damage on this dongle, please plug it into USB female port horizontally
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AzureWave and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AzureWav.
- First steps - FreeRTOS First steps - FreeRTOS
- How to manage things with the registry - AWS IoT Core How to manage things with the registry - AWS IoT Core
- Getting started with AWS IoT Core - AWS IoT Core
- How to manage things with the registry - AWS IoT Core How to manage things with the registry - AWS IoT Core