powerflex EV Charging Incentives and Regulations User Guide
- June 1, 2024
- powerflex
Table of Contents
- powerflex EV Charging Incentives and Regulations
- Product Information
- Product Usage Instructions
- Commercial and Industrial Regulations and Incentives for EV Charging by
- Multi-Use Dwelling Incentives for EV Charging by State
- About PowerFlex
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powerflex EV Charging Incentives and Regulations
Product Information
- Product: EV Charging Incentives & Regulations E-Book
- Content: A State-by-State Guide for 2023
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes
- Expected EV Sales by 2023: 10% of light-duty vehicle sales
Product Usage Instructions
The EV Charging Incentives & Regulations E-Book provides detailed
information on state-specific regulations, incentives, and programs related to
EV charging infrastructure in the U.S. It aims to guide individuals and
organizations in understanding the evolving landscape of EV adoption and
infrastructure development.
How to Access the E-Book
- Visit the designated website or platform where the E-Book is available for download or viewing.
- Click on the provided link or button to initiate the download or access process.
- Once downloaded, open the E-Book using a compatible e-reader or software on your device.
Navigating the Content
Use the table of contents or search feature within the E-Book to quickly
locate information on specific states or topics of interest. The content is
organized by state for easy reference.
Understanding EV Charging Incentives
Pay close attention to the detailed descriptions of incentives and
regulations provided for each state. Take note of eligibility criteria,
application processes, and any specific requirements mentioned to maximize the
benefits of available incentives.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How often is the E-Book updated?
A: The E-Book is regularly updated to reflect the latest changes in regulations, incentives, and programs across states. It is recommended to check for updates periodically to ensure access to current information. -
Q: Can individuals outside the U.S. benefit from this E-Book?
A: While the primary focus of the E-Book is on U.S. EV charging incentives and regulations, individuals from other regions may find value in understanding the evolving strategies and approaches adopted by states in promoting EV adoption and infrastructure development.
EV Charging Incentives & Regulations
A State-by-State Guide for 2023
In January of this year, an impressive 7.1% of light-duty vehicles registered
in the U.S. were fully electric vehicles (EVs).
And by the end of 2023, total U.S. EV sales are expected to reach 10% of
light-duty vehicle sales. That’s 1.4 million new cars, trucks, and vans that
need charging nearly each and every day. Wood Mackenzie believes North America
will see a rapid surge of EV charger installations, forecasting 2 million
ports in place by 2035. How will that level of infrastructure come about?
Nationwide, states are preparing for mass EV adoption by regulating and
supporting the installation of EV charging networks. Many policies aim to
develop infrastructure for workplaces, public networks, and multi-unit
dwellings (MUDs).
Because financial incentives make installing EV charging an attractive
investment, more and more organizations are gaining interest in operating
their own large-scale EV charging networks, including the following:
- Corporate offices
- Vehicle fleets
- Multifamily or mixed-use developments
- Universities or university campuses
- Healthcare facilities
U.S. EV sales are expected to reach 10% of light-duty vehicle sales
However, assessing the potential value of an incentive program can be complex. Incentives vary from state to state, and eligibility is often granular. Some programs are city-specific. Or only apply to specific properties. Or have indistinct end dates. Thorough knowledge of the latest EV charging regulations and incentives is key to successfully deploying cost-effective, large-scale installations.
“The next couple of years are going to be good for EV charging incen-tives and
growth, and after that, I think states will start determining that these early
adopter programs are not as needed because the market will have evolved.”
Raghav Murali | Director of Policy and Government Affairs, PowerFlex
Commercial and Industrial Regulations and Incentives for EV Charging by
DC | DC passed the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018, which |
gave the DCPSC authority to consider an applica- tion to promote
transportation electri- fication through utility infrastructure ownership and
other incentives. In 2019 the DCPSC approved Pepco’s EVSE make ready incentive
program| DC Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit offers $10k/ station or
50% of project costs for commercial
Massachusetts| Massachusetts created the MassEVIP program through the
regulatory process and is currently investigating how to
use load management in all appications to reduce the impact of transportation electrification on the grid and rates
| MassEVIP MUD and Educational Campus Charging by Mass Dept. of Environmental Protection offers a custom rebate or 60% project costs
MassEVIP Public Access Charging Program by MA Dept. of Environmental Protection offers custom rebate or 80% of project costs for non-govt. owned public chargers
Mass Workplace and Fleet Charging Program by MA Dept. of Environmental Protection offers custom rebate or 60% of project costs for workplace/fleets
New Jersey| New Jersey BPU has multiple EVSE incentive programs that it has created through regulatory initiatives. These pro- grams now provide incentives for EVSE make ready infrastructure and chargers for LD/MDHD| Clean Fleet EV Incentive Program by NJ Clean Energy offers lesser of $5k/charger of 100% of project costs for public charging stations or $4k/charger of 100% of material costs for fleet chargers
Drive Clean NJ by NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection offers $4k/port or 100% of material costs for 2-20 ports and $4k/port and 80% of material costs for corridors with 2-20 ports
NJ MUD EV Charger Program by NJ Clean Energy offers
$4k/charger or 100% of material costs w/ maximum 6 chargers per year
New York| PURA created EVSE incentive programs for L2 and DCFC through its Grid Modernization Initiative proceeding| Charge Ready NY by NYSERDA has incentive amounts of the lesser of $4k/port or 100% of total project costs
EV Make Ready Program by Joint Utilities of NY offers 90% of make-ready costs for public chargers, 50% of make-ready costs for private chargers, and 100% of costs for MUDs
NY Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Recharging Property Credit by NY Dept. of Taxation and Finance offers lesser of $5k/station or 50% project costs
Oregon | Oregon has created zero emission vehicle targets, ending with |
all vehicles sold beginning 2035 must e zero emission.
Oregon has EV and EVSE incentive pro- grams
| OR Community Charging Program by ODOT offers $4,250/port or 75% of project
costs for publicly accessi- ble or $5,500 or 75% of project costs for MUD
Washington| WA has passed several bills in the last two years that
require a certain percentage of parking spaces in partking lots to be for EVSE
and to sell only zero emission vehicles beginning 2030| Seattle City Light
Fleet Chargers program offers lesser of $4k/port or 50% of project costs
Seattle City Light MUD program offers lesser of $50k/site or 100% of project
costs SNOPUD Commercial EV Chargers offers lesser of $500/ port or 100% of
material costs for new facilities and $1000/port or 100% of material costs for
existing facilities
Texas| Texas has recently implemented EV registration fees of $400 on
top of other fees, making EVs less attactive in the state|
- Plug In Austin by Austin Energy offers $4k/station or 50% of project costs for existing and $2,500/station or 50% of project costs for new construction
- Centerpoint EV Chariging offers customer rebate or 50% of project cost for commercial L2
- Entergy Etech EV Chargers by Entenergy offers $250/ port or 100% of project costs
Multi-Use Dwelling Incentives for EV Charging by State
CA (Bay Area, San Jose,
San Francisco, Oakland)
| CALeVIP offers custom rebate or 80% of project costs
CALSTART Communities in charge offers by CEC offers $7k/port or 75% of project costs Reach 2 CA Multifamily Grant offers custom rebate or 80% of project costs
CA (Orange County,
Los Angeles, Anaheim, Long Beach)
| CaleVIP offers custom rebate or up to 60% project costs
CALSTART Communities in charge offers by CEC offers $7k/port or 75% of project costs SCE Charge Ready offers custom rebate or 100% of project costs
CA (San Diego, Carlsbad)| CALeVIP SD offers $5,500/port or 75% of project costs
CALSTART Communities in charge offers by CEC offers $7k/port or 75% of project costs SDG&E Power Your Drive offers $13k/charger or 100% of material costs
CO (Denver)| Charge Ahead CO offers lesser of $4,500/port or 80%
of project costs for commercial or $5,750/port or 90% of project costs for
DC (Washington)| DC Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit offers
$10k/station or 50% of project costs for commercial
GA (Atlanta)| GA Electric Vehicle Charger tax credit offers
$2,500/charger or 10% of project cost GA Power EV Chargers offers $500/charger
or 100% of project costs
IL (Chicago)| IEPA Charging Incentive Program offers custom rebate or
80% of project costs
MA (Boston)| MassEVIP MUD and Educational Campus Charging by Mass Dept.
of Environmental Protection offers a custom rebate or 60% project costs
MassEVIP Public Access Charging Program by MA Dept. of Environmental Protection offers custom rebate or 80% of project costs for non-govt. owned public chargers
New Jersey |
- NJ MUD EV Charger Program by NJ Clean Energy offers $4k/charger or 100% of material costs w/ maximum 6 chargers per year
- Drive Clean NJ by NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection offers $4k/port or 100% of material costs for 2-20 ports and $4k/port and 80% of material costs for corridors with 2-20 ports
New York|
- Charge Ready NY by NYSERDA has incentive amounts of the lesser of $4k/port or 100% of total project costsCredit by NY Dept. of Taxation and Finance offers lesser of $5k/station or 50% project costs
- Jamestown BPU offers $1,500/port or 100% of material costs
- EV Make Ready Program by Joint Utilities of NY offers 90% of make-ready costs for public chargers, 50% of make-ready costs for private chargers, and 100% of costs for MUDs
- NY Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Recharging Property Credit by NY Dept. of Taxation and Finance offers lesser of $5k/station or 50% project costs
NC (Charlotte)| Duke EV Prep Credit offers $1,605/charger or 100% of
project costs
NC (Raleigh, Dunham)| Duke EV Prep Credit offers
$1,605/charger or 100% of project costs
OR (Portland)| OR Community Charging Program by ODOT offers
$4,250/port or 75% of project costs for publicly accessible or $5,500 or 75%
of project costs for MUD
TX (Austin)| Plug In Austin by Austin Energy offers $4k/station or
50% of project costs for existing and $2,500/ station or 50% of project costs
for new construction
TX (Houston)| Centerpoint EV Charging offers customer rebate or
50% of project cost for commercial L2
WA (Seattle, Tacoma)| Seattle City Light MUD program offers lesser of
$50k/site or 100% of project costs
The EV charging regulations and incentives in this document are provided for
convenience only; this list should not be consid-ered exhaustive. Incentive
terms and deadlines are subject to change and are outside of PowerFlex’s
control. Please talk with a PowerFlex specialist for current information, or
visit a specific program’s website for the most up-to-date details on
availability and eligibility.
Reasons to Invest in EV Charging Now
EV charging policies across America are constantly evolving. Organizations
waiting to install a charging network should consider the following risks of
- Limited incentives, both in time and quantity
- Rise in material costs due to deferring installation
- Expensive retrofitting to meet future regulations
- Properties without EV charging falling behind
If you’re familiar with the latest EV charging regulations and incentives and
act now, it’s possible to lock in valuable financial benefits while they’re
avail-able. Raghav Murali (Director of Policy and Government Affairs,
PowerFlex) un-derstands this, stating, “There is an urgency in the sense that
these incentive programs get oversubscribed really quickly, and revisiting
their budgets takes a lot of time. So you want to strike, certainly, while the
iron is hot.”
“PowerFlex’s incentive team identifies, applies for, and manages all the
incentives. They do the paperwork, coordinate with our installation team, and
just make sure we’re meeting all the program guidelines and requirements. And
so that’s a big value add for our customers.”
Alex Kaufman Business Development Manager, PowerFlex
About PowerFlex
PowerFlex, an EDF Renewables affiliate, is a clean technology solutions
company making the transformation to carbon-free electrification and
transportation possible.
Our onsite intelligent energy management platform, PowerFlex X, monitors,
controls, and optimizes onsite clean energy assets — solar, storage, EV
chargers, and microgrids — and reduces overall energy costs through adaptive
algorithms that maximize distributed energy resources.
PowerFlex is the second-largest installer of commercial rooftop solar and the
fourth-largest network of Level 2 EV chargers in the U.S. Our solar and
storage projects offset 70,000 tons of CO2 each year, while our 10,000+ EV
chargers were responsible for offsetting 13,000 tons of CO2 in 2022.
15445 Innovation Dr. San Diego, CA 92128
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