iCOM AT-130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Icom Inc.


READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the AT-130 and AT-130E.
SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This instruction manual contains important safety and installation instructions.


DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER touch the antenna terminal, ground terminal, antenna, or counterpoise while transmitting. Place the AT-130 or AT-130E, antenna and counterpoise in positions where no one touches them.
WARNING! NEVER transmit during internal adjustment. This may cause an electric shock.
NEVER use without a ground connection.
USE the ground terminal for ground connection. The mounting plate is not connected internally.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 1

DO NOT operate your HF marine transceiver without running the boat’s engine.
DO NOT use the AT-130 or AT-130E in areas where the temperature is below –30°C (–22˚F) or above +60°C (+140˚F).


The explicit definitions in this instruction manual.

RANGER! Personal death, serious injury, or an explosion may occur.
WARNING! Personal injury, fire hazard, or electric shock may occur.
CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.
NOTE If disregarded, inconvenience only.

No risk of personal injury, fire, or electric shock.


Thank you for purchasing the AT-130 or AT-130E HF AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER.

The AT-130 and AT-130E are designed, primarily for use with Icom HF transceivers. To meet European regulations, the AT-130E includes an extra emergency tuner circuit for 2182 kHz operation.

Refer to your HF transceiver instruction manual for operation. If you have any questions, contact your nearest authorized Icom Dealer or Service Center.


The following parts are supplied with the AT-130/E.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic
Antenna Tuner - FIG 2


  1. U-bolts……………………………………………… 2
  2. U-bolt plates……………………………………. 2
  3. Flat washers (M6 large)…………………… 8
  4. Flat washers (M6 small) …………………. 4
  5. Spring washers (M6)……………………….. 8
  6.  Nuts (M6)………………………………………. 8
  7. Hex head bolts (M6×50) ……………….. 4
  8. Self-tapping screws (A0 6×30)…………4
  9. Weatherproof cap ………………………….. 1
  10. Rubber vulcanizing tape…………………..1
  11. 4-pin connector……………………………….1
  12. Connector pins …………………………….. 4
  13. Ground cable (OPC-412)……………… 1


The following parts are required for installation but are not supplied with the AT-130 or AT-130E.

  1. AWG 14×4-conductor shielded cable
  • Icom offers an optional OPC-420 c o n t r o l c a b l e.
    Length: 10 m; 32.8 feet

    1. 50 Ω coaxial cable
    2. Two PL-259 connectors

About CE
Versions of the AT-130E which display the “CE” symbol on the serial number seal, comply with the essential requirements of the European Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Directive 1999/5/EC.


Matches all bands
The AT-130/E matches all frequencies on the HF marine band. For example, the tuner matches a 7 m; 23 feet long-wire antenna across 1.6–30 MHz.

Full automatic tuning
Just push the [TUNE] switch on the transceiver, the AT-130/E immediately tunes for a minimum SWR on any frequency in the HF marine band.

HF operation on any size ship
The AT-130/E allows HF operation where antenna element length is restricted due to space.

The AT-130/E is housed in a durable, completely weather-resistant acrylic case with a rubber gasket. The antenna tuner can be conveniently installed both on the deck or in the cabin near the antenna element.

Simple installation
Installation is simple. Just connect the control and antenna cables and short- time internal settings.  After installation, you never need to open the cover for maintenance.

Preset tuning function
This function provides super-fast tuning on your most-used frequency.

45 memories for a shorter tuning time
To decrease the tune-up time, the AT-130/E automatically stores the matching conditions for up to 45 frequencies. Retuning for a  memorized frequency takes only approximately 1 second.

Supercapacitor for memory backup
Even if the AT-130/E is not used for approximately 1 week, the built-in super capacitor backs up the 45 memory contents.

Low power tune-up
The AT-130/E emits low output power during tuning. This feature reduces the possibility of causing interference to other stations.

Emergency tuner circuit (AT-130E)
To meet European regulations, the Europe version AT-130E includes an emergency tuner circuit for 2182 kHz operation. If any signal from the control cable indicates an abnormal condition, this circuit is automatically selected.

Icom, Icom Inc., and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, and/or other countries.


Antenna for ship

Required antenna element length
Required antenna element length to achieve full performance varies according to the lowest frequency:

The lowest frequency Required antenna element length
1.6 MHz band 7 m; 23.0 feet or longer
4 MHz band 3 m; 9.8 feet or longer

The longer the antenna element, the better the antenna efficiency.

Undesirable antenna element lengths
DO   NOT use an antenna element such as multiples of 1 ⁄2λ lengths (half wavelength), since tuning becomes difficult.

L: Antenna element length to be avoided [m] f: Operating frequency [MHz] n : Natural number (n = 1, 2, 3, …)

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 339fiAF

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 3

At an operating frequency of 16 MHz, avoid the following antenna element lengths:

For example, if 15 m (49.2 feet) is selected for an antenna element length, you have no problem in the 1.6–25 MHz marine bands range.iCOM AT130 HF
Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 4

NOTE: Keep antennas as far away from other objects as possible, especially metal objects.

Antenna for land operation

In some countries, HF transceivers can be used for land mobile operations. Ask your Icom Dealer for details, since the radio law varies according to country.

For land mobile operation on 4 MHz or above, an optional AH-2b ANTENNA ELEMENT is available. The AH-2b includes a sturdy tow hook mount system for holding a 2.5 m (8.2 feet) stainless steel antenna element plus all the necessary hardware.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 5

Refer to the AH-2b instruction manual for the AH-2b and AT-130/E installation to your vehicle. Ask your Icom Dealer for details.

Connect a suitable antenna element for a coastal station. To achieve full performance, refer to the “Required antenna element length” above.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 6

Coaxial cable

Insulate the lead-in cable of the AT-130/E antenna terminal and antenna element from other metal objects.

To prevent interference, keep cables as far as possible from an antenna, electric pump, and other electronic equipment.

To prevent erroneous indications, keep cables as far away as possible from the fluxgate compass.

Use suitable noise filters for alternators, fluorescent lights, etc. Ask your Dealer for details.

Ground and counterpoise

Why a ship’s ground is required
The AT-130/E’s ground terminal MUST be connected to your ship’s ground. Grounding prevents electric shocks, interference with other equipment, and other problems. Grounding also ensures effective signal transmission.

DANGER! NEVER connect the ground terminal to the following points. These connections may cause an explosion or electric shocks:

  • Gas or electrical pipe
  • Fuel tank
  • Oil-catch pan

IMPORTANT: The mounting plate is NOT connected to the AT-130/E’s internal ground. The non-through mast is NOT electrically connected to seawater.

Ideal ground points
One of the following points is ideal:

  • Ship’s ground terminal
  • External ground plate
  • External copper screen

Good ground points
If electrically connected to seawater, one of the following points is usable:

  • Stainless steel tuna tower
  • Stainless steel stanchion
  • Through mast
  • Through hull
  • Metal water tank

Undesirable ground points
These connections may cause noise or electrolysis:

  • Engine block
  • Keel bolt

All ground cables from the AT-130/E, HF transceiver, etc. on your ship should be connected to only one ship’s ground.

DO NOT connect to two or more points. The voltage difference between two or more ship’s grounds may cause electrolysis.

DO NOT connect between dissimilar metals where an electric current is present. These connections may cause electrolysis.

If your ship is made of FRP, etc. and a good ship’s ground is not available, connect a counterpoise.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 7

1 ⁄4λ (quarter wavelength) radial for each band is suitable for a counterpoise. Install the counterpoise directly below the AT-130/E’s ground terminal. Insulate the ends of each radial from other metal objects. Layout the radial horizontally and as straight as possible.

L: Counterpoise length for the operating frequency [m] f: Operating frequency [MHz]

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - F111111111111

At an operating frequency of 16 MHz, use a counterpoise with the following length:

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - F222222222222

Ground cable
For best results, use the heaviest gauge wire or metal strap available. Make the distance between the AT130/E’s ground terminal and the ship’s ground as short as possible.

The supplied ground cable can be used for ground connection through a mast. Confirm that the through mast is electrically connected to seawater.

WARNING!— When grounding to metal hull Use a Zinc anode to protect the hull from electrolysis. Ask your technical dealer or installer,  or refer to a technical book for RF ground details.


Installation outline
  1. Remove the top cover.

  2. \Install a control cable and coaxial cable.
    • Refer to “Cable installation” as described below.

  3. Connect and solder the PL-259 connector to the coaxial cable.
    • Refer to “PL-259 connector” as described below.

  4. Connect the control cables to the AT-130/E.
    • Refer to page 4, “Cable connections.”

  5. Mount the AT-130/E in the desired location.
    • Refer to page 6, “Mounting.”

  6. Connect an antenna, ship’s ground, or counterpoise.
    • Refer to page 1, “Antenna for the ship” and page 2, “Ground and counterpoise.”

  7. Connect the control cable and the coaxial cable to the transceiver.
    • Refer to page 4, “Control cable.”

  8. Perform preset tuning setting. For the AT-130E, also perform an emergency tuning setting.
    • Refer to page 7, “Preset tuning” and page 8, “Emergency tuning.”

  9. Select the mode switch (S1) to NORMAL mode (center position). Replace the top cover.

Cable installation
  1. Remove the 10 screws from the top cover. Remove the top cover.

  2. Loosen the screws on both cable clamps.

  3. Set or remove the strain relief inserts corresponding to the diameters of the cables.

  4. Install the coaxial cable through the top cover cable clamp. Install the control cable through the bottom cover cable clamp.

  5. After connecting the coaxial cable and control cables, perform the preset tuning setting.
    • For the AT-130E, also perform emergency tuning setting.

  6. After internal adjustments, tighten the cable clamp screws.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 8

PL-259 connector
  1. Slide the coupling ring down.
    Strip the cable jacket and tin the shield.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna
Tuner - FIG 9

  2. Strip the cable as shown below.
    Tin the center conductor.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG
1030 mm (13 ⁄16 inches) 10 mm (13 ⁄32 inches) 1–2 mm (1 ⁄32–3 ⁄32 inches)

  3. Slide the connector body on and solder it.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 11

  4. Screw the coupling ring onto the connector body.

Control cable

Between the AT-130/E and HF marine transceiver, connect four control signal lines as shown at right. To prevent RF feedback, use a four-conductor shielded cable. Connect the shield line to the [GND] terminal on the transceiver.
Icom offers the 10 m (32.8 feet) long control cable, OPC-420 CONTROL CABLE
Refer to page 9 “Terminal information” and “Transceiver switch” for details.
To the Icom HF marine transceiver

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 13

Cable connections

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 14iCOM AT130 HF Automatic
Antenna Tuner - FIG 14

Waterproofing the antenna connection

CAUTION: If you skip the following steps, moisture will get into the connector, and this could damage the antenna tuner.

  1. Cut off just the top of the weatherproof cap, and pass the antenna wire through the cap.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 15

  2. Insert the antenna wire into the opening of the crimp-on wire terminal.
    • Crimp or solder the antenna wire.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner -
FIG 16

  3. Put the star washer, crimp-on wire terminal, and wing nut on the base nut, in that order, then, tighten the wing nut.
    • Make sure the base nut is tightened firmly before you tighten the wing nut. (See Fig.1 to the right.)
    • Carefully bend the wire terminal up, after you tighten the wing nut. (See Fig.2 to the right.)iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG

  4. Place the weatherproof cap over as much of the insulator as possible.
    • How far down it will go depends on the height of the wing nut.

  5. Start wrapping the rubber vulcanizing tape at the bottom of the insulator, then the weatherproof cap, and finally the antenna wire to prevent water from seeping.
    • Wrap electrical tape* over the rubber vulcanizing tape to secure waterproofing.

  • The electrical tape is not supplied with the AT-130/E.iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 18

CAUTION: Mount the AT-130/E in a horizontal position or in a vertical position with the antenna terminal up.

Mounting on a Mast/Metal pole

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 19

WARNING! Mount the AT-130/E securely with the supplied bolts and nuts. Otherwise, vibrations and shocks due to waves could loosen the antenna tuner, causing personal injury.

Mounting on a flat surface

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 20iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG


Before internal settings

Before the operation, preset tuning settings and emergency tuning settings are required.

What is preset tuning?
The preset tuning setting provides fast tuning on your most-used frequency.

What is emergency tuning?
The Europe version, AT-130E, includes an emergency tuner circuit for 2182 kHz operation separated from the automatic tuner circuit. If any signal from the control cable becomes abnormal, the emergency tuner is automatically selected.

Mode switch

According to the mode switch (S1), the AT-130/E operates as follows:

  Mode Position Description
PRESET Upper Used only for preset tuning. Refer to below for details.
NORMAL Center Operates in automatic tuning. For fast tune-up, preset

switches (S3, S4, S5) information is also used.
OFF| Lower| Operates in automatic tuning only. This mode is for some noncom HF transceivers. Refer to page 9 for details.

After internal settings are performed, select the mode switch (S1) to NORMAL mode (center position).

Mode switch (S1) location

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 22

Preset tuning

WARNING! NEVER touch internal parts while transmitting. Stop transmitting when internal adjustments are performed.

  1. Connect an SWR meter between an HF transceiver and the AT-130/E.

  2. Confirm the mode switch (S1) is in NORMAL mode (center position).

  3. Select your most-used operating frequency.

  4. Push the [TUNE] switch on the HF transceiver.
    • When the AT-130/E succeeds in automatic tuning, an LED (DS24) lights up.
    • Confirm that SWR reading is less than 2:1.

  5. Make a note of which LEDs (DS1–DS23) light up.

  6. Select S1 to PRESET mode (upper position).

  7. Select the preset switches (S3, S4, S5) so that the same LEDs light up as in step 5).

  8. Select S1 to NORMAL mode (center position).

  9. Replace the top cover of the AT-130.
    • For the AT-130E, perform emergency tuning settings.

Switch and LED locations

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 23

Switch and LED relationship

S3–1S DS16 S4–1 DS9 S5–1 DS1
3–2 DS17 S4–2 DS10 S5–2 DS2
S3–3 DS18 S4–3 DS11 S5–3 DS3
S3–4 DS19 S4–4 DS12 S5–4 DS4
S3–5 DS20 S4–5 DS13 S5–5 DS5
S3–6 DS21 S4–6 DS15 S5–6 DS6
S3–7 DS22 S4–7 DS14 S5–7 DS7
S3–8 DS23 S5–8 DS8

OFF position: Lights up
ON position: Goes out

Emergency tuning

For the AT-130E, before the operation, perform an emergency tuning setting.

WARNING! NEVER touch internal parts while transmitting. Stop transmitting when internal adjustments are performed. 2182 kHz is used for distress calls, etc. Listen to the frequency before transmitting.

  1. Connect an SWR meter between an HF transceiver and the AT-130E.

  2. Remove the top cover of the AT-130E.

  3. Select 2182 kHz and AM (H3E) mode for the HF transceiver.
    • Refer to each transceiver’s instruction manual for details.

  4. Disconnect the 13.6 V DC cable from the [13.6]terminal. Tape the end of the wire.
    • NEVER allow the 13.6 V DC cable end to touch any
    other parts.

  5. Disconnect all six pins on J302, J324, and J325 as shown below.

  6. Connect a red cable to a pin (J307–J322) where minimum SWR reading is obtained.

  7. Connect pins on J302, J324, and J325 to obtain a minimum SWR reading.
    • DO NOT transmit for more than 5 seconds
    • “A” has the minimum capacity.
    • Selection in alphabetical order may speed up tuning.

  8. Connect the 13.6 V DC cable to the [13.6] terminal.

  9. Replace the top cover of the AT-130E.

CAUTION: If another frequency is selected, the AT-130E may be damaged.

13.6 V DC cable

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 24iCOM AT130 HF Automatic
Antenna Tuner - FIG 24

Pin connections
Set the pin connections on J302, J324, and J325 to obtain the minimum SWR setting.

The letters, A–F, indicate the capacity of the tuning condenser. “A” has the minimum capacity.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 25

Red cable positioning

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 26iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG


Terminal information

Consider the following points when using a non-Icom transceiver.

 Terminal Description
 [E]  ![](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/iCOM-AT130-HF-

Automatic-Antenna-Tuner-654dcyd56-525x550.png) terminal.
 [ANT C]| AT-130: No connection.
AT-130E: Antenna current detector output from the emergency tuner.
 [13.6]| 13.6 V DC input terminal.
Maximum current drain; 2 A
 [GND]| The same voltage as the ground terminal at the bottom. No need to connect from this terminal.
 [STAR]| Receives start voltage.
Maximum current drain; 100 mA
 [KEY]| Key voltage. Grounded during tuning.
Maximum current drain; 100 mA.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 28

Start voltage [STAR]
When a start voltage (less than 1 V) is received, the AT-130/E begins automatic tuning.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 29

Key voltage [KEY]
During automatic tuning, the AT-130/E grounds the key voltage line, and the HF transceiver reduces output power.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 30

If the key voltage is more than 8 V, select the mode switch (S1) to OFF mode (lower position).

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 31

Transceiver setting

IC-M700 with serial number 2500 and below
In the IC-M700, change the [TUNE] switch setting from the “1” position to the “2” position. Confirm that the [KEY] switch is in the “2” position. Refer to the ICM700 instruction manual on page 9 for details.

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 32

Other HF transceiver
Some Icom HF transceivers have internal [KEY] and [TUNE] switches. Suitable switch settings for the AT130/E are performed before shipping.
However, if a non-Icom automatic tuner was previously used, confirm the switch settings. Refer to the instruction manual for details.

Non-Icom HF transceiver
Select correct settings for the start voltage and key voltage. Refer to your HF transceiver instruction manual for details.


Unit description

iCOM AT130 HF Automatic Antenna Tuner - FIG 33


• Frequency coverage| : 1.6–30 MHz (with 7 m; 23.0 ft or longer antenna element)
• Power supply requirement| : 13.6 V DC (supplied from the HF transceiver)
• Current drain| : Maximum 2 A
• Operating temperature range • Weight (approximately)| : –30°C to +60°C; –22˚F to +140˚F
• Weight (approximately)| : AT-130 2.5 kg; 5.5 lb
AT-130E 2.7 kg; 6.0 lb
• Antenna connector| : SO-239 (50 Ω)
• Maximum Input power| : 150 W (PEP)
• Automatic tuning time| : Approximately 2 to 3 seconds (general condition) Maximum 15 seconds
Approximately 1 second (re-tuning for a memorized frequency)
• Automatic tuning accuracy| : SWR 2.0:1 (after tuning, except for multiples of  1⁄2 λ)

All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.



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